Internet 8 Mbit with Rostelecom. Tariffs for Internet Rostelecom. "Personal account" of a Beeline subscriber

A difficult question, I would even say that it is impossible to answer unambiguously. The reason for this is very simple - without exception, all companies offering Internet access services provide them with the proper level of quality and service. The differences between operators are either in the number of services provided and their cost, or depend on physical indicators. Let me explain - mobile Internet is critical for some subscribers, and broadband for others. Some people want to watch digital television, others need high speed access to network resources. Some are concerned about stability, while others need low ping. computer games Oh. The more people, the more requests. So, let's first decide what kind of Internet you need.

If we are talking about mobile Internet, then, as you understand, you are limited in the choice between five operators cellular communications: Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Yota and Tele2. Four of them offer access to fourth generation networks (LTE 4G), while Tele2 operates in third generation networks 3G. Each operator offers a package connection of services, providing a certain volume mobile traffic. In principle, the conditions between operators are very similar, and differ only in details. For example, Yota does not have intranet roaming, and you can use the Internet almost throughout the country under the same conditions. I say practically because there are physical restrictions on access from some regions; you can read more about this on the operator’s website. This is definitely a plus for the subscriber. But at the same time, I note that Yota prohibits the distribution of mobile Internet from a smartphone to other devices: if you want to use the Internet from this operator on different devices, then you will have to purchase an additional modem with your own tariff, and this, as you understand, can be For some it's a minus. In other words, each subscriber makes his own decision about what suits him best.

If we are talking about broadband access operators, then first of all we should note an interesting offer from Beeline: “All in one” tariffs, which allow you to pay for mobile and home Internet from one account, and also include a certain set channels digital television. However, I cannot help but say that today there are several other large providers operating in Moscow, each of which offers interesting conditions or tariff options. For example, many subscribers may like the offer from MGTS, which provides for connecting Internet services through the highest speed GPON connection. This technology uses fiber-optic communication channels, and theoretically has a significantly larger reserve bandwidth. Yes today maximum speed access for a subscriber of such a connection is 500 Mbit\c - a connection at this speed can be organized via a traditional Ethernet cable. However, in the near future, MGTS may replace client equipment, and thereby be able to offer the market higher-speed communication channels, which operators using classic wired communication channels using Ethernet technology will not be able to do. On the other hand, if you look from the perspective of common sense, for most subscribers a connection at a speed of 30 Mbit/s is quite enough - this speed already provides a certain level of comfort when working with the Internet for 80% of users. Therefore, I would recommend choosing an operator according to the criteria that are important to you. For example, it is important for me to have one TV channel in a digital television package. At the moment, the channel I need is offered by only two operators, which, as you understand, sharply reduces the number of options to choose from.

One more important factor, which should also not be forgotten, is the presence of the provider infrastructure in your particular home. Today, not a single operator, not even MGTS, can guarantee 100% coverage of Moscow with its broadband access networks. In reality, in some homes it is simply impossible to provide Internet access from one or another operator. There are several reasons for this, the main one lies in the difficulty of coordinating the placement of provider equipment in engineering cabinets of specific homeowners' associations and the difficulties in carrying out new communications through existing private trunk channels.

To summarize. If you are looking the best provider in Moscow - you won't find it. You can only choose the provider that suits you most. The one who will work in the house you need, will offer the best conditions for you and what you need additional options. My advice to you is to talk to your neighbors, find out which major providers are already working in your home, and whether your neighbors are satisfied with the quality of the services provided. Determine for yourself the limits of your possible budget for an Internet connection, and answer yourself the question “what do you expect from an Internet access service provider.” This will be the best offer for you.

The Internet plays a very important role in our lives. The average person now cannot imagine their life without it, since it is the main way of entertainment and connection with the outside world. Also, we must not forget here that it is quite a large number of people work on the Internet, not to mention various bloggers and Internet celebrities for whom the World Wide Web is the main and only source of income. That is why the issue of choosing Internet service providers today is quite complex, and this problem becomes even more noticeable when it comes to big cities. This is why it can sometimes be very difficult to decide which Internet provider is the best in Moscow.

general information

When it comes to the best Internet providers in Moscow or in any other city, it is first of all worth mentioning that the Internet can be mobile and broadband. If with mobile everything is clear from the name, then broadband is exactly the option that people are used to using at home or at work through personal computers, laptops and tablets.

With all that said, it can sometimes be difficult to settle on any specific provider or determine which one is better than the rest. The whole point here is that companies providing access services to the World Wide Web are well aware of the level of competition and are doing everything possible to maximize the quality of their services. Thus, the answer to the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow is often based either on the pricing policy of the supplier company or on subjective evaluation criteria. For example, if a user needs low ping for computer games, then the best provider for him will be the company that will provide him with this service. At the same time, other people pay special attention only to customer service or the stability of the Internet.

Nevertheless, taking into account the above and many other factors, it is still possible to answer the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow, but more on that a little later.

Mobile Internet

If you want to deal with providers mobile Internet, then everything is quite simple here, since today there are only 5 operators providing you with this service:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Tele2;
  • Yota.

It is quite difficult to rank these companies, since they all provide almost the same services. However, Tele2 loses out compared to the rest, since it is the only operator that provides third generation Internet (3G). All other companies have long been providing their subscribers with the opportunity to use 4G Internet services. As for the quality of communication, it all depends on where the subscriber is located. Ideally, there should be excellent coverage throughout Moscow, but there are areas remote from the center where the signal level is noticeably worse.


  1. Speed. High-tech and modern equipment allows the provider to supply and distribute its services such High Quality that you can download an HD quality movie to your computer in a few minutes.
  2. Taking care of clients. In addition to 24/7 support service, this company took care of its subscribers in the sense that on its official website it posted answers to the most popular questions regarding interruptions in access to the World Wide Web.
  3. Additional services. These include: SMS notifications, deferred payment and parental controls (you can limit your household’s access to web pages on certain topics).


The next company in the ranking of the best Internet providers in Moscow is Online. In fact, this company is in no way inferior to the above-mentioned provider, since it has everything to conquer the Internet services market in the capital. The main advantages include round-the-clock technical support, decent quality of services, urgent connection and much more. In addition, the services of this particular provider are considered one of the cheapest throughout Moscow.

According to reviews, the only drawback here is the need to lay a fairly noticeable cable throughout the room. It often happens that this wire cannot be hidden or disguised in any way. It is worth noting that the cable can be abandoned by installing special equipment and adapters. In this case, it is important to understand that the quality of the connection will decrease slightly.


Judging by the reviews, this Internet provider outperforms others due to the fact that it provides its customers with free connection to its services. For many Moscow residents, this fact is decisive when choosing a service provider for access to the World Wide Web. In addition, the company’s authority is also enhanced by the fact that it has been distributing its services since 1996. Fiber optic connection provides high Internet speed for every consumer. It is for the reason of the above that this company takes pride of place in the ranking of the best Internet providers in Moscow.


This is the representative budget class Internet providers in the capital. It is worth noting that exactly low price for the Internet is of fairly decent quality and is the main advantage of the company. At the same time, you shouldn’t think that it’s the only one she has. Judging by the reviews, in addition to a very attractive price-quality ratio, this Internet provider is quite good because it has incredibly polite staff. Highly qualified specialists perform their direct duties very efficiently, and are always ready to help you in any matter that interests you. You will never be refused installation and configuration of any software, and you will receive polite and comprehensive answers to any, even the most primitive, questions.


If you want to figure out which is the best Internet provider in Moscow, then it is impossible to ignore Beeline. In addition to mobile Internet services, this company provides its customers with the opportunity to enjoy a broadband connection good quality and on high speed. Judging by the reviews, the main advantages include round-the-clock support and highly qualified staff who will select and configure everything necessary equipment properly.


Considering the importance of the Internet for modern people, it is not surprising that people pay special attention to choosing a company to provide the necessary services. That is why reviews of the best Internet providers in Moscow made it possible to compile the above rating. Separately, it is worth noting that this list is only conditional, because it pays attention to the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular companies that provide their users with services for unhindered access to the Internet. In any case, determining the best provider depends mainly on pricing policy company and your specific preferences.

Speed very bad
Availability Badly
Support Badly
Price quality Badly

MGTS GPON. Ups and downs. From 0.03 to 35 Mbit/s every day.

Promised 60 Mbit/sec via cable.

Cable connection I don't need it, I need Wi-Fi!

It's been 2 weeks since I got MGTS GPON. Unfortunately, I was not there when they unsuccessfully placed him behind a closet in the farthest corner of the apartment. They say that at this very unfortunate moment Wi-Fi was available everywhere in the apartment. The coverage then shrank to the nearest 5 meters around the cabinet (GPON modem).

They say: “Rent an amplifier from us for 90 rubles per month or an additional router” - that’s ok. I have my own router, I configured it, it is capable of transmitting 300 Mbps.

By the way, I was only able to disable Wi-Fi on the GPON modem (so that there would be no conflict with the TP-Link router and the signal would come from it and not from behind the closet) only from MTS support, not from MGTS. How so? How is it that MTS technical support is more competent and comfortable with the equipment than MGTS, which provided this equipment? Who is better to contact? OK. Let's move on.

If the speed (at least next to the modem and router) did not constantly drop to 0.03 Mbit/sec, maybe I would have bought an amplifier.

What about MGTS?

“We don’t guarantee Wi-Fi speed”, “Nobody guarantees you stable Wi-Fi speed”, “This is in your apartment”, “This is with your computer”, “It’s your viruses”, “It’s your browser ", "Interference, interference", "Many things affect the Wi-Fi signal"...

“Connect the cable, the technician will bring it to you for free.”

This is what they tell me every evening when I call MGTS technical support with a request to reboot the modem, because I don’t want to sit tied to the closet.

In the morning the speed is 25-35 Mbit/sec; In the evening it drops to 0.03!!!

Nothing changes either on the laptop or in the apartment. I didn’t hang mirrors, didn’t move furniture, didn’t move my laptop, didn’t install or uninstall any software, nothing changed!

They reboot me, the speed is restored to 25 (sometimes even 50!!! although not for long) Mbit/sec. Therefore, it’s not a matter of furniture or my software.

Yes, sometimes the speed returns even without my call, but this is a very relative advantage.

When I used MTS services Home Internet the speed dropped, I also called technical support, they raised it for me. Maybe not ice, but it happened once a month, gradually, and not suddenly every evening!

Then the Internet was connected to the phone, now the phone is connected to GPON, and that is connected to fiber optics, and it’s difficult to turn back.

The test period is not over yet. “Can everything be returned to the way it was?” I ask. "IT IS FORBIDDEN." This is because they say that in a couple of months the previous connection will cease to exist. All that remains is the optical fiber, which would need to be plugged into directly.

Somehow hopeless.