What does farming do? Types of activities permitted for peasant farms. What does a peasant farm do?

If we consider various directions family business, the development of their own agricultural business is of great interest to entrepreneurs. In Russia, peasant farming as a type of activity has become widespread among citizens. This is primarily due to the introduction of state programs to support agricultural business and farm enterprises. Thanks to the emergence of a number of benefits, peasant farming has become a promising and profitable type entrepreneurial activity.

Future entrepreneurs face certain difficulties in initial stages work. Which type of agricultural activity to choose? How much money will it take to develop your own business and how quickly will the investment pay off? How to register correctly own enterprise? Similar questions interest many beginning farmers. Let's try to figure it out.

Peasant farm - what is it?

A small commercial structure that receives about 60-70% of its profit from agricultural products produced by its own efforts is called a peasant farm. A peasant farm can be created by members of a single family or by one citizen.

To open an enterprise, all participants in the farm make property or monetary contributions in certain shares. This allows for further activities, processing, storing agricultural products, transporting and selling them.

A farm enterprise uses certain areas of land, equipment and warehouses. The profit received from its sale constitutes the bulk of the income of all family members. As a rule, the head of a peasant farm is a professional agrarian with knowledge and extensive work experience.

The head of a peasant farm has the right to represent the interests of his enterprise before organizations various shapes property or certain citizens. He has a bank account and a seal at his disposal. This allows the head of the company to enter into cooperation agreements, issue the necessary powers of attorney, hire employees, and carry out other actions necessary for the development of the farm.

Every novice entrepreneur who wants to organize a farm should know the main advantages of conducting this type of commercial activity. First of all, agricultural products will always be in demand for well-known reasons. You need to understand that the cost of food is constantly rising, which provides producers with stable profits. The advantages of starting your own farm also include:

  • representation of goods on the domestic market of agricultural products produced by domestic companies;
  • the presence of federal programs to support agricultural business;
  • wide range of activities;
  • preferential taxation;
  • great consumer demand for domestic products.

It would be useful for novice businessmen to know that more than 80% of grown vegetable crops are supplied to markets and trading network small farms. This allows us to imagine the approximate volumes of consumer demand for this type products and development prospects.

Law on Peasant Farming

It is important to know legislative framework, on which the activities of peasant farms are based. The law provides a precise definition of the activities of peasant farms. Farms are associations of persons related by kinship (property) who have common property property.

According to the law, the activities of farms include not only the production of agricultural products, but also their storage, processing, transportation and sale to the end consumer. The property of the farm belongs to him as a property.

To carry out their activities, peasant farms have the right to use their own land, which can be allocated by the state, leased, or received for lifelong inheritable ownership. Land plots are subject to mandatory sale at public auctions in favor of persons entitled to use them according to intended purpose. This is possible if creditors have applied to the judicial authorities to seize the land of a peasant farm.

Federal Law No. 74 defines the legal provisions of farms on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main ones include:

  • citizens can unite to create peasant farms on a voluntary basis;
  • all members of a peasant farm must take personal part in its activities;
  • debt collection from an enterprise is carried out through the sale of property at public auction;
  • all members of the farm are responsible to each other (subsidiary liability).

According to Federal Law No. 74, a peasant farm can carry out its activities without forming a legal entity. Please note that government authorities must provide all possible assistance in the formation of farms (providing access to finance, assistance in obtaining land). If there are no violations of the law on the part of a peasant farm, the state has no right to interfere in its activities.

Important: A person who has reached the age of 16 can become a member of a peasant farm. Third parties, in addition to family members, may also be included in the enterprise, provided that their number does not exceed 5 people. If any member resigns, he is entitled to receive monetary compensation.

Main types of farming activities

Entrepreneurs who want to open a peasant farm should know what the main types of activities exist. Farms may specialize in growing crops, raising poultry and livestock, and producing a variety of food products.

Growing crops is characterized by high consumer demand at any time of the year. It is important to establish distribution channels, which will allow you to quickly receive the desired income and avoid loss of profit due to product damage. If an entrepreneur plans to grow crops, he needs to decide on the direction. Thus, grains, including rye, corn, buckwheat, sunflower, barley, wheat and oats, are in great demand among consumers. Among the vegetables, it is profitable to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, garlic, potatoes and eggplants.

Peasant farms can specialize in the cultivation of fruit and berry crops (strawberries, prunes, pears, apricots, apples) and herbs (parsley, dill, garlic and onions). Good income comes from farms that grow and sell mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms, shiitake). The list of agricultural crops may vary significantly depending on the climatic conditions of the regions of Russia.

Livestock farms generate considerable income and have a number of distinctive features. First of all, there are several main areas of this type of activity: breeding domestic animals (cows, pigs, horses, rabbits, goats, sheep), beekeeping, fish farming (sturgeon, pike, trout, carp, silver carp) and poultry farming (chickens, ducks, pheasants , turkeys, geese).

It is known that honey, meat of domestic animals and poultry, fish, as well as dairy products are in great demand among the population, regardless of the time of year, which ensures high profits. Many farmers scale up and expand their own production over time.

So, having a livestock farm, you can open a line for the production of sausages, delicacies, stews, offal, as well as dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk). If a peasant farm specializes in growing grain crops, you should think about opening your own mill or bakery, and vineyard owners can consider producing their own varieties of wine.

Important: Beginners can start growing fruits and vegetables. These agricultural products are considered in demand among consumers. As this area is mastered, it will be possible to scale and include new types of activities.

How to open a peasant farm?

Let's take a closer look at the algorithm of actions.

Collection of documents

Geographically, agricultural activities can be carried out in any region of Russia, while registration of a peasant farm must be carried out at the Federal Tax Service office at the place of actual residence of the citizen who will be the head of the company. To create an enterprise, you must submit the following to the tax service: constituent documents Peasant farm:

  • passport of the head of the farmer organization;
  • a certificate from the place of residence of the person registering the organization;
  • statement of the established form about peasant farm registration;
  • agreement (agreement) on organizing a farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Important: payment of state duty (800 rubles) is prerequisite for registration of peasant farms. If an entrepreneur is refused to open his organization, funds for paying tax are not refunded.

As for the agreement on organizing an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to know the specifics of its preparation. The agreement is concluded between relatives (family members) who have expressed a desire to start a farm from scratch.

The agreement must necessarily contain a number of information. These should include information about:

  • members of the created peasant farm;
  • head of the organization;
  • the rights and obligations of each member of the peasant farm;
  • methods of capital formation, management and use of material resources;
  • distribution of profits between enterprise participants.

The document must necessarily contain a clause that indicates how each family member can enter the agricultural organization being created and under what conditions they can leave it. You need to know that if a farm is organized by an individual citizen, such an agreement will not be required. If you have the originals of all documents for registration with the tax service, duplicates do not need to be notarized.

Farm registration

How to register a farm from scratch and is this procedure mandatory? Every entrepreneur is obliged to legalize his activities within the framework of existing legislation. After collecting the standard package of documents, you must go to the Federal Tax Service office and obtain permission to conduct business activities.

In addition, the package of documents can be sent to the fiscal authorities by mail, not forgetting to attach an inventory of the available attachments and declare the value of the letter. MFCs operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. A budding entrepreneur can go there and register his activities. Farmers can also visit the official website of the tax department. As practice shows, registration of peasant farms takes place quickly with a personal application to the fiscal authorities.

Waiting for the tax service's decision

The process of registering farming activities takes 5 days from the moment of contacting the fiscal authorities. After this, the entrepreneur will receive a mandatory certificate of state registration of the head of the farm. You also need to take the following documents from the Federal Tax Service:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Information letter from Goskomstat.

Please note that if tax representatives discover false data in the information provided by the applicant (or there are too many errors in the design), the documents will have to be put in order. To do this, the aspiring entrepreneur will be sent a corresponding notification. All errors and these shortcomings must be eliminated, after which a repeated application to the Federal Tax Service is allowed to register a peasant farm.

State support for peasant farms in Russia

Future farmers should know that the state provides programs designed for the development of agriculture. For example, farmers can receive subsidies for the purchase of special equipment and various equipment. To find out details of participation in assistance programs, entrepreneurs need to contact the department of agriculture at their place of residence.

Farmers can receive subsidies for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, take part in the preferential tax period program (tax holidays last for 5 years, exempting beginning farmers from mandatory contributions). As for agricultural production, the state often provides peasant farms with special orders that allow them to quickly develop and earn decent money.

Entrepreneurs can count on receiving assistance from the state in the construction of greenhouses and other privileges. You also need to know that support is provided to rural farms, which consists of building housing for workers, attracting young professionals and creating proper working and living conditions for them and their families.

At the initial stages of farming the best option there will be a lease of land space, since it is cheap and does not require time investment. With long-term cooperation, you can agree with the landlord on the purchase of plots. To do this, it is worth taking advantage of the pre-emptive right to purchase, which provides the opportunity to pay a price for land that does not exceed the cadastral value by more than 15%.

Entrepreneurs must be aware that if land plots remain empty for more than 3 years and are not used for agricultural activities, the state may confiscate them. In addition, environmental safety rules must be strictly observed, otherwise land plots will also be taken away.

The success of the development of peasant farming largely depends on the experience of the head of the enterprise and his employees. Most experienced managers believe that agricultural business should start small and gradually increase momentum.

As practice shows, farming can become a highly profitable activity over time, however, we must not forget about the existing risks (unsuitable weather conditions, poor harvest, animal diseases, etc.). For this reason, it is not recommended to turn to banks for loans and develop your farm with borrowed money.

You should not expect immediate and large profits from your activities. In a competitive environment, an entrepreneur must provide consumers with inexpensive and high-quality products. For this reason, it is recommended to initially focus on the process of raising animals or crops. It is also recommended to find buyers who will provide continuous income. These can be large wholesale centers, supermarkets, market sellers. In addition to quality products, you should organize the delivery of products to customers, which will certainly take your business to a whole new level.


Let's look at the most common questions on the topic.

How does a peasant farm differ from a private household plot?

Private household plots are usually understood as the management of personal subsidiary farming. This form property allows anyone who owns a plot of land or a small plot of land to work. LPH makes it possible to:

  • don't pay taxes;
  • do not submit reports;
  • receive a loan from 300 to 750 thousand rubles for the development of the economy;
  • it is legal to use land plots not exceeding 2.5 hectares.

If an entrepreneur has registered his activities as private household plots, he will not have the opportunity to obtain quality certificates for his products, as well as declarations of compliance with established norms and standards. This circumstance significantly reduces purchasing power. Moreover, unlike farming peasant farm, it is impossible to get a large loan for the development of private household plots.

Please note that private household plots do not provide legal grounds to hire a person, therefore the salary is paid illegally. This form of activity is considered non-entrepreneurial, which is associated with the direct production of agricultural products and their processing. Farms are registered as individual entrepreneurs and allow them to carry out entrepreneurial activities: production, storage, processing and legal sale of products.

Is a peasant farm a legal entity or an individual?

Almost every novice businessman does not know whether a peasant farm is a legal entity or individual? The state does not require farmers to register a legal entity, so most entrepreneurs register as individual entrepreneurs. The system for calculating insurance, pension contributions, and taxes operates in such a way that farmers submit reports and enjoy the provided benefits on the same basis as businessmen who have registered individual entrepreneurship.

Which tax system should you choose?

Representatives of peasant farms are recommended to choose the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). Taxation under the Unified Agricultural Tax is the best for farmers, since this scheme was initially developed to support peasant farms. Entrepreneurs pay the minimum tax according to the so-called “profit minus expenses” system.

When paying taxes under the Unified Agricultural Tax scheme for the full tax period, a time period of 1 year is taken. The advance must be paid within six months (reporting period). In this case, the object of taxation is understood as the amount of income that is reduced by the amount of expenses. Please note that the tax rate is 6%. Unified Agricultural Tax replaces VAT, corporate property and profit tax.

Which OKVED code should I choose for registering a peasant farm?

For each type economic activity There is a classifier - OKVED. For agricultural enterprises specializing in livestock and crop production, this is OKVED class - 01. Subclasses follow. For example, if a peasant farm raises animals for subsequent sale of dairy products, you need to indicate the code from 01.41.1 to 01.41.29; for the sale of meat products - from 01.42.1 to 01.42.12; for raising artiodactyl animals - from 01.43.1 to 01.43.3, etc.

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It is easy to guess that many farmers choose peasant farms as the main form of business. This can easily be explained by the available government programs support for agricultural enterprises and farms, both at the federal level and within a particular region.

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For those wishing to open their own business, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so in the city. Profitable types businesses have tough competition. But you can start your own business in the village. One of the advantages of starting a farm is the small investment. We will try to tell you how to start farming from scratch.

To support business in rural areas, the state is implementing several programs that are aimed at supporting agricultural business owners. Also introduced tax benefits. Thanks to this, farm work becomes promising.

Where to begin?

The first step to opening your own farm is to develop a detailed and competent business plan. It is necessary to at least approximately calculate all the costs and obtain qualified advice from knowledgeable specialists, plan all actions. Ready business plan farming is your guiding thread. A successful start is half the success. All problems that arise will be resolved in due time.

You need a plot of land is your first practical task. There are two options - rent a suitable plot or buy it. The second option is more profitable in the future. Renting land is dangerous because the owner may refuse to renew your lease at the most inopportune moment. In the regions, the price of one hectare of land is approximately 2-4 thousand rubles. Even if you do not have large savings, the required amount will be available to you.

The first step is to find a suitable plot of land

After solving the problem of finding suitable land, decide what exactly you want to do. The most well-known areas of agricultural activity are breeding cows, pigs or poultry, growing vegetables and fruits, berries and melons, and fish farming.

Choosing one direction for a beginner in the agricultural business will probably be more correct. Experts advise starting with vegetables. As you develop your business, you will add new directions. Since high profitability is shown by farms that combine different types directions.

Beginners can start growing vegetables

Whatever type of activity you choose, there is always additional profit that you can make from it. Having your own raw materials, you can set up your own production. For example:

  1. Growing fruits, berries and vegetables. Additional profit is the sale of frozen vegetables and fruits.
  2. Raising pigs or cattle. You can start producing your own products - stews, sausages, deli meats. Raising cows will allow you to produce dairy products for sale.
  3. Growing grains. Producing your own flour and cereals, maintaining your own bakery where you can bake all kinds of baked goods.

This list is approximate. You can add many more items to it. It depends on your desire to earn money, your capabilities and imagination. And, of course, do not forget about one important point - you need to take care of the sales market in advance. If you are new to business and don’t have sales skills yet, you can hire an experienced specialist. He will search for buyers and conclude contracts.

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Growing fruit trees plays a very important role in agriculture. The fruits serve as food for people, are used in many industries and are used to feed livestock. But to grow fruit trees, you need to be patient, because trees begin to bear fruit only after several years of their life. Thus, you cannot count on making a profit in the first months of work; growing fruit trees involves engaging in some other management or business. Therefore, it is best when an already experienced farmer who grows many plants decides to receive Additional income and plant a garden of certain trees. In a few years this will become a good source of income, but in order for things to go smoothly, you should decide on the crops from the very beginning and organize the cultivation of fruits on own plot. As is clear, you can grow fruit trees on your own plot or, in the most extreme case, on a plot taken under a lease agreement for a very long period and with permission from the owner of the plot to plant trees.

Therefore, it is assumed that there is a plot of one hectare in size, which is free from crops of grain, melons and other crops and can be entirely allocated for a garden. The cost of land can vary greatly depending on the region and distance from populated areas. But it is quite possible to find an inexpensive plot (within 500 thousand rubles), which will be located, if not in a small village, then at least in close proximity to it. Although, of course, it is those who have already built their own house and have experience in farming who take care of the garden.

To legalize your activities, you need to register as a business entity, in this case both the form of a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur are suitable, but most preferably - a peasant farm. According to the law, this form is actually equivalent to an individual entrepreneur; it also has the ability to make tax deductions under a simplified taxation system, but at the same time, a peasant farm still involves the association of several persons. It is optimal to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 01.25 Fruits of other fruit trees, shrubs and nuts; it is universal for all fruit trees, except grapes. Thus, it is possible to grow any fruit trees without the need for additional reporting or changing registration documents in the event of a slight re-profiling of the farm (changing one crop for another). But when contacting the phytosanitary surveillance service (Rosselkhoznadzor), you need to find out all the requirements for fruit tree farmers. Depending on the culture and region, there may be some restrictions or special features from a legal point of view, and it is better to take all this into account so that there are no problems with a sudden inspection by a government agency.

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After all legal issues have been resolved, you can begin growing fruits. Some people find it more convenient to deal with only one crop, focusing entirely on it and giving maximum strength to it, while other farmers are much more pleased to see a garden filled with various types of plants. The main obstacle in making a farmer's dream come true is the possibility of a particular plant growing in the climatic conditions of the region. It is important not only to provide all the conditions for the tree to take root, but also for it to begin to bear fruit well. There is also great amount factors that influence which plants can be cultivated.

Apple tree. The most famous fruit tree, the cultivated species is Mālus domestica, which is called the domestic apple tree. There are a huge number of varieties of apples, so they are grown everywhere throughout almost the entire country, except in very cold regions. The fruit of an apple tree is an apple, which is not only the name of a fruit specific to this plant, but also the name of a type of false fruit. That is, from a botanical point of view, an apple can only be called a fruit conditionally. Varieties of apple trees can produce crops at almost different times of the year (different varieties bear fruit from summer to late autumn), but in order to get fruits in winter, you need to set up greenhouses, which is quite difficult for trees. Some varieties of apple trees begin to bear fruit within a year after planting, which significantly reduces the payback period of the entire project.

Apples can almost always be sold; Small and outwardly unattractive apples are sold at a low price in large quantities either to livestock farms or to companies producing juices and purees, that is, processing these fruits. Large and marketable apples can be sold independently at the market or you can find wholesale buyers who will resell the apples to stores. You can do the search yourself retail outlets, in which apples will be sold at retail; this will allow you to remove one middleman and earn a little more money.

Apple trees grow well after predecessors such as sugar beets, corn, and grain crops. Experienced gardeners recommend preparing the soil for growing apples two years in advance. Up to 300 small trees can be placed on one hectare, but it is important to properly plan the area so that the trees do not subsequently interfere with each other. The cost of one apple tree seedling is 500 rubles, so for the garden you will need 150 thousand rubles. The average yield of an apple tree per hectare is 15 tons, and it can vary greatly depending on the conditions of courtship and weather phenomena. Depending on the variety, a kilogram of apples can cost 10 or 100 rubles, so if we take the average price of 30 rubles, then one harvest will bring 450 thousand rubles. This is a very, very good indicator, which only experienced agronomists can achieve. Apples are perhaps the most common and easiest to implement fruit crop; it is relatively easy to cultivate due to large quantity varieties bred specifically for each region and local conditions.

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Pear. Like the apple, it is part of the Rosace family and is its closest relative. A genus of plants that is edible and cultivated by people – Pýrus. Pears are slightly less popular among people than apples, but are still consumed in large quantities. There are also many varieties of them, which makes it possible to cultivate pears in relatively cold regions of the country. However, they are practically no longer grown in the northern regions. Depending on the variety, it can be either a strong, full-fledged tree, or (which is most common) a low tree, more like a shrub with spreading branches strewn with fruits. This is what a cultivated pear looks like. Since the type of fruit of a pear and an apple is almost the same, people use these crops for almost the same needs, there are no special implementation features in the case of a pear. You just need to count on a little less demand.

The cost of seedlings is also about 500 rubles per future tree. There may even be a little more seedlings themselves if dwarf plants are chosen, but in general you should count on the same amount of 150 thousand rubles to purchase seedlings. The average pear yield is about 3 tons per hectare, and the price for these heavy fruits averages about 50 rubles per kilogram. Thus, based on the results of the sale, you can earn about 150 thousand rubles, which in the first year will not even cover all the costs of organizing a pear orchard. You might think that it is not so profitable to deal with pears, but you need to remember about fluctuations in demand, and sometimes pear fruits can be in price. Elite varieties of pears can also exceed the price tag of one hundred rubles per kilogram; In general, pears are somewhat more expensive than apples. Therefore, you can allocate some area for a pear orchard, since this plant is relatively easy to grow, and there are a lot of varieties.

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Cherry plum. Together with the blackthorn, it is the progenitor of the common plum. Cherry plum was traditionally cultivated in the Caucasus Mountains, but in the twentieth century varieties were developed that can grow in more northern latitudes. The domestic species for cultivation is Prúnus cerasiféra, this plant is very capable of adapting to many types of soils, but is very sensitive to low temperatures. For northern regions Winter cherry plum varieties have been developed that retain all the positive properties of this plant (high yield, early fruiting) in combination with good frost resistance.

The cost of one cherry plum seedling is also 500 rubles on average, but one hectare can accommodate much more plants than in the case of pears or apples. Thus, some experiments among gardening farms have shown the possibility of growing 8 thousand small trees on one hectare. However, there is no point in planting more than 500 trees per hectare, because anything more is intensive gardening with the expectation of short-term profit. Thus, seedlings will require 250 thousand rubles.

Cherry plum can be a very productive crop, giving up to 300 kilograms of fruit from one tree, that is, ideally you can collect about 150 tons of crop from one hectare of plantings. But usually the yield is much lower and amounts to 25 tons per hectare. Cherry plum can be sold wholesale for about 20 rubles per kilogram, so the sale of 25 tons will bring the gardener 500 thousand rubles in income. You just need to take into account that cherry plums are not bought with such enthusiasm as the same apples, so in case retail sales there is a possibility that a significant part of the crop will not be sold, and therefore it is much easier to cooperate with resellers.

Plum. Famous fruit of blue color, although plums can have other shades. The cultivated species, Prúnus doméstica, grows in many regions of this country. It copes with winter a little better, so it is grown further north than cherry plum. Plum fruits are usually slightly larger. Plum is a honey plant, so it can be grown if you have your own apiary. The plant is somewhat more demanding than cherry plum, but with proper care it can also produce good yields. In terms of the cost of seedlings, yield, and the number of tree plantations, it is completely close to cherry plum, only plum fruits are a little more expensive. Everything, of course, depends on the variety, but the average price here is about 40 rubles per kilogram. It turns out that for 25 tons of harvest you can already get 1 million rubles, however, this is possible in really good years.

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Quince. It is a fruit tree grown primarily in the Caucasus. In Russia, it is cultivated in the southwestern regions of the country. Only one species, Cydonia oblōnga, is bred by humans. Quince is not a very popular crop among the population, since its fruits are rarely eaten due to their very mediocre taste. But at the same time, a lot of different sweets are made from quince, and in many food production this fruit is used. Some farmers specially dry quince and sell it in this form. Due to their lower popularity than other crops, quince seedlings can be bought for only 200 rubles per piece. There can be about 400 trees of this plant in the garden, and each mature tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of harvest. And the average yield per hectare is 20 tons. Thus, with an average price of 30 rubles per kilogram, the income obtained from the sale of all fruits is 600 thousand rubles. And this is provided that the seedlings will cost only 80 thousand rubles. But in Russia it is possible to cultivate this crop only in some regions; in the rest of the territory the trees either will not take root or will not produce a good harvest.

But in order to achieve a good harvest, you need to carefully study all the information about the type of plants you choose and the varieties that will be grown. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that fruit trees do not always begin to bear fruit immediately. The minimum period is one to two years; for this purpose, special varieties are bred, which are classified as early-fruiting. But an ordinary tree begins to bear fruit only 8-9 years after planting, which makes the fruit tree growing business a long-term business. As already mentioned, it is good to practice it in multidisciplinary farms and where the cultivation of annual plants has already been established - they become good predecessors for trees.

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There are several forms of doing business, depending on the type and scale of commercial activity. When starting a business from scratch, many prefer to register as an individual entrepreneur, as this is a fairly simple and quick procedure. But if a person decides to engage in agricultural activities, he can also register a farm. To understand what is better – an individual entrepreneur or a peasant farm, and to choose the optimal form of doing business, you need to understand the intricacies of each of them.

Peasant farms as a type of activity

A peasant farm (peasant farm) is represented by a group of people who are most often relatives, or for some other reason have joint property and are engaged in agriculture for the purpose of profit. Members of peasant farms are engaged in the production of products, their processing, storage, transportation and sales. A peasant farm can produce any product, but only if it is agricultural: poultry, livestock, vegetables, cereals.

If you are going to produce products of a different kind, a form of business such as peasant farming will not suit you.

What are the advantages

Peasant farming has a number of advantages:

  • support and privileges from the state;
  • tax grace period;
  • the possibility of using large plots of land, the area of ​​which exceeds 2.5 hectares;
  • the opportunity to receive grants under support programs from various foundations;
  • official registration of employees;
  • preferential conditions for obtaining loans for the purchase of land and equipment;
  • in the absence of violations of the law, peasant farms are not subject to inspection by commissions from local government.

Therefore, many rural residents who have sufficient initial capital to develop agriculture, they prefer to create peasant farms.

Disadvantages of peasant farms

Unfortunately, no form of doing business is perfect. And peasant farming has disadvantages, which, however, are not many:

  • Large costs for registering a farm compared to a regular individual entrepreneur.
  • Mandatory use of land for its intended purpose. That is, if your land is intended for growing cultivated plants, you cannot graze livestock on it.
  • A participant in such a farm can be a member of only one peasant farm.

The agricultural business has fairly long payback periods. And if you want to speed up the process of making a profit, and also have some guarantees for yourself, you should follow a few recommendations:

What is IP

IP (individual entrepreneur) is an individual, a person who has officially registered commercial activities and pays taxes. That is, an entrepreneur does not register a legal entity in order to engage in a certain type of business.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur - quite simple procedure, which does not require a long time and significant financial costs. Therefore, this way of doing business is suitable for those who want to start their own business from scratch.

Who can start a peasant farm?

A peasant farm can be created either by a group of people or by one person - the head of the peasant farm - individual entrepreneur. That is, the founder of the farm must already be individual entrepreneur. Therefore, the concepts of peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs are closely related.

If the household will include more than one person, an agreement must be concluded between the co-owners. This document includes the following sections:

  1. General provisions on the work of the farmers' association.
  2. Information about the head of the peasant farm.
  3. Rights, duties and responsibilities of all members of the peasant farm.
  4. Rules for entering and leaving a peasant farm.
  5. Regulations on the transfer of personal property into the ownership of peasant farms.
  6. Distribution of profits from farm activities.

Package of documents for registration

Only one member of the company takes part in the registration of a peasant farm - the head of the peasant farm with the status of an individual entrepreneur. To register, he must collect a package of documents:

  1. A notarized application for the establishment of a peasant farm signed by the head of the farm.
  2. Agreement between members of peasant farms.
  3. A copy of the passport of the person in whose name the company is registered.
  4. Copies of passports of all members of the household.
  5. TIN of all members of peasant farms.
  6. Copies of certificates confirming the family ties of the co-owners.
  7. List of OKVED codes.
  8. Bank details.
  9. Receipt of payment of the duty.

Peasant farm members

As we have already said, members of peasant farms are mainly relatives: spouses, parents and children, sisters and brothers and more distant relatives. Their number in a farm is not limited. For other people who cannot confirm family ties with the head of the peasant farm, there are 2 rules:

  1. You can accept strangers into society, but only so that their total number does not exceed 5.
  2. The maximum number of different families in a society is 3.

Registration forms

Previously, it was possible to register a peasant farm as a legal entity or settle on an association of people, among whom one would have the status of an individual entrepreneur. But in 2003, the Law on Peasant Farming was adopted, in which there was no talk of registering a legal entity. Since then, community heads have been required to register individual entrepreneurs and submit reports independently.

In what cases is a legal entity formed?

If you want to run an agricultural business with big amount partners who are not your relatives, you will not be able to register a peasant farm. Registration of individual entrepreneur of one of the participants and hiring of others according to employment contract does not provide guarantees to partners and does not protect their rights. In this case, the best option would be to register an LLC.

Individual entrepreneur - head of peasant farm

The main advantage of creating a peasant farm is that there is no need to register an enterprise. The main thing is that one of the community members has the appropriate status.

The head of a peasant farm is called an individual entrepreneur, and a farming society is opened at his place of registration.

The head of the peasant farm carries out all organizational work:

  • acts on behalf of the community;
  • organizes its work;
  • signs all necessary documents;
  • makes transactions with sellers;
  • hires employees;
  • maintains all records;
  • submits reports.

Private household plot or peasant farm

The form of agricultural activity closest to peasant farms is private household plots. The difference between personal subsidiary farming and peasant farming is as follows:

  • The owner of a private household plot works informally; he does not need to register as an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes and provide reports.
  • The owner of a subsidiary farm cannot issue declarations and quality certificates for his products. Therefore, he produces products more for his own consumption, rather than for sale. Activities of peasant farms primarily involves making a profit.
  • Private household plots can use no more than 2.5 hectares of land for growing crops. While for peasant farms there is no limitation in land resources.
  • The head of a peasant farm has a better chance of receiving a loan, since he is perceived as an individual entrepreneur and not a private individual.

As you can see, private household plots are not a way of doing business; In order to make a profit, it is recommended to create a farm. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy a large plot of land. Others do not want to live in rural areas just to open a family business.

Peasant farm accounting

Since peasant farms are not legal entity, head of the community, agrees with federal law dated December 29, 1995 No. 222-FZ, can keep records using a simplified system. Financial statements, according to the law, must be kept according to a book of income and expenses. But different peasant farms can differ greatly in their scale. For large farms, the most common system of accounts and double entry will be. It allows you to reflect in detail all business transactions and processes.

Tax benefits for peasant farms

After receiving a certificate of registration of a peasant farm, the head of the community must choose a taxation system. Most often, in this case, they choose a single agricultural tax, in which the community pays 6% of profits every six months. But for farms there is a grace period for paying taxes, which is 5 years from the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur by the head of the peasant farm. During this period, the farm does not pay taxes, which has a good effect on the payback period of the business.

State support for peasant farms

Peasant farms are one of the few forms of doing business that have received significant government support:

  1. Support for lending to agricultural producers. Companies are given subsidies to cover part of the cost of paying the loan interest rate.
  2. Financial assistance in the form of grants and one-time assistance for the creation and development of peasant farms.
  3. Property support in the form of transfer of ownership of land plots, non-residential premises, transport, equipment, machinery, inventory and other state property based on a lease agreement on preferential terms.
  4. Compensation from the social insurance fund in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Let's sum it up

You already understand that the concepts of peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs are closely intertwined. But in their pure form, these two types of business have significant differences. For a clear example, we have created a table of differences, which is better - a peasant farm or an individual entrepreneur:

CriterionIndividual entrepreneurship
Number of organization membersAn unlimited number of related people, in other cases no more than five.One man
RegistrationOnly the head of the peasant farm is registered, but an agreement is required in the case of several co-owners.Registration of one person with information about his identity.
Income distributionBetween all participants of the company, according to the agreement.All income belongs to the entrepreneur.
ResponsibilityDistributed among all participants of the peasant farm, in accordance with the relevant provision in the agreement.All responsibility lies with the individual entrepreneur. Responsible with personal property.
PrivilegesGrace period in taxation, property governmental support, insurance compensations.Simplified taxation system, reduced insurance premiums, grants and subsidies for a start-up entrepreneur.

The advantages of an individual entrepreneur over a peasant farm appear only if you want to run your own business. In the case of a family or partnership business, it would be better to register a peasant farm or LLC so that all business participants have the same rights and guarantees.

Peasant farm - history of formation and success: Video