Infra m electronic library. Electronic library systems

This is a library that is always nearby, all knowledge at one touch!

The INFRA-M Scientific Publishing Center presents the Electronic Library System (ELS) - a single electronic space for education and science in universities and libraries, for teachers and students throughout Russia and abroad.

EBS is comfortable access 24 hours a day on-line mode to a wide range of scientific and educational literature.

Znanium fully complies with all regulatory requirements for EBS.

More than 15,000 works in the main collection, as well as over 2,000 works in additional collections from leading Russian publishers with daily additions.

Only the most necessary services and functions for everyday educational and scientific activity, which do not require much time to master:

  • electronic bookmarks;
  • reader's virtual bookshelf;
  • comfortable navigation in the book and search using various parameters;
  • copy service;
  • compilation of recommended literature lists by teachers for students of their university;
  • simple administration and wide range statistics for libraries of any level.

Employees and students of the Russian University of Cooperation have access to the EBS "iBooks"
To get a personal account for remote access to “iBooks”: register yourself from the university premises, or obtain a login and password from the university library.
EBS "iBooks" provides ample opportunities for selecting books both by thematic navigator and through search and filter tools.

Electronic library system"iBooks" are the best textbooks and teaching aids for higher education.

Domestic newspapers and magazines

  • Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

Scientific digital library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian informational portal, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 13 million scientific articles and publications. Available on the eLIBRARY.RU platform electronic versions more than 2000 Russian scientific and technical journals, including more than 1000 open access journals.

Registration of a user in the Scientific Electronic Library is a necessary condition for gaining access to the full texts of publications posted on the eLIBRARY.RU platform, regardless of whether they are in the public domain or distributed by subscription. Registered users also have the opportunity to create personal collections of magazines and articles, save the history of search queries, customize the navigator panel, etc.

  • Universal Databases

Catalog of individual publications "EastView"

Magazines of LLC Publishing House "Grebennikov":
Logistics today
Management today (No. 1-6 2015, No. 1-6 2016)
Corporate finance management (No. 1-5 2016, No. 1-2 2016)

Access is provided from all computers of the Russian Cooperation University.

  • National digital resource "RUKONT"

In the department of access to electronic resources, users can get acquainted with books and periodicals of the multidisciplinary resource “RUKONT”.
Access to materials periodicals possible both within the walls of the library and outside it. Available periodicals.

Legal reference system ConsultantPlus

The ConsultantPlus system is a reliable assistant for many professionals: lawyers, accountants, heads of organizations, as well as specialists government agencies, scientists and students. It contains a huge array of legal and reference information. The legal system is accessed from local network University, the legal system contains all the information banks necessary for the educational process. The system's information banks are replenished and updated weekly.

University Information System RUSSIA (UIS RUSSIA)

Open educational video portal

Test accesses

The archive of important publications is collected manually. Database with categories: 26 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts RF / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews with 5,000 top officials. Every day there are a thousand news, full text in Russian, a million of the best stories from news agencies and the business press over 15 years. Full text search, keyword combinations, export to Word, etc. text editors, sorting the array by ten topics. Personal selections of stories and bookmarks are available from any user device. Internet services by industry and country. Access to is open from all library computers and the internal network.

EBS Publishing House "LAN" is a resource that provides online access to scientific journals and full-text collections of books from various publishing houses. You can work with the resource from the university network without prior registration or from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet, having previously registered your personal account while being inside the university network.

The administration of the library and information center reminds of the need to comply with the rules for working with licensed electronic resources: the user is not allowed to fully or partially copy the information contained in the presented electronic resources for the purpose of subsequent distribution without the written consent of the Owner of the electronic resource.

Electronic library system (ELS) ZNANIUM.COM is a collection of electronic versions of publications (books, magazines, articles, etc.), grouped by thematic and target characteristics. The ELS implements a system for searching and selecting documents with convenient navigation, creating bookmarks, creating virtual “bookshelves”, a page-by-page copying service, collecting and displaying statistics on the use of ELS, as well as other services that contribute to successful scientific and educational activities.

The electronic library ZNANIUM.COM contains works by major Russian scientists, heads of government agencies, teachers of the country's leading universities, and highly qualified specialists in various fields of business.

The library's collection includes textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, legislative and regulatory documents, special periodicals and publications published by university publishing houses.

Subjects of ZNANIUM.COM – more than 21,000 sources in total:

  • Fiction (677)
  • Literature for children and youth (15)
  • Literature for high school and applicants. Pedagogy (855)
  • Home, life, leisure (128)
  • Applied Science. Technique. Medicine (5097)
  • Natural Sciences. Mathematics (2006)
  • Social Sciences. Economy. Right. (10117)
  • Humanitarian sciences. Religion. Art (2395)
  • Special section (2)

EBS ZNANIUM.COM is an independent development of the Scientific Publishing Center INFRA-M. The following publishing houses are the partners of ZNANIUM.COM:

  • Flint
  • Dashkov and K
  • BHV-Petersburg
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Terevinth
  • Fizmatlit
  • DMK press
  • TsIPSiR
  • Logos
  • Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University
  • Young guard
  • Higher school (Belarus)


  • 15 years of publishing experience in Russian market educational literature.
  • The rights of the authors are transferred to for a long period of time, and therefore there is no need to worry that some book will suddenly disappear from the catalog.
  • New releases reach EBS earlier than bookstores.
  • Acceptable prices.

The target audience

Basic target audience EBS are students and teachers. Therefore, the present and future of the EBS ZNANIUM.COM is a movement towards creating an electronic information resource, integrated into scientific and educational environment higher and middle educational institutions. The electronic library will also be of interest to specialists in various industries.


  • Advanced document search by metadata and navigation through the Catalog.
  • Page-by-page navigation through the document.
  • Quick jump to the book's table of contents.
  • Automatic “bookmark” and subsequent return to the page where reading was interrupted.
  • Page scaling and rotation.
  • Creation of virtual “bookshelves” for the reader.
  • Saving named bookmarks.
  • Receiving copies of individual pages of text in PDF (no more than 10% of the document volume).
  • Saving page access history for each user.
  • View and download additional materials (appendices) for the book.
  • Creation of lists of recommended literature for students (teacher service).
  • Viewing and downloading statistics on the use of EBS by Subscriber users (librarian service).
  • User administration in EBS (librarian service).
  • Statistics block (attendance, book circulation, etc.)

For faculty

  • Publish results research activities(monographs) in paper and in electronic format at the expense of the publisher.
  • Place a collection of scientific papers in the ELS and receive a certificate “On electronic publication.”

For university

  • Post in EBS electronic versions of university publications (monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, teaching materials, work programs for disciplines) over the past 10-15 years. This will significantly increase the number of those who will be able to get acquainted with the scientific activities of the university.
  • Place electronic versions of university periodicals in the EBS in combination with the ability to solve the following problems: pre-press preparation of the publication, concluding agreements with authors, promoting the publication.
  • Place electronic versions of Higher Attestation Commission journals (regardless of the year of issue) in the EBS with the transfer of rights under the terms of a non-exclusive (simple) license.

Access to textbooks, textbooks in economic, legal, humanitarian, engineering, technical and natural science areas of secondary vocational education. More than 2000 titles of publications are available.
Possibilities provided:
  • reading full texts of books,
  • bookmarks,
  • citation,
  • note-taking.
  • User manual:
    After registration from any computer of the Mordovian University, you can access the EBS from any computer connected to the Internet.
    Access from 09/01/2018 – 08/31/2019 via the link"
    Electronic library system “Student Consultant”
    Access to educational, scientific literature and additional materials in medicine and biology. Conditions have been created for inclusive education, providing the opportunity to use adaptive technologies to teach people with disabilities disabilities, in particular, the blind and visually impaired. After registering from any computer of the Mordovian University, entering your login (it is recommended to use the address Email) and password – the ability to access the EBS from any computer connected to the Internet.

    Adaptive technologies of the electronic educational system “Student Consultant” include:

  • A version of the site for the visually impaired (font enlargement service) that meets the requirements of existing state standards.
  • All books are available for listening using a speech synthesizer program.
  • A mobile version of the site and mobile applications that duplicate the same services.
  • When reading a publication, you can use the full-screen mode of displaying the book. Viewing as a pdf allows you to copy text fragments into various voice-over programs.
    All this makes it possible to use EBS in the educational process to ensure that all categories of students receive education.

    IMPORTANT! When you first log into the EBS, you must register from a computer on the university network, enter a login (it is recommended to use an email address, for example a website) and password. Remember them, which in the future will make it possible to work with the EBS from any computer connected to the Internet
    Access from 09/01/2018 to 08/31/2019 via the link

    Electronic library system of the publishing house "Lan"
    Access to educational and scientific literature, grouped by main areas of knowledge: mathematics, physics, engineering, theoretical mechanics, computer science, veterinary medicine and agriculture, nanotechnology, chemistry, law, economics, philology, pedagogy and psychology, music and theater, etc. by collections EBS "Lan" provides access to publishing collections:
  • Ballet. Dance. Choreography (“Planet of Music”, “Composer”, “DOE”)
  • Library and information activities ("KemGIK")
  • Veterinary and Agriculture("DOE")
  • Engineering Sciences ("DOE")
  • Informatics ("DMK Press", "LAN")
  • Art history ("Planet of Music", "KemGIK")
  • Mathematics ("LAN", "FIZMATLIT")
  • Music and Theater ("Composer", "RGK named after S.V. Rachmaninov (Rostov State Conservatory named after S.V. Rachmaninov)", "SGK named after L.V. Sobinov (Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov", "Planet of Music", "KemGIK (Kemerovo State Institute of Culture)")
  • Right. Legal Sciences ("Flint")
  • Social sciences and humanities (TSU (National Research Tomsk State University)", "FLINTA", "KemGIK")
  • Physics("DOE")
  • Chemistry ("Knowledge Laboratory")
  • Economics and management ("Dashkov and K")
  • Book publications:
    Scientific journals(600), 35,000 titles of classical works in various fields of knowledge. Access:
    Possibilities provided:
    Special services for teachers for selecting literature in disciplines
    Filter in the book catalog by level of education, author and year of publication
    Search found
    reading full texts of books,
    possibility of registration and authorization through social networks.
    A free software has been developed for working with documents offline. mobile app for IOS and Android operating systems.
    User (reader) personal account:
    virtual bookshelf
    notes for books
    quoting b note taking
    the ability to create an illustrated summary and other features
    List of free content :
    To download the file, click on the icon on the left
    User's Guide at:
    Access: 12/23/2018 – 12/22/2019 access via link: After registering from any computer of the Mordovian University and creating personal account– the ability to access collections using a login and password from any computer connected to the Internet. Electronic library system ZNANIUM.COM
    Access to textbooks, study guides, monographs, dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, collections of scientific papers, encyclopedias, reference books, legislative and regulatory documents, scientific periodicals. Publications of the INFRA-M scientific center, collections of books and magazines from other Russian publishing houses, as well as works of individual authors are widely represented.
    Possibilities provided:
    authorization and creation of a personal profile,
    reading full texts of books,
    download text *.pdf page by page,
    different kinds search,
    checking works for originality,
    creating a virtual bookshelf,
    notes for books,
    bookmarks with comments,
    To work with the resource, read the instructions:
    - Instructions for students
    - Instructions for teachers
    To download the manual, click on the icon on the left
    - Integrated solutions from INFRA-M for promoting the results of scientific activities of universities in the Russian and foreign communities. To download the guide, click on the icon on the left
    - Instructions_Scientific Search (Znanium Discovery)
    To download the manual, click on the icon on the left

    GC INFRA-M, EBS ZNANIUM.COM, in order to provide timely methodological support, post training video seminars, lectures, presentations and instructions on the YOUTUBE channel >>>

    Access the resource from 04/03/2019 to 04/02/2020 via the link from any university computer, click on the “Login” button, and then enter the subscriber number, user name and password (access keys). Access keys can be obtained from any Scientific Library service.
    After registering and creating a personal account, you can access collections from any computer connected to the Internet.

    International Labor Research Institute

    The International Labor Organization (ILO) has provided free on-line access to new publications from its research institute IILS.

    International Statistical Institute

    A commercial organization dealing with the compilation of bibliographic databases of scientific publications, their indexing and determination of the citation index, impact factor and other statistical indicators of scientific works.

    An open resource for all Internet users.

    Collection of e-books from Business Ebook on the Ebook Central platform

    Business Ebook Central- These are e-books on history, art, social sciences, literature and linguistics, health and medicine, business, science and technology.

    The Business Ebook Central database includes the following sources:

    at least 20,000 full-text books on English language the world's leading publishing houses HarvardUniversityPress, MP Press, PrincetonUniversityPress, GeorgetownUniveristyPress and others in various fields of business, economics and management:

    economic development and social policy;

    information and international management;

    organizational change and strategic planning;

    production management and quality control;

    finance and accounting;

    personnel Management;

    career management.

    Access to e-books collections are possible from all computers of the University with branches. To access from home, self-authorization from the REU territory is required.

    Scopus covers about 50 million publications / 21,000 publication titles / 5,000 publishers.

    Scopus uses the latest high-tech tools to identify, analyze and present literature research.

    Scopus indexes:

    400 Trade Publications titles

    370 book series (ongoing editions)

    5.5 million conference reports from conference proceedings and journals

    Articles accepted for publication (“Articles-in-Press”) by more than 3,850 journals and publishers, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Nature Publishing Group and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

    The database contains about 50 million records:

    21 million records from 1996 to 1823

    Scoupus also covers 359 million scientific web pages indexed through Scirus and approximately 24 million patent records from five patent offices (US Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and the UK Intellectual Property Office ).

    Access to the SCOPUS database is possible only from the University’s IP addresses.