Law on the delivery of alcohol. 24-hour home delivery of alcohol. Our online store specializes in selling souvenir magnets

After the introduction of a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages at night, home delivery of alcohol at night has become a good business, bringing in some profits. The law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages after 11 p.m. was adopted not long ago, and according to it, any sale of alcohol is illegal, and it doesn’t matter whether the sale takes place in a store or you bring alcohol to a person’s home. However, Moscow businessmen still found a loophole that allows them to make money from this process.

First, let's talk about what you shouldn't mess with.. There are some methods of night sales of alcohol that cannot in any way be considered legal. Consumers are asked to register in a fictitious club, for example, a club for sandwich lovers. Next, the buyer must supposedly pay an entry fee, although in reality it is a fee for alcohol. And the alcohol itself is a gift for joining the club. This scheme is reminiscent of selling Cahors horses in a church for so-called donations. But the Russian Orthodox Church has good preferences, and those who decide to sell alcohol in this way will most likely have to face an unpleasant meeting with the prosecutor’s office.

Therefore, those who understand the laws and understand entrepreneurial activity, invented a different, completely legal method of selling alcohol at night. It is worth noting the simplicity and genius of this technique.

Legal delivery of alcohol at night

Civil law Russian Federation provides for the existence of such a thing as an agency agreement. In this case, a situation arises in which one person enters into an agreement with an agent who carries out a transaction on behalf of the customer. According to this scheme, for example, brokers conduct trading on the stock exchange. The business of delivering alcohol to your home stems from the fact that the sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars at night is not prohibited. The customer calls you and states that he wants to enter into an agency agreement with you. Thus, you go to the restaurant and, on behalf of the customer, buy the necessary alcoholic products, don't forget to grab your receipt. After that, you go to the customer and deliver the required products, provide the buyer with a receipt.

The key point of the method is the following. The buyer must sign an agency agreement, according to which you, as an agent, have completed the assignment in full. Then it turns out that you carried out the order of the customer and, on his behalf, purchased alcoholic beverages in an establishment where the law allows it to be sold. It looks quite attractive, and most importantly, beautiful.

Is there demand?

Of course, no one has conducted research on the demand for this type of service. Nevertheless. You can do a mini-analysis yourself. The Yandex search engine will help you study the trend. Just look at the monthly statistics of requests for the words “alcohol delivery.” As you can see, the figures characterizing the level of demand for alcohol delivery at night are steadily growing. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that such a service is in good demand, which is increasing all the time. This can be evidenced by the fact that back in 2010 there were only about two thousand such requests, but today this figure has reached eight thousand, and there is no decline in the trend.

Of course, the surge in interest in overnight alcohol delivery during the New Year holidays is not worth taking into account, but even without it the numbers are impressive and the picture for the entrepreneur is quite colorful. It's best if you have your own bar or restaurant. But even if not, you can always negotiate with their owners to provide you with alcohol at a discount. An important point is that you should definitely get a check, and not just hand over the products. The time indicated on the receipt should not differ from the time of the order, since you are purchasing products on behalf of a third person.

Research the demand in your locality. This service is extremely popular in metropolitan areas and large resort or tourist centers. In a small town, such a service will be in minimal demand or not at all.

Find out if you have competitors. Perhaps your area is not served by such courier services.

Main risks

This service has become especially relevant after the adoption of a law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages in any form after 10 p.m. Essentially speaking, this activity is illegal. Home delivery is also subject to administrative liability. But with the right approach and correct design documents, you can work and not take risks.


Be sure to create a website for your courier service. Most orders are received via the Internet. At the very least, you should have a page describing the service and a phone number to call for delivery.

If you already own a bar or store that specializes in selling alcoholic beverages, placement will not be a problem. Just create courier service and offer delivery to customers.


All you need is transport. Using a taxi is unprofitable. Depending on the number of clients, at least 2 cars are required to start. You can consider the option of scooters if it is a warm season and the order does not require covering long distances.


We need couriers with good knowledge of the city. Working at night assumes that these will be young and physically strong men. The number of employees depends on the availability of vehicles at your company's disposal and the number of orders.

Documents and licenses

This is the most important part for the security of your business. Entrepreneurs get out of a sticky situation in two ways.

Legality is ensured if the purchase of alcohol is issued as a gift or prize. For example, a visitor registers on the site and pays an entrance fee or buys a souvenir for a certain amount. You bring him alcohol as a gift. This is not a completely safe option, but can be considered as an alternative.

The second option is available to shop and bar owners who can arrange an additional service in the form of delivery. You can interact with clients on the basis of an agency agreement prescribed in Civil Law. The buyer calls the bartender or sales consultant and enters into an agency agreement with him. He buys alcohol on behalf of the client and always takes a receipt on which the time is indicated (until 22-00). After this, the purchase is sent to the customer, and the purchase receipt is also sent. After transfer of the purchase, the client signs agreements confirming that all conditions have been met.

If you are just starting to build your business, create a courier service and sign a service agreement with a bar or liquor store. In this case, the buyer enters into an agency agreement with you. It is you who, on his behalf, buy alcohol at the permitted time; this will be confirmed by the sales receipt. Then the situation is similar. When you deliver the purchase should not be of interest to anyone except the client.


Actively promote your website through social media, forums about entertainment and various types of recreation. It is unlikely that you will be able to reach high level income if you limit yourself exclusively to overnight delivery. Offer courier services in daytime, constantly expand their list.

Your employees should get to the buyer as quickly as possible. short time. Efficiency is the main thing in delivery; look for any ways to reduce travel time to the client’s home. Be sure to include this in your advertisements.


Delivery of alcohol to your home at night can become profitable business. It is important to comply with all formalities and exercise caution.

The sale of alcohol at night is prohibited, but almost every law has a crack through which you can squeeze through. Sometimes important events that require a bottle of champagne occur at night - let's look at just such cases.

On January 1, 2013, a law banning the sale of alcohol from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. came into force in the Russian Federation. This ban included beer and other low-alcohol drinks. The penalties for selling alcohol to persons under 18 years of age have also been tightened.

There are countries in the world where the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcohol leads to a reduction in its consumption.

In Norway, for example, after tightening regulations, alcohol sales fell from 20 liters to 3 liters per year per capita. But Russia is not Norway. After some confusion about the time limit for selling, enterprising people realized that this was another reason to improve their financial situation.

Now, in order to get the desired alcohol at odd hours, you can order it for home delivery. Of course, this will cost more, but those who are “thirsty” perform conscious or almost conscious actions.

It is not our job to worry about the health and morals of people who need alcohol at night. After all, different situations are hypothetically possible when suddenly there is an urgent need for a bottle of champagne, for example. Let's talk about such cases.

Since the sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars at night is not prohibited, no one can prohibit an adult citizen from buying this alcohol and taking it to another person. This the new kind services are in good demand and not only at night. Let us immediately make a reservation that you have no right to sell alcohol after 23.00. But, as often happens, there is a loophole in the law, even several.

One option is to organize a club. For example, a club for lovers of a certain brand of cigarettes or lighters, or tea cups with images of horses.

When joining this club, which, by the way, can happen at any time of the day, the applicant pays an entrance fee and receives a bottle of alcohol as a gift. The method is beautiful, but fragile. The prosecutor's office may not appreciate the elegance of the move and close the shop.

The second scheme is more viable, although not so intricate. IN civil law There is a concept of “agency agreement”. When concluding such an agreement, you instruct the agent to carry out transactions on your behalf. A client over the phone expresses a desire to enter into an agency agreement with you.

You, taking into account his wishes, buy alcohol in a restaurant or bar (which is not contrary to the law) and be sure to take a receipt. You deliver the order and give the receipt to the buyer. The client signs an agency report, which contains an indication that you have completed the order in full. You are clean before the law - you fulfilled the customer’s instructions and he has no complaints against you.

Implementation of the idea

The first thing you need to do is make sure people interested in your services know how to find you. It is important. Online advertising should work in this case. You may need to create your own website indicating services and prices.

In the debut stage, you can personally carry out delivery on your own vehicle. Over time, you will acquire assistants. It is necessary to take into account the urgency factor - customers do not want to wait long, and competitors are nipping at their heels. Therefore, hire couriers with transport as soon as possible - a car, motorcycle or scooter.

The price of the product will depend on the level of the establishment where you shop. It is advisable to find partners who agree to sell goods on terms that are favorable to you.

The cost of alcohol delivery includes:

  • Product price;
  • Fare;
  • Administrative costs;
  • Payment for your service.

Clients who are unwilling to part with the amount you specify should not be served.


The prospects are very vague. Perhaps the state will take actions that will outlaw such a business, then it will have to be curtailed or start delivering permitted goods.

By tradition, the hero of “The Wrong Side of Business” is anonymous, which is why he can honestly and frankly talk about everything that is happening in his industry. Our hero has been working in the alcohol and nightlife business for more than three years: at first he was an ordinary courier, but then he gained enough experience and opened his own store. He knows exactly what clients need and how to behave if the police stop a car with a trunk full of alcohol.

Where something is prohibited, you can always make money. There is a demand for alcohol delivered to your home. You can make a good profit if you approach business competently and responsibly. It is important to know the city well and understand what is where. Before becoming a store director, I worked as a courier for another such company. During this time, I managed to understand how everything works and what clients want, so I decided to start my own business.

We decided to make money on those who drink at home. We ourselves faced the problem of a lack of normal alcohol when we went to buy whiskey at night. It turned out to be of poor quality: such that we simply could not drink it. For the most part, the products we sell are even better than anything sold in stores. In a chain hypermarket we once came across a bottle of vodka that contained a dead cockroach. This cannot happen if it is real, because alcohol production is seamless.

We improve the quality of life of people who want to order alcohol to their home. We deal only with high-quality and certified alcoholic products, which we buy wholesale in duty-free. I am ready to be responsible for this alcohol according to all laws - if it were possible to make my business legal, I would definitely register officially. We ourselves taste and test our alcohol during feasts and know that it meets all possible standards.

Our company has five couriers whose cars are always filled with alcohol. We try to deliver alcohol within half an hour, but this process is highly dependent on traffic jams. At six in the evening you can really get up somewhere and stand almost until nine. At night you can get to the address in ten to fifteen minutes. Delivery time also depends on where the couriers are at the time of the call.

Every day we fulfill up to one hundred orders. On average, on weekdays it is about thirty, and on weekends - fifty. The peak is from ten to one in the morning and from three to eight in the morning. The first orders begin to arrive at us around eight in the evening. It also happens that people order alcohol during the day. For example, we have billionaire clients who simply don’t want to go to the store themselves.

Most often they take whiskey and vodka - they are the most popular. Less often - wine and champagne. Cognacs - much less. In terms of quantity, on average a liter comes out at a time. It happens that half a liter, but this is rare. We only bring two bottles of wine - bringing one is unprofitable for both us and the client.

Mostly clients are calm and happy: we do something good for people. There are regular customers who order almost every day for three years. There are those who order every Friday for a drink with their wife. But there are also inadequate ones: they either want to fight or don’t want to pay. The same policemen have done this more than once: they order alcohol for their feasts and start waving the crust. As a result, we don’t give them anything, take the alcohol and leave.

We are very customer oriented. We have Russian couriers who become friends with clients: they can, for example, ask how they are doing. As a director, I love this. In addition, we have a loyalty system for regular customers; we give them gifts. When ordering for a large amount, the client receives a small compliment from us - a snack to accompany the alcohol.

One of the main problems of our business is its illegality. We often have to deal with law enforcement agencies. They are catching us with test purchases. We recently received a large order for 20 thousand rubles. to some factory outside the city. There our courier was met by operatives and investigators. They seized a trunk full of alcohol and all the cash. By the way, they return money, but not alcohol. The court fined him one and a half thousand rubles for illegal business. This is the maximum that they can apply to us.

Officially, we sell magnets, since selling alcohol at night is prohibited. How it works: you buy a magnet with a picture of a specific alcohol and receive it as a gift. We do this because souvenirs can be sold at any time. But I heard that they want to change the legislation in this area. This has already been done with cigarettes before, when people sold lighters and gave away tobacco products without a license. Well, in this case, we will sell some kind of water - if people are in demand, we will, in any case, figure out how to get around it.

Another problem is competitors, due to which we are constantly subject to DDoS attacks. They are afraid that their clients will leave for us, so they attack all competitors and are left alone in the market for a while. But due to high demand, they can’t cope, and then our clients complain that delivery takes a long time or is completely disrupted. And recently, all the couriers of our competitive store had their car tires punctured.

Often one entrepreneur opens several stores with alcohol delivery at once. This is done to compete with oneself. I have two stores - with different names, websites and numbers, but the same operator answers both phones. It’s interesting to use this for promotional purposes and analyze which stores get calls more often.

The easiest way to stop sales from delivery stores is to block their websites. Thus, Roskomnadzor is putting pressure on us.

There are also trashy situations in our business. For example, we have a client who has been ordering vodka from us every day for three years. But they deliver alcohol to him in an unusual way: vodka is poured into the peephole through the front door; he has special equipment for this.

One day it turned out like in “The Irony of Fate.” The client mixed up the city and ordered alcohol to the street, which both we and he have. The courier drove up and called him, saying, I’m calling you on the intercom, but you don’t answer. And when they started checking the address, they found out that they were in different cities.

Due to the fact that life in big cities is accelerating every minute, private entrepreneurs have recently enjoyed great popularity different kinds deliveries. Today we will talk about alcohol delivery. This area activity has existed for quite a long time. But she found particular fame after the sale of alcohol was banned in Russia after 23.00 . Now, overnight delivery of “fire water” is a real peak in the field of alcohol demand. Therefore, we will start our article about a business built on the delivery of alcohol with night alcohol deliveries.

Legal delivery of alcohol at night

In general, delivering alcohol at night is illegal. For the law, it makes no difference whether you buy alcohol at night for yourself, or in order to deliver it to someone. But at the same time, buying alcoholic beverages in a night bar or restaurant is completely legal. Therefore, you can buy alcohol in bars and deliver it to your customer. Thus, the customer makes the purchase himself at night, but only through an intermediary.

To do this, an agency agreement must be concluded between you and the customer. According to this agreement, you must deliver alcohol to the specified address. Then, you have to buy alcoholic beverages in a bar or restaurant and be sure to take a receipt. After which, you must deliver the alcohol, and your customer must sign for receipt of the order. Thus, you can deliver alcohol at night completely legally, while making a good profit.

Demand for delivery of alcoholic beverages

The demand for alcohol delivery is growing every year. And these are far from empty words. After all, if you look at Internet statistics, you can clearly see that the demand for such deliveries is growing exponentially every year. For example: in the Yandex search engine, three years ago, the number of queries regarding alcohol delivery was equal to 3000 per day. And now the number of such requests is 8000.

Development prospects

By delivering alcohol in the manner described above, you can become regular customer some bars, and get discounts there. And after that, you can open your own bar and organize a delivery system there too. It should be noted once again that when purchasing alcohol at night, you must take a sales receipt. It will serve as your official document.

The club is not the answer

Many businessmen create various fictitious clubs. For example: bee lovers club, lighter collectors cube. The participants in such clubs are those who order alcohol. They pay club dues, which are the cost of ordering. And as a club gift, you get alcohol back (at night, of course). But this type business is illegal. And if you want to set up your own fictitious club, then be prepared for the fact that the prosecutor’s office will soon become interested in your actions. And this does not threaten you with anything good.

Day delivery

Despite the fact that alcohol delivery is especially popular at night, during the day this business is also far from poor. You can deliver alcohol to various corporate events, family celebrations, or just to everyone. In big cities, people have too little time to spend own life. And therefore, alcohol delivery is a very promising activity. This is precisely why there is already sufficient competition in this business.
To be competitive, you must introduce various additional services into your business: delivery of groceries, gifts, pizza, etc. Also, your service should always remain at the same level. Alcohol is poison. And there is no need to promote its use. But if people themselves order these products to their homes, then they can make quite good money from this.