A hot idea during a crisis: a thrift store. How to open a buying store Psychological calculation is the basis of commission trading

Often at the entrances of houses, transport stops and just on the fence you can see notices that various equipment is being purchased. It's about mainly about broken things or those that are morally obsolete. The population thus has the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary garbage. For a businessman, buying up old televisions that have fallen into disrepair is a good opportunity to make money.

Where to start a business buying old equipment?

You can deal with TVs bought with little money in different ways. Most often they are dismantled for spare parts. The resulting parts are sold to various production facilities where they are accepted. New technologies today make it possible to reuse spare parts. This makes it possible for an entrepreneur to receive a stable income. Often buying household appliances has the format home business. Investments in it are minimal, and practically no knowledge is required. To develop your business you will need mobile connection, Internet and your own residential or non-residential space. To this you need to add ingenuity, imagination and a great desire to receive satisfaction from your work.

Most ordinary people do not even realize that they have unique and rare things stored in their apartment. These are old televisions, radios, walkie-talkies. Any old equipment is valuable today. If you don’t have such items in your house, then your relatives probably have them. Grandfathers and grandmothers are often happy to get rid of those things that take up space in the house and have not been useful for a long time. How many of them are still in the houses of our friends and relatives!

Now the question arises: we organized the reception of old Soviet televisions, but what is their value? The fact is that the manufacturing technology of many parts of old equipment involved the addition of precious metals and copper. Silver, gold and even platinum were added to the boards. A completely fair question arises: how many of these metals were there before, if they are even in technology? Previously, the device simply could not work without them. These precious metals are the goal of our business. It is “gold” that makes accepting old products profitable and cost-effective.

In addition to precious materials, old TVs contain a lot of non-ferrous metals. These are pieces of copper and aluminum. They can be separated from parts mechanically. Gold and silver, for example, are extracted only through chemical reactions. You can judge how much aluminum or copper is in a TV based on the specific model. As for copper, it was used as winding in transformers. Typically, 500-800 grams of copper can be extracted from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg. 1 kg of it costs 145 rubles on the market, and aluminum is valued at 50 rubles.

Taking Soviet technology and extracting valuable materials and copper from its parts forms the basis of our home business. Even if the entrepreneur does not have the knowledge to isolate metals, the boards can be sold to people who know a lot about radio engineering. Even under such conditions, the purchase will be profitable.

Below are the minimum prices for some TV radio components. Here's how much it might cost:

How much money do you need to start?

Buying old receivers and televisions is a business. It requires a commercial approach and some organization. In addition to information on poles, you can advertise that old equipment is being purchased in newspapers and on the Internet. Advertising and reception costs may be minimal. You will need some funds for gasoline and a car. It must be roomy. In order to save money, it is better to plan your route in such a way as to accept equipment from several addresses at once. You can allocate space for equipment in your own apartment. It's better if it is a private house. Then the reception can even be organized on your own premises. It is necessary to calculate the costs of selling copper and precious metals.

How much can you earn by buying TVs?

Buying old radio devices will be profitable when the entrepreneur learns to accurately set prices for them. How much you can earn depends not only on the state of the equipment, but also on your bargaining ability. There are no prices or market prices for TV reception as such. Their cost is always determined approximately. The owner's benefit is the last thing that is taken into account when a purchase takes place. A businessman must be sure that he will make money on the item he purchases, on the sale of copper and metals from it. The cost of an old TV can be several dollars or even several hundred conventional units. Japanese TVs produced several decades ago are highly valued. This technique has been and remains the most reliable.

Having learned from the news about the price of the impressionist work of Claude Manet, the abstract expressionism of Marc Ernst or the Ukrainian-French artist Zinaida Serebryakova, one can’t help but envy this old painting at Sotheby’s and paid huge sums of money.

People who say that there is a lot of money from Japan for a piece of clay figurine are surprised.

At flea markets, antiques and hospitals were often bought at ridiculous prices. You can purchase antiques on Skupkamonet.com.ua, through advertisements, from friends.

Opening an antique store

All this reminds us of the beginning of the ancient business. After all, the operating principle of such a company is clear: buy at a low price and sell at high price. And if you are lucky, you may find something worthy of your relatives and good friends.

Select an antique store

First, you need to find a site that is best suited for a store to sell antiques.

Ancient people often visit museums, exhibitions, historical places of cities, and trade should be close to such institutions. Retail premises need to be repaired. The design of the store must correspond to the product sold and have a touch of antiquity. You may need to seek design services

Formalities and personnel

In addition, it is necessary to acquire the status of an entrepreneur, authorize the SES, fire inspector, license, and conclude an insurance contract.

It is mandatory for all sellers to require additional experts when selling antiques, such as an advisor, an appraiser.

Only these experts will be able to competently evaluate an ancient item, prepare qualified inventory and suggest who can offer this item.

Purchase of goods, shades

Now the most important point is the purchase of goods.

You must have money to buy antiques. Good way— buy antiques on the website, from the owner, art dealer. They believe that paintings, sculptures, then books and old coins are in greatest demand among antique lovers. Below are rare brands, jewelry, antique furniture.

Knowledge required

They do not know the characteristics of antiques and deal with them, there is a high probability that the purchase may be a fake.

To avoid such a situation, it is advisable to acquire at least basic knowledge in this area before starting an antique business.

You can study in one of the following specialties:

  • buyer;
  • appraiser;
  • antiquevarij.

A good way to work is to work in one of the antique shops, which has gained hands-on experience in the ins and outs of buying and selling antiques.

The antique business is an interesting and profitable activity, but first you need to have initial capital and be well versed in history and art.

How to open an antique store

One of the most reliable investments is buying antiques, these are antiques that provide a profit of up to 50% per annum. Therefore, the opening of the antiques trade has always been considered profitable business between entrepreneurs.

To have an idea of ​​the values, it is necessary to study a segment of the entire global market.

Thus, it is most valued by all objects of painting and sculpture, followed by used books and numismatics, then it is worth moving home decoration and furniture, decorations after them and performing a number of antique cars.

Concerning financial side, it is impossible to provide exact numbers, but one thing is certain: foreign exchange trading is worth millions or even billions of dollars.

To open an antique store, you need to have adequate knowledge and experience in antiques, as the level of counterfeiting in the market is very high and amounts to about half.

It is best to find a specialist in this field to determine the appropriate level of payment (it is better not to save), since his activities will depend on the reputation of your store and its continued existence. An expert will help determine the authenticity and value of an ancient object.

As a rule, working with antiques is quite difficult.

It is important to know not only the information presented in the catalog, but also the history of each item in your store that is not listed in the book.


Antiques come to you on the counter directly from the owners themselves, in rare cases from artist dealers.

As for the margin on products, it can often be increased by 3 times. However, if this concerns regular customers, items may be sold without such additional charge. Otherwise, you may lose a regular customer.

Additionally, the specialty of antique stores means accepting antiques for sale, with a commission of 20-30%.

Experts and expert consulting services can be offered to increase cash flow.

However, this type of activity will not bring high profits.

In terms of retaliation for the initial investment, the refund period can last up to 2 years, which is associated with quite a few antique sales. However, the value of antiques increases every year, which can eventually bring in a good income.

For example, the value of used books increases by at least 30% per year, cars by 15%, and coins by 20% per year.

Jewelry costs increase by only a few percent each year; are the worst investments.

Room and equipment

When choosing a room for your antique store, remember that compactness is the key here. It is best to rent a room on the first floor of the house. Do not forget to make appropriate repairs that create an atmosphere of antiquity.

Ultimately, you will need to expand because you will need a repair shop and a separate equipped laboratory to carry out the inspections.

As for equipment, the purchase cost will be minimal. So, you need to buy regular display cases and a closed counter.

Registration of activities

Opening antique shops is subject to licensing and insurance from the relevant institutions, while the costs of this type of activity are very important.

Do not forget to include in the calculation and payment of employees, among whom an accountant is also needed. You will also need sales consultants, but it is important to choose a qualified appraiser and conservator.

Thus, the responsibility of the appraiser is to determine the authenticity of the goods, determine its value and indicate counterfeits.

In the tasks of a restorer, he prepares goods for sale by delivering them to the appropriate type for sale.

As for searching for goods, in this case you must carry out this activity yourself or trust the buyer. This activity is one of the most difficult because it requires a lot of time and effort, it requires attention.

You need to maintain an accounting system for which you will need computer equipment and software.

It is also important to systematically take inventory of antiques.

Concerning advertising campaign, it should be implemented in a universal framework, avoiding unnecessary costs. To explain this, it is quite simple: the specificity of the activity involves the advice of experts or acquaintances on whom they rely heavily. Therefore, standard advertising plays the least role here.

There are also no unnecessary visits to various auctions, where the likelihood of meeting clients is quite high.

You can also prompt customers when you visit an Antique Store to fill out specific forms where you can leave contact information, area of ​​interest, etc.

This will let customers know about new income, which will also increase sales.

Antique online store

If you create your own site, you will remove some of your assets, but they will soon return to you. With the correct design, high quality photos For every ancient object that is present in your antique store, you are guaranteed a flow of customers from different cities.

Thus, counting all costs, the amount initial capital averages 23-25 ​​thousand.

$. In the presence of trained, experienced experts, competent business management, in the first year of his work he will pay for the antique trade.

Edited by editors: Business GiD
© www.bisgid.ru

If you remember Soviet era, it is likely that this antiquity could be freely purchased at a flea market. Actually, that’s how it was. Nowadays, there are many resources and opportunities for purchasing real antiques, so flea markets cannot be trusted. The fact is that if you follow certain rules, each antique item should require a certificate and a professional appraisal.

Otherwise, it will simply be considered for counterfeit. Nobody has such documentation at a flea market.

Therefore, several other sources can be chosen for purchasing antiques.

For example, you can now buy antiques online at ria.com.

Buying from these sources is not only beneficial because it can negotiate the price, but it is also convenient because you can get a picture of it to evaluate the condition of the building.

In addition, many providers offer copies of documents directly on the website.

The auction also has the option of finding valuable antiques. You must have a certain spirit.

The fact is that many different things are sold, the costs of which are also not considered fixed. In particular, you need to determine what things you need to invest in your assets. And what not. This is determined by analyzing whether the item can be sold in the future for a higher price than it was originally quoted. It should also be noted that the value of antiques is rising.

The more promising an item is, the more its price will rise.

The question arises: how to find the value of antiques purchased at auction? Firstly, this profession needs to be studied. This can be done using various courses, which exist in almost all cities. But you can prepare. You must first go to the auction for a long time. In the future there will be some understanding of what is selling and what they are willing to pay.

There is another effective option.

You can ask the appraiser for an opinion. It is a fact. Before each auction there will be an exhibition of the items that will be offered for sale. You can go with a consultant to such an exhibition, so he gave an assessment. Then there will be a clear idea about it. What things are worth buying, and also at what price you can sell them.

Open the ad in a new window: hold down on the keyboard + click on the ad title.

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I will buy expensive antique books from Germany.

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1 2 3 4 5

Notice board - All cities and regions of Russia / Buy / Sell / Antiques, antiques, collectibles - advertisements 227.

The development of scientific and technological progress and economic development on a global scale and in a single country mainly depends on the use of automatic, electrical devices and devices used in various industries of any industry.

The presence of a variety of tools and equipment allows you to significantly save physical strength, speeds up the process of manufacturing goods, which ultimately reduces the cost of production, increasing the economic potential of enterprises, organizations, individuals and the state as a whole.

The unfavorable financial situation associated with the global crisis negatively affects the modernization and repair of equipment for industrial production and artisans. Often people and individual enterprises need, but do not have the means and opportunity to purchase machines and tools to carry out successful activities.

One of the options for organizing a business in this area is to buy unnecessary or unused goods from the population with further sale to interested organizations and individuals.

A detailed description can be made using the example of one person who has been successfully engaged in similar activities for many years.

Once he decided to start a similar business, he began visiting city flea markets, cheaply purchasing electrical machines, devices and other tools from the population. Having collected a certain amount, I agreed with the owner of one of the hardware stores to sell similar goods through his outlet. This scheme turned out to be simple, but began to bring good profits.

Later, while continuing to engage in purchasing, I began to visit enterprises and organizations to identify their needs. In conversations with managers and suppliers, I learned about the need for the necessary equipment and tools, which had become unusable due to wear and tear as a result of work.

Having collected the necessary information, he visited nearby cities, where he advertised in local newspapers for the purchase of the necessary machines and devices. This method also turned out to be successful, and it was possible to buy a lot of equipment and sell it profitably to those in need.

Currently, he continues to buy and sell various machines and tools. For sale in a hardware store, he purchases mainly electric tools: drills, saws, sanding wheels, construction guns, spray guns, metal cutters, jackhammers, concrete mixers. For enterprises, it organizes the supply of lathes and milling machines, welding machines, two and three-phase electric motors of various powers, industrial fans and many individual parts and spare parts for certain machines and devices.

The business of buying and selling equipment and tools does not take a lot of physical strength or mental stress and can bring high profits for a short time.

Opening your own business is the dream of many people who are tired of working for someone else. To be your own boss, not to depend on your superiors or imposed work schedule, to set your own rules and rely only on your own skill and luck. One of the safest and most effective (in terms of costs and risks) businesses is opening a consignment store or a buying store.


A consignment store differs from a regular store in that it sells not new goods received from wholesalers, distributors or manufacturers, but used ones, which are accepted on consignment from the public. The undoubted advantages of such a store include the fact that initial stage you don’t need to spend a lot of money purchasing goods, since you can pay the seller only after selling his item, charging a certain percentage of the transaction amount. In essence, a consignment store is more of an intermediary organization than a trading one.

Unlike a consignment shop, a buyout store gives people the opportunity to receive immediate cash for their goods, while placing all the risks associated with the sale on the store. Naturally, it is necessary to buy things 10-20% below the selling price. Many people need money right away, so such a store is unlikely to lack goods.

First, you need to decide what exactly you intend to buy. The most popular option is to purchase small electronic equipment from the population, cell phones, jewelry. The advantage here is that to sell such a product you will not need large retail space, which means you can significantly save on rent, while a multi-purpose consignment store needs large enough sizes to display and store goods.

Having chosen the direction of activity and received everything necessary permissions(you can do this yourself or with the help of lawyers who provide services for registering entrepreneurs), you can start looking for a suitable place to rent. Don't strive for the central ones shopping malls city, since the cost of rent there is very high. It is much more efficient to rent a few square meters on the market or in mall in a residential area. Depending on the degree of provincialism of the city, rent will cost approximately 5-15 thousand rubles per month. You also need to budget for equipment costs. point of sale, cash register, display cases, counters.

At first, you will be able to work behind the counter yourself, so as not to spend money on wages. Of course, in order to correctly evaluate the goods brought to you for commission, you must have some special knowledge (understand electronics, precious metals, old coins and books).

To avoid buying up stolen items, it makes sense to ask the seller for documents for the goods.

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