What does a 5th category electrician need to know? Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Production site "Shaimovsky"

OJSC Metallurgical Plant named after. A.K. Serov"

Examination tickets for the program

theoretical and industrial training in the profession of “electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment”

Profession code: 19861

Qualification: 5-6 category

Serov 2013

Examination tickets

to pass professional exams

"electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment"

5-6 categories

Ticket No. 1

    Semiconductor materials, РN – junction.

    Vacuum circuit breakers, their design, advantages and disadvantages.

    Basic laws of electrical engineering.

    Carrying out work as ordered and in the order of routine operation.

    Legislation on labor protection in the Russian Federation.

    What is the main goal of the Quality Policy.

Ticket No. 2

1. Design of a power transformer.

    Disconnectors, separators, short circuiters and load switches. Requirements for them. Device designs.

    Three-phase AC system. Connection of generator windings with star and triangle.

    Safety precautions when working on an electric motor.

    Responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements.

    What QMS documents do you know?

Ticket No. 3

    General power supply of the plant (GPP-1, GPP-2, Elektrostal, substation in the workshops).

    Frequency converters. Purpose, selection method, operating principle, positive and negative aspects.

    The principle of operation of the transformer. Idling of the transformer.

    Technical measures to ensure the safety of work performed with stress relief.

    Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”. Basic concepts. Basic provisions of the law.

    What is certification? What is the purpose of certification?

Ticket No. 4

    Operating principle of a synchronous motor.

    Circuit breakers. Requirements for them, their designs. Calculation and selection of basic parameters of fuses.

    Operating principle asynchronous motor. Operation of an asynchronous motor under load.

    Power tools, hand-held electric machines, hand-held electric lamps.

    Concepts about the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS).

    What are the main goals of the organization?

Ticket No. 5

    Power circuit breaker device. Principle of operation, purpose.

    Current transformers (CTs). Purpose. Switching schemes. CT operating modes. TT design. Selection of TT. Repair and installation technology.

    DC motor design. Serial, parallel, mixed connection of excitation windings.

    Main types of fire extinguishing.

    Emergency response plan (EPP) at the enterprise or work site.

    Define “quality records.” What forms of quality records are available at your workplace.

Ticket No. 6

    Contactors, starters, principle of operation, classification, main types.

    Voltage transformers (VT). Purpose and main parameters. TN error. TN design. TN elements.

    Work without relieving voltage on live parts and near them.

    Methods of notification of accidents, routes and procedures for evacuating people.

    What does an assessment of the technical condition of equipment include and why is it carried out?

Ticket No. 7

    Principles of constructing intra-shop electrical networks.

    Reactors. Operating principle and main parameters of reactors. Reactor design. Characteristics of the reactor.

    Laying cables in the ground. Cable laying at low temperatures.

    Relief from electric current in electrical installations up to 1000V.

    Classification of injuries. Procedure for investigating industrial accidents.

    Define regulatory documentation. What regulatory documentation does your workplace have? Requirements for regulatory documentation.

State educational institution higher professional education

"Volgograd State Medical University"

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

(GOU VPO Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia)

APPROVED by: Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Work of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Volga State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia,


"___" _______________ 20__

Job description

electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 5th category


Name structural unit

FULL NAME ___________________________________________

1. General Provisions

1.1. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. A person with secondary specialized education is appointed to the position of electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category.

1.3. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category reports directly to the head of the structural unit.

1.4. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category must know:

· basics of telemechanics;

· device and electrical circuits various electrical machines, electrical devices, electrical measuring and automatic control devices;

· general information about the purpose and basic requirements for maximum current protection;

· methods for testing electrical equipment and cable networks;

· diagrams of electric motors and other electrical equipment being serviced;

relay device various systems and methods for checking and adjusting it;

· work methods and sequence of operations for disassembling, assembling, repairing and setting up high-power electrical machines and complex electrical equipment;

· rules for testing protective equipment used in electrical installations;

· the procedure for organizing safe work in electrical installations, supervision and maintenance of operating electrical equipment; construction of geometric curves necessary for the use of devices used in repairs;

· principle of operation of converters, high-frequency installations with machine and tube generators;

· calculation of the need for static capacitors to increase the cosine phi;

· methods of centering and balancing electric motors;

· purpose and types of high-frequency protection;

· rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation, safety rules in the scope qualification group IV.

2. Job responsibilities.

· Other violations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the performance of their official duties.

6. Relationships

· An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category accepts for execution the instructions of the rector, expressed orally or in writing.

· An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 5th category accepts for execution the orders of the vice-rector for administrative and economic work expressed orally or in writing and directly addressed to him.

Head of structural unit ______________________ Full name

Head of HR Department ___________________________

General Counsel ___________________________

I have read the job description and a copy has been received _____________ Full name

“____” ___________ 20___

Assembly of simple units and devices using universal fixtures and tools. 2.2. Installation and installation of AC and DC electrical machines with a power of up to 50 kW and welding machines with a power of up to 30 kW. 2.3. Installation, assembly, testing and delivery of electrical machines of direct and alternating current with a power of over 50 to 100 kW, electrical appliances of medium complexity and components for them using universal devices. 2.4. Installation, assembly, regulation and delivery of complex components of electrical machines and electrical appliances on various machines and machines, as well as DC and AC electrical machines with a power of over 100 kW in production workshops and power plants. 2.5. Testing of mounted machines and equipment after installation. 2.6. Assembly and installation of medium complexity components and equipment using special devices and templates. 2.7. Assembly and installation of complex electrical appliances and electrical machines using special devices and templates. 2.8. Manufacturing of parts, assembly of fixtures and templates. 2.9. Manufacturing of parts, assembly, testing and installation of simple electrical structures of low-voltage equipment, as well as electrical appliances and ballasts. 2.10. Installation and soldering of conductor lugs. 2.11. Painting of conductors in specified colors. 2.12. Assembly and installation of lighting panels up to eight groups of couplings, tees and boxes. 2.13. Assembling wires of simple circuits. 2.14. Preparation of the panel, installation of communication equipment and installation of the power station. 2.15. Laying light, power and signaling networks. 2.16. Punching nests in brick and concrete walls with a bolt and pneumatic tool. 2.17. Drilling, reaming holes, cutting threads manually and on machines. 2.18. Tinning of cable ends. 2.19. Identifying damage to electrical equipment during installation and eliminating it. 2.20. Installation and installation of distribution boards over eight groups and busbar assemblies, as well as electrical equipment for cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons, welding machines with a power of over 300 kW and mercury rectifiers with a power of up to 500 kW. 2.21. Installation of high-frequency installations with a power of up to 700 kW, mercury rectifiers with a power of over 500 kW, electrical equipment for cranes with a lifting capacity of over 20 tons and large universal metalworking machines. 2.22. Installation of high-frequency installations with a power of over 700 kW. 2.23. Knitting electrical circuits from conductors of various sections and complete installation in housings. 2.24. Work on switching distribution boards for power electrical installations. 2.25. Installation of equipment and complete switching of power stations for current up to 1000 A. 2.26. Laying of feeder and distribution networks. 2.27. Measurement of power, voltage, current and wire resistance in individual circuits and various types connections. 2.28 Identification of defects that arise during the assembly, installation and testing of electrical equipment, as well as large direct and alternating current electric motors, and their elimination. 2.29. Installation and dismantling of high-voltage equipment and networks (switchgears and high-voltage electrical equipment with starting and control equipment) with voltage up to 35 kV. 2.30. Complete installation, dismantling, testing and assembly of complex high-voltage equipment of electrical substations, electrical machines and components of various structures and systems, cable and overhead networks with voltages over 35 kV. 2.31. Laying cables in trenches, tunnels, channels and blocks on cables, with cutting, splicing and installation of linear and end couplings and cable testing. 2.32. Marking equipment installation locations. 2.33. Full switching of a power station with a current strength of over 1000 A. 2.34. Equipment for oil switch cells. 2.35. Manufacturing of complex instruments and mechanisms according to sketches and schematic diagrams; testing, adjusting and passing them in accordance with technical specifications. 2.36. Production of the most complex template circuits and installation of real circuits from various wires. 2.37. Identifying defects and damage to the network and devices and eliminating them. 2.38. Manufacturing of devices necessary for electrical installation work. 2.39. Assembly and installation of complex electrical equipment and products under the supervision of a more highly qualified electrical fitter.

I approve

[position, signature, full name.

Manager or other

Official authorized


[organizational and legal form, job description]

name of organization, [day, month, year]

enterprises] M.P.

Job description

5th category security and fire alarm electrician

[name of company]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated April 27, 1984 N 122/8-43 “On approval of the section “Works and professions of communication workers” of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, issue 58”, Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated June 18, 2010 N 454n “On approval Model standards free issuance special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment for communication workers engaged in work with hazardous and (or) dangerous conditions labor, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution" and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A 5th category security and fire alarm electrician belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. For the position of fire alarm electrician of the 5th category, a person with an initial professional education by profession [enter as required] and work experience in the specialty for at least [value] years.

1.3. A 5th grade security and fire alarm electrician is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. A 5th category security and fire alarm electrician must know:

Design, purpose and tactical and technical data of the serviced control and receiving devices and sensors;

Rules for gluing sensors;

Rules for handling the simplest tools used in the installation and installation of technical alarm systems at sites;

Methods for troubleshooting control devices and sensors;

The procedure for checking the performance of photobeam, ultrasonic and capacitive instruments and devices;

Basics of Electrical Engineering;

Design, purpose and tactical and technical data of ultrasonic, capacitive and photobeam instruments and devices;

Methods for troubleshooting ultrasonic, capacitive and photobeam instruments and devices;

Operating procedure for all control and measuring instruments;

The procedure for repairing ultrasonic devices;

Rules for servicing alkaline and acid batteries;

The procedure for checking the operability of radio wave devices, capacitive and photobeam perimeter alarm systems and high-frequency multiplex devices for telephone lines;

Basics of telephony;

Design, purpose and tactical and technical data of radio wave devices, capacitive and photobeam perimeter alarm systems, high-frequency multiplex devices for telephone lines;

The procedure for conducting trial operation of new types of security and fire alarm equipment;

Rules for working with high-frequency devices during their repair and adjustment;

The procedure for checking the operability of control systems and time sheet passage of workers and employees to enterprises and institutions, centralized surveillance consoles, centralized security systems for non-telephone apartments, sound recording equipment and radio stations at centralized security points, fire alarm devices using radio stations;

Basics of radio engineering;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of sanitary and personal hygiene;

Labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment.

2. Job responsibilities

The 5th category security and fire alarm electrician is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Operational and technical maintenance, installation, installation, adjustment and repair of control and receiving devices and sensors (electric contact, electromagnetic, magnetic contact, vibration, piezoceramic, fire).

2.2. Sticking sensors, drilling holes in wooden and concrete walls, punching drafts and making grooves in walls and doors, installing distribution boxes, digging trenches, laying wires and cables and performing other auxiliary work when equipping objects with alarms.

2.3. Checking the performance of ultrasonic, capacitive and photobeam instruments and devices.

2.4. Operational and technical maintenance, installation, installation, adjustment and repair of ultrasonic, capacitive and photobeam instruments and devices.

2.5. Determination of the type, quantity and relative position of ultrasonic devices by the transducer, equalization of the sensitivity of capacitive and ultrasonic devices and devices in rooms with different humidity and different volumes.

2.6. Participation in the installation, installation and commissioning of new types of security and fire alarm equipment.

2.7. Maintenance of alkaline and acid batteries and other power sources.

2.8. Testing the performance of radio wave devices, capacitive and photobeam perimeter alarm systems and high-frequency multiplex devices for telephone lines.

2.9. Operational and technical maintenance, installation, assembly, adjustment and repair of radio wave devices, perimeter alarm systems of capacitive and photobeam type and devices for high-frequency multiplexing of telephone lines.

2.10. Installation, assembly and commissioning of new samples of security and fire alarm equipment and conducting trial operation of this equipment.

2.11. Participation in work on incoming inspection of security and fire alarm equipment prepared for installation at sites.

2.12. Checking the operability of control systems and timesheets of the passage of workers and employees to enterprises and institutions, centralized surveillance consoles, centralized security systems for non-telephone apartments, sound recording equipment and radio stations at centralized security points, fire alarm devices using radio stations.

2.13. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

A 5th category security and fire alarm electrician has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. On free issue special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. To pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an industrial accident and occupational disease.

3.4. Require the creation of conditions for execution professional responsibilities, including providing necessary equipment, equipment, workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

All electricians who service and repair electrical equipment work under the supervision of energy engineers. Only people who are of legal age and have passed the medical checkup, listened to instructions and had internship experience in a work environment. Also, after training, it is required to pass an exam on knowledge of labor safety according to inter-industry rules when working with electrical installations, after which a corresponding certificate of 5th category, 4th category or lower is issued, which must be confirmed every 5 years. On average, training takes 1 year and 5 months, which also includes an electrician. All electricians who repair or service electrical equipment in electrical units before and after 1000 V comply with:

  • Work instructions;
  • Current inter-industry rules on labor protection when working with electrical installations;
  • Rules for the construction of electrical installations;
  • Rules for the technical use of consumer electrical installations.

General job description

An electrician belongs to the working category.
An electrician can be a person who has a special secondary education in the required specialty and with work experience. An electrician is appointed and dismissed only by order of management.

An electrician must have knowledge of:

  • Decrees, orders, instructions that refer to such regulations that regulate the activities of an electrician;
  • Basic knowledge of electronics, telemechanics, electrical engineering, radio engineering, knowledge of the devices of various microcircuits, electrical devices, machines, measuring instruments and their characteristics, principles of operation, accuracy tests;
  • Telecontrol and automatic adjustment circuits and options for restoration and debugging.
    Rules for handling logic circuits with complexities;
  • Methods general tests electrical apparatus, units and devices;
    Technologies when working with epoxy materials;
  • Rules for the restoration and installation of cable networks in places with a high probability of fire, explosion and other difficult conditions;
  • Rules for assembling electrical circuits and other documents of electrical equipment in electrical networks.
    Load standards for transformers, cables, electric motors, wires of different power and voltage;
  • Electrical circuits of primary and secondary switching of distribution devices.
    The principles of protection devices that have a high-frequency blocker;
  • Various types of problems that electrical devices may have, and also know options for subsequent elimination;
  • Organization and technology of electrical installation work;
  • Standards for material consumption, spare parts and electrical energy;
  • Fundamentals of economics, organizational process of production, management and labor;
  • Fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • Factory sanitary requirements, labor protection requirements, fire protection and safety requirements.

The main task of an electrician is to ensure the operability and trouble-free operation of all equipment. This also includes its correct use, timely repairs, as well as:

  • Adjustment, adjustment and full control of electronic and recording devices;
  • Debugging and maintenance of an ignitron-type welding device with electronics, an electric pulse installation, complex distance protection, automatic reserve activation devices, complex circuits where semiconductor installations with transistor and logical elements are used;
  • Collection, disassembly, complete repair, installation, alignment of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical devices different systems voltage more than 15 kW;
  • Working with complex epoxy terminations in high-voltage cable networks, installing couplings for connecting aluminum and copper cables;
  • General testing of electric motors, devices and transformers of various capacities that have just completed a major overhaul;
  • Check the accuracy class of instrument transformers;
  • Work with installation, dismantling and maintenance of cable lines in pipelines intended for this purpose, which are filled with oil or are under gas pressure;
  • Preparatory stage for everything electrical equipment after repair for commissioning.

Responsibilities of an electrician

Also, an electrician has his own specific job responsibilities as an electrician; he requires Xia:

  • Participate in correcting various problems during the operation of devices, setting up, adjusting, measuring and testing;
  • Study and use innovative methods of maintenance, restoration, installation and other activities with devices;
  • Take part in events that increase the reliability and quality of work of everyone technical devices, as well as in the improvement of all workers;
  • Perform all work related to the repair, assembly and adjustment of complex, important and new electrical machines, electrical devices and units;
  • Take part in sending requests for ordering spare parts, consumables, tools and spend everything rationally;
  • Comprehensively test electric motors, devices and transformers of various capacities after they have been overhauled;
  • Prepare electrical elements made after restoration for operation;
  • Learn the operating characteristics of the device, find out the causes of early failure and eliminate them;
  • Fulfill the requirements of the manager, which are not in job description, however, which arise due to production needs;
  • Install meters and work with insulation in cable lines, up to 35 kW;
  • Undergo technical retraining once every 5 years, since many new nuances appear in five years.

What rights does an electrician have?

An electrician has the following rights:

  • Making proposals to the management of the farm to improve the economic maintenance of facilities;
  • Improve your qualifications;
  • Make requests based on your own needs, as well as at the request of the head of the department and specialist about data and documentation that is required in order to fulfill job duties;
  • Make demands to the company management in order to ensure organizational technical specifications what is required to perform the duties of the job.

What is an electrician responsible for?

An electrician has certain responsibilities, in particular for:

  • Conscientious fulfillment or failure to fulfill obligations contained in the instructions;
  • Violations made during work that comply with the current administrative and criminal civil codes;
  • Causing any damage, which is indicated by valid civil and labor legislation;
  • Failure to comply with fulfillment requirements or dishonest fulfillment of work requirements, orders, instructions, orders of superiors that were not specified in job responsibilities, but arose due to labor necessity and for other violations that are included in the job description. Failure to comply will result in a reprimand, reprimand or dismissal.


The electrician always:

  • Completes his work according to the schedule, which is drawn up for a 40-hour period working week and was approved by the director of the organization;
  • Takes information of a regulatory nature from the manager economic department organization, studies the required documentation with signature;
  • Contacts issues that fall within his competence, together with colleagues in the department.


The electrician has his own clearly defined instructions, when following which all standards must be observed. Fulfilling all the requirements that are included in the responsibilities of an electrician can guarantee successful promotion, as well as the absence of subsequent complaints and problems.

Video about the profession of an electrician