Congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day. Congratulations to personnel workers in verse. Congratulations on personnel officer's day in verse

HR Day in 2018 is celebrated on October 12. On this day in 1918, by decision of the People's Commissariat of Justice, the “Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia” was adopted and the first personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies was created. For the first time, the tradition of celebrating a professional holiday - Personnel Worker Day - appeared precisely in the personnel services of internal affairs bodies. Gradually, it was instilled in other enterprises along with employees of the personnel services of internal affairs bodies who transferred to them.

It so happened that many personnel officers in our country celebrate their professional day on May 24 in the old fashioned way. Here, too, the date was not chosen by chance, because in 1835 a decree was issued on the relations between working people and the places (factories, factories) where they worked for hire. That is, then it was approved legal form relationship between employer and employee.

Successful leaders have always valued HR people. And with the transition to market relations, such a profession has become especially in demand. Not only the ability to perform all tasks depends on the right personnel production tasks, but also the level of competitiveness of the company. It is the qualifications and personal qualities of hired workers that become the key to the success of any enterprise. It’s up to the HR manager to find such miracle workers, see the hidden potential and weed out superficial bravado.

Beautiful congratulations on Personnel Officer's Day

Also, all the routine work of preparing documentation related to personnel falls on the shoulders of HR officers:

  1. They know very well labor Code and help resolve any controversial issues between subordinates and management.
  2. The HR employee will monitor how obligations regarding benefits and social guarantees workers.
  3. People turn to him when it is necessary to take out sick leave, pension or vacation.
  4. The responsibilities of a personnel employee include tracking length of service, length of service, harmful working conditions and other nuances that are reflected in payments.
  5. If necessary, it is the personnel department employees who organize meetings with a psychologist and social workers.
  6. They conduct certification of workplaces and agree to conduct advanced training courses.

And the work of HR officers does not end there... It is now difficult to even imagine what would happen if there were no HR departments in organizations, where employees who know everything about everything carry out enormous amounts of work. The work of a personnel employee is invaluable, and the work team is the result of his labors.

Congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day

Congratulations on HR Day in prose

The personnel officer selects candidates more carefully than military intelligence agents... Today we have come to distract you from work, and, congratulating you on Personnel Officer’s Day, wish you all the best! Be healthy, live in prosperity! Let the work not tire you and add experience!
On Personnel Worker's Day, please accept congratulations and warm wishes for lasting health, vitality, prosperity and success. May good luck, prosperity, and determination always accompany you in your personal life and at work. I wish you respect from colleagues, love from loved ones and understanding from others.
Our dear personnel officers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! May your staff be grateful, your programs not hang, and your work always be duly appreciated. We wish you to always have trouble-free health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, and inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!
We hasten to congratulate the most important “personnel” of our friendly team on their professional holiday. We wish you respect from your colleagues, promotion from your superiors and obedience from documentation. May you always be appreciated and never judged, and let your work bring only pleasure.
Happy professional holiday to all personnel officers! We wish you success in this difficult job of controlling the movements of work resources. You know that behind every line in your papers is someone's work. You remember this responsibility and bear this burden with ease and dignity. Thank you!

Congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day in official prose

Congratulations on Personnel Worker Day! Vacations and sick leave... Who is entitled to what salary and how to distribute work in order to exceed all plans of the authorities... You have so many worries on your shoulders, and take our word for it, we really appreciate you! And we collectively wish you all the best!
Personnel workers celebrate their professional holiday today. HR staff always do their job honestly when selecting personnel. We can say about these people that they decide everything. We cordially congratulate you on this holiday. We wish you great inspiration in your work, so that peace and tranquility always reign in the family circle. So that your colleagues always treat you with respect. May all your wishes come true. Be always happy. May the Lord protect you from harm.
At any enterprise, the most irreplaceable and valuable employee is the personnel officer. It’s as if all new employees go through an X-ray when they get a job. After all, success at a factory or company depends on your choice. The personnel service celebrates its holiday today. We wish you only joy and good luck. May your work never be a burden to you, may only words of gratitude be addressed to you. May hope, faith and love never leave you in life. May this holiday be a success.
HR workers have a difficult, but necessary job. It is they who hire the best of the best; it depends on them whether the entry in the work book is correct. We appreciate your work, thank you for everything, and congratulate you on the holiday with all our hearts. May your work always bring you pleasure. Let all your dreams turn into reality. We wish you rapid progress in career ladder. Peace to you, prosperity, good luck and great happiness. May your guiding star always show you the right path.

Cool congratulations on HR Day

Let in the life of a personnel worker
It will always be joyful, okay!
There will be no quarrels, no insults, no losses,
And always open your door to people!
Let the sun shine mischievously through the window,
Let your life be a continuous movie,
Happiness laughs more often than the eyes,
And people want to say “thank you”!
Accept their gratitude with your soul,
May there be more love in your life!
Let joy sparkle in your eyes,
Let any mistake be forgiven!
I write congratulations to the HR worker!
Don't let it ruin your mood
Neither a pathetic drunkard, nor a boring arguer,
Don't let strays go to work!
Nice shots let them hurry to you,
So that you help them in their difficult fate.
So that all documents are kept accurately,
And let your place be tidy!
Today is personnel day.
Please accept congratulations!
I wish that in the documents
Discrepancies gone!
So that there are no mistakes in them,
Good shots to you!
Let it be in your life,
Just what you need!
Let the unnecessary go away,
Let the bad go away
And the future will be better
And he leads you forward!
Psychologist and diviner
Sometimes a personnel officer
Responsible and obligatory -
He was used to order everywhere.
With a variety of problems
The staff approaches him
And even gifts for the holidays
More than once the personnel officer chose.
But today it's different
We rush to you with congratulations
For happiness, health, good luck,
All the best - wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Everyone knows - in the HR department
There are a lot of important things to do:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when he was sick?
And it will remind you about your vacation,
Will explain about laws
The timesheet will be filled out correctly
And he will confirm it with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keeps track of all dates
Sends me to study
Sometimes to the military registration and enlistment office.
Gives you the form to fill out,
It will help in business disputes,
And decides that the children
Get a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Management sometimes.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish that you
What was planned came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!
The personnel officer is always at work,
Every day in new worries,
Accept those and fire those,
There is no need to argue...
But today is an autumn day
You can only expect bonuses
After all, today is your holiday,
Our dear personnel officer.
Lots and lots of staff
It ran through your office.
But we achieved a place as a reward,
Only exceptional shots.
You really like to work with people,
You don't judge them by their appearance,
You always work beautifully
Strengthening the power of the team.
Different days for you,
Light and clear,
May this holiday
It will be wonderful!
Personnel decide everything, so it was, is,
And it will be so, life has proven it,
Huge responsibility and honor
Be in a position in the personnel department
On this holiday we wish you,
So that the results please the soul,
So that the family has time to do things,
So that HR officers' salaries increase!
The personnel decide everything that has been proven
Us world practice not once,
You are HR specialists,
Success depends entirely on you.
In the office you not only drink coffee,
You are the right hand of leadership,
Only professionals work in the HR department,

Congratulations on personnel officer's day in verse

Who's here in personnel matters?
And spends his days working?
Who will look askance at your diploma?
And he says: “Well, breathe!”
Looks at the work book:
Everything is in order, the fig is in it!
Who sweats while sorting
Bulletins from bilutnye?
Let the worries come to an end
There will be harmony and sense in life.
Happiness in personnel work,
The one who is not a wolf!
Personnel always decide everything
There are thousands of them, not hundreds,
You know it's true
You are a personnel employee.
May there be happiness for years to come,
Health will be strong
And remember this important fact,
That personnel are people.
Is your service both dangerous and difficult?!
Not the police, but she’s on staff!
Why is it dangerous and difficult?
Because she's in the office!
We congratulate you today from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish the personnel accountable to everyone to grow!
May this day bring joy
And with smiles he will bring miracles to everyone!
Congratulations on HR Day,
Your role in the company is great.
Hiring and firing,
Prepare orders and work books.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, we wish you success,
May God help you everywhere.
They think that personnel decides everything -
But it's really up to you to decide:
Who holds what position?
And for whom it’s time to leave, alas.
What trainings for the team?
Suggest this time,
So that strength sounds in unison,
The company flourished with a bang.
Calculation of experience and salary,
You are in charge of the awards
It's impossible to live without you guys
Where would we be without you, personnel officers?
Let the orderly troops rush
Your endeavors are ahead,
Let happiness accompany you nearby,
And words of love ring in my soul.
Holiday Personnel Officer's Day
For you today, personnel officer,
I wish you the best!
You're used to being scrupulous -
Because it helps

Skillfully select personnel
Great responsibility!
Here you need to show wisdom,
There is no other way!

We wish you business with yours
Worthy to drive!
More vigor and strength,
And smile more often!
Personnel worker notes
It’s our holiday, and I want to say -
We wish you happiness today,
And succeed in everything you do!

Personnel - you are always paramount,
And at any enterprise
We definitely need a personnel officer
We won’t find people without him!

The personnel officer knows how to look right through
He can smell lies and truth a mile away!
May luck always warm you,
Radiate kindness into the world!
Today, personnel officer!
Good luck and patience!
I dedicate this poem to you!

May happiness be endless
Fate will give it to you!
And carefree joy
The world will reward you!

Miracles to you, inspiration,
Thank you for your work!
Let the joy of the moment
They are waiting for you in this life!

Beautiful congratulations on HR Day to a woman

Beautiful congratulations on HR Day to a woman

Strong character, attentive gaze,
Friendly with colleagues
Professional at work
And selects staff.

She is impressive and beautiful
And so valuable to the team.
Today we are happy to congratulate
Head of the HR department.

For your honest work,
For kindness and care
We all respect you very much,
We wish you love and happiness!
We're going to the HR department.
When you need a vacation,
If you need a day off
Or promotion.
And when they call
Sign in the order,
Well, or what else
Royal decree.
And today we came
Themselves - not on call!
Congratulations, girls,
Thank you for your work!
Our precious mistress of personal affairs, mistress of skeletons in closets, mistress of secrets hidden in darkness! With all our hearts, we congratulate you on such a significant and fateful date for our lives, which so successfully coincided with your personal holiday - Personnel Worker's Day! We probably won’t wish you anything special, because we believe, not without reason, that tomorrow in our work books Unflattering entries may appear. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to standard words: good health, creative success and great human happiness!
On this bright professional holiday - Personnel Officer's Day, I want to wish you to always remain as cheerful, cheerful, purposeful and the most beautiful! Without you, the company would have fallen into decay, because only you can combine the amazing qualities of an excellent psychologist, an incredibly good, sincere person and a highly qualified specialist! May there always be balance in your heart and soul so that sadness, disappointment and sadness never overtake you. I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday and, in addition, I want to wish you a swift career growth and, of course, the fulfillment of all your cherished desires! Happy holiday, Happy Personnel Worker Day!

Congratulations to a female colleague

Personnel officer is a psychologist of the human soul,
Thanks to you, cherished dreams come true,
A huge job has fallen on your shoulders,
You always surround people with care.
All personnel officers, please accept congratulations,
Let your work bring you inspiration,
Let your career grow rapidly,
May luck always be nearby
Hello, HR worker!
Everyone is looking in your direction
Smile, loving!

Because you're on the flank
You level the line, you give a start,
Although not at the highest rank -
You're handing out membership cards!

All those who passed the test
You treat them like family!
Your castings are dates.
Let there be no empty samples!

Happy HR Day from the team

I'm used to every candidate
Examined through a magnifying glass by a personnel officer.
You, a strict lady with a pleasant appearance,
We congratulate you on HR Worker's Day.

We wish worthy applicants,
Working days are quiet and calm.
So that the personnel you hire
He worked harmoniously and did not cause any trouble.

To have enough time and energy
Understand that life is beautiful, the world is beautiful.
To be sad less often, smile more often,
And so that peace, harmony and happiness reign in the soul.

Wishes in verses to a woman on Personnel Officer’s Day

You see through the entire resume,
Some people write the truth, others lie slightly.
Subtle psychologist, Freud in female guise,
Congratulations on HR Day.

We wish that work always gives
The mood is pleasant, persistently positive.
To be a well-coordinated, reliable team,
Skillfully selected team.

To have a loved one in your life,
Reliable and strong family,
And a sea of ​​positive emotions
Gifted to you by family and friends.
Congratulate a lovely person
We wish you Happy Personnel Officer's Day.
This woman has a job
A trained eye, a steady hand.

Anything can happen: you can get fired for absenteeism,
Scold someone a little,
Send both on leave and on vacation,
Hire a newbie.

Ace of resumes and tests pros,
For the boss, a stone stronghold.
If you need to build a team,
The personnel officer will not let you down!

We wish you to always be successful,
Satisfied with your own fate.
Let there be drive and happiness in life,
And you only dream of peace!

SMS Happy Personnel Officer Day in verse

You, who are more beautiful and smarter than everyone else,
Let me congratulate you on HR Day
And wish the guys success!
Be cheerful, perky and daring!
Let luck roll right into your hands,
And there will be enough joy for a century and more!
Receive SMS - it contains one wish -
Be beautiful on Personnel Day to outshine everyone here,
To have the right to invite you on a date
The men still needed to earn it!
Today is a holiday in the personnel department,
So forget about business on this day!
Shine with beauty, receive congratulations!
Good luck to you in everything, love, patience!
Let everyone have a personal life
Not just good, but everything is excellent!
Let the salary grow year by year,
And the family grows stronger, and wealth grows,
And let the weather be like this in the house,
Like in summer, when everything in the world blooms!
Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is HR Day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.
I sincerely wish you fun,
To make your soul feel easy,
Be in a good mood
Always fly high!
You, as a personnel employee,
Hundreds of green bills for you,
In general, don’t count your money!
Personnel is our future,
So work harder!
Your life will be happy,
And to the problems - be simpler!
Personnel is our everything!
The truth is known
I wish you easy
Fast, interesting
And always with zeal
Work from the heart!
Never be sad
Let your worries go away!
You are a personnel worker
Today is your holiday!
You're a hunter,
And always be like this!
Work hard
Without resting your hands!
Let the faithful be nearby,
Reliable, good friend!
You are a real personnel officer
Skillful, experienced, intelligent.
Let not your face be darkened,
Conduct your affairs wisely.
Respect your superiors
Strive for career growth
And never be discouraged -
Then everything in life will be simple!
The time has come to congratulate you -
Today is HR Day!
I want, my friend, to glorify you,
Your job is not easy
As it may seem.
So may you always be lucky!
I wish you to smile more often,
Less problems and worries!
Your day, HR officer, has finally come:
You are a true creator in your work!
And I, without a doubt, wish you simply:
Good luck, luck, career growth!
Today, on HR Day,
I sincerely wish you:
Make the work easy
The boss was sane!
So that you will never be afraid
Reports and bad weather,
To always be lucky in everything,
And, in general, just happiness!
Short poems on Personnel Officer's Day
Congratulations and wish
Our dear personnel officer,
So that not in words, but in deeds,
Your status has been noted.
For a solid bonus,
The management awarded
And health for life
Never let me down.
Today is personnel day
Congratulations to you!
Your merit is great
We know that for sure!
We wish you warm glances,
Bright, gentle smiles.
Let them sound good words
In everyday worries!
There is nothing more important than working with personnel,
And you bring a lot of benefit to society.
You know a lot about employment,
Officially, you do your duty.
Great responsibility - going to work
All employees are accepted according to the Labor Code,
And your merit is great,
Congratulations on HR Day!
You, personnel officer, worry about us every hour,
You guide our papers with an imperious hand,
You make sure they are all in order
And the documents didn't play hide and seek.
So let them lie in silence on your holiday,
Hurry up to the table!
It’s not for nothing that everyone says around
We really need your experience!
Without personnel, a company is like without hands,
And your triumph is well deserved!



Everyone knows - in the HR department
There are a lot of important things to do:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when I was sick?
And it will remind you about your vacation,
Will explain about laws
The timesheet will be filled out correctly
And he will confirm it with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keeps track of all dates
Sends me to study
Sometimes to the military registration and enlistment office.
Gives you to fill out forms,
It will help in business disputes,
And decides that the children
Get a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Management sometimes.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish that you
What was planned came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!

Head of HR Department
Kinomax-Perm LLC
Zolotko Oksana Arkadyevna.



Personnel always decide everything
There are thousands of them, not hundreds,
You know it's true
You are a personnel employee.
May there be happiness for years to come,
Health will be strong
And remember this important fact,
That personnel are people.

The team of Kinomax-Volgograd LLC.

Dear Colleagues!!! Congratulations on your professional holiday - Personnel Worker Day!
I wish you the tart taste of victories, favorable circumstances on your professional path and a sunny mood. May all your plans come true, and may good luck accompany all your endeavors!!!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Samarskaya.

You keep me pretty
With a confident hand
Our salary, pension
And an entry in the labor record.
Let all the absurdities get sick
Out of sight!
And let happiness stick
And he won’t let you go!
Mighty health to you!
May every milestone of yours
Brings prosperity
And an ocean of hopes!..

Natalya Yuchina

Thank you for being! Be healthy, happy and loved!!!

Svetlana Lebedkova

Dear Colleagues!
Let me sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Personnel Officer's Day! I sincerely wish you a good working mood, creative passion, patience and understanding for those who are looking for work, successful work and good relationships with those who have already found it in your organization!

Nadezhda Kosteeva.

Dear Colleagues. Happy professional holiday! We are nowhere without you, I wish you good luck and all the best.

Sincerely, Valentin Borisovich.

Congratulations on HR Day,
Your role in the company is great.
Hiring and firing,
Prepare orders and work books.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, I wish you success,
May God help you everywhere.

Olga Nikitenko.

Dear Colleagues!
I wish everyone great health, good luck and mutual understanding in everything and always!
Dear magazine prosperity and even more subscribers!

Vyatkin S.V.

Thank you for your congratulations and help with personnel work! Magazine "Personnel Business" prosperity, talented authors and grateful readers!

Best regards, Ivanova Irina
Leading HR Specialist

Happy holiday to everyone! I wish everyone personal happiness, success in work, more subscribers, interesting, professional columns!

Stepashkina Zinaida.

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations to everyone on their professional holiday! I want to wish you good things with all my heart spring mood! Let every day begin with the most important thing desire to work! And not only work, but enjoy what you do! I wish you and your loved ones health, prosperity, family warmth, good luck in all your endeavors, and may you always have loyal and reliable friends by your side!

HR Manager Narine Yurievna Poghosyan.

Happy holiday to all colleagues! Success and prosperity in HR work.
With all my heart I wish you health, which is lacking,
Fun - it never interferes,
So that there is luck - it doesn’t come often,
To have joy - it makes it easier to live with and to have prosperity - it gives confidence.
Once again, happy holiday to everyone!

Evgenia Torgachkina.

Happy professional holiday to everyone! I wish you all success, health, good luck!

Ural Lyudmila.

I have been a subscriber to your magazine for many years and always look forward to the next meeting with my assistant!! A lot has been written about the usefulness of the journal in our work! Having received the next issue of my favorite assistant, I drop everything and read it with great interest. I am a HR manager with extensive experience, but I always find something new and useful. I sincerely thank the publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Vasenina and her team for such a useful and beloved magazine! I wish everyone health, creative success, stability and prosperity!

Alevtina Shumakova.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your professional holiday!
I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart wish you Have a good mood, happiness, health and prosperity to you and your families! Let your desire to come to work with a smile and give it to people be natural and constant. And remember that the slogan “Personnel decides EVERYTHING!” no one has canceled yet!

Elena Kurnosikova
With endless love...

Happy holiday to all colleagues!
Let our favorite magazine “Personnel Affairs” always be on your desktop, and let there be fewer problematic situations.

And on the festive table - our champagne!

Valentina Bardonova
personnel of OJSC "Moscow Champagne Wine Factory"

Thank you very much for your congratulations!
I work as an accountant, and my staff is under strain.
But I like it, although there’s always not enough time.
I wish all personnel officers success in this difficult work,
be especially careful, because personnel work requires
specific and punctual costs.
Let there never be erroneous entries in work books!
Happiness, peace and love!

Congratulations to the magazine on the holiday. Prosperity, success and more interesting articles!!!

Ivkina Marina.

A career employee means a lot.
This means that there is more work every day.
We sincerely wish you all the best.
And success in your difficult business.
Nowadays, personnel decides a lot,
And they determine the future of the country.
On this day today everyone congratulates you,
Be faithful to your profession to the end!

Today is your holiday,
I congratulate you on it,
To you, beloved personnel officer,
I only wish you happiness!
Success in business
And luck in life,
So that we are ours in everything
The aspirations coincided!

The personnel officer copes easily,
With a difficult task:
After reading a lot of resumes,
Finds the necessary personnel, no less!

You need to have a keen sense,
To be a psychologist with remarkable talent,
It’s not just about distinguishing who is who,
There are many “comedians” in the world.

On the glorious Personnel Officer's Day
We all congratulate you,
And health and love,
And we wish you to be happy!
Let the management appreciate it this way
Your work is not easy and important,
So that wages increase
It would increase terribly!
So that you can go to the resort,
I'd like to fly abroad
To conquer in clubs
You are my native capital!

The personnel officer is always at work,
Every day in new worries,
Accept those and fire those,
There is no need to argue...
But today is an autumn day
You can only expect bonuses
After all, today is your holiday,
Our dear personnel officer.

Who's here in personnel matters?
And spends his days working?
Who will look askance at your diploma?
And he says: “Well, breathe...”
Looks at the work book:
Everything is in order, the fig is in it.
Who sweats while sorting
Ballots from ballots?
Let the worries come to an end
There will be harmony and sense in life.
Happiness in HR work,
The one who is not a wolf!

Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is HR day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.
We sincerely wish you fun,
So that your soul is at ease,
Be in a good mood,
Always fly high!

Today is HR day!

And let it turn your head
Have a fun joyful life!
October is the month of change,
And getting rid of problems
Good luck, happiness, here and there,
We wish you all today!

How to recognize a good employee
When is the pool of applicants large?
Should you find a director and a carpenter?
A great HR manager can do all this!
He is undoubtedly a psychologist at heart,
He will find the right approach to anyone,
And organizing orders in the depths of the shelves
Organizes document flow.
Everything is assembled: staff and management,
We want to congratulate the personnel officers.
And we will reward you with a prize for perseverance -
For companies, your important contribution is invaluable!

You are an excellent worker, in a word, a pro!
And it’s always interesting to have a cup of coffee with you.
You know better about work and about vacation,
It's not easy to deal with papers.

Fire someone, hire someone.
Write orders, draw up something...
HR work is very responsible,
Sometimes you sit at work until night.

We wish you a small bag of money,
And it’s better to have a big one so that it’s really good!
We also wish you good health forever,
Good luck, you are our irreplaceable person!

Today, on personnel officer's day,
We sincerely wish:
Make the work easy
The boss was sane!
So that you will never be afraid
Reports and bad weather,
To always be lucky in everything,
And, in general, just happiness!

Congratulations to all employees
HR departments and agencies!
More green centurions for you
And plenty of empty seats!

The personnel worker is simply a magician,
You can’t say about him “he’s a simpleton”
Will instantly identify an excellent employee
And he will be invited to an interview!

We wish you not to lose your skills,
Good luck fishing, have a good rest!
Let the poems warm your soul,
And let the mind cherish dreams!

Today is HR day!
Goodbye sadness, sadness, melancholy!
And let it turn your head
Have a fun joyful life!
October is the month of change,
And getting rid of problems
Good luck, happiness, here and there,
Wishing you all today!!!

Congratulations on HR Day,
Your role in the company is great.
Hiring and firing,
Prepare orders and work books.
Everything must be strictly according to the law,
You need to know labor laws.
Happy holiday, we wish you success,
May God help you everywhere!

Poems for Personnel Officer's Day, congratulations on Personnel Officer's Day

To earthly enterprises
The personnel officer is irreplaceable!
Without OK there is no life, but horror,
No salary, no rest!
All questions and problems,
Vacation intoxicating schemes,
Highest premium limit -
This is what the HR department breathes!
Life today is not easy
On this HR Day
Confess in your soul,
Without them, at least quit!
Today the personnel composition
Get down on one knee,
HR, inspector!
He shouts to you - “Gib-gib-hurra!!!”

People are the main capital -
Became gold today!
Happy holiday, personnel officers!
Statements overlords,
Vacation founders,
Staff members parents!
Let it not be hard for you
Your everyday life is busy!
You are at the forefront in everything,
You are the helmsman at the company!

Today there is a personnel officer at the center,
All attention to him.
The bosses will congratulate him,
Everyone will chip in a ruble.
Let's wish you happiness together,
Let's read the congratulations,
And we’ll give you gifts, -
Just to have fun!
Be successful and beautiful
And not the least bit cowardly!

Applies for work,
He knows everything about everyone!
What's your name and who is he?
Our dear personnel officer!
You and I are strong friends,
We serve our company faithfully,
The day of the personnel officer has come,
And we sit down at the table.

For personnel workers
We'll buy some cakes
And congratulations from all of us,
We wish you hundreds of times
Get them a bonus
For faithful work,
Detailed, attentive,
And very entertaining
Valuable employees
HR staff!

Congratulations to those who know for sure
Will answer the question both during the day and in the dark at night.
The question sounds so simple and so difficult:
Things are going well, where can I find reliable workers?
You keep records of workers and employees,
And you know them all!
You are the ones who are precise and smart in everything.
Especially how to draw up an employment contract.
Systematic career for you!
Solve problems on topic!
Good luck to you!

Personnel officers are serious guys,
And don’t say a word against them,
And they can do it at any time of the year
Fill out the company staff. Write
Rather, congratulations to the personnel officers,
To make this holiday unforgettable,
We will say - glory to the golden hands,
What in difficult situations They can help a lot.

Poems for Personnel Officer's Day, congratulations on Personnel Officer's Day

Our dear personnel officer,
On a professional holiday
We congratulate you,
You are a brilliant employee!
Will you prepare the questionnaires?
And you will have a conversation,
The best candidate
You will find a vacancy.
We wish you optimism
When solving problems.
Happiness to you in your personal life,
Goodness, peace and good luck!

They think that personnel decides everything -
But it's really up to you to decide:
Who holds what position?
And for whom it’s time to leave, alas.
What trainings for the team?
Suggest this time,
So that strength sounds in unison,
The company flourished with a bang.
Calculation of experience and salary,
You are in charge of the awards
It's impossible to live without you guys
Where would we be without you, personnel officers?
Let the orderly troops rush
Your endeavors are ahead,
Let happiness accompany you nearby,
And words of love ring in my soul.

Is your service both dangerous and difficult?!
Not the police, but she’s on staff!
Why is it dangerous and difficult?
Because she's in the office!

We congratulate you today from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish the personnel accountable to everyone to grow!
May this day bring joy
And with smiles he will bring miracles to everyone!

First of all, don't forget
See the HR department
Wonderful place!
That's what the day will be called
Is there anything more important?
Is the team more reliable?
That's why congratulations
HR department, all assets!
Personnel always decided everything
...if they are registered in the department...
We want different varieties
It's your holidays, I heard...

Dear HR officers, our employees are the treasure of the company, and who else if not you are its guardians. May your life change on this professional holiday better side, gaining something better every day. I wish you health, family well-being and stable career growth.

Personnel does not decide everything, personnel decides a lot.
Personnel always follow your path in everything.
You are like a shepherd, a guide leading a career path,
You will always support the staff with a strong hand in everything.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday - HR Day.
Let your merits be appreciated with a salary under the clouds!

Working with different personnel,
You always choose the best.
And without statements with orders
You know everything about workers.
You have a mission:
Accept people into the team
And we know - any commission
Will rate the work a five!
We are on this warm and clear day
We wish you love and goodness,
And so that with a wonderful mood
Your day started in the morning.

HR officer - you are an irreplaceable and valuable employee; the success of the entire campaign depends on your choice. On HR Day, I would like to wish that your professional ability to understand people will help you in life. Let only kind, smiling faces surround you, and let work not be a burden. May all your dreams come true! Happy holiday!

We congratulate the personnel officers,
We wish you success at work,
Let the sun shine in your soul,
Any day of the week, even Saturday!
May the holiday be a success today,
Gifts will make you happy, warm your soul,
Live happily ever after
And we will congratulate you - as best we can!

Well, what should I give you, personnel officer,
After all, you are used to different gifts in life:
To flattering words, fiery glances,
To replica languid, open outfits...
You've seen everything in this century,
Therefore, I don’t understand what to give!
Perhaps you'll take some cognac or chocolate?
All I ask is that you put me on the staff!

Psychologist and diviner
Sometimes a personnel officer
Responsible and obligatory -
He was used to order everywhere.
With a variety of problems
The staff approaches him
And even gifts for the holidays
More than once the personnel officer chose.
But today it's different
We rush to you with congratulations
For happiness, health, good luck,
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart!

A personnel officer is a person on whom the professionalism and qualifications of the team, cohesion, organization and success in work depend! Don’t be afraid of difficulties, be healthy, let people dear to your heart wait for you at home. I wish you creative success. Happy professional day!

In life everything is decided by personnel,
Everything will be written down, everything will be taken into account,
Some are on maternity leave, some are at their desks,
All sick notes will be read,
All days off will be counted
Vacations will be scheduled sooo...
Personnel! I congratulate you!
We can't do anything without you!

Our soul experts!
You haven't seen the light
Buried in folders!
The truth is obedient to you;
You are with us - not in vain;
And I will cry out sincerely,
Scream addressed to you
Not out of herd feeling -
From people's love:
Personnel managers -
Happy holiday today!

The person who knows all the caring staff,
Checks documents upon hiring,
And when is the vacation planned, or who is sick when...
The personnel officer always has such information.
All problems in the team and gifts in New Year,
Employment contracts, newsletters, translation...
When it comes to working with staff, he sometimes has no equal.
The personnel officer keeps all statistics on personnel regularly.
We sincerely hasten to congratulate you on HR Day.
And believe me, we know that your lot is not easy.
With gratitude for your work, understanding, warmth
We wish you success and always good luck.

Congratulations on Personnel Worker Day and sincerely wish you tireless work, calm and prosperous activities, confident success and right decisions, successful choices in life and sincere happiness, high incomes and good health, understanding of loved ones and love.

Eh, it would have died out long ago
Enterprise without you
So I came and smiled
"New" employee:
He asks and asks: “Well, take it
Get me to work!”
And even under the auspices
Old Rockefeller.
But we've known you for a long time -
Only you take the best,
Who has a lot of knowledge!
You bring goodness to the team!
We congratulate you very much,
Our dear personnel officer!
A professional, by the way.
You're a brainy man!

You resolve recruitment issues every day,
You manage your own business for each employee.
Working with documents is a big responsibility
But you deal with it quickly, competently, skillfully.
We value you as a specialist of the highest rank,
And on personnel officer’s day we want to wish you good luck,
Let everything be as it should be both in work and in life,
To meet every day in a great mood.

Our dear personnel officers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! May your staff be grateful, your programs not hang, and your work always be appreciated. We wish you to always have trouble-free health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, and inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!

Happy Personnel Worker's Day! We can say that everything in this life is decided by you. After all, they say that shots decide everything, and it’s you who choose these shots. Let health and happiness always be present in your life, and for your soul mate, be the most valuable person in the world.

There is always a bustle in the HR department,
Maternity leave, leave and registration...
But you were appointed here for a reason:
TK armed to solve...
Stress-resistant like a big boa constrictor
Responsible for those hired.
I wish you to be right all everyday life,
And happy - from Sunday to Saturday!

Everyone knows - in the HR department
There are a lot of important things to do:
The personnel officer will issue certificates,
Who came when he was sick?
And it will remind you about your vacation,
Will explain about laws
The timesheet will be filled out correctly
And he will confirm it with a seal.
He knows all the employees
And keeps track of all dates
Sends me to study
Sometimes to the military registration and enlistment office.
Gives you the form to fill out,
It will help in business disputes,
And decides that the children
Get a ticket to the sanatorium.
Without such a person
The team - nowhere
Let him remember this
Management sometimes.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish that you
What was planned came true
And the fire in the eyes did not go out!

On Personnel Worker's Day, please accept congratulations and warm wishes for lasting health, vitality, prosperity and success. May good luck, prosperity, and determination always accompany you in your personal life and at work. I wish you respect from colleagues, love from loved ones and understanding from others.

You are in order as always -
Fill out the employment books
And you’ll put the orders nearby -
Accuracy will not be superfluous.
You know everyone's last name,
Everyone comes to you for advice
Happy Birthday always,
And you will remind others of this.
We are happy to congratulate you today
Happy holiday to you.
We are proud HR department,
Promising and young.

Today is personnel day
Congratulations to you!
Your merit is great
We know that for sure!
We wish you warm glances,
Bright, gentle smiles.
Let kind words ring out
In everyday worries!

Our dear personnel officer,
On a professional holiday
We congratulate you,
Our employee is brilliant!
Will you prepare the questionnaires?
And you will have a conversation,
The best candidate
You will find a vacancy.
We wish you optimism
When solving problems.
Health, happiness in your personal life,
Goodness, peace and good luck!

The personnel officer is always at work,
Accept those and fire those,
There is no need to argue...
But today is an autumn day
You can only expect bonuses
After all, today is your holiday,
Our dear personnel officer.

Every self-respecting company takes great responsibility when recruiting new employees. The difficult procedure of personnel selection rests on the shoulders of personnel officers - competent, educated, responsible specialists. Dear HR department employees, please accept sincere congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes– health, love and long years of happy life!

Original congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day

You are HR professionals,
You work hard, from the heart,
Thank you for working with the staff,
We hasten to congratulate you on your holiday,
We wish everything was ok
Both at work and in the family, always
Health, prosperity, wealth,
Good luck and fruitful work!

Today is an unusual holiday -
Today is HR Day!
Let the salary be decent
Let the work be easy.
We sincerely wish you fun,
So that your soul is at ease,
Be in a good mood,
Always fly high!

Who's here in personnel matters?
And spends his days working?
Who will look askance at your diploma?
And he says: “Well, breathe!”
Looks at the work book:
Everything is in order, the fig is in it!
Who sweats while sorting
Bulletins from bilutnye?
Let the worries come to an end
There will be harmony and sense in life.
Happiness in HR work,
The one who is not a wolf!

A person who knows all the employees of the care checks documents when hiring, and when vacation is planned, or who is sick when. The personnel officer always has such information. All the problems in the team and gifts for the New Year, employment contracts, newsletters, translation... When it comes to working with staff, he sometimes has no equal. The personnel officer keeps all statistics on personnel regularly. We sincerely hasten to congratulate you on HR Day. And believe me, we know that your lot is not easy. With gratitude for your work, understanding, warmth, we wish you success and that you always have good luck.

Heartfelt congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day

Psychologist and diviner
Sometimes a personnel officer
Responsible and obligatory -
He was used to order everywhere.
With a variety of problems
The staff approaches him
And even gifts for the holidays
More than once the personnel officer chose.
But today it's different
We rush to you with congratulations
For happiness, health, good luck,
All the best - wish you from the bottom of my heart!

“On the planet, personnel decide everything” -
A statement that has been known for a long time.
HR worker is important
There is a strong link in every business!

On this holiday we wish you earthly blessings,
Creative success and victories,
No one knows personnel better than you,
Even the ubiquitous Internet!

The personnel officer is always at work,
Every day in new worries,
Accept those and fire those,
There is no need to argue...

But today is an autumn day
You can only expect bonuses
After all, today is your holiday,
Our dear personnel officer.

HR department employees are a great treasure for any company. After all, you select worthy personnel, weighing all the pros and cons. Your boss trusts you without a doubt. We congratulate you on this holiday and wish you optimism, enthusiasm and great luck. Let your life flow like a fast river. May you always be surrounded by only reliable and faithful friends. May luck always smile at you, and the bird of happiness never forget the way to your home. May God give you patience and great luck.

Best congratulations on Personnel Worker's Day

From the personnel officer this afternoon
I congratulate you with my heart,
Warmth, good luck, happiness in it,
I wish you with a kind word.

Let kindness surround you
You all my life and even more,
Love to you, warmth to your soul,
As much as possible in this life.