Business plan for raising chickens. Laying hen business: we do everything according to the rules How to make a profit from raising chickens

Breeding chickens for the production and sale of eggs is considered one of the most profitable areas of business. There are breeds of laying hens from which you can collect eggs all year round. The birds themselves grow quickly and begin to lay eggs at the age of five months. If you also organize the sale of carcasses to renew the livestock, you can constantly receive a stable income.

List of initial costs

In order to foresee all possible risks and options for business development in advance, you need to draw up a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs. A well-drafted business plan will give you an understanding of where to start a business, what capital is needed, how trade will be established, and when the business will generate income.

Of course, the easiest way to organize chicken breeding is in rural areas, where there are vast areas for them to roam. But it is not necessary to look for large areas to equip a chicken coop, so chicken farms can be located in the city.

If you are planning to seriously start a business, it is better to register officially as a farm. Then it will be easier for you to obtain the necessary certificates for eggs and carcasses. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact the tax office and register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

While the documents are being drawn up, we need to make a decision. What method will be used to breed chickens? There are two main ways:

  • Floor-mounted chickens have the opportunity to move actively, breathe fresh air, and eat root vegetables. This has a positive effect on the quality of not only eggs, but also chicken meat.
  • The cage method is used less frequently, since in this case the chickens are fed only with mixed feed and move little. In addition, the arrangement of cells and their maintenance are expensive for the entrepreneur.

Depending on the method and equipment, the priority costs for setting up the farm are calculated. Please note that independent arrangement of drinkers and feeders will help reduce the cost of raising laying hens.

Also, the business plan must include the costs of paying employees and veterinary services.

How to organize a chicken coop

Two main rules on which a successful “chicken” business rests:

  1. Proper, complete nutrition for chicken.
  2. Warm, well-equipped poultry house.

There are several options for organizing a farm. You can build a chicken coop yourself, rent or buy. For example, any barn or garage can be insulated and equipped for keeping chickens. You can build it yourself from gas silicate blocks, slate and boards.

The construction of a poultry house is carried out in the following stages:

  • Four logs are dug into the corners of the future building, taking into account that the height of the chicken coop should be at least two meters.
  • The perimeter of the logs is covered with boards on the inside and outside. A pitched roof is installed (so that it does not fall under the thick snow in winter).
  • Between two layers of boards, insulation is poured (dry leaves, pine needles, sawdust mixed with lime 1:25). Its thickness must be at least 15 cm.
  • The earthen floor is insulated with the onset of cold weather. Every day 0.5 cm of fresh insulation is poured onto it. In spring its thickness should be about half a meter.

Breeding laying hens requires south-facing windows and artificial lighting in the poultry house. In this case, a hole for chickens is arranged on the eastern wall. A prerequisite is the presence of a ventilation hole covered with a rodent mesh.

The back side of the chicken coop is equipped with a perch at a distance of about a meter from the floor. For laying hens, wooden boxes lined with hay or straw are installed so that they can lay eggs there.

Purchase of young chickens

You need to start breeding chickens by purchasing young animals. For the first batch, it will be enough to buy several dozen chickens at the rate of 20 chickens per 10 square meters. m. subject to floor maintenance. For every ten hens, one rooster is needed. There should be no more than 7 birds per cage.

It is also important to resolve the issue of the breed of laying hens. There are breeds from which eggs can be collected in large quantities. For example, the Loman Brown breed produces about 300 eggs per bird at maturity. And Leghorns begin to lay eggs as early as 4 months of life. There are those that lay less eggs, but have good meat for sale. It all depends on the orientation of your business.

The most popular breeds are:

  • Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya
  • Loman Brown
  • Hisex
  • Leghorn
  • Brahma

It is cheapest to purchase two-week-old chicks, but there is a big risk of purchasing too many cockerels, since obvious differences appear only at 2-3 months. You can buy more expensive laying hens, but at the age of 5 months. In any case, you should study the supplier well before purchasing. Birds must be vaccinated and raised with good care, otherwise you risk large losses for the farm.

Feeding and caring for birds

Special attention should be paid to feeding birds. So, chickens are fed only with specially selected mixed feed, adding, if possible, nettles, goat cheese, and carrots. From the second month of the chickens' life, root vegetables and food waste can be gradually introduced. Be sure to include additives such as chalk and egg shells in your diet. Birds that walk around the aviary in summer can eat grass and insects.

In general, we need to focus on ensuring that every day the birds receive:

  • young nettle;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • grass;
  • food waste;
  • wheat;
  • various root vegetables;
  • millet;
  • bone meal;
  • corn;
  • sand, fine gravel, shells.

Technology of egg production and laying hen breeding

The success of the farm largely depends on successfully selected laying hens and roosters. Egg production technology requires that the rooster must be strong and active. The chicken is selected by its comb. A bird capable of laying many eggs has a large and rich comb. If you need a good hen for your farm, it is important that she has a calm character and a big belly. Then she will rarely leave the nest and will be able to warm more chicks.

For hatching, clean and even eggs that have the correct shape are selected. When chicks hatch, it is important to monitor the process, helping the chicks shed their shells. They are left near the hen for about 40 days.

To raise and care for a bird, you don't need to be near the chicken coop all day. It is enough to allocate 40 minutes in the morning for feeding and updating the water in the poultry house, and in the afternoon, in addition, the same amount for cleaning the chicken coop. In total, birds will require no more than three hours of attention per day.

What you need to know about chicken diseases

In addition to the typical hypothermia and lack of vitamins, chickens can get specific diseases. In order to detect them in time, it is necessary to constantly examine each individual and timely isolate sick chickens from healthy chickens. A healthy chicken is active, steady on its feet, has a good appetite and smooth, shiny feathers.

When examining the bird, they carefully examine:

  • skin;
  • breath;
  • legs, neck, wings, including movement;
  • digestion.

Having discovered a sick individual, it must be immediately taken to a veterinarian to determine the nature of the disease. Contagious diseases can cost an entire herd.

Contagious diseases are of the following types:

  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • helminthic;
  • diseases caused by insects.

In any case, every household should have its own chicken first aid kit. It will allow you to support the bird until the veterinarian arrives and makes an accurate diagnosis. It should include:

But if it is not possible to quickly call a doctor, then in order not to lose your birds, you need to have at least a minimal first aid kit that can help you at first. It includes:

  • water-soluble vitamins;
  • furazolidone (for stomach upset);
  • anthelmintic drugs (for worms);
  • tetracycline eye ointment (for eye inflammation)
  • disinfectant;
  • percutan or brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine;
  • Activated carbon;
  • potassium permanganate (for water).

These products should also be used to prevent diseases in the herd.

Calculation of profitability and estimated income

Having figured out where to start a business, you can calculate the payback of the farm. If your farm has about fifty chickens, then the calculation will look like this:

  • A two-week chicken costs 100 rubles, so for 50 pieces you will need 5 thousand rubles.
  • One individual eats 36 kg of grain or feed per year. The entire farm will cost 1800 kg. A kilogram of feed costs an average of 10 rubles, so you will have to shell out 18 thousand a year, plus supplements and vitamins. Total - about 20 thousand rubles.

It turns out that purchasing and maintaining chickens for a year will require about 25 thousand rubles. This amount does not include the cost of building a chicken coop. With good care, each chicken can lay eggs approximately 250 times in a year. That is, from the population in question you can collect 1.25 dozen eggs per year. In retail sales, eggs cost at least 60 rubles. ten. If the egg trade is stable, 50 birds can generate income of up to 125 thousand rubles. in year. In addition, if properly organized, breeding can be an absolutely waste-free business. You can sell not only eggs and meat. They willingly purchase chicken manure as organic fertilizer. Feathers are purchased for production in light industry, and buyers literally go on a hunt for chicken down.

From the calculations it is clear that the profitability of the business is at least 200%. Given the increased demand for environmentally friendly products, raising chickens and selling eggs can become a highly profitable business for the whole family.

You can download a detailed business plan for breeding laying hens at

A business based on breeding laying hens for eggs can bring the farmer the desired profit and significant economic benefits. Knowing the characteristics of laying hens, as well as carefully familiarizing yourself with the technology of their breeding and maintenance, the owner will be able to obtain high-quality products and profit from their sale.

Food production is one of the most popular areas in business for beginners. The low barrier to entry into the market, high demand and the relative simplicity of the production process allow anyone to master this area. In turn, among all food products, one of the most interesting areas is the breeding of laying hens and the production of eggs. If you have even a relatively small plot of land, this business can bring a stable high income.

Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business involves the use of egg-bearing poultry breeds. Since they were purposefully bred to produce eggs, all other characteristics were sacrificed for egg production. In particular, they gain weight more slowly, and the maximum body weight is significantly lower than that of meat and mixed breeds. Their decorative qualities are also very mediocre. But at the same time, chickens of egg breeds begin to lay eggs much earlier than others - already at 4-5 months of age. Their specific egg production also far exceeds the capabilities of other breeds: 200-300 eggs per year instead of 120-180.

In addition to low body weight, egg-laying chickens are characterized by high mobility, which is caused by accelerated metabolism. A more intense metabolism in the body causes an increased appetite of laying hens, as well as the need for long daylight hours (about 14 hours a day).

While meat chickens are slaughtered as soon as they reach their optimal body weight (usually as early as 10 weeks of life), laying hens are kept for at least one year. From the onset of puberty (4-5 months) until the end of the first year of life, egg-laying hens produce the maximum number of eggs, and already from the second year of life and with each subsequent year their productivity drops by 15-20%. In view of this, most farms focused specifically on egg production try to get rid of laying hens in the second year. But if chickens are bred not for commercial purposes, but, say, to meet the needs of a village family for chicken meat and eggs, laying hens can be kept even until the end of the 3rd year.

Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business

Having firmly decided to start an egg business, you should not immediately rush to purchase equipment and young poultry. First you need to develop a detailed business plan, which outlines every step in preparing, setting up and running a business. Having written down all your actions and production needs on paper, it is much easier to track possible problems and prepare in advance to solve them, or even prevent their occurrence altogether. A correctly drawn up business plan will not only accurately show the volume of required start-up investments, but will also allow you to calculate their payback period. Finally, if you have a high-quality business project, it will be possible to attract investment from outside (both a bank loan and borrowed funds from individuals), which is very important if your own resources are insufficient.

The profitability of chicken breeding as a business is closely related to the entrepreneur having his own non-leased land. If you rent land, production costs may be too high and the business will be unprofitable. In turn, buying land will require much larger initial investments, which will significantly push back the payback point. Thus, the business of breeding laying hens is more suitable for those who live in rural areas, own a country house and are ready to move from city to village, or own a house in the private sector in the city.

The realities of domestic entrepreneurship are such that at the first stage, with small production volumes, few businessmen register such an egg business. This usually happens when production volumes become really significant and the need arises for civilized ways of selling products (through stores, official food markets, etc.)

Profitability of chicken breeding

As mentioned above, drawing up a business plan is an important stage in creating a farm for raising laying hens. Already at this stage it is possible to accurately calculate the profitability of production and the size of possible profits. Of course, specific indicators will greatly depend not only on the scale of production, but also on some organizational issues, namely:

  • method of keeping birds - free-range or strictly in a chicken coop/cages;
  • methods of replenishing the livestock - purchasing chickens, young animals or self-incubation of eggs;
  • presence/absence of employees;
  • source of feed - production on your own or purchase of ready-made feed;
  • possibilities and ways of selling by-products (chickens past their most productive age, chicken droppings);
  • degree of remoteness of the farm from markets, etc.

Considering that there can be a lot of factors influencing the size of costs and income, we will consider only the basic model.

So, the profitability of raising chickens for eggs for a farm that has 100 laying hens at a time looks something like this (the prices given are approximate and can vary greatly from region to region):

  • With the average cost of two-week-old young animals being about 120 rubles each, it will take 12,000 rubles to buy 100 chickens.
  • On average, with balanced feeding, a chicken eats about 36 kg of feed per year. That is, the entire livestock will need about 3600 kg. With a feed cost of 12 rubles/kg, food costs will be about 43,200 rubles per year. If we add here the cost of vitamin supplements, the total cost of feed can reach up to 50 thousand rubles per year.
  • When properly maintained, egg-laying breeds produce up to 250 eggs per year. But this is a specific indicator that lasts only in the first 6 months after the onset of puberty in chickens. If you get rid of birds when they reach the age of 1 year, then the period of their egg-laying activity will be 7-8 months. That is, one chicken will generally produce only 15-20 dozen eggs per year. For a livestock of 100 individuals, this number will be 1.5-2 thousand eggs. With the average cost of domestic non-factory eggs ranging from 80-120 rubles, the gross income from their sale will be 120-240 thousand rubles.
  • Having adjusted the production process and established stable sales of products, it is possible to sell the entire volume of eggs at full market value. After deducting the costs of purchasing young animals and feed, the total profit from the main product (eggs) alone will be about 60-180 thousand rubles per year. Of course, some current costs should be subtracted from this (electricity, consumables for maintaining a chicken coop, costs of transporting products to markets, etc.) But do not forget that chickens that have passed their maximum productive age also cost money. From one laying hen you can get about a kilogram of marketable meat, that is, another 150-200 rubles per carcass, or 15-20 thousand rubles in gross income from the herd.

As can be seen from a simple calculation, under certain circumstances, production profitability can reach 200% even with completely purchased feed and young stock. If you raise chickens and make feed yourself, the profitability will be even higher. A relatively small farm with 500 laying hens will give about 25-75 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Chicken breeding and keeping technology

Obviously, calculations of business profitability will be accurate only if all start-up costs (building a chicken coop, equipment for breeding chickens) and current costs (feed, electricity, transportation costs, worker salaries, if any) are taken into account. To achieve maximum profitability, it is recommended to set up full-cycle production. That is, instead of buying young animals from the outside, produce chickens in our own incubators.

Turning eggs into chicks is the first stage of the production cycle in the egg business. In addition to purchasing the incubators themselves, the entrepreneur will have to allocate a room in which the hatched chickens will be housed. Since young animals of different ages cannot be kept in the same enclosure, each age group will need a separate room.

Particular attention should be paid to the living conditions of adult birds. Maximum productivity of chickens can only be achieved if they receive enough feed and are kept in clean, well-ventilated and lighted chicken coops. At the same time, it is highly desirable that chickens can roam at least in a small fenced yard. If the farm is located in a sparsely populated area and it is possible to use a large area without large additional costs, it is better to build chicken coops with spacious outdoor walking areas. Mesh fences are the ideal solution for such situations.

Construction of a chicken coop that is convenient both for the chickens themselves and for the people serving it will be the main item of starting expenses. It is important to provide in the room not only a sufficient number of nests, feeders and drinkers, but also perches where the bird will rest at night, windows for ventilation and natural lighting of the chicken coop. To make cleaning up litter (and it should be done as often as possible) as easy as possible, it is recommended to use removable perches so that they can be easily removed while cleaning up.

Home business raising laying hens, we make money by selling domestic eggs.


In the field of poultry farming, it is considered one of the most profitable areas. Chickens grow very quickly and begin to lay eggs at 5 months. Some breeds are capable of laying eggs all year round with sufficient lighting and maintaining the desired temperature in the house. An established sales market and timely renewal of the chicken population can provide a constant stable income.

Before you start breeding laying hens, it is advisable to develop a step-by-step business plan. It will help not only to foresee all possible problems in advance, but will also be able to facilitate obtaining investments or a loan from a bank. A properly drawn up business plan reflects all initial costs and clearly demonstrates their payback period.

Both a rural resident and a city dweller can build a chicken business. In the countryside it is easier to find a piece of land for a poultry house and poultry run. However, building a chicken coop does not require a large area; it can be placed in a small area.

If you plan to expand your chicken farming business in the future, it is advisable to officially register the farm or obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. This will significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining product certificates. But of course you will have to timely report to the tax service and pay taxes.

In cells.

In this option, it is necessary to install racks for cages in the chicken coop, develop a system of feeders and drinking bowls. In addition, the cages must be cleaned regularly. In addition, the construction or purchase of cells is quite an expensive undertaking.


Another distinctive feature of this type of housing is the ability to independently prepare feed (root vegetables, potatoes, food waste), while caged chickens are fed only mixed feed.

Depending on the chosen method, the costs required to equip the chicken coop are calculated. Purchasing industrial cages, feeders and drinkers can significantly increase the initial costs of starting a laying hen breeding business. Installing homemade options will cost much less.

Setting up a chicken coop

Almost any barn can be converted into a chicken coop by insulating the walls. In this case, you can safely exclude the costs of its construction from the business plan for raising chickens.

You can build a poultry house from boards, slate or gas silicate blocks. The latter building material is more expensive, but it will ensure the reliability and durability of the building. The simplest construction option is as follows:

  1. Four wooden logs are dug into the corners of the future building, so that the height of the chicken coop is about 2 meters.
  2. The racks are covered with boards on both sides and covered with a roof. To avoid the roof breaking under the weight of snow, it is better to make it pitched.
  3. Insulation is placed between the boards - sawdust, straw, pine needles, dry leaves. To prevent rodents from settling in this nutrient mass, it is mixed with lime (in the proportion of 1 part lime to 25 parts insulation).
  4. The floor can be left earthen, and with the onset of cold weather it can be insulated. Initially, the insulation layer should be 150 millimeters. Every 10-12 days you should add 50 millimeters, so that by spring the thickness of the insulation is about half a meter. Rotting processes occurring in organic insulation will release additional heat into the environment.

It is advisable to install windows and artificial lighting in the poultry house. It is better that the windows are located on the south side. If the layout of the site allows, then a hole for chickens to go outside is made on the east side. A prerequisite is a ventilation device. This could be an ordinary window or another ventilation hole covered with a mesh to keep mice and rats out.

A perch is built along the back side of the poultry house at a height of 0.6-1 meter from the floor. Feeders and drinking bowls are installed along the side walls. The nests in which the chickens will lay eggs can be made in the form of shelves covered with straw and hay, or wooden boxes with similar filling can be used. There should be several nests so that several birds can lay eggs at the same time.

We purchase young animals

A business plan for breeding chickens involves determining the number of chickens that need to be purchased. To get started, it will be enough to buy a couple of dozen chickens. The number of young animals purchased also depends on the area of ​​the poultry house. So for every 10 square meters with floor housing you can place 20 chickens, and in one cage you can contain 6-7 chickens. At least one rooster is required for every 10 hens.

The next step is to choose a breed. So, choosing a meat and egg breed of chickens will allow you to build a business both selling eggs and selling chicken meat. At the same time, egg breeds will allow you to get much more high-quality eggs.

Reducing the cost of business development can be achieved by purchasing laying hens as two-week-old chicks. True, there is a small risk of buying a rooster instead of a chicken, since pronounced gender differences begin to appear around 2-3 months.

It is permissible to purchase grown young animals until they begin laying eggs, that is, up to 5 months of age. Be sure to read the reviews about the seller, buy chickens only from trusted people and be sure to be vaccinated.

Feeding and caring for birds

To maintain the productivity and health of chickens in the poultry house, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. The permissible deviation is from -2 0 C to +27 0 C.

A business plan for raising laying hens is inconceivable without taking into account the cost of feed. Chickens must be fed with compound feed selected by professionals. For adult birds, feeding with food waste, potatoes, and root vegetables is allowed. In order for the chicken business to flourish, it is necessary to include vitamin supplements, chalk, and eggshells in the chickens’ diet. In summer, birds that have the opportunity to walk outside are able to find their own food. They eat insects and green grass. Greens can be prepared for future use and added to feed in winter.


Breeding chickens as a business will be successful if you choose the right laying hen, which will hatch the offspring, and a rooster. Only a strong and active rooster can produce good offspring. When choosing a chicken, you should pay attention to its comb. It is believed that in a good laying hen it is quite large and has a rich red color. Also important is the structure of the body and the character of the bird. A hen that is calm in nature will not often leave the nest with eggs, and a soft, large belly will provide the warmth necessary for the development of chicks.

Eggs for laying are chosen to be smooth, clean and of the correct shape. Chicks hatching from eggs must be helped to free themselves from the shell and then returned to the nest under the hen. They will have to live with their mother for about 40 days, if they are planned to be left on the farm, or until they are sold.

We calculate the estimated income

The key point of a business plan for creating a farm for raising chickens is, without a doubt, the calculation of profitability, payback period and possible profit.

  • The average cost of a two-week chicken is 100 rubles. To buy fifty chickens you need to shell out 5,000 rubles.
  • On average, with mixed feeding, a chicken eats 36 kilograms of feed or grain per year. The entire livestock will cost 1800 kilograms. With an average market price of 10 rubles per kilogram, the cost of dry food will be 18,000 rubles per year. Let's add vitamin supplements and premixes here. As a result, the costs will be about 20,000 rubles.

Without taking into account the costs of building a poultry house and its equipment, an annual expense of 20,000 rubles can be included in a business plan for maintaining 50 laying hens.

With proper care and balanced feeding, egg-laying chicken breeds can lay eggs up to 250 times a year. From 50 birds you can get 1,250 dozen eggs. Since domestic eggs are highly valued by buyers, a dozen eggs cost about 60-100 rubles.

By establishing stable sales channels for eggs, you can get an income from 75 to 125 thousand rubles per year from 50 hens. Accordingly, the annual profit from the sale of eggs will be 55-105 thousand rubles. Additional benefits can be obtained from the sale of chicken manure, which is a valuable fertilizer.

The domestic egg production business is a very profitable niche. The minimum profitability of a business plan for keeping chickens for selling eggs is more than 200%. And given the growing demand for environmentally friendly products and low initial investments, creating a farm for breeding laying hens can be considered as a real way to open a home business.

Interesting video: business plan for 100 laying hens.

Popular business ideas

Breeding and raising laying hens is a stable and quite promising way to earn money. Almost anyone who owns a suburban area and has free time can start a chicken breeding business.

In our previous publication, we examined in detail the question of. In today's article, we will examine in detail all the nuances of breeding and raising chickens at home. Let's determine the profitability of this area of ​​​​earnings and the payback of the agricultural business.

Chickens are unpretentious poultry to breed and keep. Even a person who is not particularly knowledgeable about poultry farming can start this business with virtually no risk.

Chicken farm business plan

To properly implement an idea, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. You can prepare the document yourself or entrust this important matter to experienced specialists.

Why do you need a business plan for raising chickens?

This document describes step by step all the nuances related to business development. First of all, it is necessary to determine the profitability of the idea. Profitability is the ratio of costs and expected profit. Having determined the indicators, you can draw conclusions about the profitability or futility of the project.

Main stages of a chicken farm business plan:

  • Selection and analysis of the profitability of a business idea;
  • Finding start-up capital for project implementation;
  • Business registration;
  • Financial expenses;
  • Chicken farm premises and equipment;
  • Detailed calculation of the costs of purchasing poultry, its maintenance and nutrition;
  • Sales market and business payback periods;
  • Calculation of estimated risks that may arise during the implementation of a business idea.

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Chicken farm registration

At the initial stage, it is not at all necessary to register your type of activity. Surely you are not completely confident in the success of your business. Therefore, it is better to start breeding and raising chickens for your own purposes, and if you are successful, you can try to sell your products on the local market.

In the future, when mass breeding chickens, you will need to register your type of activity in order to be able to supply products to stores, supermarkets, and restaurants.

Breeding chickens at home

As mentioned above, chickens are unpretentious poultry that are quite suitable for home breeding. Almost all rural residents breed this type of bird for their needs. But few people decide to raise chickens on a production scale. The thing is that there is a lot of competition from private poultry farms, whose products have flooded almost the entire market. It is quite difficult to compete with manufacturing giants, but thanks to the quality of the products, it is still possible to grab a part of the market and find a profitable distribution channel.

Chicken coop diagram

First of all, it's worth talking about some of the most commonly used methods for keeping poultry at home.

Keeping birds in cages. This method consists of equipping the chicken coop with racks for cages, equipping them with drinkers, feeders, and nests for hatching eggs. The big minus is the constant cleaning of the chicken coop. You will have to spend a lot of time to maintain cleanliness, otherwise the birds will get sick. In addition, the construction and arrangement of cells is quite a financially expensive undertaking.

Setting up a chicken coop

Regardless of the chosen method of keeping birds, setting up a chicken coop is a must.

You can rent a poultry house or build it yourself. This design is not complicated at all. You can build a chicken coop from slate, boards or gas silicate blocks. The last option is the most reliable and durable, although financially expensive.

Inside the chicken coop you should definitely equip a perch, that is, a pole suspended 50–100 cm from the ground.

Nests. The chicken coop must also be equipped with nests for hatching eggs. Make sure there are enough of them to accommodate several birds at the same time. Making nests is not difficult; they consist of a shelf covered with hay or straw.

It is advisable to make small windows in the chicken coop for ventilation. Artificial lighting should also be installed.

Purchasing young stock for a chicken farm

If you are planning to breed laying hens for eggs as a business, then you should purchase suitable breeds of birds for rearing.

To get started, you will only need to purchase a few dozen birds. You can buy young chicks or purchase an incubator for hatching eggs.

When purchasing birds, consider the area of ​​the chicken coop. It is worth knowing that on an area of ​​about 10 square meters. m., you can place no more than 20 chickens. There should also be one rooster for every 10 hens.

Choosing a chicken breed for breeding at home

Having decided on the direction, you can begin to choose the breed of chickens for breeding. Nowadays, quite a lot of breeds of laying hens have been developed.

The following breeds are considered the most adapted and highly productive:

  • Leghorn;
  • Kuchinsky Jubilee;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Pushkinskaya;

Naturally, the natural qualities of the breed alone are not enough; in order for the chicken to lay eggs well, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care and nutrition.

Care and feeding of birds

A certain air temperature is required in the poultry house. Temperatures ranging from -2 to +28 degrees are considered comfortable for keeping birds.

In a business plan for raising laying hens, the cost of poultry feed should be taken into account. Chickens are unpretentious in food, but still their diet should be balanced and varied. The main products that should be present in the diet of chickens: grain, millet, feed, food waste, grass, young nettles, lettuce. In addition, you should not forget about vitamins; be sure to add eggshells, sand, and small shells to your food.

Buying bird feed is not a very financially expensive stage of a business plan for breeding laying hens for eggs, and this is quite a significant plus of this idea.

Chicken nutrition

Costs and profits

First of all, it’s worth talking about the costs of setting up a chicken farm.

Main costs:

  • Chicken coop equipment;
  • Purchase of young animals and an incubator for further breeding of chickens at home;
  • Feed costs.

Profit from business in breeding laying hens

Breeding and raising laying hens involves receiving the main profit from the sale of eggs. On average, a laying hen can lay about 200 eggs per year. The average price for a dozen domestic eggs on the market is about 50 rubles. On average, a small farm consists of 100–200 birds. Thus, a farm of 100 chickens will bring you about 20,000 eggs per year. On average, you sell them for 100,000 rubles. This is how much you will earn if you only sell eggs. But you can also start breeding broiler chickens as a business and make even greater profits just by breeding poultry at home.

Laying hens in most cases turns out to be very cost-effective (up to 200%), if this issue is initially approached with all seriousness. At first glance, raising young animals may seem like a complicated matter, but in practice it turns out that raising chickens is a low-cost and fairly simple business.

It is possible, both for a resident of rural areas and for a city dweller. Raising young birds will require mini-costs, so in order to develop a business, you can use a dacha or a barn in the city.

Practice and reviews show that the majority of those who decided to start a business with laying hens within their farm received their first profit within a year. In order for the initial costs to quickly pay off, it is necessary to initially draw up a competent business plan, taking into account all possible costs.

Features of such a business

It is known that chickens, regardless of their breed, are unpretentious creatures, which means that you don’t have to spend a lot of money and time to maintain them. The bird lives well at home in a private house or summer cottage.

In order for the business plan to become established and the farm’s profit to grow, it is necessary to find good, proven places to purchase young stock and sales channels for eggs. It is known that meat and eggs are perishable products, which means that they should be sold as soon as possible. The size of the eggs and the quality of the meat also depends on the breed of chicken. You can find a lot of information about them on the Internet. The choice of breed depends on whether you intend to sell only eggs or also meat.

Advantages and disadvantages

Judging by the reviews and taking into account the peculiarities of drawing up a business plan for, we can highlight a number of advantages and disadvantages of such a business.

Poultry purchase

You need to buy chickens only from trusted places (farms). Mini chickens must be well-groomed, fed and vaccinated. It is believed that it is better to purchase babies under the age of five months. How much to buy is up to you. This question depends primarily on the size of the chicken coop and your plans for the future. And, of course, your capabilities are taken into account here, because feeding and caring for a hundred chickens is easier than five hundred, isn’t it?

In any case, if you are just starting your business, it is better not to try to capture the stars from the sky. No matter how many chickens you buy, make such purchases only in trusted places.

When choosing young chickens, you should pay attention to their combs, which should be soft and voluminous even if the plumage is in poor condition (during seasonal molting, which ends in September).

To raise chickens and produce eggs at home, you will need a certain amount of feed or grain. If you have a garden, you can save on purchasing special food for laying hens. This question plays a huge role, because the appearance and quantity of chicken meat, as well as eggs, will depend on the quality of feeding. It is best to feed with high-quality compound feed, vegetable waste with added vitamins, eggshells and chalk.

In the summer, chickens are able to provide themselves with food while walking. They enjoy eating grass and insects. By the way, you should also maintain a temperature range of -2 to +26 degrees Celsius.

In this video, a poultry house owner gives good advice on raising chickens and creating a business plan.

Profitability of poultry business

In one day, according to plan, a chicken eats approximately 100-120 grams of feed (for five chickens, on average, 500 grams of feed are consumed), which will cost two to three rubles. At the same time, she will lay an egg, which you can sell for 8-10 rubles. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that a chicken cannot always lay eggs, which means that its egg production rate is in the range of 90-95%. With simple calculations, it turns out that the profitability of production will be about 100%, which even the most popular direction in business cannot distinguish. Your mini costs can be covered by selling the same thing, which you will rake out of the poultry house in tens, or even hundreds of kilograms...

Turnover calculation

Let's say you are going to buy three dozen chickens. Today the cost of one chicken is about one hundred rubles:

30 x 100 = 3000 rub.

If we consider that one chicken will eat about 35 kg of feed per year, then:

30 x 35 = 1050 rub.

Accordingly, the cost of feed at a price of 10 rubles/kg will be 10,500 rubles. If you take into account the costs of vitamins and supplements, you get an average of 13,000 rubles for food. Depending on the breed, one chicken can lay from 150 to 300 eggs per year. Let's take the average value - 250 pieces. This means that our 30 hens will produce 750 eggs per year, which we can sell at a price of 80 to 100 rubles per dozen.

And this is 60 - 75 thousand rubles of annual profit from production at home. If we consider that chicken manure can also be sold as fertilizer, then profits will increase by another 10% on average.

Video “Laying hens of the Loman Brown and Hisex breeds”

The video recording demonstrates the appearance of chickens and their ability to hatch eggs.