What do you need to join a trade union? How to create an independent trade union. So, trade union members have the right to

Trade union:

Uniting citizens in order to protect their rights and interests, improve working conditions and pay, find new ways to improve the quality of life and provide social guarantees;

Legal and independent representative of employees in relations with the employer.
Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissal, and non-payment. wages and many others.
The trade union unites three main categories of citizens:

Workers (a person who has reached the age of 14 and carries out labor activity By employment contract; person studying at educational institution primary, secondary or higher professional education);

Temporarily unemployed (workers who have temporarily stopped working for the period of retention labor relations; employees who lost their jobs due to reduction in numbers or staff, liquidation of the institution for the period of employment, but not more than 6 months)

Pensioners (former retired employees who were previously members of a trade union).

How to join a trade union?

It’s very simple if your enterprise has a primary trade union organization (hereinafter referred to as the primary). You just need to write an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues and submit them to the trade union committee. A person is considered accepted into the trade union from the day the meeting or trade union committee makes a decision on admission to membership of the trade union. Confirmation of membership in a trade union is a trade union card, which is issued by the trade union committee and is kept by you.

If your company does not have trade union organization You can create it together with other, at least 3 people, employees.
Familiarize yourself with the Charter of the trade union you want to join and the regulations on the primary trade union organization. After this, it is necessary to negotiate with the territorial (city, district) organization of this trade union about the desire to create a primary trade union organization at your enterprise.

If there is no territorial organization, you need to contact the Central Committee of the trade union directly.
If a territorial trade union organization (trade union) makes a decision to establish a primary trade union organization, a constituent meeting is held, at which a decision is made to create a primary one, and its governing and control and audit bodies are formed. Each participant in the meeting writes an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues.

A trade union is the only public organization that has the right by law and is capable of actually representing the interests and protecting the rights of trade union members.

The larger and more powerful the trade union organization, the easier it is to actually defend the rights of workers.

It is for this reason that all organizations treat the question “How to join a trade union” with particular trepidation.

It's easy to join a trade union!

Indeed, there is nothing difficult about joining a trade union. This is true if your company has a trade union. In the event that there is no primary source at your enterprise - .

How to join a trade union - procedure:

  • The employee only needs to write two statements: .
  • These statements should be submitted to the chairman trade union committee the structural unit in which the employee works or at the primary level.
  • Membership in the Trade Union is calculated from the date of the decision on admission to membership of the Trade Union.
  • will serve as confirmation of your membership. The ticket is kept in your hands.

More details on how to join a trade union and the procedure for registering are defined in the relevant section.

Applications to join a union

One statement to the chairman of the trade union organization regarding registration:

I ask you to accept me as a member of the Trade Union and register me with the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center. I have familiarized myself with the Charter of the Trade Union and the Regulations on the primary trade union organization and undertake to comply with them.
I authorize the trade union organization to represent my interests in relations with the employer, incl. when concluding a collective agreement, agreements and other normative legal acts regulating social and labor relations, as well as ensure control over the provision of guarantees, compensation and benefits to me arising from the provisions of the current collective agreement, agreements, as well as over the observance of other rights determined by labor legislation Russian Federation.

The second statement to the accounting department of the enterprise regarding the withholding of membership fees:

I ask you to deduct union membership dues from my salary every month from the date of my admission to the Trade Union and transfer them to the bank account of the primary trade union organization of the Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center.

Join a union and join a powerful organization of over 8,000 union members!

What is a trade union?

Trade union:
- unification of citizens in order to protect their rights and interests, improve working conditions and pay, find new ways to improve the quality of life and provide social guarantees;
- legal and independent representative of employees in relations with the employer.
Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers, and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissal, non-payment of wages and many others.
The trade union unites three main categories of citizens:
- employees (a person who has reached the age of 14 years and is working under an employment contract; a person studying in an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher vocational education);
- temporarily unemployed (workers who have temporarily stopped working for the period of maintaining their employment relationship; employees who have lost their jobs due to a reduction in the number or staff, the liquidation of an institution for the period of employment, but not more than 6 months);
- pensioners (former employees who retired, who were previously members of a trade union).

How to join a trade union?

It’s very simple if your enterprise has a primary trade union organization (hereinafter referred to as the primary). You just need to write an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues and submit them to the trade union committee. A person is considered accepted into the trade union from the day the meeting or trade union committee makes a decision on admission to membership of the trade union. Confirmation of membership in a trade union is a trade union card, which is issued by the trade union committee and is kept by you.
If your enterprise does not have a trade union organization, you can create one together with other, at least 3, employees.
Familiarize yourself with the Charter of the trade union you want to join and the regulations on the primary trade union organization. After this, it is necessary to negotiate with the territorial (city, district) organization of this trade union about the desire to create a primary trade union organization at your enterprise. If there is no territorial organization, you need to contact the trade union directly.
If a territorial trade union organization (trade union) makes a decision to establish a primary trade union organization, a constituent meeting is held, at which a decision is made to create a primary trade union, and its governing and control and audit bodies are formed. Each participant in the meeting writes an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues.

Annex 1
Sample application for admission to a trade union

To the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization

name of company
from ___________________________________
Full Name
job title

I ask you to accept me into the trade union ________________________________.
trade union name
I recognize the trade union charter and undertake to comply with it.

Date Signature

Appendix 2
Sample application for transfer of trade union dues

To the director _________________________________
Business name

from _______________________________
Full Name

I ask you to deduct union membership dues in the amount of 1% from my salary every month and transfer them to the account of the primary trade union organization __________________________________________.

Date Signature

Appendix 3
Sample minutes of the founding meeting of a primary trade union organization

Name of the all-Russian trade union
Name of the territorial organization of the trade union

P R O T O C O L No. 1
constituent meeting (conference) of the primary trade union organization

name of company

Venue Date

_____ people present. (the list is attached)
Chairman of meeting ___________________
Secretary of the meeting ___________________

1. On the creation of a primary trade union organization _______________.
2. On the election of the chairman of the primary trade union organization.
3. On the elections of the trade union committee.
4. About control elections audit commission.
5. On registration of the primary trade union organization as legal entity.
6. On the procedure for paying trade union dues.

1. HEARD: Information from the head of the initiative group ____________________ on the creation of a primary trade union organization (information can be given in a summary or attached to the protocol).
Speakers: (Full name, position of speakers and brief summary of speeches or proposals).

1. Create a primary trade union organization ______________
name of company
All-Russian trade union __________________________________________
trade union name

2. The decision to create a primary trade union organization should be sent to territorial organization trade union (all-Russian trade union) for inclusion in the trade union register.

2. HEARD: About the election of the chairman of the primary trade union organization.
The following candidates have been nominated for election to the position of chairman of the primary trade union organization: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.
After discussion, candidates 1) ______________, 2) _____________ were added to the voting list.

Voting results:
1) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
FULL NAME. candidate
2) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
1. Elect ____________________________ as chairman of the primary trade union organization.
2. Instruct _______________________________________________ to sign an employment contract with the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

3. HEARD: About the elections of the trade union committee.
It was proposed to elect a trade union committee of ___ people.

The following candidates have been nominated for the trade union committee: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5) ____________.

1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5)____________.
It was decided to hold the elections by open voting (for - ___, against - ___, abstain - ___).
Voting results:

4) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
5)_________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
DECIDED: To elect to the trade union committee: 1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5)____________.

4. HEARD: About the elections of the control and audit commission.
It is proposed to elect a control and audit commission of ___ people.
Voted: for - ___, against - ___, abstained - ___.
The following candidates have been nominated for the control and audit commission: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.
After discussion, the following candidates were added to the voting list:
1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.
It was decided to hold the elections by open voting (for - ___, against - ___, abstain - ___).
Voting results:
1) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
2) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
3) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.
DECIDED: To elect to the control and audit commission: 1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.

5. HEARD: Information from the chairman ____________________ on the registration of the primary trade union organization as a legal entity.

1. Consider it necessary to have the right of a legal entity for the primary trade union organization ________________________________.
2. Instruct the trade union committee to prepare documents for state registration of the primary trade union organization in accordance with the law and send them to the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Voted: for - _____, against - _____, abstained - _____.

6. HEARD: Information from the chairman ____________________ on the procedure for paying trade union dues.
1. Establish a non-cash procedure for paying union membership dues.
2. Instruct the trade union committee to collect applications from trade union members for the transfer of trade union dues and transfer them to the accounting department of the enterprise.
Voted: for - _____, against - _____, abstained - _____.

Chairman of the meeting Signature

Secretary of the meeting Signature

(Information from the FNPR websitehttp://fnpr.ru/n/257/4999.html )

Join our Trade Union - Public organization"All-Russian Trade Union of General Mechanical Engineering Workers"!

He is a real force that can protect you. Our Trade Union is a daily concern for its members. Our Trade Union is economic and legal protection, social guarantees, assistance in matters of wages and labor protection and much more.

Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers, and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissal, non-payment of wages and many others. What is the strength of a trade union and what does a trade union give to an employee:

Why does an employee need a trade union?
1. Collective protection of interests through a collective agreement.
2. The ability to control the activities of the administration from below.
3. Opportunity to participate in production and decision-making social problems team, obtaining information about the state of affairs at the enterprise.
4. Showing solidarity.
5. Free legal advice.
6. Opportunity through your organization to solve problems in state and higher trade union bodies.
7. Protection in individual disputes with the administration through the Labor Dispute Commission.
8. The possibility of organizing collective actions in defense of one’s rights.
9. Protection in matters of occupational health and safety.
10. Individual protection upon dismissal.
11. Possibility of receiving moral support and material assistance from trade union funds.
12. Possibility of participation of a trade union member and his family in cultural and sports events.
13. No fear of remaining outside the team.

What does an employee lose if he is not a member of a trade union:
1. Mandatory prior consent of the trade union committee for dismissal at the initiative of the administration, in cases of: reduction in numbers or staff; inconsistency with the position held; insufficient qualifications; health conditions; when sick for more than 4 months in a row.
2. Free legal advice, assistance in difficult situations.
3. Free representation of the interests of workers by the trade union in the courts and in labor dispute commissions.
4. Guaranteed protection during the investigation of an accident at work and related to production.
5. Additional guarantees in cases industrial injuries and occupational diseases.
6. Opportunities for joint collective action in defense of their rights and interests.
7. Additional control by the trade union over compliance labor legislation, labor protection, provision of protective clothing and personal protective equipment, compensation for harm.
8. Opportunities for increasing knowledge through the system of trade union training (legal, economic, professional).
9. Receiving information on all issues of interest through the trade union and its printed publications.
10. Opportunities to participate in cultural and sports events organized by the trade union.
11. Opportunities for obtaining vouchers in the summer health Camp for children, to a sanatorium on preferential terms, New Year's gifts for children purchased with trade union funds.
12. Financial assistance from union funds. In addition, the trade union committee (through agreement with the administration of the enterprise) in the interests of its trade union members resolves the following issues: overtime work and working on weekends; about the order of vacations; on postponing vacations to next year; on the establishment of remuneration systems, forms and provisions on material incentives. And all this is subject to payment of membership dues to the trade union in the amount of only 1% of wages.

The presence of a trade union organization at an enterprise provides the employer with:
1. Creating a microclimate in the team.
2. Team organization.
3. Strengthening the authority and image of the leader.
4. Achieving economic stability of the enterprise.
5. Social partnership and resolving social issues through a collective agreement.
6. Improving knowledge of labor legislation.
7. Representing the interests of the manager in the judiciary.
8. Knowledge of trade union specifics and social problems of the team from the inside.
9. Live communication with people.
10. Implementation part management functions through a trade union organization.
11. Buffer between the administration and the team.
12. Resolving “inconvenient” issues through the trade union.
13. Having a healthy opposition.

(Information from the website of the primary trade union organization
State Research and Production Space Center named after M.V. Khrunicheva
www.profhruniheva.ru )

Our Trade Union is a strong trade union! Join our Trade Union!

Below are propaganda materials provided for our website by the primary trade union organization of Proton - Perm Motors OJSC, which is part of the Public Organization "All-Russian Trade Union of General Mechanical Engineering Workers".

What is a trade union?

Trade union

  • uniting citizens in order to protect their rights and interests, improve working conditions and pay, find new ways to improve the quality of life and provide social guarantees;
  • legal and independent representative of employees in relations with the employer.

Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissal, non-payment of wages and many others.

The trade union unites three main categories of citizens:

  • workers(a person who has reached the age of 14 years and is working under an employment contract; a person studying in an educational institution of primary, secondary or higher vocational education);
  • temporarily unemployed(employees who have temporarily stopped working for the period of maintaining their employment relationship; employees who have lost their jobs due to a reduction in numbers or staff, or the liquidation of an institution for the period of employment, but not more than 6 months)
  • pensioners(former employees, retired, previously members of a trade union).

How to join a trade union?

Very simple, if your enterprise has a primary trade union organization(hereinafter referred to as primary). You just need to write an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues and submit them to the trade union committee. A person is considered accepted into the trade union from the day the meeting or trade union committee makes a decision on admission to membership of the trade union. Confirmation of membership in a trade union is a trade union card, which is issued by the trade union committee and is kept by you.

If your enterprise does not have a trade union organization, you can create one together with other, at least 3, employees.

Familiarize yourself with the Charter of the trade union you want to join and the regulations on the primary trade union organization. After this, it is necessary to negotiate with the territorial (city, district) organization of this trade union about the desire to create a primary trade union organization at your enterprise.

If there is no territorial organization, you need to contact the trade union directly.

If a territorial trade union organization (trade union) makes a decision to establish a primary trade union organization, a constituent meeting is held, at which a decision is made to create a primary trade union, and its governing and control and audit bodies are formed. Each participant in the meeting writes an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department for the collection of trade union dues.
Sample application for admission to a trade union
Sample application for transfer of trade union dues
Sample minutes of the founding meeting of a primary trade union organization
Trade Union Law
FPRH Charter
Labor Code

How to create a trade union

In order to begin work on creating a trade union organization at an enterprise, we offer you a certain sequence of actions in a brief summary.

How to collect the necessary information?

Before you begin work on attracting new trade union members and creating a trade union organization, you need to obtain comprehensive information about the organization in which you decide to operate. Here are some data and issues you should look into:

  • number of workers, ratio to the total number of youth, women, unskilled workers;
  • labor organization, shifts, staff turnover, the ratio of manual and high-tech labor, the specifics of production;
  • owner of the organization, organizational and legal form;
  • managerial and production structure organizations;
  • compact accommodation of the organization's employees;
  • the presence of a history of the work of trade unions at the enterprise;
  • relationship between employer and government;
  • delimitation of access for workers by divisions of the enterprise, the presence of types of work that require workers to be outside the territory of the enterprise;
  • economic situation of the organization;
  • employer-employee relations;
  • working conditions and remuneration;
  • social and labor problems;
  • informal leaders;
  • workers are former trade union members, a potential initiative group.

To obtain the necessary information, you can use private conversations with employees (depending on the employer’s attitude, they can be conducted at the enterprise or outside it, in a formal or informal setting), conversations with freelance workers, including former employees of the relevant enterprises, employee surveys, studies public opinion. Problems of the enterprise and workers can be identified from their speeches at general meetings, by telephone conversations, home visits to workers. You can obtain indirect information through advertising brochures and the organization’s website on the Internet. After all, the employer promotes products on the market, recruits personnel, submits reports to extra-budgetary funds, etc. The information received must be systematized, the main thing that needs to be extracted from the information received is: are there any social and labor problems in the organization that the trade union can help solve; are there potential leaders among employees; whether there have already been attempts to create a trade union organization; the expected reaction of the employer to the creation of a trade union organization now.

Establish contact with employees - potential members of the initiative group

It is very important to establish direct contacts with employees of the organization. It can be done:

  • through your friends and acquaintances of trade union members;
  • outside the workplace, as if in casual meetings in a bar, cafe, or on a sports ground;
  • You can provide assistance to employees in resolving legal issues;
  • through former employees of the enterprise, for example, in exchange for legal protection before the former employer;
  • organize individual consultations.

Only the employees themselves can provide information about the state of affairs and mood in the organization, about what problems they have. In the beginning, instead of organizing mass meetings with employees, it is better to communicate with each individual individually. You can ask the following questions:

  • Are you satisfied with everything in your work? (Does it correspond to your qualifications, do you have the opportunity to improve your professional qualifications, etc.)
  • Can you have any influence on how your work is carried out?
  • Is your salary fair in relation to the volume and intensity of your work?
  • Does your salary provide for your needs and the needs of your family?
  • Are your working conditions good? Is your workplace well equipped?
  • Do you have the opportunity to explain your point of view to your manager and not hear in response an offer to look for another job?
  • where could you go to protect yourself and your labor rights?

Ask your interlocutor how his closest colleagues would answer these questions. Find out the extent of disagreement among employees in solving their problems.

It would be good to find out which of the workers enjoys trust in their department, workshop, division, which of the workers can talk to the largest number people during work, which of the workers have already taken responsibility in resolving issues of a social and labor nature, what was the reaction of other workers, are they good workers?

Make it clear to employees that only unionization in trade union organizations will help solve their problems, because:

  • workers need professional protection of their rights;
  • employees need independent representation of their own interests;
  • workers need an organization that will help them.

Here, for example, are tips for the organizer, which were formulated by the Department of Trade Union Development of the Solidarity Trade Union (Poland):

  • establish close contacts with employees and maintain old ones;
  • tell employees that the union belongs to them, and adhere to this rule yourself;
  • do not do for workers what they can do themselves, but do not shift to them work that requires specific trade union skills;
  • a trade union is not only about providing services in return for paid trade union dues - it is a collective action of workers who want to change the quality of their lives;
  • the goal of the trade union is to help workers who want to change their lives;
  • workers must be united, not divided;
  • do not be afraid to approve the actions of workers who want to create their own trade union organization;
  • don’t be afraid to meet in person with employees, even if they don’t do something or be afraid to talk about some problems;
  • Remember to look for potential leaders among employees;
  • workers have enough bosses, the organizer should not become the next;
  • conduct an analysis with the trade union activists of the mistakes they have made so that they do not repeat themselves;
  • workers in groups can choose their leaders;
  • don't say or promise too much;
  • avoid underestimating employees;
  • purposefully gather strength for the fight;
  • employees have the right to take risks in pursuit of their goals;
  • Convince workers that there is only one strength - their will to fight for their rights and interests.

When meeting with employees in person, try to structure the conversation as follows:

  1. Introduction: introduce yourself and your organization, highlight the importance of the topic of conversation, keep your interlocutor from refusing to communicate with you.
  2. Identify the employee’s problems that arise in his workplace, his personal and professional interests.
  3. Trade union word: what a trade union can change in the life of an employee, positive examples from trade union practice, to draw a connection with the solution of problems expressed by the employee.
  4. Vaccination from the employer: why the employer behaves disloyal to the trade union and what he can do. Show the employee that we do not hide his possible problems with the employer when joining a trade union, but we know how to overcome them.
  5. Breakdown of the employee's consciousness: you can't live like that. The biggest enemy on the path of an employee joining a trade union is satisfaction with the existing standard of living and relations at the enterprise.

A log of contacts with employees should be kept, where it is important to categorize the employee in relation to joining the union, the problems identified by him, etc.

Organize a union promotion

In order to understand why a trade union is needed, workers must themselves form an idea of ​​it. So that they can become more familiar with the trade union organization:

  • you can invite employees of the organization to sports competitions, a professional holiday, a competition professional excellence organized by a trade union;
  • offer propaganda material (flyers, calendars, posters, booklets);
  • create teams of activists distributing propaganda material or promotional products of the trade union at the entrances of enterprises and public transport stops closest to the enterprises; by agreement of the parties, place stands with handouts in places where there are large concentrations of workers;
  • tell or show a film about some important trade union cause, show prepared presentations aimed at motivating workers and other interested parties to create trade union organizations.

Form an initiative group

First, find like-minded people. Those who believe that a trade union is needed in the organization. There must be at least three people. But it is much better if there are more such people, and they represent various structural divisions of the organization.

Usually the initiative group consists of volunteers who are in contact with the trade union. This group can be joined by people who have a desire to join a trade union after the first contacts with the organizer, when they are explained why a trade union is needed at the enterprise, and how the workers themselves can change the situation.

A meeting should be held with members of the initiative group, at which it is necessary to explain the functions and tasks of the initiative group, talk about possible anti-union actions of both the employer and some employees, and it is necessary to organize training for the initiative group.

It is important to understand in advance what to expect from the employer and prepare accordingly. The better prepared they are, the less unexpected the employer's reaction will be. Remember:

  1. The employer has no right to interfere in trade union activities.
  2. Record all violations of your rights in writing.
  3. Don't let people be divided!
  4. Do not believe the rumors spread by employer representatives!
  5. Don't offend your colleagues!
  6. Don't sign documents against yourself!
  7. Look for support and solidarity outside your company, in other trade union organizations!
  8. Inform the public about violations of workers' rights and the rights of the trade union organization!
  9. Don't fight one-man wars.
  10. Don't give in to provocations.
  11. Do not stop trade union activities, steadily solve problems to protect the rights of workers.

Functions of the initiative group

The creation of an initiative group is key point in the activities of the organizer to involve workers in the trade union and create new organization trade union because:

  • there is an opportunity to rely on specific people in the organization;
  • you can obtain reliable information about the mood of employees and coordinate their actions;
  • members of the initiative group can come into contact with the employer and respond to his anti-union attacks, deny allegations that a trade union is an organization that complicates relations between employees and the employer;
  • members of the initiative group become the central link in discussions about the activities of the trade union.

The tasks of the initiative group are to:

  • support the organizer in his work;
  • create a network of intensive communication between employees of the organization;
  • neutralize anti-union sentiment among workers;
  • create lists of employees of the organization with characteristics of their attitude towards the trade union (former member of the trade union, positive, negative, determined opponent, indifferent);
  • members of the initiative group can be assigned to work with employees of specific departments, distribute printed materials, posters, leaflets, etc.

Assign to each member of the initiative group 5-10 specific potential trade union members with whom he should carry out propaganda work. After these workers join the trade union, they must remain in the area of ​​responsibility of this member of the initiative group in order to involve them in trade union actions. At asset meetings, ask team members about conversations they have had with employees.

Initiative group training

In order for members of the initiative group to become real helpers, it is very important that they receive answers to the questions that arise in their minds as quickly as possible. They must share the values ​​of the union and learn to comply with the statutory requirements. The initiative group must be taught to anticipate and, if necessary, be able to respond to the employer’s propaganda.

One should not hope that the organizing campaign will be easy and successful. At each stage of creating a trade union organization, both the organizer and members of the initiative group may encounter anti-union activities of the employer. Unfortunately, not all employers are ready to respect the rights of employees to join a trade union and protect their interests. Often the employer tries to prevent the creation and strengthening of a trade union organization at his enterprise. To successfully resist employer opposition, workers need, first of all, resilience and unity.

Thus, the initiative group plays a key role in suppressing the employer’s anti-union propaganda. Very often, employer propaganda is effective because neither the group nor the organizer has prepared workers for it. To this end, the organizer should hold a series of educational meetings.

Meeting 1.

Give a basic idea of ​​the trade union, its mission in society, and what characteristics a real trade union should meet. Show feature films on trade union themes and discuss them.

Follow with your group the entire chain of creation of a trade union organization. Introduce the structure of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Khakassia. Determine which trade union uniting workers in your or a similar industry the future primary trade union organization would like to join. Consider the structure of the trade union and find a place for your future organization in it. Discuss positive examples of the activities of trade union organizations at enterprises in the industry.

The meeting should take place in a relaxed atmosphere. Meeting participants should get to know each other well. Let them actively discuss the problems of creating an organization and its active work.

Make a list of members of the initiative group with contact numbers and arrange the next meeting.

Instruct members of the initiative group to talk with employees of the organization, find out their interests, problems and concerns. Assign a role to each member of the initiative group structural subdivision organization, group of workers.

Meeting 2.

Discuss some provisions of labor legislation (focus on the problems that the organization’s employees have already had to face or those that may arise).

Consider trade union rights, remembering to add that employers often violate these rights, but this can be fought.

Consider the topic of possible anti-union activity by the employer and how this can be prevented.

Let the members of the initiative group tell you with whom they have already managed to communicate and how the employees reacted to the conversation.

Give them new tasks. For example, distribute leaflets and trade union propaganda materials.

Consider the charter of the trade union: the rights and responsibilities of trade union members, the procedure for forming elected bodies. It is useful to talk about the guarantees that trade union activists have. Discuss on the topic: what an employer can and cannot do during an emergency labor disputes; how a trade union can participate in resolving individual and collective labor disputes.

Invite members of the initiative group to write applications to join the trade union (only if you, as the organizer, are sure that they are ready for this decision).

Address the issues of labor disputes. Consider specific situations that have arisen in the organization.

Talk about strikes, about the problems of legality and illegality of actions of the employer and employees.

It is useful to show a chronicle of the collective actions of the trade union, how the actions ended, who took part in them, give examples of trade union solidarity. Information on this issue can be found on the FPRH website.

Give the task to compile information about the mood of employees in the department assigned to them.

Meeting 3.

You can consider the topic of social partnership. Consider the content of a regional tripartite agreement, an industry tariff agreement, and the content of a standard collective agreement. You can play a business game “Negotiations with the employer.”

Analyze information about employee sentiment. Give the task to talk with employees about the collective agreement, which provisions they consider the most important.

Consider the proposals of the enterprise employees, which the members of the initiative group will talk about. Please note that the employer does not always agree with the employees’ proposals, that negotiations can be difficult and sometimes reach a dead end. Tell us what kind of help negotiators can receive from the trade union, what trade union trust funds are available, about the work of the legal service and technical labor inspection.

Now we can talk about trade union dues, how they are collected, distributed, and the feasibility of using them. Consider the regulations on the audit commission, its goals, objectives and functions.

Ask the members of the initiative group for the next lesson to prepare a detailed analysis of the sentiments of workers in their departments in the form, shading the corresponding cell of the table, in case of a positive answer:

Meeting 4.

Conduct an analysis of employee sentiment based on the information provided to you by members of the initiative group. You will be able to clearly see the mood map and draw a conclusion about the readiness of the organization’s employees to join a trade union.

If you think the situation allows it, start preparing an organizational meeting.

Work out the agenda and procedure for conducting the meeting. Discuss the possible composition of the elected bodies: the trade union committee and the audit commission, the chairman of the trade union organization.

When preparing for a meeting, you should consider how the employer views the union. If it is sharply negative, this cannot serve as an obstacle to the creation of a trade union organization at the enterprise, but it can cause some complications. In this case, it is desirable that:

  • the time of the meeting (conference) did not coincide with working hours;
  • the location of the meeting was chosen outside the territory of the enterprise;
  • all preparations for the meeting and propaganda work were carried out in conditions of “secrecy”.

Provide union membership application forms for distribution to positive employees.

Remember: a trade union member has the right to limit the right of the trade union to disseminate information about his membership in the trade union, and above all to the employer. Often workers refuse to join a union if the employer immediately finds out about it. Please keep the following in mind:

  1. In the questionnaire or other documents, the joining employee must express his will on the issue of limiting the dissemination of data about his membership (if he wants to be an illegal member of the trade union) and in what cases this restriction applies.
  2. In this case, the employee must be warned that his right to take into account the opinion of the trade union upon his dismissal, approval by the trade union of dismissal in relation to the chairman and his deputies, occurs only if the employer has been previously notified of his trade union membership.
  3. Undocumented membership status does not have to be permanent. The termination date should be specified. this provision cases: after 50 or more percent of the employees of an enterprise or division join the trade union, during a trade union action, etc.
  4. A union member must give the union the right to disclose his membership information law enforcement agencies(court, prosecutor's office, labor inspectorate) on the condition that this data does not leave the boundaries of these structures.
  5. In this situation, it is necessary to have ways of collecting union dues from illegal union members that are alternative to withholding through the enterprise’s accounting department.

Organizational meeting

After finishing preparatory stage the initiative group must determine the date, time and place of the organizational (founding) meeting and inform the workers who have written applications and wish to join the trade union.

There should be at least three people present at the meeting, but since you have already done the preparatory work, you can be sure that many more people will attend the meeting. If it is difficult to gather all potential participants in the meeting, hold the founding meeting of the trade union organization with a minimum composition, and when other workers join the organization, you can hold a conference of the organization, where their delegates will be present. It must be taken into account that for the organizational (constituent) meeting the concept of quorum does not apply. Since the primary organization of the trade union is being established, and workers, in accordance with the Charter, join the trade union, the initiative group collected applications to join the trade union in advance. Applications can also be completed during the meeting.

The organizational (constituent) meeting is chaired by the organizer and members of the initiative group. You can invite the employer (if he is positive) and representatives of the territorial organization of the trade union to the meeting.

Agenda for the first organizational meeting:

  1. On the creation of a primary trade union organization _____________________________________________________
    (name of enterprise, organization)
  2. On admission to trade union membership.
  3. On the election of the chairman and his deputies (it is advisable to elect all members of the trade union committee as deputies, which will ensure their legislative protection).
  4. About the elections of the trade union committee.
  5. On the elections of the control and audit commission.
  6. On registration of the primary trade union organization as a legal entity (which is undesirable due to the problems of further accounting in small trade union organizations).
  7. On the procedure for paying trade union dues.
  8. On the entry of the primary trade union organization into the all-Russian trade union and the application for registration with regional organization trade union.

In accordance with the Trade Union Charter and legislation on public associations And non-profit organizations The highest body of a trade union organization is a meeting of trade union members or a conference. The frequency of meetings and conferences is determined by the Charter of the trade union and the Regulations on the primary trade union organization. During the period between meetings (conferences), the management of the activities of the trade union organization is carried out by the trade union committee - an elected trade union body. The voting procedure (secret or open) is determined by the meeting (conference), and votes are counted for each candidate. Those for whom more than half of the meeting (conference) participants voted are considered elected. A trade union organization is considered created from the moment the relevant decision is made.

It is fundamentally important to decide whether the newly created primary trade union organization will be registered as a legal entity.

If the trade union organization is numerous and wishes to use rights of a legal entity, this means that she will have her own bank account, have the right to carry out transactions, enter into contracts, acquire and dispose of property, and represent in courts. But in this case, there is an obligation to report quarterly to the tax authorities and to extra-budgetary state funds. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a qualified accountant, which only a large trade union organization can afford.

However, for the purposes of representing and protecting the social and labor interests of workers, conducting collective bargaining, concluding a collective agreement, holding collective actions state registration as a legal entity is not required. In this case, financial services to the primary trade union organization are provided by the committee of the territorial organization of the trade union. The relevant body of the territorial organization of the all-Russian trade union, based on your decision, must take own solution on the acceptance of a new primary trade union organization for financial services. Moreover, all operations with the financial resources of the organization will be carried out only by decisions of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization.

The law obliges the employer, in the presence of personal statements from trade union members, to collect trade union dues and transfer them to the trade union account by bank transfer. However, in order for the employer not to have a list of trade union members in the event of possible reprisals on his part against employees who are members of the trade union, it is possible alternative options transfers of trade union dues, for example:

  • collection of trade union dues in cash, according to the statement;
  • deduction of union dues from a union member's bank account;
  • payment of dues through payment terminals to cyber accounts assigned to each member of the trade union;
  • payment of fees via mobile phones.


The fact of the creation of a primary trade union organization must be documented. To do this, after the meeting, minutes of the trade union meeting and the meeting of the audit commission should be drawn up. Drawing up protocols and documentation is an important aspect of the work. Remember that the employer may deliberately look for your mistakes in paperwork in order to recognize the union as illegitimate. The minutes of the organizational (constituent) meeting are signed by the decision of its participants by the chairman and secretary of the meeting or all members of the presidium; a list of meeting participants with their data and personal signature is attached to the minutes. Documents on the creation of a trade union organization are submitted to the territorial organization of the trade union. If it is decided that the organization will enjoy the rights of a legal entity, then documents are also necessary for registration with the justice authorities, tax authorities and extra-budgetary funds.

The employer should be officially informed about the creation of a primary trade union organization. This is necessary in order to ensure the participation of trade union organizations in regulating social and labor relations at the enterprise in cases provided for by current legislation.

The employer is sent a notification letter, a copy of the minutes of the organizational meeting and a copy of the decision of the territorial committee of the trade union on the creation of a primary trade union organization and its inclusion in the register of the trade union.