Auto restaurant on wheels reflection. Autocafe on wheels is a profitable low-budget business. Mobile cafe on wheels

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Autocafe on wheels is a profitable low-budget business

Cafes on wheels are no longer uncommon in large, densely populated cities. Most entrepreneurs involved in the field Catering, have already considered the possibility of implementing this business idea one way or another. In this publication, we decided to consider this project in detail.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.7-2.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 300 thousand
Industry situation:low level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1.2-2 years

The owners of many public catering outlets have probably complained more than once that their establishment is “tied” to one place. It seems that the location was chosen according to all the rules: the first line of houses, busy traffic, the presence of the necessary communications. But it was not there! The tastes and demands of the consumer are changeable, like the sea in inclement weather, and all subtle calculations go in vain. And how many times does this thought arise: “Take and move your point to another place”?

And this is precisely not a problem! Take it and carry it, or rather, transport it. Today here, tomorrow there, and next week in a completely different area. A cafe on wheels is a solution to this problem. And not only for owners of existing catering establishments, but also for those who do not have sufficient start-up capital to open a full-fledged stationary cafe.

Can you imagine an inexpensive, cozy mobile cafe on wheels that moves around the city in search of the busiest crowded spots? Everything can be seen clearly in the photo in the article. Meanwhile, such a business on wheels is no longer new in the cities of our country. It should be noted that the “mobile” business is generally “gaining momentum” - now mobile coffee shops are not uncommon, where you can buy a glass of a hot, invigorating drink, and for this you do not need to go anywhere specially.

Did your car break down on the road? Mobile car service will come to the rescue! In the mobile planetarium, schoolchildren will gain a lot of new knowledge and enjoy viewing, and a disco on wheels will give you the opportunity to have great fun exactly where you want!

Can you imagine what kind of profit a mobile cafe on wheels will bring on holidays or weekends? After all, such a stall on wheels can be placed anywhere: in a square, in a park, on weekdays - near educational institutions, station or other place.

And the costs of starting such an enterprise are tens of times less than opening a stationary food outlet. One of the most pleasant “bonuses” is the absence of rent for premises, which in many business projects is one of the most significant expense items.

This is interesting: in the USA, business on wheels has been operating for several decades, so no one is surprised when they encounter fast food on wheels. Therefore, a 20-year-old girl, Shadi Farsi, decided to bring her own “zest” to this business by organizing fast food on wheels, where visitors are served by girls in bikinis (we talked about something similar in the material “Topless Cleaning.” It must be said that from there is no end to visitors, and after a year of work, Shadi is already thinking about opening a whole network of such kitchens on wheels.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide on the target audience of your future visitors (read how to do this). It is this knowledge that will determine the assortment of your establishment on wheels, the routes along which you will move around the city, and the strategy advertising campaign, and much more. In general, the most the best option- this means having a competent business plan at hand, which will allow you not only to see the entire “picture” of your future business, but will also allow you to foresee most of the difficulties that await a novice entrepreneur.

What you need to open a business

The most important thing, of course, is the means of transportation. It’s not for nothing that your establishment will be called a mobile “cafe on wheels.” These can be converted buses, vans, or trailers like caravans. In Moscow, we visited one such cafe on wheels, for which they adapted a double decker - a double-decker English bus. It should be noted that it turned out simply gorgeous! A stall on wheels differs from, for example, a mobile coffee shop in that in the former, visitors have the opportunity to sit and quietly eat, drink coffee, watch TV, listen to music, etc.

There is also the option of a mini-cafe on wheels, in which several folding tables and chairs are placed in the place where the mobile kitchen on wheels stops, and, if necessary, awnings are laid out near the car. At the same time vehicle completely dedicated to the kitchen.

Yours mobile premises must meet the requirements:

  • sanitary and epidemiological service - have certificates of conformity for the equipment used, a number of contracts for the provision of imported water, waste disposal, solid waste disposal and cleaning of the surrounding area;
  • fire safety standards - this is the serviceability of electrical equipment, the availability of fire extinguishing means;
  • technical rules. To do this, you need to provide a copy of the trailer (van) registration certificate, its photograph, and a certificate of conformity. In addition to this package of documents, you must also have an agreement with the company that supplies the products, and a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the transport on which the products are delivered.
  • And one more thing: according to the rules, bringing in food and taking out waste must be done through different doors. Quantity necessary documents impressive, but opening a regular cafe requires even more of them. And then - you can always come to an agreement with everyone.

By the way, a little advice: make sure that appearance your drive-thru cafe on wheels was exclusively in bright, rainbow colors, and equipped with an attractive sign - the influx of customers will increase exponentially. In addition, vehicles must be completely soundproofed so that as little sound as possible penetrates outside. I think it is unnecessary to say that the room on wheels should be warm and have air conditioning; none of the visitors will sit in the cold and stuffiness.

Menu selection in a cafe on wheels

A cafe, especially a mobile one, is still not a restaurant. Therefore, the main focus of the menu should be on dishes that do not require long cooking times. These can be light snacks, salads, baked goods, fast food, sandwiches, and confectionery. Drinks include hot drinks (tea, coffee, chocolate), juices, soda. Trade in any alcoholic beverages in mobile retail outlets is less than established by law area is prohibited.

Although the organization of the kitchen is often provided for in such projects directly in vehicles, many owners of such establishments are trying to get rid of the unnecessary hassle associated with preparing food right on the spot. That’s why they keep ready-made meals in refrigerators, which can be heated in the microwave if necessary. In general, whether or not to have a kitchen in your café on wheels is up to you to decide; no definite advice can be given here.

Necessary equipment

In principle, you will need most of the equipment from the “arsenal” of a regular stationary cafe, these are:

  • a couple of refrigerators;
  • microwave;
  • oven for cooking;
  • coffee machine;
  • water heater;
  • required amount disposable tableware(it would be impractical to use another), napkins, hygiene items.

Place a container inside for used disposable tableware. If the furniture is located inside, then it should be attached to the floor so that during movement nothing “moves away” along with the table.

From “non-standard” equipment you will need:

  • TV;
  • voltage converter to 220 volts;
  • audio system with speakers located throughout the vehicle interior.

Driving routes

A few words need to be said about what routes you need to choose to move around the city streets. If the establishment is rented for several hours by one company, then the route, of course, is chosen by the one who pays. In other situations, you should choose streets with smooth road surfaces so that, if possible, visitors do not experience all the inconveniences inherent in Russian roads.

As an option, you can take a walk around the sights of your city (for tourists), focusing on the audience present, take a ride to romantic places (for couples), or take married couples with children to amusement parks. Of course, you need to have several driving options in your navigator in advance (which will help you avoid traffic jams).


There should be no problems with recruiting employees. It won’t be difficult to find people with experience working in fast food establishments. The main thing is that they have medical books available. It will be enough to have two cooks-waiters and a driver-loader in one shift.

Another point is obtaining permission from municipal authorities to conduct trade . Usually, administrations of localities go towards such initiatives - after all, taxes from income go to the local budget.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in implementing this business idea. Constant expansion of the assortment, organizing food delivery to order (read how to organize delivery here -) will only have a positive effect on your business, and will promote advertising in every possible way. With a little effort and creativity, your stall on wheels will become the most famous fast food outlet in the area and in the city.

By the way, the opinions of business experts regarding this business idea are contradictory. This is what opponents of the mobile cafe refer to (taken from the materials of the magazine “Your Business”):

  • Most likely, the cost of maintaining and operating this bus will be comparable (or even more) with the costs of maintaining a stationary cafe of comparable area: gasoline costs, staff salaries, technical maintenance. In this case, income will certainly be less - own production is always more profitable, but in this case you will have to purchase finished products externally.
  • Secondly, this idea will not be approved by the city’s sanitary services. If we really take on this project, then it might make sense to reorient it towards corporate services (birthdays, parties, graduations) and focus on entertainment and drinks.
  • The project is not viable. Firstly, Rospotrebnadzor will never release such a bus on the route (any catering establishment must be connected to a stationary water supply and sewerage system). Secondly, according to fire safety rules, there must be at least two entrances. There is only one input in the project.

A mobile cafe is an excellent alternative to a stationary catering outlet. It's unusual and different low prices, which can be explained by the low costs of organizing a business. The establishment claims to be a serious competitor to ordinary food outlets, such as cafes, restaurants and canteens. This business format is unusual, which will certainly attract the attention of visitors. They will have access additional option- departure according to the client's order. How to organize such a business, what are its nuances and how much money should be invested in the project?

Specifics of a mini-cafe on wheels

When opening a cafe on wheels, you should decide in advance on the number of visitors. The format of the institution determines its target audience in the form of students, schoolchildren and children. To attract their attention and stand out from other similar and stationary establishments, you need to think about the design of a mobile cafe. To prevent its visitors from being disturbed by extraneous sounds from the street, care should be taken to ensure sound insulation.

Audio and video equipment will be needed to entertain visitors. When planning special events, you should take care to develop entertainment program and the possibility of preparing dishes for a banquet menu.

You should think about the routes of movement of the establishment on wheels in advance. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the city’s attractions, as well as the time of the greatest concentration of people in them. To ensure that the cafe does not stand idle, citizens of the city should be notified about the trajectory of movement. It is better if the cafe moves along one route, which will allow its customers to plan their visits. Information about clients, as well as their dates of birth, telephone numbers and addresses Email, it is better to save it in your database, which will allow you to issue advertising mailings with promotional offers dedicated to holidays.

Cafe menu on wheels

When creating a menu, you should take into account the specifics of the establishment. It should not contain alcoholic products. It is allowed to include low-alcohol cocktails in the menu if the target audience the subject belongs to the adult category. Since it is impossible to provide full cooking in a mobile establishment, most dishes should be presented in the form of semi-finished products, the preparation of which does not require a lot of time and great effort. They should be cooked to such a degree that they can simply be reheated and served to the client. The menu can include baked goods, soups and side dishes.

Interior design of a cafe on wheels

To bring semi-finished products to readiness, you will need an oven or microwave. As alternative option it is possible to form a contractual relationship with stationary institution, in which the cooking process is established. However, it should be taken into account that when purchasing ready lunch in an elite restaurant, it will be difficult to sell it at the same price in a mobile cafe. For this reason, it is better to negotiate the supply of freshly prepared food in canteens.

Mobile fast food establishments are a fairly profitable line of business that are perfect for budding entrepreneurs. This format has not yet become widespread in our country, so any newcomer has every chance to take its place in this market. We will tell you in this article how to open a fast food on wheels in your city and quickly return the initial investment.

What is fast food?

Fast food made from semi-finished products is in great demand both in large cities and in small provincial towns. It has a pleasant taste, affordable price and high calorie content. The most profitable format of a fast food establishment is fast food on wheels as a business.

A small mobile van, with the right approach, will bring more profit than a stationary fast food cafe business. During the day, you can sell hot dogs or hamburgers from wheels near business centers or educational institutions, and in the evening move to parks or squares.

How to open a mobile fast food outlet?

To avoid any problems, before opening a street fast food as a business, you need to agree on the location of the van with the local authorities. You do not have the right to park wherever you want and engage in trade. Such actions are considered an administrative offense under the laws of our country. Therefore, after you choose a location, you need to find the owner of the land and obtain the appropriate permit. If you want to put outlet on territory owned by the city authorities, apply for permission from the local administration.

After you choose a location, you need to develop a clear fast food business plan, analyze the level of competition in your locality and draw appropriate conclusions. If a network of mobile eateries already operates in your city, you need to carefully consider how you can attract customers to your business. This is very important point, which should not be overlooked.

Business registration

Before opening a fast food business, you must register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur or entity. The activities of such public catering establishments are regulated by OKVED 55.30. As for taxation, it is better to choose UTII. In this case, the tax amount will be calculated depending on the area of ​​the outlet. Also, do not forget that a camper van is considered a vehicle, so you must register it with the traffic police.

In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the work of fast food with the Potrebnadzor, SES and fire inspection. If you have never encountered the preparation of such documents, seek help from specialists.


To save money at the start, you can initially purchase inexpensive used equipment for fast food on wheels. It is better to make an exact list of equipment, utensils and equipment after you have decided on the assortment. Typically, a fast food van on wheels is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Microwave oven (for heating food);
  • Grill oven;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Heated counter;
  • Fridge;
  • Water cooler.

To buy fast food on wheels with everything necessary equipment, you will need approximately 20 thousand dollars. If you rent a suitable van, the costs will be cut in half. This is a great option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in...


To ensure the smooth operation of fast food, you will need two sellers who will work on a 2-by-2 schedule. If we talk about wages, it is best to pay a certain salary + a few percent of the daily revenue. At the same time, the seller’s salary should not be lower than a fixed amount, for example, 400–500 rubles per shift. This will allow you to increase staff motivation and set them up for quality work.

The ideal fast food worker is a woman, 30–50 years old, with experience in the food service industry. Finding such employees is not easy, but it will make your store more successful.

If you plan to organize in parallel, it is advisable to hire a professional confectioner and technologist who will develop a recipe for dough and fillings. Another new and quite profitable line of activity is. Such products attract the attention of customers and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Before drawing up a business plan for opening a fast food restaurant, you must first decide on the assortment, since the choice of equipment and, accordingly, the size of the initial investment largely depends on this. Perhaps it will be one product or a wide selection of dishes that can be eaten on the go. When developing a business plan for fast food on wheels, the assortment can include:

  • Pancakes with different fillings;
  • Shawarma;
  • Hot dogs;
  • Pies;
  • Vareniki;
  • Chebureks.

Such food will be bought by passers-by who want to quickly have a snack along the way without changing their route. It is advisable that there is a constant flow of people passing through your outlet. In this case, it will bring decent profits.

If you want to open a small fast food business in a residential area, the establishment’s assortment should include:

  • Grilled chickens;
  • Frozen semi-finished products;
  • Homemade baking.

People who return late from work will be happy to buy food that they don't have to spend a lot of time preparing. The most profitable format is a 24-hour fast food establishment. If you want a quick return on your investment, check out the roadside. Of course, in this case you will have to spend a lot of time on registration permitting documents, but it’s worth it, since such a business will bring in a solid income.

Financial investments

The most important advantage mobile point fast food is a small investment. At the moment, the price of fast food on wheels ranges from 15–20 thousand dollars. Another approximately 5-7 thousand dollars will be needed to purchase products, create a corporate identity, register a business and other organizational expenses.

If you are not limited in financial resources, you can buy ready business fast food or open it as a franchise. For this you need a large start-up capital. But in this case, you will significantly reduce the risks associated with an unsuccessful start. In addition, a novice entrepreneur who buys a fast food on wheels franchise receives a number of advantages:

  • Free consultations with specialists;
  • Personnel training at the expense of the franchise company;
  • Working under the name of a well-known brand;
  • You are selling a well-known product that does not require additional advertising.

To reach quick payback, it is best to start a business with several vans in different areas of the city. The most important thing in this matter is not to make a mistake with the location of retail outlets. The only downside to buying a franchise is that you have to work by someone else's rules. If you are interested in such activities, take an interest. This successful, well-promoted brand is very popular all over the world, so such a catering establishment will in any case bring you a decent profit.

New formats street food New street food formats


Now let's try to figure it out, in the catering industry? In the first months of operation, while there is no regular clientele, fast food will not bring much profit. To attract buyers, offer them affordable prices. They should be slightly higher than in neighboring dining rooms, but at the same time lower than those of competitors.

Promoted point with high level service in the warm season brings in $600-800 in revenue per day. In winter, there are fewer customers, since eating outside in the cold is not very convenient, so many customers go to stationary establishments. To keep revenue at the same level, offer customers various additional services. Takeaway coffee as a business or food delivery to offices brings a good income in winter.


Street trading has many advantages and is highly profitable. Since you can move your retail outlet at any time, there is no need to arrange a land allotment for it. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce running costs. As a rule, they are no more than $600–800 per month. Revenue in mobile eateries in the summer is much higher than in similar stationary establishments.

Payback periods largely depend on the format of the establishment. A street mobile stall pays for itself in literally 6–8 months. If you want to open a brick-and-mortar fast food restaurant, the initial investment can only be recovered after 2-3 years.


Despite the fact that many people consider fast food to be unhealthy, the demand for fast food continues to grow. The main reasons for this popularity are low cost, ease of preparation and excellent taste. If you want to open profitable business during the crisis in 2020, try to implement such an idea in your locality. We wish you success and good profits!

10 minutes to read. Views 72 Published 04.11.2018

Every entrepreneur dreams of filling an empty niche. Choosing such a market segment allows you to organize a business that has no analogues. As a rule, these types of entrepreneurial activities bring the maximum level of income. One of the rather promising areas is the opening of a mobile cafe. This project has unique specifics and can compete with classic establishment formats. In this article we propose to consider a business plan for a cafe on wheels.

Cafe on wheels is an inexpensive, but decent and cozy establishment that is quite capable of competing with stationary cafes.

Mini-cafe on wheels: relevance and benefits of business

Many experts in the field of entrepreneurship express their doubts about the effectiveness of this direction. For getting high profits From the public catering point, an area is required to install fifty seats. The capacity of the bus, which is used to organize a business in this format, is about thirty people. Despite this factor, many entrepreneurs want to start working in this direction. Some of them indicate that the profitability of the project can be increased due to a higher markup than in classic establishments.

In order to create a full-fledged business, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort.

The first mobile restaurants appeared in Japan. The menu of these food trucks offers a variety of dishes. Takoyaki is used as the main dish. This product is highly similar to dumplings familiar to Russian citizens. The only difference is that instead of meat filling, octopus is used. Much later, similar projects began to open in China and other Asian countries.

The American pioneer of this format is the famous chef Roy Choi. In two thousand and eight, this man opened the first snack bar on wheels. Residents of Los Angeles could try Mexican and Korean national dishes. Today, establishments in this format are opening all over the world. A small restaurant that used an old school bus as a mobile platform is popular in America. This restaurant serves a variety of fast food-style snacks.

The Russian government approved this format of doing business just a few years ago. Quite often in many regions of Russia you can see trolleybuses and trams using this format. As a rule, such establishments operate only in the midst of summer season. According to experts, this business format is advisable to use in those regions where tourism destinations are well developed. It is important to note that regional authorities independently establish rules regarding such establishments. In some regions of Russia this idea is prohibited.

An entrepreneur also needs to understand that this line of business is closely tied to the climatic conditions of the region and has a high degree of dependence on seasonality. In the summer months, the profit of the establishment will be several times higher than the income during the winter. According to experts, the demand for the services of such cafes will increase during holidays. Also, mobile catering points are in demand among young people and those people who want to hold a special event in an unusual way.

A cafe on wheels will cost much less than a stationary cafe, and it can come to visitors on its own

Specifics of this type of activity

As we said above, this business has unique specificity. At the time of preparation, the entrepreneur needs to formulate a concept for the future project. Establishments with low cost meals are aimed at students and schoolchildren. It is important to understand that this format of a mobile restaurant is unlikely to quickly recoup the invested capital.

When developing a concept, it is necessary to take into account interior design cafe on wheels. The interior deserves special attention. A budding entrepreneur can turn the body of a vehicle into a real advertising tool that will attract the attention of people around him. The bus itself must be equipped with a soundproofing system. This step must be completed in order not to disturb the peace of local residents in the evening.

Many entrepreneurs recommend installing a high-quality video and audio system on the bus. Similar technical equipment may be needed during special events. It is through banquets that such projects receive the main profit. In order to hold such events on a mobile platform, you will need to develop a special entertainment program.

The mobile cafe must move along a pre-designed route. When developing a route, it is necessary to include in the project a passage close to various attractions and cultural monuments. In order to advertise his business, an entrepreneur needs to develop various promotions. As such promotions, you can distribute discount cards and give bonuses to birthday people. In addition, you need to start advertising the project on social networks.

How to organize a business

Organizing this business requires titanic efforts. An entrepreneur who wants to occupy this niche will need to get a lot of various documents and coordinate the work of the cafe with government authorities. Below we propose to study a short list of organizational nuances that need to be resolved at the preparation stage.

The necessary conditions

Today, entrepreneurs can choose between independent creation project and acquisition of a franchise. The franchise cost of such a project is more than four and a half million rubles. Franchise owners provide their clients not only with the right to use the brand, but also with a vehicle equipped with all the necessary equipment. In addition, franchise owners independently advertise the business of their new partners. It is important to note that using a double-decker bus provided by the franchise owners may introduce additional organizational complications.

The high cost of this franchise forces many entrepreneurs to independently engage in business development. In order to open an establishment in this format, you must undergo official registration. In addition, you will need to obtain documents permitting the opening of a mobile catering outlet. Since opening a cafe implies retail sales various goods, the entrepreneur will need to obtain the appropriate license. If you wish to sell alcoholic beverages, you must obtain additional permits.

In addition to all the above papers, the entrepreneur will need to obtain permits from the sanitary service and fire safety service. Also, all employees of this establishment must undergo a mandatory medical examination. Many businessmen recommend that beginners enter into a contract in advance with the motor transport service of their city to rent a parking lot or a special box.

A mobile café on wheels is a van with a fully functional kitchen and the necessary equipment

Purchasing the necessary equipment

When choosing kitchen utensils, you also need to take into account the specifics of a given project. Among all the nuances, one should highlight the lack of a sink where you can wash dirty dishes. You should also understand that glassware may break if the bus stops abruptly. In this case, the entrepreneur will need to include in the expense item the costs of purchasing new dishes. In addition, small fragments of glass can injure customers of the establishment.

To equip the kitchen you will need two special tables where various appliances will be installed. You will also need to buy coffee machine, refrigerators and microwave oven. In addition, we need special cabinets for storing disposable tableware and containers where used plates will be stored. When purchasing kitchen utensils, you need to consider every little detail, from forks and spoons to trays.

In the part of the bus that will be reserved for organizing the hall, it is necessary to install tables and chairs. As a rule, all furniture used in such establishments is made of wood or plastic. . All interior items must be carefully screwed to the floor and walls of the vehicle. In the bus itself, it is necessary to install air conditioning and adjust the heating system.

Developing a successful menu

Developing a menu requires a competent approach from the owner of the establishment. Many businessmen recommend that beginners give up strong alcohol in favor of low-alcohol cocktails. It is important to note that these establishments cannot be equipped with traditional cuisine. This means that the menu will be based on semi-finished products. The cook of a restaurant on wheels only needs to reheat the main product and add additional ingredients.

Some entrepreneurs prefer to cooperate with classic establishments, ordering various side dishes and soups from them. This approach is more appropriate if you have large capital. You also need to understand that in this case it is necessary to cooperate only with budget institutions. Many visitors to mobile cafes will not be able to afford delicious and expensive dishes.


When considering a cafe on wheels as a business, it is necessary to pay special attention to hiring staff. The staff of this establishment must include a waiter, a cook and a driver. The chef's responsibilities include not only preparing dishes, but also making cocktails. If such a project involves working seven days a week, you will need to implement shift work. In this case, the number of staff units should be doubled. It is very important that all employees hired have experience in a similar field.

The triumph of such an establishment largely depends on the imagination of the owner - the entrepreneur must try to make his establishment special, give it a “zest”

Deciding on the route of travel

The issue related to the choice of route for a mobile cafe is of paramount importance at the preparation stage. In the case where a bus is rented by a company of several people, it is necessary to give clients the right to choose their own route. In other cases, the business owner is recommended to explore his city on his own, choosing streets with high-quality road surfaces.

One of the rather promising options is to include various city attractions in the route. This program is suitable for tourists and those people who have visited a particular city for the first time. On weekends, it is more advisable to include city parks in your route. Such a travel schedule will be in demand among married couples. When developing a route, it is necessary to take into account city traffic jams and other nuances associated with the movement of the bus.

Financial part of the question: costs and payback

Having considered all the key nuances associated with this business format, we should move on to the financial component. In total initial costs The following costs should be included:

  1. Purchase of a bus and its subsequent refurbishment- three million rubles.
  2. Purchasing furniture and kitchen utensils– from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, depending on the number of seats.

Thus, the amount of initial investment in this business will be more than three million rubles. To this amount you must add expenses for Maintenance equipment and purchase of fuel. The issue related to the formation of the salary fund deserves special attention. The salary of drivers must be at least twenty thousand rubles per person. Earnings for waiters can vary from ten to fifteen thousand per month plus a certain percentage from each order. A chef's salary should be about ten thousand a month. A business owner can do his own accounting, which will save a lot of money. total amount monthly expenses will be about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

If you have revenue of one hundred and twenty-five thousand per month, these investments will pay off within several years. This revenue can be obtained by servicing more than one hundred clients during the day. The markup on the product should be about fifty percent. Only upon reaching this indicator will the enterprise make a profit.

Catering on wheels requires careful development of the route and determination of the correct and profitable stopping points

What problems might you encounter?

The implementation of the project under consideration allows us to create a unique establishment operating in an unusual format. However, many entrepreneurs face the difficulty of obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological control service. These authorities may refuse to issue permits, which puts an end to such an idea.

Obstacles on the part of control authorities are explained by the requirement that catering establishments be connected to city communication networks. Fire safety regulations must also be taken into account. According to these rules, a public catering point must be equipped with two emergency exits. As a rule, most mobile cafes set up on a bus have only one door.

Conclusions (+ video)

An entrepreneur who wants to implement this project can buy a mobile café on wheels as a franchise or take care of the solution himself organizational issues. Creating such a business is advisable only in those cities where the population is more than half a million people. Most residents of provincial cities prefer to have lunch and dinner at home. It is also imperative to take into account problems with the quality of the road surface.

In contact with

Anyone who wants to start their own business in the industrial sector has definitely at least once thought about the idea of ​​​​opening a special cafe on wheels. This kind of activity requires maximum costs, but the specifics of setting up such a business require seriousness, attentiveness, endurance and clarity.

A cafe on wheels can turn out to be very cozy and promising, but this requires time, considerable investment and the right approach to organizing all aspects of service.

Beginning: registration of an entrepreneur and place of trade for a café on wheels

An important step is registration with the tax service.

You can register your business as an individual entrepreneur, and in the KVED designate “ retail drinks." As for the address of activity, the law allows you to indicate only the place of residence, the city in which the activity will be carried out entrepreneurial activity. If you hire workers, you will also have to register employment contract with each individual at the employment center.

In addition, you will also have to obtain a certificate of employment obligations from the tax service. All these documents must be in your hands, otherwise nothing will work out.

As for the car, it also has its moments...

A cafe on wheels, also known as a car or trailer, carries with it the classification of a small architectural form. It is necessary to obtain permission to place it from the Department of Architecture.

It is mandatory to provide the SES with the entire list of goods and products that will be included in the menu.

One more moment...

If your café on wheels is slightly modernized, you will also have to contact the MREO service, where your car and all its changes will be registered.

These are only mandatory points when creating a café on wheels, but during the design process quite a few difficulties may arise, so be prepared for this!

The process has moved: the specifics of doing business

You immediately need to understand what kind of visitor you want to see in your cafe. Basically, such establishments attract crowds of schoolchildren, students and young children with their parents. Therefore, initially you need to take into account their needs and financial capabilities.

It requires agility, luck and a strong attitude. You will have to try and make your cafe on wheels something special, unlike the others. Additional amenities and climate equipment will have to be purchased in large quantities.

Cafe features: food and drinks

It is immediately worth noting the fact that the sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited! Firstly, the audience is not suitable, and secondly, this requires a separate license and design. It won’t be possible to serve special dishes either – after all, you certainly won’t be able to prepare the delicacies of national cuisine on the bus.

Therefore, the main emphasis will be on snacks, sandwiches, pastries, sweets and, possibly, a variety of salads. Disposable dishes will have to be served, the theme of the cafe does not suit expensive tableware, and there will be more losses.

Pre-preparation: serious costs

In addition to the fact that you will have to purchase the object itself - a cafe on wheels, you will also have to purchase a very large quantity additional equipment.

At a minimum, you need air conditioning, a refrigerator, a microwave and a coffee machine. For visitors to a café on wheels, it is necessary to purchase comfortable furniture, accessories, a TV or a music system. Service personnel must order uniforms, supplies for work, and pay salaries regularly.

In addition, you definitely need to purchase quite a few parts and various little things to decorate the interior of a café on wheels.
Be prepared for constant expenses on servicing the café on wheels, maintenance, fuel and wages for hired personnel.

Cafe on wheels: loss or stable income?

According to statistics, this type of business can pay for itself no earlier than in 2-3 years. And this despite the fact that you did everything right, created maximum service, reasonable prices and set up a cafe on wheels in a fairly good, crowded place. The average monthly income must be at least 100,000 rubles, but this is subject to at least 100 visitors per day.

As you can see, realizing your old dream of opening a cafe on wheels is very risky! But if you have an extra few million rubles, a desire to fend off various social and health services, confidence in the future and hope for success - go for it!

For the annual Milan Design Week festival, which in 2015 starts on April 14, Peugeot has prepared an extremely funny and, most importantly, useful concept with the self-explanatory name Foodtruck. Essentially, this is a mobile bistro or, if you prefer, a restaurant on wheels.

Peugeot assures that all this really works. Moreover, a stylish van with a corresponding trailer will definitely show its worth during the event, and Sven Cartier, well-known in the culinary world, will help him in this.

His workplace will consist of two grills, 4 induction burners, deep fat, two refrigerators of 400 and 350 liters of volume, as well as...

camcorder. Here it broadcasts the image on a 46-inch screen, which will allow customers to watch food being prepared. At the same time, they will be entertained by Internet radio coupled with a powerful Focal audio system (it can also transmit sounds from the kitchen), and maybe a full-fledged DJ, for which a special stand is provided.

Meanwhile, there can be simply darkness of clients - the van with a set of tables and sun umbrellas on board is designed for 30 visitors. If among them there are especially “green” ones, then complete ecstasy awaits them - the concept is equipped with a waste recycling system. Well, that's Peugeot. Cool stuff, huh?

Residents of many cities may have noticed how relatively the new kind business - auto cafe. In the regions, it still surprises passers-by, although in the capital this business has been operating for a long time and is even experiencing a period of takeoff. These auto cafes are equipped with a professional coffee maker and other equipment. They can be seen opposite the train station, in markets and other places where there are a lot of people. As a rule, they open at 8-9 am, when regular cafes are still closed. A glass of espresso here costs 0.5 euros, an Americano costs 0.6 euros, and a Viennese coffee costs 1.0 euros. At the same time, the cost of a cup of drink, which is sold in a drive-thru cafe, taking into account the costs of coffee, water and a glass, is 0.2 euros.

How much does such a business cost? The turnkey auto cafe itself costs about 11 thousand euros. You get a completely ready-made business - it completely includes a car with equipment, while your employees undergo full training, and in addition you have high-quality service maintenance. Just a good professional coffee maker will cost an average of 2-3 thousand euros.

Such investments can pay off in at least six months (sometimes in a year). To start engaging in such a business, you need to be a private entrepreneur whose documents indicate such activities as “retail trade and cafes.” But, despite the mobility of a café on wheels, it’s not possible to simply change your location while driving around the city. The authorities do not issue permission for this - they believe that there are quite a lot of stationary cafes in cities where you can drink coffee. At the same time, the authorities have nothing against “mobile” cafes operating in relatively permanent places. In this case, it is enough for the entrepreneur to enter into an agreement with the owner or tenant of the territory in which he intends to sell coffee.

For example, an entrepreneur whose auto-coffee shop is located opposite the railway station is de jure located on the territory of a neighboring parking lot. In the case of the market, the agreement was concluded with its administration. However, despite this connection to the place, a cafe on wheels is still mobile view business. If trade does not go well in one place, you can always go to another, having previously agreed.

The entrepreneur also needs to be approved by the SES, obtain health certificates for bartenders, and issue certificates for coffee and other products used in their work. The main task for you this means purchasing excellent coffee (and preferably a variety of varieties). After all, true coffee lovers will be able to distinguish “cheap” goods from high-quality goods. With a good location, you can sell at least 100 servings per day. But, according to experts, there is one disadvantage in this matter - it is seasonality. For example, according to marketers, the demand for coffee in the summer steadily decreases by 15%, so take this nuance into account in your work.

A coffee shop on wheels or a mobile coffee shop is extremely popular business Today, more and more coffee machines appear on busy areas of the streets, near intersections, universities, office buildings, and in parks. Is a mobile coffee shop on wheels profitable and how to open such a point in your city? In this review, we will together draw up a business plan for a mobile coffee shop “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

Business niche analysis

It's no secret that many people love fresh, hot and aromatic coffee.

This drink energizes and gives good mood for a day. People drink coffee in the morning to cheer up faster, put their thoughts in order, and get ready. In the rhythm of life in big cities, people do not always have enough time to brew delicious, high-quality coffee and have time to drink it. Most often they use cheap freeze-dried coffee, which is only remotely comparable to natural coffee.

On the way to work or school, a person smells this wonderful aroma of a fresh, strong drink nearby and turns his attention there. He really needs that black coffee, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, coffee with milk or various additives. Coffee in drive-thru coffee shops is made in professional coffee machines and is not inferior in quality to any coffee establishments. In addition, it is faster and very cheaper for the end consumer.

It is best to place a coffee shop on wheels in busy areas with a large flow of people: street intersections, parks, student areas, office buildings, central streets, subway exits or underground passages, bus stops. Due to the fact that the coffee shop is “on wheels,” you can choose where to park your car, depending on the flow of people, which should definitely be taken into account in your business plan. Plus, regardless of location, you won’t have to pay rent! However, do not change your location too often, otherwise it will be difficult for people to “catch” you and remember you. It’s better to develop and launch another mobile coffee shop as an additional business, which often grows into a network.

The market for mobile coffee shops is practically undeveloped, so there is a chance to make decent money from this by offering customers something that is not available in any coffee shop on wheels! Look at the business and experience of European mobile coffee shops, because this is where the idea came from. Borrow ideas from more experienced colleagues or come up with your own. By the way, the money turnover that coffee brings is the second largest in the world (the first place is occupied by the oil industry).

To open such a business, you have 2 ways:

  • buy the franchise of a company that is already doing this;
  • try to organize a business yourself.

The fact is that a mobile coffee shop is a young business; there are no legal approvals yet. You will either have to study this market yourself or buy the franchise. In the latter case, experienced entrepreneurs will explain and teach everything, but you will have to buy a franchise, which costs about 300,000 rubles. This includes a mobile bus or car, a recipe, the right to use a trademark and a starting advertising campaign.

Still, it’s better to try to open yours own business, draw up a unique business plan, maybe even through trial and error, but you will gain experience in order to open another van in the future, for example. There is a list of necessary documents to open a mobile coffee shop; you can find it on legal websites.

Buying a coffee car

To start a business, you can buy either a bicycle or a mini-bus, depending on how much revenue you expect.

On average, a car should cost you from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles. Plus a battery for recharging the coffee shop on wheels.

Include monthly expenses in your business plan: car washing and possible repairs - from 5,000, gasoline costs - from 1,000, garage rental (if not available) - from 10,000, depending on the city and location.

To decorate a car and declare that it is a mobile coffee shop, you will need the services of a designer and a decoration specialist, which costs about 40,000.

Purchasing equipment for a mobile coffee shop

The coffee shop should have a coffee machine so that visitors can see the process of making coffee. Don’t skimp on the coffee machine and coffee beans; customers want to drink delicious, high-quality coffee at an affordable price. This is the trick of a mobile coffee shop and the demand for business as such.

A good, professional coffee machine for a mobile coffee shop costs from 50,000 and above; be sure to include the cost of equipment in your business plan, because

they are the most significant. By the way, if the manufacturer sells coffee and syrups, then you can negotiate a discount by buying everything in bulk.

In addition, in the hot season you will need an ice maker, its cost starts from 8,000.

Consumables: coffee, water, milk, syrups, sugar

Buy coffee in beans so that you can grind it in front of customers.

Every day you will consume about 100 servings of coffee. This is approximately 1 kilogram of coffee. Multiply by the number of calendar days, we get 30 kg of coffee per month.

The following expenses should be taken into account in the business plan as monthly:

  1. Water - one 20-liter bottle per day. 80 rubles for one bottle. In 30 days, 30 bottles are consumed - 2,400.
  2. Milk - 3 packs per day or more. 40 rubles per pack multiplied by 30 days = 3,600.
  3. Syrups - purchase several flavor syrups at once (10 pieces) for 2 months. 300 rubles per bottle (3,000 for 10 bottles) for 60 days = 30,000. For 30 days - 15,000.
  4. Sugar - 500 rubles. It is quite possible that the coffee company from which you purchase in bulk may give you sugar as a gift.
  5. Paper glass with lid 100 pieces per day = 15,000 in 30 days.
  6. Taking into account that you will buy good coffee (about 300 rubles per 1 kg) - 9,000 is spent on coffee per month.

Mobile coffee shop staff

To operate, you will need 2 sales drivers in shifts (aka baristas for a mobile coffee shop) - from 25,000 each for 30 days. It’s best if they work from 7-8 in the morning, when other coffee shops are still closed and people are already rushing to work.

Starting capital and payback

With an average bill for coffee - 65 rubles for 1 glass and with 100 glasses per day - it will be 6,500 per day. Multiply by 30 (calendar month) - 195,000 profit per month.

Now let’s calculate all expenses, including product, personnel and transport (possible expenses for repairs) - 103,000.

That leaves 92,000 net profit per month. Multiply by 12 - 1,104,000 per year.

The initial investment for a coffee shop business plan is from 456,000 rubles (including the purchase of a car for 300,000). That is, you will pay for your business in less than half a year!

Roman Agarkov specially for Intellectis

(mobile kitchen, restaurant on wheels, snack bar on wheels)
We offer a whole range of Mobile fast food stations based on minibuses, domestic Pick-Ups and isothermal trailers.

Fast Food - (English) - fast food) is a fast-service catering format offering hot food to the consumer. Represented by traditional fast food dishes: hamburgers, sandwiches, pieces of fried chicken, pizza, donuts, donut kebab (shawarma) and national dishes of China, India, Mexico, and others.

The history of fast food dates back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans sold olives in jugs and pieces of meat wrapped in grape leaves in city squares and streets.

The modern history of fast food is connected with the development of transport systems in the world.

Over time, people began to eat more and more food outside the home, on planes, cars, and trains. Working in companies and institutions forced people to eat close to their place of work, so as not to spend a lot of time on lunch. In addition, people's eating habits and preferences have changed over the years, leaving modern people with less and less time to buy and prepare food at home.

Today, one of the leaders in business is public fast food, which is developing by leaps and bounds. This is due to the fact that with minimal costs (from 1000 dollars), the return, of course in monetary terms, will not be long in coming!

If you are starting your business and planning to buy a fast food pavilion or convert your car into a fast food store, we will be happy to help you with this.