The main goal of marketing is. Marketing. General concepts of marketing. One of the principles of marketing is...

Not long ago, our team launched a new project. And the final vision was different for everyone.

Someone saw that at the end we would teach marketing, someone said that this was pure PR training.

And this means different approaches and methods. But it’s us, professional marketers, who see the difference, and even then it’s small. For the rest, marketing and PR are one and the same.

That is why I decided to write an article in which I can break down everything about the functions of marketing, its tasks and goals. What is it, how is it connected and what is responsible for what. And all this in understandable language.

About marketing. Details

If you ask any person not associated with this profession what marketing is, then with a 95% probability he will answer that it is advertising.

It's a yes and a no. It depends on which side you approach. To help you understand the difference between the three concepts, we have written an article

I highly recommend reading it, since we will not dwell on their differences. But let’s talk about the very definition of marketing.

Marketing(classical formulation) is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange (c) F. Kotler.

But I personally like another definition of marketing that briefly looks at the discipline from a business perspective. And this is closer to the practices to which we impudently classify ourselves.

Marketing is making a profit from satisfying the consumer.

In fact, it is in this short interpretation that lies the key understanding of why marketing is needed for any organization.

That is, marketing is not about how to sell this or that product. And how to find consumers who need this product, determine their number and the volume of goods they need.

And all this beauty is completed by the functions and principles of marketing. Well, let's understand everything in more detail.

Marketing Goals

Peter Drucker (management theorist) says this: “The goal of marketing is to make selling activities unnecessary.

His goal is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will accurately sell itself.”

And he deciphers his definition with the following phrase: “If we turn off the phone, barricade the door and shoot back at the buyers, they will still push through and ask to sell them our goods.”

Returning to research into the essence and purpose of marketing. Marketing consists of 5 groups of goals, which in turn are also divided into different subgoals.

I warn you right away, it looks scary, but it’s impossible to become a professional without boring theory:

  • Market Goals:
  1. Increasing market share;
  2. Development of new markets;
  3. Weakening the position of competitors in the market;
  • Actually marketing goals:
  1. Creation of a company;
  2. Creating high customer satisfaction;
  3. Increasing the profitability of marketing activities;
  • Structural and management goals:
  1. Giving the organizational structure flexibility;
  2. Achieving more complex strategic goals;
  • Supporting goals:
  1. Price policy;
  2. Service policy;
  • Controlling goals:
  1. Control of current activities;
  2. Strategic planning;
  3. Current financial activities.
So, what is next?

And, to be honest... I understood all this about 10 times. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail, with an emphasis not on lofty words, but on greater applicability to business.

I found 4 endpoints that answer the question “What are marketing goals?” in the most complete and detailed way possible.

And at the same time applicable to the economy, market, company and consumer. Thus, the goals of marketing activities include:

  1. Profit maximization. Probably one of the most global goals that every enterprise faces.

    Its main task is to increase the consumption of goods to the maximum using all possible methods and marketing tools, as this will lead to an increase in production and, as a consequence, an increase in profits and the company as a whole.

  2. Caring for consumers. This is achieved due to the fact that the buyer, purchasing the company’s product, becomes more and more satisfied.

    As a result, there is an increase in the frequency of purchases of the product, as well as an increase in its value. In other words, one of the main goals of marketing in an organization is to become a company with high .

  3. Providing choice. This goal is not suitable for small companies, since its essence is to expand the product line within one company.

    Thanks to this approach, large companies manage not only to satisfy the buyer due to a large selection, but also to achieve the first goal in the form of maximizing profits.

  4. Improving quality of life. On the one hand, this is a very noble goal of the marketing system, which includes: the release of high-quality products, a large range of products and, of course, all this at an affordable cost.

    That is, thanks to this entire complex, the consumer can satisfy his needs, and thereby improve the quality of his life.

    On the other hand, quality of life is very difficult to measure, so this goal is one of the most difficult to achieve.

I think it's more clear now. In addition, it is very difficult to imagine a company that was equally able to achieve these 4 goals.

And this is due to the fact that they are mutually exclusive, and their uniform achievement is impossible. But even if these goals are decomposed and simplified, we get:

  • Increasing the income received by the company;
  • Increase in sales volumes of manufactured products;
  • Increasing the company's market share;
  • Improving the company's image.

Here! Such goals are clear; they depend on specific goals that can be assessed and measured.

In addition, they are quite easy to plan, since it is possible to carry out calculations and analysis.

For example, we take all these indicators into account when we conduct. True, the goal we have in it is, as a rule, one – increasing income.

Of course, the goal must be approved by all department heads, who will be able to determine its reality.

And don’t forget that when developing marketing goals, you need to provide (material/) for those who managed to achieve them.

And also have those responsible for achieving them, and also include specific deadlines for completion. And sometimes doing this is even more difficult than setting the goal itself.


Remember, I wrote that on the way to achieving marketing goals, various tasks arise. So, the objectives of marketing are to influence the level, timing and nature of demand for the benefit of business.

That is, the local task of marketing is demand management. But globally, marketing tasks in an enterprise are already divided into 2 areas:

  1. Production. Produce what will be sold, and not sell what is produced.
  2. Sales. Studying the market, consumers and ways to influence them.

Within these two directions there is a much larger list of tasks that need to be implemented in order to achieve these two directions. Get ready for another block of boring but important information:

  1. Research, analysis and study of consumers and company products;
  2. Development of new services or products of the company;
  3. Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of markets;
  4. Development of the company's product range;
  5. Development of the company's pricing policy;
  6. Participation in the creation of strategic company, as well as tactical actions;
  7. Sales of company products and services;
  8. Marketing Communications;
  9. After-sales service.

And again it’s not very clear the first time. Some kind of research, communications, services, etc.

Deputy language in general. Let's tell you everything in simple words, what you will need to do to solve the main problems within marketing:

  1. Create a strategic action plan. This means creating an action plan both for the next year, with detailed steps, and a company development plan for 3-5-10 years.
  2. Analyze the market situation. And do this not periodically, but constantly.

    And you must also keep track of what you not only produce now, but also can produce in the future.

  3. Track the “mood” of consumers. You could say this is to make sure that it only grows.

    To do this, you need to engage in reputation management. Or in simple words, work with future and current reviews.

  4. Monitor the work of your competitors. Monitor their work, carry out work, and also disassemble their goods into pieces. After all, competition is the engine of development. And here it’s either you or you.
  5. To Work with . This will not only improve the efficiency of your employees and their work, but will also give your company a reputation as a “very enviable employer.” Nowadays this is worth a lot.
  6. Promote products. To do this, you use any of the hundreds. If we consider all the possibilities, they will number somewhere in 1000 ways.
  7. Track marketing trends. This way you can use current trends to improve your company and influence the growth of sales of your products.

And here I have bad news for you. All these goals and objectives cannot be solved by a marketer alone.

Since the development of these actions requires the involvement of specialists from the entire company (managers, accountants and even call center managers).

Therefore, be patient and have the time of various personnel of your company to think through and work out marketing tasks.


As you already understood, the marketing tasks of an enterprise are divided into two main areas: production and sales.

And based on these tasks, four main marketing functions are distinguished. The functions of the marketing system can be considered individual areas of marketing activity.

Depending on the specifics of the company, they determine which marketing functions need to be used and which not. General marketing functions include:

  • Analytical function of marketing. This function allows you to find out the market capacity and study consumers in detail, as well as find out all the information on competitors.
  1. Studying the company itself
  2. Market and consumer research
  3. Studying competitors
  4. Study of counterparties
  5. Product research
  • Production function of marketing. This function allows you to optimize the production of products or the process of providing services due to the emergence of new technologies and improving the quality of the final product.
  1. Development of new technologies
  2. Production of new goods
  3. Reducing the cost of goods
  4. Improving the quality of finished products
  • Sales function of marketing. This function allows the company not only to produce products, but also to optimize its sales by combining the work of the warehouse, logistics and transport department.
  1. Service organization
  2. Expansion of the product line
  3. Price policy
  4. Implementation of sales policy
  • Management and control function. This function allows you to rationally use existing and future resources, control the operation of the enterprise, and also organize business processes on it.
  1. Communication policy
  2. Organization of marketing activities
  3. Control of marketing activities

I’ll tell you a little secret: all of the listed goals, objectives and functions are basic and have not changed for many decades.

That is, what you need to focus on. This could be a focus on customer loyalty or product expansion.

But marketing tools are constantly changing and supplemented. But this is a topic for a completely different article.


Briefly about the main thing

Most likely you have one question in your head. Why do I need this theory if I, for example, am a small individual entrepreneur who makes tea and coffee in a popular shopping center?

Okay, let's use an example. You think in scale - you bought 10 kilograms of coffee for 15 thousand, ground it and sold it for 50 thousand rubles. Hurray, 35 thousand in my pocket. Do the same and multiply.

This is all good, but what if tomorrow a competitor appears nearby who understands the basic principles of marketing and his ultimate goal is not just to brew 35 thousand rubles per 10 kilograms of coffee, but to open his own chain of small coffee shops.

And it begins to work not like most competitors, by reducing the cost of goods while maintaining product quality, but also to expand the range, working on customer focus and customer loyalty.

And also introducing small features, from a series of cool stickers for coffee and other things.

How long do you think your business will last if such a savvy competitor appears?

The answer to the question: “Why is marketing needed?” - obvious. Therefore, learning the basics is necessary not only for large businesses, but also for small individual entrepreneurs.

Moreover, you don’t have to look far for an example; just recently a client came to us who ignored marketing, and as a result, a new competitor “pulled away” half of his client base in 2 years. It's a shame, but who is to blame if not him.

F. Kotler identified marketing as a separate specialty. He also gave a definition of new science.

Classic interpretation by F. Kotler, professor, founder of marketing theory: marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs through exchange. What marketing is, oddly enough, is often known today only by people directly related to this field of activity. And non-specialists sometimes have rather vague ideas about this area of ​​​​work. In addition, it can be said that marketing in a broader sense is a business management philosophy according to which solving problems and satisfying customer needs will lead to the marketing goal - the commercial success of the company - and benefit society.

It is obvious that, despite the huge number of interpretations of this term, they are all close in meaning. It is not enough to just know the meaning of the word “marketing”. Its definition will be incomplete if the marketing complex is not separately identified. It includes everything that a company can do to increase demand for its goods and services. Kotler defines the marketing mix as a set of controllable and predictable marketing variables, the combination of which an enterprise uses to obtain the desired response from the target market. The components of the marketing mix include price, product, distribution policy and sales promotion. These 4Ps typically reflect trade marketing. The definition of the marketing mix for the service sector will be broader. It includes people, processes and the physical environment.

Marketing Goals

Marketing Objectives

  • An integrated approach to market research and achieving the company’s stated goals. Commercial success is ensured by using all the tools of the marketing mix.
  • Identification of unsatisfied consumers and potential demand.
  • Assortment planning and pricing policy formation.
  • Development of a set of measures to satisfy the current demand for goods and services to the maximum possible extent.
  • Development of measures to optimize management.
  • Formation of demand.
  • Planning and implementation of sales policy.

Marketing functions

  • Analytical function. Includes the study of the internal and external environment of the company. This is market analysis, its structure and dynamics; studying the work of competitors and intermediaries; analysis of consumer behavior and product suppliers.
  • Product-production function. It involves the creation of a new product that fully reflects the needs of the market and has a fairly high competitiveness through studying the market environment.
  • Sales function. The marketing system is responsible for creating certain conditions for the sale of a product so that it is always in the right place, in the required quantity and at a certain time. Examples of viral marketing on social networks, for example, can be one of the ways to market a product.
  • Management, communication and control function necessary to ensure a reduction in the degree of possible risk and uncertainty in the economic activities of the enterprise. This also includes monitoring the implementation of medium- and long-term plans.

Strategy Development

Marketing strategies are those developed on the basis of studying consumer demand, the behavior of competitors and the conjuncture of the direction of the enterprise’s activities at a certain point in time, which allow solving the fundamental problems of the company, based on available resources in a changing market situation.

Elements of strategy

Any marketing strategy consists of the following elements:

  • Marketing plans regarding potential consumer markets.
  • Justification of the effective position of a product or company in the market.
  • Market dynamics forecast.
  • Analysis of the potential sales market.
  • Analysis of enterprise competitiveness.

Marketing strategies will be effective when they take into account many indicators, such as: analysis of the sales market, external environment, and enterprise.

Implementation of a marketing strategy includes the following stages

  • Comprehensive analysis of the enterprise.
  • Potential market analysis.
  • Assessing the potential of an enterprise in a specific market.
  • Industry research.
  • Comprehensive analysis of competitors.
  • Analysis of the possible influence of external factors on the project.
  • Marketing audit of the internal environment.
  • Conducting and monitoring marketing activities.

The marketing strategy of each enterprise depends on its goals (retaining or conquering a market segment, product policy, demand generation). Depending on the need to maintain your part of the market or conquer a new segment, strategies of retention, offensive and retreat are distinguished. The attacking strategy involves the company taking an active position in increasing market share. Retention strategy is responsible for the firm maintaining its market share. The retreat strategy, as a rule, is forced and consists of gradually winding down business in this segment.

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The market is a complex phenomenon that develops in accordance with economic laws and has a complex hierarchical structure. The market involves into its sphere millions of legal entities and individuals who enter into purchase and sale relationships.

Marketing presupposes the existence of the market in its full structural volume, serves its development and is inseparable from the complex of problems of demand, supply and prices. One way or another, its initial object of attention is the production and commercial activities of the enterprise and numerous intermediaries on the way of promoting goods to the market, to the final consumer. At the same time, it serves to “increasingly fully satisfy the ever-growing” but not very specific needs of the masses, but is aimed at effectively satisfying the specific needs of target consumer groups.

Marketing is a very multifaceted phenomenon. This is a market philosophy, strategy and tactics of thinking and action of subjects of market relations: not only producers and intermediaries in commercial activities, but also consumers, as well as suppliers, economists, scientists.

Thus, marketing plays a big role in modern society, and is also an important part of organizing the marketing activities of an enterprise.

For a favorable organization of an enterprise, it is necessary to correctly and clearly define goals and competently evaluate and develop strategies that contribute to the successful development of the enterprise.

The purpose of this course work is to study the goals and strategy of marketing and analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise MUP "Alexandrovsky Bread Factory".

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Study the goals of marketing and their classification;

2. Study and reveal the concept of marketing strategy;

3. Study the main types of marketing strategy;

4. Conduct a systematic analysis of the activities of the enterprise MUP “Alexandrovsky Bread Factory”.

In the process of writing this course work, educational and periodical literature was used.

In this regard, the object of study of this course work is the enterprise MUP “Alexandrovsky Bread Factory”.

The subject of the study is the marketing activities of the municipal unitary enterprise "Alexandrovsky Bread Factory".

Marketing goals and strategy

Marketing goals and their classification

The practical type of marketing used by a company is determined by its goals.

The overall goal of marketing is to ensure that consumer demand in the market is met and thereby generate the maximum possible profit.

The main task of marketing is to understand the needs and wants of each market and select those that their company can serve better than others. This will allow the company to produce higher quality products and thereby increase sales and increase its income by better satisfying the needs of target customers.

Marketing begins long before the company has a finished product. Marketing begins with managers identifying needs people, calculate their intensity and volume, and determine the company’s capabilities to satisfy them. Marketers continue to work on products throughout their entire life cycle. They try to find new customers and retain existing ones by improving the consumer properties of the product and using sales reports and feedback for this purpose. If a marketing specialist has done a good job - correctly understood the needs of the client, created a product that meets the requirements of buyers, set a reasonable price, distributed the product correctly and carried out an advertising campaign, then selling such a product will be very easy.

The main marketing objectives can be formulated as follows:

Achieving the highest possible consumption.

Many business leaders believe that the main purpose of marketing is to facilitate and stimulate maximum consumption, which in turn creates the conditions for maximum growth in production, employment and wealth. The rationale behind this goal is that the more people buy and consume, the happier they become. “The more the merrier” is the battle cry. However, some doubt that the increased mass of material wealth brings with it more happiness. Their credo: “less is more” and “a little is great.”

2. Achieving maximum customer satisfaction.

According to the following point of view, the goal of marketing is to achieve maximum consumer satisfaction, and not the maximum possible level of consumption. Maximizing the consumption of one product and owning a large product only means something if it leads to greater consumer satisfaction. Unfortunately, customer satisfaction is difficult to measure. First, no economist has yet figured out how to measure overall satisfaction with a specific product or specific marketing activity. Secondly, the direct satisfaction that individual consumers receive from specific “goods” does not take into account “evils” such as environmental pollution and damage caused to it. Third, the degree of satisfaction experienced by the consumer of certain goods, such as products that symbolize social status, depends on how small a circle of other people own these goods. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate a marketing system based on the satisfaction it brings to the public.

3. Providing the widest possible choice.

Some market players believe that the main goal of the marketing system is to ensure the greatest possible variety of products and provide the consumer with the widest possible choice. The system should give the consumer the opportunity to find products that best suit his taste. Consumers should be able to maximize their lifestyle and therefore experience the greatest satisfaction.

Unfortunately, maximizing consumer choice comes at a cost. First, goods and services will become more expensive, since greater variety will increase the costs of producing them and maintaining inventories. Higher prices will entail a reduction in real consumer incomes and consumption levels. Secondly, increasing the variety of products will require more time and effort from the consumer to become familiar with and evaluate different products. Thirdly, an increase in the number of goods does not at all mean for the consumer an increase in the possibility of real choice.

4. Maximum increase in quality of life.

Many people believe that the main goal of a marketing system should be to improve “quality of life.” This concept consists of:

1) quality, quantity, range, availability and cost of goods, 2) quality of the physical environment and 3) quality of the cultural environment. Proponents of this view tend to evaluate a marketing system not only by the degree of direct consumer satisfaction it provides, but also by the impact that marketing activities have on the quality of the physical and cultural environment. Most agree that for a marketing system, improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but recognize that this quality is not easy to measure, and its interpretations sometimes contradict each other.

Many people think that only large companies in developed capitalist countries resort to marketing. In fact, it is used within and outside the business sector in all countries.

The global goals of marketing as an integral part of the market mechanism include the following requirements:

* make the market orderly (subject to certain rules), “transparent” (allowing one to assess its condition, parameters and development trends) and predictable (providing the ability to predict its changes);

* limit the spontaneity of the market by regulating certain market processes;

* make competition orderly, subject to certain restrictions, eliminate the possibility of unfair competition;

* subordinate production and trade to market requirements, i.e. consumer interests;

* develop and introduce into market activities the principles of scientifically based technology of commodity circulation and distribution (distribution);

Each company, acting on the market, develops its own system of goals (tree of goals), which forms the basis of its marketing strategy. Ultimate goals are identified (usually this is either capturing a certain market share, or selling a certain volume of goods, or receiving a certain amount of profit), as well as intermediate goals. The achievement of the first (as the reader probably noticed, related to each other) determines the development of the company, its commercial success, and the place it will occupy in the market. The second ones are means that ensure the possibility of achieving final goals.

Marketing (according to V. Blagoev) is a system of actions, including research, analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs designed to study consumer demand and create, operationally manage the production and sale of products and prices that satisfy consumers better to ensure the achievement goals of the relevant organization. Of course, marketing assumes that an entrepreneur must give up a part of his market sovereignty, but it reduces the level of risk, allows the use of collectively accumulated experience and, ultimately, provides certain guarantees of success. Due to

This increases the role of marketing, which is justified in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1. The role of marketing in business

Marketing fits into the market mechanism, allowing you to optimize the mutual search for seller and buyer, stimulate demand, use price and other market instruments as a regulator of market processes, and orient production to the interests of the market. Thus, marketing reduces the degree of spontaneity of market development. It forms a system for studying and forecasting the market, ensuring its “transparency” and predictability of development.

The modern concept of marketing is to focus the entrepreneur on the consumer. There are also five basic marketing concepts that are closely related to goals:

1. The concept of production improvement.

Firms that adhere to this concept believe that their prosperity in the market is due to low prices for their own goods, so they constantly improve production to reduce costs and maintain low prices.

Product improvement concept.

Firms believe that consumers prefer only high quality products and try to produce them.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts.

It is used by companies that produce goods of passive demand, as well as in those conditions when supply exceeds demand. There is aggressive advertising and pressure on the consumer here.

The concept of marketing itself.

Before starting production, firms study the needs of the market, and only then begin to organize it. Their motto is “The customer is always right.”

The concept of social and ethical marketing.

Firms that adhere to this concept try to achieve harmony between the producer, consumer and society, i.e. The company is trying its best to create a good image in the eyes of the public. This concept is becoming more popular and many companies are following it.

Producing and selling everything that is in demand and can be sold is the main principle of marketing.