Hospitality, which subjects to take after 11. Hotel and restaurant business: what to take and a list of educational institutions. What is the work

Recently, All-Russian testing works (VPR) have been successfully carried out in domestic educational institutions. The technique allows you to assess the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in a certain subject, the quality of work of teachers, and also make comparative analysis the general level of preparedness of students in various educational institutions.

The result of the implementation of this process is decisions on the need to improve the qualifications of the teaching staff, providing methodological assistance to the educational institution, and identifying “weak points” in the knowledge of students.

In 2016, the program covered 95% secondary schools countries, about 3 million children were involved in solving control exercises.

All-Russian testing work is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated January 27, 2017 No. 69 “On monitoring the quality of education.”

Every year, some adjustments and changes are made to the inspection regulations, thanks to which the procedure for monitoring and auditing the quality of education in domestic schools is awarded best results. The testing program depends on what grade the child is in.

4th grade

For students in this segment for the upcoming academic year 2018, it is planned to prepare all-Russian test papers for the following courses:

  • the world;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language - control in this discipline will be carried out in 2 stages: children will write a dictation and complete tasks in the form of tests.

The 2018 VPR for children studying in grade 4 is key moment during the transition from primary to secondary school. During primary school education, only a few teachers are involved with children, among whom an important role is played by classroom teacher. During this time, the first teacher must thoroughly prepare schoolchildren for successful studies in subsequent years, and such inspections provide an excellent opportunity on the eve of the upcoming transition to undergo an assessment of acquired knowledge, identify possible gaps and, if necessary, have time to catch up.

Also, one of the main goals when performing knowledge tests for junior students is the task of psychologically preparing children for this kind of exams, which will be held in the near future (GIA).

5th grade

Sergey Kravtsov, Head Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, in the spring of 2017 announced the conduct of history tests in the 2017-2018 school year for students in grades 5 and 11. In the spring of 2018, sixth graders will join them. The implementation of test control tasks in this discipline in a regular manner is planned for the next 2018-2019 academic year.

In April-May 2017, students were sufficiently high level have already passed the history knowledge test.

It should also be noted that on June 30, 2017, Order No. 624 was approved, which provides for the implementation of a knowledge audit for students in grades 2 and 5 in the subject “Russian language”.

In the spring of 2018, we are preparing to organize educational training for 5th grade students in the following basic disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • story;
  • biology.

Testing of skills in the state language will take place twice (October 2017, April 2018); in history, testing of knowledge will take place as usual. It is noteworthy that in 2017, students will write a test on October 5 - on this day, World Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia.

Grade 11

It is known that in 2018, graduates of 11th grades will be required to undergo graduate training in the following areas:

  • biology;
  • geography;
  • foreign language;
  • story;
  • chemistry;
  • physics.

The dates for test assignments for graduates will be approved by Rosobrnadzor later in a separate regulatory document.

IMPORTANT! Each school individually, depending on its curriculum, has the right to independently choose when the all-Russian test in geography will be carried out (at 10 or 11), since the study of the geography course ends in the 10th grade of general education. educational institution.

Scandalous results of the project for 2017

in spring current year Almost 40,000 Russian schools were involved in the program, with about three million students participating. The results obtained were processed and analyzed by the relevant services, the results in the form of statistical data were sent to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. As a result of the audit, it was found that children from regular schools received higher scores than children from gymnasiums. Such data were questioned and teachers began to be suspected of deliberately inflating scores. After studying the information received, the press service of Rosobrnadzor transferred the said report, indicating the register of schools in which biased results were found, to the regions for further processing and taking action locally.

Mathematics and Russian language (4th, 5th grade)

A review of the results showed unreliability and distortion of information in some individual educational institutions. For example, there are schools whose GPR results are significantly higher than the regional average, although the institution itself is not a gymnasium or an educational organization with a narrow specialization in specified subjects, and also does not have high grades.

The children were helped by their teachers to solve difficult-level tasks – the commission came to this conclusion after analyzing the average percentage of exercises completed separately for each student.

History (5th, 11th grade)

Testing knowledge in this discipline shows children’s good orientation in historical events and places (countries) where they took place, as well as general sufficient awareness of individual eras, dynasties, and unions.

However, Rosobrnadzor has identified some negative aspects in the study of the subject in the country’s educational institutions:

  • low awareness of students about the history of their region and some historical figures;
  • low level of skill in establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between historical events;
  • inability to work with various sources of historical information.

Based on the results of the audit, more than 500 teachers from different educational institutions countries have already been able to improve their skills.

IMPORTANT! When holding pedagogical councils in August on the eve of the new school year, the results and analysis of the VPR will certainly be considered in every school in the country. Measures will definitely be taken to obtain an objective final test of knowledge in the future and to increase the quality of domestic education in general.

VPR schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year

IMPORTANT! According to the provided schedule of all-Russian tests for the next academic year, tenth-graders will have to write tests on one day (October 18, 2017) in two disciplines - biology and chemistry. The project regulations will be approved at the level of the educational institution on the principle of one subject - one student.

All about the All-Russian Test Works (VPR) 2018-2019

Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) dated September 12, 2017 N 05-419 "On conducting All-Russian testing in grades 2 and 5 at the beginning of the school year"(pdf)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025 "On monitoring the quality of education"(pdf)

Schedule of all-Russian testing in general education organizations in academic subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year

Dates Academic subject Class
April 17, 19, 2019 Russian language 4th grade
April 24, 2019 Mathematics 4th grade
April 26, 2019 The world 4th grade
April 25, 2019 Russian language 5th grade
April 23, 2019 Mathematics 5th grade
April 16, 2019 Story 5th grade
April 18, 2019 Biology 5th grade
April 25, 2019 Mathematics 6th grade
April 16, 2019 Biology 6th grade
April 23, 2019 Russian language 6th grade
09 April 2019 Geography 6th grade
April 18, 2019 Social science 6th grade
April 11, 2019 Story 6th grade
April 16, 2019 Foreign language Grade 11
April 02, 2019 Story Grade 11
April 11, 2019 Geography Grade 11
April 18, 2019 Chemistry Grade 11
09 April 2019 Physics Grade 11
April 04, 2019 Biology Grade 11
April 02, 2019 Foreign language 7th grade
April 04, 2019 Social science 7th grade
09 April 2019 Russian language 7th grade
April 11, 2019 Biology 7th grade
April 16, 2019 Geography 7th grade
April 18, 2019 Mathematics 7th grade
April 23, 2019 Physics 7th grade
April 25, 2019 Story 7th grade

VPR principles are new technologies that provide single work students from all schools in the country, and one system conducting, assessing and approaching the formation of tasks.

What will VPR give?

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education and Science claim that annual testing of graduates primary school As a result, it will allow:

    to give students good psychological preparation for exams in the 11th and 9th grades (GIA and Unified State Examination);

  • check the volume and quality of knowledge acquired during the academic year;
  • VPR will force schoolchildren to study systematically throughout the entire educational process, and not just in graduation classes;

  • flaws will be visible curriculum By examination disciplines;
  • parents will understand the overall picture of the student’s knowledge;

  • VPR will help improve the regional education system.

Children and parents should be aware that the results of the VPR will not affect the student’s final annual grades. They will only be taken into account in the current quarter.

VPR in the 2018-2019 academic year will take place subject to the following rules:

    The Federal Education Service allocates a specific day to each subject;

    Students are given 45 minutes to complete assignments in each discipline.

    It is prohibited to use reference materials and dictionaries when completing assignments (with the exception of using a draft);

    The results are posted in the journal as grades for the test.

The results of the All-Russian testing work are announced within 2 weeks. Assessments of the level of knowledge of students in a particular school or class will be publicly available.

How can a schoolchild prepare for the VPR?

Parents should not convey to their child their worries and fears about the result of test work, since the test work is the same test work that students previously completed at the end of the school year.

During this period, it is important to ensure that the student follows the correct daily routine. Healthy sleep, mandatory walks fresh air, good nutrition will help the student physically and psychologically prepare for the certification.

A the main task parents - to convince the child that if you do not neglect your studies throughout the entire school year, then there will be no problems with preparing for the senior year.

Samples of testing works 2017, 2018 on information portal ALL-RUSSIAN INSPECTION WORKS

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On monitoring the quality of education

All-Russian testing works (VPR) and Regional testing works (RPR) are not a state final certification. They are carried out by the educational organization independently, using uniform versions of tasks for the entire Russian Federation, developed at the federal level in strict accordance with the Federal State educational standard. These are diagnostic works for assessing the individual achievements of students.

VPR and RPR can be compared with tests, traditionally carried out in past decades in many regions and individual educational organizations. Distinctive Features VPR are the unity of approaches to drawing up options, carrying out the work itself and evaluating it, as well as the use modern technologies, allowing to ensure almost simultaneous performance of work by students of all educational organizations Russian Federation.

VPR tasks are developed at the federal level, RPR tasks at the regional level.

What do VPR and RPR give?

Experts from Rosobnadzor report that such a knowledge test in school allows you to:

  • Psychologically prepare students for exams in the senior class, in particular for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.
  • Determine the amount and level of knowledge that was acquired during the completed year of study.
  • It will provide an incentive for systematic study throughout all years, in addition to grades 9 and 11.
  • Disadvantages in training programs in tested subjects will not go unnoticed.
  • Parents will be aware of the student's level of knowledge.
  • Will provide an opportunity to improve common system training.

Normative documents

Schedule of all-Russian testing in educational institutions in academic subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year

Schedule of regional studies of the quality of education in educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory in the 2018-2019 academic year

date Class Item Form of conduct
9.10.2018 4 Russian language RPR
9.10.2018 9 Computer Science and ICT RPR
11.10.2018 4 Mathematics RPR
23.10.2018 9 Social science RPR
24.10.2018 4 The world RPR
25.10.2018 9 Geography RPR
13.11.2018 9 Mathematics RPR
14.11.2018 3
15.11.2018 9 Biology RPR
20.11.2018 10 Foreign language RPR
21.11.2018 2 Comprehensive test work in the Russian language. mathematics, the world around Regional comprehensive verification work
22.11.2018 10 Computer Science and ICT RPR
27.11.2018 10 Story RPR
29.11.2018 10 Chemistry RPR
4.12.2018 10 Physics RPR
5.12.2018 9 Story RPR
6.12.2018 10 Biology RPR

Regulations for conducting regional diagnostic work

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated December 25, 2017 No. 3580 “On conducting diagnostic procedures in state educational organizations and municipal educational organizations in the Moscow Region in 2018”, in September-October 2018, the Center for Quality Education carries out regional diagnostic work within the following periods :

18.09.2018 - in the academic subject “Russian language” for 5th grade students;

25.09.2018 - in the academic subject “mathematics” for 5th grade students;

27.09.2018 - in the academic subject “mathematics” for 7th grade students;

25.10.2018 - in the academic subject “mathematics” for 9th grade students.

We wish you success!

VPR - All-Russian verification work.

Monitoring the quality of education in 2018

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025 “On monitoring the quality of education”, the order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated December 25, 2017 No. 3580 “On conducting diagnostic procedures in state educational organizations of the Moscow region and municipal educational organizations in the Moscow Region region in 2018" in the 2017-2018 academic year, All-Russian testing will be carried out for students in the 4th and 5th grades as usual, and for students in the 6th and 11th grades at the choice of the educational organization.

VPRs do not entail additional burden, since they will replace traditional final tests in an educational organization.

“All-Russian testing is not an analogue of the state final certification. They are carried out at the regional or school level. Within the framework of the VPR, the most significant aspects of schoolchildren’s training will be checked, both from the point of view of using learning results in everyday life, and from the point of view of continuing education,” - explained the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov.

VPR are not a state final certification. They are carried out by the educational organization independently, using uniform versions of tasks for the entire Russian Federation, developed at the federal level in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. These are diagnostic works for assessing the individual achievements of students. The results of the ERP can be useful for parents (legal representatives) to determine the educational trajectory of their children. The results can also be used to assess the level of training of students upon completion of the main stages of training, to improve the teaching of academic subjects at school.

VPR can be compared with control work traditionally carried out in organizations.

Distinctive features of VPR are the unity of approaches to compiling options, carrying out the work itself and evaluating it, as well as the use of modern technologies to ensure almost simultaneous completion of work by students of all educational organizations of the Russian Federation. VPR tasks are developed at the federal level.

The website through which the All-Russian verification work is carried out:

As you know, All-Russian tests are final tests carried out in individual subjects and their goal is to identify the level of knowledge of schoolchildren at the moment. The results of the VPR are not used to issue students’ annual grades.

In 2018, fourth-graders will take three subjects: Russian language, mathematics and the world around us.

The VPR in Russia has been an experiment for two years now, participation in which is voluntary, and the work is carried out through test tasks.

In December 2015, test papers to determine the level of knowledge in trial mode were written by about 600,000 fourth-grade students who study in 19,000 schools from 70 regions of the Russian Federation. In 2015, the VPR was carried out in the Russian language and mathematics. In 2016, a third was added to the two subjects - the surrounding world.

In 2018, VPR will be carried out continuously for students who complete 4th grade. Since this required comments, the relevant ministers explained why it was introduced this type work and how it will be carried out.

What do VPR give?

Experts from Rosobrnadzor report that such a knowledge test in school allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Psychologically prepare students for exams in the senior class, in particular for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.
  • Determine the amount and level of knowledge that was acquired during the completed year of study.
  • It will provide an incentive for systematic study throughout all years, in addition to grades 9 and 11.
  • Disadvantages in training programs in tested subjects will not go unnoticed.
  • Parents will be aware of the student's level of knowledge.
  • It will provide an opportunity to improve the overall education system.

The results of the VPR will not change the annual estimates. They will be taken into account in the trimester in which they are submitted.

How did the VPR go in 2017?

Last year, fourth graders participated in the VPR. There were problems on the Russian language, mathematics and the world around us. The proposed tasks turned out to be quite simple, and it was not difficult for children who systematically studied to complete them.

The tasks did not have a test part and were divided into general educational and practical ones. There were tasks like counting change in a store and writing words backwards. Another example: there was a task to formulate a refusal of a request in a polite form, and it was also necessary to draw up a plan and determine the main idea of ​​the text. When passing the 2018 VPR for 4th grade, you will only need the most basic, basic knowledge that the average student has.

General information about the All-Russian VPR 2018

New technologies used in VPR will be able to provide one system throughout the country and create one approach to conducting, assessing and creating assignments.

In 2018, the VPR will take place according to the following rules:

  • Each subject will have its own day.
  • 45 minutes are allotted for writing answers for each subject.
  • It is prohibited to use any textbooks while completing assignments.
  • The journal will give a point for the VPR, as in the test.
  • The score for VPR is given in a week or two. All grades will be available to every student.

Plans for the near future

It is planned that by next year In addition to fourth-graders, VPR will also be conducted for fifth-grade students. The conditions for passing the VPR in 5th grade 2018-2019 will not differ much in complexity from those that fourth graders undergo. The same simple tasks based on materials that were covered in 5th grade will be added.

Preparation for the 2017-2018 VPR

Students should stop feeling the fears of their relatives, in particular their worries about the result of the test, since this is a regular annual test, the children took it every year at the end of the trimester.

At this time, you need to monitor the student’s routine. Adequate sleep is required, it is important to be outdoors and eat well. All this will help prepare for the VPR.

The main task for parents is to instill in their children the following: when the learning process has not started all year, there will be no difficulties in passing the VPR.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation explains that:

Features of the VPR

The VPR is performed on special task forms, which are issued before the start of the tests. Children can also use drafts, but everything written in the drafts is not taken into account when evaluating work.

It is interesting that the names of the students are not indicated in the works. A special four-digit code is indicated, which is assigned to the student. This code is written in a specially designated place on the assignment form. What are these codes for? Wouldn't it be easier to sign the works humanely? It might be simpler. But it makes sense.

The fact is that the use of codes allows teachers not to be biased when checking work. After all, they don’t know who exactly did the work. The teacher sees only errors and correct answers, and not the specific student who performed the work.

Works are assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria that the school receives along with the work options. And there are many options. Not like before, the first and second. So, it won't be possible to write it off.

Before starting work, the teacher conducts mandatory instruction. In 4th grade it lasts 5 minutes. During the briefing, the children are explained:

  • that they will now write a test paper;
  • they say how many tasks there are in it, that these tasks can be completed in any order, the main thing is to solve as many as possible;
  • show sheets with tasks on both sides;
  • They warn that if suddenly the student realizes that he has made a mistake in the answer, then he can cross out the incorrect option and write the correct one.

Then, all together, the children write down their codes in the right place. They are definitely wished good luck, and they begin to work.

None additional materials, books, textbooks, workbooks, dictionaries, calculators, and atlases cannot be used. Everything should already be in the student’s head.

All fourth grade students in Russia write VPRs on the same days.

VPR in Russian language

Work on this discipline is carried out in two stages. In two days. Each part takes 45 minutes.

In the first part of the VPR in Russian, the children are asked to write a dictation and complete two tasks that are related to this dictation. Here is an example text of a dictation that was offered to fourth-graders in 2016.

And questions are asked for this dictation.

  1. You need to find a sentence in the text with homogeneous predicates. Write out this sentence and underline these predicates.
  2. Write out the 6th sentence from the text. And then emphasize the main members in it. And above each word write what part of speech it is.

This ends part 1.

In the second part there are no dictations, presentations, or essays. And there are 13 questions that need to be answered. Have questions general, on topics that are studied in the elementary school course.

For example, you need to correctly place emphasis on the words: alphabet, took, busy, quarter.

Or find a word in the proposed sentence in which all consonants are voiced.

Most of the questions are related to working with text. The children are asked to read the text and then ask different questions about this text. For example:

  • identify and write down the main idea of ​​the text;
  • make a plan for it;
  • explain the meaning of a word;
  • find in the text a word corresponding to a certain pattern;
  • write down the pronouns, indicate their person and number.

There are also creative assignments that are not related to the presented text. For example, you need to write down your refusal to be invited to a classmate’s birthday.

VPR in mathematics

Mathematical work is carried out in one go. 45 minutes are allotted for everything. What do we offer our children? And they are asked to complete 11 tasks. That is, it turns out that about 4 minutes per question. And the questions can be different, simpler and more complex.

Since this is mathematics, it is natural that you will have to solve examples and various problems. You will have to draw different geometric shapes, determine their areas and perimeters too. There are tasks for logical and spatial thinking.

In general, this is normal mathematics. There are spaces for answers on the forms. And also in some problems it is necessary to indicate not only the answer, but also show the solution, for which a special field is reserved.

VLOOKUP over the surrounding world

It must be said that this is the most interesting job of all that are offered to 4th grade students.

Children are asked to write what rule this sign implies. I would write “Don’t crush the frog.” Whether this is right or not, I don’t even know.

The work is also not complete without geographically focused assignments. As well as without tasks related to the animal world, personal safety, and the structure of the human body.

In 2016 there was a question regarding the weather forecast. Children were offered a picture with a forecast for several days, like from Yandex Weather, and they had to find the correct statements in accordance with this forecast. Statements could be, “The coldest night is expected on Saturday” or “The wind will blow from the northeast on Saturday night into Sunday.”

There are questions and reflections. For example, this one: “Why do you think it is important to respect the traditions of different peoples?” You must write at least five sentences. Students somehow cope with this. Are you, parents, not weak?

There is also a question on local history.

In principle, if a student studied diligently for all four years, then coping with the VPR will not be difficult. The main thing in this matter is calm and self-confidence, and knowledge, of course. Well, if your knowledge is somehow not very good, then it’s not too late to fix everything.

You need to pull yourself together and try, try, try. And listen to the teacher carefully, and if something is not at all clear, then either explain it to your parents, don’t be lazy, or contact the teacher. There is still time until the end of April. There is a lot to catch up on. The main thing is to want it.

But still, let’s hope for the best) And don’t forget that the VLOOKUP essentially doesn’t have much effect on anything. Even if writing a paper is completely unimportant, the child will still go to 5th grade along with his classmates. Still, despite all the similarities, this is not the Unified State Exam.