What do you need to get a job as a train driver? Assistant driver: training, responsibilities and functions. Long-distance train driver training

There is always work in the metro. And the most profitable vacancies here are that of a machinist. How to become a metro driver in Moscow and what is needed to work in this specialty? Let's find out.

Very often you can hear advertisements in the metro about recruiting for training as a subway electric train driver.

This means that there are almost always vacancies, everyone who wants a job will be provided with a lot of privileges for workers. Is this really so and is it so easy to become a subway driver?

What does it take to become a subway driver?

To begin with, you need to really evaluate your health, because even just riding as a passenger on the subway, many people feel uncomfortable, their ears become clogged, and the constant noise leads to headaches.

If such loads do not affect your well-being in any way, you can begin the first steps towards becoming a machinist. For detailed information You need to contact the metro personnel department and find out what it takes to become a metro driver.

Of course, you need to contact the HR department with identification documents, a military ID, a document on education, and at the same time be no older than 40 years old, have no criminal record, and only then receive a referral to a medical commission.

The commission is very complex, it is necessary to obtain the opinion of more than 20 doctors, the main attention is paid to vision, hearing, resistance to stress, and heart function.

If the conclusion of the medical commission is “fit”, you can take the next step towards becoming a metro driver. This step is learning.

Only men are accepted for training; female work as a driver is not allowed. Training can be completed at training and production centers in the metro. This is the shortest path to the profession, which is used by the majority of those wishing to become a metro driver.

You can also study at railway colleges, it will be more difficult and longer in time. Training in training centers for an assistant driver - 1 month, for a driver - 6 months.

But this does not mean that after studying for 6 months you can immediately become a driver. First, in 1 month of study, they receive the qualification of an assistant driver who can check the condition of the train, detect faults and has completed train practice on a specific route with a mentor.

After successfully passing the exam, you will have to work for some time as an assistant driver, check the condition of the electric train, monitor the boarding of passengers, respond to calls from passengers and, of course, learn from the driver’s experience in driving an electric train. On average, after 1-1.5 years of work, you can move from assistant to driver.

How to become a metro driver in Moscow?

What does it take to become a metro driver in Moscow? To work in the Moscow metro, the requirements are the same as in any other, only registration in Moscow or the Moscow region is additionally required. All other requirements are the same: medical commission, education, military service, age under 40, no criminal record.

If all these requirements are met, you can try your hand at becoming a metro driver in Moscow, starting by studying to become a driver at a training center.

During your studies, a scholarship of about 20 thousand rubles is paid. Through implementation modern technologies (computer programs, simulators) training takes place quickly and efficiently. Preference is given to those applicants who came to retrain from another type of transport - trams or Russian Railways electric trains.

What does it take to work as a subway driver?

Completing your studies does not mean that the job will satisfy all requirements. What does it take to work as a subway driver? Great desire, determination, physical and psychological endurance, the ability to quickly switch attention, good memory, resistance to stress, the ability to quickly relieve tension and calm down, as well as a sense of humor, without which it is difficult to work in constant tension and stress.

And also, to work in the subway as a driver:

  • you need to be prepared for overloads,
  • strain on the eyes and hearing aids,
  • you need to be prepared to rest in the subway rest room during night shifts,
  • you need to be able to snack while driving,
  • be prepared to carry out more than 50 instructions during a shift,
  • always be prepared for an emergency situation, for an emergency on the road and to save people’s lives.

Here's how to become a subway driver. And you need to understand that in any emergency situation, the driver is the only knowledgeable person who can help.

The work is carried out along a certain route, along which first there is an internship, and only then they are allowed to independently manage. Different metro lines have their own staff.

In terms of income, it is better to become a metro driver in Moscow. It is in the capital that workers in this specialty have the highest incomes. Drivers in St. Petersburg are inferior to them, and receive even lower salaries in all other cities.

Every time we leave the railway station for a trip, we are amazed at the strength and power of the machine, which powers a huge train consisting of several cars. Of course, such a device is difficult to operate, and it is simply impossible to cope with it alone. That is why trains, as a rule, are operated by two specialists at once: the driver and his assistant.

Every time we leave the railway station for a trip, we are amazed at the strength and power of the machine, which powers a huge train consisting of several cars. Of course, such a device is difficult to operate, and it is simply impossible to cope with it alone. That is why trains, as a rule, are operated by two specialists at once: the driver and his assistant. In other words, when boarding a train, you don’t have to worry about safety: two professionals will take you to your destination quickly and on time.

You may have a completely logical question: since modern trains are almost completely automated, why is it necessary today? Occupation: assistant driver? Is it really impossible for the driver himself to cope with the control of a computerized locomotive? No, he can not! The fact is that quite often in the process of controlling a train it becomes necessary to perform several technical operations at once in places remote from each other. In addition, the work of a driver has a number of features that make it possible to classify this profession as very difficult and dangerous, so the assistant driver often serves as “insurance” in case the driver loses his ability to work while on the road.

Who is a driver's assistant?

Worker railway transport, which is part of the locomotive crew. Place of work this specialist are all types of trains of different connections and destinations (freight, passenger, electric trains, etc.).

The name of the profession comes from the Latin word māchina (tool, device, mechanism). That is, the name itself directly indicates that we're talking about about a specialist who helps operate the mechanism. It is interesting that initially those who operated a mechanism were simply called “mechanics,” and only later the responsibilities of specialists were redistributed: a mechanic began to be called a person who understands the principles of operation of the mechanism, and a machinist was a professional who controls the mechanism. This profession arose relatively recently, namely when the first steam locomotives appeared. In Russia this happened in the middle of the century before last.

What does an assistant driver do? First of all, it must be said that the assistant driver is not just a backup for the chief manager of a diesel or electric locomotive. He has his own, very important role and place in the cabin, and a lot depends on the activities of the assistant driver. Assistant driver job assumes employment in all cycles of the trip: before, during and after:

  • Before the trip, the assistant driver must inspect the locomotive and check its technical condition, identifying possible malfunctions. He must also check the adhesion of the locomotive to the rolling stock;
  • During the trip, the assistant driver monitors light and sound signals on the highway and reports them to the driver, ensures radio communication and its excellent condition (and this is very important and directly ensures the safety of passengers, as it connects the vehicle crew with dispatchers). He also monitors all instrument and sensor readings and, if necessary, warns the driver about malfunctions. In addition, this specialist must inform the driver where and when it is necessary to increase or decrease the speed of the locomotive;
  • After the trip, the assistant inspects the locomotive, uncouples it from the rolling stock and, together with the driver, takes it to sidings.

To summarize, we can conclude: assistant driver's activity comes down to ensuring the safety of passengers in transport, the serviceability of rolling stock and the acquisition of experience and professional skills that will subsequently help a specialist independently operate a locomotive.

What personal qualities should an assistant driver have?

Because the professional responsibilities assistant driver are not much different from the activities of the person responsible for operating a locomotive, personal qualities This specialist, first of all, must include responsibility and discipline. In addition, the most important requirements for an assistant driver are:

  • good reaction;
  • attentiveness;
  • caution;
  • prudence;
  • endurance;
  • good visual memory;
  • ability to quickly switch attention;
  • stress resistance;
  • visual and hearing acuity;
  • high coordination of movement;
  • a penchant for working with technology.

An assistant driver is a profession in which people who have not received special education cannot work. You need to know a lot: the features of the train, the operation of the locomotive, the communication routes, as well as a thorough knowledge of the technical characteristics of the train, be able to read readings from complex instruments and monitor the normal operation of the locomotive.

Advantages of being an assistant driver

Basics advantage of being an assistant driver is in high demand. Despite the active development of air and sea water transport, the railway in Russia still remains the main means of transportation and cargo transportation. Therefore, the need for such specialists will only increase in the coming years.

Another advantage of this profession is the fact that the work of a locomotive crew is highly paid. The risks in the profession are very high, and the payment must be decent - today, specialists directly involved in operating a train receive on average about 40-50 thousand rubles.

We cannot remain silent about the great opportunities career growth. Not only that, after several years of successful work, an assistant driver can become a driver or move to the position of a foreman or section manager at a depot. In the long term, there is no upper career ceiling in this profession at all - you can even become the Minister of Railways.

Since technology is constantly improving, an assistant driver must constantly develop his technical skills and gain new knowledge, and this is an excellent opportunity to increase his level of erudition and “train” his brain. In other words, a specialist in this field can safely consider himself an intellectually developed person who understands the latest achievements of science and technology.

And lastly, locomotive crew workers are subject to increased demands in terms of health (the health of both the driver and his assistant is monitored before each trip), so representatives of this profession do not have to worry about the presence of any pathologies and chronic diseases.

Disadvantages of being an assistant driver

Disadvantages of being an assistant driver associated with difficult working conditions. Constant work in the confined space of a locomotive cabin, strain on vision and hearing, vibration, noise, road dust - all this accompanies the locomotive crew throughout the working day. This does not exclude a high degree of fatigue at the end of the working day, and the assistant driver is simply obliged to rest well, which is not always possible. Otherwise, fatigue accumulates, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

It is also worth noting that an assistant driver is a profession with a high risk to the life and health of a specialist. Transport disasters, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Therefore, it cannot be said that this profession is absolutely safe. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the purely psychological disadvantage of the profession - a high degree of responsibility for the safety and lives of people, which leads to increased anxiety.

Among the many working specialties, there are those that have been dreamed of since childhood. They are shrouded in an aura of romance and high professionalism. One of them is the profession of “train driver”. He is the most important person in railway transport, and his activities are related to locomotive control.

A brief excursion into the history of the profession

As soon as the first rails were laid and the first train was released, the question of its management became acute. For a successful trip, you need not only relevant knowledge, but also specific character traits.

In Russia, the profession of “train driver” arose back in 1834. Initially, small trains of only four cars ran on the rails. Their speed did not exceed 33 km/h. But after increasing the power and speed limit to 42 km/h, people were needed to cope with the increasing load. Therefore, training courses were organized to gain knowledge and skills in railway transport management.

Machinists were especially in demand during the times Soviet Union. The laying of rails proceeded at a tremendous pace, and various trains for transporting goods and passengers were produced in the country. Qualified people were required, fully trained to manage the train.

Characteristic features of the specialty

The profession of a machinist is often seen as a purely male profession. However, no one will restrict female representatives if they deign to learn this skill. But in order for the choice to be informed, it is necessary to know exactly the description of the profession “train driver”.

The specialty has a number of specific features, which you should pay attention to. The activity requires not only endurance, but also excellent health. Therefore, upon admission to the appropriate educational institution A medical certificate of fitness will be required.

The profession of “train driver” implies knowledge technical features machines and automatic devices located in the locomotive cabin.

The driver is required to have extreme concentration. To prevent an accident, you must pay attention to road signs, weather conditions and instrument readings. Long-distance trains are always equipped with assistants who provide backup for the chief driver and give him the opportunity to rest.

Main responsibilities of a locomotive driver

When the train is moving, the driver and assistant perform the following main functions:

  • monitor signs and signals on the railway track;
  • monitor the instrument panel readings, which indicate the uninterrupted operation of all rolling stock;
  • monitor the condition of the locomotive and its integrity;
  • give the established signals at the entrance to the station;
  • responsible for the safety of maneuvers;
  • If any malfunctions are detected, they must immediately notify the station duty officers.

The profession of “train driver” requires frequent absences from home. But it gives you the opportunity to see many new places. Therefore, people who crave new experiences and are ready to study the technical characteristics of railway transport often choose this specialty.

Toy railway

Those guys who, during career guidance lessons, write an essay on the topic - “My future profession- train driver”, you need to visit the children's railway.

Such organizations already exist in many Russian cities. For those who dream of driving not just a toy, but a real full-fledged train on rails, they organize special training. After receiving necessary knowledge the guys can work as real conductors, station attendants, and even help the driver drive a real train with passengers.

The Children's Railway not only provides entertainment services for riding small children, but is also an institution additional education. Children aged 8 to 15 years can study various railway specialties and consolidate their acquired skills in practice.

Children learn the profession of “train driver” not only in classrooms. On real trains of a slightly smaller format and on a narrower rail track, under the strict guidance of an adult, a teenager masters the basics of a complex skill.

Everything is real on the children's railway. To the extent technically possible, all equipment corresponds to the same on the tracks general purpose. And, although the rails do not have access to a common track, the train fully corresponds to a full-fledged passenger locomotive and the people are real.

Driving skills training

For those who dream of conquering a heavy machine and becoming a manager of a long train, it is useful to know where to get the profession of a train driver. Specialties are taught at railway technical schools; admission is possible after 9 years of secondary school.

The main disciplines that future students will study are related to technical sciences, rules for the safety of transportation of people and goods, the basics of railway traffic.

In order to competently manage an entire train, it is necessary to study its characteristics and have knowledge in software and the principles of its work.

To make your dream come true, all that remains is to choose the nearest educational institution, the list of which is quite extensive. Among the most famous are: Saratov, Samara, Orenburg, Penza technical schools of railway transport.

For getting higher education it is necessary to enter state universities of railways, where you can obtain the profession of a train driver and the qualification of a railway engineer. Universities are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov, Far East and in other areas.

Demand for the profession

Before choosing a future profession, it is important to know its prospects. The locomotive driver specialization occupies a leading position in the list published by " Russian newspaper" a couple of years ago.

The demand is evidenced by requests from employers on labor exchanges, among which 33% of the total number corresponded to the job “machinist”.

Advantages of the specialty and its disadvantages

Like any other, the profession of a driver has its undeniable advantages. One of them is associated with the aura of romance, when a person is constantly on the move and sees many new places. But this advantage also gives rise to disadvantage. The specifics of the profession forces a person to be away from his family for a long time, which may not suit some people.

But the colossal responsibility for the lives of passengers and the safety of cargo also guarantees decent wages. Russian railways, in addition, provide their employees with additional support in the form of bonuses, vouchers to a sanatorium and long vacations.

The downside is the high load on the body and the impact harmful factors to your health. The driver's shift lasts 12 hours, which he spends in a confined space and extremely concentrating.

The thorny path

After training, all specialists begin their journey as an assistant driver. Depending on basic education and practical skills, an aspiring specialist can hold the position of assistant from several months to two years.

Only after testing by a professional and passing an appropriate interview is a person trusted to independently lead

The profession of a driver is associated with the management of passenger and freight transport on various types railways. Such an employee controls the locomotive to which a steam locomotive, diesel locomotive or electric locomotive is attached. Against the backdrop of the expansion of the surface and underground transport network, the demand for electric train drivers began to grow rapidly. There are several ways to obtain a position of interest. Each approach has its own pros and cons. Before starting a career, applicants should evaluate their own capabilities. Train drivers are hardy, healthy, strong people with well-developed technical thinking. Not everyone will be able to work in this direction.

In Russia, the profession of “train driver” arose almost 200 years ago. Even then, its representatives were subject to special requirements. To operate a locomotive, one had to have highly specialized knowledge, high speed reactions, responsibility, resistance to stress.

Technological progress has led to the emergence of various types of trains; working on each of them requires the presence of certain skills.

Also, the locomotive driver must get used to the specifics of the work process:

  • keeping to a schedule is one of the basic requirements to an employee. In some areas, a few seconds off schedule can cause serious problems;
  • quick response to unusual situations. Trains run on rails, drivers regularly follow the same routes, but they cannot relax. It is necessary to monitor compliance with road rules, technical indicators, semaphore signals, and obstacles on the tracks. Everything is complicated by the fact that the trains move at enormous speeds, sometimes the time to make a decision is counted in seconds;
  • a clear understanding of the characteristics of your site. To increase work efficiency, drivers are usually assigned a specific route or section of road. The slightest hesitation by the train driver threatens to disrupt the schedule and create an emergency;
  • the ability to quickly recover and correctly distribute one’s strength. Staying in a closed cabin for several hours is associated with significant physical and psycho-emotional stress. Allotted breaks must be used to the maximum so that the quality of work does not decrease;
  • careful attention to health. Before leaving for a shift, the employee undergoes a basic medical examination. They measure his pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and check for the absence of alcohol in his blood. Additionally, every few months the employee undergoes a full examination to confirm professional suitability.

The electric locomotive driver is the main person who is responsible for the passengers or cargo being transported. Depending on the direction, they drive their trains daily and repeatedly along a short route or cover hundreds of kilometers at a time. Moreover, the operation of each type of composition requires control, which requires special technical training.

Pros and cons of the direction

Demand and accessibility are the main positive aspects of this career option. Every year the number of specialized vacancies increases. Even young professionals without work experience can count on a good place. The variety of training options is also considered a significant plus.

Many people are attracted to the direction by how much machinists earn. Employees can expect a high base salary, impressive longevity bonuses and trouble-free service. Train drivers have the opportunity to retire earlier due to the complexity of the conditions. Depending on the conditions provided by the employer, social package may contain extended medical insurance, paid trips to a sanatorium.

A significant disadvantage of the profession is significant stress on health. The worker expects long hours of work. At the same time, the employee is in one position almost all the time and does not even have the opportunity to warm up. This negatively affects the general condition of a person. Modern compositions have been brought to the maximum in terms of technical characteristics, but there is still a risk of developing “vibration disease”.

Many people are bothered by the need to constantly be in a confined space. Lack of communication among machinists working alone sometimes has a negative impact on the psyche. This career is not suitable for a person who is not good with technology - the employee must be able to cope with minor problems and evaluate the quality of operation of devices.


A holder of a specialized education can obtain a position as an electric train driver in the metro, on short- and long-distance railways. Such employees are in demand at large industrial enterprises, mines, large construction sites, at geological exploration sites. Specialized drivers are also involved in operating trams.

Important qualities

Completing specialized training to become an electric train driver is not always enough for successful work in the field. A number of requirements are put forward to applicants in physical and psycho-emotional terms. The absence of certain character traits can complicate the work process and increase its level of danger.

To work as a locomotive driver, you must have the following qualities:

  • ability to concentrate on important points and hold it for a long time;
  • high speed of reaction to changing conditions, emergency situations, deviations from the usual norm;
  • confidence in own strength, lack of fear before making decisions;
  • developed sense of responsibility;
  • technical mindset, love of technology, desire for self-development in terms of studying devices.

Special requirements are put forward for the health indicators of the future driver. The employee must have no vision or hearing problems. Color blindness is a direct ban on such work. Medical commission Applicants with bronchial asthma, heart and vascular diseases, problems with the vestibular system or the musculoskeletal system may not qualify. Persons with mental disabilities are not allowed to serve in responsible positions.

Knowledge and skills

Contrary to popular belief, working in a train locomotive is a complex process that requires constant stress. Even those with technical professions need to study to become a machinist and gain first practical experience under the supervision of a professional.

Electric train drivers must have the following knowledge:

  • locomotive control in a standard situation;
  • responding to emergency situations according to instructions or specifics of the situation;
  • carrying out basic engineering and plumbing work, troubleshooting simple problems;
  • knowledge of the rules of behavior on the railway, compliance with traffic rules;
  • understanding of the principles of radio communication and the ability to use it;
  • ability to communicate with passengers non-standard situations, the ability to control the actions of the crowd.

Studying at a specialized institution allows you to gain only a basic understanding of the specifics of the field. The bulk of skills and abilities are accumulated in the process practical work. Seminars are regularly held for machinists, which provide them with new knowledge and consolidate old ones. Additional independent studies in the field provide the opportunity for further career growth.

Where to study to become an electric train driver

For those interested, training to become a driver can begin at age 8. Children who are interested in this direction should visit the children's railway. Such branches are open in many Russian cities. Kids get the opportunity to manage a real train, acquire basic technical and engineering knowledge, and evaluate their innate talents. Driver professions are taught various institutions, which you can enroll in after 9th grade. Applicants should prepare for the fact that in any case the emphasis will be on exact disciplines.

How long does it take to study to become a driver?

It can take from six months to 5 years to become a train driver. The indicator depends on the goals and form of education, the level of basic education, and the chosen path of development. In any case, for some time after receiving your diploma you will have to work as an assistant driver for from several months to 2 years. This is followed by special testing, which allows you to determine whether the employee is ready to independently manage the composition.

Primary vocational education

After the 9th grade, you can go to a railway college and get a profession there as an assistant driver of a locomotive, diesel locomotive, or electric locomotive. It will help you start a career in your chosen field, but to advance in career ladder I'll have to study further. The salary of an assistant electric train driver is not so high, but the workload is significant. But such a place allows you to learn all the intricacies of the direction in practice and choose your specialization. Another advantage of this approach is that you can then learn to become a train driver using a simplified scheme.

Secondary vocational education

After the 9th or 11th grade, you can enter a technical school or college by choosing the direction " Technical operation rolling stock." This approach will take more time; as a result, the student receives the qualification “Technician”. Already in their final years or as an additional education, students are trained to become train drivers, engineers, mechanics, car builders and other areas. Further, if desired, you can obtain a higher technical education for vertical career development.

On-the-job training

Many representatives of modern youth and adults without specialized education are interested in how to quickly become a train driver with a further guarantee of employment. In this case, it is best to contact the depot directly in the direction of interest. Railroads and subways themselves often recruit apprentices who are offered highly focused training in operating a specific type of train. The training includes theoretical and practical classes in plumbing, locomotive equipment, traffic rules and other disciplines. To facilitate the process of assimilation of material, simulators are often used.

How much does a driver earn?

According to statistics, the salary level of machinists is above average. Assistants receive on average from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. After switching to independent work The salary of employees ranges from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. The salary of a train driver who has completed a certain number of trips without emergency situations can be within 100 thousand rubles. Many employers provide additional bonuses for the quarter, year, and length of service.

Subway drivers are often paid their salaries during the training process. This “scholarship” averages from 17 to 25 thousand rubles. In private industrial or mining enterprises, the income level can reach 150 thousand rubles per month. Also, the salary of an electric locomotive driver can be influenced by his type of employment, place of work, and the presence of additional responsibilities. The list of the latter often includes training new employees.

Contrary to popular belief, an electric train driver is no longer a purely male profession. Today, more and more often, universities, technical schools and colleges accept girls who are well versed in technical disciplines. Every year the operation of locomotives and trains is improved, and the range of electronic applications is expanded. Now workers are valued not so much on physical strength, but on endurance, reaction speed, and knowledge of the basics of engineering.

Train driver- railway worker managing passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various messages and destinations. The driver drives the train by controlling the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, labor and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel/electric locomotive), as well as in the distance and purpose of the routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry cargo and passengers thousands of kilometers, while a commuter train does not leave the region and makes several trips a day. Large industrial enterprises (factories, mines, mines) have their own railways and trains - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The train route remains virtually unchanged. However, the situation on the road is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, how busy the train is, and other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires immediate response.

Moving at high speed is often associated with unexpected events. The road situation, road signs, instrument readings in the cockpit - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who can also eventually become a driver). On steam locomotives, the crew includes a fireman - he ensures the operation of the locomotive by throwing fuel. However, steam locomotives are a rarity these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway), the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually an expert on one of the sections of the route. At one of the stations, one locomotive crew is replaced by another and drives the train further. The old crew rests at the hotel and takes their place again when it comes time to lead the train back.

Drivers of local lines or the metro also need proper rest. For example, in the metro, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after a shift and before starting a new day, if according to the duty schedule the driver has to put the train on the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines and other enterprises using railways for internal movement of goods.


Salary as of 03/02/2020

Russia 40000—100000 ₽

Moscow 110000—65000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), acute hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular system, problems of the musculoskeletal system that limit movement are contraindicated for such work.

Knowledge and skills

You must be able to drive a locomotive, carry out minor plumbing work, and use radio communications. Know the structure of a locomotive and the rules of traffic on the railway.

Where to study to become a train driver (education)

Primary vocational education (PPE)

In one of the railway colleges you can get the following professions:

  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant electric locomotive driver."

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools you can obtain a specialty in “Technical operation of railway rolling stock.” Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job at a depot (on a metro line) and there undergo training as a driver. First, plumbing practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of the electric train and learns to operate the train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.