Live to your liking or. Life is to your liking. Best nice wishes for people

What does it mean to live with your soul? Let's start with the main question: what is happiness, where is it found and “what do you eat it with”? Happiness, wealth, love, health are states. And our soul, as a piece of God living in the body, is initially full in excess of these magical experiences and states, just as a river is full of water in flood.

After all, as you understand, my good friend, God (the Almighty) is the highest manifestation of love, happiness, wealth, joy, health, magic. It is filled with these states in abundance. And creating man in his own image and likeness, he gave him what he himself had.

That is, you don’t need to look for happiness, wealth, or love anywhere, they are not beyond the seas, mountains, oceans, they are in our soul. That is why Christ says: The Kingdom of God is within you, and therefore, first of all, seek it.

Happiness, wealth, health, love - these are the properties of our soul.

When we live, following the dictates of the voice of the soul, we carry out its intentions and desires, then we experience all these magical experiences. That is, the way to allow your soul to fly, to soar is simple: feel your soul, be aware of its desires, perform actions of the soul.

One of the well-known Christian truths is the expression: “Faith without works is dead.” This means that it is not enough to believe, you also need to do something. I remembered this religious dogma, because it is very consonant with work on the soul. It is not enough to be aware of the soul; you need to perform the actions of the soul.

A soul without actions is dead!

You ask where is the happiness? You don't understand anything - it's everywhere! We literally swim, drown in it, but we cannot use it, because we live inside out, that is, not from the soul, but from the mind.

In order to be happy, rich, healthy, filled with love, you need to live from the heart.

We live from the mind and therefore are unhappy, poor, sick, deprived of love. Live from the heart, and the holiday will always be with you.

A miracle you can do for yourself

When you can realize how your soul really feels, a miracle will happen. What special will happen? You will enter, take the first step into a new world of happiness, wealth, health, love - and your soul will immediately be registered there as a new settler on the planet of happiness. You are immediately greeted: “Welcome to the world of happiness, wealth, health, love!”

Where can I get strength?

I see, my friend, you agree to begin the path of the soul, but you complain that you don’t have the strength not only to go somewhere, but even to get up from the couch. Well, let's figure out the powers and find their source. Let's not go far, let's look around and... we'll find that those who have an abundance of strength are children. They are always full of energy and enthusiasm, and why do you think? Because they live with their souls!

And when a person lives from the soul, he draws energy from the endless reservoir of universal, divine energy.

The soul man feeds on the energy of nature: air, sky, sun, water, flowers, trees, sunsets and sunrises, life itself, its natural flows. We lack strength and energy because we live with the mind, which draws energy from sources that are initially limited.

He who lives from the mind replenishes energy reserves at the expense of the energy of people, their consciousness, and that is why we always need people: fans, friends, we need the attention of hundreds, thousands, millions.

We get tired not so much from work as from thoughts that exhaust us more than physical labor. Indeed, in physical work (if we do it from the heart, with love), the mind calms down, becomes silent - and the soul comes to life. An unusual state of bliss visits me, for example, precisely when I do the most primitive physical work: digging the earth, carpentry, planting plants.

The power of the soul is the power of God himself; what can compare with it?

As you can see, my friend, I am sincere with you, I hope that you will be the same, because without sincerity we will not have a real journey to our soul, which means we will not receive any new life, joy, happiness, wealth, love. True sincerity is the tool by which we realize what we really feel in our souls.

Strategy for happiness, wealth, health, love

The principles of happiness, wealth, health, love are based on two strategic directions of work: liberation from the negative and striving for the positive. That is, we use two threads:

  • descending and ascending,
  • involution and evolution.

The downward flow involves working to realize the negative experiences that have covered our soul with numerous shells and freeing ourselves from them.

The essence of the upward flow of work with the soul is to understand what our soul dreams of, what its intentions are in this life, desires, aspirations. And accordingly, we build, or rather, redirect our lives towards the fulfillment of the soul’s dreams, its intentions, desires.

If we imagine our life in the form of a ship that intends to set sail in search of a haven of happiness, wealth, health, love, then, on the one hand, we renew our boat: we dump excess ballast - we free ourselves from negative experiences, and on the other, we immediately set sail in a trip. We do both the first and second at the same time.


Well, now let's start the exercise. Its essence is simple - to hear our soul, realize what we feel, and express this feeling in words. Why express feelings out loud? Because words are very important, because as soon as we pronounce them, the sacrament of the birth of the soul occurs! With the help of words, like a small stream, she begins to make her way into this world.

Awareness of what the soul really feels here and now is the first step towards happy life. This is the starting point, the starting point to the land of joy, happiness, wealth, health, love. It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler - well, he said it, and that’s it. What's unusual about this? But this is only at first glance, because what seems simple turns out to be the most complex. And all because behind the cascading noise of thoughts it is difficult to hear the quiet voice of the soul.

Realizing what we feel at the moment is essentially the beginning of a revolution, the source of the transformation of our lives. From my own experience I know how difficult it is: the mind will immediately declare that it knows everything and there are no problems - we’ll do it now. But there is a problem, and a very serious one.

That's why main task is to bypass your mind, to outplay it. And he is very fast, cunning, cunning and strives to take the lead in everything, to put himself forward, and most importantly, not to allow himself to be removed from his position. In general, he takes a deaf defense: “Try and break through!” - he says. “Nothing will work out, I won’t give up so easily!” Therefore, at the initial stage, it is better to tell the truth that you do not know what you feel, rather than to be sophisticated and disingenuous.

When we express our feelings out loud, a miracle happens: the dry tree of our life comes to life, fills with juices, and the first buds appear. Understand, my good friend, that it is not me or anyone else who needs all this. Only you and no one else need to admit to yourself your true feelings, revive your soul and thereby embark on the path of finding happiness, wealth, health, love.


During exercise, sometimes painful conditions arise: headaches, other parts of the body, nausea, dizziness, and so on and so forth. Sometimes I feel sleepy and yawning. These are all signs of work, positive changes that occur in our being. There is no need to be afraid of this. Any process is the release of the soul, but the mind and body resist, and therefore such reactions arise in the body.

If this happens, then you should immediately create an image of pain, discomfort, or even imagine a diseased organ or part of the body that hurts, and ask the same magic question: “What positive things do you want to teach me?” - and receive an answer in the form of feelings, energy, information. That is, make a process within a process - free yourself from unpleasant sensations (without fixing them in the mind and body) and continue the main exercise.

Pain is a great teacher, it is a path, go not from it, but towards it, through it to the end, and there the light of new freedom and love will open to you.

The process of liberation from negative experiences can and even should be accompanied by tears. How many of them have accumulated inside us! Exactly as much as we have received in this life of grievances, as much as we have experienced guilt, fear, irritation, anger, despair, loneliness. In our depths there are not only lakes, but entire oceans of unshed tears. And that’s why you need to cry, it’s necessary!

Other participants in the trials try to hold back their tears so as not to look unattractive or show their weakness. And this is very stupid, because it is in the processes that you should forget your strength, forget the role that you play in ordinary life. Processes are an extreme journey, and here you should be completely sincere with yourself, otherwise there is no point in even meddling into the world of happiness, wealth, health, love.

Sometimes in ordinary life we ​​cry out of despair, pain, resentment, frustration. But then these tears are not for our benefit, because they are not conscious, they are spontaneous. In working with the soul, everything that is done is for the good, and tears give us liberation. Along with tears, the negative experiences accumulated in our being come out.

Sometimes it is enough for a person in the process to cry well for the negative experience to leave his soul. A person cries, tears flow in hail, he does not even understand, does not realize why and why. And then suddenly he feels that something heavy has left his heart. Resentments, fears, and other unconscious negative feelings disappeared and freed his soul.

Vladimir Lermontov

An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where it is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.
Anton Chekhov

It was about initial stages learning to live “according to your soul”:
Hear and show feelings
Observe thoughts detachedly, without allowing yourself to be drawn into them,
Working with limiting beliefs that cause fears
Stopping in the “now”, controlling the flow of thoughts,
Developing intuition, following it,
Developing trust in the world.
Having already gone through only these stages, we qualitatively change our lives. Anxieties are no longer overwhelming, mistakes are made much less frequently, wishes begin to come true. This is somewhat reminiscent of a reward when a person has passed some stage of his journey and receives a gift for his success. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case there, in the higher spheres: if you work well, you get it. The Universe always supports those who develop spiritually. And it seems that he not only supports, but also rewards)).

The next thing that is important to think about when learning to live “according to your Soul” is a sense of proportion. It might sound strange. Will explain.
Dissatisfaction with life often arises when, as in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” everything is not enough for a person, no matter how much you give. A sense of proportion is the ability to take exactly as much as we really need. A very useful skill here would be the skill of competent goal setting, when you easily separate your true desires from those imposed by others or from stereotypes (everyone has them, which means I need this too). You can read in my section how to set and test your goals correctly.

At the previous stage, you learned to hear intuition; it’s time to use this skill to attract change (if reality does not suit you for some reason). It may be a painful stage, you may not even want to go through it, but those who decide will literally open the doors to positive changes. As long as we hold on to what we no longer need, there is little chance for something new. The stage is to conduct an audit and, let's say, spring cleaning in your life. Before you do anything, work with your desires (under the “Goals” section) - what do you really want, and what is pulling you back, preventing your desires from coming true? The work is done in writing (I’ll tell you for sure, written and mental work give very different results, it is important to do this particular work in writing). Then look at the list of things that are getting in the way—what are you not ready to part with just yet? Why you are not ready, what is the reason - think about it. Do everything slowly, thoughtfully, these are important decisions. What is superfluous, unnecessary, meaningless in your life? Keep making lists and analyzing them. To start the process, you can start with general cleaning - in bedside tables, closets, on shelves, on the balcony, in the country house, etc. Listen to your intuition, it will show you what it is time to give up. These could be things, foods in the diet, activities, habits, relationships, anything. Look at your life area by area and make decisions.

I do not call for destroying the old life and building a new one on the ruins, not at all. In our case, “old” does not equal “unnecessary,” but there is definitely something unnecessary among the old, we need to find it and make decisions. Such clearing of space is sometimes painful, people change their social circle, profession, place of residence, way of thinking, it is important not to become discouraged and always remember - one door closes, another opens. Sometimes, indeed, new relationships are not established because the old ones are not completed. I repeat once again, it is important to approach the review of your values ​​very carefully and carefully, not to act out of your hand, and not to make hasty decisions. Give yourself as much time as you need, don’t rush the process, let it proceed at a comfortable pace. If you feel that your intuition is not working enough, it is difficult to trust it, you want to develop it more - there are techniques for this, contact us, we will work.

Ideally, in life, like a good housewife, there should be nothing “just in case.” After all, it often happens that an item has become small or gone out of fashion, or something else, and we put it away in the closet “just in case” (suddenly I lose weight or fashion changes), a year passes, another, the item is still there, but we don’t dare throw it away . So in life, stacks of unnecessary, outdated beliefs, decisions, things, and relationships accumulate. But let's return to the sense of proportion. A person with a sense of proportion always feels in abundance. This is a question of gratitude too. A sense of proportion is, in essence, the skill of good, complete energy exchange, when we take from the world as much as we need, and give to the world generously, joyfully, without being greedy. What does it mean to “give to the world”? This means doing something for the benefit of not only yourself and your loved ones, but also others living on earth. That you do no evil is implied. I wrote in detail about how to give to the world in the article

What does everyone wish for their birthday?
Happy, joyful days?
But is this congratulations?
For real men?

Let all socks be in pairs,
And may the crucian carp always bite,
So that you are always on top,
A cherished dream has come true!

And so that the engine does not stall inappropriately,
The wife was beloved
An increase - often in addition to the salary,
And next to it - faithful friends!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
Let there be only positivity in life.
May everything be okay with your mood,
Let the work team be happy.

And your road will always be smooth,
The iron horse will not let you down.
Let there be many personal achievements,
And the bank will have its own decent account.

And let them surround you throughout life
Reliable and faithful friends,
And at home let him greet you with smiles
Happy and strong family!

Happy birthday! I wish you not to be discouraged in life, but to enjoy every new day. May God give you health, strength, prosperity, happiness, comfort and peace. Good luck in all your endeavors. Support from family and friends.

Today I congratulate you
And I wish you a lot of happiness,
Bright smiles every hour
And a long life without bad weather.

May everyone's dreams come true,
There will be abundance and prosperity.
Health, peace, kindness,
In the family - love and understanding!

I would like to congratulate you with all my heart,
I sincerely wish you good health,
Send a piece of your happiness,
So that it can protect you!

Live long and smile more often,
Make us all happy with your smile,
Enjoy this life with delight,
May only success always await you!

I wish you to always be loved,
Handsome, stately, young.
I wish to be necessary
To everyone - both loved ones and relatives!

I wish you wisdom over the years,
Good health, good health,
So that with fair winds
A cherished dream was floating.

May your birthday bring
Fun, joy, mood.
May you always be lucky in life,
Good luck, strength, kindness, patience.

Always be cheerful, positive,
There are no sorrows, no sorrows.
Mobile, strict, creative,
Be able to admit mistakes.

May the sky be clear and peaceful,
And the sun shines all year round.
Warmth and bread,
Don't know problems, don't know worries.

A man is more than words
Not a gender at all.
A man is the power and pride of a lion,
Man - wisdom, serenity.

Over the years it gets stronger like wine,
It grows in the shoulders, and the experience of life multiplies.
I want to wish only one thing:
May everything in your destiny turn out well.

Let everything go well: life, work, home.
Love and feminine affection are sweeter than malt!
You just stay a man
One in a million is worth its weight in gold!

I wish you to be happy and loved,
Achieve all goals set.
In your career, to be indispensable to everyone,
And in life, just act like a man.

So that relatives surround you with love,
Friends were reliable and faithful.
In a difficult moment, they all supported
Your family has always been happy.

I also wish you good luck and health,
So that your wallet is never empty.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish it to be everything you want.

Let your dreams come true
Always live in goodness, prosperity,
May you be incredibly happy.
May your health be in order!

I wish you loyal friends,
Lots of love and lots of laughter,
So that all the things in your life
Were crowned with success!

May every step lead you to success,
I wish you never to lose heart.
Let life become happier and richer.
Let your dreams begin to come to life.

Love, health, positivity, laughter,
Know in advance what to do.
I wish to catch the wave of success
And don’t let her go anywhere.

We all lack warmth; in the bustle of weekdays, we forget about those who are dear to us and who love and miss us. We say kind words only when some event occurs, but if you think about it, you can give pleasant wishes to people every day. No need to wait for a holiday event. It’s not for nothing that they were invented. Remind your loved ones and family about yourself, show them that you love them, think about them and miss them.

Send pleasant wishes and they will answer you and appreciate your action. May the world become a little kinder and brighter thanks to you.

We have collected the best pleasant wishes for people on our website. Krasivo, on this page.

Best nice wishes for people

Let every minute of life be bright,
rich, extraordinary,
full of unforgettable impressions
and pleasant surprises!

Let a beautiful and bright dream,
Like an airy moth, it strives upward,
Inspiration and happiness always await!
Like today, your whole life will be joyful!

I wish you to live in happiness
No matter what happens.
See only the positive
No matter how life hits you.

Never be discouraged
Smile, believe.
Good happiness
Don't measure it with money.

Let your heart melt in bright love,
May good luck come often
Life showers you with gifts!
Let happiness bloom like a flower!

May happiness always be in your heart,
And the look glows with tenderness,
The house will be warmed with family comfort,
Where affection and sensitivity reign!

Smiles, joy every day
Your whole life will be full,
May all your dreams come true,
Good luck, love and warmth!

Pleasant wishes to people

Let life become brighter with happiness
And gives joyful days,
And the sunny flower of good luck,
And the quivering flower of love!

Let every moment become
Even more beautiful and kinder!
Good luck, smiles, inspiration!
Let everything come true soon!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!

May there be no evil on your path,
Let there be no envy and jealousy,
I want to wish you well
May your life be happy!

I will only wish you good things
So that you can reach happiness with your hands,
So that grief does not touch you,
So that joy smiles on you
True and eternal love -
These are my wishes!

Sincere pleasant wishes

Let there be everything you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And an ever kind soul.

I wish you a good, wonderful day,
Let every moment be successful!
Safe traffic on the road,
And I was waiting for a compliment at work!

Let your plans come true today,
And even in small things you are lucky!
Let pleasant things happen to you,
And let happiness come to you on its own!

The sun is splashed across the streets,
The blue sky calls you up.
My cat, don’t you dare frown today,
Better lose count of the smiles.

Let the merry devils be company
Jumps all day in your eyes,
Everything will work out, as if by magic.
I'll take care of the prizes.

We wish you with great love
Success, joy, warmth,
Health and health again,
So that life is happy.
May all good things come true
And the new Day gave goodness,
So that it never decreases
You have invisible forces in your soul.

If wishes mean something,
Then I wish you good luck,
So that the sun shines on you,
So that your heart loves,
So that all the sorrows and troubles
Turned into your victories.

With all my heart without verbosity
Wish You happiness and health.
I wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue.
I wish you earthly blessings -
I know. You are worthy of them.

7I wish you all the most beautiful things,
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless,
Youth is eternal,
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.