I want to bring goods from China. How to transport goods from China, and is it profitable? Permits for moving goods across the border

China is the world factory of all modern civilization. This country produces clothes and shoes, cars and computers, as well as food, Cell phones... In a word, it’s easier to say that they don’t produce there.

Many world-famous companies have long moved their entire production there, since work force very cheap in China. That’s why various Chinese-made goods are also inexpensive.

We arrange the import of goods

There are two ways to import goods from China: work with their manufacturers or trading companies directly, or use the services of domestic intermediaries. One should know well the strengths and weak sides these two methods.

Most simple option could be direct cooperation with the Chinese themselves.

Prices and other conditions

Chinese companies take at least 10% of the transaction amount for its support and control over the manufacturer. The same fee includes the preparation of all necessary customs documents. Working with such companies, you can also order a search for manufacturers based on some specific indicators. It will cost at least a thousand dollars. For this money you will receive complete information about both the manufacturing factory and its owner.

Domestic intermediaries

If you are going to import goods from China, but do not have the slightest idea about Chinese or even English, we strongly advise you to contact domestic companies. There is a risk in this case too, but it is not nearly as great.

As in the previous case, you will be able not only to choose a supplier yourself, but also to visit its production. Moreover, it will cost much less: from $400, and the same amount often includes translation services. For a fee and subject to a written request, they can provide samples of the products that most interest you.

This is especially important for those entrepreneurs who transport car accessories from China: fashion and demand for them are constantly changing, so it is better to find out about sales prospects in advance.

Note that many companies offer to “rent” an interpreter for the whole day. As a rule, you will have to pay $100 or more for this. Optimal for those entrepreneurs who still want to organize the import of goods from China, independently negotiating with manufacturers.


We strongly advise against trying to negotiate with manufacturers on your own without at least using the services of Chinese intermediaries. Even if you know the language (which is very, very doubtful), you will almost certainly be scammed. Don’t forget the usual rules of product rotation, when they try to sell the most illiquid samples first. From the Chinese point of view, you are ideal for this.

You need to understand Chinese legislation very well and have good friends or at least acquaintances among the Chinese, so as not to lose all your money.

Let's go to the fairs

The most reliable and proven way to find an honest supplier is to visit Chinese trade fairs. Hire a translator and get going!

At these events you can easily talk to at least general director each organization you like. Moreover, interested manufacturers themselves can offer you the most profitable terms cooperation, and you will make a lot of useful contacts, without which importing goods from China is often unprofitable.

When do you not need to pay for cargo transportation?

In order for the import of goods to be considered non-commercial, the weight of the imported cargo cannot exceed 50 kg, and the amount cannot exceed two thousand dollars. As a way out: you can divide the transported goods among several people, and this can be done even by registering part of the cargo for a child.

The problem is that in some cases the decision on the destination of imported items is made by the customs officers themselves. So, five down jackets of the same size do not fall under the definition of commercial cargo from a formal point of view, but it will certainly be difficult for you to prove that you are not transporting them for the purpose of sale.

Generally speaking, customs officers are guided by the following rules:

  1. Consumer qualities. Simply put, you certainly cannot prove the household use of a couple thousand socks or a barrel of bleach.
  2. Assortment sometimes plays a decisive role. It’s unlikely that anyone will believe that you need a couple hundred identical children’s tights for household needs.
  3. Finally, the frequency of your trips. If you transport the same type of goods over and over again, you will definitely have to pay for them.


If you do not import goods by transport, then the export quota is about 10 thousand dollars. If you exceed this value, then duties on the import of goods from China are set at 30% of the value of the cargo, but not less than four dollars per kilogram of weight.

Up to three liters of alcoholic beverages, up to 200 cigarettes per person, and up to five kilograms of food can be exported from China duty-free. We remind you once again that this applies only to those cases when the cargo is recognized as intended for personal use.

Foreign economic activity is very profitable, but at the same time it requires care, accuracy, and actions approved by the Legislation of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, problems may arise that will completely eliminate the possibility of getting a good conversion. The worst moment is, of course, customs clearance. It is scary because it is fraught with a lot of unclear pitfalls, which seem almost impossible to cope with. But is the “devil” as scary as he is portrayed to be? Is it possible to deal with customs clearance on your own and work with peace of mind? It is possible, and this publication is intended to clarify all the unclear points in this matter.

Important nuance: this article is aimed at individual entrepreneurs or persons who officially registered an LLC. Otherwise, it is not possible to import large quantities of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation without problems. It's simply illegal and you won't have all the tools available to you to do it. The Moneymaker Factory on the website offers a lot of product ideas that can be implemented without problems with customs clearance, when even a small batch can make good money. Please take this into account to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of information.

The Moneymaker Factory on the website offers a lot of product ideas that can be implemented without problems with customs clearance, when even a small batch can make good money.

Please take this into account to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of information.

Types of customs clearance

  • Self-filing of a declaration, which is what interests us most
  • Filing a declaration with the help of a representative, that is, a customs broker
  • Import of products/goods through a representative/broker contract

We will deal with the very first point and all aspects in as much detail as possible. If you understand the specifics, then further difficulties will not arise.

Types of customs clearance

As part of our narrative (master class), we need to talk about 2 main types of “customs clearance”:

  • On the border
  • Along the goods arrival bridge

The essence does not change: you will still have to fill out the same package of documents and pay duties, otherwise the goods will not be received.

The difference is that in the second case, another procedure should be used, which is called “Customs Transit”. It can be opened at any place where the goods cross the border, and closed at any place convenient for you on the territory of the Russian Federation. Issues related to the opening of transit are dealt with by the carrier (forwarder, in other words). This topic should be covered separately, but let us briefly note that these issues should be negotiated with the supplier, and he with representatives of the carrier.

As soon as the goods arrive at a place convenient for you, for example, in the city of St. Petersburg, you will have to master the role of the declarant, which we will talk about further.

First stage

First of all, you need to decide on the goods that you plan to trade in the future. This is fundamentally important, and why will be explained below.

There are some nuances in the design of, say, a party cell phones and batches of printing presses.

However, it is important to understand the unified customs clearance algorithm.

Step 1. Product selection

We start by choosing some specific product. For example, let's take the Aliexpress hypermarket.

We chose a product - a watch with a creative design. Based on it, we will virtually go through all stages of customs clearance with you:

Step 2 - contact the seller

The next step is to contact the seller. Our priority at this time is to request an official technical description.

Most sellers on Aliexpress have all kinds of certificates, permits, and diplomas. Even if this is not the case, they can always draw up an OFFICIAL technical description for letterhead(presence of blue seal is required).

Step 3 - making a request

The next step is to write the request itself. Write a letter to the seller within the online store (see Figure 2), and in it (in the letter) list the following information categories:

Attention: communication with the seller takes place exclusively on English language, so you should prepare a request template. You can use our option:

I want to buy from you the (…). It is important for me to receive your official document, technical description.
Please fill the following items. I also want you to do this on the official form and seal.
1. Trade name
2.Field of application
6. Other important information that you possess
Thank you, I am sure that we will have a pleasant cooperation

Preparation of documents

There are 2 options for goods crossing the border:

  • Together with you when you directly import them
  • Without you, when the seller sends you an order

The second option is more common, however, let’s make a reservation that the list of documents is the same, you just have to be demanding and insistent that your supplier prepares everything correctly. You may have to chat for a long time and ask to show the entire package of documents to you personally.

Do not neglect this point, since it depends on whether goods will be imported into the country, and, therefore, whether you will make your profit and whether you will not lose the money spent on the purchase.

What to ask from the seller (or from yourself if you are accompanying the goods):

    Firstly, the waybill, which will be valid for international transportation of the type you choose:

  • Secondly, be sure to request an invoice. It is also called an invoice or proforma invoice. Make sure that the seller specifies the following information on the paper:

    • Document serial number
    • Date of preparation
    • Postal addresses, both buyer and seller (individual, legal)
    • Bank accounts and details of both counterparties (seller-buyer)
    • Number and date of conclusion of the contract (foreign trade)
    • The presence of a description of the packaging, container, for example, container number
    • Article, brand, product model, best of all ETNVED code
    • Unit cost
    • Total quantity of goods
    • Total purchase cost
    • Full (if possible) information about the manufacturer, country

    Important tip: ask the seller to print the invoice on a color printer. It’s paradoxical, but true - this gives customs workers more confidence.

    Thirdly, the supplier is required to provide you with a packing slip (it also has a blue seal). In this sheet, he (the seller) indicates the following information:

    • Weight and gross (with/without packaging)
    • Number of product units
    • Number of cargo pieces
    • Again, description of the packaging
    • Information about the weight and cost of a particular packaging type

    Important advice: do not allow the seller to write the packing list only in a language known only to him (Chinese, that is). Insist on adding English (in case of a miracle - Russian) - it is international, and it will be understood at customs. Imagine the “joy” of the border guards who will have to decipher the hieroglyphs. Clearly no one will be in a hurry.
    It is best to ask that the document be sent to you by mail (electronic) and have it translated into Russian in advance, just in case.

    Fourthly, remember how much you are planning (or have already made) to purchase. If it (the amount) exceeds $50,000, then you are required to open a foreign trade transaction passport.

    Yes, today the fact of the presence of a transaction passport at customs is confirmed automatically, since information is sent directly to the customs authorities from the database of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but it is better to play it safe.

    Fifthly, if you are transporting the goods yourself (yes, even if not, it doesn’t matter if you visit customs, fill out a declaration, present them), prepare the following papers:

    • Certificate of state registration with TIN
    • Certificate of tax registration with checkpoint
    • Statistical certificate indicating OKPO and SOATO ( legal address required)
    • Certificate from the bank indicating accounts, both ruble and foreign currency
  • Sixth, make sure that, if necessary, you can appeal with documents such as:

    • Invoices issued for transportation, loading and unloading, warehouse services, etc. This may only be necessary if these costs are not included in the terms of delivery.
    • Insurance policy, also only when insurance was not included in the final contract amount. Exists general rule, which prescribes the amount of independent insurance - 1.1 of the total cost of the goods.
  • Seventhly, Aliexpress rules require 100% advance payment for goods, and this is logical, especially since there is a buyer protection system in place. You must prepare documents confirming the fact of payment. They may be needed both during personal transportation of goods and customs clearance, and during a “joyful meeting”. If you paid with cards (Visa, Master Card), through PayPal, and so on, then you can get a statement from a bank account, since cards are usually linked to it, not taking into account virtual types.

    Some comrades take screenshots from the WebMoney and Qiwi systems, others make an extract with their own hands, and then certify it with the manager and chief accountant or with themselves, if he is one.

Permits for moving goods across the border

Here you need to “dance” depending on the type of product ordered. You can’t erase the words from the “song,” but since the Moneymaker Factory has undertaken to reveal the issue as fully as possible, we will list the permitting documents for moving goods across the border. In the case of our watches, there is 99% that they will not be needed - there is always 1% left when we're talking about about our customs.

In general, the list is as follows:

  • Declaration/certificate of safety/conformity. Typically required for products that directly interact with humans. A very vague concept, but that’s exactly what it is.
  • Veterinary certificate, which must be issued to goods that can infect animals
  • Phytosanitary certificate for those products that are dangerous to Mother Nature
  • Special permissions government agencies. This topic is extensive and should be covered in a separate article. Of course, this does not apply to watches, but if you decide to bring nunchucks, then a suspicion may arise that you are planning to open a ninja cult, so you will have to ask permission from the great Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • A certificate of origin can be useful if there are benefits/quotas for imported products based on the country of origin.

A few words about brands

This must be agreed upon with the supplier in advance. It is clear that people crave fashionable and prestigious brands. Perhaps you even harbored a desire to order something like that.

Note: It has long been forbidden to indicate fashion brands on Aliexpress, and cunning sellers do their best to cover up all such logos on photographs with a black marker.

Warn the supplier so that these same inscriptions are not visible, especially on boxes (or other types of packaging). Representatives of copyright holders are not asleep and are waiting for similar consignments of goods at the borders.

You can check the names/marks/brands by downloading the register from here http://customs.ru/! Study product codes that are protected by intellectual property. Forewarned is forearmed.

Your right is to choose the so-called “parallel import”, but here again big problems can arise, because license fees for the opportunity to use a trademark are nothing more than part of the structure of the customs value of the goods.

What affects the customs value of goods?

This question worries all entrepreneurs who, at their own peril and risk, decide to independently go through the customs clearance procedure “from start to finish.”

Frankly, there is no clear definition, which can be very frustrating, but the fact remains. Customs officers cheerfully formulate the cost using documents such as:

  • Seller's price list
  • Additions to terms of sale
  • The bank control sheet can play a role if the goods have already been imported previously under a contract
  • A copy (translated) of the export declaration, or, alternatively, a letter explaining its non-submission
  • Seller's comments regarding price formation/formation
  • Concluded agreements with third parties
  • Documents from the accounting department on the registration of previously imported similar goods
  • Price information from the country's domestic market

Specifics of the first customs clearance

Yes, most of the difficulties are associated with collecting the package of documents. Moreover, many entrepreneurs refuse to make purchases on Aliexpress only because they are afraid that the seller will not be able to provide all the paperwork in full.

In fact, the seller is just as interested in the deal as you are, so in the vast majority of situations everything goes smoothly, taking into account the fact that large companies, of which there are many in the hypermarket, already have a wholesale shipping scheme.

You will also be provided with all kinds of information support.

If you are now on the threshold of your first customs clearance, we recommend that you also prepare an additional package of documents in advance:

  • Decisions on the establishment of a company
  • Charter/copy of the charter of the enterprise
  • Order with a seal on appointment to the position of accountant and director
  • Extract from State Register
  • Certified copies of passports of the accountant and director
  • Certificate of ownership
  • Providing a certificate from the registration chamber
  • Balance sheet (assuming the last reporting period), tax stamp is required
  • Proof of payment of bills for the last several months of rent
  • Directly, the lease agreement for non-residential premises

Very often doubts arise: what if all this is not needed. There can be only one answer to such a remark, appealing to the fact - if something goes wrong, the goods are delayed at customs, and a fine “drips” for every day. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. It is better to create a universal package of documents in advance.

All about customs payments

In addition to the “obstacles” in the form of rejection of documents collected with such care, people are even more afraid of the question: how much will they have to pay to customs for the import of goods. Of course, you want everything to be taken and given away for free, but in practice this does not happen; customs clearance issues turn into Hell, which seems to have no boundaries.

Why do you need to pay?

This is a rhetorical question, since full and timely payment upon import can be at least some guarantee that the goods will still be imported.

It is also worth taking a sober look at the priorities of Russian customs, which works to fill the federal budget.

Where and how to pay?

Most customs duties are calculated in euros, the most stable currency. However, payments must be made to customs in rubles, which is why in absolutely every customs declaration you will see a corresponding column, which is designed to describe the exchange rate. The latter may fluctuate, but the one that was valid on the day the declaration was registered will be considered valid.

The decision of the Customs Union Commission (http://www.tsouz.ru/KTS/KTS15/Pages/P_246.aspx) decided that each country independently determines the account to which all payments are received.


Application *:

An example of calculating the cost of our product: a watch with a cartoon drawing (we assume that the seller indicates the real cost on delivery)

What we have: consignment of goods with a total cost of 85,471 rubles
Classic ad valorem rate: it is 10% of the cost of the goods, therefore 8,547.1 rubles
VAT, value added tax: it is 18% of the indicated cost, so we get: 15,384.78 rubles
The total cost of the ad valorem rate including VAT: 23,931.88 rubles

*Note: the actual cost may fluctuate in one direction or another, plus additional costs vary individually, depending on border controls. But that's the general picture.

Submit a customs declaration

From January 1 of this year, 2014, all declarations are completed in in electronic format. The procedure for filling it out can be carefully studied using the link, based on the decision of the Commission - there is nothing complicated there - http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_101257/.

When filling out the declaration, you must definitely use code classifiers. That is, you determine the HS code, this will determine the customs value and the level of duty.

The customs declaration is drawn up in advance, after which you take all the documents that we wrote about at the very beginning of the publication and go to the customs officers. Rest assured, they are already waiting for you.

If the declaration is drawn up correctly, then stipulate the possibility of filing it.

Important advice: it is optimal to start all negotiations, especially for beginners, even before the goods complete customs transit, before they arrive at their destination, and even better - in advance, before the shipment crosses the customs border of the Russian Federation. This is necessary to get a head start to correct possible errors.

How to find out the HS code quickly?

In order to quickly get acquainted with your codes right now, you can use it online convenient service: https://www.tks.ru/db/tnved/goods. Just select the products that suit you from the list, a list of keywords (or one word, for example, like ours, watches) and receive codes:

There on this page (after you decide on the code), you will see a small icon with a percentage, namely the value import duty:


Summarizing all the information presented above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • You can go through the customs clearance process yourself
  • You should pay extremely close attention to collecting a complete package of documents
  • It is important to clearly discuss with the supplier the list of papers that he must prepare and constantly monitor the process

If we imagine all the stages in the form of a simple diagram, we will see the following picture:

The Moneymaker Factory is ready to listen to any questions on the described topic in the comments and give detailed answers, since it is difficult to take into account all the nuances within the framework of one article, due to the fact that each product has different import specifics.

Delivery of goods from China is of interest to different categories of businessmen and individuals. It is in the Celestial Empire that the most diverse and, importantly, affordable goods are now produced. The cheapness of the products offered from this country is striking, but this price tag is not final - when transporting goods from the territory of this state to Central Russia, it costs a tidy sum.

There are only three delivery options with the following characteristics:
Fast and expensive;
Slow but cheap;
Fast and cheap - when you turn to professionals.

There is also a difference in exactly which batch of which goods you are going to transport across the border and whether you plan to register it as commercial cargo or for personal purposes. So, how many ways to receive goods from China are offered to residents of the Russian Federation? We will consider all possible logistics solutions if it is necessary to bring goods from this country.

Independent cargo transportation

When visiting the country in person, find the necessary goods, pay for them, fill out all the accompanying documents and bring them to the border. Agree with the carrier company on the movement of cargo across the territory of the Russian Federation, fill out a declaration, pay the duty and release the goods for free circulation throughout Russia. The disadvantages include the obvious complexity of the scheme for those who are encountering border crossings and customs services for the first time.

Intermediaries and customs brokers

Assistants will provide assistance in customs clearance and the passage of goods across the border, as well as in searching for suitable products throughout China and internal transportation throughout the country. Outside of China, you will be responsible for logistics issues on your own. Often intermediaries do not provide a full range of services, and their commissions are high and do not provide any guarantees of high-quality cargo delivery.

Transport companies

Forwarding companies will take care of all issues related to the movement of goods across the territory of neighboring states; you only need to indicate the required goods and wishes for the timing and cost of delivery. Communication with the transport company is possible remotely. After signing the Agency Agreement, all that remains is to wait for your cargo at home.

Representatives of the organization themselves will handle payment for the goods, fill out documents for customs control, collect the necessary accompanying documentation, transport the cargo to Russia and clear it through customs, and then deliver it to the address you need.

There are no downsides to such cooperation. The only difficulty may arise with small consignments of goods - in these situations, you can overpay for delivery or waste time and wait for the formation of consolidated cargo. But there are full guarantees of problem-free delivery.

Delivery by mail (Russian Post and ChinaPost)

It is more convenient to send small loads postal parcels. It is only important to remember the restrictions on weight, cost and names of goods that can be sent through post offices. The parcel must be accompanied by an invoice (a waybill that customs officers are interested in). You can order the necessary goods remotely, but it is very important to trust a reliable supplier who will draw up the documents himself and will not waste the prepayment.

For one-time orders and deliveries, as well as small batches, in any case, it is more profitable to entrust all the hassles of delivering goods from China to professional transport companies and intermediaries. Communication with customs authorities and concerns about the passage of cargo across the border. If you plan to regularly cooperate with Chinese manufacturers, then you should delve into all the intricacies of transportation and individually optimize the logistics solution in accordance with your needs.

Victoria Ryabenko


# Business with China

Delivery of goods from China

All methods and schemes for delivering goods from China. Prices, terms and types of delivery. Which delivery method is the fastest?

Article navigation

  • Scheme of the cargo delivery route from China to Russia
  • Methods of delivering goods from China to Russia
  • Rail transportation from China to the Russian Federation
  • Delivery of goods by sea
  • Trucking from China
  • Sending cargo by air
  • Cost of cargo delivery from China to Russia
  • Air delivery (3-14 days)
  • Railway delivery (about 30 days)
  • By water transport (35-60 days)
  • Delivery by car (from 20 days)
  • Sample contract with China for the supply of goods
  • Check delivery from China

Selecting and purchasing a product in China is only part of the story. An important stage in business with China is its profitable transportation to Russia. Your final profit directly depends on the amount of money spent on delivery. It is best to transport light weight goods in large volumes. Not surprisingly, the fastest way is air transportation. Airplane in as soon as possible will deliver your cargo to Moscow or St. Petersburg. However, other methods of transportation are also popular.

Scheme of the cargo delivery route from China to Russia

When choosing the best option for delivering goods, do not forget to take into account several factors: size and weight of the cargo; the time frame within which you need to transport the goods; the amount of funds intended to pay for transportation and the nature of your cargo.

Methods of delivering goods from China to Russia

There are four ways: by air, by sea, by road or by train. Each option has its pros and cons, so let's figure out how to deliver goods from China to Russia in the most profitable way.

  • By sea. Transportation is carried out through Vladivostok, Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg. This is the most economical way to transport cargo. If deadlines are not pressing and you purchase large quantities of goods, then this method will suit you best.
  • By air. If you don't have time to wait, you can deliver the goods by air in 5-10 days. However, you will have to pay a larger amount for transportation. Air delivery can be profitable only if you have more than 10 tons of cargo. It is unprofitable to transport smaller consignments of goods by plane.
  • By road. It is profitable to transport cargo only by road transport over short distances.
  • Railway transport. The best option delivery - by rail. Delivery time is not affected by weather conditions, and the price is relatively low.

To optimally minimize transportation costs, it is necessary to determine the weight and volume of the cargo, as well as the timing and types of delivery of the goods. By air it is fast, but expensive, and by sea it is long, but cheap. To find a middle ground between delivery times and costs, let’s try to figure out which delivery of goods is better.

Rail transportation from China to the Russian Federation

Delivery of goods by railway tracks– an up-to-date and convenient type of transportation. It is often used in conjunction with other types of transportation, since there is no specific railway logistics from place to place. In China, there is not a railway track everywhere, so goods will be transported to the border by truck or by sea.

Even if the cargo is delivered across Chinese territory by rail, at the border it will be transferred to our wagons, since the gauge size of Chinese roads does not coincide with ours. In any case, your cargo will be shifted several times. This type of transport is better to send goods in large quantities that are not susceptible to damage, for example, building materials.

Chinese gauge railway– 1435 mm. The Russian track, like in other CIS countries, is 85 mm wider.

Arranging the supply of cargo and goods from China is not an easy task. It is necessary to calculate the time it will take to send the goods from the assembly point in China to the border with Russia. Then the goods will be delivered along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the point of arrival. Usually it is transported from major ports of China to Zabaikalsk, then to Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, and Moscow.

You can simplify the task and use websites to search for delivery options. One of these sites is ati.su. Every day thousands of offers from carriers appear there regarding the availability of free space in the truck. If you have a small amount of cargo, you can deliver it with fellow travelers for a small fee.

Delivery of goods by sea

The most popular type of transportation of goods in the world is sea freight. Transporting cargo by sea is beneficial if it is necessary to deliver goods of large volume. Ships pass through hundreds of ports, but the most popular port in China remains Shanghai.

Containers with cargo are delivered to Russia via several sea directions: through the Black Sea basin, ports Far East and to St. Petersburg. The timing depends on the port at which the goods arrive. However, it must be taken into account that delivery is only possible to port cities. Then you will have to transport the cargo by road, which will require additional costs.

Delivery terms:

  • Shanghai – Vladivostok (delivery less than a week);
  • To the Black Sea ports (20–25 days);
  • To St. Petersburg (40–45 days) + 2 days customs clearance + 2 days delivery to Moscow.

Delivery by sea in China is well developed and operates according to established algorithms.

Trucking from China

Transporting goods from China by truck is more convenient and faster than by sea, the advantage is savings Money on loading. However, there are more risks in this type of transportation. By car you can deliver goods from door to door in 15 to 25 days, and in just a week you can import goods into the territories bordering the PRC.

Delivery time can be affected by many factors en route, such as road conditions, driver experience, weather or vehicle conditions. There is a shortage of professional logisticians in China, as demand exceeds supply and inexperienced drivers are hired. Moreover, the trucks are overloaded, which can lead to breakdowns vehicle and add the number of days of waiting for the cargo. Most often, road transport is combined with another type of delivery - railway or sea.

What are the advantages? Unlike sea transportation, transporting goods by road is more convenient due to flexibility, since non-standard situations on the road you can change the route and build a new one. And by the way, fragile and valuable goods, such as electronics and medical equipment, it is better and safer to transport by truck.

Sending cargo by air

If time is money for you, then air transportation is what you need. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s fast and safe. 3-5 days are enough to deliver goods from China to your warehouse in Moscow, if you take into account the time for customs clearance. If you order perishable and especially valuable cargo from 100 kg to 1.5 tons, then this type of transportation is indispensable.

Pros of air travel

  • Minimum delivery time;
  • Geographical accessibility. Delivery anywhere in the country.
  • Safety;
  • The most convenient format for transporting perishable, small-sized and expensive (exclusive) goods, as well as samples.

Cost of cargo delivery from China to Russia

Several factors influence the calculation of the cost of delivery of goods:

  • Weight and volume of goods;
  • Product category;
  • City of departure and destination;
  • Type of cargo and method of transportation.

Air delivery (3-14 days)

If you send cargo (from 500 kg) from Beijing or Shanghai to Moscow, then the cost per 1 kg will be up to 2.5 dollars, to St. Petersburg the price will be from 3.4 dollars.

Railway delivery (about 30 days)

To Zabaikalsk or Vladivostok, transporting a 20-pound container will cost you $2,300, a 40-pound container will cost you $5,200. Further to Moscow, delivery will cost 135 thousand rubles or 290 thousand rubles, respectively.

By water transport (35-60 days)

Delivery of a 20-pound container via Vladivostok will cost $1,025, and a 40-pound container will cost $1,290. If the cargo is transported via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, then $1,600 or $2,600.

Delivery by car (from 20 days)

Transporting goods through Kazakhstan or Zabaikalsk to the border will cost from 180 to 230 dollars per ton, or 5,700 dollars per car. Delivery from the border to Moscow will cost about 320 thousand rubles.

Correct customs clearance of documents is important for the successful transportation of your cargo. Customs clearance of goods is most often carried out in Kazakhstan or Vladivostok. Kazakhstan is suitable for processing groupage cargo. The goods can be delivered using vehicles, this is the most convenient and profitable option. Customs clearance in Vladivostok will also cost you relatively little, but you can only deliver cargo there by railway transport.

Post office



When choosing transport company Avoid those who offer at a very low price or calculate the cost based on the size of the shipment. Most likely, such a company operates under gray schemes and transports cargo under the wrong name.

Sample contract with China for the supply of goods

If you do not want to lose your goods at the border, then it is important to understand what documents need to be prepared in advance. A foreign trade contract for the international transportation of goods is the main element for doing business. The contract contains mandatory and additional clauses. Let's look at the structure of a standard contract.

  1. Registration number and date;
  2. The preamble specifies both parties to the contract;
  3. Subject of the agreement – ​​product description;
  4. The cost of the goods, indicating the quantity and currency in which payment will be made;
  5. Delivery conditions – point of departure and destination of the cargo;
  6. Product packaging – indicating the outer and inner packaging;
  7. Cargo delivery times;
  8. Insurance;
  9. Terms of payment – ​​cash or bank transfer;
  10. Conditions of warranty service when replacing defective goods;
  11. Obligations of the parties and payment of penalties;
  12. Options for resolving controversial issues (courts, conflict situations);
  13. Possible force majeure events are specified;
  14. Legal details of the parties;
  15. Special conditions or additional information.

Check delivery from China

Postal delivery is very popular, especially among those involved in dropshipping. This method is convenient because it allows you to track the movement of cargo using a special track code. You can order regular or courier delivery. The standard option is convenient for cargo up to 12 kg, since it will not be delayed at customs and the delivery time will be shorter.

There are several logistics routes for delivering goods from China:

  • Sea cargo transportation represents the most economical, but time-consuming route;
  • Air cargo transportation is a fairly expensive option, but the fastest;
  • rail freight transportation – affordable price and optimal timing, increased safety;
  • Road transportation – reasonable terms and prices and the most popular logistics route.

Sea transportation is the most popular. China has approximately 20 major modern seaports and about 100 smaller ones. The 5 largest ports in the world are located in China: Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Qingdao. Shanghai port is the largest sea ​​port in the world.

From China to Russia you can reach 3 popular sea routes: Far Eastern ports, Black Sea ports and ports in Northern Europe. The Northern Sea Route is used extremely rarely. However, development of this more profitable direction of sea cargo transportation is now underway. The most popular northern routes are summer time. When you can do without icebreakers.

The links in the logistics transport chain are closely interconnected and must be worked out to the smallest detail. After all, a delay of even one day at one point can significantly delay delivery from China as a whole.

Logistics is a science that does not tolerate fuss

How does it work transport logistics? How does it all work? Is it difficult to deliver cargo from China? How to deliver goods from China to Russia? Let's look at all the possible options.

Sea freight from China

First of all, the goods arrive at the warehouse of the transport company, where they are carefully prepared for shipment. As soon as the container is ready, the customs clearance procedure is carried out. The container with the goods is delivered to the port 2-3 days before the ship’s arrival, after which it is automatically loaded. On average, a ship takes about 5 to 14 days to reach the port in Vladivostok, depending on additional calls to other ports. It takes 3 weeks to Novorossiysk, about a month to Europe, and a month and a half to St. Petersburg.

Then delivery is carried out by land, railway or road transport.

Transportation is carried out mainly by large, reputable transport companies, most of which can be completely trusted, including Shuttle Logistics.

When the cargo is delivered to the destination port, the goods will need to be delivered to warehouses. After which the containers must be returned to the shipping company. It is worth following the terms of free use of the container to avoid unnecessary financial costs. There are many nuances in this issue, for example, during customs clearance, cargo may get stuck directly at the port, and other unforeseen situations may arise. Transport Logistic company He is well versed in all the nuances and knows how to significantly save the customer’s money.

The cost of delivery services includes not only freight, but also forwarding, loading, unloading, cargo formation, safekeeping and much more.

Air delivery

This type of delivery is used for groups of goods that need to be delivered only in a short period of time. These are perishable, fast-moving goods, the speed of delivery of which is a decisive factor. Consolidation of cargo during air delivery is carried out within 3 – 4 days. During this period of time, the Shuttle-Logistic company forms the entire necessary documentation on various categories goods coming from different customers. Then the cargo, properly packaged and processed from China, is delivered by road to Vladivostok. Here in Vladivostok, customs clearance of cargo takes place. On average, this lasts for 2 – 3 days depending on the product category. After all permitting documents have been issued, the cargo is delivered to the airport and automatically loaded onto the plane. Delivery within Russia is carried out within 1 day. This is the most quick way deliver goods from China to Russia.

Land delivery from China

This type of cargo transportation from China to Russia is carried out by our company through land border posts in Vladivostok. This transport route has recently become the most popular because it is safer, more cost-effective and time-efficient. From China, the cargo travels by road to border posts in Vladivostok, where customs clearance of the goods takes place. The cargo then travels through Russia. Road and rail transportation is used here. Now more than half of all freight transport from the PRC they follow exactly this land route through the Far Eastern customs. The total delivery time from China is 20 – 22 days. The only faster way is by air!

For those who like to save.

Why are consolidated cargoes so in demand? Imagine a large container, say 57.8 m 3 . If you can’t imagine, it’s 25,580 kg. Finding so many products in China is quite difficult. Therefore, delivery by consolidated sea from China allows you to place cargo in one container from several customers. The cost of such delivery is reduced significantly. Cargo consolidation for such delivery is carried out every 14 days. Therefore, you can contact the Shuttle-Logistic company at any time and receive individual conditions delivery of your goods. In addition, the Shuttle-Logistic company owns warehouses in cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Vladivostok, Moscow, which is additional benefit before choosing an international transport company. Delivery of your cargo to the port of Vladivostok is carried out within 14 – 16 days. For a long time? But not expensive. Barge with
your cargo travels to Vladivostok through several additional Chinese ports, this is done in order to reload the barge and reduce the cost of your delivery. Upon arrival at the port of Vladivostok, the cargo undergoes customs clearance. Next, the cargo is distributed according to directions, i.e. across the regions of Russia and is sent by rail within 3 – 14 days.

Multimodal international transport

This type of international cargo transportation includes several modes of transport. Railway and road transport most often used as one of the links in multimodal transportation. This type of transportation of international cargo is the most popular today.

How to deliver goods from China to Russia

To choose the optimal transport route, it is necessary to take into account many factors: delivery time, price range of the service and level of security, quality of delivery. It is also necessary to take into account many other individual factors: consolidation, additional insurance, delivery of cargo from the manufacturer’s plant, preparation necessary documents, customs clearance and much more. Our specialists approach their work responsibly. Therefore, not a single nuance will escape their attention. High level professionalism, excellent knowledge and practical experience, application innovative technologies and equipment, established partnerships and business connections– all this helps us successfully deliver goods from China to Russia.