What does it mean if a bird lands on the window. Signs about birds - good and bad. Weather and weather phenomena

Most signs appeared when people tried to describe incomprehensible things and learned to predict them. For example, heavy rains, hurricanes and droughts. Of course, in addition to weather phenomena, we observed the behavior of animals and birds. Thanks to this, we now know that swallows fly low before the rain, and cats hide their noses in the cold. In addition, people began to associate some events from their personal lives with the behavior of birds, which were always close to humans. After all, these incidents need to be explained somehow. This is how superstitions appeared. Below we will talk about one of them: what does it mean if a tit flew into the window? This sign has contradictory meanings.

A tit flew out the window: what is this for?

Birds are extremely shy people and rarely come close to humans. Therefore, it is believed that a bird flying to a dwelling means something.

Well, what if it’s a tit:

  1. This is for kind unexpected guests.
  2. If the bird is also squeaking, then it means good guests with good news.
  3. Flew up and sat on your hand - feel free to make a wish, it will definitely come true.
  4. If a sick bird has flown in, for example, it has a broken wing or other injuries, your friend needs help at the moment.

Everyone says that if a bird flies into a house through a window, it's bad news. This belief appeared a long time ago, due to the fact that the souls of dead people were once tied to birds, which carried them to the kingdom of the dead. Therefore, they thought that a bird flew into the house, which meant waiting for a dead person.

If you are inclined to believe this, just gently send her away. Don’t chase her around the apartment, but take some grain or bread and sprinkle it along the way to the window. And she will slowly find a way out on her own.

Why is a tit knocking on the window?

If the bird has not flown in, but is knocking on the window with its beak, how can you understand such a sign? Here too different variants. Depending on where you are at the moment.

  • If at home - a pleasant event in the family, long-awaited joy.
  • If at work - to monetary profit, promotion.
  • If you live in your own home or hut, this means long-awaited news from a loved one.

In general, the tit, like the swallow, is a harbinger only good events. Now, if a crow, magpie or dove knocks on your window, it’s even worse. They are usually associated with bad news, the dead, or quarrels. In fact, birds often fly closer to humans in the winter season. They simply don’t have enough food, and sometimes there are crumbs, berries left on the windowsills, or you yourself fed them on purpose. Therefore, whether or not to pay attention to these signs is up to you.

A tit sits on your windowsill and knocks with its beak, rejoice and believe. A crow or a dove sat down - forget it. After all, there is one more sign: thoughts sometimes materialize, so keep only good thoughts in your head.

A tit sat on the window, what is this for?

The tit is a bright, beautiful bird with a yellow belly divided into two parts by a black stripe. The top of the head is covered with a dark cap of blue metallic color, for which it received its name. It is difficult to confuse her with anyone else.

They are often friendly to humans and will take food directly from your hand if you feed them. If such a beauty lands on your window, don’t drive her away, just admire the bird. You now have the opportunity to take a closer look at her. And the signs associated with this event promise the following:

  • It is believed that if a tit sits on a window, it means moving. It was as if she had flown to see you off.
  • Another option is adding to the family. Not necessarily in your home, perhaps with close relatives.
  • If it holds something in its beak, expect good news.

The ancient Slavs associated the titmouse with a blue bird - a mythical creature, a symbol of happiness. By catching it you could become the happiest and luckiest. Therefore, expect only good events from your guest.

Superstitions about different birds

There are many birds, and each has its own superstitions and signs. We will list the most common ones and about other birds:

  1. To see a flying stork is a sign of good guests.
  2. A bird builds a nest - well-being in the family.
  3. The chickens got into a fight in the courtyard of the house - towards the guests.
  4. If a woodpecker suddenly flies into the yard and knocks on a tree, it means trouble.
  5. A bird sat on the balcony - the answer to an important question has been found.
  6. A swallow hits the window - good news.
  7. Sparrows flew to the windowsill of an unmarried girl - for an imminent wedding.
  8. Hearing the cry of an owl is an addition.
  9. Crows fly over the house and croak - to illness.
  10. Finding a chick that has fallen out of the nest means unnecessary problems.
  11. A bird lands on its head - quick profit.
  12. The swallows made a nest on the balcony - fortunately.
  13. The rooster crows and walks at the threshold - to important guests.

There are good signs and not so good ones. Take seriously those that promise happiness and prosperity. After all, if you think about it, how can a woodpecker know that trouble will soon happen to you if he just came across a tree in your yard in which bark beetles live.

Weather and weather phenomena

More reliable are the signs in which birds can tell us the weather. They have a perfectly developed natural instinct for this. What behavior of birds will indicate what weather phenomena?

  • Sparrows tumble in the dust - it means rain.
  • Crows gather in a bunch - to bad weather, cold weather.
  • Seagulls cluster on the shore - a sign of a storm.
  • Migratory birds fly away early - the winter will be cold.
  • Birds on the tree scream loudly - it will rain.
  • The sparrows on the branches are ruffled - a sign of heavy rain.
  • Crows sit on the lower branches - to a strong wind.
  • Jackdaws gather in a flock - for clear weather.
  • Birds build nests on the sunny side of a tree - in anticipation of a cloudy summer.
  • A rooster crows during the day - it means rain.

These tips have helped people for a long time, and they still work today.

How to protect yourself?

If you take omens extremely seriously and believe not only in good signs, but also in bad ones, use amulets for protection and your own peace of mind.

We have selected a few for you:

  1. If a sick tit sits on the windowsill, thereby foreshadowing trouble for you, stick a knife into the frame, perhaps into the gap between the window and the frame. It is believed that he will not let troubles and evil spirits into the house.
  2. You can use a red thread or a branch of rowan, viburnum, or any red berry for the same purpose.
  3. A twig of St. John's wort will get rid of bad thoughts and help you not think about bad things. Hang it above the bed if you encounter any bad omen, or cross your fingers when birds: a crow or a dove want to fly into the house. Then drive away the uninvited guests.

So, these simple methods will help you get bad thoughts out of your head.

So we tried to find all the interpretations that tell what it means if a tit flew into the window. This sign bears mostly good events. You can also watch the feathered beauty.

Video: why does a tit fly into a window?

In this video, Antonina Voronina will tell you what a tit flying into a window may portend for you, and what you need to prepare for:

The little nimble sparrow is a frequent visitor to any yard, park, roads and other public places. Maybe that’s why there are a lot of superstitions associated with it. What signs about sparrows promise pleasant events, and which ones warn of dangers?

Sparrow in legends

Sparrow among the ancient Slavs

Our ancestors admired sparrows and at the same time did not like them. They attracted attention with their agility; any person wanted to adopt this quality. However, sparrows are also known thieves: they will steal a grain from a barn, or even a whole flock will encroach on a field with a rich harvest, so they tried in every possible way to scare them off with the help of magic. For example, they scattered earth from graves or sawdust from a coffin on the beds, because they believed that objects from the deceased scared the gray tricksters.

Sparrow in the Bible

There is a legend about the sparrow, according to which it was this bird that was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. She gave away his location with her loud chirping. Then, at the crucifixion, the sparrows brought nails, which the soldiers hammered into the body of the Savior.

Since then, killing a sparrow is not considered a sinful act.

Other legends

In England they believe in the sparrow's ability to be a guide for the souls of dead people. This was preceded by the following story. Once upon a time, a sparrow knocked on the window of a London lady. When she saw him, the woman was literally taken aback: he looked exactly like her cousin. A couple of days later she was informed that her brother had recently died. The family was sure that it was he who appeared to them in the form of a sparrow, which other Englishmen began to believe.

Good omens

Be that as it may, signs about sparrows portend a lot of good things.

Marriage superstitions

Folklore describes a sparrow in the form of a groom; various songs have been written about him, in which he certainly plays the role of a handsome husband, therefore the signs associated with his appearance promise lonely hearts pleasant changes in their personal lives. So, if a sparrow builds a nest on an unmarried girl’s house, balcony or windowsill, then she must soon meet her betrothed.

The same thing is foreshadowed by the sign of a sparrow that chirps near a girl of marriageable age: she can prepare for the wedding.

When a sparrow jumps on the balcony, it means, if not marriage, then definitely a dizzying romance.

Sparrow chicks

Real success will come to those who do not remain indifferent to a sparrow chick that accidentally fell out of the nest. If you return the baby to its parents or feed it yourself, then in gratitude the birds will “bring good luck in their beaks.”

"Guest" on the window

The visit of the sparrow is regarded in different ways in popular superstitions. First, let's look at their good meaning.

If a sparrow sits on a window, then in this way he is trying to warn the inhabitants of the house about imminent guests. Even if these guests are unexpected or, worse, uninvited, they will not cause any trouble and there is no need to be afraid of them. They will sit for an hour or two and leave in peace.

Perhaps the matter will be limited to a telephone call or a regular letter, in which news of various kinds (joyful, insignificant) will be communicated.

A sparrow on a windowsill is interpreted in exactly the same way, so there is no need to drive it away with a rag.

Although it is possible that the bird was tired of endless flights and sat down to rest on the nearest window that came along its way.

sat on my hand

They say that birds feel a good person, and therefore are not afraid to approach him. Even a robber sparrow flies up to a positive person without fear and can perch on his shoulder, hand or head.

Sign of a bird sitting on the window There is such a sign: if a bird knocks on the window, it means important news. I write a blog in which I tell eyewitness stories about the otherworldly. And then last October, birds started knocking on our window. It's strange, the first floor. This is our second year living here, and the birds have never visited us before. I paid attention. I think we’ll check the sign. Late in the evening my mother-in-law calls her husband. I immediately realized that something serious had happened. My grandmother died at the age of 93, she had been ill for a long time, she lay with a serious fracture that did not heal and was festering. I'm exhausted. My husband was getting ready for the funeral. And a week later, we found out that we would become parents of many children. Completely unexpected news! And the birds no longer flew to the window. We sat down immediately on the runetka near the house. Enjoying it. Even the bullfinch flew in. When my grandfather died, and it happened in the hospital, a small, very dark dove sat on my window. He arrived at about the same time when my grandfather’s heart stopped (we didn’t suspect anything wrong, that day after lunch we were supposed to take him home after being treated), the little dove sat on the window, looked into the room and flew away... And a couple of hours later mom I called from the hospital that my grandfather was not in the room... So I don’t know whether to believe it or not... One evening I was sitting in the room and watching TV. Suddenly, a terrible roar is heard from the kitchen, and my cat flies into my room with bulging eyes and hides under the bed. I thought that this naughty girl most likely dropped something on the floor, and went to the kitchen to look. I walk in and can’t believe my eyes! There is a white dove sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and a torn off ventilation grill is lying in the corner. I opened the window and began to push it towards the “exit” with a broom, with difficulty, but the dove flew away. A week later, my boyfriend was arrested. As a result, he was tried for a whole year for fraud and sentenced to 4 years in prison. Since ancient times, the bird has symbolized the spirit, soul or messenger of the gods. But, of course, meeting a bird is not always a sign of impending changes or news. More often than not, this is just one of the thousands of meaningless little things in our lives. A sparrow flew into my friend's room, SHE WAS SO SCARED! She barely kicked out the uninvited guest, then waited for death. Nothing happened! We used to always feed the tits with lard on the balcony in winter, and every time they knocked on our window, asking for more. No one died from this, although the troubles were HUGE - they pooped on our underwear. One day a whole flock of tits flew into our office at work. They were fed outside the window, and one day the window was opened and they came to us! And nothing happened to anyone. Not even a single computer was broken. In our kitchen, pigeons are constantly knocking on the window in winter: the greenery is growing, they are trying to peck. That's the whole sign! We lived in an old house with double glazing. And a sparrow fell between the frames. She wanted to fly into the window, but the door leading into the apartment was closed. How she knocked and rushed about! And outside the window, on a tree, the sparrows gathered a council - apparently, they were giving her advice. The hubbub was incredible! Imagine: 6 o’clock in the morning, a sparrow is darting between the windows, and outside the window a whole flock of sparrows is screaming! But there was no way to get her out - she got scared and only started hitting the glass harder. In the end, she found the window and flew out. So, nothing happened to us at all, neither good nor bad. If a bird knocks on the window or flies into the room, you must say 3 times: “What you came with, fly away with.” Such a sentence will help you calm down and avoid negative self-programming. And yet, on rare occasions, a bird visiting our home can really change our fate, if we believe in the signs of fate. My husband and I once quarreled, and he went to live with his parents. One night, a very rare bird for our region (a woodcock, it seems) crashed into the closed window of the room in which he was sleeping, broke the window and fell dead on the windowsill. The husband considered this incident a sign from above and returned to the family.

Omens love some birds, treat others neutrally, and fear others. Alas, the gray sparrow managed to squeeze itself into the third category. But why? The lively, cheerful and only slightly ill-mannered bird that landed on your window does not in any way suit the role of the ruler of the hall... Is it true that the superstition advises to be afraid of sparrows, or do they still know how to make good predictions?

What do signs say about a sparrow?

The dislike for the gray bird is due to legends widespread in Rus' about the sparrow's complicity with the enemies of Christ. One of them claims that the soldiers sent to seize the Son of God could not find him in the garden for a long time and would have passed by if a flock of sparrows, noisily falling from a bush, had not shown them the place. Another says: trying to prevent the crucifixion, the swallows stole nails from the soldiers, and the bastard sparrow found them and brought them back, for which he was punished with invisible shackles placed on his legs. Since then, he can no longer walk like other birds, but moves in leaps and bounds.

Need I say that these beliefs are not reflected in the Bible? But folk art- a terrible force, and it is not surprising that peasants rarely considered the appearance of a harmful bird near their house as a good sign.

He flew to the window and looked in, sat on the window, flew up to the glass

  • If a sparrow shows increased interest in the window - jumps on the windowsill, looks into the room through the glass, swings on the window, looks into the house or flies up to the balcony - you are about to hear unexpected news. Whether they will be good or bad cannot be said for sure. But most people have no doubt that the news will not be too significant. The messenger is too small.
  • A sparrow, which from time to time flies up to the window, predicts the appearance of a guest.

Sparrows have a reputation for being petty thieves for good reason.

If in the summer, when the windows are wide open, a petty thief has already visited you to steal cookies from the table, he will return more than once to profit. In this case, do not expect any guests or news - just a hungry bird decided to have a snack.

Made a nest

  • Option for pessimists: if sparrows fly in and make their home on a balcony, under a window or on the ridge of a roof, the inhabitants of the house will be sick.
  • An option for optimists: if a girl lives next door to a house with a family of sparrows, she will soon get married.

It's funny that the sparrow often appears in jokes as a man and an eligible bachelor. That’s right, that’s where the belief came from that he flies for a reason.

Flew onto a balcony or loggia

  • Our ancestors saw any bird that found its way into a living space as a bearer of sad news. And especially in a sparrow! Therefore, following the gloomy messenger who flies to the addressees, messages about someone’s illness or death were often expected. On the other hand, the loggia is not a full-fledged part of the apartment, which means that the sign should significantly lose its power.
  • If a sparrow flies onto the balcony of an unmarried woman, it prophesies a wedding. The sign is considered even more true if the bird begins to chirp.
  • A legend from pre-Christian times, which has happily survived centuries, claims that behind the guise of a harmless sparrow a small harmful spirit could be hiding, which was sent to steal your well-being. Don't let the insolent person into the room, let him fly unsalted!

A dead bird or chick lies on the windowsill

An ambiguous sign. For anyone who one day finds a dead sparrow or its chick at his window, some beliefs predict a flurry of unpleasant events, problems, and sometimes death. Others argue that only those who themselves had a hand in the death of the bird, which now lies lifeless, should be afraid. Still others stubbornly insist: a dead sparrow on the windowsill promises financial losses and nothing else. Still others laugh at the frightened pessimists: they say, if the bird remained outside, then the trouble passed by. Still others see the unfortunate bird as an instrument of evil witchcraft. How to figure it out?

And there’s no need to figure it out. After all, there is a universal way to ward off any evil that the “bird” sign predicts for a house.

Having received a bad prediction, collect all the bread that will be in the apartment at that time, go to the temple and there feed it all to the birds. In Rus', from time immemorial, they believed that winged creatures could pray to God for people and raise human requests to the very heavens. Do them good, and the birds will ask higher power so that everything goes well for you. And then, to be sure, go to church and ask for peace of mind for yourself and health for your loved ones.

As you can see, a sparrow that lands on a window or flies into a house does not always frighten the owners of the home with sorrows and adversity. Some carry pleasant predictions, just be able to remember this in time and not be scared by the feathered postman, because he dropped by to wish you well!

How did the sign arise, why is it feared? Since ancient times, the bird has symbolized the spirit, the soul. And therefore she was considered the messenger of the gods. It was from these still pagan ideas that the sign arose. The Slavs believed that the souls of the dead were embodied in birds and that birds carried a message from the other world to people. And a modern person experiences anxiety and worry when he sees a bird at the window, because despite the 21st century, our psyche is structured the same way as that of our grandparents. And they believed in omens.

What does a sign about birds mean? A bird knocking on the window means important news. This news can be of various kinds: for a move, a wedding, the birth of a baby, the death of elderly relatives.

How did this sign come true? Personal experience. I maintain a blog in which I post eyewitness stories about the other world. I want to tell you how this sign worked for me. The apartment is on the ground floor, next to the entrance to the municipal organization. Therefore, birds do not bother us at all, because people often stand at our windows. And then in October last year, titmice began knocking on the window. This is strange, I was surprised. This is our second year living here, and the birds have never visited us before. Noticed. I think: “Let’s check the sign.” Late in the evening my mother-in-law calls her husband. From his changed face, I immediately realized that something had happened. His grandmother died. She was 93 years old. She was sick for a long time, lay with a serious fracture, it did not heal, it festered. I'm exhausted. My husband was getting ready for the funeral. And a week later we found out that we would become parents for the third time. Completely unexpected news! And the birds no longer flew to the window.

It turns out that the sign came true not only for me. Many people associate the appearance of birds at the window with changes in fate or news about loved ones.

One day a titmouse and a sparrow flew into my maternal grandmother’s window. A week later she found out about her daughters’ pregnancy, and 7 and 8 months later my cousin and I were born.

For me, a bird flying into an apartment is a very bad omen. To the death of someone’s relatives or acquaintances, not even close ones. And before our dogs died, they flew into the air. Moreover, this could have been two months before the event. I had a neighbor, and before she received a letter or good news, a bird would fly or knock on her window. Let this be a “good” omen for you, like my neighbor.

When my grandfather died, a small, very dark dove sat on my window. He arrived at about the same time when my grandfather’s heart stopped. We didn’t even suspect anything wrong; we were supposed to take him home that afternoon. The little dove sat on the window, looked into the room and flew away. And a couple of hours later my mother called from the hospital that my grandfather was not in the room. So I don’t know whether to believe it or not...

One evening I was sitting in my room and watching TV. Suddenly, a terrible roar is heard from the kitchen, and my cat flies into my room with bulging eyes and hides under the bed. I thought that this naughty girl most likely dropped something on the floor, and went to the kitchen to look. I walk in and can’t believe my eyes! There is a white dove sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and a torn off ventilation grill is lying in the corner. I opened the window and began to push it towards the “exit” with a broom, with difficulty, but the dove flew away. A week later, my boyfriend was arrested. As a result, he was tried for a whole year for fraud and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Over the course of a year, I collected stories from eyewitnesses who told on various forums how their omen about a dove came true. Many interesting coincidences were revealed! So, it turned out that birds most often fly to windows from 10 to 20 October. You can read in detail in the article. I want to emphasize that this is, indeed, one of the most self-fulfilling signs.

What do they say to prevent a sign from coming true?

If a bird knocks on the window or flies into the room, you must say 3 times: “What you came with, fly away with.” Such a sentence will help you calm down and avoid negative self-programming.

And yet, on rare occasions, a bird visiting our home can truly change our fate. Especially if you believe in signs of fate.

My husband and I once quarreled, and he went to live with his parents. One night, a very rare bird for our region (a woodcock, it seems) crashed into the closed window of the room in which he was sleeping, broke the window and fell dead on the windowsill. The husband considered this incident a sign from above and returned to the family.”

Interesting stories that will relieve anxious expectations. But, of course, meeting a bird is not always a sign of impending changes or news. More often than not, it’s just one of the thousands of meaningless little things in our lives. If every time a tit was seen outside the window, someone died or was born, this would not be a sign, but a law of physics. Most often, winged friends fly to us just like that.

A sparrow flew into my friend's room, SHE WAS SO SCARED! She barely kicked out the uninvited guest, then waited for death. Nothing happened! We used to always feed the tits with lard on the balcony in winter, and every time they knocked on our window, asking for more. No one died from this, although the troubles were HUGE - they pooped on our underwear.

We lived in an old house with double glazing. And a sparrow fell between the frames. I wanted to fly into the window, but the door leading into the apartment was closed. How she knocked and rushed about! And outside the window, on a tree, the sparrows gathered a council - apparently, they were giving her advice. The hubbub was incredible! Imagine: 6 o’clock in the morning, a sparrow is darting between the windows, and outside the window a whole flock of sparrows is screaming! But there was no way to get her out - she got scared and only started hitting the glass harder. In the end, she found the window and flew out. So, nothing happened to us at all, neither good nor bad.

One day a whole flock of tits flew into our office at work. They were fed outside the window, and one day the window was opened and they came to us! And nothing happened to anyone. Not even a single computer was broken.

In our kitchen, pigeons are constantly knocking on the window in winter: the greenery is growing, they are trying to peck. That's the whole sign!

Previously, humanity was very dependent on nature. It was then that folk superstitions about birds appeared. Previously, people worshiped various gods and animals, so they tried to notice even the most insignificant natural phenomena that, one way or another, could influence fate. Thus, various signs about birds appeared, passed from mouth to mouth. After this a large number of time, they managed to reach the present day, maintaining relevance.

If a bird hits the window, then you should expect guests and a noisy feast. Not just hit, but knocked busily? To news from afar. Chickens drink a lot of water - there will be a drought soon, they go to bed early - expect prolonged rains. You can also learn about the upcoming rain by the low flight of swallows.

Birds can fly into the house through an open window. Then get ready for unpleasant news about the death of someone close to you. Did the bird just hit the glass on the balcony or land on the windowsill? Very soon you will experience unexpected financial expenses. Domestic bird who died at someone's wedding promises an unsuccessful marriage or a divorce that will happen soon. You cannot keep any wild bird, except for the dove, because the rest attract misfortune and suffering.

While walking, do not forget to raise your head up, watching, because if a flock is circling above you, then you should expect an imminent illness. If the bird is alone, beware of treason or betrayal from loved ones. If the birds, flying above you, suddenly change their flight direction, it means that there is some danger lurking nearby. Seeing a dead bird on the way home means that misfortune will soon come to you.

Rejoice at the pooping bird, because this event is considered one of the few lucky signs associated with feathered creatures.

Sparrows bathe in puddles or dust - for warmth. And if, when you go out onto the balcony, you see that a bird has flown in and is now crashing into the glass, looking for a way out, release it into the wild: this is good. In the heat, birds do not bathe in puddles, but sit ruffled and bristle their feathers - to the colder weather.

What does a bird knocking on the window portend?

Situations often occur when birds knock on the windows of houses. Most often this happens when it is cold and dark, so the birds want light, warmth and food. Considering such a situation from the point of view of nature, such a situation does not have any negative preconditions. They seem to remind us of the need to help the animals around us. Hang a feeder outside your window in winter - and watch how tits and bullfinches will fly there for a treat. And let them knock on the window: it will only be a reminder that it’s time to update the menu in the bird canteen.

Beliefs on the same topic can be both positive and negative. For example, a swallow is considered bright, so it brought only good luck and prosperity to the house, and if it knocks on the window, it means good news should be expected. Tits can be added to this list, as they have always been considered harbingers of happiness.

On the other hand, previously a window (like a mirror) was considered the border between our world and the other world. Spirits remind themselves with the help of birds knocking on the window. Such incidents are clearly a bad sign, as many beliefs say.

Be especially wary of the crow and cuckoo - these birds do not bring good to your home.

But folk sign It would not be such if the wise ancestors had not figured out how to avoid trouble. There are at least six methods to choose from. You can perform a ritual of removing damage and the evil eye, thus cleansing the aura, or put a bunch of rowan berries on the windowsill of each window - a natural amulet against evil.

It was also suggested to turn to the brownie for protection, to pay off a negative event with small coins scattered at an intersection, or to take it to the nearest church and feed all the bread in the house to the birds. A church candle could burn on the windowsill to cleanse the house, and at that time the eldest member of the family would read cleansing prayers. The ancestors also claimed that if each family member tied a red ribbon to the window handle, they would dash away from the house.

Heavenly Messengers

Throughout our lives, fate sends us many signs that we need to listen to. Signs about birds are only a small part of them. For example, a situation occurs when a crow lands on a person. A crow landing on your head is considered a bad sign. Especially when she also began to peck, because crows have always been famous for their ability to find the sick and weak people. And in itself it was considered “dark”: the appearance of a raven was often taken by evil entities.

A bird crashed into a walking man - a stormy and passionate romance awaits you. A dove landing on your head or shoulder portends quick enrichment. Expect news when you dream about something like this. And a titmouse sitting on your hand means your dream will come true. If the birdie also chirped at the same time, feel free to make a wish: it will come true with one hundred percent probability!

All signs about birds

Backyard bird plucking- to bad weather.

A bird knocks with its beak on the window- to the news.

A bird knocked on the window- there will be a guest.

If a wild bird hits the window- then there will be a decline in the house: a person or animal will die.

Wild bird flying into the window- portends a deceased person or a great misfortune.

If a bird in an open field flies into your hands- then this is good.

Birds plucking- to the bucket.

If birds land on the ground- to a bucket, and if on roofs - to bad weather.

On the Annunciation, every bird, except the accursed sparrow, which does not know the holiday, does not build a nest; if she builds a nest or sleeps through matins, then her wings are temporarily taken away.

If anyone suffers from any external skin diseases- it is very useful for him to sit in the place where the bird rested.

If someone kills a little bird- then he won’t get along with his cattle.

  • A bird flew into the house through an open window and flew out - according to the sign, a message will come.
  • If a bird flies into the house, it's news.
  • If a bird that has flown into a house holds a blade of grass or something else in its beak, then this is a sign of a good event that will happen in the near future. If the bird is still there, then you can leave it some food, thereby appeasing it.
  • Wallpaper with images of birds means loneliness.
  • A bird hovers over the house or flies around - someone will get very sick.
  • The bird is soaring - beware of betrayal, especially if the bird is a predator.
  • Birds suddenly change direction of flight - danger is approaching the observer.
  • Birds fly in front of you from left to right - a sign of good luck.
  • Birds flying in front of you from right to left are a sign of bad luck.
  • Birds flying towards you means good luck.
  • Birds flying away from you is a bad sign.
  • Birds flying high are a sign of good luck.
  • Birds fly low - to failure.
  • Seeing birds flying before starting a journey is a success if they fly to the right; bad luck if they fly to the left.
  • Seeing a white bird is a sign of happiness.
  • Seeing a dead bird is a sign of bad luck.
  • A bird sat on a window (window sill) - a sign that promises small material expenses.
  • Bird droppings fell on you (the bird pooped on you) - the omen is considered favorable, material improvements are possible.
  • A bird beats, knocks on the window - good news.
  • A tit or another bird (except a crow, crow) knocks on the window - good news
  • A bird flew into the chimney - someone will die in the house.
  • If the bird in the cage dies on the morning of the wedding, the omen foretells an unhappy marriage, the couple will eventually separate.
  • Keeping a wild bird in the house is a sign of bad luck.
  • Hear a scream songbird in flight - a sign of good luck.
  • Hearing the scream or croak of a bird of prey is a bad sign.
  • Hearing a night bird scream during the day is a sign of misfortune.
  • A dove sat on your windowsill, which means only good news. A person’s home is completely safe, and troubles will certainly pass by.
  • If a dove appears with the windows practically closed and knocks on the doors, hitting the window, it means that it brought news. And since he cannot get into the house, the message will not be delivered. In this case, if you think correctly, then nothing good or bad will happen in the house.
  • A white dove flying around the house is a sign of imminent death.
  • See a white bird near your house. Such a sign can indicate an imminent wedding or the birth of a child. After all, it is white birds that are considered a symbol of purity and goodness and are very often used by newlyweds.
  • A stork makes a nest on the chimney of a house - a rich life and happiness awaits the owner.
  • If a stork removes a nest from the roof, there will be a fire or other misfortune.
  • Seeing a flying stork means meeting a pleasant person, the arrival of a long-awaited guest
  • If a stork moves away from a place prematurely, it portends misfortune for that place.
  • A raven cawing over a house foretells illness to someone in the household.
  • A raven bathes in the yard - unfortunately.
  • A raven croaks - for worse.
  • Crows gather in a bunch - in case of bad weather, they also bathe; croak in a flock in summer - to bad weather, in winter - to frost.
  • If a crow flies over a house and caws three times, someone in the house will die.
  • If a raven sits on the roof of a house and caws, then someone in the house will soon die
  • If the crow you pass by croaks loudly, expect trouble.
  • Jackdaws and crows sitting screaming in front of the house, especially in the morning - for worse; on the roof of the house - there will be a wedding in this house.
  • Crows bathe or gather in a heap - a sign of bad weather.
  • A flock of jackdaws or crows in front of the house screams in the morning - for worse
  • In the morning, leaving the house, if you are the first one to come across your path and see a magpie, then you will have good news.
  • If three magpies are sitting next to each other and screaming, it is a dead person.
  • A woodpecker is chiseling the roof of a house - there will be trouble.
  • If a person sees a lark in the sky, this portends an unexpected and pleasant meeting or receipt of good news.
  • If on Pancake Thursday on Maslenitsa one pancake is thrown to a rooster and it eats it without a trace, then the owners of the house are in danger of trouble. If the pancake pecks several times and leaves it for the chickens, that’s good omen.
  • If chickens leave their roost at night, there will be trouble.
  • If a swallow builds a nest and then leaves it, this portends trouble.
  • If you hear cuckooing behind you for the first time in a year, you will die.
  • If a rooster walks importantly at the door and crows, expect a stranger to visit.
  • If the rooster crows at midnight, the angel of death flies over the house.
  • If the roosters crow at the wrong time, they either see an evil spirit and drive it away, or they predict a dead person, or there will be new decrees, or bad weather will begin.
  • The first roosters crowed - it's midnight; the second roosters crowed - before dawn; The third rooster crowed - it’s dawn, it’s time to get up.
  • The finch whirls - to bad weather, cold
  • Whoever destroys a swallow's nest will have freckles on his face.
  • A chicken crows - to great grief.
  • The cuckoo is a prophecy bird: the number of times it crows, the number of years you will live.
  • The cuckoo crowed in the left ear - a good omen.
  • The cuckoo is the first to fly to the promised land and the last to return - that’s why it’s called the housekeeper Vyraya.
  • Chickens fight - to the guests.
  • Chickens screaming on the roost means a domestic quarrel.
  • The swallow is knocking on the window and there will be news.
  • Swans hatch chicks in a thunderstorm.
  • An eagle soaring overhead is a harbinger of happiness and a major victory.
  • The roosters crowed at the wrong time - good news.
  • At the first cuckoo, blurt out money - they will be found.
  • The titmouse will knock on the window - there will be news.
  • An owl near the house screams to the newborn.
  • An owl sits on the roof - to lack of money, with a cry - to a fire.
  • A magpie jumps on a patient's house - to his recovery. If a magpie sits near the window, there will soon be guests, and if there is a sick person in the house, he will soon recover.
  • Eating magpie eggs means a good memory
  • Three seagulls flying overhead at the same time is a warning of death.
  • The sparrows have invisible shackles on their feet, for they brought nails carried away by swallows to the cross of Christ: that is why they jump.
  • A black rooster (black cat, black dog) in the house saves from a thunderstorm and a thief.
  • Don't count other people's chickens - you'll jinx them
  • If a chicken crows like a rooster, you need to chop off its head, otherwise it will bring trouble
  • So that there are chickens, plant a hen when the cattle come from the field
  • You can't eat eggs where the hen sits.
  • Swallows fly low - towards the rain, high - towards the bucket
  • Swallows fly up and down before the storm
  • Whoever kills a swallow will have no luck in household
  • If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of a house, it means there will be a wedding there.
  • The nightingale sings incessantly all night - before a warm day
  • Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain
  • Sparrows in heaps - for dry and clear weather
  • The sparrow is a damned bird, we need to drive him away from the house
  • The cuckoo is a prophetic bird. The number of times it crows, the number of years you will live in the world. If you hear a cuckoo sound behind you for the first time in a year, you will die.
  • The chickens all clucked at once - a quarrel cannot be avoided
  • If the roost is hung with broken jugs, the chickens will lay eggs well
  • If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe
  • The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day.
  • Rooks graze on the grass in summer - then you need to expect rain.
  • If a chicken plucks itself, it means bad weather.
  • A chicken standing on one leg means it’s cold.
  • A hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
  • The rooster crows at the wrong time - to uninvited guests.
  • If sparrows chirp or bathe in dust, it means rain.
  • A tit knocks on the window, then there will be a dead person in this house.
  • If a person kills a swallow or a dove, then that person will have no luck in cattle breeding.
  • If you destroy a swallow's nest, the one who destroyed it will have a fire.
  • Swallows fly low, there will be rain. High - to drought.

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