Artistic treatment of a male portrait. Processing of a male portrait: enhancing the brutal character. Group of layers with additional retouching

Let's take the source and start processing.

1. Create 5 layers (Ctrl+J).

2. Translate the layer Copy 4 in b/w: Image> Corrections> Discolor (Image> Adjustments> Desaturate) Multiplication and set the layer opacity to 48%.

3. Translate the layer Copy 3 in b/w: Image> Corrections> Discolor (Image> Adjustments> Desaturate). Change the layer blending mode to Lightening (Screen) and set the layer opacity to 40%.

4. Change the layer blending mode Copy 2 to mode Overlay.

5. Change the layer blending mode Copy to mode Linear Light and set the transparency to 55%.

6. We get a rich, contrasting picture with dark gaps and a drawn skin texture. Add Layer mask(icon in the form of a gray square with a white circle inside at the bottom of the Layers palette) to all layers and wipe the eyes (tool Brush (B), color black) in layer masks Copy 4 And Copy, making the eyes lighter.

7. Create above the layer Copy, Adjustment layer Hue/Saturation(at the bottom of the Layers palette, click on the icon in the form of a black and white circle and select the appropriate command) and tone down the red color.

8. Print visible layers onto a new layer (create New Layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) above all layers and click Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E).

9. Create a layer Copy 10 (Shift + Ctrl + N) and sharpen Filter > Other > High Pass put the result in blending mode Overlay.

10. Create an Adjustment Layer Color balance 1(at the bottom of the Layers palette, click on the icon in the form of a black and white circle and select the appropriate command) and adjust the color of the picture so as to get the desired shade (add red, saturate it a little with yellow and uncheck “Keep glow”).

We continue our series of articles entitled. This time I will show you one of my options editing a man's portrait. The motive for this article was simply great amount processing lessons that have filled our entire Internet :)

In this lesson we will look at the main details that you should pay attention to when retouching a man's photo.

For this article I selected photograph of his friend, taken in February 2012. It was filmed on Nikon D7000 with NIKON lens. Original photo and PSD the file is located at the end of this article, on which you can practice and completely repeat this photo processing. As always, processing video you will also find at the bottom of this article.

Actually, the result before:

and the result after:

To perform this processing we need a graphic editor Adobe Photoshop and plugins for it: Alien Skin Exposure 3, Color Efex Pro versions 3.0 And 4.0 ,Imagenomic Noiseware Professional. Links to download these plugins are at the end of the article.

Beginning of work

1. Open our photo in Photoshop and immediately go to the plugin Color Efex Pro 3.0, select a filter Contrast Only and set the following settings: Brightness +40%, Contrast +40%, Saturation +50%

How to process a street portrait using Adobe Photoshop - watch the video tutorial by Alexey Kuzmichev. “Let’s start processing a street portrait of an elderly man. From the lesson you will learn how to achieve beautiful cinematic shades in a photo, as well as how to emphasize the necessary details using light and shadow" © Alexey Kuzmichev Information about the video Source: video tutorials on Photoshop from Alexey […]

How to retouch a man's portrait in Adobe Photoshop - watch the video tutorial by Alexey Kuzmichev. “Today I will show you how to process a male portrait in Photoshop. You will learn what nuances there are when retouching men's photos, techniques for enhancing skin texture and ways to make the model in the frame more brutal.” © Alexey Kuzmichev Information about the video Source: video tutorials on Photoshop […]

How to make a professional retouching of a female portrait using Adobe Photoshop - watch the video tutorial by Alexey Kuzmichev. “Retouching is a very important stage in the processing of any photograph. Before tinting a photo, adding effects, etc., we first need to get rid of the main defects, otherwise in the future they can ruin all our work. Today I will show you the whole process [...]

Today we will learn how to process a male portrait in Photoshop. Men don’t like glamorous things about their own photos, but sometimes they don’t mind having their portraits given a stylish treatment. Open the image (example) in Photoshop. We prepare the skin: using the “Patch” tools we eliminate skin defects, and the “Blur” tool makes it smoother.

Create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and reduce the saturation.

Create a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and increase the brightness.

Let's return to the image layer. Go to the tab “Filter” - “Imitation” - “Oil painting”.

Go to the “Filter” tab – “Sharpening” – “Smart Sharpening”.

Go to the tab “Filter” - “Imitation” - “Outlined Edges”.

On top of all layers, create new layers and in them, using a soft brush to match the color of the skin areas, draw a duplicate of the skin.

Go back to the image layer and add a layer mask. In a layer mask, use a soft, black, large-diameter brush to hide the background.

Remove visibility from the background. We stand on top of all layers and use the “Rectangular Area” to outline the entire image. Go to the “Editing” tab - “Copy combined data” - “Paste”. Go to the tab “Filter” - “Imitation” - “Oil painting”.

Change the blending mode to “Screen”.

Create a new layer under the image layer. On the toolbar, set the color #b8b3aa in the top square, and black in the bottom square. Fill the layer with a “Gradient” type “From foreground to background”.

Create a new layer on top of all layers and paint over the edge of the image with a soft brush with color #b8b3aa.

Again we resort to the “Copy combined data” function. Create two such layers: layer No. 1 and layer No. 2.

For layer No. 1, go to the “Filter” - “Sharpening” - “Unsharpening” tab.

In this lesson we will talk about how to process a male portrait in order to accurately convey the character of the person in the picture and enhance the element of brutality.


Processing a male portrait is often more difficult than working on a female portrait. When editing a portrait of a girl, as a rule, the photographer strives to make beautiful picture. When working with a male portrait, this goal loses its importance, giving way to conveying the character and mood of the hero. And for this, in addition to knowing how to remove pimples and wrinkles, it is useful to know something else.

Step 1

The first step is to treat the eyes, as in. This action will help you solve a focusing problem that may not have hit your eyes exactly.

Step 2

Let's sharpen the image using the Unsharp mask filter. You can find it in the Filters/Sharpening/Unsharpening menu.

You can set the values ​​to your taste or use those shown below in the illustration. By the way, the values ​​​​very much depend on the resolution of the photo, in our case it is 3500x5200px.

Increase sharpness using the Unsharp Mask filter

Step 3

Create a “Gradient map” layer and reduce its opacity to about 36%. Nothing changes in the settings menu that appears when creating a Gradient Map. Change the layer blending parameters from “normal” to “saturation”.

Step 4

Create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. In the window that pops up, change the set to “Custom” and increase the “Saturation” value by 22 and “Brightness” by 2.

Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

Step 5

Create a copy of the main layer using the hot keys Ctrl+J and convert it to black and white, again using the hot key: Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B. In the drop-down menu, you can leave everything as is, or, to your taste, move the sliders along different color channels. After that, reduce the layer opacity to about 70%.

There is another option: you can set this layer to the Screen blend mode and also reduce the opacity, but to 50%.

Step 6

We create a copy of the main layer using the hotkeys ctrl+j and convert it to black and white, again using the hotkeys: alt+shift+ctrl+b. In the drop-down menu, you can leave everything as it is or, to your taste, move the sliders along different color channels. After that, reduce the layer opacity to about 70%.

Option 2: you can set this layer to the “screen” blending mode and also reduce the opacity, but to 50%.

Option 1 Result when overlaying in “normal” mode

Option 2 Result when overlaying in “screen” mode

Step 7

Create a “Brightness/Contrast” adjustment layer and increase the “brightness” values: in our case - by 24, “contrast” - by 12.

Create a “Brightness/Contrast” layer

You can stop at step 7, or you can continue and achieve a result similar to what ends up on the covers of Esquire.

Step 8

Create another adjustment layer, this time “Black and White”. Depending on the photo, we change the settings by channel, and then set the opacity value to 60-70%.

Create a “Black and White” layer and change the opacity value

Step 9

Create a “Color” adjustment layer and enter the color parameters #9990f6. After that, reduce the opacity to about 20% and change the blending method from “Normal” to “Subtract”.

The "Subtract" blending method works in the opposite way to the "Normal" blending, it removes the selected color and thus toning with blue in the "Subtract" blending mode we get a yellowish tint.

Create a “Color” layer with an opacity of ~20% and a blending method of “subtraction”

Choosing a color for tinting

Step 10

You may have problems saving the photo and Photoshop saves it in .psd format. Let me remind you that then you should select File/Save As/JPEG.

Finally, one more piece of advice: if you don’t have enough free time to process the entire photo, don’t despair and save the photo as a .psd and continue when it’s convenient for you. In this format, Photoshop saves all layers and data that were changed during processing.

Save the photo


Let me remind you that most of the settings given in this lesson are suitable specifically for this photo. In your workflow, you can skip or replace any actions, because photo processing is a creative process! Be creative and good luck to you!