Job description of a corporate lawyer. What does a lawyer need to know and be able to do? Why should a lawyer study corporate law?

Recently, company managers, when deciding to hire a lawyer to the company’s staff, have sought to designate the position of this specialist as a “corporate lawyer.” This is not always justified, since in foreign legal terminology a corporation is an association of persons (shareholders) registered in accordance with established by law order and recognized as a legal entity. The concept of “corporation” in Russian law most closely corresponds to the concept of “joint stock company”. It cannot be said that this concept is used lawfully in legislation and literature. But in any case, it should be remembered that the difference between the concepts of “corporate lawyer” and “enterprise lawyer” lies in the scope of the functions performed. A corporate lawyer, in addition to resolving general legal issues of an enterprise, must have a perfect knowledge of shareholder law: the requirements for creating joint stock companies; types of shares, procedure for their registration; rules for forming blocks of shares and making transactions with shares; stock accounting; the essence of dividend policy, etc. If in Western countries the work of a corporate lawyer is limited only to serving corporate interests, then Russian enterprises strive to have universal lawyers who will perform all other legal work at the enterprise. The job description below is compiled just for such a generalist.

I. General provisions

1. A corporate lawyer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (legal) degree is appointed to the position of corporate lawyer.

education, work experience as a legal adviser of at least

3. A corporate lawyer should know:

3.1. Regulatory and methodological materials regulating production economic activity enterprises.

3.2. Profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure.

3.3. Civil, entrepreneurial, commercial, administrative, labor, financial, tax, ____________________, other areas of legislation.

3.4. Arbitration procedural, civil procedural law, fundamentals of criminal procedural law.

3.5. Standards for paperwork based on legal documents.

3.6. Structure government agencies, organs local government, judicial authorities.

3.7. The procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining legal documentation using modern information technologies.

3.8. Administration Basics.

3.9. Ethics of business communication.

3.10. Economics and organization of production, labor and management.

3.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.12. Labor protection rules and regulations.

4. Appointment to the position of a lawyer and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the enterprise.

5. A corporate lawyer reports directly to the head of the enterprise.

6. During the absence of a lawyer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Carries out development constituent documents; provides registration legal entities, issues of valuable shares, amendments to constituent documents; coordinates the work on maintaining shareholder registers ( third parties); determines the legal basis of the enterprise’s bodies (develops provisions on the powers General meeting, about the board of directors, about the board, about audit commission, etc.); develops regulations on transactions related to the acquisition or alienation of property; coordinates transactions with shares of the enterprise; determines the legal basis for dividend policy at the enterprise and

carries out its coordination;

2. Organizes work: to provide the enterprise with laws, regulations legal documents necessary for the activities of the enterprise; on accounting and maintenance of regulatory legal databases

3. Provides departments of the enterprise and individual specialists with regulatory legal acts necessary for them to carry out their functions and responsibilities.

4. Carries out: checking the compliance with the legislation of draft orders, instructions, regulations and other legal documents submitted to the head of the enterprise for signature; checking compliance with the stages of approval of draft documents with responsible employees; approval of draft documents; issuing orders to responsible employees of the enterprise to amend or cancel acts caused by changes in federal legislation.

5. Conducts contractual work at the enterprise: determines the forms of contractual relations; develops draft agreements; checks compliance with the legislation of draft contracts submitted to the enterprise by counterparties; takes measures to resolve disagreements on draft agreements; provides notarization and/or state registration individual species contracts;

6. Analyzes contractual work at the enterprise, develops programs for its revision and change, checks the status of contractual work in the structural divisions of the enterprise.

7. Conducts claims work at the enterprise: ensures registration of claims received from counterparties and their consideration; prepares responses to received claims and makes draft decisions on satisfaction or refusal to satisfy received claims; prepares claims to counterparties, sends them to counterparties and monitors the satisfaction of claims sent to counterparties;

8. Conducts claim work: takes measures to comply with the pre-arbitration procedure for resolving contractual disputes; prepares statements of claim and materials and submits them to arbitration courts; studies copies statements of claim on claims against the enterprise; ensures maintenance of a data bank on claim work; represents the interests of the enterprise in arbitration courts;

9. Prepares applications, applications and other documents to obtain licenses and permits necessary for the activities of the enterprise.

10. Participates in the development of documents related to issues of ensuring the safety of the enterprise’s property (agreements on financial liability; instructions establishing the procedure for the receipt and acceptance of material assets at the enterprise, recording their movement; instructions for accounting for the release and release of finished products;

etc.); checks and endorses employee liability agreements.

11. Verifies the legality of the dismissal and transfer of employees, and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on them.

12. Represents the interests of the enterprise during inspections carried out at the enterprise by state control and supervisory authorities for the purpose of legal control over compliance with procedural actions by inspectors, the validity and correctness of the inspectors’ conclusions, registration of inspection results and the preparation of procedural documents;

13. Represents on behalf of the enterprise in state supervisory authorities authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses detected at the enterprise; prepares and sends complaints against the actions of officials of state supervisory authorities, against administrative penalties unlawfully imposed on the enterprise.

14. Provides written and oral consultation to employees of the enterprise on various legal issues, provides legal assistance in drawing up legal documents.

A corporate lawyer has the right:

1. Request and receive from structural divisions information, reference and other materials necessary to fulfill the duties provided for by this job description.

2. Conduct independent correspondence with state, municipal and judicial authorities on legal issues.

3. Represent the enterprise in the prescribed manner in government bodies, other institutions and organizations, on legal issues.

4. Giving structural divisions and for individual specialists, mandatory instructions on legal issues.

5. Take measures when violations of the law are detected at the enterprise and report these violations to the head of the enterprise to bring those responsible to justice.

6. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, attract experts and specialists in the field of law for consultations, preparation of opinions, recommendations and proposals.

7. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

8. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

9. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

A corporate lawyer is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Corporate Lawyer

When are the services of a corporate lawyer needed?

Legal entities of various legal statuses seek independent professional support in necessary situations. The main reasons that most often require the intervention of a lawyer are:

  • raider takeovers, other controversial takeovers and mergers of enterprises;
  • problems with registration, closure and bankruptcy of a legal entity;
  • significant disagreements between the founders, participants or third parties whose interests were affected;
  • the need for legally competent drafting and amendment of statutory documents and agreements with counterparties;
  • participation in arbitration courts of various levels of subordination.

The practical experience of lawyers allows us to conduct a pre-trial study of the problem and find a compromise between the parties to the conflict. Professional assistance significantly improves the status of legal entities, reduces risks and increases positive conflict resolution.

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Online consultation with a corporate lawyer

To successfully resolve corporate problems, a number of legislative acts and regulations must be involved, including even some articles of the Russian Constitution. Therefore, a corporate law lawyer considers a case from several perspectives at once, which requires high qualifications and experience in this field.

There are a lot of situations related to corporate disputes:

  • bankruptcy of legal entities;
  • protection against raider attacks (hostile takeover);
  • opposition to company registration;
  • disagreements between shareholders and founders.

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Corporate lawyer - how to choose a corporate lawyer: 5 simple steps + professional services of a practicing lawyer in corporate disputes

Your company has created an entire legal department, but is it of little use? It seems that all lawyers are excellent guys with extensive work experience, but when it comes to financial or business issues, you have to attract additional resources - people with the appropriate education.

This state of affairs is unacceptable. Not only do you have to support several lawyers, but you also have to pay other specialists for their services. The result is low management efficiency and inflated staff costs.

A corporate lawyer will help you solve the problem. What kind of specialist is this and why he is able to replace an entire department of useless “office plankton”, I will tell you, Valery Chemakin, a legal consultant.

In addition, you will learn about the features of selecting such valuable “personnel” for work on an ongoing basis. If you only need to solve periodic problems, then read the review of companies that provide corporate lawyer services in the business field.

1. Who is a corporate lawyer?

Modern business requires constant legal support. After all, starting from the creation of an enterprise and ending with daily routine work, a manager is faced with complex problems. Solving them requires knowledge in several areas of not only jurisprudence, but also economics, management, as well as an understanding of business processes.

Of no small importance for the success of a business is the ability to negotiate with partners and representatives of supervisory departments and authorities. It is unlikely that a general practice lawyer is capable of this. This is where you will need a corporate lawyer who must know and be able to do everything that I listed above.

What does a corporate lawyer do:

  • prepares the constituent documents of the enterprise;
  • maintains records of shareholders;
  • develops local legal acts;
  • optimizes business processes thanks to knowledge in economics;
  • organizes business protection from raider attacks;
  • represents his company in the arbitration court.

Economics for a corporate lawyer is of the same importance as jurisprudence, therefore, in order to obtain the appropriate knowledge, an existing specialist must undergo advanced training.

Many law schools today are already preparing bachelors and masters in corporate law, in curriculum of which the economy occupies a large volume.

2. What services does a corporate lawyer provide - TOP 5 main services

Today, not a single self-respecting company can do without the services of a corporate lawyer, whose job responsibilities are not limited to preparing contracts. If earlier a lawyer at a company was a small clerk carrying out the task of the boss, today he is a full-fledged manager belonging to the highest echelon.

Let's figure out what a corporate lawyer does in a modern company.

Service 1. Development of a decision-making procedure

Corporate legal work is an activity associated with the development and adoption of management decisions, which are aimed at achieving best result in business. Therefore, the lawyer, along with the company’s management, is responsible for its stable functioning.

It develops a decision-making procedure based on the existing economic, commercial and legal risks. Top managers listen to his opinion. The services of a corporate lawyer are especially in demand during periods of instability or increased risks of business takeover by third parties.

Service 2. Legal support of new projects

When developing new commercial projects, not only their economic, but also their legal justification is important. After all, even a very profitable business that carries increased legal risks cannot be implemented until its security is established at an acceptable level. This is also the task of a corporate lawyer.

He accompanies the entire project implementation process from start to finish. Only this approach will lead the company to success. After all, new initiatives often bring problems during their implementation. The lawyer’s task is to predict them and competently circumvent them.


The Yubileiny agricultural holding is engaged in beef cattle breeding and field farming, and also has its own sausage shop. At some point, the company decided to start a new business for itself, namely dairy production.

It would seem that everything was taken into account: we have our own fields, housing for livestock, the necessary equipment and resources. It was absolutely correct that management hired a corporate lawyer to calculate all the existing legal risks. It turned out that the existing fields were not able to feed the planned number of cows.

Need pastures. This is where a problem arises that only a lawyer could detect. To expand farmland, it is necessary to use a large share of federal lands, the status of which is almost impossible to change.

However, it turned out that there was another option - to transfer the lands of several abandoned villages to agricultural status. This is what the corporate lawyer did. As a result, the ambitious project was successfully implemented.

Service 3. Monitoring the implementation of laws

Modern legislation is so confusing and complex that company management is unable to keep all the nuances in mind. After all, the prosecutor’s office and other supervisory authorities are ready to “pick on” even the slightest violation in order to “cut down their daw.” The result is exorbitant fines and other sanctions.

What does a good lawyer need to know and be able to do?

Hello, friends and colleagues!

What a lawyer needs to know and be able to do? I will try to answer this complex philosophical question.

Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language

It is terrible when a lawyer expresses his thoughts illiterately in writing. A disregard for the rules of the Russian language can distort the text of any document. In my memory there was a case when two large factories entered into additional agreement to the agreement, and the text of the document was formulated so incorrectly that they then sued for two years. To speak Russian, read books!

Logical thinking

A lawyer needs logical thinking, I would even say – mathematical and schematic thinking. Often lawyers do not have elementary rules logic. Never argue with such lawyers, it is useless and hopeless. In court, such collective farmers usually look rather weak.

Often future lawyers the question arises, Does a lawyer need mathematics? The popular answer to this question is: no, it is not necessary. But personally, I believe that any lawyer should have mathematical, analytical thinking.

Anyone lawyer you need to have a broad outlook. I believe that disciplines such as social science And story should contribute to the development of knowledge of the future lawyer in the humanitarian direction.

By the way, when applying to the Faculty of Law, as a rule, it is necessary to take social studies, history and Russian language.

Legal education

Of course, legal education is at the top of the list What does it take to become a good lawyer?. But if you do not have a logical understanding and do not know the rules of the language, then it will be difficult to cover such shortcomings with good training. educational institution, although I don’t rule anything out.

Don't flatter yourself with the thought that you can become a good lawyer, studying at a low-quality university. If you want to become a good lawyer, you urgently need to get an education in a good institution, where competent specialists will teach you, and where there will be young and promising lawyers with whom you will develop yourself. The more difficult it will be competitive environment, the more you will learn.

Be able to work with legislation

There are a lot of laws, and even more by-laws. Lawyer can not know all laws. This is impossible and wrong. But any lawyer must have an understanding general structure legislative acts, their position and hierarchy, structure of government bodies, competencies, role of the courts. Lawyer must know how to find the necessary rule of law, have an idea of general principles rights.

Of course, with experience, a lawyer will know some key laws almost by heart, but this comes with time.

When working with legislation, a lawyer needs perseverance. Now remember the need to speak Russian and the rules of logic. If you do not have this “tool”, then you will not effectively navigate the legislation. Knowledge of the Russian language and logic will be your compass in the sea of ​​legislation. I would advise not to neglect philosophy to improve work compass. A love of wisdom will broaden and deepen your understanding of society.

For example, I am well versed in general provisions civil legislation; in procedural law, since you often have to participate in trials; in electoral legislation, since I provide legal support to election companies, and in other issues that I have encountered. Some specialize in criminal law, consumer protection legislation, and others generally write complaints to European human rights court.

When preparing any document, I look at the regulatory materials I need, I know what and where I need to look. This is the lawyer’s ability to work with the law.

I once read an article that a good lawyer should know the laws by heart. This is complete nonsense. There are always two approaches to learning: learn by heart or understand and formulate. I prefer the second option.

Critical thinking

A lawyer must be able to question any action, event, circumstance and be able to obtain confirmation of the action, event, circumstance in the established procedural manner.

Decency and responsibility

I believe that a lawyer, as a representative of the professional community of lawyers, must be a decent person and comply with certain corporate rules towards the client, your business and your colleagues.

In addition, it is necessary to understand the high degree of responsibility of your business and the possibility of adverse consequences of an irresponsible attitude towards your profession.

I hope my article answered the question, What does a novice lawyer need to know and be able to do?, to become a good lawyer.

Video about “free” lawyers:

Almost every organization has a lawyer who ensures the normal operation of the enterprise in compliance with the requirements of current legislation. The main responsibilities of a corporate lawyer and legal counsel in both cases are aimed at this. But specialization corporate lawyer is a little different.

Corporate lawyer is a specialist who has additional knowledge about methodological and regulatory materials that allow regulating economic and production activities enterprises. Distinctive Features corporate lawyer from a legal consultant are as follows:

  • Corporate lawyer must develop constituent documents;
  • Coordinate the work on introducing shareholder registers;
  • Determine the legal basis of enterprise bodies, etc.

Corporate lawyer must also have knowledge of specialized laws, for example, the law on LLCs and JSCs, which regulates the procedure for creating the economic activities of enterprises.

Thus, the activities carried out corporate lawyer , for a legal entity is necessary and justified. She is more responsible because making professional decisions can transfer the company not to a new stage of development, but deprive it of control over the activities of a joint stock company or LLC, with the further transfer of companies under the control of other persons, along with all property rights, i.e. You could completely lose your entire business. In such cases, our professional lawyer in the field of corporate law will provide legal support for certain corporate procedures or business in general, which will definitely allow you to avoid unwanted negative consequences and raider takeovers of your business.

Corporate lawyer - this is how the leaders of an organization are currently trying to designate the name of a specialist when introducing into the staff the position of an employee dealing with legal issues organizations. This fact is not legal. In foreign terminology, an association of persons recognized as a legal entity and registered in established by law is a corporation. And in Russian law, a joint stock company is synonymous with a corporation. It cannot be said that the concept of corporate lawyer is used in legislation and literature justifiably. What is a corporation - this term is not used in the legislation of the Russian Federation - there is no legal definition of this concept. The corporation is business association capital, having various organizational and legal forms.

The scope of functions performed is the main difference between the concepts of lawyer and corporate lawyer. Solving narrowly focused problems related to the internal settings of the organization is the task of a corporate lawyer. Russian enterprises strive to entrust all legal work at the enterprise to a corporate lawyer. When corporate lawyers of enterprises in Western countries serve only the corporate interests of the enterprise. A corporate lawyer is a highly specialized specialist and he must have additional knowledge about the regulatory and methodological materials that regulate the production and economic activities of the organization. He must also have knowledge of the peculiarities of the structure of the enterprise, the procedure for systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documentation using modern information technologies. And it is also important to know about the basics of administration, economics and organization of production, labor and management. A corporate lawyer must be fluent in shareholder law - requirements for the creation of joint stock companies, the procedure for their registration, types of shares, rules for forming blocks of shares, making transactions with shares, the essence of dividend policy, etc. A corporate lawyer must have in-depth knowledge in the field of civil, entrepreneurial, commercial, corporate, and tax law.

Distinctive job responsibilities responsibilities that are assigned to a specialist - a corporate lawyer, in comparison with a regular in-house legal adviser, are: the development of constituent documents; ensuring registration of legal entities, issues of valuable shares; coordination of work on maintaining registers of shareholders; definition legal framework bodies of the enterprise (development of regulations on the powers of the General Meeting, on the board of directors, on the management board, etc.); development of regulations on transactions related to the acquisition or alienation of property; coordination of transactions with shares of the enterprise; determination of the legal basis for dividend policy at the enterprise and its coordination.

I want to dedicate this article to my colleagues, aspiring lawyers. At the beginning of his career aspiring lawyers many questions arise. Go to category aspiring lawyer may apply to both students and people who are just planning to become lawyers. Read a separate article about that.

For reference, I note that a lawyer is a qualification. Therefore, a university graduate without work experience is a lawyer, a prosecutor, a judge, and an unemployed person can also be a lawyer.

All the questions they ask me aspiring lawyers, touch several blocks. These are questions about where to start learning to become a good lawyer, how to become a good lawyer, where to start working as a lawyer what measures need to be taken to self-education.

Let's look at these questions in blocks for convenience.

Where to start learning to become a good lawyer or how to become a good lawyer?

Initially, you need to understand, is it necessary? After all, there are many lawyers, and there are also many educational institutions. And maybe it’s worth choosing a different profession. I know that they are appreciated technical specialties and specialists. If your intention is to become lawyer everything is great and after weighing all the pros and cons, you are confirmed in your intention, then start with education.

You can only get a quality education at a quality university. Unfortunately, I have to note that the level of education is falling every year. Therefore, your diploma will need to be accompanied by self-education and the first legal experience.

The learning process in an educational institution must be approached with full responsibility and diligence. I often hear from representatives of non-legal professions that in practice they have to hear the phrase: “forget everything you were taught...”. This phrase is absolutely not applicable to legal specialties. You will have to put into practice exactly what you have been taught. One of my teachers on this subject put it in the sense that a lawyer does science in his student years, then practices at work, and then returns to science in the process. And this is extremely true and fair. Therefore, training must be taken seriously.

IN good universities Teachers, as a rule, are involved in practice in addition to science, so they can always teach you something. Take advantage of these opportunities. Read legal literature, not just laws. Understand the laws, read comments, legal articles.

It will be very useful to participate in the social life of the faculty. This is also part of the learning process. After all, a lawyer is a person who communicates often and a lot with people. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop communication skills with people.

Where to start working as a lawyer?

It is advisable to start your legal career while still a student. I would advise you to worry about this possibility from the third or fourth year of study. For practice, it is better to select a commercial structure with highly qualified and diverse interests. Of course, this must be done without compromising the learning process. Legal practice will open up lawyers without work experience new horizons for understanding legal science and will give impetus to learning. I would not hesitate to work even for free, since the experience will be invaluable and will dramatically increase the level of your competence. Working on a voluntary basis in some state or municipal government body will also be extremely useful.

I'll tell you about my case. In my time, it took five years to study to become a lawyer. There was a specialty system back then. As a fourth-year student, I started on a voluntary basis labor activity from cooperation with one large consulting firm. Despite the fact that I worked with this company for about a year, I have the warmest memories of that period. It was during this year that I made a significant leap in my level of competence. This happened largely thanks to a very talented and competent boss legal department, from whom I learned a lot. Studying at the faculty became somehow easier after I started practicing.

Therefore, dear colleagues, start studying as early as possible practical issues. If your mentor has exposure to and interest in different areas of legal knowledge, you will be able to learn a lot. By working, for example, with a lawyer and carrying out small assignments, you will gain significant experience. Without this experience, your learning will not be complete.

Self-education of a lawyer

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A few words about self-education. “Learn and study again” is the motto of all good lawyers. Take my word for it, ordinary knowledge of the rules of the Russian language and a general outlook are very highly valued. Therefore, increasing the overall cultural and educational level, you will undoubtedly become a more successful and competent lawyer. My advice - read classical literature, love mathematics and logic, train your brain. Sometimes, in order to navigate some “legal issue”, it is enough to master the rules of the Russian language and elementary logic. Therefore, pump up your brain in the “general civil” sense. It would be enough. But that's my personal opinion. In addition, it will be useful to begin any legal case with judicial practice. I do this in order to quickly understand the features of legal qualifications and evaluate the range of applicable legislative acts. First of all, this is relevant for arbitration practice, which is in the public domain. Judges qualification level arbitration courts, as a rule, is high and reading decisions on arbitration cases is very pleasant and useful.

If you have any questions, write. I will answer everyone as much as possible.