Car wash costs. Car wash is a profitable business. How to open your own car wash. Types of car washes

Due to the fact that the number of Vehicle, the number of enterprises that provide related services to car owners is also growing. It is worth considering that during operation, the car needs not only maintenance, replacement of parts and Supplies, but also in care. One way to maintain it is to keep your vehicle clean. Therefore, it will have priority. Some owners clean their car at home, but not everyone has this opportunity, especially since in most cases this can result in a fine being issued.

A ready-made business plan for a car wash with calculations can be used both as an information guide for a novice entrepreneur and in obtaining.

Purpose pursued this project, is to open own business in the provision of vehicle maintenance services. A number of services will be offered to potential consumers - cleaning the car interior and body, polishing body parts.

The required amount of funds to start your own business

In order to implement a business plan for a car wash and tire service, you need to have a little more than 2 million rubles on hand. Of this amount, the owner of the future business can invest only 300 thousand rubles. Thanks to the fact that they exist, we have the opportunity to receive 1 million 800 thousand rubles from a banking institution.

If we consider the car wash business plan from scratch and from economic indicators, then annually we have the opportunity to receive a net profit in the amount of 989 thousand 406 rubles. The payback of the funds that we will invest in the development and opening of our organization will occur no earlier than in two years.

At the stage of starting a business, you need to invest cash to the following:

  1. Construction of a car wash from scratch for two cars will cost 1 million 800 thousand rubles.
  2. Transportation of material for construction and installation - 150 thousand rubles.
  3. Obtain permission from all regulatory authorities to conduct activities - 40 thousand rubles.
  4. Unforeseen work during the project implementation – 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, in order to open a car wash from scratch, you need to spend 2 million 100 thousand rubles.

Choosing a tax system

We plan to register the future organization as an individual entrepreneur at the place of registration of the owner. As a system, you should choose a simplified system - simplified tax system. The amount of tax paid under this system will be 15% of the organization’s net profit.

To date, a sample car wash business plan has begun the implementation process at the following points:

  1. The registration process has been completed at the place of registration. The registration certificate has been received.
  2. In order to be able to construct a car wash, you need to have a plot of land with an area of ​​at least 80 square meters. We found this site; it is owned by the city administration. We rent it, the cost under the rental agreement will be 10 thousand rubles per month.
  3. A modular structure will be used for the construction of the car wash. For these purposes, the market was monitored and a reliable supplier was carried out, which has established itself among entrepreneurs with the best side. The process of preparing documents for delivery has begun.
  4. The staff will include five people - one administrator and four vehicle washing specialists.

We will provide our clients with the following range of services:

  • Washing vehicle body parts. This service will be provided by two specialists within ten minutes, and the average cost will be 250 rubles.
  • Car interior cleaning, the average cost of a check for this service is 1 thousand rubles.
  • Body polishing services. Customers will be provided with liquid wax polishing of body parts. The cost of such a service is approximately 400 rubles.
  • Accompanying services. In addition to the basic types of services that are standard for all car washes, we will be able to offer services for cleaning wheels, removing traces of insects and much more. The price will be 100 rubles.

We plan to carry out our activities from 10-00 to 20-00 hours.

Marketing Plan

Due to the fact that the number of vehicles on the roads and streets is increasing, the need for using car wash services is also growing. A car wash business plan with calculations will be calculated for potential consumers with an average income level.

In order to ensure a constant flow of visitors, it is best to build a car wash near a gas station. This arrangement will allow you to significantly save on advertising or the organization will not need it at all. The population of the area in which our organization will be located can reach 30 thousand residents.

Thanks to the fact that we will build two boxes, we will be able to avoid a long queue of customers. This is important, since it is possible to avoid the client leaving for a direct competitor due to the long waiting time for an appointment.

According to preliminary data, every day we will accept 30 vehicles for service - that’s 15 cars for each bay. If you consider that the average cost of a service is about 350 rubles, then you can earn 10 thousand 500 rubles per day, and 315 thousand rubles monthly.

But do not forget about seasonality, when the number of visitors will increase sharply and decrease significantly in the cold season.

Let's consider the possible profit size by season:

  • Spring – 504 thousand rubles.
  • Summer – 157 thousand 500 rubles.
  • Autumn – 472 thousand 500 rubles.
  • Winter – 126 thousand rubles.

Based on these data, it follows that you can earn 3 million 777 thousand rubles annually.

Production plan

A modular building has a number of advantages:

  • Small investment to start a business.
  • Carrying out the construction of a building in a short time.
  • Due to the fact that the building is modular, there is no need for installation and costly construction work.
  • This building can be safely moved to another location. According to technical data, it can be rearranged no more than 30 times during its entire operation.


We plan to hire:

  • Four washers with a salary of 26 thousand 600 rubles.
  • One administrator – 15 thousand rubles.

In total, 109 thousand rubles will be spent on this monthly.

Financial plan

TO fixed costs We will include the following organizations:

  • Remuneration of employees - 109 thousand 400 thousand rubles.
  • Payments to the insurance fund - 32 thousand 820 rubles.
  • The rental agreement for the premises is 10 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of fuel – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of detergents – 15 thousand rubles.
  • Disposal of all waste during the work process - 7 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 10 thousand rubles.
  • The total amount you will have to spend is 214 thousand 220 rubles.

The main expense item for a car wash is paying employees. However, this is . The annual net profit will be 989 thousand 406 rubles.

Possible earnings

The annual net profit will be 989 thousand 406 rubles. Payback on the funds we invested in starting a business is possible no sooner than in two years.

Purchase of equipment

To work you need to purchase:

  • Overpass.
  • Ventilation system.
  • Washing equipment.
  • Washing chamber.

All this car wash equipment is included in a modular structure. If desired, you can purchase additionally.


To do this, you will need to write an application, attach a copy of your passport, and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

OKVED code

This code is required for registration. For our activities we choose 45.20.3.

Permit to operate

In order to open a car wash, you must obtain permission from all regulatory authorities. You also need to have permission to build a car wash on the selected plot of land.

A car wash, in fact, is an eternal market, with an ever-growing number of consumers of this service. Nowadays you don’t often see a motorist with a cloth and a bucket washing his car. It’s easier to go to a car wash, where for a small price they will wash your car and clean the interior.

The car wash business is not as simple as it seems. Many car washes here operate illegally. If they start working legally and paying taxes, they will go bankrupt. Our SES standards for opening car washes are quite strict. For example, you cannot pour used water down the drain. Of course, illegal car washes do not comply with these standards. And even with legal car washes, all this water treatment is 90% dummy, since during active work it will require significant costs. Therefore, many owners prefer to “negotiate” with inspection authorities.

Car wash employees most often come from neighboring countries. Working at a car wash is not entirely healthy and is not prestigious due to the low wages. Therefore, it is not easy to find washers who do their job properly; they should be trained in the intricacies of the business.

The next problem is the constant renovation of the premises. A car wash is 100% humidity, so fungus and mold are everywhere on the walls. Regular repairs of the premises are the next part of the costs that should be taken into account in this business.

But meanwhile, difficulties exist in any business, so you shouldn’t focus too much on them. And, if the thought of opening a car wash has arisen in your head, then know that this good idea. First, let's figure out what types of car washes there are.

Car washes are distinguished by types and form of service. Types of car washes – contact, contactless and combined. According to the form of service - stationary manual car wash (traditional technology); mobile; self-service car wash (provides low price services, minimum staff); portal systems (expensive efficient technology, pays off in up to 3 years, requires a constant flow of clients).

To open a car wash, you first need to make a choice legal entity and choosing the type of car wash. For our business, we chose a modular “turnkey car wash” from Avtodom LLC for two stations, complete with equipment from Karcher. This option for starting a business was chosen because of the ease of opening it. This complex can be installed where it is impossible to conduct construction works, in a record time - 10 days and can be placed without approval from the traffic police, Vodokanal and the network organization in parking lots, parking lots shopping centers, gas stations.

What permits and licenses are needed to open a car wash?

The most difficult thing is to find a suitable plot of land. We will write about the difficulties with choosing a land plot below.

So, the site has been found. An individual entrepreneur was registered to organize the activity. When applying to the city administration to rent a plot of land to organize a car wash business, inform them that:

This car wash modular complex belongs to the category of non-stationary objects and does not require a building permit;

Does not require connection to sewerage or water;

When constructing a car wash complex, it is not necessary to carry out construction work, build a foundation, or carry out welding work.

To open a car wash business on a plot of land leased from the city authorities, you will need:

Agree on the preliminary design ( appearance) with the city administration to obtain permission to install a non-stationary object;

Present to the SES the documents that come with the purchased complex;

Agreement for water supply and disposal from Vodokanal.

How to find a plot of land to open a car wash?

One of the significant factors for the success of a car wash business is location. Car washes at exits from the city, on large bypass routes, are not profitable. The best location for a car wash is on the way from work to home. People want to wash their car and drive home without getting it dirty. Parking next to the car wash for two posts should be for 3-5 cars. The client likes to drink coffee at the car wash, watch TV and safely get into the car without getting his shoes dirty. The presence of street lighting is welcome; if not, you will have to do it at your own expense.

To find a plot, it is better to contact the city administration or give the task to realtors. In terms of communications for our car wash business, the main thing is the ability to connect to electrical networks, using a generator is possible, but not suitable for normal business. Therefore, when choosing options for the location of the car wash, the car wash complex should be located where the cost of connecting to the electrical grid will be minimal. Also, when concluding a land lease agreement, pay attention to the terms of termination of the agreement. You can install your own car wash, promote your business, and after a while they may terminate the contract with you in order to install your own car wash there.

Necessary equipment for opening a car wash.

The package of the selected modular car wash complex for two stations includes:

Car wash complex building;

Local wastewater treatment;

Steel sediment trap with a capacity of 5000 liters;

2 devices high pressure Karcher HD 5/12;

Water vacuum cleaner Karcher NT 27|1;

Foam generator 50 liters;

Compressor 50 liters;

Equipment for work without connection in sewerage and water - a surface sedimentation tank of 6000 liters and a wastewater treatment complex UKO - 2M, this equipment is equipped additionally;


In a business plan for opening a car wash, when choosing equipment, you should take into account that its power is proportional to productivity. Medium-power washers provide service to 20-25 cars per day. The equipment we offer can service up to 96 cars per day.

Table 1. Investments in the project.

How to hire staff for a car wash?

It is better if experienced employees work at your car wash. Mostly, washers are men; it is quite difficult for girls to work in this business. Wage washers depends on the quality of their work, the speed of its execution with a large load. Salaries generally range from 20 to 30% of their revenue, and up to 40% on night shifts. For our car wash, we are planning 5 washers and a foreman for two posts. The foreman's salary is 10% of total revenue.

Table 2. Staffing table.

How to attract clients?

Customers themselves will stand in line at your car wash if the service is provided perfectly, the wait for a car wash is comfortable, it is possible to pay for the car wash not only in cash, but also by terminal. Some car wash owners will even lay out a mat along which the client walks to the washed car. It’s a small thing, but the client is happy and will come again and tell others.

How to calculate the payback of a car wash?

Car wash revenue.

Our car wash will provide the following services:

  1. exterior body wash,
  2. body polishing,
  3. engine wash,
  4. cleaning (wet, dry),
  5. interior dry cleaning.

At a car wash, business is seasonal, but for our calculations we will assume that customers arrive evenly and in constant numbers every month. We plan to serve 24 clients per day. The average check will be 500 rubles. Thus, the monthly revenue will be 24*500*30=360,000 rubles.

Table 3. Car wash revenue

Total revenue

Investments that need to be made to start a business:

The cost of a modular car wash with equipment for two stations is 2,380,000 rubles;

Price preliminary design and approvals – 50,000 rubles;

The cost of connecting to electricity is 50,000 rubles;

Site preparation (filling with gravel) – 10,000 rubles;

Purchase of other equipment – ​​60,000 rubles.

The total investment for installing a sink is 2,550,000 rubles.

The costs of a car wash business are given below.

Table 4. Car wash costs


Payroll taxes





Cleaning wipes

Individual entrepreneur taxes

other expenses

Total expenses

Table 5. Income and expenses plan

The final figures for the car wash opening project are as follows:

Table 6. Payback of a car wash.

Project summary.

When deciding to start a car wash as a business, the following aspects should be kept in mind:

  • seasonal nature of the business;
  • quality of services is the basis of prosperity (a scratched body by a careless cleaner can ruin everything in the bud);
  • location is one of the main factors for the success of a company.

This article provides brief information if you need ready business plan for opening a car wash with calculations, contact the specialists of the Business Technology portal, we will take into account all your wishes and features, and will write a detailed business plan for you

Many Russians these days are looking for an acceptable way to earn a reliable income, and the thought of organizing their own business is increasingly capturing the minds of their fellow citizens. Where and in what area can you make money relatively easily? Where to go if you don’t have huge funds to organize a serious business or buy a new business? And what to do if absolutely all the niches have been occupied a long time ago, and inventing something new is still a task?

What's the benefit?

Let's not reinvent the wheel and today we'll talk about one of the classic, well-proven types of business, the opening of which, although it requires quite serious investments, is still a very real task.

We are talking about washing cars. How to open a car wash from scratch? What is needed for this, and how to organize the business correctly in order to guarantee profit and not losses? In this article we will tell you how to open a car wash correctly and explain some important nuances.

How relevant is this?

Why a car wash? Relevance of this business in modern urban conditions it has been proven by life itself. Judge for yourself: car washes are in demand absolutely everywhere - from a metropolis to a small town, and people use their services in any season.

In winter, every driver needs to visit a car wash to wash off salt, sand and reagents. In spring and autumn you have to look there at least once every 2-3 days due to constant mud and puddles on domestic roads. In the summer, it is customary for car owners to carefully polish their cars until they shine. And today we will talk about how to open a car wash from scratch.

This business (according to professionals) has a fairly high profitability (30-40%), that is, it is one of the profitable enterprises. We can talk about full payback approximately 12-16 months after the opening of the business, of course, provided that it is successfully established and promoted. If we're talking about about the portal, more expensive option, then this period is extended, and it will be possible to calculate the net profits in a year or two.

How to open a car wash from scratch: business plan

2. Visit the administration of the area where your business will be located for permission, and also obtain opinions from the Fire Service, Moskompriroda, MP “Mosvodostok” and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

3. Construction plan coordinate with the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

What else will need to be agreed upon?

In addition, the Moscow government will require you to provide contracts for renting a site, cleaning the adjacent territory with removal of solid waste, with designated boundaries of your site and a document indicating that your cash register equipment registered.

Before opening a car wash from scratch, information about the proposed construction of the facility will need to be submitted to the Department of Communications and Transport. To obtain a SEZ and approve the project, you will have to contact Rospotrebnadzor (its territorial department).

We select a location and premises for our car wash

The payback rate and, as a consequence, the profitability of this business project are directly related to the location of the car wash. An almost ideal place for this is the sides of central city avenues; also pay attention to the busiest highways.

Car washes are often organized at the entrance to the city, near the customs or border post. But, being in the area of ​​a large transport hub, drivers most often refuse the idea of ​​using the services of a car wash due to the increased bustle and crowd. It will be more profitable to offer your services near gas stations and service stations.

Rent is cheaper

How to open a car wash from scratch when building your own building for it is an impossible financial task for you? In this case, renting premises at an ATP that is suitable in all respects may become good option. In addition, you will have to complete much less paperwork. Car enthusiasts, as a rule, are familiar with all such enterprises in their city.

The type and volume of services provided depends on the parameters of the premises. For example, if you're thinking about how to open a truck wash from scratch, there are a number of additional factors to consider, starting with the height of the ceilings.

Don’t forget about the need for an auxiliary area where you will store consumables.

Water purification at a car wash

Due to the growth of serious environmental problems, car wash owners are faced with requirements that you will certainly have to take into account when opening. For example, a cleaning system will be required, the filters of which will remove fats, petroleum products and other chemical substances Wastewater.

Such equipment is quite compact and belongs to transportable units. The water purification procedure itself proceeds in stages. The existing circulation tank allows the liquid to be purified using a reverse cycle. Thus, circulating several times in a row along the circuit, the water remains practically free of impurities.

Since the operation of the cleaning equipment is intended at temperatures above +5 ° C, it should be installed in a heated room.

What's next?

A commission of representatives of the administration, firefighters, traffic police and other services should be present at the opening of the car wash. They will be signed by your object.

Advertising on billboards located in close proximity to your location will be very effective if you indicate short form its location, opening hours, discounts, main services and important bonuses.

We select personnel

Having overcome bureaucratic obstacles, start recruiting suitable personnel. What should it be like? The main requirements for applicants for employees are the ability to understand cars of the category that is expected to be serviced in your case, contact (to form a list regular customers) and polite treatment.

In order not to lose consumers of services, it is advisable for the car wash to operate around the clock - such a schedule is optimal for it. In this case, you will have to hire 5 or 6 washers and one foreman.

A higher education is not necessary for your employees; students can also work for hire. They should be paid based on the amount of work performed. Workers should be motivated through additional financial incentives, and stylish work overalls with a company logo will help raise the image of a car wash as a reputable enterprise.

Let's calculate the cost of the project

When calculating mandatory expenses, proceed from the rental price. This amount will vary depending on the premises and the area where it is located. Investments in the purchase of equipment should be added to the rental.

A high-pressure washer with water heating function will cost you between $1,800 and $3,000. A device that supplies water to 1 station - 500-1300 c.u. e. Compressor - 200-250 dollars. Washing vacuum cleaner (or vacuum cleaner) - $400-550. - $4800-6600

Most car wash owners prefer to purchase imported equipment. In this market segment, 80% of sales belong to the German company Karcher. In addition, Italian and Danish equipment is valued. Water purification devices are usually purchased from Russian manufacturers.

The list of basic consumable materials consists of car shampoo, polishing agent, products used for dry cleaning, cleaning wheel rims, engines, and bumpers. Monthly expenses for them will be about $300, provided that the car wash services 30-40 cars daily.

In summer, the flow of clients usually dries up. Car wash services are mainly used by those who want to wax their car. What should a businessman do to avoid losing profits? The only way out here is to slightly lower prices while simultaneously expanding the range of services. Secondly, try to offer customers additional reasons to visit your location. For example, set up a small tent with tables next to the establishment, where those who wish can relax and have a snack (for example, barbecue). While on vacation, someone will definitely want to wash their car.

An excellent solution is a mini-market with groceries or a small store selling spare parts within walking distance.

What to do if there are not enough funds

Perhaps you want to spend as little money as possible and are wondering, for example, how to open a self-service car wash. Well, this option is quite possible. Its advantages are that savings are achieved on staff salaries. Of course, this type of service has individual characteristics, which must certainly be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

If you come up with the idea of ​​​​how to open a car wash in the garage, it is better to abandon it immediately. Apart from the need to sort out issues with management, the problem of water supply, “busy” space and installation of all the expensive equipment mentioned above arises.

The main point due to which this project can be considered unviable is the inability to connect to water supply and sewerage networks. Even if there is one, you will be required to build a wastewater treatment system. In a word, this idea is not very successful.

How to open a self-service car wash from scratch: a few tips

Let's say you want to get this type of sink. You already know how to open a car wash from scratch. The business plan in this case should only be slightly adjusted to the specifics of such service.

As you know, car washing services can be portal or tunnel, in which washing is carried out in a completely automated way, manual (the staff is involved in washing cars) and open - based on the principle of self-service.

In the latter case, drivers wash their cars themselves with the products provided. This type of washing consists of a set of equipment with a set of necessary materials. All equipment (water guns, vacuum cleaners, dryers) is as simple and understandable as possible. Customers use the services of such a car wash much more willingly because of the opportunity to save money.

The list of services provided includes washing with warm water and powder (removing dirt), rinsing off foam with cold water, applying wax to the car, and polymerization to remove drips.

The main problem when setting up such a car wash is what to do with freezing liquids in winter? There is a solution, and it consists in installing a heated floor under the covering using a pipe system with circulating running hot water. Heating of water in the system is ensured by automatic switching on of a gas or diesel boiler at the right time. Equipment should also be selected with continuous circulation of liquid, such as guns for supplying water under pressure.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a self-service car wash to provide a range of affordable and high-quality services to customers in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The establishment's main source of income is payment for the use of specialized washing equipment. Self-service car wash offers an automated service, with the help of which the client independently takes care of his car. The advantages of this business include:

Demand for this type of service;

High throughput;

The price is 1.5-2 times lower compared to conventional car washes;

Savings on personnel costs;

High level of income.

The target audience is car owners who value quality, speed and low cost of car wash services. Price segment – ​​average.

Investment costs in the amount of RUB 5,533,000. aimed at the construction of a self-service car wash, landscaping of the territory, the purchase of specialized equipment and the creation of a working capital fund.


Every year in Russia the number of cars grows by 1.5 million units. According to the traffic police, over the past 10 years the vehicle fleet of Russians has increased by 65%.

Rice. 1 – Dynamics of the Russian passenger car fleet

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The total number of car washes in Russia is more than 12 thousand, but this is not enough to meet the demand for car wash services. The need for car washes increases by 110 units annually.

Car washes remain a fairly popular and profitable type of business. Car wash market trends reflect the growing popularity of self-service car washes. In Europe, the share of self-service car washes is 50%, but in Russia it is only 10% - that is, the niche is almost empty. At the moment, the self-service car wash market is in a stage of active development, which is also explained by the investment attractiveness of the business - the initial investment pays off within 1-1.5 years, and the profitability is 85% or higher.

A self-service car wash is an automated service through which the car owner can independently care for his car. For this purpose, stationary stations are installed in the car wash complex, designed for one parking space and equipped with a panel with connected equipment. A simple interface allows you to select a number of paid services, such as: washing - hot or cold water, with foam, with osmosis; waxing; drying; dry and wet cleaning of the car interior and trunk using a vacuum cleaner. Depending on the number of services chosen, the final cost of washing is determined - the average bill is 90-150 rubles. A full car wash at self-service stations takes 7 minutes, which allows you to avoid long queues and save on staff - two operators working in shifts will be enough. Thus, the phenomenon of self-service car washes consists of the following advantages:

    saving time and money for the car owner;

    no long queues;

    traffic capacity up to 900 vehicles per day;

    quick payback project;

    low level of competition;

    the ability of the car owner to wash the car himself, which eliminates complaints about the quality of services and ensures savings on personnel.

In times of crisis this type car wash is becoming especially popular, since traditional car wash services cost car owners 1.5-2 times more, and washing one car takes an average of 30 minutes. The obvious saving of money and time is a significant advantage of self-service car washes. In addition, such car washes are trusted by customers, since the car owner himself can control the thoroughness and quality of the wash. Another important parameter in favor of self-service car washes is their ability to service up to 900 cars per day. Table 2 shows Comparative characteristics various types of car washes according to this criterion.

Table 1 - Average performance various types car washes

Based on the data presented, it becomes obvious that during a crisis, the most popular service in the car wash market is self-service car washes.


When organizing a car wash, we considered two key parameters - geographical location and equipment that provides a range of services. The profitability of a car wash depends on these two parameters.

Plot. The most significant issue when organizing a car wash is finding a suitable site and collecting all necessary documentation for the construction of a car wash. We will choose a convenient location for the car wash, since its profitability depends on this. The most attractive areas for a car wash are those located in an area of ​​high but slow traffic:

    parking lots of mega-complexes, shopping centers;

    parking lots;

    areas at the entrance to residential areas;

    busy city streets;

    entrance to the city.

The most suitable area is the area behind the traffic light. While waiting for the green signal, the driver can examine the surroundings and will definitely notice advertising sign or a sign leading to a car wash.

After choosing a site, you must contact the local administration and inform about your intention to open a car wash in this area. You should also find out the status of the site - the land must be intended for industrial construction. Another important nuance– availability of necessary communications or the ability to connect power to electricity, sewage, water supply.

The next stage is the preparation of construction and permitting documentation. The list of required documentation includes:

    Permission from the SES;

    Permission from the fire department;

    Permission from town planning authorities;

    A copy of the self-service car wash project certified by BTI;

    Permission from the environmental service.

If the site is rented, the following should be added to the specified list:

    Land plan;

    Plan of the building to be built;

    Permission from the local executive committee.

Approval of the project will take up to 6 months, the construction and commissioning stage will take 2-3 months. On average, it will take about a year to launch a car wash built from scratch.

The entire stage of car wash construction is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2 – Stages of creating a self-service car wash

Ready ideas for your business

It should be noted that the demand for car wash services has a pronounced seasonality - the greatest demand for car wash services is in the fall and spring, and in the summer and winter the demand decreases significantly. Therefore, the time of opening a business must be planned in advance in order to hit the peak of consumer demand.

Equipment and services. Customers will give preference to a sink that is equipped with a convenient and quality equipment, having wide functionality at an optimal cost. Most self-service car wash machines provide the following types of services with an average price per 1 minute of use:

    Water supply - knocking down dirt and foam from the car body with water (20 rubles)

    Foam - applying contactless foam to the car body (50 rubles)

    Air - blowing out residual moisture from locks and rubber seals with compressed air (5 rubles)

    Wax – applying a protective layer of wax, which ensures quick drying and protection from dirt (30 rubles)

    Osmosis - churning with water without salts to prevent marks and streaks when drying (30 rubles)

    Vacuum cleaner - dry and wet cleaning of the interior and trunk of a car using a vacuum cleaner (10 rubles)

    Turbo wash - washing the car body with a mixture of water and non-contact emulsion chemicals, designed to eliminate special contaminants (40 rubles)

Self-service machines allow you to choose the required set of services, which determines the cost of washing. The average cost is 150 rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

Manufacturers offer different kinds equipment, the cost of which depends on the set of functions and the number of expected parking spaces. The average cost of 1 set of equipment is 470 thousand rubles - manufacturers such as Avant, Alles, CW TECH fall into this price segment.

The most budget-friendly equipment option is offered by the domestic company Aqua-Group: 6 packages - from minimal to premium, differing in the range of functions. The cost of such equipment ranges from 220 to 470 thousand rubles.

It is recommended to organize a car wash with 3 or more stations - otherwise the car wash will be unprofitable. This business plan considers a self-service car wash with 4 parking spaces. To organize a car wash with 4 stations, an area of ​​about 250 m2 is required. The rent of such a site in an average Russian city will range from 50 to 150 thousand, depending on the availability of communications and the location of the facility.

Thus, fully equipping 4 self-service car wash stations will cost approximately 2 million rubles. It is also possible to purchase washing equipment for rent. For example, the Moi-sam car wash chain offers equipment with a rental fee of 44 thousand rubles/month. This business plan assumes the use of washing equipment from the manufacturer Aqua-Group, Premium package: the cost of a set of equipment for 4 posts is 1,480,000 rubles, the throughput is 576 cars per day. This equipment includes all the basic features above.


To organize a self-service car wash, we chose to create an independent enterprise with its own brand.

A memorable name is a way to attract consumer attention. The assistance of naming specialists will cost an average of 6,000 rubles - the price includes the development of a brand, logo, and name. Of course, this is an optional expense item.

Ready ideas for your business

The most effective advertising for a car wash is outdoor advertising. It is recommended to install the sign 2 km before the car wash. Manufacturing and installation of one sign next to road signs costs on average 15,000 rubles. To improve efficiency outdoor advertising it is planned to produce two signs that can attract required amount clients.


The target audience is car owners for whom speed, quality and low price of services are important.

The work schedule is around the clock, which will increase the number of clients.

To operate a 24-hour self-service car wash, two operators are required who work in shifts. The operator advises car wash clients, monitors clients’ compliance with the rules for using car wash equipment, refills consumables, and maintains order in the car wash area. A repair specialist conducting service maintenance is also required. The specialist is expected to work part-time.

Table 2 – Optimal staff of a self-service car wash and payroll

Insurance premiums amount to 32.06% of the payroll, that is, 22,442 rubles. Thus, personnel costs, taking into account all deductions, will amount to 92,442 rubles.

The average number of car wash clients per day is 40 cars per post, that is, the car wash will receive 160 cars per day. Based on an average bill of 150 rubles, daily revenue will be 24,000 rubles, or 720,000 rubles per month. At maximum load of a car wash with 4 stations, the daily revenue will be 86,400 rubles, or 2,592,000 rubles per month.


In order to implement the project, an individual entrepreneur is registered. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “revenue” at a rate of 6%. Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

45.20 “Services for maintenance and repair of vehicles" - it is recommended to indicate as the main one, in addition you can indicate:

45.20.3 Vehicle washing, polishing and similar services.

50.20.3 Provision of other types of vehicle maintenance services

77.39 Renting and leasing of other types of transport, equipment and materials not included in other groups.

It should be noted that lawyers do not advise specifying vehicle washing as the main activity, since in fact, at a self-service car wash, the main service is the rental of specialized equipment, and car washing is carried out directly by the client. Based on this fact, the Federal Tax Service classifies the activities of self-service car washes as “the provision of services for the rental of special equipment and working space for washing cars for rent.”


The financial plan includes permanent and variable costs. To start a project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to determine the costs of construction, equipment and inventory.

Table 3 - Initial investment

Expense item

Price, rub


Development (receipt) of design and permitting documentation


Average indicator according to the Aqua-Group company website

Specialized equipment for 4 posts

Washing equipment manufactured by Aqua-Group, Premium package, 4 stations

Individual entrepreneur registration, stamp, account registration



It is important that the initial investment should include the cost of renting a plot in the first months while construction work is underway (3 months * 150,000 rubles). Thus, the required amount of initial investment will be 5,533,000 rubles.

Table 4 - Monthly expenses

The financial plan of the project is given in Appendix 1.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 5,533,000 rubles is 20 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 250,000 rubles. It is expected that the target indicators will be achieved in the sixth month of operation of the car wash. Return on sales in the first year of operation is 33%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. TO external factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

We list the main risk factors when creating a self-service car wash and ways to respond to threats. TO internal risks relate:

Poor choice of location for a car wash. This risk has the highest probability and significant consequences. A qualitative geomarketing analysis of the area, infrastructure, and traffic flows will allow you to eliminate the wrong decision, which will allow you to more accurately assess the level of sales taking into account the density of potential consumers.

Technological risks, which include incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, inappropriate use of technological capacities, which can lead to the stoppage of business processes. This risk can be reduced with regular monitoring of equipment serviceability, high-quality after-sales service, and proper selection of equipment.

Low level of personnel competence. Irresponsible attitude towards property and poor quality of service can lead to serious financial losses. To avoid this, systematic control, financial motivation, and standardization of personnel work are necessary.

External risk factors:

Opening new points in relative proximity, dumping direct competitors. The emergence of new car washes will lead to a redistribution of the customer base and profits. Reducing this risk is possible by creating your own client base, developing a unique trade offer and stimulating consumer loyalty.