Job description of the seller of alcoholic beverages LLC "Alice-plus". No license required: legal requirements for the sale of draft beer Responsibilities of the seller when selling tobacco products

Limited Liability Company "Beta"
LLC "Beta"

LLC "Beta"
___________________ A.I. Petrov


Job description of the sellerdraft beer

25.03.2013 № 316-DI



1.1. This Job Description defines job responsibilities, rights and responsibilitiesDraft beer sellerLLC "Beta".

1.2. Draft beer sellerappointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation order by ordergeneral director LLC ">upon presentationsenior salesperson at Beta LLC.

1.3. Draft beer sellerreports directlysenior salesperson at Beta LLC.

1.4. For the position Draft beer sellera person is appointed who hasprofessional education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year"> secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year.

1.5. Draft beer seller must know:
– admission procedure food products;
state standards And technical specifications for goods sold, their basic properties, merchandising characteristics;
– conditions for storing goods;
– rules for classifying products as defective;
– rules for the sale of beer and established by law sales restrictions;
– the simplest methods for determining the quality of food products;
– principles of window display design (rules for displaying goods and rules for product proximity);
the procedure for conducting inventory, drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, misgrading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets;
– customer service rules, including modern forms and methods service;
– fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;
– rules for working with a cash register, the established procedure for accepting and depositing money;
– signs of solvency of state banknotes.

1.6. In his activitiesDraft beer selleris guided by:
regulations and methodological materials on the work of trade organizations;
– local regulationsLLC "Beta", including the Internal Rules labor regulations;
- orders (instructions)General Director of Beta LLCand immediate supervisor;
– rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
– this Job Description.

1.7. During a period of temporary absenceDraft beer sellerhis responsibilities are assigned to other sellersLLC "Beta".


Draft beer sellerperforms the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Serves buyers (incl.advises customers on the range of beer,pours beer into containers of various sizes, sells dried fish, chips, crackers and other related products).
2.2. Inform us immediate supervisor (andif necessaryGeneral Director of Beta LLC) about existing shortcomings in customer service and measures taken to eliminate them.
2.3. Calculates the cost of the purchase and issues a cash receipt to the buyer.
Receives beer and goods from the warehouse.
2.5. Posts dried fish, chips, crackers and other related products on displayby type to ensure ease of working with them.
2.6. Complies with legal restrictions related to sales alcoholic products, beer and beer drinks:
– does not sell beer and beer drinkski to minor buyers;
– in case the seller has doubtsis that the buyerbeer and beer drinks have reached the age of majority,the seller may require him document certifyingidentity and identifying his age;
– does not sell beer and beer drinks to customersfrom 23:00 to 8:00 local time.
2.7. Monitors it properly state commercial equipment, which P The salesman directly works.
2.8. Draws up product reports and acts for defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance e act s (when transferring goods).
2.9. Accepts from Participation in inventory taking.
2.10. Resolves controversial issues with buyers in the absence of administration representatives.
2.11. Manages the work and helps re-employed in work m seller am.
2.12. Ensures cleanliness and order to the workplace.


Draft beer seller has the right to:
3.1. Demand from your immediate supervisor andGeneral Director of Beta LLC assistance in the performance of official duties and the exercise of rights.
3.2. Improve your skills.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees reports and documents necessary to perform job duties.
3.4. Get acquainted with the project solutionsGeneral Director of Beta LLCrelated to activitiesDraft beer seller.
3.5. Submit proposals to your immediate supervisor for considerationconcerning his professionalactivities, including raising questions about improving their work, improving organizational and technical working conditions, increasing wages, about payment overtime work in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the workers' compensation systemLLC "Beta".
3.6. Receive from employeesLLC "Beta"information necessary for maintaining labor activity.


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Scope of the company -… Full description, Moscow, Lermontovsky Prospekt - hh: 3 days ago Sales representative from 25,000 rub. up to 100,000 rub., Full-time, from 1 to 3 years Sales representative (beer, soda, drinks, juices) A ​​dynamically and successfully developing Company will be glad to have an executive member as a member of its team... Full description Nevsky Bereg, Moscow, Altufyevo - hh: 17 hours ago Sales representative (beer) from 30,000 rub. up to 100,000 rub. Job responsibilities: Distribution and sales in the on-trade channel (HoReCa), Merchandising, Expanding the customer base, Accounts receivable control, Product promotion... Full description Nevsky Bereg, Moscow - 16 hours ago Sales representative with a personal car (beer, drinks, water, juices) from 45,000 rub. up to 100,000 rub.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a sales representative Since in the vast majority of cases sales representatives receive a percentage of sales, the advantages of the profession include good opportunities for increasing income. In addition to the basic salary, it is quite possible to earn another 30–80% of its amount.

Another advantage is the fairly realistic prospects for career growth.

Profession sales representative

It is also worth noting that a type of profession of a sales representative is the position of a manager in the HoReCa sector, he is engaged in promoting goods in hotels, restaurants and casinos, etc. Education is necessary to work as a sales representative Although the responsibility for receiving payments from points retail network, however, in the hierarchy of sales specialists, a sales representative occupies one of the lowest levels, so the level of education of applicants does not play an important role.

A candidate with both a secondary specialized and incomplete education can become successful. higher education. The exception is for applicants for the position of sales representative in the HoReCa field, where having a university diploma is usually prerequisite when applying for a job.

Work as beer sales representatives in Moscow

  • accepts orders for company products;
  • searches for new clients;
  • is engaged in increasing the range of sales;
  • carries out financial control in the field of working with clients.

A job description is not a mandatory document, but it is extremely useful and is therefore being used more and more often. Structure of the job description The responsibilities of any employee are recorded in his job description.

  1. General provisions. Fixed here general description positions, requirements for the candidate, as well as the employee’s place in the company structure.
  2. Responsibilities assigned to the employee.
  3. The rights he has.
  4. Employee responsibility.

Page 404

  • advising clients on products or services;
  • work with existing client base;
  • search for new clients (presentation of goods or services, conclusion of contracts);
  • maintaining reports on work performed.

Sometimes the functions of a sales representative may include:

Sample resume for sales representative Sample resume.

Job description of a sales representative

Home / reference Information/ Job descriptions / 1. General provisions. 1. The sales representative belongs to the category of company specialists and is hired and dismissed by the Employer.
2. The main task of the sales representative is to organize sales in the assigned territory. 3. The sales representative reports directly to the head of the sales department.
4. The sales representative collects orders from customers and maintains direct contact with them. 5. Persons with higher education and work experience in trade organization at least one year.

6. A sales representative must have the following skills: - the basics of sales; - the basics of communication; - organization of the work process. 2. Functions. 1. Organization of sales in a designated area.
2. Control over the implementation of the Employer’s trade and credit policies. 3.

If he did not recognize the shell company in time, which disappeared along with the shipped products, then the company will recover the shortage from him. Therefore, before concluding a supply agreement, he should find out as much as possible about potential client: how long has he been working on the market, how solvent is he, and so on.

In addition, such a specialist is obliged to monitor how the company’s products are sold on his site (any store records these indicators). Based on the data received, he draws conclusions about how much goods should be delivered, where and when. His responsibilities also include preparing weekly and monthly reports to management on the work done.

What are the responsibilities of a draft beer sales representative?

The purpose of such negotiations is to obtain new purchase orders, as well as to control how the remnants of already supplied goods are used.

  • Demonstration of the maximum range of products offered by the company.
  • Control of sending orders to retail outlets.
  • Customer debt tracking.
  • If necessary, cash collection for payments for goods already delivered or for prepayment.
  • Tracking claims and complaints regarding products delivered to customers.
  • Monitoring compliance with contracts with clients.
  • Looking for new clients.
  • Consulting customers on issues of quality, range and consumer properties of goods.
  • Monitoring information on market conditions in your area of ​​responsibility.
  • Control over advertising campaigns, tastings and other events aimed at promoting the product.

The sales representative belongs to the category of company specialists and is hired and dismissed by the Employer.2. Attention The main task of a sales representative is to organize sales in the assigned territory. 3.

The sales representative reports directly to the head of the sales department. 4. Important The sales representative collects orders from customers and maintains direct contact with them.

5. Persons with higher education and work experience in a trade organization of at least one year are accepted for the position of sales representative. 6. A sales representative must have the following skills: - the basics of sales; - the basics of communication; - organization of the work process.
2. Functions. 1. Organization of sales in a designated area. 2. Control over the implementation of the Employer’s trade and credit policies. 3.

Most employers believe that a sales representative is a profession for the young and energetic, so they set age limits - from 20 to 30-35 years. Size wages sales representative The salary of a sales representative consists of salary and percentage of sales and depends on several factors: - the number of retail outlets served; - quantities commodity items customer; - qualifications of a sales representative; - provided resource opportunities for work (car, communications, advertising support, special fund for promotions and presentations).

The salary range for a sales representative varies: in the regions from $300–400 to $1000–1200, and in Moscow from $500 to $2500.
A sales representative is an employee who represents, promotes and sells a certain group of company products. What does a sales representative do? He travels to retail outlets, offers goods, conducts negotiations, concludes sales transactions, and also visits stores that already have his company’s products and monitors whether the goods are selling well. Sometimes performs some merchandiser functions. After several years of successful work as a sales representative or sales manager, you can move up the career ladder and become a business development manager or commercial director. Places of work The position of sales representative is in demand in almost all companies selling products or services.

Job responsibilities of a sales representative the main task sales representative - to do everything necessary so that stores (kiosks, supermarkets) agree to sell the products of the company he represents. By “everything necessary” we usually mean the following actions: - establish relationships with managers retail outlets; - skillfully present information about the company and its products; - convince customers that this is the product the consumer needs; - conclude a deal, sign a contract for the supply of products. The sales representative is obliged to monitor the timely delivery of goods to the store, must explain to sellers how to correctly arrange them for better sales, “punch out” the most advantageous place for the goods and control that they are immediately put on the sales floor and that they do not sit in the warehouse, but also recommend the selling price.

The seller’s job description is the main document regulating the employee’s work activities. If the instructions are not detailed enough, the seller’s work may not meet the employer’s expectations, so it is necessary to approach its preparation with the utmost care.

How to compose: general provisions

The first (introductory) section of the seller’s job description states:

  • what category of workers does he belong to (category of workers);
  • who appoints and dismisses an employee (by order of the director);
  • to whom the seller directly reports (manager/director);
  • to which official are transferred the duties and responsibilities of the seller during his absence from work (workplace).

The seller must be guided in his activities by:

  • legislative acts of the country;
  • The company's charter and the regulatory documents established therein;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • instructions and orders of the manager/director;
  • job description.

To ensure quality and efficiency, the seller is required to know:

  • rules of communication with visitors to the trading floor;
  • requirements for conducting recounts;
  • characteristics of goods;
  • orders for accounting of inventory items;
  • provisions of labor protection standards and safety regulations.

Job responsibilities: what the seller is entitled to and his responsibilities

A separate paragraph specifies the labor functions of the seller. Typically this is:

  • customer service, including consultation, demonstration, cost calculation, registration, packaging and delivery of purchases;
  • timely replenishment of supplies;
  • preparing goods for sale, including checking the conformity of names, assortment, quantity, correct labeling, integrity of packaging;
  • preparation of the workplace, including checking the serviceability of equipment, tools and inventory;
  • receiving packaging material and preparing it for further use;
  • placement of goods into groups, grades and types, taking into account relevant requirements;
  • filling out and posting price tags;
  • counting cash, registering its circulation and depositing it in the prescribed manner;
  • informing customers about the characteristics, quality and operating features of goods;
  • studying objections, arguments and comments from visitors to the trading floor;
  • window dressing in accordance with established standards;
  • participation in receiving goods, conducting inventory, drawing up product reports and resolving disputes with visitors during the absence of administration representatives;
  • informing immediate management about a product that does not comply with the accompanying documentation and labeling;
  • placing requests for replacement and repair of trade inventory and equipment.

In addition to the responsibilities, the seller also has rights, including:

  • obtaining information about draft management decisions relating to his work activities;
  • putting forward proposals for management’s consideration to improve work and rationalize labor operations, as well as demands to create normal conditions for fulfilling one’s own job responsibilities and rights;
  • making independent decisions within one’s own competence;
  • placing requests and obtaining information necessary to perform their direct duties;
  • drawing management's attention to the need to eliminate shortcomings in the company's activities;
  • getting all necessary documentation, equipment and uniforms to perform assigned tasks;
  • refusal to perform functional duties without ensuring proper safety measures and working conditions.

The seller’s responsibility for:

  • improper performance of official duties;
  • causing material harm to the company, its employees, contractors or customers;
  • failure to meet deadlines for completing work operations;
  • providing company employees or its customers with false information about products;
  • failure to comply with the provisions of approved instructions, instructions, orders;
  • disclosure of personal and confidential information;
  • violation of discipline requirements, fire protection rules, labor regulations or safety regulations.

In the section on working conditions, their definition should be indicated:

  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • instructions and instructions from the company's management;
  • safety regulations and labor regulations of the organization;
  • requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Sales job description samples

Scroll labor functions The job description of a salesperson may vary depending on his place of work, so below we have placed several ready-made job description options suitable for various situations.

seller of a trade enterprise


1.1. Real job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the seller “___________” (hereinafter referred to as the “organization”).

1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. The seller reports directly to __________________.

1.4. A person who has a higher or secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of seller.

1.5. The seller must be able to use a cash register in his work.

1.6. The seller must have computer skills at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs accounting of goods.

1.7. The seller must know:

- resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulations relating to the operation of a trading enterprise;

— commodity science, standards and technical specifications for goods, their main properties, quality characteristics;

— conditions for storing goods;

— management structure, rights and responsibilities of employees and their work schedule;

— rules and methods for organizing customer service;

— the procedure for decorating premises and shop windows;

— fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;

— labor legislation;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules and regulations of labor protection;

— safety rules, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.8. The seller must have good communication skills, be energetic and have a positive attitude.


2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the product section, remains at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if he is replaced by another seller with the consent of the Section Manager (Deputy Section Manager).

2.1.2. Provides attentive and polite service to customers, creates the necessary conditions for them to select and familiarize themselves with the goods they are interested in, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, and takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.

2.1.3. Performs complete pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, labeling compliance, unpacking, inspection appearance, other).

2.1.4. Informs his immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, the management of the organization, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.

2.1.5. Places and displays goods by groups, types, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand, and ease of use.

2.1.6. Offers and displays goods to customers; assists customers in choosing goods, advises customers on the purpose, properties, quality of goods, rules for caring for goods, prices, offering interchangeable goods, new and related products; calculates the cost of the purchase, issues a receipt, issues a passport (other document) for goods that have guarantee period; packs the purchase, issues or transfers the purchase for control; exchanges goods.

2.1.7. Controls the availability of goods in the sales section, checks the quality and expiration dates of goods, checks the presence and compliance of labels and price tags on goods.

2.1.8. Exercises control over the safety of goods, commercial equipment and other material assets.

2.1.9. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.10. Informs management about existing shortcomings in customer service and measures taken to eliminate them.

2.1.11. Maintains a friendly atmosphere in the workplace and leads by example in customer service. The seller must be patient, attentive, and polite when choosing and inspecting goods by buyers. When delivering the purchase to the buyer, you should thank him.

2.1.12. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the product section, as well as in trading floor generally.

2.1.13. Complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, and civil defense.

2.1.14. Executes orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor and management of the organization.

2.1.15. Is at the workplace in uniform work clothes must have a neat appearance.

3.1. The seller has the right:

3.1.1. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.1.2. Improve your skills.

3.1.3. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.1.4. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out its activities.

4.1. The seller is responsible:

4.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage- in accordance with current legislation.

4.1.4. For violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.


5.1. The seller’s working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

1.1. Seller of food products (including alcoholic beverages) - (hereinafter referred to as goods) belongs to the category of technical performers, is hired and dismissed by order Executive director enterprises.

1.2. A person with primary vocational education and special training according to an established program is appointed to the position of seller of goods without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The seller of goods reports directly to the director of the sales department.

1.4. In its activities, the seller of goods is guided by:

― regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;

- the charter of the enterprise;

― internal labor regulations;

- orders and instructions of Alice-Plus LLC;

― this job description;

― Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

1.5. The employer is obliged to familiarize the employee who carries out his labor activity in the field with this job description retail sales alcoholic products, about which a corresponding note is made in the employment contract.


2.1. The seller of goods has the following functions:

2.1.1. Customer service.

2.1.2. Preparation of goods for sale.

2.1.3. Consulting buyers about the properties and manufacturers of products, including the provision of documents confirming the quality of the product, upon the latter’s request.

2.1.4. Studying customer demand.

2.1.5. Perform job duties flawlessly.


3.1. To perform the functions assigned to him, the seller of goods is obliged to:

3.1.1. When accepting a shift, prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools. In particular, check the location of the safe (which must be located on the territory leased by Alice-Plus LLC) and accept the key to the safe for personal storage. Check the location of the cash register machine (hereinafter referred to as the cash register machine) of Alice-Plus LLC (the cash register machine must be located on the retail space rented by Alice-Plus LLC); check the safety and presence of a hologram on the cash register " service maintenance» current year. If a cash register malfunction is detected, immediately stop selling the product and immediately notify the organization providing technical services. KKM service, and the head of his service about a malfunction of the cash register, by phone numbers available to the Seller.

3.1.2. Provide customer service: accept money from the buyer, count it, issue a check, count out the change, give change along with cashier's check , package and issue products, and, at the buyer’s request, issue copies of stamped receipts. Also, at the buyer’s request, provide documents confirming its quality for this type of product (including accompanying documents).

3.1.3. Monitor the timely replenishment of working stock of goods and their safety; serviceability and proper operation of trade and technological equipment; cleanliness and order in the workplace.

3.1.4. Prepare goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, condition of packaging and correct labeling, availability of accompanying documents and documents confirming the quality of the goods.

3.1.5. Participate in the receipt of goods, paying attention to the presentation of the product: the integrity of the packaging (consumer packaging), the presence of labels with the name of the product; presence of the bottling date on the label or on the consumer container, checking compliance with the bottling date specified in the quality certificate; the presence and integrity of federal (for products manufactured in the Russian Federation) and excise (for products of foreign origin) stamps, the availability of accompanying documents and documents confirming the quality of the goods.

Acceptance of goods is carried out bottle by bottle, in accordance with the consignment note (bill of lading).

In the certificate “B” to the waybill, in the “recipient” column, the seller’s signature and stamp are placed.

3.1.6. After accepting the goods, if the quantity and quality of the goods correspond to the invoice, the seller puts the acceptance date, his signature, a transcript of the signature, indicates his position and puts a stamp on the invoice. After signing the consignment note by the seller, claims regarding quantity, quality and misgrading of goods are not accepted.

3.1.7. In case of discrepancies (under delivery, damage), the seller makes notes in the invoice signed by the seller and the driver.

3.1.8. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55
“On approval of the Sales Rules individual species goods" when accepting the goods, the seller is obliged to check the availability of shipping documents: certificates of conformity, certificates of waybills (section A, B), etc.

The seller is personally responsible for the availability and safety of all documentation and for compliance with the “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods.”

3.1.9. Upon acceptance of the goods, the seller accepts the price labels for the products. The seller is obliged to attach them to the corresponding products in the display window.

3.1.10. Notify the administration about the receipt of goods that do not correspond to the markings (delivery note), in case of any incidents, in case of fire, or in case of non-delivery of goods.

3.1.11. Keep a record of temperature control and record it daily in a notebook.

3.1.12. Consult customers about the properties and taste characteristics of certain types of alcoholic products.

3.1.13. Offer customers a new range of products.

3.1.14. Study customer demand.

3.1.15. Design counters and inside store displays and monitor their condition.

3.1.16. Monitor the availability at the site of the package of documents necessary for legal retail alcoholic beverages: license, lease/sublease agreement, logbook for facility inspections consumer market, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, sanitary rules SP 1.1.1058-01, SP, copy of the program production control, a copy of the State Fire Safety Inspectorate’s conclusion, instructions on fire safety measures, accompanying documents for the KKM.

Monitor the availability in the buyer's corner of the documents necessary for the legal retail trade of alcoholic products: copies of the license, sales rules (government decree No. 55), phone numbers of supervisors local organizations, books of complaints and suggestions, copies of TIN, OGRN. If any of the above documents are missing, immediately inform the head of your service.

3.1.17. Prepare requests for repairs of commercial and technological equipment.

3.1.18. Participate in the preparation of commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets.

3.1.19. Participate in inventory taking.

3.1.20. Resolve controversial issues with customers in the absence of administration representatives.

3.1.21. If there is a return of goods from customers, for each such return, draw up a “Report on the return of money to customers for unused cash receipts (including erroneously punched checks)” with the obligatory attachment of a punched check .

3.1.22. At the end of the shift: take a Z-report, print out the control tape, fill out the cashier-operator’s log.

3.1.23. Calculate cash revenue for the shift, which must correspond to the Z-report check, and put it in the safe together with this check (revenue and check for each day separately).

3.1.24. Sort the money and hand over the proceeds to the cashier once a week, having first checked his documents (identity document and power of attorney).

3.1.25. In the event of an inspection by regulatory organizations, the seller is obliged to provide a register for registration of control checks of consumer market objects for completion.


4.1. The seller of goods has the right:

4.1.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

4.1.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4.1.3. Receive from managers structural divisions, specialists, information and documents on issues within his competence.

4.1.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.


5.1. The seller of the goods is responsible:

5.1.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the Administrative, Criminal and Civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the Labor, Criminal and Civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1.4. For the safety of the key to the safe.

5.1.5. For penalties imposed by regulatory organizations due to the fault of the seller.

5.1.6. For the presence of goods of the entrepreneur on the leased territory of Alice-Plus LLC and goods of Alice-Plus LLC on the territory of the entrepreneur.

The seller must have good communication skills, be energetic and have a positive attitude. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. Seller: 2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the product section, remains at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if he is replaced by another seller with the consent of the Section Manager (Deputy Section Manager). 2.1.2. Provides attentive and polite service to customers, creates the necessary conditions for them to select and familiarize themselves with the goods they are interested in, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, and takes measures to ensure the absence of queues. 2.1.3. Performs complete pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, labeling compliance, unpacking, inspection of appearance, etc.). 2.1.4.

Job Description for Draft Beer Seller

The seller of the goods has the right: 4.1.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities. 4.1.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4.1.3. Receive information and documents from heads of structural divisions, specialists on issues within his competence. 4.1.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

The seller of the goods is responsible: 5.1.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.1.2.

Seller instructions for selling beer and cigarettes

Provide customer service: accept money from the buyer, count it, issue a check, count out change, issue change along with a cash receipt, package and issue products, issue stamped copies of receipts upon the buyer’s request. Also, at the buyer’s request, provide documents confirming its quality for this type of product (including accompanying documents).

3.1.3. Monitor the timely replenishment of working stock of goods and their safety; serviceability and proper operation of trade and technological equipment; cleanliness and order in the workplace. 3.1.4. Prepare goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, condition of packaging and correct labeling, availability of accompanying documents and documents confirming the quality of the goods.


Job Description for Store Seller


General provisions. The seller is an employee of the store, reports directly to the store director and merchandise manager, is accountable and controlled by him. In his activities he is guided by: this job description, trade rules, oral and written orders and instructions from the store administration.

The seller must know and comply with internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene standards. 2. Purpose. The goal of the seller’s work is to ensure maximum sales volume by creating optimal conditions for customers to select and pay for goods.

3. Interaction with services. In his work, the seller must interact and resolve current issues with other sellers, with the merchandise manager and the director.

Draft beer seller

For example, I will never hire a person from the gambling business as a director or store manager, even if he showed good results. These people are gambling people, prone to making quick money - this is felt at the level of intuition, but I trust it.


It is impossible to derive uniform rules for personnel selection and management. We have almost 50 retail stores, and each director has his own team, because the directors themselves are different.

Some are for liberal governance, others are for totalitarian ones. And let it be, because the main thing is the efficiency of the outlet.
What are the rules within it? I believe that they are correct if they bring the desired result to the business.

Job Description of a Food Products Seller

Again, there are several reasons for this behavior: he has mental problems or is hiding something - it’s not suitable. Third: if a person brags too much and says that at his previous job he was everything, and the rest were nothing.

To me, this is an indicator that the candidate is not a team player. In general, without going into detail, the main criterion when choosing personnel is adequacy.

Almost everything professional quality- educated, but on condition - if the person is adequate and wants to learn. In addition, honesty, sociability, intelligence, a sense of humor - these are the things you need to cling to when choosing people for your teams. – Are there any indicator questions for managers? – I can tell from the store directors.

How to manage beer store staff?

The seller must have computer skills at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs for accounting for goods. 1.7. The seller must know: - regulations, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of the trading enterprise; — commodity science, standards and technical specifications for goods, their main properties, quality characteristics; — conditions for storing goods; — management structure, rights and responsibilities of employees and their work schedule; — rules and methods for organizing customer service; — the procedure for decorating premises and shop windows; — fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology; — labor legislation; — internal labor regulations; — rules and regulations of labor protection; — safety rules, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

Job Description of a Seller of a Trade Enterprise

At the direction of the store administration, the seller takes part in stimulating sales of certain types of goods for their speedy sale due to the removal of these goods from the range, expiration dates, as well as to increase the sales volume of these types of goods with the participation of the store in advertising campaigns and promotions. When stimulating sales of a product, the seller draws the attention of buyers to a given product by placing it in the most visible places, through additional consultations with buyers on the features and advantages of this product, and in other ways.

5. Acceptance and placement of accepted goods. At the direction of the merchandiser or director, the seller works to unload the truck with the goods.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Causing harm during the detention of a person who has committed a crime) has the right to stop illegal actions to deliver this person to the authorities. When working on the sales floor, the seller monitors visitors, making sure that they select and carry goods in special baskets or carts.

Particular attention must be paid to the movement of expensive goods. Through visual observation, the seller identifies persons stealing products in their clothes or in items brought into the store: umbrellas, bags, handbags, etc.
Having established this category of persons, the seller reports these citizens to the seller at post No. 1 for further observation and detention in the event of removal of unpaid goods.

Job Description for a Seller of a Draft Beer Store

Monitors the proper condition of commercial equipment with which the seller directly works.2.8. Draws up commodity reports, reports of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates (when transferring goods). 2.9. Participates in inventory taking.2.10. Resolves controversial issues with customers in the absence of administration representatives.2.11. Manages the work and assists newly employed sellers in their work.2.12. Ensures cleanliness and order in the workplace. 3. RIGHTS The seller of draft beer has the right: 3.1. Demand from your immediate supervisor and the general director of Beta LLC assistance in the performance of official duties and the exercise of rights. 3.2.

Improve your qualifications.3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees reports and documents necessary to perform job duties. 3.4.

F7); - the seller accepts the purchase amount from the buyer after adjustment, or, if the buyer has already deposited money for the “refused” goods at the cash register, returns the cost of the “refused” goods - an act of returning the amount of money at the cash desk is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of cash discipline; the return document (return receipt) is attached to the cash register documentation. If the buyer wants to return any product some time after its purchase, the seller calls the director or merchandiser of the store to resolve the issue in accordance with legal requirements. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED: - deleting expense documents; — return money to customers for returned products without the presence of the store administration.

During the working day, the seller at the checkout ensures the safety of funds.

Job Description for Beer Store Seller

As soon as the goods are unloaded, the seller, depending on the decision of the director or merchandise manager, performs the following duties: - In the case of goods arriving from the company's Distribution Center, the seller helps the merchandiser or director to accept the goods. To do this, he needs to carry out the following actions: take goods from a pallet or box, count them and tell the merchandiser or director the name of the goods and the quantity received.

After the merchandiser or director notes the actual quantity received in the invoice, the received goods must be placed in a cart for further distribution to storage areas. These actions must be continued until the goods are fully received or until the store opens, depending on the decision of the director or merchandiser.

— If goods arrive from local suppliers who deliver the goods directly to the store, the seller independently accepts the goods.

According to the provisions of Russian labor legislation, each employee, when hired, must be familiarized with his job description against signature. Below is a sample job description for a cashier salesperson. Appendix no. The seller reports directly to the Director, chief accountant. The cashier must know: Places and displays goods by groups, types, taking into account product proximity, frequency of demand, and ease of use.

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: How to choose a draft beer seller?

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Job description of the seller sample form. Job responsibilities of the seller

Do you need a cash register to sell beer? During this period, I sold beer to a minor. For example, I have salespeople who, in addition to selling draft beer, also recommend drawing up a job description, where in addition. This job description defines the Sales Controller-Cashier who is hired and dismissed from work. This job description has been developed and approved by a person appointed to the position of food seller.

Friends, the three most active commentators receive rubles from me every month. You can see these worthy people just below, in the “Top Commentators”. Read this article on how to put a photo on your avatar. You can only receive winnings if you subscribe to new articles. The money is credited to your phone or Yandex wallet. As you understand, reading my blog “Bachelor Life” is not only useful, but also profitable. Hello, individual entrepreneur and legal entity! A good salesperson in a campaign sometimes earns more than the director, so it is very important that our salesperson in a draft beer store is friendly, adequate and does not steal money.

Where can you find such a miracle and is it even possible? These are the kind of people that work for me, and now I’ll tell you what actions you can take to get similar sellers. According to the specifics of draft beer stores, more men come to us, so the seller must be a woman. I have already written that in this regard I trust women over 35 more. They are more responsible, take their tasks seriously and do not abuse alcohol.

Of course, there are also worthy candidates among girls for the position of salesperson, but usually young people think more about love and fun than about conscientious work in the store. In addition, for some reason it so happens that employers are usually interested in personnel who are at most years old. I completely disagree with this! It’s as if after 40 years it’s already in a landfill. A 55-year-old woman works for me, so I consider her best seller draft beer from all that I have.

Tatyana, I’m talking about you. The draft beer store usually works until late, so we need sellers who live nearby. After opening the point, while you yourself are standing at the tap, hang a sample job description for a draft beer seller on the door of your store in large letters: You can also indicate the age of the candidate in order to immediately weed out the very young. Some will say that it is better to look for a seller on the website, indicating the area of ​​residence.

Scammers love to surf the Internet; they are just looking for suitable shops to settle down for a while, to work, and when the owner begins to trust them and leaves significant sums to pay for the goods, then such swindlers disappear without a trace with the money.

If you search for a seller using an ad, the likelihood of running into a scammer is much lower. I also advise you to talk to everyone you know or even post a call on VKontakte. In this case, the Internet will help us, since only friends will see our ad. In any case, even if a person came to us on a recommendation, it doesn’t hurt to check the seller. Talk to the candidate about where he worked, why he left, whether he has children, and why he decided to work with him.

As a rule, you don’t have to be a great psychologist to understand whether a person is adequate or not. If you and he are satisfied with everything, this is followed by training for sellers. I advise you to first train a person yourself, even if someone already works for you. You need to clearly convey to the seller his actions and operating rules.

You can even write down detailed instructions so you don’t forget anything. For example, my salespeople, in addition to selling draft beer, also have to clean the premises after work, place orders with regular sales representatives who come to the point, and also prepare a list of necessary products that I order personally.

Try to immediately free yourself from unnecessary turnover. Your job is to organize the process so that you are not bothered by the slightest trifles and the store runs like clockwork. Sellers must be aware of their actions in various situations, which is why I recommend drawing up a job description, which, among other things, will contain a list of required telephone numbers.

But no matter how well you manage your business, personal control of the business is necessary. Visit your points a day or every other day and monitor the situation, talk with clients. Even if you want to save money and hire a seller informally, I advise you to sign any standard contract. Before registration, such a piece of paper does not have legal force, but it still puts a person in a serious mood.

The contract must include a clause about financial liability seller. To prevent sellers from stealing, I recommend installing a sample job description for a draft beer seller in your draft beer store. I know it's not for everyone, but dummy cameras also work well. You screw them onto the wall and tell the sellers that from now on you will control everything via video.

Believe me, even in this case, the discipline of your workers will improve, and order in your store will increase. In addition to the draconian measures, there must also be a carrot. Don’t forget to congratulate your sellers on their birthdays and general holidays like New Year and March 8.

Appointment to the position of food seller and dismissal from it is carried out on the basis of an order from the head of the enterprise. Preparation of goods for sale and customer service.

Supervising the work of salespeople who have lower qualifications. The food seller performs the following job responsibilities:. Trains workplaces, checks the availability and serviceability of equipment, tool inventory, installation of scales. Prepares goods for sale: Resolves disputes with customers in the absence of administration representatives. Places goods into groups, types and grades, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use, and also fills out and attaches price labels.

Provides consultations to customers about the properties and taste characteristics of certain types of goods. Takes part in receiving goods, including from the warehouse, and determines their quality based on organoleptic characteristics. Informs the administration about the receipt of goods that do not comply with the labeling of the invoice. Studies customer demand and offers new, interchangeable products and related products.

Contact heads of structural units and specialists with requests for documents and information necessary to perform official duties. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities. In case of causing material damage, within the limits determined by the criminal, civil, and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

RSS Feed. Job Description of a Beer Seller As you understand, reading my blog “Life of a Bachelor” is not only useful, but also profitable. The beer store seller resisted the robber. If you and he are satisfied with everything, this is followed by training for the sellers. Draft beer seller Studies customer demand and offers new, interchangeable products and related products.

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What are the responsibilities of a grocery store clerk?

The document contains a list of functional responsibilities, items related to the rights, working conditions, and responsibilities of the employee. Provided below standard form can be used when drawing up a job description for a seller in a grocery store, non-food products, senior seller. A person with at least a secondary vocational education, a medical record, duly issued, and who has completed an internship is appointed to the position of seller, without presenting any work experience requirements. During the absence of the seller, his rights, responsibilities, and functional responsibilities are transferred to another official, as reported in the relevant order. Provide customer service: consultation, demonstration, packaging of goods, calculation of their cost, registration, delivery of purchases.

The managers of many companies sincerely do not understand why they need to bother drawing up a job description for a food seller. They limit themselves to verbally informing employees about their main responsibilities, forgetting to voice their rights. Creating instructions is useful for both the employee and the boss.

The seller's job description is the main document regulating the employee's work activities. If the instructions are not detailed enough, the seller’s work may not meet the employer’s expectations, so it is necessary to approach its preparation with the utmost care. It also specifies the requirements for the employee’s education, availability of a medical record and work experience. The list of job functions of a salesperson may vary depending on his place of work, so below we have placed several ready-made job description options suitable for various situations.

Food seller - 1 option

What are these responsibilities, are there any special features in labor activity a supermarket salesperson, what are the rights and responsibilities of this employee? A grocery market can have different sizes and its own specifics; there are specialized specialized stores that sell only fish, or alcoholic beverages, or sausages, etc. Dear readers! In our articles we consider typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact us through the online consultant form on the right or call us at:. Often a grocery store sells a variety of food products, which is more convenient for consumers, who can buy everything they need in one place, but more difficult for employees who are forced to replace each other and remember information about the mass of goods. At the same time, an employee of a grocery store, like any service company, must be cleanly dressed, polite, and honest with visitors and with the administration. It is also required to thoroughly know, understand and comply with the requirements of SanPiNov when working with food. sales worker any enterprise, be it a kiosk, a regular store or a supermarket. The functions of a grocery store employee in direct contact with customers are not so easy to perform.


Beer on tap is a very profitable product, but from the point of view of Russian legislation, trade in this type of alcoholic product must be regulated by requirements that are becoming more stringent every year. What are the specifics of the operation of retail outlets selling draft beer, is a license required, are there restrictions on sales by time of day, what are the job responsibilities of a beer seller? As part of the anti-alcohol campaign, the legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced a number of restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, even in the form of beer, should not be available to everyone at all times, so there are differences and prohibitions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. There is also a difference in the organizational and legal form of the merchant: Art.

In some stores, the job responsibilities of a salesperson-cashier include only working at the cash register; in others, he combines the functions of a cashier with the functions of a sales assistant. The specifics of a particular company should be reflected in the job description of the salesperson-cashier.

Name of the institution. Appointment to the position of food seller and dismissal from it is carried out on the basis of an order from the head of the enterprise. Preparation of goods for sale and customer service. Supervising the work of salespeople who have lower qualifications.

Job Description for Pet Store Seller

Do you need a cash register to sell beer? During this period, I sold beer to a minor. For example, I have salespeople who, in addition to selling draft beer, also recommend drawing up a job description, where in addition. This job description defines the Sales Controller-Cashier who is hired and dismissed from work.