Effective resource management in vocational education. Managing a modern school: what a team should be like. New generation, new rules

Current school development resources

School development resources mean a set of factors that can influence the development of an educational institution.

All resources available to the school can be divided into internal and external.

Internal resources, in turn, are divided into financial, informational, legal (legal), human, etc. For the development of a school as a humanitarian organization, the most important for development are human resources, or rather their efficient use, as well as work to improve internal efficiency: development of strategies, development scenarios.

But we will begin to consider school development resources with management resources, since decision-making at the school level and the choice of development strategy depend on them. In a constantly changing, unstable world, control systems are becoming more and more complex, as it is necessary to respond to unusual events and the increasingly less predictable future. Therefore, the school management structure is moving towards more complexity. A complex structure not always effective. Creating an effective management system is a resource for school development.

To improve management efficiency, it is necessary to decentralize school management and redistribute powers within it. Decentralization implies an additional burden on administration representatives, but must necessarily provide them with additional powers. In conditions of decentralized power, such a resource as human desire for power .

The next resource that contributes to the development of the school is school organizational culture . The quality of which, in turn, determines such features of the functioning of the school as direction of information flows , correspondence management decisions and diagrams of the state of the organization , which are also development resources.

Let's take a closer look at such a resource as the manager's view of the state of the organization . To assess the development resources of a school, it is very important to analyze the leader’s ideas about his own organization, the level of its development, the ideal of his subordinate, the motives of his activities, his preferred activities. organizational culture, ideas about the most adequate styles professional behavior, power, formal and informal structure, etc. If the director is a newcomer, then optimization of the above components becomes development resources. If the director has been working for many years and all factors are optimized, then the resource for development in such a situation is change in the principal's opinion about the level of the school .

Microclimate in the school community can also be considered as a resource for school development. An atmosphere of empathy promotes the bright manifestation of the talents and abilities of students and teachers. It is in teams with a high degree of empathy that the phenomena of modern unpredictable, unstable life are more easily experienced.

When considering the development resources of an institution, it is necessary to pay attention implementation of innovations in the institution . Additional educational programs and innovations in administrative, economic, financial, methodological, content and other areas of an organization’s life can also be innovative. The main thing is that workers have developed constructive ways solving subjectively new professional tasks.

Let's look at some of the human resources of the organization. Their quality is determined by the qualifications of teachers, the maturity of their professional competence, the level of consistency of their professional values ​​and actions, their vision of the future of their organization, motivation, attitude to emerging problems and ways to solve them, etc.

Assessment of teachers' qualifications is a proven mechanism and includes a system of advanced training and a system of certification of teaching staff with the assignment of ranks and categories. This system is traditional and, given the current state of affairs, is not always effective: the content of advanced training courses does not change often and rarely meets the requirements of the current moment. Often, the teacher does not increase his rank, fearing paperwork, but confirms the existing one.

Therefore, in this context, it is more appropriate to talk about such a resource as development of human resources , which may include advanced training centrally, or maybe at the intra-school level. The main thing is that the teacher has a constant increase in his experience.

The work of the school administration to develop human resources determines the vector of development of the organization. The development of personnel potential occurs through a rethinking of accumulated experience, through the reflective activity of a teacher, which is often unusual for him. This means that everything that contributes to the generalization of the teacher’s experience and reflection of activities contributes to the development of personnel potential. I would classify such events as holding open lessons, in-school master classes by teachers, when the role of students is played by colleagues, teachers writing articles summarizing their experience, participation in various competitions, both professional and project or creative works students.

Separately, I would like to say that the development of human resources occurs in cases where these events are not carried out “for show”, not formally, if teachers realize their importance for the growth of their own potential.

Pedagogical competence of the teacher, which can be a resource for the development of a school, can be defined as its ability to effectively implement a system of socially approved value systems in educational practice and achieve the best pedagogical results through professional and personal self-development.

The teacher’s value-based attitude towards the student or pupil as a “significant Other”, on whom the teacher’s own development depends; acceptance of different approaches, concepts, views, opinions and meanings as personally significant; responsibility for the non-violent nature of the options being developed and implemented pedagogical activity; searching for constructive ways to resolve pedagogical problems and conflicts are mandatory components of a teacher’s value system. Competence as the unity of a teacher’s theoretical and practical readiness to perform professional functions characterizes not only the activity, but also the teacher himself as its subject in his independent, responsible, proactive interaction with the world. Thanks to this property, competence integrates professional and personal qualities teacher, directs them to master knowledge and purposeful application in forecasting, planning and implementation of activities, activates the teacher in the development of his own abilities, in the pursuit of self-realization in socially useful activities, and ensures his professional development.

The basis for the authoritarianism of a teacher’s professional activity is almost always his low professional competence.

Teacher motivation level is also a resource for school development. With a high level of motivation, the teacher is interested in increasing the effectiveness of his work, looks for unconventional ways of conducting lessons, and engages in self-education. In such a team, the tasks of the school administration become the search for means of maintaining high motivation teachers, incentive tools for motivated teachers. In a team with low teacher motivation, the administration’s task becomes finding ways to motivate employees.

Level of consistency between professional values ​​and actions is a powerful resource for the development of the organization. If the team acts as a united front, without dividing into “deputies” and teachers, the goals of such an institution will be achieved much faster than a school in which there is no such unanimity.

The transition to market conditions for running the economy led to a strong social stratification of society. Each of social groups your vision of the future, your goals. School like social institution is also subject to stratification that occurs within the school, between schools in the district, district, and city. The multinational nature of the modern school cannot be discounted. Therefore, the alignment of values ​​and actions is more relevant than ever in the world. modern stage development of society.

It is very good when both teachers and school administration set the same goals and strive to achieve them in the same ways. On the other hand, an alternative view of the possible development of the organization provides enormous opportunities for growth, as it introduces something new, unexpected, and, perhaps, not previously considered as a resource.

In addition to dividing school development resources into external and internal, classification according to the content of resources, there is resource level model .

To the first level include personality resources, its individual potential . At the first level, resources such as the professionalism of the teacher and leader, their information and methodological support are considered. Techniques for developing the individual potential of subordinates are widely known. These include methodological work at school, advanced training in external specialized organizations. At this level, the main problem of the manager is the search for new forms of advanced training within the organization, as well as the search for external reference organizations that can be trusted to improve the skills of their employees. The leader himself, unfortunately, raises his professional competence can only through trial and error, through one’s own reflective activity.

Second levellevel of small groups and teams. Resources at this level have not yet been described and are little used, but such groups have great potential. In small creative groups, passionate about one idea, in groups of like-minded people, where communication is informal, bright, non-standard ideas are often formed and embodied, which become a real “engine” for the development of an educational institution.

Third levelhuman resource organization as a whole . His influence on the state of affairs is limited to the formation of the vision of the future of the organization and the mission of the school by each representative.

In modern Russian society schools operate in different conditions. Therefore, each school has its own, unique set of resources. We have described only those resources that can contribute to the development of most schools. But the resource we named is not necessarily the same for all schools. There cannot be the same recipe for all schools. Multiple Possible Solutions management tasks, generated by the diversity of situations, do not leave room for a single universal approach to “management in general.”

What does the management team look like? advanced school, what functions does it perform? The answer is not stated in regulatory documents, but determines the success of the educational process. An exemplary version was presented by Elena Chernobay, director of the Center for the Study of Teacher Practices of the National research university « graduate School economy."

New generation, new rules

We are witnessing the evolution of the student. Modern children are motivated from within, they strive for independent judgments, show persistence, are interested in interacting with classmates and have other outstanding qualities. Working with such guys is both more interesting and more difficult.

In the current living and learning conditions, the requirements for school management are changing. Leaders must both monitor the quality of education and manage this quality. Let's figure out how to distribute professional roles in a team in accordance with the new goals prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard and Federal law"About Education".

Management team composition

Supervisor educational organization. A strategist and organizer who ensures that educational results are obtained based on rational and effective management resources. Bears full responsibility for all internal school processes.

First Deputy Head (Resource Management). A figure in weight and status virtually equal to the school principal.


  1. Management of financial and economic resources, development of material and technical base.
  2. Management and organization of contract service activities.
  3. Ensuring the work of state and public administration bodies that influence the work of the school.

Deputy Head for Implementation of Educational Programs. A specialist similar to a traditional head teacher, but responsible for the final educational result of the entire school course, and not just elementary, middle or high school.


  1. Planning for advanced training of teachers.
  2. Organizing the work of teachers to implement educational programs.
  3. Organization of activities of interdisciplinary methodological associations (instead of distributing teachers into subject groups).
  4. Determining/changing the structure of management of the educational process at school.

Deputy Head for Quality Control of Educational Results. A new type of specialist: not only controls, but also monitors the situation at school, contributes to the formation of mutual demands among teachers.


  1. Organization internal system assessment of the quality of education.
  2. Studying parents' satisfaction with the quality of education.
  3. Supervising the school’s participation in external procedures for assessing the quality of education.
  4. Making proposals for the certification of teachers, as well as for the selection and placement of teaching staff.

Tip: implementing control measures, teachers should not be distracted from the main educational process.

Deputy Head of Education and Socialization of Students. Specialist responsible for additional education children. His assistants are often class teachers, senior educators, social educators, ombudsmen, parents. Work can be carried out at introductory, basic and advanced levels, taking into account the age of children and category educational organization. Ideally, based on the results of work, at least 80% of middle and high school students should participate in citywide events, and at least 50% of students should become winners of such events.

The sixth link of an optimal management team is Chief Accountant.

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Work with personnel

To create an effective staffing schedule, school management needs to perform the following actions:

  • Reduce the number of administrative and management personnel.
  • Increase the share of productive, highly paid teachers.
  • Optimize duplicate positions through auditing.
  • Effectively distribute functionality.
  • If possible, switch to outsourcing cleaning, accounting and laundry services.

When forming a team, it is necessary to remember such tasks as ensuring safety, organizing quality food, maintaining sanitary conditions, and providing medical care. With everything, main task The team, of course, remains pedagogical.

Principles of work of a modern team of teachers:

  • Understanding, acceptance and sharing by the entire team of the goals and objectives of the work.
  • Moral and material return from the results of labor.
  • Correct placement of shots.
  • Proper employee incentives.
  • Responsibility of the manager and the team as a whole for the assigned work.

Steps to results

The management directs teachers to achieve the planned educational result, and it is a priority in the new standards. Let's look at a few universal techniques that you can discuss with colleagues and use when creating new training programs.

Setting goals. Educational results can be formulated in operational form on behalf of the child, starting from the simplest and progressing to the most complex. Take, for example, the subject “History”. The results will look like this:

  • Minimum: “I can explain chronology, name the important features of our century, compare the present with the immediate past.”
  • Medium: “I distinguish eras of human development, I can explain the prerequisites for the emergence of a certain culture.”
  • Tall: “I can describe the differences and similarities between historical periods of different lengths, even if they do not follow each other, I can conduct and document historical research.”

Preparing for the lesson. You can plan a training session, focusing on the Federal State Educational Standard, according to the following scheme:

  1. Definition and analysis of planned educational results. Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Species selection educational activities. Designing learning situations.
  3. Selection of teaching aids.

Selecting tasks. Many experts recommend selecting tasks in accordance with Bloom's taxonomy. It is presented in the form of ascent through the following stages: Knowledge -> Understanding -> Application -> Analysis -> Synthesis -> Evaluation.

At the same time, we remember that any educational system can help in the formation of only those qualities that it itself possesses.

Kamenshchikova L., Gorlanova E. The financial policy of educational institutions in modern conditions

When considering the market model of the functioning of the economy, the economics of education is a set of relations that develop between participants in the educational process and the economic partners of the school regarding the formation and use of limited resources in the process of production and sale of educational services.

Issues of managing financial resources, which represent cash, formed by institutions and organizations, as a result economic activity acquire special importance in the context of the development of market relations and the expansion of economic independence of schools. In this case, education finance represents an independent system of monetary relations between participants in the educational process and economic partners of the school regarding education and the use of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds necessary for the school to perform its functions. These relationships should be aimed at achieving best results at the lowest cost. In order to increase the efficiency of any activity of an educational institution, it is necessary to correlate the selected goals of school development with its financial capabilities.

The effective functioning of a school, of course, depends on the availability of resources to ensure the educational process, but no less important is the efficiency of their use.

The procedure for using resources is directly related to the financial and economic mechanism of school management, the degree of its economic independence, and the competence of managers in the field of making management decisions. Methods of using resources and choosing an effective option to solve the problems assigned to the school is the area of ​​​​economic knowledge.

This approach to management contributes to the development of economic initiative educational institutions when making management decisions and expands the range of subjects interested in improving the quality of educational services. Thus, managing the financial and economic activities of the school is the most important component general management as a process of conscious influence of the director on the internal environment (school employees, students and others), on the external environment (parents, social and economic partners and others), aimed at realizing the purpose of the school.

To successfully implement the school’s mission, the head of an educational institution must understand the processes occurring in the distant future. external environment functioning of the school. They are the ones who are able to directly influence the formation of new economic relations at the school level:
- redistribution of responsibility for school financing between the levels of state, regional and municipal government; the risks of decreased school funding are reduced;
- “expansion” of the economic independence of the school, in the future - expansion of the variety of organizational and legal forms for the school; increasing risks of increased uncertainty and instability of school activities;
- lack of state consolidation of basic development parameters general education(duration of training, educational standards, state forms of monitoring results - Unified State Examination, per capita financing, performance standards, including the procedure for forming a remuneration system - are in the experimental development stage); increasing risks of increased instability of school activities due to changing management influences from the state;
- gain state control financial flows at the school level (treasury system of budget execution); increasing risks of reduced mobility in resource management.

Of great importance is the manager’s understanding of changes in the immediate external environment of the educational institution, its strengths and weaknesses:
- increased motivation of parents in obtaining a quality education for their children; increased pressure on the school from parents; increasing risks of increased differentiation of schools in terms of quality of education in conditions of mixed financing;
- increased competition in the city and the preservation of the monopoly of schools in rural areas; growing risks of reducing the effectiveness and accessibility of quality education;
- growing interest of public organizations and business in the development of the school as an entity influencing the formation of a tolerant social behavior future members of society (reduction of aggressiveness, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, homelessness and others among young people).

Thus, current state economic relations developing around the school can be considered as transitional, requiring the director to build up competencies in two interrelated areas of activity: 1) in economics, 2) in finance. The formation of professional competence in this area is carried out more effectively if the educational institution is integrated into the system of new economic relations based on the choice and consolidation of:
- organizational and legal form of the educational institution;
- structural and content model that determines universality or profile educational activities;
- strategic partners in the external environment;
- organizational and legal aspects financial activities schools;
- methods and models of school financing;
- procedures and rules for interaction between the school and financial institutions (financing, accounting, control, taxation);
- technologies and techniques financial planning and analysis.

In the new economic conditions, the organizational and economic functions of the school director are adjusted, modified, and developed. They are aimed at solving many issues that cover various aspects of financial and economic relations that arise regarding the attraction and use of resources, including financial ones: financial and economic forecasting, financial and economic planning, financial and economic regulation, coordination of the actions of various subjects of financial management , incentives, financial control.

In the implementation of the named management functions the degree of independence of educational institutions in the formation and execution of income and expense estimates is increasing.
The basis for the formation of the financial and economic mechanism for the functioning of the school is the choice of its financing model.

Difficulties in creating a financial support model various types general education institutions

The formation and execution of the budget of any state is carried out in accordance with budget policy. The ideas, goals, objectives of the latter, methods and forms of its practical implementation are manifested through the parameters of budget expenditures and the construction of inter-budgetary relations.

The regulatory function of the budget is manifested in the fact that the budget is a universal mechanism for state participation in financing expenses, the payment of which individually by each user from the standpoint of the aggregate interests of society is impossible or irrational.

The directions for spending budget funds determine its functional structure and are reflected in the articles of the budget classification. The functional structure of the budget used in Russian legislation allows us to illustrate the list of all functions of the state that are determined by solving internal and external problems of the country's development (financing social sectors, science, national defense, servicing public debt, etc.). This makes it possible to reflect in a systematized form the priority of areas for spending budget funds and evaluate the effectiveness of the process government regulation at all levels budget system. Thus, the budget as a management tool allows the state to regulate the volumes and directions of spending budget funds, focusing on the current state of a particular problem, and the share of government expenditures and sources of covering them indicates its actual priority. Budget policy also includes regulation of the pace and proportions of distribution of budget funds between sectors of the economy and social sphere, including education, both on a national scale and in a particular region.

The priority task of the state in the field of education is to ensure equal access to education for all citizens of the country. This leads to the emergence of budgetary obligations to finance it in terms of government social guarantees enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

An important role in the financial provision of schools is played by the legislative delimitation of expenditure obligations between levels of the budget system. The degree of participation of the budget of one level or another in the financing of educational services depends on a number of factors: on the state structure and common system government controlled, legislative distribution of responsibility for types of expenses, established traditions, and so on.

One of the reasons for the current imbalance in education financing is the constant lag in the development of economic and financial independence of educational institutions in relation to the development of the market environment for the production and promotion of educational services.

The diversity of needs of subjects interested in the development of education at all levels requires the development of new economic mechanisms for school management, providing it with a flexible response to changes in the structure of these interests and allowing the creation of conditions for their effective satisfaction.

The school becomes the core in the system of changing economic relations, which determines the objective need for changes in the school itself. From an agent that absolutely represents the interests of the state, the school becomes an independent market entity, the effectiveness of which depends on the degree to which the educational services offered by the school correspond to the current demand.

Under these conditions, the state becomes the same consumer, showing demand for educational services, like family, public organizations, business structures. With this scheme of market relations, a system of multi-channel fundraising or a model of mixed school financing becomes effective.

Changing the role and place of the school in the system of economic relations, along with others, involves solving the following problems:
- expanding the economic independence of the school;
- introduction of new organizational and legal forms of functioning of an educational institution;
- reorganization of the school management system;
- development of general management aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable functioning of the school in changing environmental conditions.

The preservation of state guarantees of citizens' rights to education must be confirmed by guaranteed financial support the needs of educational institutions in volumes that meet the requirements of the development of a post-industrial society, the basis of which is intellectual innovation.

Kamenshchikova L. A. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Management of Educational Institutions, Novosibirsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers

Gorlanova E. V. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Educational Institutions, Novosibirsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers

The main resource for effective education- teaching staff. The quality of their training, the correctly chosen system of incentives for their work (not only material), working conditions, prestige, competitiveness, desire for self-realization. Efficiency professional activity The teaching staff is determined by the level of pedagogical culture of its members, the nature of interpersonal relationships, understanding of collective and individual responsibility, the degree of organization and cooperation.

Factors that determine the effectiveness of the quality of education:

1. quality of training programs, methods, teaching aids;

2. structure of the educational organization;

3. models of education in the organization;

4. the presence of a self-development mechanism;

5. scientific base;

6. methods and qualified management specialists.

For the practical implementation of the effective use of resources of an educational organization, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

1. Regulation of activities (establishment of unambiguous rules of behavior within the framework of educational activities). For teaching staff, these are, first of all, technologies for implementing educational programs. Sometimes regulatory documents (process regulations, regulations on departments, job descriptions) adopted by the company are ineffective. The reason for this is the lack of structure in the system of regulation of activities and, in particular, educational programs. Many regulations become outdated and become irrelevant, and some processes are overly regulated and delay the necessary changes. That is why it is necessary to create a system for regulating activities and do this most effectively based on a process approach. If you formalize processes and secure the boundaries of responsibility for the execution of the process through the creation of process regulations, then the effectiveness of the process can be increased.

2. Rules (method of regulation; models of behavior officially recorded in regulatory documents, standards of activity, compliance with which is monitored, and violation is punished).

3. Subjects of pedagogical activity - teaching staff, parents, guardians and their substitutes performing educational and educational functions. To regulate the activities of subjects, organizational documents are usually used: educational and educational programs, job descriptions, regulations on departments, NGO development programs.

4. Learning programs- officially approved documents reflecting the content and level of development of competencies and implemented in educational organizations of various types.

5. Traditions are unofficial and, as a rule, not recorded, but clearly observed models of behavior, the adherence to which is controlled by the organization’s employees, and their violation is condemned. Employees of the organization who take an active part in the preservation, dissemination and control of the implementation of norms become its leaders (formal or informal).

6. Organization of activity processes - these are parts of activity during which subjects organize educational process using resources. To regulate the activities of processes, they are used regulations(regulations on the direction of activity, programs, guidelines and etc.).

7. Technological instructions for technical personnel - instructions that establish requirements for the implementation of organizational procedures. The instructions, more deeply than the work regulations, reveal the methods of performing actions (execution technology) that the performer must perform to obtain the required result. For example, the actions indicate that the performer fills out an examination sheet, grade book, etc., and the technological instructions will disclose how he should fill it out (what data and in what sequence he should enter in certain fields of the form).

8. Synergy - means giving the activities of all members a single direction, striving for a common goal and effectively using the total potential of the organization. For example, chronic underfunding of education, insufficient professional level of personnel, hiring an employee who is incompatible with the team can affect the effectiveness of the use of resources. Resources in any educational organization are closely interconnected and complement each other.

To successfully unlock the potential of synergy, a number of conditions must be taken into account:

1. concentration and massive use of previously dispersed resources;

2. increasing the coherence and coordination of actions of parts of an educational organization.

3. consistency and focus towards the desired result;

4. increasing the productivity of some participants due to the effect of the presence of others;

5. modularity of parts;

6. attractiveness of the goal and good organization (as a process);

7. thorough knowledge of the capabilities of employees, the psychological climate in the team;

8. thoughtful motivation.

External assessment allows us to identify signs of the effectiveness of using the resources of an educational organization:

1. Positive feedback from employers;

2. Low percentage of graduates being employed outside their specialties;

4. Successful state licensing and accreditation of educational activities;

5. Availability of confirming quality certificates (One hundred best educational institutions in Russia, STO quality mark);

6. Investment attractiveness (Social partnership, creation of resource centers and specialist retraining centers);

7. State prizes and awards;

8. Recognition of certificates and diplomas of public organizations outside the region and state.

Internal assessment of the effectiveness of using the resources of an educational organization:

1. Stability of personnel;

2. High level positive motivation of the team;

3. A high percentage of recertified and certified teachers, teachers with a scientific degree, who have completed an internship at the enterprise, etc.;

4. The best teaching experience is regularly summarized and broadcast;

5. Modern educational technologies, including ICT technologies, are effectively used;

6. Attracting the best specialists from production to review programs and graduation projects?

7. Thoughtful and flexible system motivating employees of an educational organization for performance;

8. Material and technical equipment meets the requirements of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Bologna process.