Digital technologies in industry in the factories of the future. Technologies of the Factories of the Future. This is an educational function

What is needed to accelerate the digitalization of industry?

On industrial enterprises Russia is gradually testing smart production technologies and factories, new digital projects are being launched by companies from the aircraft, engine and shipbuilding segments.

To date, plans for the construction of 40 “Factory of the Future” have been approved at the state level. Investments in projects at the first stage will amount to 15.6 billion rubles and will provide a 1.5% share in the global smart factories market.

What smart production facilities are emerging in Russia? What is needed to accelerate the digitalization of industry?

Digital GDP

Russian industry is gradually introducing elements of “smart” production at its enterprises; programs to create “smart” factories are being launched at the state level.

To speed up this process, in 2017, the Presidium of the Russian Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and innovative development approved the roadmap of the Technet working group. The document represents an action plan for the National Technology Initiative program, which includes the development of digital design and modeling, robotics, Big Data and other technologies for industrial control and automation.

Key importance in the Technet roadmap is given to the formation of the so-called “Factory of the Future” - technological platforms and solutions that combine elements of digital, “smart” and virtual factories. It's about on the use of digital design and production, conducting virtual tests.

The authors of the roadmap note: “ The digital factory is focused on the design and production of new generation products, usually from the research and planning stage, when basic principles products, to the stage of creating a digital mock-up of the product, a “digital twin” and a prototype or small series.

The “smart” factory is designed to produce a new generation of products from the blank to the finished product at the price of mass production of the current industrial structure.

A virtual factory is a combination of digital and (or) “smart” factories in single network either as part of global supply chains or as distributed production assets».

In 2015, the volume of the global market for “Factory of the Future” services amounted to 773 billion US dollars, and Russia’s share in it was 0.28%. In 2035, the global market volume will be 1.4 billion US dollars, and the Russian Federation’s share in it may be 1.5%. According to the plans of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, this will happen through the creation of 40 “Factory of the Future” by 2035. The volume of financing for the first stage of the program until 2019 is 15.6 billion rubles, including 8.5 billion rubles from the federal budget.

McKinsey Global Institute analysts note that the digitalization of Russian production by 2025 is capable of annually increasing the country’s GDP by 1.3 to 4.1 trillion rubles. The use of digital technologies will reduce the time to market for a product by 20-50% and increase productivity through automation by 45-55%.

Investing in testing

“Smart” systems are appearing in aircraft and helicopter manufacturing: the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) uses the concept of a virtual design bureau, when engineers from several design bureaus and production sites work on designing an aircraft model in a single digital environment. The technology is used on Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, "", "" and the Russian Helicopters holding company.

The authors of the Technet roadmap predict that the leader in the implementation of smart factory projects in Russia will be "" (part of the United Engine Corporation, Yaroslavl region), the company specializes in the development and production gas turbine engines for aviation, energy, etc.

The Rostec state corporation has announced plans to launch a test site at the Yaroslavl enterprise; investments are estimated at about 7 billion rubles. As part of the Smart Factory project, a product life cycle management (PLM) system will appear, which will also allow for the exchange of information with service centers.

« The result of the project will be the organization of “smart” production, the formation of competencies and technological solutions for the replication of “Smart Factories”, capable of adequately competing in the global market", said the governor Yaroslavl region Dmitry Mironov.

It is expected that in the first three years at the Smart Factory created at UEC-Saturn, 20 technologies will be brought to industrial use.

UEC added that in 2017, the first stage of the project was launched on the basis of UEC-Saturn - an accelerator of technological projects in the field of advanced production technologies. A number of projects with a high potential for implementation in production were selected. Also developed educational programs for further work and attracted the first investors. In general, technological solutions related to a number of segments are most in demand for implementation at the test site. We are talking about ideas in the field of mathematical modeling, computer and supercomputer engineering, IoT and.

Shipyard circulation

With the support of the National technology initiative a project was announced at the United shipbuilding corporation. At the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (SNSZ, located in St. Petersburg), it is planned to launch a digital shipyard in the coming years. A database will be created for all components used in shipbuilding, and instead of full-scale testing of products, computer “verification” of products will begin to be used.

Digitalization will increase production capacity enterprises to double and increase export volumes. The cost of the project will be 350 million rubles.

« Most of the funds (245 million rubles) are expected to be received from the federal fund of the National Technology Initiative, another 105 million rubles - own funds plant We will start creating a digital shipyard regardless of receiving a subsidy. The subsidy will speed up the process, but we will work on the project anyway", stated CEO SNSZ Vladimir Seredokho.

If the project is successfully implemented at SNSZ, the model is planned to be replicated at other Russian shipyards.

Government order for smart projects

The Pumori Corporation (company profile - technological engineering) notes that among Russian companies interest in smart manufacturing has increased. Over the past three years, the demand for smart technologies has increased 3-3.5 times. The company has carried out work to implement automation systems at more than 100 enterprises in Russian regions.

The corporation also introduced to the market a complex product Smart Factory from the Japanese machine tool company OKUMA and its own developed tooling system TOOL-MANAGEMENT.

MOSCOW, June 16 - RIA Novosti, Anna Urmantseva. In 1995, American computer scientist Nicholas Negroponte (University of Massachusetts) coined the term “digital economy.” Now this term is used all over the world; it has come into use among politicians, entrepreneurs, and journalists. Last year, one of the main reports of the World Bank contained a report on the state of the digital economy in the world (the report was released under the title “Digital Dividends”).

However, the content of this concept still remains vague, and there is no clear definition in the World Bank report. This material from RIA "Nauka" contains the most general ideas about what the digital economy is.
To begin with, it is worth recalling the definition of a conventional “analog” economy - this is economic activity society, as well as the set of relations that develop in the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Use of computer, internet, mobile phones can already be considered “consumption”, in this case the digital economy can be represented as that part of economic relations that is mediated by the Internet, cellular communication, ICT.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Vladimir Ivanov gives the broadest definition: “The digital economy is a virtual environment that complements our reality.”

Indeed, probably all our actions in computer virtual reality can be attributed to the system of production, distribution, exchange or consumption. But of course, a virtual reality, as such, did not appear with the creation of the computer. All human mental activity can be attributed to it. In addition, money, the main instrument of the economy, is also a product of virtuality, since it is an invented “measure” of the cost of goods and services. But with the invention of the computer, it was possible to “digitize” money, which undoubtedly simplified commodity-money relations, led to enormous time savings and increased security of operations.

Meshcheryakov Roman - professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor technical sciences, Vice-Rector for scientific work and innovations of Tomsk State
University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics believes that there are two approaches to the term “digital economy”. The first approach is “classical”: the digital economy is an economy based on digital technologies, and at the same time it is more correct to characterize exclusively the area of ​​electronic goods and services. Classic examples are telemedicine, distance learning, sale of medical content (cinema, TV, books, etc.). The second approach is an expanded one: the “digital economy” is economic production using digital technologies.

“Currently,” explains Roman Meshcheryakov, “some experts believe that it is necessary to expand this understanding and include in it a chain of goods and services that are provided using digital technologies, including such concepts as: the Internet of things, Industry 4.0, smart factory, fifth generation communication networks, prototyping engineering services, etc.”

Indeed, previously the virtual part of the world, which was located in the mental reality of man, was not a productive force, was not the environment where new ideas and products are created.

Now the virtual part is combined with the real one: you can create a world “based on real events,” which itself will be an “economy within an economy.”
The advantage of this world is that you can do anything there. This is important not only when it becomes possible to create an online game where you can jump up to the height of a multi-story building, travel through space without a spacesuit and die repeatedly - this is important for testing, improving, and testing new products. Thus, the digital economy has a great chance to overtake the “analogue” economy, which is obliged to conduct a crash test every time, breaking cars in reality, and not in a virtual environment.

Alexandra Engovatova - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Innovation, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, gives the following definition: “The digital economy is an economy based on new methods of generating, processing, storing, transmitting data, as well as digital computer technologies.”

“Within the framework of this economic model,” emphasizes Alexandra Engovatova, “existing market business models are undergoing a radical transformation, the model for creating added value is changing significantly, the importance of intermediaries at all levels in the economy is sharply reduced. In addition, the importance of an individual approach to product formation is increasing,” because now we can simulate anything."

To summarize, we can say that the digital economy can cover everything that can be formalized, that is, transformed into logical diagrams. And life itself will find the opportunity to fit this “something” into the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

The task is to work in the field of high-tech industry, increasing its export potential with access to global markets.

According to the participants in the process, a breakthrough is expected in the field of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.
The chairman of the Committee on Industrial Policy and Innovation of St. Petersburg spoke about what the factory of the future is. Maxim Meiksin.

Digital twin

- What does it represent? new concept and why are such hopes placed on her?

There are two ways to produce products: classical, when a prototype is made according to a drawing, and new approach, in which the future product is formed in the form of a digital twin. The testing process of, for example, a car and its assembly, taking into account the test results, can be simulated in digital program. Production technologies are tested on a computer model. And the production itself looks different from the classic one, because the digital twin allows you to predict the properties of the future product and achieve the desired quality. At some point, the double begins to “train” its prototype, a real object: based on the operation of a digital analogue, say, an airplane, one can make a forecast of its operational reliability. The same is with the production of drugs, digital twins of which will make it possible to calculate the required molecule not through many years of experience, but in a much shorter mathematical way and calculate the effect on the human body.

- So the digital twin will become a key concept when creating a new type of industry?

Our task is to show enterprises how to think in a new paradigm, in the format of digital factories, which open up vast opportunities. In order not to catch up with industrial leaders, but to be the first in this competitive race, cutting a corner, creating a digital industry, which, through digital twins, will allow the most promising ideas to be implemented at a high level. The work being done by the Polytechnic University is very important here. To implement the “Factory of the Future” project, a project office under the leadership of the governor.

When is revolution better than evolution?

- How ready are St. Petersburg enterprises for such a restructuring?

A special group has been created at the level of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to assess readiness to work in the new format. About 25 enterprises in St. Petersburg have declared such readiness. Among them is the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard, which is building a digital shipyard. It will be good competitive advantage, multi-level, when ships will be produced based on calculated designs of digital models. Vessel management and control will also be carried out using software products. A number of technological operations, both production and management, are facilitated, and labor productivity increases. The transition to digital factories is a huge step forward.

- It turns out that we are on the threshold of a new scientific and technological revolution?

More precisely, the fourth industrial one. There are two ways of development - evolutionary and revolutionary. Until today, our industry has developed in an evolutionary way, seriously lagging behind in a number of industries, although in some areas we are the undisputed leaders. Therefore, the choice is this: either purchase new modern equipment in accordance with existing standards, the payback of which is 5-10 years, or switch to a digital platform. In the second case, we can reach the goal faster than competitors; we will not have to recoup the funds invested in equipment; in this sense, we are free. Russia has a chance to take a leading position in global markets.

- What is the fate of enterprises that do not switch to digital technologies?

Until recently, everyone knew such a global manufacturer as Kodak. The company provided 80% of the world's demand for photographic film and photographic paper. Now this company does not exist, few people need the film. There are many such examples. Those enterprises that will not switch to a new format of work are, unfortunately, doomed. The task of the government of St. Petersburg is to help companies fit into new conditions, become high-tech, superior to their partners in the competitive race.

Who is the author?

- Is this an educational function?

Rather, it is the role of a guide, indicating the direction. The point is for the NTI Center and enterprises to meet and start moving forward together. We are ready to provide interested companies with packages of developed solutions arising from the experience of those enterprises that are already following this path. For example, a lot of useful things can be learned from the work of the Conversion Council. We are packing now necessary suggestions into a certain set of recommendations: for example, how to optimize costs when switching to the release of a competitive product.

A digital factory is when representatives of different companies, the most competent in a particular area, can be involved in work at the design stage. Who will own the copyright in this case?

The idea is that there are many professional teams in the world who can solve certain problems. Compiling the results of their work and creating a common product is much more convenient than an order carried out within one company. If it is possible to attract different project teams, then better solutions are obtained. I don’t see any problems with copyright here, because there is still a customer who pays for the work. Everything is purchased in one package along with the rights.

What innovations that appeared in St. Petersburg can be called the most interesting? Projects ahead of their time?

A lot of them. In September, the first production model rolled off the slipway of the Baltic Shipyard. nuclear icebreaker"Siberia" project 22220 is the largest and most powerful in the world. The combined potential of the shipbuilding and radio-electronic industries allows our city to become one of the centers for creating unmanned maritime transport. Large exporter The Granit-Electron concern became one of the innovative products, producing unique inclined drilling systems for the oil and gas industry. The annual volume of its exports amounted to 2.5 billion rubles. In 2017, St. Petersburg took first place in the ranking of innovative regions Russian Federation. According to the National Rating "Techuspeg-2017", the top 100 Russian innovative companies included 15 enterprises from St. Petersburg, leaders in pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, electronics and engineering.

Project “Mentors: notnearby, andtogether!"

Project leader: Alexandra Yurievna Telitsyna, Executive Director MOO "Big Brothers Big Sisters".

The project is aimed at children in difficult life situations. Individual communication with mentors helps such children adapt and fully participate in the life of society. The essence of the project is to attract successful adults - cultural and sports figures, representatives of business and government - as mentors. Currently, ASI directors are participating in the project. The individual mentoring program gives children the opportunity to feel confident in their abilities, develop leadership competencies, and navigate their choice of profession.

ASI will provide information and administrative support and help establish communication with regional authorities in order to replicate the project.


Project leader: Ruslan Fatalievich Bayramov, President of the International Foundation “Dialogue of Cultures - United World”.

The cultural and educational center “Ethnomir” in the Kaluga region has received one and a half million guests over the ten years of its existence. The ethnographic park introduces the life, traditions and culture of the peoples of Russia and the world. In authentically recreated courtyards there are craft workshops, hotel houses, museums, traditional restaurants, souvenir shops; The Center runs educational programs for children, hosts festivals, carnivals, exhibitions, conferences, and concerts related to the culture of different countries and nationalities.

The project plans to make “Ethnomir” a creative city of friendship between peoples. The park hopes to expand its territory and increase visitation to 10 million people a year.

ASI will provide consulting and methodological support for the creation of a model program additional education children on the basis of the cultural and educational center "Ethnomir", as well as assistance in the development of international contacts.

The publication was prepared by CompMechLab ® employees based on materials from,,, and their own information.

Factories of the Future is a certain type of business process system, a way of combining business processes, which has the following characteristics:

    creation of digital platforms, unique ecosystems of advanced digital technologies. Based on predictive analytics and big data, the platform approach makes it possible to unite geographically distributed participants in the design and production processes, increase the level of flexibility and customization taking into account consumer requirements;

    development of a system of digital models of both new designed products and production processes. Digital models must have a high level of adequacy to real objects and real processes (convergence of the material and digital worlds, generating synergistic effects);

    digitalization of everything life cycle products (from concept idea, design, production, operation, service and before disposal). The later changes are made, the greater their cost, and therefore the center of gravity shifts towards design processes that define global competitiveness or high customer requirements.

At the stage of formation of Factories of the Future, new key competencies are also formed, for example:

    quick customization of response to Market or Customer requests;

    the use of systems approaches (systems engineering), when it is necessary to keep the entire system and all its interacting components in sight at every moment of time;

    formation of a multi-level matrix target indicators and restrictions as the basis for a new design that significantly reduces risks, the volume of full-scale tests and the amount of work associated with “finishing products and products based on testing”;

    development and validation (“comparison with experiments”) of mathematical models with a high level of adequacy to real objects and real processes - the so-called “smart” models;

    change management throughout the life cycle;

    “digital certification” based on thousands of virtual tests of both individual components and the entire system as a whole.

Factories of the future. Key Concepts

Digital factories- systems of integrated technological solutions that provide as soon as possible design and production of globally competitive new generation products from the research and planning stage, when the basic principles of the product are laid, and ending with the creation of a digital mock-up (Digital Mock-Up, DMU), a “digital twin” (Smart Digital Twin), a prototype or a small series ( “paperless production”, “everything is digital”). A digital factory implies the presence of “smart” models of products or products (machines, structures, units, instruments, installations, etc.) based on new paradigm digital design and modeling Smart Digital Twin - [(Simulation & Optimization) Smart Big Data]-Driven Advanced (Design & Manufacturing).

"Smart" factories (Smart Factory)- systems of integrated technological solutions that ensure, in the shortest possible time, the production of globally competitive products of a new generation from the blank to the finished product, distinctive features which is high level automation and robotization, excluding human factor and associated errors leading to loss of quality (“unmanned production”). As an input product of “Smart” factories, as a rule, the results of the work of Digital factories are used. A “smart” factory usually implies the presence of production equipment - numerically controlled machines, industrial robots, etc., as well as automated systems management technological processes(Industrial Control System, ICS) and systems operational management production processes at the workshop level (Manufacturing Execution System, MES).

Virtual factories- systems of integrated technological solutions that ensure, in the shortest possible time, the design and production of globally competitive products of a new generation by combining Digital and (or) “Smart” factories into a distributed network. A virtual factory implies the presence information systems enterprise management (Enterprise Application Systems, EAS), allowing you to develop and use as a single object a virtual model of all organizational, technological, logistics and other processes at the level of global supply chains (supply => production => distribution and logistics => sales => after-sales service) and (or) at the level of distributed production assets.

Factories of the future. Testbeds

In order to form Factories of the Future, selecting and integrating various best technologies in the world with the addition of our own cross-industry intellectual know-how, it is necessary to have a place where they can be tested in practice, in an environment that meets real-world conditions. For these purposes, the Technet roadmap for 2017-2019. The launch of three test sites (TestBeds) is envisaged:

A testing ground for the generation of Digital, Smart, Virtual Factories of the Future on the basis of Russia’s first Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (IPPT) SPbPU;

Experimental digital certification centers based on the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov