Crane black and white drawing. According to Feng Shui, cranes are a symbol of health and longevity. Crane key. Draw cranes flying in the sky

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a crane with a pencil step by step. The gray crane is a bird that lives in Europe and Asia, it is large, its height is about 115 cm, and its wingspan is about 190 cm. Cranes are monogamous, they find a mate for life. But if something happens to a partner, for example, they die, they can find someone else. Cranes feed on both plant foods and caterpillars, beetles, pockmarked fish, etc. To take off, they run across the water in the wind and flap their wings, their necks are elongated in the field, like storks. So that they are not visible when incubating the nest, they cover their feathers with dirt and silt. They settle above or near water.

Draw the shape of the head, which is shown in the picture, then draw the beak and eye. The head should be small, I just showed it here in an enlarged version.

Then we draw the neck and sketch out the shape of the body.

We sketch the legs, they are quite long on the crane, now we draw the shape of the body using a smooth curve, draw the leg and the main lines of the feather on the tail.

We draw the second leg, feathers, then add more feathers on the tail. We draw the line between the different colors of feathers on the head and neck of the crane.

We paint over the dark areas, imitate feathers, and for a more realistic image, apply shadows to the body and tail. The crane drawing is ready.

The painting “The Cranes Are Flying” by Alexei Stepanov was painted in 1891. The artist managed to create an attractive image of northern spring. The thawed snow gave way to green grass, but in some places there were still wet puddles. The village children froze on the hill, seeing a crane wedge in the sky. Surely someone was the first to shout out: “The cranes are flying,” and everyone froze, raising their heads up to admire the flock of birds that returned to their native lands in the spring and brought spring on their wings. Only the smallest ones: a white-headed boy with a twig in his hand and a girl in a red headscarf look at the viewer, due to their age still not understanding where to look out for the flying cranes...
The children's figures are inscribed in the endless expanse of the Russian land - meadows, forests, peasant villages. And even if the guys are wearing bast shoes and patched clothes, they own all this huge world, provided by the artist as a great opportunity.
The wedge of cranes is a symbol of a child’s dream in the quest for a better life.
The surviving sketches for this painting and sketches of the figures of the children indicate a very thoughtful study of nature. As a result, the artist managed to convey the inner world of his characters without even showing their faces.

GREAT offer from the BigArtShop online store: buy a painting of Cranes Flying by artist Alexey Stepanov on natural canvas in high resolution, framed in a stylish baguette frame, at an ATTRACTIVE price.

Painting by Alexey Stepanov Cranes are flying: description, biography of the artist, customer reviews, other works of the author. Large catalog of paintings by Alexey Stepanov on the website of the BigArtShop online store.

The BigArtShop online store presents a large catalog of paintings by artist Alexey Stepanov. You can choose and buy your favorite reproductions of paintings by Alexey Stepanov on natural canvas.

Alexey Stepanovich Stepanov was born in 1858 into the family of an officer, a hereditary nobleman. At an early age, Alexei lost his parents: his mother died in the year of his birth, his father in 1863. The appointed guardian placed the boy in the juvenile department of the Institute of Chief Officer Orphans in Moscow.
Subsequently, Alexey studied at the 1st men's gymnasium, upon graduation, at the insistence of his guardian, he entered the surveying department of the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute, and in 1879 he graduated with the title of land surveyor.
He studied painting from 1880 to 1883 as a volunteer, and from 1883 to 1884 as a student at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 1884 for the presented final work“Father and Son, or Military Conversation” was awarded a large silver medal with the title of class artist.
In 1889, his painting “Moose” was exhibited at the XVII Traveling Exhibition and brought the author well-deserved success. In the same year, the artist was invited to teach an animal painting class at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
In 1891, Stepanov was accepted as a full member of the Association of Mobile art exhibitions. This was inspired by the painting “The Cranes Are Flying,” presented at the 19th exhibition of the Partnership.
In 1894, Stepanov improved his skills by traveling through Germany, Switzerland, France, and Northern Italy.
In 1905, Stepanov was awarded the title of Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts for his painting “Morning Greetings”.
In 1901, Stepanov joined the exhibition association “36 Artists”, and in 1903 the artist became one of the founders of the “Union of Russian Artists”
Stepanov headed the animal painting class until 1918, receiving the title of professor.
Alexey Stepanovich Stepanov died in 1923.

The texture of the canvas, high-quality paints and large-format printing allow our reproductions of Alexey Stepanov to be as good as the original. The canvas will be stretched on a special stretcher, after which the painting can be framed in the baguette of your choice.

Korin Ogata 1658-1716 - Cranes.

As an image and theme, the crane is found in all types of traditional Japanese arts, especially in painting. The crane is the bird of immortality; it symbolizes longevity, happiness and prosperity. His image on screens or scrolls was of a benevolent nature and represented a huge variety of varieties, each of which conveyed the subtlest shades of meaning.

This is an engraving by Kitao Shigemasa - surimono - greeting card, they were made for holidays, significant dates, holidays. This surimono is presumably dedicated to some family date. The image of a pair of cranes means a long, happy family union and prosperity. The crane has a reputation as a leader among birds and has life wisdom. Therefore, a husband and wife, like two cranes, together are able to solve any problem and remove any obstacle that arises on the family path of life.

Shunsho Katsukawa 1726-1792 - Cranes, turtles and pine trees. The image of cranes against a background of pine trees symbolizes power and perseverance, because pine is a symbol of inner strength, perseverance and steadfastness.

The same plot performed by Hokusai.

Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858) - Cranes and pine trees.

Two scrolls from the triptych “A Thousand Cranes” - “Cranes among Pines”, “Cranes among Bamboo”, and unfortunately I do not have an image of the third scroll “Cranes among Plums”. The combination of these three plants was not chosen by chance. Pine, bamboo and plum, which blooms at the end of winter and is considered a symbol of purity, have been part of a benevolent system since ancient times, even among the Chinese, symbolizing longevity, perseverance, and fortitude. These plants are called "three friends of cold winter."
Bamboo symbolizes endurance and protection - it can withstand both hot summers and cold winters. The image of cranes among bamboo means good luck associated with a long and happy life.
The plum blossoms earlier than other plants; it blooms in late winter or in early spring, therefore symbolizes strength, perseverance, hermitage and purity. It was customary to decorate women's hairstyles with branches of blossoming plums, so this plant also symbolized beauty.
When these three trees are depicted together, they symbolize friendship that can withstand any adversity.

Yoshitoshi Taiso portrayed Minamoto no Yorimoto, the founder of the Kamakura shogunate and its first ruler, releasing a thousand cranes into the sky.

Triptych by Utamoro Kitagawa - Crane Release Ceremony. For an adequate impression, of course, these fragments are better
place nearby.

The theme is continued by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

Hiroshige II Utagawa 1829-1869. Flying cranes.

Sketches of cranes by Hokusai.

Well, it’s not just cranes here, of course)

More Hokusai - Cranes with Mount Fuji in the background.

A couple of works by Hiroshige

Drawing on the theme: Spring for junior schoolchildren from 3rd grade

Spring. Cranes are Flying. Step by step drawing.

Dyakova Olga Sergeevna teacher of the Fine Arts class MBOUDO "DSHI" Okhansk
Description of material: this master class will be useful for art teachers, teachers additional education artistic and aesthetic orientation, students starting from grade 3 can quite successfully cope with this work. This master class can be used in drawing classes, in group work, for interior decoration and as practical work when getting to know the animal world native land, also as a gift.
Step-by-step drawing will help you avoid the most common mistakes and give you confidence in your own abilities.
The work is performed without preliminary drawing.
Purpose: use in drawing classes, in group work, interior decoration, as practical work when getting to know the animal world of your native land, as a gift.
Target: performing the composition - Cranes are flying.
Tasks: improve your skills in working with gouache
developing the ability to create the volume of a depicted object using pictorial means
promote the development of creative abilities
develop a sense of composition, observation, the ability to analyze the shape of depicted objects, deepen the sense of perception of color and color harmony
cultivate interest in the animal world of the native land, develop accuracy in work
Whatman paper, A-3 format.,
nylon brushes numbered 2, 3, 5.

Execution sequence:

Place the sheet of paper vertically. Draw a solar disk with a pencil. We won't need a pencil anymore.

We make the sky in large rings from the solar disk to the edges (gradually increasing the radius and darkening the color). The colors of the circles are sequentially yellow (sun), yellow-white, pale blue, light blue, light blue.

We blur the boundaries between the “rings”, making the transitions smoother.

Let's start drawing the birds. Using a thin brush, outline the outline of the body and head in white.

Draw the neck of the crane.

We outline the outline of the tail.

Fill the tail with color.

We draw a beak and a “cap” on the bird’s head.

Draw dark spots on the head and neck of the bird.

We draw shadows on the abdomen and tail of the bird.

With a thin brush, gray, draw the feathers on the bird’s tail.

Slightly blur the outlines of the feathers along the bottom edge, creating a shadow effect.

We outline the bend of the future wings and their contours.

We fill in the main masses of the wings with color.

Draw large feathers along the edge of the wings in gray.

We divide the gray part of the wings into large feathers.

Using light white strokes we outline the light on the large gray feathers.

Draw the bird's legs in brown.

Draw the fingers.

Using light white strokes we outline the light on the bird’s legs.

Next, draw the second crane. With a thin brush – in white, we outline the outline of the body, head and neck.

Draw the tail and the main volume of the wing.

We draw a “cap” on the bird’s head and dark spots on the bird’s head and neck.

Draw the beak.

We draw shadows on the abdomen and tail of the bird, draw feathers.

Slightly blur the shadows along the inner contour, softening their boundaries.

Using a thin brush, using gray color, draw small feathers along the base of the wings.

Using gray color we draw large feathers along the edge of the wings.

Draw the second wing.

We divide the gray part of the wings into large feathers, in black.

We draw the bird's legs and outline the abdomen of the third crane in gray.

Draw the silhouette of the wings. We make the third crane in silhouette without small details.

We outline the tail.

Draw the neck and head of the bird.

Draw the legs of the crane.

Crane - belongs to the genus of birds of the crane family. They live mainly in Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia.


The crane bird takes its origins from the beginning of ancient times, their first appearance was recorded after the era of dinosaurs. Rock paintings provide direct confirmation of its existence during this period.

From the northern American continent, the crane family has spread throughout the world; only in Antarctica do these birds feel uncomfortable. Apparently this is why it is impossible to meet these birds there.

Only 7 species of cranes out of 15 fly to Russia. Russian Federation a commonly seen type is the Common Crane.

Description of the crane

Australian cranes are the largest individuals of the crane family, their weight is 5-6 kg, and the length of a crane is 150-160 cm, like that of an average person.

A distinctive feature of the Gray Crane is its long wingspan of 220 - 240 cm.

The long neck and thin legs give the bird a special grace. Bird's head small size, on which there is an elongated beak.

If we talk about color, most birds of this family have a white or gray tint. Only on the top of the head can small spots of red or brown color be visible.

Many scientists divide these birds into 4 families:

  • Belladonna;
  • Crowned;
  • Amentaceous;
  • Actually the Cranes.

Habitat and lifestyle

The main habitats of cranes are near water bodies, preferably marshy areas. The only exception is the belladonna; this species has found its home in the steppes and savannas.

The bird leads its main life in daytime days, at night they sleep. If you look closely, you can see that while sleeping they stand on one leg.

These birds are monogamous, and having chosen a mate once, in most cases they remain with her for the rest of their lives. When one individual dies, the second does not always find a replacement.

Of the 15 species of cranes, only 6 are sedentary, and the rest fly to warm countries for the winter. In Eastern Siberia, every year you can see a picture when, with the onset of cold autumn days, white cranes fly away in a wedge towards China for the winter.


The food of cranes is quite varied. They can feed on both plants: seeds, berries, small nuts, roots, and insects. Frogs and small rodents are also included in the diet.

When a pair is present while searching for food, they give each other signals indicating that one of them has found food. Their long legs do not get stuck in swampy areas, which gives them the opportunity to move unhindered.

During the mating season, individuals need protein, so during this period they eat: insects, frogs and other small rodents.

Reproduction and lifespan

Pairs are formed over a period of 6-7 years of life.

During this period they reach puberty. The mating dances of these birds are a unique sight. If they come to an agreement on creating a couple, then an extremely beautiful dance begins with bows and numerous tossing of twigs and flowers. One of the cranes folds its wings, while the other, on the contrary, straightens it and circles opposite its partner.

The nest is mainly built either in water, but always away from any danger, or on poles. The white crane prefers taiga or tundra.

When building a nest, multiple sticks and sedge stems are used, which are initially compacted tightly. Only after the finished base does the formation of a recess for the eggs begin.

Usually 1 to 5 eggs are laid at intervals of several days. The color of the eggs depends on the type of crane. The incubation period for eggs is about 28 days.

During nesting, birds sleep only a few hours. During incubation, the female does not leave the nest, and the male provides food and protects her during this period.

After the chicks hatch, a fight occurs between them, and according to statistics, the stronger male tries to kill the weaker one. However, there are more and more pairs in which one of the individuals takes the chick and raises it separately.

The average lifespan of a crane is about 20 years. 7 species of cranes are listed in the Red Book. Many organizations monitor the numbers and protection of these graceful birds.

Photo of a crane