Customs Veterans Day. When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated? May 29 is customs day

May 29 is a professional holiday for those who gave their debt to the Motherland while serving in the customs service. It is officially considered that the start of work customs service timed to coincide with the date of May 29, 1918, when by decision of the Council of People's Commissars the customs service of the RSFSR was formed. And it was this date that during the Soviet era formed the basis of the holiday “Day of the Soviet Customs Officer”. However, the customs service was originally organized back in 1653, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich established a customs service to collect trade taxes on foreign goods (this date formed the basis of Customs Day).
After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Customs Service became the legal successor of the USSR Customs Service. By decision of the President, a decree was adopted on organizing a professional holiday for customs service workers. Since 1999, May 29 has received the status of “Customs Service Veteran’s Day.” At the same time, it was decided not to postpone the celebration of this day to another date.
It is on this day that meetings with industry veterans are organized in all customs areas, certificates and valuable gifts are presented.
Veterans Day of the Customs Service is an official holiday included in the register of memorable and holiday dates Russian Federation. Not a holiday (if it falls on a weekday).

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  • Celebrated: in Russia
  • Established: by resolution of the executive committee of the All-Russian Union of Customs Service Veterans on June 10, 1999
  • Significance: Dedicated to the birthday of the Soviet customs service - the issuance of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the delimitation of the rights of central and local Soviet authorities to collect duties and on regulating the activities of local customs institutions” 05/29/1918
  • Traditions: Ceremonial events; honoring customs service veterans; public performance and awards for veterans; themed concerts.

When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated?

May 29 is a professional holiday for veterans of customs services, which is widely celebrated by all those who dedicated their lives to protecting the security of the Motherland, its economic and political stability, as well as the development of military infrastructure concentrated in border areas. On this day, traditionally, not only former customs workers are honored, but also very young recruits who are yet to take up an important and responsible post.

history of the holiday

The origins of the customs service go back to the distant 17th century. Then, during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the first customs decree was signed “to collect in the state a tax on imported and exported goods in Moscow and Russian cities.” This happened on October 25, 1653. It was this event that marked the beginning of the existence of the customs service in our country. More than 200 years would pass before the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the regulation of customs institutions was issued in 1918, which would completely transform the structure of the domestic customs service, and at the same time serve as the reason for the creation of Soviet Customs Officer Day.

Until the collapse of the USSR, May 29 will be celebrated along with the largest public holidays. In 1999, on the initiative of the executive committee of veterans of customs services, the holiday will be restored and dedicated to the old date, familiar to Soviet customs officers - May 29. As the chairman of VSVTS explained, this was done in order to preserve the continuity of generations and preserve long-standing traditions.

It is worth knowing that the work of customs officers is a difficult and responsible task. After all, these professionals must control the movement of people, Vehicle and commodity cargo across the border. This means that after retirement they have the right to their own holiday, which, according to established tradition, is celebrated with honor and dignity.

The Art of Celebration

On the day of celebrations, magnificent concerts are organized with performances by artists, congratulations to distinguished service workers, presentation of state and government awards, competitions, charity events are organized and military honors are given to honored veterans. On the eve of the festivities, the veterans' committee prepares a special message addressed to its large staff, which is read out in the meeting rooms by major political figures.

And for those who have just joined the service, this day becomes a kind of initiation, during which young employees become familiar with the centuries-old traditions of the customs service and adopt the experience of their elders. During a meeting with veterans, they comprehend the old truth of customs officers, which over time has turned into a slogan: “Customs service has a glorious past, a bright present and a promising future.”

Like representatives of any other profession, customs officers have a number of rituals and rituals unique to their profession. So, in no case is it recommended to sit in the boss’s chair during his absence. To be promoted career ladder This is unlikely to result, but it could very well result in dismissal.

You should also not pick up an umbrella forgotten by one of your employees with your bare hands, because something bad might happen to its owner. The weapon should be stored with the barrel facing the window. According to superstition, the bad energy accumulating in it should evaporate from the house like a bullet. Meat dishes must be present on the festive table, because work in the customs service is hard and requires energy.

In the pre-revolutionary alphabet, the letter D was called “good.” The flag that corresponds to a given letter in the code of signals navy means “Yes, I allow, I agree.” This is where the expression “give the go-ahead” came from. The derivative saying “Customs gives the go-ahead” first appeared in the legendary film “White Sun of the Desert.”

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. Behind last years A lot has changed in our lives, but people’s craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

Customs service veterans traditionally celebrate their professional holiday on May 29 every year. The holiday May 29 - Customs Service Veterans Day - is a holiday for everyone who dedicated their lives to the fight against smuggling, protecting the economic interests of the country, and creating the infrastructure of a modern customs service.

Customs service employees began to celebrate Veterans Day after the Resolution of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Union of Customs Service Veterans dated June 10, 1999, adopted in connection with numerous “proposals received from veteran organizations customs authorities, veterans of the customs service in order to preserve traditions and ensure communication and continuity of generations of customs officers.”

Every year on May 29, Customs Service Veterans Day, all customs departments of Russia organize festive events with performances by famous veterans, presentation of awards, prizes, and organization of concerts.

Customs regulation

Currently, the influence of customs regulation as an element of government regulation foreign trade activities on the processes of international integration Russian economy into the international economic space.

Expanding cooperation with international economic and financial institutions, the common interests of Russia and other states in solving many problems in the field of international security, including in the field of countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the fight against international terrorism and drug trafficking, acute environmental problems, in particular, problems in the field of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety have led to the emergence of new tasks, in the solution of which the customs authorities of the Russian Federation must participate and which predetermine their further development.

With the development of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, carried out taking into account economic transformations and international practice regulation in the field of customs, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the location of the Russian Federation - the significant length of the state border, as well as its insufficient technical equipment at checkpoints, the need to organize cooperation in the border and customs area with states directly bordering the Russian Federation.

As a result of the administrative reform, a new structure was formed government agencies regulating foreign trade activities, which involves A complex approach to interdepartmental interaction and ensuring a balance of interests in the field of customs tariffs, tax measures, prohibitions and restrictions, established by law Russian Federation.

Customs Code

The holiday May 29 - Customs Service Veterans Day - is an excellent occasion to talk about the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

The entry into force of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2004 created the necessary prerequisites for the formation of a practically new legal framework for customs affairs that meets international standards and conditions for determining the development priorities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. However, certain problems related to the activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation remain unresolved.

The potential of customs administration, which is a set of means and methods for ensuring compliance with customs legislation by individuals and legal entities when they move goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation, which does not allow ensuring full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and creating a favorable competitive environment in the field of foreign trade activities. An acute problem in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation remains the issue of underestimation of the customs value of goods and their unreliable declaration by participants in foreign trade activities.

International standards promoting the implementation of trade and logistics technologies are not fully applied.

The system of informing the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about pricing, trade and industrial specialization in foreign countries, global trends in the division of labor.

The customs authorities of the Russian Federation ineffectively exercise control over goods after they are released into circulation on the customs territory of the Russian Federation (control based on audit methods).

There is insufficient information and analytical support for law enforcement, including operational investigative activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

The level of interaction between the operational units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement and regulatory authorities remains low.

The system of training and retraining of personnel for the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, especially specialists in the field of management and control, is not sufficiently developed.

The remuneration of officials of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation does not correspond to the economic significance of the decisions they make.

The level of corruption in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation remains high. The presence of these problems leads to a decrease in the efficiency of customs administration, unfair competition, penetration of substandard imported goods on Russian market and other negative phenomena.

There is a need to develop new approaches to customs administration that will allow the customs authorities of the Russian Federation to effectively respond to ongoing changes in accordance with international practice and the requirements of society and the state.

We cordially congratulate all customs officials on the holiday of May 29, the Day of Veterans of the Customs Service!

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