An individual program for the provision of social services is drawn up. On the procedure for interaction between social service providers providing social services in a stationary form of social services when transferring a recipient of social services. Registry




In accordance with "On the Procedure for the Provision of Social Services by Social Service Providers in the Astrakhan Region" the Ministry social development and labor Astrakhan region decides:

1. Approve the attached.

2. The Department of Organization of Social Support and Social Services (Shakhmanova I.T.) shall ensure that a copy of this Resolution is sent to:

To the Communications and Mass Communications Agency of the Astrakhan Region - within three working days from the date of its signing;

To the prosecutor's office of the Astrakhan region - no later than seven working days from the date of its signing;

To the Department of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation in the Astrakhan region - within seven days after its adoption;

Suppliers of reference and legal systems LLC "Astrakhan-Garant-Service" and LLC "Information Center "ConsultantService" for inclusion in electronic databases in electronic form and on paper - within seven days after the decision is adopted.

3. Department public relations and communication technologies (Durnova L.V.) place the text of this Resolution on the official website of the ministry

4. This Resolution comes into force after 10 days from the date of its official publication.


Deputy Prime Minister
Astrakhan Region - Minister
social development and labor
Astrakhan region

Ministry Decree
social development and labor
Astrakhan region
dated April 4, 2016 N 11


1. This Procedure for interaction between social service providers providing social services in stationary form social services, when transferring a recipient of social services (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in accordance with, in order to establish a mechanism for transferring a recipient of social services to another provider of social services providing social services in a stationary form of social services.

2. This Procedure applies to social service providers providing social services in a stationary form of social services (hereinafter referred to as the provider), the list of which is determined in accordance with the nomenclature of social service organizations in the Astrakhan region, approved by Order of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated October 31, 2014 N 460 -Pr "On the nomenclature of social service organizations in the Astrakhan region".

4. The transfer of the recipient from one supplier to another is carried out in agreement with the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

5. The Ministry’s approval of the recipient’s transfer is carried out on the basis of a request submitted by the provider where the recipient is receiving social services to transfer the citizen to another provider (hereinafter referred to as the transfer request) with the following documents attached:

Applications for the transfer of a recipient of social services to another provider of social services, drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure;

Personal file of the recipient;

A bypass sheet drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated December 12, 2014 No. 572-P.

When transferring minor recipients, data from medical examinations conducted in accordance with the Rules for conducting medical examinations of orphans and children without parental care placed under supervision in an organization for orphans and children without parental care, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2015 N 170, and (or) the Procedure for medical examination of orphans and children left without parental care, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2013 N 216n.

The validity period of the bypass certificate or medical examinations specified in this paragraph cannot exceed 6 months from the date of their issue.

6. Ministry:

On the day of receipt of the application for transfer and the documents specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure, registers them in the journal for registering applications for the transfer of recipients of social services to another provider of social services, approved in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure;

Within 2 working days following the day of registration, the documents specified in paragraph two of this paragraph are approved;

Within 1 business day, after the approval period specified in paragraph three of this clause, it sends a notice of the suppliers recommended for transfer, with the attachment of documents received in accordance with clause 5 of this Procedure, to the supplier who applied for the transfer.

7. The transfer of recipients suffering from mental disorders is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care.

8. The transfer of minors who are in specialized organizations for minors and who have the status of “orphan” or “left without parental care” is carried out taking into account the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2014 N 481 “On the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, and on the placement of children left without parental care in them" and Resolution of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated 08/21/2015 N 429-P "On the procedure for issuing referrals for the placement of orphans and children left without parental care under supervision in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care."

9. Recipients of social services with special social services are transferred to another provider in accordance with subclause 4.4 of the Procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated December 12, 2014 N 572-P.

Transfer of the recipient to another supplier does not require revision individual program social services, except in cases:

Expiration of the individual social services program;

Changes in circumstances that determine the need for the provision of social services;

Personal will of the recipient to change the individual program of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program) in accordance with paragraph 12 of this Procedure.

10. The supplier, at least 30 days before the expiration of the individual program:

Notifies the recipient in writing;

Sends to the ministry a conclusion on the implementation of the individual program in the form approved (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion on the implementation of the individual program) in two copies, with the appropriate marks.

11. The recipient has the right, personally or through an authorized representative, during the validity period of the individual program, to contact the ministry with an application for revision of the individual program in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure, attaching the current individual program and documents confirming the need for its revision.

12. The revision of the individual program is carried out by the Ministry taking into account the results of the previous individual program in accordance with subparagraphs 1.7 - 1.9 and within the time period established by subparagraph 1.14 of the Procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated December 12, 2014 N 572-P.

The application specified in paragraph 11 of this Procedure is registered in the register of applications for the revision of an individual program for the provision of social services, approved in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Procedure.

Appendix No. 1. Application for transfer of recipients of social services to another provider of social services

Appendix No. 1
to the Ministry Resolution
social development and labor
Astrakhan region
dated April 4, 2016 N 11

application provided)



(date of birth of citizen)


Russian Federation)





(last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

representative, name






government agency, authority

local government, public


Application for transfer of recipients of social services to another provider of social services

Please provide me with social services in a stationary form

social services provided

To process personal data about yourself in accordance with Article 9

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" for

inclusion in the register of recipients of social services:


__________ ________________________________ "______" ___________________ G.

(signature) (full name) date of filling out the application

Appendix No. 2. Application for revision of the individual program for the provision of social services

Appendix No. 2
to the Ministry Resolution
social development and labor
Astrakhan region
dated April 4, 2016 N 11


(name of the body in which

application provided)

from __________________________________,

(last name, first name, patronymic (if available)



(date of birth of citizen)


(details of the document certifying



(citizenship, information about place

residence (stay) in the territory

Russian Federation)


(contact phone number, e-mail (if


from ___________________________________



(last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

representative, name

government agency, authority

local government, public

associations representing interests






(details of the document confirming

powers of the representative, details

identity document

representative, location address

government agency, authority

local government, public


Application for revision of an individual program for the provision of social services

Please reconsider my individual provision program

social services to provide me with social services in the form

social services ___________________________________________________


(indicate the desired form of social service)

social service provider ______________________________________________


(indicate the desired provider(s) of social services)

I need social services: _____________________________________________________


(the desired social services and the frequency of their provision are indicated)

I need social services due to the following circumstances:



(indicate circumstances that worsen or may worsen conditions

life activity of a citizen)


and (or) due to changes in the need for social services for the following

reasons ___________________________________________________________________


(the reasons that led to the change in the need for social


I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information.

"___" __________ ____ G. _______________ (________________________________)

(date) (signature) (signature transcript)


Appendix No. 3
to the Ministry Resolution
social development and labor
Astrakhan region
dated April 4, 2016 N 11

Supplier name

Notification date


Appendix No. 4
to the Ministry Resolution
social development and labor
Astrakhan region
dated April 4, 2016 N 11

Date of receipt of the application by the authorized organization

Date of receipt of application by the ministry

Last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient of social services

Date of Birth

Date of drawing up the living conditions assessment report

Date of receipt of the living conditions assessment report by the ministry

Date of execution of the conclusion on the implementation of the individual program

Date and number of the developed individual program

Registration N 35394

In accordance with subclause 5.2.97 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 610 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3528; 2013, N 22, Art. 2809; N 36, Art. 4578; N 37, Article 4703; N 45, Article 5822; N 46, Article 5952; 2014, N 21, Article 2710; N 26, Article 3577; N 29, Article 4160; N 32, Article 4499; N 36 , Art. 4868), I order:

1. Approve the attached Sample Procedure for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home.

Minister M. Topilin

An approximate procedure for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home

1. The approximate procedure for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home (hereinafter referred to as the Approximate Procedure) determines the rules for the provision of social services, including urgent social services, in the form of social services at home to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons, constantly those living on the territory of the Russian Federation, refugees who are recognized as needing social services in the form of social services at home and who are provided with social services or social services (hereinafter referred to as recipients of social services).

2. Social services in the form of social services at home include activities to provide social services to recipients of social services, which is aimed at improving their living conditions while maintaining the residence of recipients of social services in a familiar favorable environment - their place of residence.

3. When determining the types of social services necessary for a citizen, provided in the form of social services at home, the need of the recipient of social services to receive such services, the nature of the circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions are taken into account.

4. To consider the issue of providing social services in the form of social services at home, an application for the provision of social services, drawn up in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2014 N 159n “On approval of the application form for the provision of social services" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 26, 2014 N 32430) (hereinafter referred to as the application).

Recipients of social services have the right to participate in legal relations for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home personally or through a legal representative (hereinafter referred to as the representative). At the same time, the personal participation of recipients of social services does not deprive them of the right to have a representative, just as the participation of a representative does not deprive the recipients social services the right to personal participation in legal relations for receiving social services.

5. The approximate procedure for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, with the exception of urgent social services, the provision of which is provided for in paragraph 7 of the Approximate Procedure, includes the following actions:

1) acceptance of the application;

3) explaining to the recipient of social services or his representative the procedure for accepting documents that must be submitted to recognize a citizen as needing social services and making a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home;

4) analysis of the submitted documents necessary to make a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, and making a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home to the recipient of social services or a decision to refuse to provide social services in the form of social services at home in accordance with Part 2 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ “On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 52, Art. 7007; 2014, N 30, Art. 4257) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law);

5) drawing up an individual program for the provision of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program);

6) conclusion of an agreement on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home between the provider of social services and the recipient of social services (representative) (hereinafter referred to as the agreement);

7) provision of social services to the recipient of social services in the form of social services at home in accordance with the concluded agreement;

8) termination of the provision of social services in the form of social services at home in connection with the occurrence of the grounds provided for in paragraph 43 of the Model Procedure.

6. The deadline for completing the actions provided for in paragraph 5 of the Sample Procedure cannot exceed the deadlines established by legislative and regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The time for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraphs 1 - 3 of paragraph 5 of the Approximate Procedure should not exceed 15 minutes from the moment the application is received.

The period for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 5 of the Model Procedure should not exceed 5 working days 1 from the date of submission of the application and documents necessary to make a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home.

The period for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 5 of the Model Procedure should not exceed 10 working days 2 from the date of submission of the application and documents necessary to make a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home.

The period for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 5 of the Model Procedure should not exceed 1 day 3 from the date of submission to the social service provider of an individual program and documents necessary for making a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home.

7. The provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home includes the following actions:

1) accepting an application, as well as receiving from medical, educational or other organizations not included in the social service system, information about citizens in need of urgent social services in the form of social services at home (hereinafter referred to as recipients of urgent social services);

2) information about the procedure for providing social services in the form of social services at home, types of social services, terms, conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services, about the possibility of receiving these services for free;

3) explaining to the recipient of social services or his representative the procedure for receiving documents that must be submitted to make a decision on the provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home;

4) analysis of the submitted documents necessary to make a decision on the provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home, and making a decision on the provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home to the recipient of social services or a decision to refuse to provide urgent social services in the form social services at home in accordance with current legislation;

5) providing the recipient of social services with urgent social services in the form of social services at home;

6) drawing up an act on the provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home, which is confirmed by the signature of the recipient of urgent social services;

7) termination of the provision of urgent social services in the form of social services at home in connection with the occurrence of the grounds provided for in paragraph 43 of the Model Procedure.

8. The time frame for completing the actions provided for in paragraph 7 of the Approximate Procedure cannot exceed the time limits established by legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The time for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraphs 1 - 3 of paragraph 7 of the Approximate Procedure should not exceed 15 minutes from the moment the application is received.

The deadline for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraphs 4-5 of paragraph 7 of the Approximate Procedure is determined within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services (immediately) 4.

The period for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 7 of the Model Procedure should not exceed 1 working day from the date of provision of urgent social services to the recipient of social services in the form of social services at home.

The deadline for implementing the actions provided for in subparagraph 7 of paragraph 7 of the Model Procedure is determined in accordance with Part 10 of Article 8 of the Federal Law.

9. The decision to provide social services in the form of social services at home is made on the basis of the following documents:

1) document identifying the recipient of social services (representative);

2) a document confirming the authority of the representative (if the representative applies);

3) a document confirming the place of residence and (or) stay, actual residence of the recipient of social services (representative);

4) documents (information) confirming that the recipient of social services has circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions, which served as the basis for recognizing the citizen as needing social services in the form of social services at home;

5) documents on the living conditions and family composition (if any) of the recipient of social services, the income of the recipient of social services and members of his family (if any), the property belonging to him (them), necessary to determine the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge;

6) individual program (if there is a valid individual program);

7) other documents necessary for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, provided for by the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers, approved in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 8 of the Federal Law.

10. The documents necessary for making a decision on the provision of social services in the form of social services at home are presented by the recipient of social services in person or are subject to submission within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of provision of state and municipal services"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 27, Art. 3880; N 49, Art. 7061; 2012, N 31, Art. 4322; 2013, N 27, Art. 3477) .

11. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided to recipients of social services in accordance with individual programs and on the basis of an agreement 5.

12. When concluding an agreement, recipients of social services (representatives) must be familiar with the conditions for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, internal regulations for recipients of social services, receive information about their rights, responsibilities, types of social services that will be provided to them , timing, procedure, their provision, cost of providing these services.

13. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided to their recipients by the provider of social services at the place of residence of the recipients of social services in a familiar favorable environment - their place of residence.

14. The recipient of social services is provided with the following types of social services in the form of social services at home:

1) social and domestic, aimed at maintaining the life of recipients of social services in everyday life;

2) social and medical, aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services by organizing care, providing assistance in carrying out health-improving activities, and systematic observation to identify deviations in health status;

3) socio-psychological, providing assistance in correcting the psychological state of recipients of social services for adaptation in the social environment, including the provision of psychological assistance anonymously using a helpline;

4) socio-pedagogical, aimed at preventing deviations in behavior and personality development of recipients of social services, developing their positive interests, including in the field of leisure), organizing their leisure time, providing assistance to the family in raising children;

5) social and labor, aimed at providing assistance in finding employment and solving other problems related to labor adaptation;

6) social and legal, aimed at providing assistance in obtaining legal services, including free of charge, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;

7) services in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children;

8) urgent social services.

15. In the form of social services at home, the provision of social services is provided, included in the list of social services provided by social service providers, approved by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation 6 (hereinafter referred to as the List).

16. Providing citizens, at their request, expressed in writing or electronically, for a fee, with additional social services in the form of social services at home, in addition to the social services included in the List, is carried out by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the powers established by part 2 of the article 11 of the Federal Law.

17. The per capita standard for financing social services provided in the form of social services at home is established by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of paragraph 10 of Article 8 of the Federal Law, taking into account methodological recommendations for its calculation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 7 Federal Law.

18. When calculating the volume of provision of social services in the form of social services at home, the norms and standards established in accordance with paragraphs 6, 7 of part 2 of Article 7, paragraphs 5, 6 of Article 8 of the Federal Law are taken into account, on the basis of which the provision of social services in the form social services at home, including nutritional standards.

If the relevant rules and regulations are not established, the volume of provision of social services in the form of social services at home cannot be less than the volume provided for the recipient of social services in the individual program and contract.

19. The main indicators that determine the quality of social services in the form of social services at home provided to recipients of social services are:

1) indicators characterizing the satisfaction of recipients of social services with social services, the absence of justified complaints, the number of positive reviews about the work of the social service provider;

2) ensuring the openness of documents in accordance with which the provider of social services carries out activities in the field of social services at home (charter (regulations); guidelines, rules, instructions, methods of working with recipients of social services and its own activities; operational documents for equipment, devices and equipment, other documents);

3) the number of recipients of social services covered by social services from a given social service provider;

4) accessibility of accommodation conditions for social service providers (including accessibility of social services for disabled people and other persons, taking into account their life limitations);

5) staffing of the social service provider with specialists and their qualifications;

6) availability of special and technical equipment(equipment, devices, facilities of the premises of the social service provider;

7) availability of information on the procedure and rules for the provision of social services, organization of social services at home;

8) improving the quality of social services and the efficiency of their provision (determined on the basis of measures aimed at improving the activities of the social service provider in the provision of social services);

9) other indicators determined in the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers, approved in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 8 of the Federal Law.

20. When assessing the quality of social services in the form of social services at home provided to recipients of social services, the following criteria are used:

1) the completeness of the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, including taking into account the volume of social services provided, the timing of the provision of social services, and other criteria that allow assessing the completeness of the provision of social services;

2) timely provision of social services, including taking into account the degree of need of the recipient of social services;

3) effectiveness (efficiency) of providing social services (improving the living conditions of the recipient of social services).

21. Assessing the quality of provision of social and domestic services includes an assessment of:

1) assistance in the purchase and home delivery of food, essential industrial goods, sanitation and hygiene products, care products, books, newspapers, magazines, the purchase of fuel, payment for housing and communal services and communication services, which should meet the needs of recipients of social services in the timely acquisition of necessary food and industrial goods, as well as in solving issues in the field of public utilities and communications;

2) providing assistance in preparing food, eating (feeding), providing water, cleaning residential premises, sending postal correspondence, organizing assistance in repairing residential premises, which should ensure that the needs and requirements of recipients of social services are met in solving these problems in order to create they have normal living conditions;

3) providing short-term care for the children of the recipient of social services, which must meet not only the criteria of necessity, timeliness, but also the safety of children;

4) provision of hygiene services to persons who, due to health reasons, are unable to independently care for themselves, which should ensure the implementation of the procedures necessary for recipients of social services without causing any harm to their health, physical or moral suffering and inconvenience;

5) other social services provided by the social service provider.

22. Assessing the quality of social and medical services includes assessing:

1) timely and to the required extent implementation of procedures related to maintaining the health of recipients of social services;

2) monitoring recipients of social services to identify deviations in their health;

3) carrying out procedures related to preserving the health of recipients of social services, recreational activities, which must be carried out with maximum care and caution without causing any harm to recipients of social services;

4) activities for consulting recipients of social services on socio-medical issues, which should ensure the provision of qualified assistance to recipients of social services in correctly understanding and solving the specific problems they face related to maintaining health;

5) providing assistance in performing adaptive exercises physical culture, which should ensure that recipients of social services master an accessible and safe set of physical exercises for the purpose of its systematic implementation to improve their health;

6) other social and medical services provided by the social service provider.

23. Assessing the quality of socio-psychological services includes assessing:

1) socio-psychological counseling, which should ensure that recipients of social services receive qualified assistance in establishing interpersonal relationships, including to prevent and overcome family conflicts;

2) psychological assistance, the provision of which should help the recipient of social services to discover and mobilize internal resources and solve emerging socio-psychological problems;

3) socio-psychological patronage, which should, based on systematic monitoring of recipients of social services, ensure timely identification of situations of mental discomfort, personal (intrapersonal) or interpersonal conflict and other situations that worsen the living conditions of recipients of social services, in order to provide them with the necessary socio-psychological services;

4) other socio-psychological services provided by the social service provider.

24. Assessing the quality of social and pedagogical services includes an assessment of:

1) training in practical skills of general care for seriously ill recipients of social services, recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children;

2) organizing assistance to parents and other legal representatives of disabled children raised at home in teaching such children self-care and communication skills aimed at personal development;

3) socio-pedagogical correction, including diagnostics and counseling, the implementation of which should ensure the provision of qualified and effective pedagogical assistance, which is needed by recipients of social services who receive social services in the form of social services at home;

4) the formation of positive interests (including in the field of leisure) and the organization of leisure (holidays, excursions and other cultural events), which should ensure the satisfaction of the socio-cultural and spiritual needs of recipients of social services (both adults and children), broadening their horizons, spheres communication, increasing the creative activity of recipients of social services.

5) other social and pedagogical services provided by the social service provider.

25. Assessing the quality of social and labor services includes an assessment of:

1) measures taken to use the labor opportunities of recipients of social services and teach them accessible professional skills, their sufficiency and timeliness;

2) ongoing activities to provide assistance in employment;

3) activities carried out related to the organization of obtaining or assistance in obtaining education and (or) qualifications by disabled people (including disabled children) in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities, which are determined by the extent to which the conditions created by the social service provider for the preschool education of disabled children and their receipt of school education, as well as for the education of adult disabled people, contribute to the successful and effective conduct of educational work and training;

4) other social and labor services provided by the social service provider.

26. Assessing the quality of social and legal services includes an assessment of:

1) providing assistance in the preparation and restoration of documents, which should provide an explanation of the content to recipients of social services necessary documents depending on their purpose, presentation and writing (if necessary) of the text of documents or filling out forms, writing cover letters;

2) the effectiveness of providing legal assistance to recipients of social services, which should ensure a timely and objective solution to the legal problems facing the recipient of social services;

3) other social and legal services provided by the social service provider.

27. Assessing the quality of services provided in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children, includes an assessment of:

1) training disabled people (disabled children) in the use of technical means of rehabilitation, which should develop in disabled people (disabled children) practical skills in the ability to independently use these means;

2) carrying out social rehabilitation measures that should help restore the social status of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children, and improve the interaction of the recipient of social services with society;

3) training recipients of social services with disabilities, including children with disabilities, in skills of behavior in everyday life and public places, which should ensure the formation of the recipient of social services as an independent person, cultural, polite, prudent and benevolent in relation to others, and also teaching the internal discipline of an individual capable of serving himself in everyday conditions;

4) training recipients of social services with disabilities, including children with disabilities, in computer literacy skills, which should develop practical skills in recipients of social services to be able to use a computer independently;

5) other services provided in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children, provided by the social service provider.

28. Assessing the quality of urgent social services in the form of social services at home includes assessing the timeliness and completeness of the volume of social services provided in relation to the needs of the recipient of social services for specific social services.

29. Indicators of the quality of the provision of social services in the form of social services at home and assessment of the results of their provision by social service providers are determined based on the results of the provision of social services in relation to each specific recipient of social services.

30. The conditions for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home are established in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 3 of Article 27 of the Federal Law, taking into account the conditions established for the recipient of social services in the individual program and agreement.

31. When receiving social services in the form of social services at home, recipients of social services have the right to:

1) respectful and humane attitude;

2) choosing a social service provider;

3) receive free information in an accessible form about your rights and obligations, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services and their cost, and the possibility of receiving these services free of charge;

4) refusal to provide social services;

5) ensuring conditions of stay in social service organizations that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as proper care;

6) free visits by representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergy, as well as relatives and other persons during the day and evening;

7) confidentiality of personal information that became known during the provision of services;

8) protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including in court.

32. The recipient of social services is obliged to promptly inform the social service provider in writing about changes in circumstances that determine the need for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home.

33. When providing social services in the form of social services at home, the social service provider is obliged to:

1) respect human and civil rights;

2) ensure the integrity of the person and safety of recipients of social services;

3) ensure that recipients of social services (representatives) are familiar with the title documents on the basis of which the provider of social services carries out its activities;

4) ensure the safety of personal belongings and valuables of recipients of social services;

5) provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to use communication services, including the Internet information and telecommunications network and postal services;

6) inform recipients of social services about fire safety rules, operation of the provided devices and equipment;

7) provide recipients of social services with conditions of stay that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as proper care;

8) perform other duties related to the implementation of the rights of recipients of social services to social services in the form of social services at home.

34. The result of the provision of social services in the form of social services at home is the improvement of the living conditions of the recipient of social services.

35. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided free of charge, for a fee or partial payment.

The decision on the conditions for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home (free of charge, for a fee or partial payment) is made on the basis of documents submitted by the recipient of social services (representative), taking into account the average per capita income of the recipient of social services, the cost of living established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation , as well as tariffs for social services.

The calculation of the average per capita income in relation to the recipient of social services, with the exception of the persons specified in paragraph 36 of the Sample Procedure, is made on the date of application and is carried out on the basis of documents (information) provided for by the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers, approved in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 8 Federal Law on family composition, the presence (absence) of income of family members or a citizen living alone and property owned by them (him).

36. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided free of charge:

1) minor children 7;

2) persons affected by emergency situations, armed international (interethnic) conflicts 8 ;

37. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided for a fee or partial payment if, on the date of application, the average per capita income of the recipient of social services exceeds the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge, established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

38. Social services in the form of social services at home are provided free of charge if, on the date of application, the average per capita income of the recipient of social services is below the limit value or equal to the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge, established by law subject of the Russian Federation 10.

39. The amount of the monthly fee for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed fifty percent of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of the social service and the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge, determined in in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 31 of the Federal Law.

40. The procedure for approving tariffs for social services in the form of social services at home on the basis of per capita standards for financing social services is established in accordance with paragraph 11 of Article 8 of the Federal Law.

41. Payment for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home is made in accordance with the contract.

42. The social service provider has the right to refuse (suspend) the recipient of social services in the provision of social services in the form of social services at home, including temporarily, if the recipient of social services fails to provide the documents necessary for the provision of social services specified in paragraphs 5, 7 of the Model procedures that the recipient of social services, in accordance with current legislation, is obliged to provide personally.

43. The grounds for termination of the provision of social services in the form of social services at home are:

1) a written statement from the recipient of social services about the refusal to provide social services in the form of social services at home 11 ";

2) expiration of the period for the provision of social services in accordance with the individual program and (or) expiration of the contract 12;

3) violation by the recipient of social services (representative) of the conditions stipulated by the contract 13;

4) death of the recipient of social services or liquidation (termination of activities) of the provider of social services;

5) a court decision recognizing the recipient of social services as missing or dead;

6) conviction of the recipient of social services to serve a sentence of imprisonment.

1 Part 2 of Article 15 of the Federal Law.

2 Part 4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law.

3 Part 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law.

4 Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law.

5 The approximate form of the agreement is approved in accordance with Part 13 of Clause 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law.

6 Clause 9 of Article 8 of the Federal Law.

7 Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law.

8 Part 1 of Article 31 of the Federal Law.

9 Part 3 of Article 31 of the Federal Law.

10 Part 2 of Article 31 of the Federal Law

11 Article 18 of the Federal Law.

12 Part 1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law.

13 Clause 2 of Part 1 of Article 11 of the Federal Law.

4 months have passed since the entry into force of the new law N 442-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation”, adopted on December 28, 2013. Some of the by-laws necessary for its implementation have been adopted, the first experience of use in the regions has been obtained... After the adoption of the law, Elena Zablotskis, a lawyer from the legal group of the Republican Public Organization "Center for Curative Pedagogy", has already commented on its capabilities and limitations. Pavel Kantor, a lawyer from the legal group of the Republican Public Organization “Center for Curative Pedagogy”, spoke at a webinar held on April 21 at the Web-school of the Regional Public Organization of People with Disabilities about what the first experience showed and how to really launch the law in order to take full advantage of its positive potential. "Perspective".

When the new law on social services was created and adopted, there was a clear clash of two concepts: from the expert community, civil society, there was a request that the social protection system functions very poorly and needs to be radically changed, and from the social protection system itself there was an answer : “Yes, we acknowledge criticism, but how can we do it without changing anything?” Therefore, the result was a compromise. On the one side, new law can be read and applied in such a way that the existing state of affairs roughly corresponds to it. On the other hand, it contains quite serious intentions, one might say, “bombs” - key places that can transform this system if society and citizens are not passive.


What, in my opinion, was the cardinal innovation of the law? Firstly, there is a greater degree of openness of the system: complaints and problems have always been related to the fact that the social service system, the boarding system, is very closed. It remains very closed, but, nevertheless, information about social service providers is disclosed very widely, including on the Internet, and is made available to everyone; The law stipulates that lists of social services are open, tariffs for social services are open, access for non-state providers (this is a separate issue) is open.

In principle, even before, according to the old law, it was not state organizations theoretically could participate (and did participate) in social services for the population, but the new law for the first time consolidated this - it recorded the fact of the participation of non-governmental organizations (including commercial ones) in the provision of social services. Based on the experience of other European countries known to me, we can say that this is quite a commercial market - they work quite well in the social services market commercial organizations, and there is nothing strange or incomprehensible about this. Consideration of the social assistance system as a kind of charity, public charity comes from the traditions of past centuries, when it was believed that everyone can cope on their own, and only the poorest and most unfortunate can be helped “out of mercy.” Now the situation is changing: social services are a service that costs money and which is profitable to provide (if everything is arranged normally). In theory, all this should benefit the recipients of services themselves (there is competition, choice, and struggle for the recipient). Of course, something needs to be done for this (we will talk about this).

Among the serious innovations of the new law, I see: 1) an attempt to “open” the system, 2) an attempt to declare non-state providers of social services as equal players in this market, and 3) that the new law provides for some individuality and targeting. We now provide social services not to the disabled, not to veterans, not large families at all. Social services are now provided to each specific person, in the terminology of the new law - the recipient of social services, not depending on what category he belongs to, but depending on what he needs in his specific life situation. It would seem that the difference is not very big, but, in my opinion, this is a change in approach - instead of a category, it comes from the person.

In practice, this is manifested primarily in the fact that now an individual program for the recipient of social services must be developed for each recipient of social services, which must indicate the specific services that this particular recipient needs, a list possible suppliers, to whom he can apply to receive these services (the law states that the recipient must have a choice) and an assessment of the quality of their implementation.

So far (it’s already April!) not a single person has reached me with a drawn up program for receiving social services. What does this mean? Or that everything works perfectly and people don’t go to crisis centers (which is very doubtful). Or that programs have not yet been drawn up and executed, and people have not yet comprehended the difficulties in drawing up and receiving individual programs. So now I'm speculating. I suspect that some time will pass and there will be appeals, disputes and conflicts about these programs, and then we will see which “points” in the new law do not work.

I already know some of the “painful” points and will try to talk about them later. Let's talk about theory first, and then about practice.

Who can receive social services?

So, who, in accordance with the new law, can become a recipient of social services and - most interesting - how? We have moved away from the concept of “difficult life situation” and have come to the conclusion that Article 15 states: “A citizen is recognized as needing social services if 1) he has lost the ability to independently fulfill his life needs, 2) he has disabled people or children in his family in need of help." This is also an innovation of this law - it was clear before, but it finally clearly states that it is not a person who needs help, but a family in which there is a person with problems. This is important - previously we proceeded from the fact that there is a problem person and he needs help, and from this the idea naturally flowed to take this person and put him in some place where he would feel good or at least tolerant. The system itself was focused on stationary forms of social services, closed boarding schools, nursing homes, orphanages, etc. And now the law declares that a family needs help if in this family there is a disabled person, a child, a situation of violence, a person who abuses something, etc. After all, if there is an alcoholic or drug addict in the family, he himself may think that he is fine and does not need any help, while children or other family members suffer. Now they are also recognized as needing social services and have the right to count on receiving assistance.

What is interesting about the new law and, in my opinion, is a hidden “bookmark”? In accordance with Article 14, the basis for considering the issue of providing social services is the application of the citizen himself (this is understandable - the citizen declares: “I need to receive social services, I need it!”) or the application of other citizens in his interests. In fact, this is not such a rare situation. People said: “We see that our neighbor (distant relative) is in a very difficult situation, but for some reason he doesn’t come forward himself/he doesn’t have the strength to get there,” etc. Previously, in general, such people could fall out of the social protection system, but now nothing prevents them from being included there. Theoretically, even before such citizens should have been tracked and looked after, but, nevertheless, this system did not work (“Let him come himself!”). And now there is a direct indication of the law that you can come to the social security agency and say: “A grandmother lives in our building. I think she feels very bad. Please investigate this situation and take action."

Social services are only voluntary

It must be said right away that there were panicky statements that the law on social services thus introduces some kind of “juvenile justice” - some kind of totalitarian technologies to introduce the state into families, into the personal lives of citizens, etc. We must clearly understand that this is not so. The law clearly states that the condition for receiving social services is voluntariness. Of course, if social protection authorities come to a family and ask a person: “Do you need social services, do you need help?”, and he says: “No,” then that’s where it all ends. A person can refuse social assistance, and this is his full right. However, according to our practice social work We know that there are people who find it difficult to ask. For various reasons - both psychologically, and due to their state of health, their intellectual abilities... Now the law directly makes it possible, on the one hand, to help such people find contact with social services, but on the other hand, I repeat, human rights are still protected.

We discussed among ourselves the question - to what extent can the state and society allow a person, roughly speaking, to die? Still, we came to the conclusion that a person can completely refuse any help, even if he really needs it, and society does not have the right to provide this help by force (unless we touch on the issue of minors and the incompetent). But an aware person can say that he does not need it, and we can, unfortunately, only observe this.

This is the sad part. The good part is that you can ask a person for help and if a question arises, the person can say that they need help.

I repeat that simply the lack of income or means of subsistence, lack of housing, the presence of family conflict, and so on, are also grounds for receiving social services. You do not have to be a recognized disabled person, a veteran or anything else, have a diagnosis, etc., to receive social services. If you feel that you or your family needs social support simply due to the fact that you cannot find a job in society, you have the right to go to the social security agency and ask for it. The social protection authority has the right to refuse social services if it sees that a person does not need it. Accordingly, this refusal can be appealed in court (and no one has denied this right administratively either).

Nguyen Linh, lawyer of the Regional Public Organization “Perspective”: In fact, I didn’t notice any administrative procedure for challenging it; there is no directly superior body that would be responsible for this.

Yes, I agree. The fact is that, both due to the constitutional distribution of powers, and according to this law, organizations at the level of social services are the competence of the level of the subject of the federation, and therefore, theoretically, you will not rise above the regional level of the Ministry of Social Protection - the federal ministry will not consider complaints that are not regional .

Nguyen Linh: That is, a single commission will be created in each subject of the federation that will consider these issues?

Each subject already has an authorized social protection body.

Nguyen Linh: Precisely on the consideration of such claims?

The situation is that, despite the fact that the law says “Decisions can be appealed in court,” I know from practice that higher authorities after all, they supervise those below them and, if you are refused in your area, it makes sense to complain to the region, and no one refuses such complaints for formal reasons.

Individual program for a recipient of social services

What is an individual program for a recipient of social services? The forms of this document have been approved. Just in case, to be completely clear, I will explain (this was not the case before, but now it is): each recipient of social services must have an individual program for the recipient of social services. These are not individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities - IPRs have been and remain the same. This is not the conclusion of the PMPC or individual plan education, which is compiled for some children as part of educational process. This is a new document that will look similar - there will also be a list of events that need to be received, and a list of suppliers - performers that the recipient can contact. This includes social services, and this is a separate document drawn up by the social protection authorities.

What social services should be included in the program, which is called the not very euphonious acronym IPSSU? (in general, in the future, when writing laws, it will be necessary to think through abbreviations that would sound harmonious and understandable). The law divides social services into the following main categories:

  1. Social and household. This is what we primarily associate with care: help with cooking, cleaning the room, looking after children, repairs, etc.
  2. Social and medical – aimed at maintaining health, sanitary and hygienic measures and similar assistance. This should not be confused with medical rehabilitation of a disabled person and, in general, with receiving medical care. In addition to medical care, people may need social services that do not constitute treatment or rehabilitation as such (for example, medical care).
  3. Socio-psychological – psychological correction of a person’s condition or behavior. I would like to stop here, because when people read this, they often say: “Oh, socio-psychological help! Better help financially! A person has nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, and you say it’s psychological.”
    Unfortunately, experience shows that this is not the case. Often people come who are in a very difficult, depressed psychological state, which does not allow them to find themselves in life or build their own system of life, no matter how much you help them financially. We work most often with families who have children with developmental disabilities, and I can say that the difference between families who are already engaged in some center, with whom specialists work, and “unreached” families who are just appearing in the field vision, cardinal. If the family receives some correction, sees some result of working with the child, sees that they are not forgotten, not indifferent, then the family has hope, a path appears. Then medical, household, and financial assistance begins to have an effect. And when a person is obviously depressed and depressed, then nothing helps him.
  4. Social and pedagogical. This applies more to children.
  5. Social and labor. This is helping adults in their careers (I accidentally heard that there will be a webinar specifically dedicated to career guidance, this is also very important!).
  6. Social and legal. Receiving assistance in providing legal services. Maybe I’m subjective, but it seems to me that this is also very important - for many families, social issues are accompanied by a heavy burden of legal problems. And not only related to the fact that people do not know what benefits to receive, etc., but problems that are not related to the actual social sphere– with obtaining housing, with placing on the queue for receiving housing services, with various loans, with inheritance matters, with family law disputes, divorces, etc. The burden of lingering legal problems also aggravates social ill-being. Sometimes the very fact that a person has gotten rid of long-standing matters allows him to breathe a little and get out of the impasse. For example, a question from practice: I know two young disabled people who seem to have left the boarding school and began to live independently, but, nevertheless, this independent life is hampered in one case by the fact that relatives illegally seized the apartment and it is necessary to win it back, and in another case, the fact that relatives have disappeared without a trace, but are listed in the apartment, and it is necessary to recognize them as missing and register an inheritance, and at the same time a large unfair debt has been accrued for public utilities... It would seem that this has nothing to do with social services and has nothing to do with the issue of disability. However, these situations put pressure and do not give people the opportunity to decide on their lives, make plans, etc. As soon as these issues begin to be resolved legal problems, this helps a lot - there is immediate certainty with housing, and with debts, etc.
  7. Services to improve communication potential.
  8. Urgent social services. This is provided for the case when our listeners think in advance: “How long and difficult this is all. While they are drawing up a program, while they are filling out all the documents, while they are deciding...” However, there are urgent social services that you can ask for “right now.” Of course, this is for emergencies. Free food, temporary housing, emergency legal and psychological assistance - in principle, it can be received right now, even before drawing up an individual program.

Avoid “footballing”

In my opinion, it is also important to talk about another “bookmark” that was made into the law and which does not work very well yet, but theoretically can greatly change our system. This is Article 22, which states that, if necessary, citizens are provided with “assistance in obtaining medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, and social assistance not related to social services (social support).” Social support is carried out through interdepartmental interaction.

What is meant? In my opinion, this allows a person to avoid the so-called “footballing”. Let's say he comes to the social services authorities and says: “I need social services!” They say to him: “You didn’t bring a certificate of income!” He replies: “But I can’t get it!” “Not our problem!” Then he must say: “Help me assist in obtaining this certificate!” That is, a person comes and says: “I have a problem with the ground...”, “There are people parking and honking under my window...”, or rats, or something else. Social protection authorities respond: “But this is not in our competence, we are not the ones doing this!” “Help me, I can’t handle this problem on my own!” - says the man. And social protection authorities, theoretically, in accordance with the new law, should provide assistance to a person in obtaining assistance that is not social, but which he needs.

I think that social protection authorities themselves do not yet really understand how to provide assistance. But it depends on us that they start doing something: if demands and requests go in this direction, then, accordingly, something will begin to change. And interdepartmental cooperation, which is prescribed in the law, will begin to work. For example, the social security agency will call management company and say: “Our ward has a problem, he complains to us and asks us to provide assistance. Please sort it out!”

Therefore, now, for this system to work, I highly recommend and even ask everyone who considers themselves to be in need of social assistance to go and ask for everything. Ask for all the services you need and assistance in obtaining everything that is not included in these services. Naturally, what is difficult for you, but really necessary for organizing your life. Often those things that a person is supposed to do on his own turn out to be difficult and difficult to achieve for the recipient of social services.

What are the social services?

What exactly is included in social services? As I have already said, the organization of social services falls within the competence of the subject of the federation. Accordingly, a list of specific social services that can be provided within the framework of social services is provided normative act subject. These entities approved lists of social services. For example, in Moscow, in order No. 1069 “On approval of tariffs for the provision of social services” we read: social services: assistance in cooking, assistance in eating, assistance in purchasing goods, assistance in organizing repairs, dry cleaning, delivery books/newspapers, short-term child care, etc.; social and medical services; socio-psychological services (providing psychological assistance); social and legal services (receipt of benefits), etc. The lists have been approved at the level of Moscow and the Moscow region (No. 18рв110), they are open on the website of the relevant departments.

You need to carefully study the list and do not forget that in obtaining everything that is not included there, social protection authorities must provide you with assistance (and you must ask for this assistance).

What else is very important to understand? These lists, approved at the level of the federal subject, are not closed. The subject can change this list, add some services there or, conversely, remove unclaimed ones. Now this list has been compiled on the basis of what the social protection authorities have at their disposal, but what this list will become depends on us. If we see that some social service is needed, but it is not on the list, then we need to declare it, write about it, ask for it at the level of our subject, and it is quite possible that it will be added to the list.

For example, I can say that an extremely needed service is assistance in accompanying children to and from school or to kindergarten and from kindergarten. Do you understand why this is important? If we are talking about children with disabilities, then very often a school or kindergarten that is convenient to study in is not located near your home. For a healthy child, you can usually find a kindergarten, school, or leisure center near your home, but for a special child this is often a big problem - for example, there is a center with good classes, but on the other side of Moscow. As a result, the parent is forced to take time off work to transport the child to classes. Or, if a working parent has the slightest difficulty at work, then the entire rehabilitation process is disrupted. This is very important for Moscow, because... long distances and traffic jams. In the Moscow region it is even more relevant, they may say: “There is no school in your city, take it to the neighboring one.” For other subjects, something else may be relevant.

Forms of social services

We must also remember that social services can be provided in three different forms: 1) in stationary, when a person is placed in a boarding school for a day and night or for five days, temporarily or permanently, 2) in semi-stationary, when a person comes to an organization (such an organization can be, first of all, a social service center or the same boarding school), and then leaves, 3) at home, when employees of a social service organization come to a person’s home. The law does not stipulate this directly, but - at least at the level of instructions, at the policy level it was spelled out in discussions - the general concept of the law is that we try to provide help at home, in the family, and help in inpatient social service institutions is an extreme option. a situation where it is not possible to organize help at home.

Of course, there is a queue to get into boarding schools and nursing homes, but, nevertheless, you can still hear the phrase “Send it to a boarding school.” Social security authorities cannot pronounce it. You have to say, “No, we want to try it at home.” And vice versa, even if the family wants to “throw” the problem into a boarding school, social protection authorities should theoretically fight and try to convince the family to leave the person at home. We understand that often people go to a boarding school simply because they do not receive help at home. It needs to be organized.

Social services in non-governmental organizations

The law provides for two main forms of participation of non-state, independent social service providers. Firstly, if the state sees that for some social services that should be provided and which are available in the individual programs of recipients of social services, there are no organizations that would provide them, then it has the right to order the provision of these services within the framework of the state order , from non-governmental organizations. This is expressly provided for in the law. President V.V. Putin recently spoke about the need to attract socially significant non-profit organizations to solving problems of state policy in the social sphere. Generally speaking, this should be a good indication for local authorities, a reason for solving problems that meet both the interests of recipients of social services and politics. This means that now the mayor or official of the subject cannot say: “It would be nice, but we don’t have it,” because now such a statement is followed by a logical answer: “No, so order it!” You must order! Order from state system, if not in the state.

For example, our Center for Curative Pedagogy began with a group of parents who were told: “There is nothing for your children.” It turned out that it is actually possible to create something for these children if there is a desire. And if the existing law had been in force when all this was being created, then the state would have been obliged to order these services, for example, from our center.

In addition to the government order, we have one more form. A person who wishes to receive social services can directly contact a non-state social service provider and receive social services there. Moreover, if, in accordance with the law, social services must be provided to this citizen free of charge or with partial payment, then this independent non-state provider can receive compensation from the state for its lost income.

It is clear that this can also be considered as a “bookmark” in the law, because it allows any group of people who need to receive social services to get together and say to themselves: “We don’t really like something, how the state, suppose, provides social services at home - nurse services, short-term childcare, patronage - all this is somehow formal, rude, ineffective. Why don’t we create our own social service provider who will provide us with social services in the quality and mode that we like?” And the state will pay them appropriate compensation. On the one hand, this can improve the quality of the services themselves. On the other hand, this may push the state to make social services more attractive to recipients, so that recipients of social services do not leave the state system along with their money.

How much does it cost?

Let's move on to the next, most interesting, question. How much? What are the rates? The law states that social services are received free of charge by 1) children (minor citizens) and 2) low-income citizens whose average income does not exceed the amount established by the subject. Methods for calculating income have been approved. One of the problems that I have encountered is that people have difficulty collecting documents and certificates confirming their income in order to obtain the right to social services. In my opinion, if the problem of receiving social services is that you cannot prove the level of your income, then this is exactly the situation in which you should ask the social protection authorities to assist you in obtaining the missing information (that is, social support). The refusal option “we cannot provide you with social services because you are so helpless that you cannot collect the necessary package of documents” no longer works - if a person cannot collect documents in order to receive social services, then the social protection authorities owe him help with this.

If it turns out that the income per member of your family exceeds the level established by the subject, then services are provided for a fee in accordance with the tariffs approved by the state, but no more than half the difference between your income and the established minimum. It is clear that in each specific case you need to consider what is the maximum amount that you can pay for social services and above which the benefit should go.

As for tariffs. These are not only the tariffs at which those who receive them for a fee must pay for services, but also the amount that is paid by the state to providers of social services who received less income when providing services to beneficiaries. These tariffs are also approved by the subject. For now, I have to admit that, unfortunately, the subjects with whom we work - Moscow and the Moscow region - have approached this formally. Moscow approached not only formally, but also with humor - it approved the procedure for setting tariffs (that is, how the tariff should be calculated), a very large document, which contains detailed, complex formulas, including cost, expenses for maintaining the premises, for paying staff, for rate of return, for depreciation, for equipment, etc. and so on. And then she adopted the following resolution, in which she approved all tariffs in the amount of 315 rubles per hour. For everything - any social service costs 315 rubles per hour. We understand that this can hardly be considered economically justified - it is unlikely that the services of a lawyer, a psychologist, and a nanny cost the same 315 rubles per hour. Most likely, Moscow simply took the approximate total number of recipients of social services and its budget allocated for social services, divided one by the other and came up with this figure. The Moscow region did approximately the same thing - in my opinion, they got 420 rubles per hour.

Question: But maybe fixed total amount– is it even simpler for the recipient of services, will it be easier to calculate than using a complex formula?

No, according to the formula for calculating the tariff, the supplier must calculate this, and the recipient must be charged the amount: “My service costs this much.” The problem is that the social service provider, from the legislator’s point of view, cannot take this amount “out of the blue” - the amount must be economically justified. It is clear that for calculations, of course, it is easier to introduce a fixed tariff. But, since this tariff is not economically justified, it will slow down the operation of the system itself. Tariffs are approved for a year, and I hope that the authorities of at least some constituent entities can show prudence and, having made sure that tariffs do not work, move on to more realistic regulation. The legislator does not bind the subject to any specific tariff model. It would be logical, for example, to set different rates for government and independent suppliers, because independent suppliers have more overhead and associated problems, and government suppliers do not pay rent (or pay preferential rent) or are otherwise indirectly financed...

If this system starts to work and, on the one hand, independent suppliers talk about the discrepancy between tariffs and real economic costs, and, on the other hand, citizens themselves raise the question of the inadequacy of tariffs (“it is impossible to get real help at these tariffs”), then, They will probably be revised. Since citizens are limited to a fixed amount, which depends on their income (i.e. they cannot pay more), then tariffs may have to be changed upward, and this will benefit everyone - both suppliers and citizens.

Register of social service providers

Question: Once again about the non-state system that will be formed. Let's say I am a consumer of social services. I signed up for an individual program for the provision of social services, where the services that will be provided to me are prescribed. I know that there is an organization that provides the services I need, prescribed in my program. Can I just go there and get services? Or does this organization have to meet some special requirements?

This important question. Indeed, the law provides, and the subjects have already developed regulation: if an organization claims to be a provider of social services and, accordingly, to receive government funding in one form or another, then it must be included in the register of providers of social services. These registers are approved at the level of each subject. To be included in such a register, an organization must provide big package documents. In my opinion, this set of requirements for the organization is quite burdensome - a lot of information must be provided (information about certain checks, information about everything personnel composition), disclose the financial situation on the site, determine the list of services, etc. In theory, the register of social service providers should be accessible to everyone on the Internet, both by name and by type of service. Therefore, any recipient of social services can see which organizations in his region provide the social services that he has in his program, choose from the list of providers the one that is convenient for him, and get help there. Ideally this is true.

I can tell you that the Moscow Region has posted a register of suppliers on its website - in a not very convenient form, but let’s not quibble. But so far only government organizations are included in this register. As for Moscow, I regularly look at the corresponding section, and until recently it was written “Section under development.” That is, the Moscow register of suppliers is not yet available, although 4 months have already passed and during this time it would be possible to try to create one and at least include government suppliers there. Dear listeners from other regions, look at these registries on the websites of your social protection authorities and tell us (and Perspective and the Center for Curative Pedagogy) how things are in your region: are there registries, do they have independent suppliers, and is it possible get help from them. This would be useful information.

I would also like to hope that this year, when the law is being tested, it will be possible to generalize the experience of different subjects - in which subject the law works well, and in which - not so much. There are subjects in which it is sometimes possible to achieve good results. For example, I know that in Karelia there were sometimes successful social experiments. And, if we see positive experience in one of the subjects, then the role of the community is to convey this experience to other subjects and show how the system can work effectively.


Nguyen Linh: I would also like to mention that, with the exception of urgent ones, a contract must now be concluded for the provision of social services.

Absolutely right. Now the procedure is this: you receive an individual program for the recipient of social services from the social protection authorities, with this program you go to the provider of your choice, present the program to him, and on the same day he concludes with you an agreement on the provision of social services, which stipulates your rights and duties, and begins its execution. The supplier is obliged to enter into such an agreement approximate form The contract has been approved, there is nothing special there. In principle, this could also be a good step forward, because in boarding schools, for example, there was such a problem: people did not have a contract in their hands, due to which they did not really understand their rights, to the point that they did not know how to properly the name of the organization in which they are located and what is its official address. Having a contract in hand increases the legal and, I would say, psychological security of the recipient of social services. With a contract, he can always see what is owed to him and with whom exactly he interacts, file a complaint or even go to court, etc. It often happens that a person does not understand with whom he is in a relationship. “I went to such and such a street to the office, and then they told me to go to Marya Ilyinichna on the next street. Marya Ilyinichna said that this was a question for Nikolai Fedorovich, and Nikolai Fedorovich said that you came to the wrong place, but you should go over there, around the corner...” And the person does not understand at all what organization he is in now and who is responsible for the decisions, which are accepted in relation to him. The presence of a written agreement should provide certainty and eliminate such “suspended” situations.

False interpretations

From the first negative consequences of the new law that became known to me from the moment it came into force. The authorities of the constituent entities often began to use the law as a kind of justification for themselves: “Previously, we provided you with social assistance for free, but now a new law has come into force and it will only be paid for” or “Previously, we provided you with assistance, but now in the new law there are no such recipients There is no help (or such services), so we will not provide any more.” We must clearly understand that the law does not contain an exhaustive list, but directly states that the subject has the right to establish other categories of citizens who need to receive social services, and other types of social services that are needed. And if the subject used to do something, but now does not do it, this means that this is the will of the subject, this is not the law. Just as previously a subject could provide social assistance if he saw a need for it, so now he can, the law does not prevent this. If they tell you: “The smart guys in Moscow passed a law, now you won’t get anything!”, then know that in fact this is simply shifting responsibility from oneself to others.

For example, I know that in one region there were centers to help young mothers (how to cope with a baby, etc.), and they were now told that a new law had been adopted in which there was no such category of recipients and such services, and therefore these centers will be closed. But this is not a federal legislator, it is a subject who made such a decision! We must understand this clearly. Nothing prevented the subject from establishing such a category of persons in need of social services as young mothers by its regulatory act; nothing prevented it from establishing such social services and tariffs for them and allocating money for this. Either order these services from someone else, or pay for these services to non-governmental providers. If the subject did not do this, then it is his will. Accordingly, questions on this matter can be safely asked of local authorities, which have been elected - let’s not forget this - and must be held accountable for their decisions. Indeed, one can imagine that in different regions there are different situations - for example, somewhere there are small indigenous peoples and they need some kind of specific help; somewhere special natural conditions and special assistance is needed for people living in certain places, etc. The law does not prevent you from doing all this at all.

Answers on questions

In general, we have exhausted the main agenda, so I can answer those questions that were received earlier and those that are being received now.

Question: is it possible to receive a one-time social benefit for one-time work, major repairs or improvement of the living conditions of a person with a disability?

We immediately say that, of course, this is not in the list of social services, but nothing prevents social protection authorities from providing assistance in a different way. For example, in the form of providing financial assistance in accordance with the law. Therefore, if you need such help, then contact us, justify your needs, and they can provide it to you. Let's be fair to social protection authorities - it happens that they provide both material and organizational assistance. But in general, of course, the law on social protection is a little different.

Question: How can I enter the register of providers if we provide assisted living services, but do not meet the requirements for an inpatient facility?

Apparently, if you don't inpatient facility, which means you need to declare that you provide the service in a semi-permanent form. This is actually quite an interesting question. Now a demanded service is emerging - organizing independent living for young disabled people outside boarding schools, teaching them how to organize their daily life, supporting and accompanying them. I think it should be considered a semi-permanent service. Accordingly, you can apply for inclusion in the register - in my opinion, there are no prohibitive requirements for inclusion in the register.

Question: how will the necessary payment be provided? social help, if the recipient does not have the means to pay?

So it sounded bad to me. If you do not have funds, that is, if your average per capita income is less than the minimum established by the subject, then in this case you will receive help for free. If your income is above the minimum, but not much, then you will pay no more than half the difference between your income and the minimum. Therefore, from the point of view of the law, the situation “I need social services, but I don’t have the funds” should not exist.

Question: how to get on the register of social service providers?

The register of suppliers is formed by an authorized body - the local social protection authority. This is where you need to apply for inclusion in the register. Regulations on maintaining a register of suppliers have been approved in Moscow and the Moscow region, and I think that in other regions too. Accordingly, you need to find a regulatory legal act that establishes the procedure for creating the register, and see what documents need to be submitted for inclusion there. I can say that the Center for Curative Pedagogy is now preparing documents for inclusion in the register. We will let you know when it is enabled.

Question: Some services have become several times more expensive. If a disabled person lives alone, and in the first group his pension is higher than the subsistence level, then he will have to pay many times more. How is this controlled?

As I already said, tariffs are really set by the subject, just like preferential categories. I am ready to agree that perhaps the subject can establish separate benefits, for example, for disabled people living alone, because they naturally have higher costs. But, if a single disabled person has a large pension that exceeds the established minimum, then yes, he will pay, but, I repeat, no more than half the difference between the minimum and the pension. It may turn out to be more than it was before, yes.

Nguyen Linh: I would like to clarify that this is not the subsistence minimum that is established by region, this is a different, special minimum for determining the need for social services. As far as I know, in Moscow it exceeds two subsistence minimums.

Question: how can a citizen living in a boarding school choose social service providers? Can he, using this right, demand a transfer to another boarding school? For example, in Nizhny Novgorod region the number of such transfers is limited to three.

Of course, services in a stationary form are the same services as in any other form. Accordingly, a person has the right to choose a service provider from those available in the subject, and the law cannot limit this. However, the law explicitly states that a social service provider may refuse social services if there are no available places. Therefore, according to federal law you have the right to choose any boarding school, but only if there are free places there.

Question: what to do if the supplier has calculated the cost of his service, and it is significantly higher - since the quality is also higher - than that of government suppliers?

This is a really painful question - what should an independent provider of social services do if the real cost of a social service and even its cost is much higher than the state-approved tariff? I think that now the only chance is to simply point out this problem to the state. The law does provide that tariffs are approved and, accordingly, compensation should be in the amount of the approved tariffs. If the tariff is very small, but your service is in demand (there are parents who need it), then contact local authorities and say that this service is needed, that a tariff is needed and suppliers are needed. Get some kind of reaction.

Any changes to positive side, especially in the field of social protection, occur only if there is some movement on the part of society. If you do not complain, then your territorial social security authority will think that everything is fine, everything is working great and there is no need to change anything. Even if we assume that you have a completely reasonable, conscientious and honest person responsible for social protection who sincerely cares about the cause, it doesn’t matter - if he doesn’t see complaints, doesn’t see any appeals, then he thinks that everything is fine. But if he sees that people are complaining that there is a service, that it is not provided, that the tariff is small, then he will begin to act and somehow solve this problem. If a person is not very conscientious, then even more so - only complaints and the threat of losing his place or becoming the subject of litigation can motivate him to change. Nothing will happen on its own.

The question flashed that supposedly, in order to be included in the register, some requirements are presented to the organization... Now, at least in Moscow and the Moscow region, no special requirements are presented to organizations for inclusion in the register (availability of medical workers, etc.). Inclusion in the register is of a notification nature. Indeed, in the Moscow register it is strangely written: “It is necessary to provide information about the applicant’s work experience over the last 5 years.” But nothing prevents you from writing “the applicant has only existed for 3 years” or “over the last 5 years we have only worked for 2 months” - there are no grounds for refusing inclusion in the register of suppliers for this reason in the regulations, at least in Moscow. In my opinion, even those who do not have five years of work experience should apply to the register and write: “We don’t have five years yet, we are joining in order to earn these five years.” And if they refuse on this basis, then let’s try to appeal it, because in such an interpretation the law contradicts at least the law on restricting competition and, in general, the general principles of legislation.

In the same way, if we're talking about that in order to be included in the registry, an organization is required to have medical workers or something else - I’m willing to bet that these were all oral conversations. It is unlikely that any organization was given a written refusal that said, for example, “we are not including you in the register because you do not have a health worker on staff.” If you are faced with a written refusal to include an organization in the register, contact us - the Center for Curative Pedagogy. We are very interested in such facts, we will think about how to overcome it. But if you are faced with oral conversations and verbal red tape, then this is a completely different matter - this is not a legal issue, but a political and psychological one. Put pressure on them, demand inclusion in the register, demand a written refusal.

Question: can social protection institutions provide children with disabilities, including disabled children, paid services at the request of their parents in the event that the number of free services required by regional legislation is this year Has your child already received it? This question faces many rehabilitation centers. Unfortunately, the Social Security Department does not have a clear position.

I believe that since the law states that the individual program of the recipient of social services provides, among other things, the volume and frequency of these services, then we must clearly say that if we are talking about the volume of services that is provided for by the individual program ( for example, two classes per month for a year), then these two classes per month should be free for a year. And no excuses like “yes, you have it written, but we have a quota” or something like that can work. If we are talking about some services that are additional to those that are already in your program (for example, not two, but three or four classes), then I see no obstacles to their being provided for a fee on the basis of a separate agreements. Services, I repeat, that are not included in the individual program.

The law does not establish any clear limitation on the scope of services. It says that the service must comply with the standard, and the service standard must provide for the scope of its performance, but it seems to me that it is correct to interpret this in such a way that the service standard can provide for a minimum volume (for example, short-term childcare or cooking is no less than than some), but not the maximum. If you feel that your individual program includes too few or too few services, ask for an increase to the level you really need. The child receives what is prescribed in the individual program free of charge, without question. If little is written, demand an increase in the volume of the program. They cannot have a formal obstacle to this, but an obstacle such as “you are not alone”, “we have few rates”, “few places”, etc. - not legal, but practical, everyday. I will say right away that if there are constant complaints that there are not enough rates, not enough teachers, not enough premises, etc., then, perhaps, over time, new rates and new premises will appear. If there are no complaints, they (rates and premises) will only dry out, because in light of the financial crisis and the government’s course on optimization, this is the quite natural logic of an official: “Everything is working, there are no complaints - we’ll reduce it by 10%!” They cut it. Oops, again - everything works, no complaints! Great! Another 10%." And in this way he will press until the complaints begin. When they go, it will raise by 10%. It is natural for an official to find the minimum, and you should not help him with this. Let him know about the maximum, about real needs.

Question: “provide assistance” is a rather vague formulation. For example, some officials say that “a social and legal service is a service in itself, and we can only direct, and should not provide anything ourselves.” Hence the question: won’t it turn out that the social protection authorities will not want to understand the full scope of legal assistance provided by our organization, the Center for Clinical Practice, Perspektiva and others? If we apply to the registry, the cost of the service will be minimal - we will receive very modest money for the provision of this service, and a lot of people will be sent to us. How do you see a way out of this situation?

Yes I agree. But, firstly, very modest money is still better than no money. Now public organizations They provide quite a lot of legal assistance to parents without receiving any money from the state at all, and if you receive at least modest money, then that’s something. On the other hand, indeed, the list of social services includes both assistance in preparing documents, the result of which should be the execution of a document, and assistance in obtaining legal assistance, that is, assistance in obtaining assistance. In this case, the result of the service should not be that the person received help from the social protection authorities, but that he received help somewhere else, where the social protection authority took him by the hand. But in any case, the result should be getting help. For example, I know that in one region the social protection authorities simply entered into an agreement with a law firm (this is precisely an order): they simply bring their clients to this law firm, and the firm provides assistance. This is in the Moscow region. And in St. Petersburg, in my opinion, there is one too. I don’t know how well this works, but I know these facts - when a person comes with a legal problem, and a social security official picks up the phone and says: “Dear lawyer, our client will come to you now.” And the help is free.

On the other hand, the law states that the supplier provides assistance only to the extent of the available space available to him. Therefore, if a lot of people are sent to you, for whom you have to write applications for pennies, then at some point you will say that you no longer have free places. And then these people, whose individual program says “assistance in paperwork,” will be refused (due to the fact that you do not have free places). And they will have to come and complain and say: “Where can we get our service?” This means that your organization will need to allocate funding to reach everyone. Or create other centers. That's the only way things will change.

Question: is it true that the individual program of the recipient of social services is drawn up by the social protection authorities?

Yes, social protection authorities themselves formulate the program. That is why we need to convince them. It is better to go to the social security authority to form an IPSSU with recommendations, with expert opinions, with some clear considerations about how much help you need, what help you need, from the ITU authorities, from the specialists who supervise you, etc. d. And if there are poorly developed individual programs, then it is necessary to appeal the fact of their preparation. Now this is a very fashionable topic, and I assure you that if cases of appealing the volume of the IPSSU reach us, we will be very helpful in this. Because here we need to change policy, we need to form judicial practice– people who have individual programs that do not suit them should go to the courts so that the courts can express their opinion on this matter. If the courts fix a position, then this position will become practice. In the meantime, social protection authorities draw up programs according to their own understanding, without being guided by anything, then, of course, they are inclined to do everything more modestly.

Social services included in the individual program for the provision of social services (IPPS) can be received from both state, so do non-state suppliers. You can choose any supplier listed in the register of suppliers in the region (the register should be posted on the website of the social protection authority). The authorized body indicates recommended suppliers in the IPSSU. However, the citizen is not bound by the recommendations of the IPSSU. He has the right to contact any supplier from the registry for services corresponding to the IPPSU. To the selected social service provider - a social service organization or individual entrepreneur presented to IPPSU. If there are free places, an agreement on the provision of social services is concluded between the supplier and the citizen. The contract is concluded within 24 hours from the date the citizen provides the IPPSU to the social service provider.

In order to provide emergency assistance, urgent social services are provided within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. The social service provider draws up an act on the provision of services, which indicates the types of urgent social services provided, the terms, date and conditions of their provision. The act is signed by the recipient of the services.

approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approximate orders provision of social services at home, in semi-stationary and stationary conditions. Regions develop their own procedures for providing social services on their basis. You can find them on the websites of regional social protection authorities. For example, the city of Moscow has approved the following procedure for the provision of social services.


An individual program for the provision of social services (IPPS) is provided no later than within 10 days from the date a citizen submits an application for the provision of social services.

IPPSU validity period: the validity period of the IPSSU corresponds to the period of provision of social services (the IPSSU indicates the start date of the provision of services and the end date of their provision).

If the needs of a citizen have changed during the period of validity of the IPPSU, then it can be revised upon the application of the citizen to the authorized body. IPSSU must be revised by the authorized body in depending on changes in the citizen’s need for social services, but at least once every three years. Those. The initiator of the review can be not only the citizen himself, but also the social service provider, if he identifies a change in the citizen’s need for social services, and the authorized body after three years from the date of compilation of the IPSS. The revision of the individual program is carried out taking into account the results of the implemented individual program.

IPSSU is of a recommendatory nature for a citizen or his legal representative, and mandatory for a social service provider. This means that a citizen can refuse to comply with the IPPSU, and the provider included in the register of social service providers is obliged to provide social services provided for by the IPPSU.

The supplier may refuse to conclude an agreement for the provision of social services in accordance with the IPPSU only in two cases:

1) lack of available places at the social service provider;

2) if a citizen has medical contraindications for the provision of social services in an inpatient form of social services - when applying for social services in an inpatient form. Refusal on this basis is possible if there is a medical report.

If the family moved to another region, The IPPS compiled at the previous place of residence remains valid within the scope of the list of social services established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the new place of residence. The IPPSU is valid until the expiration of the terms established in it for the provision of social services, or until the preparation of an individual program for a new place of residence.

Individual program for a recipient of social services
The preparation of an individual program is carried out by the social protection committee of the administration of the Vyborg district municipality of the Leningrad region, based on the individual needs of the recipient of social services.

To determine the individual need for social services, an assessment is made of the citizen’s living conditions, as well as circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions, which include:

  • complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, or provide basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability;

  • the presence in the family of a disabled person or disabled people, including a disabled child or disabled children who need constant outside care;

  • the presence of a child or children (including those under guardianship or guardianship) experiencing difficulties in social adaptation;

  • inability to provide care (including temporary care) for a disabled person, child, children, as well as lack of care for them;

  • the presence of intra-family conflict, including with persons with drug or alcohol addiction, persons addicted to gambling, persons suffering from mental disorders, the presence of domestic violence;

  • lack of a specific place of residence, including for a person who has not reached the age of twenty-three and has completed his stay in an organization for orphans and children without parental care;

  • lack of work and livelihood

Documents required to recognize a citizen as needing social services:
For adult citizens:

  • personal statement signed by the applicant (authorized person);

  • citizen consent to the processing of personal data;

  • passport; foreign passport (for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation); refugee certificate; certificate of release from prison (for persons released from prison); other documents issued in accordance with the established procedure identifying the citizen (copy with presentation of the original);

  • a certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation program issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination (for persons with disabilities);

  • documents confirming the existence of circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a citizen in need of social services;

  • conclusion medical organization about the health status of the recipient of social services and the need to receive social and medical services with the volume of provision of services, frequency, period of provision of services;

  • a certificate from local government bodies or housing maintenance enterprises about the composition of the family, indicating the date of birth of each family member and family relationships;

  • a certificate of employment issued by the employer dated the day the application was submitted;

  • certificate from the employment center regarding registration as unemployed

For minor citizens:

  • personal appeal of a minor; or a statement from the parents (legal representatives) of the minor; or appeal in the interests of a minor by other citizens, government agencies, local governments, public associations in the manner prescribed by current legislation, namely:

  • petition from an official of the body or institution of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

  • resolution of the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or judge in cases of detention, administrative arrest, detention, sentencing to arrest, restriction of freedom, imprisonment of parents or other legal representatives of a minor;

  • act of the operational duty officer of the district, city department (department) of internal affairs, department (department) of internal affairs of another municipality, Department (Department) of Internal Affairs for Transport on the need to admit a minor to a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation;

  • petition from local authorities, public associations;

  • certificate of absence of medical contraindications established federal legislation, to be recognized as in need of social services in a stationary form with temporary residence;

  • citizen’s consent to the processing of personal data in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 hereto administrative regulations;

  • documents confirming the powers of a representative of state bodies, local government bodies, public associations or an authorized person;

  • documents confirming the existence of circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a minor citizen in need of social services;

  • conclusion of a medical organization on the health status of a minor citizen in need of social services and the need to receive social and medical services with the volume of services provided, frequency, and duration of service provision.

An individual program for a recipient of social services is a document that specifies the form of social services, types, volume, frequency, conditions, terms for the provision of social services, a list of recommended providers of social services, as well as social support activities.

An individual program for a citizen or his legal representative is of a recommendatory nature, for a supplier it is mandatory.

The individual program is drawn up in two copies. A copy of the individual program, signed by the social protection committee, is transferred to the citizen or his legal representative (authorized person) within no more than ten working days from the date of registration of the citizen’s application for the provision of social services. The second copy of the individual program remains with the social protection authority.

If the place of residence of the recipient of social services changes, the individual program drawn up at the previous place of residence remains valid to the extent of the list of social services established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the new place of residence until the individual program is drawn up at the new place of residence.

The recipient of social services must carefully read the list of social services and apply for them, since the individual program prescribes all the social services that the applicant needs (based on the documents submitted) and which will be provided to him by the social service provider. Social services will be provided only to the extent specified in the individual program for the provision of social services; at the request of the applicant (if there is no need), social services will not be provided.

Appendix 5

to the administrative regulations for the provision of

Leningrad region public services By

recognition of a citizen in need of social services,

(with the exception of recognition of a citizen as needy

in social services in stationary form with permanent residence)

and drawing up an individual program for the provision of social services

SOCIAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY _________________________________________________________________________

Individual program for the provision of social services
_____________________ №______________

(Date of preparation)

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) __________________________________________

  1. Gender _______________ 3. Date of birth ________________________________________________
4. Residence address:

postal code _________________ city (district) ________________________________

village _____________________ street ________________________________ house No. _______

building ____________ apartment _________ phone _________________________________

5. Work address:

postal code _________________ city (district) _________________________________

street _________________________ house _______ telephone ____________________________

6. Series, passport number or data of another identification document, date of issue of these documents, name of the issuing authority


7. Contact e-mail (if available) _____________________________________________

8. An individual program for the provision of social services has been developed for the first time, repeatedly (underline as appropriate) for a period of up to: _______________________________________

9. Social service form _____________________________________________

10. Types of social services

  1. Social and household


Name of social services

Scope of service provision

Frequency of service provision

Service provision period

Completion mark

II. Social and medical


Name of social

medical services

Service provision period

Completion mark

III. Socio-psychological


Name of socio-psychological service

Volume of service provision per month

Frequency of service provision.

Service provision period

Completion mark

IV. Social and pedagogical


Name of social and pedagogical service

Volume of service provision per month

Frequency of service provision.

Service provision period

Completion mark

V. Social and labor


Name of social and labor service

Volume of service provision per month

Frequency of service provision.

Service provision period

Completion mark

VI. Social - legal


Name of social and legal service

Volume of service provision per month

Frequency of service provision.

Service provision period

Completion mark

VII. Services to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children


Name of service

Volume of service provision per month

Frequency of service provision.

Service provision period

Completion mark


  1. The volume of provision of social services is indicated with the appropriate unit of measurement (for example, m2, piece, place, set, etc.) in cases where the volume can be determined by units of measurement.

  2. When filling out the column “service provision period”, indicate the start date of the provision of the social service and its end date.

  3. When filling out the “completion note” column, the social service provider makes an entry: “completed”, “partially fulfilled”, “not fulfilled” (indicating the reason).

11. Conditions for the provision of social services 1: _____________________________________

( the social service provider indicates the necessary conditions that must be observed by the social service provider when providing social services, taking into account the form of social service)_________________________________________________

12. List of recommended social service providers:

13. Refusal of social services, social services:

14. Social support measures:

(signature of the recipient of social services or (deciphering the signature)

his legal representative 4)

Person authorized to

signing an individual program

provision of social services

authorized body

subject of the Russian Federation

___________________________________ ____________________________

(position of the person, signature) (deciphering the signature)


The recipient of social services has the right to comply with other conditions for the provision of social services according to the forms of social services, established by law Russian Federation

Recipient of social services, parents, guardians, trustees, other legal representatives of minor children

The organization providing social support puts a mark: “completed”, “partially fulfilled”, “not fulfilled” (indicating the reason)

Emphasize the status of the person who signed

1 The recipient of social services has the right to comply with other conditions for the provision of social services according to the forms of social services established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

2 Recipient of social services, parents, guardians, trustees, other legal representatives of minor children

3 The organization providing social support puts a mark: “completed”, “partially fulfilled”, “not fulfilled” (indicating the reason)

4 Emphasize the status of the person who signed