Business plan for liquid rubber in construction. Business idea: painting cars with liquid rubber. The scope is quite wide

Water, where it should be - in a bathtub, sauna, river or sea, not only pleases the eye, but invigorates and cheers up any person. But water, where it should not be, can become a source big problem. It's about about metal corrosion, a leaking lid, or a wet basement. And then the water turns into an enemy, which must be stopped at any cost. Therefore, the waterproofing business will always be in demand.

There are many waterproofing products on the market with various unique properties, intended for independent or professional use. Household waterproofing products cannot withstand any comparative competition with professional ones, so there is only one way to make money on them - by selling these products. If you are planning to start a professional waterproofing business, then you need the appropriate funds. The leaders in this service market today are: liquid rubber and polyurea. Let's consider each method separately.

Features of the waterproofing business liquid rubber

Liquid rubber, polymer material based on bitumen. In fact, the material is not rubber chemical composition However, performance properties similar to rubber are the basis of the name.

“Liquid rubber” or CBS mastic is a one- or two-component bitumen-latex water emulsion modified with various polymers.

Liquid rubber is used for external waterproofing of roofs, basements, metal structures, swimming pools and other objects where waterproofing is necessary. This composition is applied using ordinary hand tools - roller, brush, spatula. Either using special spray equipment, in this case, CBS mastic is supplied with a coagulant ( water solution calcium chloride) from a two-nozzle sprayer. The coagulant flows off the surface, and the mastic polymerizes almost instantly. This coating can be used 2 hours after application.

The disadvantages of this material are: instability under UV radiation, low mechanical wear resistance, susceptible to destruction in aggressive environments (solvents, gasoline, brake fluid). Therefore, “liquid rubber” is additionally protected with a second layer, for example, paint from UV rays.

Key advantages of the material and equipment features- low cost (compared to polyurea). Spray equipment and raw materials produce various enterprises in Russia, so starting in this type of business costs no more than 150 thousand rubles. Of this, 50-100 thousand costs a special installation, and 50 thousand will be spent on setting up a business and purchasing raw materials (based on 100 rubles per 1 kg of mastic). You can also reduce costs and apply liquid rubber manually, which will affect the timing of the work, but entering such a business will cost only 30-50 thousand rubles.

The cost of waterproofing with liquid rubber is from 700 rubles per square meter. A team of 2 people can handle the job. Thus, equipment manufacturers claim that 1000 square meters of rubber can be sprayed in 8 hours, that is, in 1 working day. This service is mainly used by private clients.

Video: liquid rubber waterproofing

Polyurea waterproofing business

Polyurea (polyuria, polyurea)- a synthetic material created using chemical reactions based on natural elements. When applied, it forms an extremely durable and very elastic seamless layer. The tensile strength of such a film is more than 35 MPa. The strength of the material is not inferior to ceramic tiles.

Key feature of this material- high waterproofing properties, chemical and mechanical resistance, under ultraviolet rays the mixture only changes color. The material is practically indifferent to the temperature of the surface being treated, since polymerization is carried out by a special catalyst. Also, the material acts as an excellent dielectric. When applied correctly, the service life of the coating reaches 20 years.

To work with this material, you need special equipment - equipment (reactor) for polyurea and polyurethane foam, as well as the so-called components - “liquid A and B”. The reactor is responsible for heating, dosing and injection, and mixing of the mixtures occurs immediately before spraying.

Disadvantages of Polyurea Business— high cost of components and equipment, and application of the material is impossible without equipment. Since, as a rule, all production of the installations or components in this area of ​​business is concentrated abroad (Europe, USA, China). Therefore, the initial cost of the equipment is quite high - from 250 thousand for the initial set. Raw materials are also not cheap. The total cost of entering a business can reach up to 1 million rubles.

Additionally, using of this equipment It is possible to spray polyurethane foam (PPU) insulation.

However, the superiority of polyurea as a waterproofing material makes such a business very popular, even compared to liquid rubber. The cost of application per 1 square meter is from 1500 rubles. The high cost of such a roof is compensated by a long turnaround time, so, already in the third year of operation of the roof without repairs, the cost of application (taking into account the savings on repairs) is reduced to 1000 rubles. Ease of installation also ensures high productivity - up to 500 square meters per working day. Mainly, this service is used by large clients - management companies (flat roofs of houses, waterproofing of basements and ceilings), enterprises (roofing workshops, electromechanical protection of equipment) and so on.

Video: waterproofing with polyurea

Liquid rubber- a relatively new waterproofing material with a wide range of applications in the construction of any objects. It is a polymer-bitumen water emulsion, which is brought to the state of mastic in a special apparatus.

Liquid rubber has excellent performance in its main intended purpose– sealing and insulating joints, seams, all types of joints and surfaces, vertically and horizontally located, provides excellent adhesion, is not affected by high temperatures, does not crack, does not peel off. This is a universal building material that does not contain harmful and toxic components. The product is just entering the market, so the number of companies providing sealing and waterproofing services with liquid rubber is very small, and in some regions there is zero competition at all. Therefore, this can be used to create a successful and profitable business based on this innovative and safe surface treatment method.

Let's consider the main cost items for bringing a business project to life.

Registration of activities – $625. The IP form is ideal.

Purchase of equipment – ​​3750 USD for a Russian-made device, $5625 for imported installations for working with polymer-bitumen water emulsion. The raw materials used in the devices may vary depending on the manufacturer; as a rule, the manufacturer adapts the spray machine to its type of raw material or can recommend a supplier of liquid rubber of the required brand. When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to the type of power supply; mobile units running on liquid fuel are convenient.

Rubber comes in liquid or solid form (granules). Material consumption - 2.5 l (or 3 kg) per 1 sq.m. treated area, with such indicators the insulation layer will be 2 mm, an increase in thickness leads to a proportional increase in consumption. The price of 1 kg of polymer-bitumen mastic is 4 dollars. It is necessary to spend about 3,000 USD on the first batch of raw materials.

The process of applying sprayed seamless waterproofing is simple, but it is still desirable that the performers be the business owner himself (when working alone) or hired personnel- had at least minimal knowledge in the field of construction and waterproofing processes. Let us note once again that liquid rubber is a universal material; it can be applied to any type of surface, various objects - from roofs, floors to foundations, swimming pools, artificial reservoirs. The geometry of the location (slope, vertical) does not matter, the only condition is that external work should not be carried out in rainy weather or at sub-zero temperatures.

On initial stages activities, while there are few orders, one specialist can handle the work. It must be provided with passenger transport for trips to customers, for transportation Supplies(liquid rubber has considerable weight) and spray installations.
Subsequently, it will be difficult for one person to cope with the entire scope of work, so the staff can be expanded to several workers who specialize in construction or have experience in interior decoration. They will require a small freight car. The cost of such transport will be about 9500-10000 USD. (for a used car).

Personnel must be provided with protective waterproof suits, rubber gloves, boots, and respirators. The cost of uniforms for one employee is $300.
Having an office is not necessary; many entrepreneurs make do with their own website, accepting orders through it or by phone, calling a team as orders arrive.

Initial investment to implement a business idea:

Total $11270. Monthly costs – 1700 USD

You can significantly reduce monthly expenses and the amount of starting capital by refusing to rent premises for an office and warehouse (switching to home or garage storage), by doing all the work yourself, and reducing the volume of purchased raw materials.
The cost of waterproofing with liquid rubber is about 20 USD. for 1 sq.m. The cost of the service is $4.2.

Business profitability - 75%.

Opening own business The production of liquid rubber is quite a profitable business. And there are enough reasons for this. Firstly, such material is quite new and at the same time in demand. Secondly, liquid rubber is widely used in many industries. The third reason is low competition.

Rent of premises for the production of liquid rubber.

When choosing premises for developing a business in this area, it is important to consider the following points:

The ceiling height must be at least 6 meters;
- availability of all communications;
- the room must be at least 300 square meters in size;
- the power line must be at least 380 W;
- the load on the power line must withstand 50 kW;
- availability of room ventilation.

It is best to choose a place outside the city. The monthly rent for this type of premises averages $400.

Tools for business development.

To organize a business for the production of liquid rubber, it is necessary not only to rent the appropriate premises, but also to buy or lease equipment, purchase raw materials and hire the required number of personnel.

Equipment for the production of.

This type of material is manufactured on a finished production line, which is installed on industrial enterprise. It is called a bitumen emulsion installation.

The dimensions of this equipment are as follows:

- length - 145 cm;
- width - 70 cm;
- height - 130 cm.

In addition to the production installation, you will need to purchase the following equipment: an installation for receiving and storing raw materials, a heat source to maintain or adjust the temperature of use of the starting components, a piping system, production devices, pumps and finished emulsions, a storage tank for the finished product (2 of these may be needed -3), installation for pouring emulsion into barrels and tanks, weighing device for supplied products.

Cost of equipment:

Production Line- $43 thousand;
- installation of acceptance and storage of raw materials - $350;
- heat supply source - $700;
- container for storing manufactured product with a volume of up to 50.0 m3 - $40 per 1 piece;
- installation of pouring emulsion into barrels and tanks - $260;
- device for weighing supplied products - $200-230.

To produce liquid rubber, you need to purchase the following raw materials:

bitumen (the basis of liquid rubber), coagulant (for rapid hardening when applied to the surface), polymer-water emulsion. You can also use rubber to create liquid rubber. Most often, these raw materials can be purchased simultaneously from one supplier, but you can select different manufacturers.

When selecting raw materials, it is worth considering that the quality of the components directly affects the quality of the finished product, and this is the face of your company. For a medium-sized business with a monthly production of liquid rubber of 50 tons, you will need raw materials worth about $3.5 thousand.

For the continuous operation of your business, you will need 3-4 line operators, a quality controller, a technologist, a manager, and general workers (security guard, loader, accountant). When hiring workers, it is important to look at education, work experience, skills and knowledge in the field. Additionally, it is important to understand that the production of liquid rubber is a hazardous industry.

Line operators are prohibited from working without special protection. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account special conditions labor for employees and benefits, established by law. The line operator should receive a salary of -150-200 $, the quality controller will have a salary of 200-230 $, the technologist will receive about 250 $, wage managerial level can be from $350, general workers on average receive $100-170.


To develop a liquid rubber business, you can use the following advertising tools:

- creating your own website;
- advertising publication on partner sites;
- advertising on radio and television;
- publication in specialized magazines and newspapers.

Creating your own website will allow you to conveniently place all the information about your business for potential consumers. It is important to constantly promote your website to stay ahead of your competitors. Advertising publication on partner websites allows you to place as much information about your business on the Internet as possible. Advertising on radio and TV allows you to reach a wide audience of consumers. Publication in specialized newspaper publications helps promote business.

Basic costs of starting a business.

To develop your own business producing liquid rubber, you will need the following initial investments:

Rent of premises (for 2 months) - $800;
- equipment - $44.5 thousand;
- purchase of raw materials - $3.5 thousand;
- staff salaries - $1.5-2 thousand;
- Advertising activity - 80-100 $;
- additional expenses (payment utilities, unexpected expenses, etc.) - $100-300.

In total, to create your own business in this area you will need start-up capital within about 50 thousand $.

Enterprise profit and payback period.

According to experts, this industry is quite profitable. Since this material is widely used in many fields, it is environmentally friendly and has good specifications. Considering the average size of a liquid rubber production enterprise with a productivity of about 50 tons of products, a monthly income of about $12 thousand can be obtained. The net income of the enterprise will be about $5 thousand. This means that you will be able to fully return the initial investment in 10-12 months.

Product sales and business development.

There are enough areas where you can sell products:

For construction industry when repairing and creating coatings for private homes, business centers, schools and others;
- for applying protective coatings to vehicles;
- to protect metal structures of buildings and prevent corrosion;
- waterproofing of tunnels, bridges, drainage systems, sewerage systems, basements;
- installation or repair floor coverings private and administrative premises.

Additionally, you can develop your business in several directions. The production line allows us to produce not only liquid rubber, but also the development of a wide variety of formulations of water-bitumen emulsions, depending on the composition of the components of the emulsion, as well as on its field of application. You can also purchase special equipment for waterproofing liquid rubber on different surfaces and further develop this area not only in the creation of the material, but also in its application.

When choosing a liquid rubber manufacturing business, you offer wide range consumers, domestic material that does not differ in composition and quality, and also has a lower cost compared to its foreign counterpart, which increases the profit of your company.

For rate economic efficiency We will consider 2 types of waterproofing with liquid rubber, the most typical works. On this page of the site we will analyze the waterproofing of the foundation, and then we will calculate the repair of a flat roof.

The task of foundation waterproofing

Construction of a cottage with a basement. Dimensions 15x11. To simplify the calculations, we assume that the cottage has a rectangular shape. In fact, the perimeter line can have any shape. One of the advantages of liquid rubber is that it is convenient and quick to apply waterproofing to walls of any configuration.

Because building with a basement, then the cottage is erected on a monolithic slab. What is this and why should it be like this for a house with a basement. Height of foundation walls, incl. base, from the top point of the foundation slab is 2.5 m.

Thus, the task involves 2 stages, separated by time.

  • First, waterproof the base of the foundation slab. By the way, the video of such work is for a multi-storey building, and the video is for a cottage under construction.
  • Secondly, waterproofing the foundation walls.

When waterproofing the base of a foundation slab, waterproofing is carried out over lean concrete. When waterproofing walls, vertical waterproofing is joined to a strip of horizontal waterproofing protruding along the perimeter.

Assessment of scope of work and order cost

Thus, the task comes down to first applying waterproofing to a horizontal concrete base over an area of ​​165 m2, and then, after pouring the slab and walls, performing vertical waterproofing over an area of ​​2x(15+11)x2.5=130m2.

With a waterproofing thickness of 3 mm (corresponding to a liquid rubber consumption of 4.3 kg/m2), the average price for 1 m2 of horizontal coating (labor + material) is 830 rubles.

Note that this is the “maximum” price in Moscow and the Moscow region in summer season 2014, which allows a discount for the customer of up to 100 rubles per square meter. If you announce a price of more than 830 rubles, then this will be higher than the market average, therefore there is a possibility that the Customer will not contact you.

Thus, the customer should receive up to 136,950 rubles for waterproofing the foundation slab.

Similar prices for applying liquid rubber to walls are slightly higher, because... the increasing factor is taken into account. Price of service (work + material) per 1 sq.m. for walls is 850 rubles. Thus, for this example market price treatment of the foundation with liquid rubber is: 130 x 850 = 110,500 rubles.

Foundation preparation work

It is important to understand here that before laying waterproofing (any) the base must be prepared. It must be strong, smooth (fill shells, cavities, cut or knock down protruding stones, etc.) and clean. It is necessary to install fillets at the junctions. These aspects are described in detail in the Liquid Rubber Guide.

Most objects require foundation preparation. It will take time and additional labor. For small businesses, it is preferable for this stage of work to be carried out by others, but with mandatory acceptance of the foundation by you. If it concerns construction company, which has both hands and resources, then it is more profitable, of course, to also take on this stage of work.

Here, for the business plan of a small business for the provision of liquid rubber services, work on preparing the foundation is not taken into account.

The advantage of doing business with liquid rubber is mobility and efficiency. On the appointed day, bring barrels of raw materials to the site on a truck, bring the installation, quickly turn around, complete the application in 2-3-4-5-6 hours, turn up, pick up the installation and leave.

It is imperative that before delivering barrels and equipment to the site, you should go out, inspect and make sure that everything is ready. If you say, “We have everything ready, come tomorrow,” you shouldn’t trust the customer.

Work on applying liquid rubber and related

If you have all the necessary equipment and devices, the minimum laying speed of liquid rubber is 120 m2 per hour, with a consumption of 4.3 kg/m2 of bitumen emulsion, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 3 mm.

However, it should be taken into account that there are always stops, breaks, etc. Therefore, for a real assessment of the time of direct application of liquid rubber, a correction factor should be used. When working on the horizon it is 0.7, and on walls - 0.5.

Therefore, directly spraying liquid rubber on 165 m2 of concrete will require 165 / 120 / 0.7 = 1.96 hours, i.e. 2 hours.

Therefore, directly spraying liquid rubber on 130 m2 of walls requires 130 / 120 / 0.5 = 2.17 hours, i.e. 2 hours and 10 minutes.

The time for deployment on site is on average 2 hours.

You need to unload the barrels and spread them around the perimeter. Then unload the installation. Solve the issue with the connection point if an electrical installation is used. In this regard, it should be noted that gasoline equipment is more convenient, because autonomous and does not depend on anything on site. In addition, the hoses (from the installation to the application site) can be up to 100 m, which allows work to be carried out from one point, without moving equipment and barrels.

The barrels with the emulsion should be opened. Prepare a solution of calcium chloride. The equipment must be reactivated, adjusted if necessary, and ensure that the coating will be obtained correctly.

In a word, if you can and understand everything, then in 2 hours you can prepare to start work.

Before performing a two-component application of liquid rubber, the insulated base must be primed. The emulsion itself is used as a primer, without an activator solution.

After completing the application of waterproofing, time is required for “curling”. It’s easier here: wash the hoses and pumps, preserve the installation, roll up the hoses, and, if necessary, pack them in film. Load the unit, tools, and work containers into the machine.

On average, it takes at least 1 hour to roll up on site.

We recommend that you discuss in advance with the Customer the issue of empty barrels that will remain after applying liquid rubber. In order not to spend money on a truck to remove them, agree in advance that the empty containers remain at the construction site.

Consumption of raw materials and other materials

The main cost item for a business applying seamless waterproofing is the liquid rubber itself, i.e. bitumen-polymer emulsion.

The consumption of liquid rubber is determined by the requirements (and wallet) of the customer. If you want to get a better quality (thicker) coating, you need more liquid per 1m2. Need something cheaper and no warranty requirements? You can reduce the consumption to 3kg/m2.

For this example, we assume that the consumption of liquid rubber is 4.3 kg/m2 to obtain a coating 3 mm thick. This is a good value. But, unfortunately, only 20% of companies in Russia operate this way.

For horizontal waterproofing of 165 m2, 165 x 4.3 = 709.5 kg is required. You should also take into account the consumption of the emulsion for priming the base. On average, 0.2 kg/m2, i.e. 33kg. Total, 742.5 kg. Practice shows that the calculated value should be increased by 5%. We get 780kg.

Powder consumption is, on average, 4 kg per barrel. Thus, in the first case, 16 kg of CaCl2 is required, and in the second - 12 kg.

Diesel fuel consumption

Another cost item is diesel fuel for flushing the installation. How the equipment is washed and preserved, how often it should be done, etc. - all this is described in detail in the technical data sheet supplied along with the installation.

The diesel fuel consumption rate is 40 liters with a hose length of 20 m. But these 40 liters are divided into “20 liters of clean” and “20 liters of dirty” diesel fuel. In fact, every 20 liters of diesel fuel are used twice: for a final rinse today and a rough (first) rinse tomorrow. Thus, the actual consumption of pure diesel fuel is 20 liters.

If you extend the pipelines from the pumps to the fishing rod, and for a gasoline installation the maximum extension is 80 m, then the diesel fuel consumption rate increases. Every 20 m of hose extension requires an additional 20 liters of flushing fluid. For example, if the length of the hoses is 60 m, then 40+20+20 diesel fuel is required, i.e. 80l, of which 40l is “dirty” and 40l is clean solarium.

For the problem under consideration, we will assume that the hoses were not extended, i.e. The basic delivery set is used, where from the pump to the fishing rod is 20m.

Transport costs and more

Transportation costs should also be included in the cost. For our example, 4 barrels should be delivered to the construction site the first time, and three barrels the second time. The best option is the Gazelle that will need to be hired.

In the case of Moscow and the Moscow region, the price consists of hourly pay and payment for each km of mileage from the Moscow Ring Road in the region. For example, in the summer of 2014, the tariffs were as follows:

  • Cost of 1 hour = 400 rub.
  • Cost of 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road = 12 rubles.

If you need to deliver barrels to Klin (95 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Leningradskoye Shosse), this will take approximately 4 hours, because the starting point is in the south of Moscow, at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Shosse, where the main Technoprok warehouse is located.

Total expenses will be 400x4 + 95x12 = 1600 + 1140 = 2740 rubles.

In other regions of Russia, prices may be different, but, on average for the country, for this section of transport costs you should plan 3,000 rubles.

Transportation costs should also include the cost of gasoline, which will be spent to get to the site in your car. You will need to come at least three times:

  • For the first time, to inspect the property, agree on a price and explain what and how to prepare before applying waterproofing.
  • A second time, to make sure that the base is ready for applying liquid rubber (you shouldn’t take your word for it, just a personal visual and organoleptic inspection).
  • For the third time, to arrive together with an installation for applying liquid rubber (barrels, as a rule, travel separately by a hired Gazelle).

On average, the cost of fuel for your car per object is 2,000 rubles.

Unforeseen expenses may also arise: paying someone, buying something, etc. Contingency fund RUB 5,000.

Costing of business plan expenses

So, let’s bring together the expense items listed above for the example under consideration.

Expense item Unit Unit price 165m2 horizontally 130m2 along the walls
Consumption Amount, rub. Consumption Amount, rub.
Liquid rubber 1 barrel 24,000 rub. 4 96.000 3 72.000
Calcium chloride 1 kg 75 rub. 16 1.200 12 900
Diesel fuel 1l 35 rub. 20 700 20 700
Delivery of barrels to the site 1 Gazelle walker 3000 rub. 1 3.000 1 3.000
Fuel for your car 1 trip 650 rub. 3 1.950 3 1.950
Unexpected expenses 5000 rub. 5.000 5.000
Total expenses 107.850 83.550
Paid by client 136.950 110.500
Profit 29.100 26.950
Profit per square 177 207

At first glance, not so much, but the scope of work is small. If there are more square meters, there will be more profit. In total, we get earnings (or savings, if you do it for yourself) on one house of 56,050 rubles.

Each time it will take approximately 5 hours to deploy and prepare the equipment, apply liquid rubber, roll up the equipment, and load it into the car.

Thus, 1 sq.m., on average, allows you to make a profit of 56050 / 295 = 190 rubles.

Now you can estimate how many square meters are required to pay for the installation.

* From 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2015

After the price of the equipment is “recovered”, you begin to receive a net profit in the amount of 190 rubles per sq.m. You will make 1000 m2, therefore you will earn 190,000 rubles.

Is it possible to increase profit per square?

It is important to understand that in the example under consideration, the profit per square meter when waterproofing walls is higher, because the actual consumption per square is less than when applying liquid rubber horizontally. In this case, it is 4.6 kg versus 4.85 kg, which gives 30 rubles. additionally on each square.

Profit increases if you reduce the consumption of liquid rubber, and therefore the thickness, and therefore reliability and durability.

For example, if in the first case you bring not 4 barrels to the site, but 3, then the return per square becomes not 190, but 335 rubles. On each of the 165 squares we will receive an additional profit of 145 rubles, due to the unused barrel, which costs 24,000 rubles. Consumption per 1 m2 in this case will be 3.6 kg, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 2.5 mm. In principle, this is acceptable, but it is already on the verge.

With such profitability, the payback period for equipment is significantly reduced. It will be possible to reach zero for a 220V electrical installation in 106200/335 = 317 m2.

106200/354 = 300 rub/m2, the amount that should remain from each square.

For the example under consideration, the profitability per 1 m2 along the horizon is 177 rubles. Then you can calculate how much emulsion you need to “not put” in order to get an additional 123 rubles/m2. One kilogram, i.e. the actual consumption should not be 4.85 kg, but 3.85 kg, which is quite acceptable.

Therefore, in order to pay for the installation of Technoprok E-22 over 354 m2, the consumption of liquid rubber should be 3.85 kg/m2, with a price of 830 rubles per 1 m2 of finished coating.

However, not many people know about this opportunity, so it is definitely worth considering as a profitable idea for business. And the fact that it is capable of generating good income is clear at first glance.

For some reason, everything doesn’t reach our country first. This also applies to this example; many car owners do not even know about the possibility of using rubber as a coloring material.

Although the idea is not essentially new, in the USA it has already been successfully practiced for more than 30 years.

Will there be demand?

There definitely will be, as well as a large flow of clients. The main thing, when offering liquid rubber to your clients for car painting, is to do the job efficiently. This is what will determine the future of your business.

What kind of room do you need to paint a car with liquid rubber?

To open your own workshop, you will definitely need to rent a suitable premises.

The fact is that liquid rubber adheres well to surfaces at fairly warm temperatures and dry conditions. Well, in our region only a couple of summer months fit this description.

Premises requirements

There are no strict selection criteria. Water and electricity are required; they will be required for work. The area for the first time can be 10 square meters, which will be enough.

It is advisable to pay attention to the location; your service should be accessible to everyone.

What equipment is needed to paint a car with liquid rubber?

You will need the bare minimum of equipment: paint and a remote control for applying it. It is also advisable to have detergents with which you can clean the surface of the car before painting.


When purchasing a spray gun not worth saving. The speed and quality of the work will depend on it.
