Group of companies ok. Job openings at OK - federal retail chain. Reforms in the company

It all started with the first hypermarket. Today the O’KEY Group is one of the largest trade retailers in Russia, with tens of thousands of different products on its shelves. It was the first among Russian food retailers to launch and actively develop e-commerce in Moscow and St. Petersburg, offering a full range of products for home delivery.

Reference Information:

  • Company name:
  • Legal form activities: Limited Liability Company;
  • Kind of activity: Retail trade mainly food products including drinks, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores;
  • Revenue for 2016: 175.5 billion rubles;
  • Beneficiaries: D. Korzhev, D. Troitsky, B. Volchek;
  • Number of staff: more than 20 thousand people;
  • The site of the company:

"O'KEY" is a dynamically developing Russian retail network. Today you can find its stores in many large Russian cities. On retail market countries network including . The history of OKey, its creation and development, once again proves that the most ambitious plans can be realized. The main thing is not to stop, set goals, look for and find new effective solutions.

A little history

The company was founded in 2001.

Meet the co-owners and founders of the company: Dmitry Troitsky, Dmitry Korzhev, Boris Volchek. The two Dmitrys studied together at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute and have been friends since those very times. With Volchek, who graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Engineers railway transport and who by that time owned the Grazhdansky supermarket and a couple of plots of land suitable for the construction of hypermarkets in St. Petersburg, the acquaintance took place in the mid-1990s.

In 1999, the trio met an Estonian specialist who had experience working in retail networks, Heigo Kera. Three years later, he becomes a consultant for their new project.

There was another person in this friendly company, Estonian Hillar Teder, to whom the founders of the retailer owe a lot. Together with Troitsky and Korzhev, back in 1993, they created the Mega-auto company in St. Petersburg. Their car business was quite successful thanks to Teder's connections. In 1997 they were already Hyundai dealers, and in 1998 - Audi.

The partners did not limit themselves to cars. In 1995, they leased equipment from Tetra Pak, rented premises in St. Petersburg and launched the Multon juice production plant.

Retail has become a parallel juice business. And the impetus was the queue at the entrance to the largest shopping center in Tallinn, Rocca al Mare. Just then, 3 hectares of land were purchased from businessmen Sh. Kalmanovich and V. Kekhman for $600,000.

First hypermarket

It was on this site that the first O’Key hypermarket was opened in May 2002, for which Scandinavian hypermarkets became the model. Russia has not yet known such a format.

“They took the classic Western European format as a basis, and we had a hard discounter with large halls, concrete floors, huge racks and pallets between them” (Oleg Zherebtsov, founder of Lenta).

At that time, there were already 4 large stores in St. Petersburg, but O’Key was different, much more civilized.

“The market was empty then. We literally taught customers how to use a store with a huge selection. Warm, bright, parking nearby. We had friendly security who recommended that we take our purchases on a cart straight to our car. People were a little wild back then, but consumers quickly accepted and appreciated our format” (B. Volchek).

By the way, Volchek came up with such an optimistic name, a little Western, but friendly. OK.

In 2002, the hypermarket welcomed its customers. A year later there were three of them in St. Petersburg.

New projects

Fellow shareholders are ambitious people. They wanted big projects, because there were many fast-growing and more capacious markets, such as retail and food. In 2006, the partners sold the juice and dairy projects, and the proceeds from the sale were used to develop retail. Before the sale of Multon and Ochakovsky, the O’Key group owned only six hypermarkets in St. Petersburg; after a couple of years there were already 16. The city was already saturated with stores of this format. The hypermarket chain began promoting in the regions; they appeared in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Tolyatti and other cities.

By 2007, it was decided to open the O’Key retail chain in Ukraine, and in Armenia they were completely awaited new business— mining. In Ukraine, the Russian-Estonian partnership has split. Teder received Ukrainian and Estonian real estate (several shopping centers), and Troitsky and Korzhev - the part that belonged to Teder in O’Key, and mining projects.

Meanwhile, the first O’Key opened in the capital in 2009. At that time, the company was led by Patrick Longuet, who had 27 years of experience at Auchan. In this year of crisis for the country, the chain reached third place in Russian retail.

The year 2010 was marked by a successful IPO on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Part of the proceeds from the sale of shares, $167 million, was used to develop the company and pay off debts.

Until recently, shareholders did not interfere in the management of the company. They managed to remain in the shadows even when O'Key went public. In that very year 2011, they became billionaires and their names were named by Forbes among the richest people in Russia.

Reforms in the company

In 2015, the retailer carried out an almost complete change of management and assembled an international team of highly professional, like-minded practitioners. This:

  • Pavel Tomanek (Czech Republic) - sales director;
  • Angelo Turati (Italy) - Commercial Director;
  • Marc Leblond (France) - Director of Supply Chain Management;
  • Peter Rachovides (UK) - Director of Trade Development.

Each of them has experience working in Russia, knowledge of the Russian market, and this is where they live and work. There are, of course, Russians in the leadership, whose sphere of influence is development and construction, financial and legal blocks, HR and other departments.

The Group began implementing a business transformation strategy. It was developed at the end of the third quarter of 2016. The company's intention is to focus on key regional markets:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg and Northwestern Federal District;
  • Rostov;
  • Ekaterinburg.

Personnel changes continued in this year. In May, the company announced another appointment. Fast general director Miodrag Borojevic took over.

“The company understands which direction it needs to move. And for the transformation to be effective, it needs a strong leader” (Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of the Infoline-Analytics agency).

He will have to implement new strategy. Boroevich himself commented on his appointment as follows:

“I am confident that OK has significant growth potential... I look forward to translating and executing the comprehensive vision and strategy developed by our team into the company's next phase of development.”

He should also take over the management of stores in hyper- and supermarket formats. The management of the discount stores, which are planned to be separated into a separate business, will be continued by Armin Burger, who previously worked as managing director of the large German discount chain Aldi. He headed the new direction in September 2015, when the first “Yes!” discount store opened its doors. In total, the O'Key group today has 159 stores.

M. Boroevich’s connections in Western business circles will be very useful in establishing an effective dialogue with Western investors and network buyers.

"OK" today

  • 37 supermarkets;
  • 72 hypermarkets;
  • 60 “Yes!” discount stores;
  • online store.

At the end of 2016, the group was in seventh place in terms of revenue among food retailers, behind X5 Retail Group, Lenta, Metro, Cash & Carry.

Retail formats

Own brands

Own goods brands(abbreviated as private labels) are increasingly being implemented by large Russian retailers. It even resembles a competition, when new ways are invented to lure the buyer, it is proposed a wide range of goods at attractive prices.

In the stores of the O'Key chain, in-house production of some goods began in 2003, ready-made cooking and a bakery appeared.

It’s been 10 years since the chain’s first private label appeared. All this time, the company did not cease to expand and improve the range of STS. Moreover, a couple of years ago the company began a large-scale relaunch of its brands. And the first step was the launch in November 2015 of the product brand “What you need!” in the low price segment. A little later, in April 2016, transformations affected the O’Key brand line (middle price segment). It must be said that 85% of all these goods are produced in Russia.

Their main advantages are:

  • Saving

    Private labels allow you to save at every stage: from packaging design to the finished product on the store shelf. Active cooperation with the manufacturer without any intermediaries allows you to reduce the costs of advertising and intermediary services.

  • Quality

    A big plus of OK's private label goods is regular testing, which allows us to ensure quality that is not inferior to analogues from famous brands. All samples are checked for compliance with GOST standards, the production process is under continuous control - all in order to offer customers only the best.

  • Price quality

    Our customers only need to make a small comparison of the prices and quality of goods offered in the stores of this chain with products from others largest producers to confidently make your choice in favor of O’Key brands.


The production of food and related products is organized under this brand. For example, among them buyers will be able to find all kinds of spices, canned food, baked goods, hair shampoos, hygiene items, etc.

Rice. 4. Products under the “O’KEY” brand
Source: website

“Just what you need!”

Rice. 5. Products under the brand “What you need!”
Source: website


Products of the brands Emotion Man, Emotion Lady, Emotion Kids are presented outerwear, sewing and knitwear in Casual and Classic styles for children and adults, underwear.

Rice. 6. Products under the Emotion brand
Source: website


Household goods - more than 100 items of household appliances and computer accessories.

Rice. 7. Products under the 4home brand
Source: site


Under this brand, the production of goods for real men is organized - hand and electric tools for the home.

Rice. 8. Products under the Dominant brand

Financial condition

Ban on the import of a number of food products had a negative impact on O'Key. Until sanctions were introduced, the share of imports in the chain’s assortment exceeded 25%. At least 10% are goods from the sanctions list, which is noticeably more than other public retailers.

With the implementation of the new strategy, significant progress has been achieved in changing the structure of the product range; the company’s presence in regions with greatest potential development, stores of a new format appeared - discounters called “Yes!” Now there are already 50 of them, 19 of them opened in 2016. This made it possible to increase revenue even in conditions when many of the retailer’s clients preferred to switch to more affordable formats of competitors’ stores.

Tires punctured in the underground parking lot of the O'KEY hypermarket

On March 18, 2018, I visited the "O" KEY hypermarket at 2 Partizana Germana Street
Leaving your car in the underground parking lot, in the parking area of ​​the "O" KEY store
(3rd row, 5th place from the parking lot exit), went shopping safely. The receipt is attached dated 03/18/2018 (20:30).

Upon returning to the underground parking, I left a bag of groceries in the car. For further visits to the tobacco store "Tabakon", restaurant fast food"McDonald's"
and continuation of purchases in the construction hypermarket "Leroy-Merlin" - located in the same building (Partizana Germana str., 2).
Returning to the car at approximately 22:30, I was unable to start the engine. There was an electrical problem.
Which it was not possible to quickly eliminate, since I do not have an electrician’s education.
At 23:05, the lights were turned off throughout the underground parking lot of the O"KEY hypermarket. The entry gates were closed, leaving only one open exit gate.
At the moment, no one from the staff and security of the O"KEY hypermarket was present in the underground parking lot. There was no one to report the breakdown.
Evacuation of the car from the underground parking was not possible, since the height of my car is 2.1 meters. And the exit gate is no more than 2.5 meters.
It was decided to leave the car in the parking lot of the "O" KEY hypermarket and get home by taxi. At 23:38, the taxi was waiting at the exit from the parking lot of the "O" KEY hypermarket.
A screenshot from the taxi app is attached.
At 23:40 I left the underground parking.

The next day, 03/19/2018 around 10:30, I returned to my car. The car was on three flat tires.
When pumping up the wheels, it turned out that all the wheels were damaged and there were various punctures.
One of the wheels has a cut in the valve for tubeless tires (nipple) and two punctures. The other two wheels have three punctures each.
A witness, whose phone number was available, approached me and said that the car was already on flat tires at the time of the opening of the O'KEY hypermarket and underground parking at 8:00.

Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => Stocks => /customers/ => => R => Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 1 => 1) => Array ( => Catalogs => /customers/catalogs/ => => X => Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Store promotions => /customers/ index.php => => X => Array () => P => 1 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Our brands => /customers/ownbrand/ => => X => Array () => D => 2 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Own production => /customers/ourproduction/ => => X => Array () => D => 3 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Gift card “OKAY” => / customers/gift/ => => X => Array () => D => 4 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Self-shopping terminal => /self-scanning/ => = > R => Array () => D => 5 => Array ( => Array ( => Moscow => St. Petersburg)) => 2 =>) => Array ( => Stores => /stores/ = > => R => Array () => D => 1 => Array () => 1 =>) => Array ( => About us => /about/ => 1 => R => Array () => D => 2 => Array () => 1 => 1) => Array ( => History => /about/history/ => => R => Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Strategy => /about/strategy/ => => R => Array () => D => 1 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Manual => /about/management/ => => R => Array () => D => 2 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Contacts => /about/contacts/ => => X => Array () => D => 3 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Information disclosure => /about/information-disclosure/ = > => W => Array () => D => 4 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => About the company => /about/index.php => 1 => X => Array () => P => 5 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Press Center => /about/press/ => => X => Array () => D = > 6 => Array () => 2 => 1) => Array ( => News => /about/press/news/ => => X => Array () => D => 0 => Array ( ) => 3 =>) => Array ( => Press => /about/press/index.php => => X => Array () => P => 1 => Array () => 3 => ) => Array ( => Partners => /partners/ => => X => Array () => D => 3 => Array () => 1 => 1) => Array ( => Information for tenants = > /partners/arendators/index.php => => X => Array () => P => 0 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Application for renting premises => /partners /tenants/form/ => => X => Array () => D => 1 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => For suppliers => /partners/providers/ => => X => Array () => D => 2 => Array () => 2 => 1) => Array ( => Code of Good Practice => /partners/kodeks-dobrosovestnykh-praktik/ => => X = > Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Information for suppliers => /partners/providers => => X => Array () => P = > 1 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Advertisers => /partners/advertisers/ => => X => Array () => D => 3 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Landlords/Landowners => /partners/landowners/ => => X => Array () => D => 4 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Logistics companies=> /partners/logistics/ => => X => Array () => D => 5 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Tenders => /partners/tenders/ => => X => Array () => D => 6 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Sale of excess assets => /partners/sale/estate/ => => X => Array () => D => 7 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Information for partners => /partners/index.php => => X => Array () => P = > 8 => Array () => 2 =>) => Array ( => Card OK => /customers/loyalty-card/ => => X => Array () => D => 4 => Array () => 1 =>) => Array ( => Work at OKAY => /career/ => => R => Array () => D => 5 => Array () => 1 => 1) => Array ( => Career in the company => /career/career/ => => X => Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 2 => 1) = > Array ( => Corporate model=> /career/career/model/ => => X => Array () => D => 0 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Assessment of working conditions => /career/ working-conditions/ => => D => Array () => D => 1 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Training => /career/career/training/ => = > X => Array () => D => 2 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Vacancies => /career/vacancies/ => => R => Array () => D => 1 => Array () => 2 => 1) => Array ( => Applicant application form => /career/vacancies/form/ => => R => Array () => D => 0 = > Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Vacancies => /career/vacancies/index.php => => X => Array () => P => 1 => Array () => 3 =>) => Array ( => Work in “OKEY” => /career/index.php => => X => Array () => P => 2 => Array () => 2 = >) => Array ( => INVESTORS => => => Z => Array () => D => 6 => Array () => 1 =>)))

Group of companies "O'KEY"

O'KEY is a large Russian retail chain that specializes in food products. The company opened its first hypermarket in St. Petersburg in 2002. The group is represented by two formats: hypermarkets under the O'KEY brand and discounters under the DA! brand. The O'KEY brand is recognized as one of the strongest brands in St. Petersburg and intends to take the same position in other regions of Russia.

Find your “OK”!

Rules for selling goods using a gift card from the O'KEY store chain.

1. The O'KEY gift card is a plastic card of a fixed denomination with a magnetic stripe and a barcode.

2. O’KEY gift cards are purchased and used when purchasing goods in the O’KEY hypermarket and supermarket chain.

3. A gift card confirms that the purchaser has made an advance payment towards the upcoming purchase of goods. The fact of purchasing a gift card is the conclusion of a preliminary agreement and confirms the intention of the owner of the gift card to enter into a basic contract for the retail purchase and sale of goods in the future by purchasing any goods in the network of hypermarkets and O’KEY supermarkets, which is confirmed by issuing a cash receipt to the buyer.

4. Purchasers of a gift card can be both individuals and legal entities.

5. Gift card holders are only individuals.

6. The gift card is freely transferable to any person and is bearer. A contract for the retail purchase and sale of goods using a gift card as a means of payment can be concluded by any person who is the holder of a gift card.

7. A gift card gives its owner the right to a one-time purchase of any number of goods in the O’KEY hypermarket and supermarket chain for total amount, equivalent to the denomination of the gift card indicated on its front side.

8. The amount of funds contributed by the gift card owner towards the advance payment corresponds to the denomination of the gift card. The specified denomination amount is used by the buyer when purchasing the product at a time and in full, after which the gift card is considered redeemed and remains with the seller.

9. The gift card is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or to another gift card.

10. When purchasing goods for an amount less than the denomination indicated on the front side of the gift card, the remaining funds will not be returned to the buyer.

11. When purchasing goods for an amount greater than the denomination indicated on the front side of the gift card, the buyer pays the difference in cash or by bank transfer, including using bank payment cards.

12. The gift card is valid only for the purchase of goods in the O’KEY hypermarket and supermarket chain.

13. The gift card has a limited validity period indicated on the front of the card.

14. After its expiration date, the gift card cannot be used to pay for goods in the O’KEY hypermarket and supermarket chain; funds used to purchase the gift card will not be returned.

15. The gift card has its own individual number, corresponding to the date of its release, and several degrees of protection. Gift card purchased legal entity, is activated on the date of signing the contract for the sale of the card by entering information about the sale into the card activation database. Gift card purchased an individual, is activated on the date of its purchase by entering information about the sale into the database of activated cards.

16. An unactivated gift card is invalid. When purchasing a gift card, the purchaser is responsible for ensuring that the card is properly activated.

17. Gift cards that have damage that does not allow their identification in the database of activated cards, or gift cards whose authenticity the seller's representatives have doubts about, will not be accepted for payment for goods.

18. Warranty service, exchange and return of low-quality goods purchased using a gift card are carried out in general procedure provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. If lost, damaged or stolen, the gift card cannot be restored and its value will not be compensated.

20. The rules for using gift cards may be supplemented and/or changed by the issuing Company unilaterally. Information about this will be posted on the website in a timely manner.

21. These rules shall prevail over the summary rules set forth on the gift card holder in the event of a dispute.

"OK"– one of the largest retail chains in Russia selling food and non-food products.

O'KEY Group of Companies is present at Russian market for more than 15 years and is one of the largest retail chains in Russia selling food and non-food products. The group is represented by two formats: hypermarkets under the O'KEY brand and discounters under the DA! brand.

The first O'KEY hypermarket was opened in St. Petersburg in 2002 and since then the company has demonstrated strong growth, operating hypermarkets in major cities throughout Russia. O'KEY was the first Russian retail chain to launch and is actively developing an online sales channel with assortment based in hypermarkets in Moscow and St. Petersburg for home delivery. The company operates three distribution centers located in the Moscow region and St. Petersburg.

O'KEY employs more than 18,000 people, and each member of our team is of great importance to us. We believe that our corporate values, employee experience and strategic vision will be integral to our success in the years ahead.

Personnel policy O'KEY is aimed at attracting and retaining qualified and promising specialists. The Company's main priorities are increasing employee productivity and providing for our customers high level service. We strive to create an effective working environment for our employees and open up new opportunities for realizing their professional and personal potential.

The company is presented in the format hypermarkets "O'KEY".

Hypermarket "O'KEY" is a compact urban hypermarket with a wide selection of various goods and services at affordable prices, its own bakery, large car parking, spacious bright halls, a children's playground and a full range of additional services: a communications store, a pharmacy, a bank branch, a dry cleaner, a cafe.


The product range includes approx. 64 thousand items: food, own cooking and baking, clothing, shoes, sporting goods, household goods, household appliances, toys, children's products. In hypermarkets "OK" there are more 35 thousand active names.

HONESTY, STABILITY, JUSTICE– the basic principles that underlie the Company’s relationship with its employees.

"OK" is one of the largest retail chains in Russia. Every year, millions of customers come to our stores to get quality service, commit bargain purchases in a pleasant atmosphere. The main criterion for assessing the quality of our work is the degree of satisfaction of store customers "OK". That is why we invite people to work who love what they do and share our desire to provide our customers with the best possible comfortable conditions to visit stores.

5 reasons to work at O’KEY

Our company is growing rapidly, which means opportunities for rapid career growth are opening up for you. During the year of work in "OK" you can work your way up from an ordinary worker trading floor or assistant to manager or supervisor. "OK" does everything to make it easier for new employees to adapt to the team.

Qualified mentors and special training will help you gain the necessary skills, and a friendly atmosphere will allow you to quickly get used to the new workplace.

The company takes care of its employees and strictly complies with all labor legislation requirements.

Training cycles and educational programs for company employees will help your professional and personal growth. It is important for us that everyone who works in "OK", could reveal his talents and abilities.

Retail is one of the most stable industries and develops even in an unstable economy. This means that when choosing a career in "OK", you are securing your future for many years to come.

We attract the best specialists to work for the Company - competent professionals with an active life position, capable of learning and self-education, able to apply acquired knowledge in practice, sharing our corporate values ​​and striving to achieve better results.

Group of companies "O'KEY" represents the most effective method become a leader - join the program for the development of young specialists

In 250 days you:

  • You will gain experience working in a large retail company European format.
  • You will learn to manage a large team.
  • You will get the best on the market wages, meal allowance and quarterly bonuses.
  • You will see that combining work and study is easy.
  • You will write thesis, based on my experience.
  • You will become part of the business community of the progressive industry and develop an active professional position.
  • You will go through a unique set of training programs for a successful manager.
  • You will learn business secrets from a personal mentor: the store director, and also receive his support.
  • You will understand the internal processes of a large-format store from start to finish.

We have two federal offices: in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Work in the company's federal offices "OK"– this is working in a highly professional team of like-minded people who strive for the successful implementation of the tasks assigned to the company, their personal and professional development, as well as maintaining a friendly and positive atmosphere in the team.