1s prepr 8 vehicle management standard. Transport, logistics programs for accounting automation in transport, logistics and forwarding companies. Mutual settlements with customers of transport services

1C:Vehicle Management Slide 2 from Positioning of the solution “1C:Vehicle Management” is a solution developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and designed to automate business management processes and operational accounting at: specialized motor transport enterprises; not motor transport enterprises, but having transport divisions ( trading companies, manufacturing enterprises);

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 4 from What useful benefits do users of the program receive Company management Interaction between departments is improving, information does not stagnate in individual departments: the mechanic entered information about scheduled maintenance - the dispatcher has the ability to control cars when issuing a license; the technical maintenance engineer entered information about insurance policies - the dispatcher, when issuing a policy, has the ability to control the expiration dates of the policies; the dispatcher calculated and processed the waybill: ready-made data on standard and actual fuel consumption appeared in the fuel and lubricants department; the financial department now has ready-made data on the scope of work performed by client; for the service and repair service, cumulative mileage has appeared for planning maintenance and monitoring tire mileage; and much more…; The efficiency of generation and reliability of analytical reports increases; Ability to keep records and analyze costs and profitability, incl. in terms of cars, clients, construction projects; Interaction with standard 1C configurations;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 5 from What benefits do users of the Accounting program receive? interaction between UAT and standard 1C configurations: integration into a single information database; uploading data to the power supply unit: uploading the consumption of spare parts according to repair sheets; uploading acts and invoices for services rendered; uploading data for calculating vehicle depreciation; uploading driver salary accruals; unloading unloading of drivers' salary accruals into the UPP and ZUP; generation of reports for fuel and lubricants accounting. Very often, due to the lack of automation, accounting is forced to keep records of fuel and lubricants for each vehicle (each vehicle is entered as a separate warehouse, etc.). If UAT is implemented, labor costs for such accounting will be removed from the accounting department;

50 cars) the use of orders, batch statements and printed copies is very useful. Udo" title="1C:Vehicle Management Slide 6 of What useful things do users of the Dispatch program get? Work with a list of vehicles, a vehicle card; For large motor vehicle transport operations (> 50 vehicles) it is very useful to use orders, batch statements and printing Udo" class="link_thumb"> 6 !} 1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 6 from What useful things do users of the Dispatch program get? Working with a list of vehicles, a vehicle card; For large ATPs (> 50 vehicles), it is very useful to use orders, batch statements and printed copies. Convenient calculation fact. fuel consumption from the standard, i.e. "from the opposite"; Automatic control of the expiration of driver and vehicle documents; Ease of working with the list of mailing lists: control of undelivered mailing lists; Analytical reports on vehicle performance results; For trading enterprises, it is convenient to combine UAT and UT into a single IS and the capabilities of the order dispatcher workstation in such an IS: Based on the standard UT documents “Buyer’s Order” or “Sales of Services”, “Order for Vehicle” documents are generated. 50 cars) the use of orders, batch statements and printed copies is very useful. Udo "> 50 cars) it is very useful to use orders, batch statements and printouts. It is convenient to calculate the actual consumption of fuels and lubricants from the standard, i.e. “from the opposite”; Automatic control of the expiration of documents of drivers and cars; Ease of working with list of items: control of undelivered items; Analytical reports on the results of vehicle operation; For trading enterprises, it is convenient to combine UAT and UT into a single IS and the capabilities of the order manager's automated workplace in such an IS: Based on documents of a standard UT “Buyer’s Order” or “ Sales of services" documents are generated "Order for a vehicle"> 50 cars) the use of orders, batch statements and printed copies is very useful. Udo" title="1C:Vehicle Management Slide 6 of What useful things do users of the Dispatch program get? Work with a list of vehicles, a vehicle card; For large motor vehicle transport operations (> 50 vehicles) it is very useful to use orders, batch statements and printing Udo"> title="1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 6 from What useful things do users of the Dispatch program get? Working with a list of vehicles, a vehicle card; For large ATPs (> 50 vehicles), it is very useful to use orders, batch statements and printed copies. Udo"> !}

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 7 from What benefits do users of the program get? Fuel and lubricants accounting department Setting up fuel and lubricants consumption rates; Possibility of accounting various types gas stations; The ability to automatically download data from processing centers; Possibility of grouping reports (fuels and lubricants, columns, vehicle models, etc.); Collapse of data in reports for accounting;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 10 from Interrelation of departments The main data entry center is the dispatch department Applications for vehicle work Waybills Fuel and lubricants consumption Work results for calculating the cost of customer services Work results for calculating driver salaries Data for maintenance planning

1C: Motor transport management Slide 11 from Interrelation of departments Service and repair service Repair sheets Daily order for vehicle production Mutual settlements with car services Work results for calculating drivers' salaries Issuing waybills Planning for the purchase of spare parts Planning and control of maintenance Control of vehicle documents

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 14 from UAT and the main ways to increase profitability The financial crisis is hitting the real sector of the economy hard, incl. and for motor transport enterprises It is necessary to make anti-crisis decisions Optimization of costs for fuels and lubricants and repairs; Optimization of tariffs for transport services; Optimization of driver salary costs; Optimization beneficial use cars; Increasing labor productivity by automating routine work;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 15 from Optimizing repair costs in UAT When repairing motor vehicles, it is necessary to estimate the costs for each car and prevent individual cars from turning into “black holes” that require constant capital investment. Report “Rating of cars by repair costs”: Allows you to analyze cars according to the following indicators: total amount repairs, incl. cost of installed labor and cost of work; Repair cost per 1 km. mileage;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 16 from Optimizing fuel and lubricant costs in UAT Expenses for fuel and lubricants are one of the main cost items for motor transport enterprises and one of the main income items for drivers. The capabilities of the 1C:Vehicle Management program allow you to: easily identify fuel burns on vehicles; conduct comparative analysis work of different drivers on the same car; automatically download data from processing centers and compare them with receipts provided by drivers to identify “wrong” receipts;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 19 from Profitability analysis and optimization of tariffs for services in UAT In times of crisis, motor transport enterprises have a reduced number of orders and, consequently, increased competition. Enterprises must be prepared to reduce their tariffs. The 1C: Motor Transport Management program allows you to analyze the profitability of services provided by counterparties and make informed decisions on changing tariffs;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 20 from Optimizing the useful use of vehicles For motor transport enterprises, especially during a crisis, idle expensive equipment is unacceptable. It is important to load the vehicles you use as much as possible in order to recoup depreciation and make a profit. The 1C:Vehicle Management program allows you to analyze equipment downtime and calculate key indicators: fleet utilization rate; empty run ratio;

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 21 from During a crisis, it is important to look for ways to optimize such an important budget item as wages. IN motor transport enterprises Drivers' salaries are often calculated based on salaries. With such a payment system, drivers do not understand what specific work they receive money for. The 1C:Vehicle Management program allows you to move away from the “salary” scheme for calculating wages and switch to calculating wages for actual work performed, which can be automatically calculated based on the data from waybills Optimizing the useful use of vehicles

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 22 from Optimizing the cost of drivers' salaries Accruing drivers' salaries based on salaries Drivers do not understand what specific work they receive money for Accruing drivers' salaries based on tariffs Drivers' salaries for actual work performed This is bad A that is good

1C:Vehicle management Slide 25 of Construction organizations Implementation costs: UAT setup: order accounting; setting tariffs for clients; setting up the calculation of drivers' salaries and recording their output; loading data from old IS; user training; What you need to be prepared for when implementing

1C:Vehicle Management Slide 27 from Working with demo versions of programs The 1C-Rarus company provides access to work with demo databases of software products: “1C:Vehicle Management”; “Vehicle management. Construction equipment and mechanisms"; “Vehicle management. Passenger transportation and taxi"; "1C-Rarus: Transport logistics and forwarding"; in terminal server mode. Send applications by email

1C:Vehicle management Slide 28 of Structural scheme systems Transportation accounting module Freight transportation and special transport Freight transportation and special transport Passenger transportation by bus Passenger transportation by bus Passenger transportation by taxi Passenger transportation by taxi Dispatch module Accounting for orders for motor transport Accounting for orders for motor transport Formation of tasks and orders Formation of tasks and orders Issuing waybills Issuing waybills Accounting for the issuance of fuels and lubricants Accounting for the issuance of fuels and lubricants Accounting for consumption Fuel and lubricants Accounting for fuel and lubricants consumption Fuel and lubricants accounting module Loading data from processing centers Loading data from processing centers Accounting for direct costs Accounting for direct costs Accounting for indirect costs Accounting for indirect costs Cost accounting module Control of documents of vehicles and drivers Control of documents of vehicles and drivers Maintenance planning PTO module Accounting for tires and batteries Accounting for tires and batteries Price lists and tariffs Price lists and tariffs Formation of invoices and acts for services Formation of invoices and acts for services Mutual settlements module Calculation of the cost of services Accounting for drivers' output Accounting for drivers' output Calculation of accrued salary Calculation of accrued salary Driver work accounting module Formation of time sheets Formation of timesheets Short-term planning of vehicle work Short-term planning of vehicle work Long-term planning of vehicle work Long-term planning of vehicle work Plan-fact analysis Planning module Warehouse accounting of spare parts Warehouse accounting of spare parts Warehouse accounting module Warehouse accounting of tires and batteries Warehouse accounting of tires and batteries Order accounting for repairs Accounting for repair orders Accounting for completed repairs Accounting for completed repairs Repair accounting module Working with electronic catalogs of spare parts Working with electronic catalogs of spare parts

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 29 from the List of tasks solved by the dispatch service: Registration of orders for motor transport: Accepting orders both from third-party customers and from divisions of the organization; Ability to track order execution; Placing group and long-term orders; When an order is accepted, the possibility of its execution is controlled; Formation of orders and selection of vehicles: Orders are generated both automatically based on orders and entered manually; When forming orders, the availability of vehicles is controlled; Based on the order, waybills are automatically issued; Ability to track order execution; Convenient graphical interface for order distribution; Issuing waybills: Batch issuing and automatic printing mode; Manual input mode p/l; Batch printing of waybills is possible on both double-sided and single-sided printers; "Dispatching" module Dispatch module Accounting for orders for motor transport Accounting for orders for motor transport Formation of tasks and orders Formation of tasks and orders Issuing waybills Issuing waybills

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 30 from the “Dispatcher” module The accuracy of the registration of P/L is achieved through the interaction and use of operational information from the following subsystems: Production and technical department (PTO). The dispatcher has an operational picture of the state of the vehicle fleet taking into account the plan Maintenance; Repair service. The dispatcher makes decisions taking into account the fact that part of the fleet is being repaired; Human Resources Department. The dispatcher makes decisions taking into account operational information about drivers; Scheduled maintenance is approaching There are overdue documents Dispatch module Accounting for orders for motor transport Accounting for orders for motor transport Formation of tasks and orders Formation of tasks and orders Issuing waybills Issuing waybills

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 31 from the “Dispatch” module Dispatching module Accounting for orders for motor transport Accounting for orders for motor transport Formation of tasks and orders Formation of tasks and orders Issuing waybills Issuing waybills

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 32 from the List of tasks solved in the “Transportation Accounting” module: Preparation of waybills of the following types: Passenger car (Form 3); Truck time-based (Form 4-P); Truck piecework (Form 4-C); Special vehicle (Form 3 special); Intercity car (Form 4-M); Buses (Form 6C); Individual entrepreneurs; Calculation of the output of vehicles and drivers using various customizable indicators; Calculation of standard and actual fuel consumption: Separate calculation of consumption for an unlimited number of mechanisms and equipment has been implemented; It is possible to take into account interchangeable types of fuel; Implemented adjustment of the accuracy of calculation of fuel consumption and remaining fuel in tanks; It is possible to calculate the actual flow rate from the standard one; Transportation accounting module Freight transportation and special transport Freight transportation and special transport Passenger transportation by buses Passenger transportation by buses Passenger transportation by taxi Passenger transportation by taxi

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 33 from the List of tasks solved in the module “Fuel and Lubricants Accounting” Accounting for the receipt and issue of fuel and lubricants: Refueling from the enterprise warehouse; Gas stations for cash; Gas stations using plastic cards; Gas stations using coupons; Setting fuel consumption standards for vehicles, mechanisms and equipment: All algorithms are implemented in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport; Consumption standards are calculated for the following indicators: Mileage (taking into account the weight of the additional trailer and equipment); For transport work; Special for work equipment; For heater operation; Idle with the engine on; To start the engine; The delivery includes processing for downloading a directory of vehicle models with fuel consumption standards (about 500 models); Module "Fuel and lubricants accounting" Accounting for the issuance of fuel and lubricants Accounting for the issue of fuel and lubricants Accounting for fuel consumption Accounting for fuel consumption Fuel and lubricant accounting module Loading data from processing centers Loading data from processing centers

1C: Motor transport management Slide 34 from the List of tasks solved in the module “Fuel and lubricants accounting” Accounting for seasonal norms and special conditions work; Setting up a table of dependence of changes in fuel consumption standards on temperature: Demanded in areas with frequently changing temperatures; The dispatcher just needs to indicate the air temperature when issuing the waybill and the program will automatically adjust the standard fuel consumption; Setting up interchangeable analogues of fuel and lubricants; Possibility of maintaining volumetric and mass accounting of fuel; Loading data from processing centers for fuel refills: To date, processing has been implemented for: LukoilInterCard; Sibneft; TNK Magistral; Autocard; Module "Fuel and lubricants accounting" Accounting for the issuance of fuel and lubricants Accounting for the issue of fuel and lubricants Accounting for fuel consumption Accounting for fuel consumption Fuel and lubricant accounting module Loading data from processing centers Loading data from processing centers

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 35 from the “Fuel and Lubricants Accounting” module You can see the breakdown of fuel consumption right in the waybill Accounting for the issue of fuel and lubricants Accounting for the issue of fuel and lubricants Accounting for fuel consumption Accounting for fuel consumption Accounting for fuel and lubricants Fuel accounting module Loading data from processing centers Loading data from processing centers

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 36 from the List of tasks solved in the “Accounting for Mutual Settlements” module Setting up price lists and tariffs for transport services: Tariffs can be configured for any generation parameters; Configuring the applicability of tariffs for certain vehicle models, vehicles, routes, construction projects; Wide range of options for customizing tariffs based on the volume of work performed; Taking into account restrictions for the minimum amount of work; Automatic filling of technical specifications based on waybills; Automatic calculation of the volume and cost of services provided; Formation of relevant accounting documents in standard 1C configurations; Module “Accounting for mutual settlements” Price lists and tariffs Price lists and tariffs Generation of invoices and acts for services Generation of invoices and acts for services Mutual settlements module Calculation of the cost of services

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 38 from the Module “Accounting for Drivers’ Work” List of tasks solved in the module “Accounting for Drivers’ Work” - accounting for working hours Accounting for drivers’ output; Recording of drivers' working hours: Recording of drivers' work according to calendars and schedules; Formation of time sheets; Accrual of drivers' salaries; Accounting for drivers' output Accounting for drivers' output Calculation of accrued salary Calculation of accrued salary Module for recording the work of drivers Generating a time sheet Generating a time sheet

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 39 from the List of tasks solved in the module “Accounting for Drivers’ Work” - salary calculation Use in various ways salary calculation: piece-rate, based on revenue, constant additional payments, fixed amount; Flexible options for setting salary tariffs: Tariffs can be configured for any generation parameters; Configuring the applicability of tariffs for certain vehicle models, vehicles, routes, construction projects; Different tariffs for different organizations; Tariffs can be combined into tariff plans. This is relevant for organizations with big amount drivers; Drivers can be assigned both tariffs and tariff plans; Module "Accounting for the work of drivers" Accounting for the output of drivers Accounting for the output of drivers Calculation of accrued salary Calculation of accrued salary Module for accounting for the work of drivers Generating a time sheet Formation of a time sheet

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 40 from the “Driver Work Accounting” module List of tasks solved in the “Driver Work Accounting” module - salary calculation Tariffs can be grouped for vehicle models, construction projects, routes Tariffs can be adjusted depending on the amount of work

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 41 from the List of tasks solved in the “Repair Accounting” module Provides accounting of repair work carried out, TO: Accounting for repairs in its own repair area; Accounting for repairs at third-party car services; The work carried out using reference information according to time standards; The ability to connect electronic catalogs of spare parts is being developed; Module “Accounting for repairs” Accounting for repair orders Accounting for repair orders Accounting for completed repairs Accounting for completed repairs Repair accounting module Working with electronic catalogs of spare parts Working with electronic catalogs of spare parts

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 42 from the List of tasks solved in the “PTO” module Control of documents for vehicles and drivers: Medical certificates, water records. certificates, visas, etc.; Insurance policies, permits and licenses, etc.; Accounting for vehicle mileage and equipment operating hours; Automatic control of scheduled maintenance: Unlimited number of types of maintenance; Possibility of setting up maintenance control according to any production parameter (mileage, time in operation, etc.); Possibility of setting up maintenance control according to the principle “Every km. but at least once a year"; Accounting for tires and batteries: Separate warehouse accounting for tires and batteries; Possibility of group posting (so as not to manually enter each tire into the directory); Accounting for mileage and wear, monitoring replacement timing; Road accident recording; "PTO" module Control of vehicle and driver documents Control of vehicle and driver documents Maintenance planning PTO module Accounting for tires and batteries Accounting for tires and batteries

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 45 from the “Cost Accounting” module List of tasks solved in the “Cost Accounting” module Flexible configuration of cost analytics; Ability to customize cost plans by items and accounts, vehicles, columns, contractors; Distribution of indirect costs according to various algorithms: Proportional to the book value of cars; Proportional to the volume of output (mileage, operating time, etc.) Accounting for direct costs Accounting for direct costs Accounting for indirect costs Accounting for indirect costs Cost accounting module

1C:Vehicle Management Slide 50 from Solution options Independent work; Work as part of standard configurations: Easy integration into standard configurations using the “Combining Configurations” mode and a minimum of manual actions; In “Motor transport management. Passenger transportation and taxis" does not use modified objects of standard configurations; Manager for generating documents of standard configurations: Generation is performed for any period; Control of previously generated documents is carried out - for one UAT document it is impossible to generate a standard configuration document twice; Enterprise accounting Enterprise accounting Trade management Trade management UPP

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 51 from Solution operation options Work as part of standard configurations: Manager for generating documents of standard configurations: Waybill Refueling fuels and lubricants OS generation Advance report Internal movement Mileage (or any production parameter) Nomenclature of fuels and lubricants Refueling for cash Refueling for from the BP warehouse, UT, UPP BP, UPP BP, UT, UPP Receipt of goods and services Nomenclature of fuels and lubricants Refueling using cards and from the supplier BP, UT, UPP

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 52 from Options for working with the solution Work as part of standard configurations: Manager for generating documents of standard configurations: Repair sheet TTD Implementation of services Nomenclature of services Receipt of services Repair in a car service Nomenclature of services Requirement-invoice Nomenclature of spare parts Repair in own repair shop. zone BP, UT, UPP UPP, BP, UT BP, UT, UPP Accrual of driver salaries Accrual of salary Amount of accrued salary BP UPP

1C: Motor Transport Management Slide 53 from Solution operation options Work as part of standard configurations: Manager for generating documents of standard configurations: You can generate standard documents only for new UAT documents Shipping documents can be processed only for the selected counterparty Either one is generated general document standard configuration, or separate documents

1C:Vehicle management Slide 54 of Price policy and delivery options Prices 1С platform Product name Additional license for 1 r.m. C: Motor transport management. Basic supply Additional license for 5 rubles. Additional license for 10 rubles. Additional license for 20 rubles. Additional license for 50 rubles. Additional license for 100 rubles

1C:Vehicle Management Slide 55 from Conclusion You can get additional information about the 1C:Vehicle Management program: On the websites of the 1C and 1C-Rarus companies: and At the email address. mail Or by phone: (495), The 1C-Rarus company provides access to work with demo databases of all transport solutions in terminal server mode. To gain access, you must send an application in any form to the email address

", designed to automate transport management, both in motor transport enterprises and in transport departments of any companies.

"1C: Motor Transport Management" provides comprehensive support for business processes in transport organizations and departments, allows you to obtain and use the information necessary for adoption management decisions and ensuring accounting of the organization's activities. Thanks to the architecture of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, business processes software product perfectly adapt to the needs of a specific enterprise. An important advantage of the solution is the ability to easily integrate it with 1C software products on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

The main delivery of "1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management" includes the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform, the "1C:Vehicle Management" configuration, a complete set of documentation, a license to use the configuration (hardware protection key) and a license to use the "1C:Enterprise" system 8" (hardware protection key) per one workplace. Also, the basic package includes a six-month subscription to an information technology support (ITS) disk.

Main functionality:

  • Issuance and processing of the following travel documents:
    • Passenger car (Form No. 3);
    • Truck (time-based No. 4-P, piece-work No. 4-S);
    • Special vehicle (Form No. 3 special);
  • Intercity car (Form No. 4-M);
    • Bus (Form No. 6-C);
    • Individual entrepreneur (Forms No. PL-1, PA-1, PG-1);
  • Calculation of standard and actual fuel consumption. All algorithms for calculating standard fuel consumption are implemented in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport. The solution allows you to keep track of fuel consumption for vehicles with an unlimited number of equipment and trailers.
  • Calculation of output in waybills according to various parameters. The main parameters (mileage, cargo weight, cargo turnover, time on duty, idle time, etc.) are predefined in the system. Using directories, you can configure any arbitrary production parameters and further analyze this information;
  • Simultaneous accounting of fuel purchased in various ways:
    • purchased for cash;
    • received from coupons;
    • purchased using non-cash payment cards;
    • issued from the enterprise warehouse;
    • obtained from a third party supplier;
  • Settings for the table of dependence of fuel consumption standards on temperature. Significantly facilitate the work when calculating waybills in regions with frequently changing seasonal temperatures;
  • Possibility of using a pre-filled directory of vehicle models (more than 500 models) with established fuel consumption standards;
  • Loading data from processing centers for detailing fuel and lubricant refills;
  • Accounting for vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • Accounting for license plate tires and batteries;
  • Analysis of costs and profitability of vehicles.

1C:Enterprise 8. Motor Transport Management Standard

The 1C-Rarus company together with the 1C company announced in June 2011 the release of a new industry solution “1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Standard”. The software product is developed on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 technology platform and is intended for automation management accounting in the car transport companies and divisions.

The 1C-Rarus company and the 1C company have released a new industry solution for automating management accounting in motor transport companies and departments. The software product “1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Standard” is developed on the basis of “1C:Enterprise 8.2”, has a “1C:Compatible” certificate and has all the advantages of the new technology platform, including scalability and high performance.

The capabilities of the software product include, but are not limited to the following functions:

  • Placement of orders for vehicles, formation of daily orders and route sheets;
  • Issuing and processing waybills for trucks and cars, special equipment;
  • Setting fuel consumption rates, accounting for receipt and issue of fuel and lubricants;
  • Accounting for repairs and scheduled maintenance of vehicles;
  • Maintaining price lists and tariffs for transport services, calculating their costs, generating invoices and acts;
  • Calculation of drivers' wages, generation of time sheets.

Cost of purchasing an industry solution:

  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Motor transport management Standard. 22,500 rubles.
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 1 workplace 8,500
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 5 workstations 37,500
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 10 workstations 73,500
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 20 workstations 138,975
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 50 workstations 327,000
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 100 workstations 572,250

With the release of a new industry solution, the software product “1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management” is removed from further sales after completion warehouse stock. Technical support for this configuration is valid until 01/01/2012.

It is possible to upgrade from the “1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management” program to the “1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Standard” configuration.

2013: 1C:Motor transport management Standard, ed. 2.0

On December 13, 2013, the 1C-Rarus company announced the release of the second edition of the joint solution of the 1C company and the company - 1C:Vehicle Management Standard».

The updated program helps users work in thin and web client mode, transfer the main “computing” load to the server and use their own resources economically.

The solution includes new capabilities for managing the interface of the entire system and individual forms; they allow you to exchange data with the 1C: Enterprise Accounting program, ed. 3.0" Eight main subsystems automate the work of the control room, technical maintenance department, accounting for fuel, repairs, costs, maintaining mutual settlements, accounting for the work of drivers and the warehouse.

Accepting orders for vehicles, issuing orders for the release of vehicles and creating route sheets, generating and processing waybills are the main opportunities for the work of dispatchers. The technical maintenance subsystem allows you to maintain a directory of vehicles, record the production of vehicles and equipment, control the timing of replacement of tires and batteries, plan maintenance, keep records of road accidents, control the validity of OSAGO policies, medical certificates, driver’s licenses and other documents. The program will help you set up fuel consumption rates, keep records of receipts, issues and consumption of fuels and lubricants.

“1C: Motor Transport Management Standard, ed. 2.0" supports recording of repair orders and service maintenance Vehicles, repairs and scheduled maintenance performed, replacement of tires and batteries, additional equipment.

Ensures efficient warehouse operation:

  • accounting for receipts of goods and materials,
  • movements between warehouses,
  • write-offs,
  • carrying out inventory,
  • working with price lists and tariffs,
  • cost calculation transport services,
  • creation of invoices, acts and registers for services provided,
  • capabilities of the system in the field of mutual settlements.

The system allows you to control production and work time drivers, calculate wages based on waybills.

Edition 2.0 helps you keep track of direct costs, distribute indirect costs between vehicles, receive cost reports by vehicle, cost item, customer and department, and also analyze the profitability of each vehicle.

1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Prof" provides the following capabilities:

  • Order management subsystem:
    • placing orders for vehicles;
    • formation of daily orders and route sheets;
  • Subsystem for issuing and processing waybills for trucks and cars, special and construction equipment;
  • Satellite monitoring subsystem:
    • built-in satellite monitoring capabilities;
    • interaction with external satellite monitoring systems;
  • Fuel and lubricants accounting subsystem:
    • setting fuel consumption rates;
    • accounting for receipt and issue of fuel and lubricants;
    • accounting of oils and process fluids;
  • Subsystem for recording repairs and scheduled maintenance of vehicles;
  • PTO subsystem:
    • registration of vehicle cards;
    • accounting of installed tires, batteries, first aid kits and any equipment;
    • control over the expiration of documents issued for drivers and vehicles (medical certificates, compulsory motor liability insurance policies, maintenance coupons, etc.);
  • Settlement subsystem:
    • maintaining price lists and tariffs for transport services;
    • calculation of the cost of services;
    • formation of accounts and acts;
  • Driver work accounting subsystem:
    • payroll;
    • generation of working time sheets;
  • Subsystem for accounting of direct and indirect costs;
  • Fleet planning subsystem;
  • Budgeting and traffic accounting subsystem Money.

The vehicle monitoring and fuel consumption control system is integrated into 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management

The solution “1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Prof” can work with data coming from the vehicle monitoring and fuel consumption control system FAS and FMS.

“1C:Enterprise 8. Motor Transport Management Prof” is designed to automate management and operational accounting in motor transport enterprises and allows you to automate the processes of planning, budgeting and cash flow.

Satellite monitoring data on vehicle movement and fuel consumption, provided by FAS and FMS systems produced by Omnicomm, allows not only to monitor the location, speed and actual mileage of vehicles, but also to compare actual fuel consumption with gas station data and, thus, identify drivers committing fuel thefts, as well as those engaged in registration.

The product “1C:Enterprise 8. Motor Transport Management Prof” was developed taking into account the experience of automation of such enterprises as OJSC Rostelecom, State Unitary Enterprise Mosgaz, LLC Dixie Trans, Zyryansky coal mine", "KBkhimmash named after. A.M. Isaev" - a branch of the FSUE "GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev" and other companies with a large fleet of vehicles.

According to the deputy general director Omnicomm company Stanislav Emelyanov, the integration of FAS and FMS systems into “1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management Prof” is the beginning of the full integration of vehicle control systems into the enterprise’s management accounting system. “At the first stage of development of monitoring systems, the dispatcher manually controlled where exactly his car was located, at the second, the head of the transport department received a report comparing real fuel consumption with the data provided by the driver, now the third stage is coming - when, according to the monitoring system in 1C, rationing the costs of motor transport, monitoring their compliance and even managing the motivation of drivers based on real work results,” he said.

Price for 1C - Motor Transport Management Standard

  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Standard RUR 25,800 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 1 rub.m. RUB 8,500 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 5 rubles. RUB 37,500 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 10 rubles. RUR 73,500 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 20 rubles. RUB 138,975 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 50 rubles. RUB 327,000 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 100 rubles. RUB 572,250 Buy

Price for 1C: - Vehicle Management PROF

  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management. PROF RUB 45,900 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 1 workstation RUB 11,200 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 5 workstations RUB 49,400 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 10 workstations RUR 95,800 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 20 workstations RUR 183,400 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 50 workstations RUB 431,400 Buy
  • 1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 100 workstations RUR 755,400 Buy

The solution is designed to automate the management of business processes both in motor transport companies and in transport departments of companies in various fields of activity.

Software product "1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management" provides comprehensive support for business processes in various transport companies and departments, provides all the necessary information for making administrative decisions and accounting for the activities of the enterprise. Through platform-based architecture "1C: Enterprise 8", the business processes of this software application are easily adapted to the specific needs of the enterprise. An important advantage of the 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management solution is its simple and fast integration process with other 1C software products based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

Description of 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management

The basic package of the software product contains the configuration "1C:Vehicle Management", platform "1C:Enterprise 8", a set of documentation, a license to use the configuration (hardware protection key) and a license to use the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform (hardware protection key) for one workstation. In addition, the basic package includes a half-year subscription to an information technology support (ITS) disk.

If it is necessary to use the product on several workstations, users have the opportunity to purchase the required number of additional multi-user licenses for the platform and configuration, as well as a license for working with the server "1C:Enterprise 8".

Configuration functionality for 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle Management

Accounting for orders for vehicles, a clear interface with a graphical display of the distribution of orders by vehicle, monitoring the status of task execution;

Issuance and processing of the following types of waybills

  • Time-based truck (Form No. 4-P);
  • Passenger car (Form No. 3);
  • Special vehicle (Form No. 3 special);
  • Truck piecework (Form No. 4-C).

Determination of actual and standard fuel consumption. Methods for calculating standard fuel consumption comply with Order No. Р3112194-0366-03 of the Ministry of Transport (Validity until 01/01/2008).

1C:Vehicle Management records fuel consumption for vehicles with any number of equipment and trailers.

Calculation of output according to various parameters (in waybills) predefined in the system: mileage, cargo turnover, cargo weight, time on duty, idle time, etc. predefined in the system. Using the directory, you can set arbitrary production parameters and further analyze this information;

Simultaneous accounting of fuel purchased in the following ways:

  • purchased for cash;
  • purchased using non-cash cards;
  • received from coupons;
  • purchased from a third party supplier;
  • received from the enterprise warehouse.

Customizable standard tables for fuel consumption depending on temperature significantly simplify the task of calculating waybills in regions with seasonal temperature fluctuations;

A pre-filled directory of vehicle models (more than 500 models), containing fuel consumption rates;

System 1C:Vehicle Management allows you to take into account the technical and repair maintenance of vehicles;

Installation of data on the details of fuel and lubricant refills received from processing centers;


1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Standard rub 25800
1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 1 rub.m. rub 8500
1C:Vehicle Management Standard. Client license for 5 rubles. rub 37500
1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof rub 59700
1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 1 rub.m. rub 11200
1C:Vehicle management Prof. Client license for 5 rubles. rub 49400

The joint solution "1C: Motor Transport Management Prof" is designed to automate management and operational accounting in motor transport enterprises and organizations, as well as in motor transport departments of trade, manufacturing and other enterprises that use motor vehicles for their own needs. The solution is an independent product developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, which does not require the purchase of additional products on the 8 platform.

The program "1C: Motor Transport Management Prof" consists of eight main subsystems (Figure 1):

  • Order management and dispatch subsystem;
  • VET subsystem;
  • Subsystem for accounting for fuels and lubricants;
  • Repair accounting subsystem;
  • Warehouse accounting subsystem;
  • Subsystem of mutual settlements;
  • Driver work accounting subsystem;
  • Cost accounting subsystem.
  • Planning subsystem;
  • Budgeting subsystem;
  • DDS subsystem;
  • Monitoring subsystem.


The order management and dispatch subsystem is designed for accepting orders for vehicles, issuing orders for the release of vehicles and generating route sheets, generating and processing waybills.

Orders for vehicles can be accepted both from third-party contractors and from internal divisions companies. The order specifies the transportation route, cargo parameters, and vehicle requirements. The program provides tracking of partially completed orders. When accepting an order, the counterparty's debt is monitored.

The issuance of orders for the production of vehicles takes into account the various operating modes of the vehicle and the work schedules of drivers. In this case, the program automatically checks whether the car is suitable for the flight according to the following indicators:

  • the car is not in current repairs;
  • the vehicle has no upcoming scheduled maintenance;
  • The car does not have expired documents (MTPL policy, any certificates, etc.).

The program allows you to write out and process waybills of the following types:

  • Time-based truck (Form No. 4-P);
  • Truck piecework (Form No. 4-C);
  • Special vehicle (Form No. 3 special);
  • Intercity car (Form No. 4-M);
  • Construction machine(ESM1, ESM2, ESM3, ESM7);
  • Non-public bus (form No. 6 special);
  • Passenger car (Form No. 3);
  • Waybills for individual entrepreneurs.

The issuance of travel vouchers can be performed in two ways: manual entry of each voucher and automatic batch issuance. Batch checkout mode is especially convenient large enterprises, since it allows you to generate and print waybills within a short period of time with minimal participation from the dispatcher. When a new trip ticket is generated, the remaining fuel in the tanks and vehicle speedometer readings are automatically transferred from the previous trip. After final processing of the waybill, the program calculates such production parameters as time on duty, at work, idle time, mileage with and without cargo, weight of transported cargo, cargo turnover, number of trips and operations, etc. The required generation parameters are configured by users through a special directory. Also, for drivers, the waybills provide for salary accrual based on work results.

Based on the itinerary data, the program allows you to generate a variety of analytical reports:

  • Vehicle production report;
  • Mileage report;
  • Equipment operating time report;
  • Downtime report;
  • Journal of waybills (form TMF-8);
  • Vehicle operation card;
  • Statement of technical and operational indicators;
  • Vehicle condition diagram.

The functionality of the program allows users to monitor the condition of cars, for example:

  • The car is scheduled for a trip (the order has been issued);
  • The car is in transit;
  • The car is being repaired;
  • The car is preserved, etc.

Registration of documents such as vehicle release orders, waybills, and repair sheets automatically changes the condition of the vehicle. In addition, the user, using a special document “Vehicle Disposition”, can specify any state and location of the vehicle.


In this subsystem, the problem of transport monitoring is solved in several ways:

  • Using the built-in system "1C: Satellite Monitoring Center", developed by ITOB (http://www.itob.ru/).
  • Downloading data from the Dynafllet satellite monitoring system (http://www.volvotrucks.com/trucks/russia-market/ru-ru/services/Transport%20information%20system%20Dynafleet/Pages/dynafleet_online_main.aspx).
  • Downloading data from the Omnicomm satellite monitoring system (http://www.omnicomm.ru/).
  • Loading data from intermediate files of any open format using custom processing.


The main purpose of the technical maintenance subsystem is maintaining a directory of vehicles, accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment, monitoring the timing of replacement of tires and batteries, planning maintenance, recording road accidents, monitoring the expiration of documents such as compulsory motor liability insurance policies, medical certificates, driver’s licenses, etc.

The directories “Vehicles”, “Vehicle Models”, “Vehicle Equipment” keep records of all the necessary information:

  • Garage and state number;
  • Engine number, chassis, body, VIN, color;
  • Overall and usable dimensions;
  • Own weight and load capacity;
  • Number of axles and wheels;
  • Engine type and power;
  • Type of fuel and fuel consumption rates;
  • Norms for undergoing scheduled maintenance;
  • Issued documents (MTPL policies, certificates, etc.);
  • Installed tires, batteries, first aid kits, walkie-talkies and any other equipment;
  • Assigned crew.

In "1C: Motor Transport Management Prof" it became possible to use the business process mechanism when registering the commissioning, movement between departments and organizations and disposal of vehicles.

Accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment is carried out on the basis of waybills. When processing waybills, the program calculates the specified output parameters (total mileage, cargo turnover, operating time in engine hours, etc.) and uses them in the future to generate various analytical reports and monitor the completion of scheduled maintenance.

Fuel and lubricants accounting subsystem

The subsystem is designed to set fuel consumption rates, record receipt, issue and consumption of fuels and lubricants.

The receipt and issue of fuel and lubricants is documented in the documents “Receipt of goods” and “Refilling of fuel and lubricants”; fuel consumption is calculated in waybills. In case of returning fuel from a vehicle to a warehouse, special documents are provided for draining fuel and lubricants.

The program provides the ability to design the following types of refills:

  • From warehouse;
  • For cash;
  • By plastic card;
  • By coupons;
  • From the supplier.

For cases of refueling using plastic cards, the program implements additional accounting capabilities - loading data from reports with refueling details and automatic comparison with data entered based on driver receipts. The program delivery includes processing for downloading data on gas stations of the following processing centers:

  • Lukoil-Intercard;
  • Autocard;
  • Sibneft;
  • TNK-Magistral;
  • Gazpromneft.

For other processing centers that are not included in this list, but provide fuel detail reports in in electronic format open format (DBF, Excel, txt, etc.), with minor modifications, you can also implement automatic loading of this data into the program and its further verification with driver reports.

Fuel consumption is calculated in the waybill when it is processed. Standard consumption is calculated according to consumption standards, which are configured in the "Vehicle Models" directory. All calculation algorithms are implemented in strict accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport and allow you to calculate the following types of fuel consumption:

  • linear mileage consumption;
  • expenses for transport work and changes in own weight;
  • heater operating costs;
  • special work expenses equipment;
  • expense of additional operations;
  • engine starting consumption;
  • mileage consumption when performing special work;
  • consumption when idle with the engine running.

In addition, the program takes into account seasonal allowances for fuel consumption, as well as allowances for work in difficult conditions.

The resulting data on the movement of fuel and lubricants are presented in the following reports:

  • Fuel and lubricants movement list;
  • Statement of receipt and consumption of fuels and lubricants;
  • Fuel and lubricant refills;
  • Comparison sheet for fuel consumption by drivers;
  • Statement of issuing coupons for fuel and lubricants;
  • Comparison sheet for gas stations using plastic cards.


The subsystem is designed to record orders for repairs and servicing of vehicles, record repairs performed and scheduled maintenance, replace tires and batteries, and additional equipment. The program allows you to keep records of repairs performed both in your own repair area and in third-party car services.


The subsystem is designed to carry out warehouse operations: receipt of goods and materials at the warehouse, internal movement between warehouses, write-offs, and inventory taking. Write-off of materials can be performed in one of the following ways: FIFO, LIFO and average.

The program also provides opportunities for group posting of tires and batteries, which can significantly reduce the time when entering documents.


The mutual settlements management subsystem implements the functions of accounting for price lists and tariffs, calculating the cost of transport services, generating invoices, acts and registers for services rendered.

The tariff directory has a complex hierarchical structure that allows you to configure various areas of validity of price lists: for counterparties and counterparties’ agreements, for routes, for vehicle models. Tariffs can be set for any production parameter; the program allows you to configure the dependence of the tariff value on the volume of work performed, and set fixed tariffs.


The planning subsystem implements the ability to create vehicle operation plans and further plan-fact analysis.

Work plans can be set at intervals from one day to a year and configured in the following sections:

  • Cars;
  • Car models;
  • Types of cars;
  • Nomenclature;
  • Nomenclature groups.

Actual data is generated on the basis of processed waybills. Based on the entered plans and closed waybills, you can generate a plan-factual analysis report.


The budgeting subsystem is designed to perform the following functions:

  • cash planning and financial condition enterprises for any period in terms of turnover by budget items and balances according to the chart of accounts using the necessary analytical sections, incl. by models and types of cars;
  • drawing up a company master budget (income and expense budget, cash flow budget, forecast balance) and other working budgets;
  • monitoring the compliance of planned and actual data with the established ones target indicators;
  • compliance control current plans expenditure of funds to the work plan for the period and analysis of the implementation of budget requests;
  • compilation of summary reporting on monitoring results;
  • multidimensional analysis of deviations of planned and actual data.


This subsystem implements two main tasks: recording the output and working hours of drivers and calculating wages based on waybills.

Calculation of drivers' working time is carried out when processing waybills and repair sheets. In addition, it is possible to use special documents to introduce various deviations in the use of working time by drivers. Based on this data, a time sheet is automatically generated - unified form T13.

Calculation of accruals for wages Drivers in the program are managed in various ways:

  • At piece rate based on output;
  • Percentage of revenue;
  • Percentage of other charges;
  • Fixed amount;
  • Supplement for night hours.

A flexible filter system allows you to configure the effect of tariffs only for certain routes, contractors, vehicle models (for example, if a driver works on one route, the salary will be calculated according to one tariff, and if he switches to another route, the tariff will automatically change). The program provides the ability to combine tariffs into tariff plans, which will be relevant for organizations with a large number of drivers.


The cost accounting subsystem allows you to keep track of direct costs, distribute indirect costs between cars, receive cost reports by car, cost items, customers and departments, as well as analyze the profitability of each car. The ability to configure different cost plans allows you to take into account in different ways the costs when cars provide services to third-party clients and the costs when using cars for official, intra-business purposes.

Direct costs are determined on the basis of travel and repair sheets: the cost of fuels and lubricants, the cost of repairs and maintenance, wear and tear of cars and tires. In addition, any other costs for cars can be taken into account as a separate document.

Indirect costs are distributed between cars according to one of the following algorithms:

  • Proportional to the book value of the car;
  • Proportional to the car’s output (for example, mileage);
  • Equally between all cars.

Comparison functionality programs “1C:Vehicle Management 8 Standard” and “1C:Vehicle Management 8 PROF”




Order management and dispatch subsystem.

  • Upon acceptance of an application for vehicle debt control over the counterparty is carried out;
  • Added waybills for construction equipment: truck crane, ESM-, ESM-2, ESM-3, ESM-7.

Added workstation for operational planning of vehicles;

Subsystem for accounting for fuels and lubricants.

Repair and service maintenance accounting subsystem.

The ability to plan the workload of repair shops has been added to the Prof version

VET subsystem

New features have been added to the Prof version:

  • Commissioning, movement between departments and organizations, disposal can be formalized in the form of business processes with subsequent approval;
  • New reports added;

Subsystem of mutual settlements.

Driver work accounting subsystem.

Cost accounting subsystem.

Vehicle satellite monitoring subsystem.

Planning subsystem.

Budgeting subsystem.

DS motion subsystem.

Merging into one information base from 1C:BP ed. 2.0.

Integration into a single information base with 1C:UPP rev 1.3.