Free is 6 in world of tanks. Security guard license: how to get it, how much it costs. Using different solutions

How to make 3% oxidizing agent from 9% or 6% oxidizing agent from 12%? This problem has already been discussed in the article “How to dye your hair dark without darkening the ends? The secret of an even color”, however, judging by the fact that there were no fewer questions in the mail of the editors of the site on this topic, we decided to highlight them in a separate note and talk about them again.

So, how to reduce the percentage of oxidizing agent and can this be done with water, shampoo, conditioner or other substances?

Anticipating the objection that why dilute, reduce or chemical anything at all, if in any hairdressing store you can buy the entire line of oxidizing agents from activator to 12% and paint yourself as much as you like with proven products, and not with a dubious mixing product, I would like to object: professional cosmetics - the pleasure itself is not cheap, even if we consider its “economy” version.Again, any cosmetic product, be it dye, oxidizing agent or styling wax, has its own expiration date, and if you don’t dye your hair daily at home, there is simply no point in having the entire arsenal of oxidizing agents! Moreover, if you once learn to mix 3% and 12% oxidizer, you can subsequently obtain 6% and 9% and 4.5% with only two oxidizers on hand, and this is a good cost saving. Many hairdressers do this and live happily ever after.

Another question is how to breed and with what?

If we consider queries related to oxidizing agents, percentage reduction and dilution, the most popular will be: “how much water should be added to reduce the 12% oxide to 6%?” - numbers can be substituted arbitrarily, keyword here is “water”, but here’s the problem, The oxidizer cannot be diluted with water!
Categorically! Under no circumstances!

Firstly, it makes no sense: water in no way reduces the percentage of the oxidizing agent, it simply cannot do this physically!

Hydrogen peroxide is an extremely unstable compound; manufacturers of professional cosmetics achieve its stabilization by adding special components - stabilizers. There are only three ways to change the percentage of stabilized peroxide:

- increase pressure;
- heat up strongly;
- add stabilized peroxide of a greater or lesser percentage (depending on the task).

If you add water to stabilized peroxide (no matter what temperature), it will separate into water and... peroxide flakes, i.e. the percentage of the composition will not decrease! When dyeing hair, a dye that has reacted with water will work as a composition for pre-pigmentation, and a dye with exfoliated flakes of peroxide (initial percentage) will color the hair, as it will dye it in spots and without even a hint of durability.

Many hairdressers may object: “I’ve been diluting oxidizing agents with water all my life and nothing!” and here you can only answer one thing: “bon voyage!”

It becomes clear where our compatriots get such mostly damaged, unevenly dyed hair, but let’s return to oxidizing agents:

The third method, which is also the only one, is to reduce the percentage of oxidizing agent (peroxide) - This is to add a smaller percentage of an oxidizing agent to it. There are no other ways!

For clarity, here are a few formulas:

- to get 60 ml of 4.5% oxidizing agent, you need to mix 30 ml of 3% and 30 ml of 6% oxidizing agent;
- you have 12% and 3% oxidizing agent, but do you need 6%? mix one part 12% and 2 parts 3% oxidizing agent;
- the same initial ones: 12% and 3% are available, you need to get 9%. Mix 2 parts 12% and 1 part 3%;
- there are 9% and 12% you need to get 6%. Let's go to a professional hairdresser's store and buy a 6% oxidizing agent!

Obviously, if water does not reduce the percentage of the oxidizing agent, then all kinds of shampoos, conditioners and other substances added to the mixture will not reduce the percentage either!

I hope this article will be useful to those who dye their hair themselves. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, and we will try to answer you as quickly as possible.

Many people now want to work in security. The work is responsible, but in demand. But you can’t just get a job as a security guard. A security license is required. In this article, we will consider the main steps that must be taken to obtain a security guard license and how much it costs.

The procedure for obtaining a security guard license and how much it costs

To obtain a license, first of all, you must:

  • obtain a medical certificate about your health status. It is issued in medical institution after passing the medical examination.

The mandatory list of doctors includes a narcologist, a psychiatrist, a surgeon, an otolaryngologist, a dermatovenerologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and a therapist. In addition, a fingerprint examination is required.

  • You must select a guard rank. What does this category mean? The higher the rank, the more opportunities for self-defense there may be.

How this happens can be understood from this article.

How to choose and receive a rank

So, for example, when receiving fourth category You can use special equipment. These include handcuffs, rubber truncheons and body armor.

Fifth category gives the right to use civilian self-defense weapons. Such weapons are gas pistols and revolvers.

And only the sixth category allows, in addition to special equipment and civilian weapons, the use of military weapons.

After receiving any of the three categories, you can get a job in a private security company as a security guard. But you need to remember that regular qualification checks will be carried out by the police.

  • After choosing a category, you will need to contact an institution that specializes in training security guards. Now it will be a commercial establishment.
  • undergo training. Such training will be paid. The cost varies from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the region and pricing policy private training center.
    Based on the results of the training, the future security guard is issued a document “Certificate of qualification as a private security guard.” But it’s too early to get a job, because in addition to a certificate, a license is required. Therefore, you need to go through one more step. Please note that part of the money spent can be returned. To do this, you must provide tax service corresponding .
  • submit an application to the licensing department

Video of the exam:

How to make a license - necessary documents

The application must be accompanied by a package of documents that will help you obtain a license and consists of the following:

Sometimes it is worth first contacting the security company where further work is planned for information. Perhaps you can get training from them; this is now practiced quite often. Or a security company will provide a referral for training for a future employee. This can be much more convenient than looking for a training institution on your own.

Because there are now a lot of scammers who offer to sell a security guard qualification certificate or a ready-made license. It is better not to deal with such fraudulent schemes, otherwise you may face criminal charges.

After the application with a package of documents is submitted to the licensing and permitting department, you need to wait for a response from the head of this department. The answer can be positive or negative.

If the answer is positive, you will need to pay a state fee of 1,200 rubles. Maximum term consideration of an application for a license to carry out security activities – 10 days. The decision from the licensing and permitting department is sent by mail to the home address of the future security guard.

When filling out the application form, you must be careful to avoid mistakes and omissions, as this may serve as a reason for refusal to obtain a license.

It is better to rewrite the application several times. You can download the application form online.

Restrictions on security activities

Not everyone can engage in security work. So, the following categories of citizens will not be able to be a security guard:

Like all ingenious things, vinegar was obtained completely by accident: many centuries ago, a careless housewife forgot about a jug of wine... When she remembered it, the wine had already received a rebirth, turning into vinegar.

Acetic acid is the result of the activity of bacteria that process sugar from fruit and berry juices, activating fermentation processes. By pure chance, humanity became the owner of a wonderful seasoning, aromatic and piquant, like the sunny countries in which the vine, the ancestor of vinegar, grows.

Numerous supermarkets offer the buyer several types of acetic acid.

Origin Raw material composition of the product Fortress Scope of application
Natural Apple, wine, malt, rice 6%-9% Cooking of the peoples of the world; home cosmetology
Natural, infused with spice combinations Garlic, balsamic, tarragon 6%- 9% Adding to sauces and salads to give a piquant unique taste
Synthetic Wood and natural gas products 6% — 10% Seasoning ingredients: mustard, ketchup; adding to baked goods
Vinegar essence Chemical industry products 70-90% Not used in this concentration, intended for dilution in the required proportions

Home savings - which vinegar to choose?

When choosing a salad dressing, the issue is resolved automatically - of course, only natural! But when using the product for domestic purposes, there is no point in using expensive aromatic acid to clean the oven or hood of grease. For this, there is an economical vinegar essence, which is diluted with water in the required concentration. It is quite possible to use for rinsing hair in home cosmetology. 70% vinegar, diluted to 6%. Any housewife always has expensive natural vinegar in her house for cooking, and budget vinegar essence for other needs. In household chores, it is very often required 6% vinegar, which you can always make from the inexpensive concentrate available in the house.

Where is 6% vinegar used?

This concentration is most often used for home preparations for the winter. This is the optimal acidity for preserving hermetically sealed pickles, salads, mushrooms and soup dressings. To extinguish baking soda when making homemade baked goods, both in the oven and in a bread machine, it is also better to use 6% vinegar, which can be made from 9% vinegar, is it possible dilute 70% to 6%-depending on what is in the house.

How to get a 6% solution?

The ideal proportion can be obtained in two ways, based on the availability of products in the house. The process is simple, but requires attention and caution.

To vinegar 9% convert to 6%, vinegar is used as a basis, which is diluted with water. To get 6% vinegar from 70% essence, the basis is water, to which 1 part of the essence is added. These parameters should not be confused so as not to get an undesirable result.

Acetic acid can only be diluted with boiled water at room temperature, since too cold or hot water can provoke a chemical reaction.


To receive 6% vinegar from 70 percent You need to take care of your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Vinegar essence should be stored:

  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • only in original packaging with appropriate warnings;

When diluting the essence to make from 70 percent 6% vinegar:

  • the use of gloves is mandatory;
  • inhalation of concentrated vinegar vapors is unacceptable;
  • the order of infusion is only the essence into the water, but not vice versa!

Using different solutions

A cure for many diseases, a unique seasoning, a miracle helper in the kitchen - that’s all it is, vinegar! It is used in many different concentrations, each of which in a new way opens up the endless possibilities of an irreplaceable product that came to us from time immemorial, thanks to a careless mistress. For our readers, a table of dilution of vinegar essence depending on its use will not be superfluous.

The magical rebirth of wine in various concentrations will give cleanliness to your home, a delicious dinner for your loved ones, and beauty and health to the owner of the house!