Citis login to your personal account. About the procedure for registering a project in Citis

Actions after receiving a grant

With the arrival of a happy day - you receive a grant for research (R&D) or for design work (R&D) - your bureaucratic torment does not end at all.

Along with the “pleasant” chores of writing a report and publishing the results for which you are ready, you are also immediately burdened with other formalities:

1) Within 30 days after receiving grant funding, it is necessary to carry out necessary actions By state registration Project topics in accordance with current legislation

2) Create and sign an agreement/contract with the grantor

3) Open an internal account (topic) for managing funds within MEPhI.

State registration of the Project topic

It is carried out at the Federal State Institution “CITiS”; the grantor, shortly after supporting the project, asks to provide a registration number issued by this organization. If it is not provided, the grant may even be taken away.

Let's figure out how to register your project.

This can be done on the organization’s website online. On the website you need to follow the link “State registration”, then select the “RK” card (registration card of research and development work) in the “filling out valid card forms”.

Important Notes:

Use the Internet Explorer browser. Unfortunately, this system does not work very correctly with other browsers.

Do not use Greek characters anywhere, do not use greater than and less than signs in the abstract and title, do not use Latin letters in keywords, do not start keyword from numbers.

Attached is an example of creating a registration card for a project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. It is necessary to take into account that the “work code assigned by the organization” is issued to you at MEPhI at your department. Usually this code matches the number future topic for this grant. Also usually the last 4 digits = the last 4 digits of the internal application number in the RFBR.

After filling out the card - within 3 days - it can be edited. You can also print 1 and 2 pages (you need to print on 1 sheet!).

Tip: To print a map without cropped fields, it is better to save it in pdf (print in pdf) and print from acrobat reader.

The card printed and signed by you must be taken to Viktor Alekseevich Senyukov from the Department scientific research in K-612 - then the card will be sent to TsITIS from MEPhI.

The registration number (what is usually required by the grant provider) will appear in your personal account on the Citis website in about 10 days, and a paper copy of the registration certificate will arrive at MEPhI in two to three months.

Agreement/agreement with the granting organization

Depending on how you applied for a grant, it is necessary to conclude a 2- or 3-party agreement (usually the latter: between the Foundation, the Grant Implementation Organization, the Grant Recipient - you).

This agreement must be printed out and signed by the management of the organization (at MEPhI, usually the vice-rector for scientific work Petrovsky A.N.), put a stamp.

Depending on the terms of a particular grant, an estimate of the first year's expenditure may be attached to the agreement.

The estimate is filled out based on the fact that salary money is subject to a single social tax of 30.2%, which goes towards your pension, compulsory health insurance, etc. In addition, MEPhI takes a certain percentage for overhead costs (usually about 15%, but you need to check with UNI).

The estimate is usually endorsed by the chief accountant of the enterprise. To do this, it must first be checked by the accountants in K-709, and then given to the chief accountant for signature.

After this, the agreements are taken to the granting fund/organization and they are formalized there (signatures, seals).

Topic, internal estimate

When the agreements are signed, copies of the grantee and the Organization are sent to MEPhI. Based on such a signed agreement, it becomes possible to open a separate account (topic) through the accounting department, which will be managed by the head of the grant. For this, in addition to the request to open a topic, an internal estimate is created.

If you made an estimate at the previous step, then this estimate will repeat the one, but if the fund did not require an estimate, then you need to draw it up at this step, taking into account the same considerations (when creating an estimate, they will help you in the accounting department or do it yourself).


How are scientific works registered?

All research work carried out at MGIMO undergoes mandatory state registration. We talk about how this process is carried out with Yu. Konovalov, a leading analyst of the UIR.

Yuri Vladimirovich, delivery of research work is not limited to the terms of the contract with the customer. The work must be registered with the authorized government agency. What is this structure and what are its tasks?

This body is the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center information technology and systems of executive authorities" (FGANU CITiS).

The tasks of CITiS include collecting and systematizing information about scientific works, candidate and doctoral dissertations, algorithms and programs. These functions are assigned to CITiS by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 No. 279 “On the body of scientific and technical information federal body executive power in the field of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities.”

The unified system for recording research and development work (R&D) is integrated with the unified state information system for monitoring the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, automated system accounting for the results of intellectual activity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the information system of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and the information system of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. This allows users of these systems to receive data on defended candidate and doctoral dissertations, including their full texts, information on R&D and the results of scientific and technical activities (RNTD), information on the progress of registration of the results of intellectual activity obtained during R&D in Rospatent and at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Is registration of research work a one-time process or does it take place in several stages? What documents do you prepare for submission to CITiS?

Registration of research work is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, we register the work, which the team of authors begins to complete. To do this, together with the work manager, on the basis of an application or contract, we form a registration card containing data on the topic, timing of the work, allocated funding and its source, number of reports, etc. Registration of work in accordance with the law must be carried out within 30 days from the date of its start. The second stage is registration of a report on completed research work or a completed stage of work. In this case, together with the project manager, we create an information card based on the report data and, depending on the type of project, prepare it for transmission to CITiS along with a report drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32–2001. Registration and information cards are submitted to CITiS along with a covering letter from the vice-rector for scientific work.

How is the registration process technically carried out? Is registration tied to the research work execution certificate signed by the customer?

Registration of both the work being started and reports is carried out by filling out the appropriate forms in the database on the portal of the Unified State Information System of Accounting (USISU) of the results of research, development and technological work for civil purposes.
Registration of reports may have technical features depending on the terms of the contract, for example, the procedure for approving reports, the number of intermediate stages, as well as the requirements of GOST 15.101–98, which provide for the procedure for performing and submitting research work. Naturally, we cannot register completed research without a signed acceptance certificate.

And if for some reason the work is not submitted for registration, are there any sanctions? Have there been any cases of refusal of registration due to inconsistencies in certain parameters?

If the work is not registered, sanctions are possible - in accordance with Article 13.23 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses: “Violation of the procedure established by law for submitting legal copies of documents, written notices, editorial charters or contracts replacing them, as well as the procedure for storing television and radio broadcasts - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; on legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.”
In the practice of our Office, there have been no cases of refusal to register scientific research works.
Technically, if the fields of the registration or information card in the database are filled in incorrectly, the system will not allow you to complete the card and print it.

And again, returning to sanctions. Some research clients request copies registration cards when submitting a report. The RFBR currently requires registration of work to be started even before the grant agreement is concluded, otherwise the agreement cannot be generated and printed. RGNF requires entering the registration number of the work during the report generation process. If the number is missing, the report will not be submitted to the Fund in a timely manner, which will entail a violation of the terms of the agreement with it.

- Does the fact of state registration give any preferences to specific research performers?

Information about all performers of scientific research work (last name, first name, patronymic, contribution to the work) is added to the Unified State Statistics Service of Russia R&D database. Thus, a correctly registered information card is a document confirming the participation of each performer in the study.

Some customers require that, as part of competitive applications, copies of information cards on completed work be provided as documents confirming the experience of both the organization participating in the competition and the experience of the scientific group participants.

- Can any interested person get access to information about completed research work on the CITiS website?

Yes, interested parties can receive brief information about the project.

FGANU "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities - CITiS" was created in 1993. Currently, CITiS is under the jurisdiction of the state information system accounting for research, development and technological work for civil purposes (USISU R&D). CITiS accumulates information on projects and places them in Unified State Statistics Service. The need for timely provision of information on research projects to CITiS is fixed in Government Decree No. 327 of 04/12/2013; the forms in which this information must be provided are approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2013 No. 1168. The system for submitting data to CITiS was significantly changed on July 1, 2014, which determined the development of a new procedure for interaction between St. Petersburg State University and CITiS.

Registration forms

CITiS assigns state registration numbers to scientific projects, provided that the appropriate type of Card is issued. Each R&D must be registered in the online CITiS system two times:

  • within 30 days from the start of R&D is issued Registration card (RK)
  • within 30 days from the date of completion of R&D is issued Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (IKRBS)

R&D that results in protectable intellectual property, in addition to those listed, also requires the registration of the following cards:

  • within 15 days from the date of receipt from Rospatent of a registered application for a patent, etc., is completed Information card of the result of intellectual activity (ICR)
  • within 15 days from the date of receipt of a patent/certificate of state registration or refusal to register intellectual property, an Information Card of information on the state of legal protection of the result of intellectual activity (ICSPO) is drawn up
  • within 15 days from the date of commencement of use by the Contractor of the registered result in production, an Information Card of information on use is drawn up result of intellectual activity (ICSI)

Attention! Projects for organizing scientific events do not require registration.

Interaction between St. Petersburg State University and CITiS

The EGISU portal is designed in such a way that work with cards related to R&D registration cannot be carried out by any user registered on the site independently as individual. Only those users who officially represent either the R&D executing organization (in this case, St. Petersburg State University) or the R&D customer organization (grant-giving organizations) have the opportunity to enter data into the system. From July 1, 2014, registration of such users is accompanied by filling out and sending to CITiS a special printed form with the signature of the head of the organization and the seal of the organization.

For this reason, from July 1, 2014, the University introduced centralized system registration scientific projects. At the moment, work on entering data into the Unified State Information System for Research and Development is carried out by employees of the Consulting and Expert Department of the Scientific Research Directorate of St. Petersburg State University.

Algorithm for obtaining the state registration number of research work in CITiS

Registration Card Number (RK) (for starting projects)

1. The project manager checks the correctness and completeness of the information entered on the page of the grant requiring registration in Pure St. Petersburg State University.

The following fields must be filled in:

  • Project name
  • Abstract (in a short free form the planned results of the work and the main expected characteristics, parameters of the object of research or development are reflected; no more than 1500 characters)
  • Contract number (if available)
  • Funder/Client
  • Estimate
  • Real start date
  • Actual completion date
  • Keywords
  • SRSTI codes
  • International classification codes
  • Type of work
  • Priority direction for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation
  • Critical technology
  • application file in the “Documents” section

2. The project manager sends a letter about the need to obtain a state registration number indicating the id and name of the grant at Pure St. Petersburg State University to the relevant Head of the Department for Organization of Scientific Research in the following areas:


Shtykova Natalya Nikolaevna

Rumyantsev Igor Alexandrovich

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Demidova Irina Javanshirovna

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I. o. Kitsing Inga Vidmantovna

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Tarasov Alexander Mikhailovich

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Borisova Elena Viktorovna

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3. Heads of departments for organizing scientific research send id numbers and names of grants that require registration to the manager of the Consulting and Expert Department, Inga Albertovna Tsvetkova, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. for generating maps of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the online CITiS system.

4. The generated RCs in PDF format are sent to the Heads of departments for organizing scientific research to organize a centralized signature from project managers.

5. Heads of departments for organizing scientific research ensure the collection of printed copies of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed by project managers. The card must be printed on white A4 paper of regular density (80 g/m2) in 1 copy:

  • if the map consists of one page, it should be printed on one side of the sheet
  • if the map consists of two pages - on two sides of one sheet
  • if the map consists of three pages - the first two pages on two sides of one sheet and the third page on another sheet on one side

7. Heads of departments for organizing scientific research submit maps signed by project managers for signature to the Head of the UNI.

8. The manager of the Consulting and Expert Department places a scan of the registration card signed by the project manager and the Head of the UNI in the online CITiS system.

9. The state registration number is assigned to the project and published in the online CITiS system within 10 working days from the moment the signed card is posted in it.

10. The manager of the Consulting and Expert Department sends the state registration numbers of projects published in the online CITiS system to the Heads of departments for organizing scientific research, and also enters them on the pages of the corresponding grants in Pure St. Petersburg State University and attaches the RK file in the “Documents” section.

Number of the Information Card of Abstract and Bibliographic Information (ICRBS) (for completed projects)

1. The project manager checks the correctness and completeness of the information entered on the project page in Pure St. Petersburg State University.

The following fields must be completed:

  • Description of the contribution to the work of each participant, an estimate in percentage is acceptable
  • Main results for the project as a whole (no more than 5000 characters, including spaces)
  • Publications (with the release date of each publication in the format HH.MM.YYYY)
  • Transfer of a full copy of the report to third parties for non-commercial use: allowed/not allowed
  • Checking the report for illegal borrowings in external sources: allowed/not allowed
  • file of the final report/report for the last stage of the project in the “Documents” section (if this report is sent to the Customer in printed form through the Department of Scientific Research, a file with a scanned copy of the report is entered by an employee of the department for organizing scientific research in the relevant area; otherwise, the project manager must upload the report file to the project page in Pure St. Petersburg State University independently). File size - no more than 3 MB.

2. If the final report for the project is drawn up according to rules different from the rules of GOST 7.32, the project manager must fill out the title page of the report drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32, print it, sign it and submit it to the Head of the department for organizing scientific research in the relevant area.


I. o. Rumyantsev Igor Alexandrovich

Biology, medicine, medical technology and dentistry

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Rumyantsev Igor Alexandrovich

Geography, geology, geoecology and soil science

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Demidova Irina Javanshirovna

International relations, political science, sociology and economics

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Kitsing Inga Vidmantovna

Oriental studies, journalism, arts and philology

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Tarasov Alexander Mikhailovich

Mathematics, mechanics, control processes, physics and chemistry

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Borisova Elena Viktorovna

History, psychology, philosophy and jurisprudence

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I. o. Davydova Elena Andreevna


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3. Heads of departments for organizing scientific research:

3.1. hand over the title pages of the reports, signed by the project managers, drawn up according to the rules of GOST 7.32, for signature by the Head of the UNI

3.2. check the availability of files with scanned copies of final reports/reports for the last stage on the pages of the corresponding projects in Pure St. Petersburg State University (V If the final report for a project requiring registration was initially drawn up according to the rules of GOST 7.32, it is necessary to ensure that the title page contains the signature of the project manager, the Head of the UNI, the seal of St. Petersburg State University, and in the section “List of Performers” there are signatures of the project participants)

3.3. send the id and names of projects that require registration to the manager of the Consulting and Expert Department, Inga Albertovna Tsvetkova, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and notify that the documents have been submitted for signature

4. The manager of the Consulting and Expert Department generates IKRBS cards in the online CITiS system for electronic signature Vice-Rector for Research and places scanned copies of reports there.

5. The IKRBS number is assigned and published in the online CITiS system within 10 working days from the moment the signed card and report are posted there.

6. The manager of the Consulting and Expert Department sends the IKRBS numbers published in the online CITiS system to the heads of departments for organizing scientific research, and also enters them on the pages of the relevant projects in Pure St. Petersburg State University and attaches the IKRBS files in the “Documents” section.

State registration of research and development work at MIPT is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on state registration and accounting of open research and development work (order of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 1997 No. 125). This Regulation establishes uniform requirements state registration of R&D and delivery of a mandatory free copy of the report on them to the Federal State Autonomous scientific institution“Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities” for its registration and accounting in order to form a national library and information fund of the Russian Federation.

Providing registration cards for R&D

Attention! Registration of R&D must be carried out within 30 days after the start of work in accordance with the REGULATIONS on state registration and accounting of open R&D

Step 2. Print the RC on both sides of a sheet of white A4 paper, obtain the signatures of the heads of the organization and the work, and seal them with the organization’s seal.

Step 3. Send by mail or courier (contacts) 1 (one) copy of the RC along with a covering letter to the Federal State Institution “CITiS” at the address 123557, Moscow, st. Presnensky Val, 19, building 1.