Research of the regional goods market and development of a marketing strategy (using the example of Kolos LLC). Marketing policy of an enterprise (using the example of Grintek LLC) Marketing policy of an enterprise example document

As you know, the marketing policy of an enterprise includes product, pricing, sales policy, as well as a policy for promoting goods on the market. It is according to this scheme that the enterprise’s policy will be outlined: from choosing a product, determining its price, various sales methods to the final stage - promoting the product, the stage at which the enterprise’s profit from the sale of the product increases.


At this stage, marketers, using market research, competitors and consumers, develop a program of action for the enterprise in the field of product production (they assume which product will be in maximum demand, meet the needs of the buyer, determine its quality in comparison with competitors), establish rules for the creation of new products , predict the product life cycle.

In the ordinary sense, a commodity is usually understood as a thing intended for consumption, either final consumption or consumption for the production of another product. The marketing essence of a product is somewhat different from the generally accepted one, since what is usually called a product in the general sense is called a product in marketing. A product is a component of a product that carries the main qualities for which the product was purchased. For example, having produced saccharin (a sugar surrogate), it cannot be called a product without appropriate support. Product support is a set of measures for transportation, packaging, storage and use of the product. The product support group includes the following measures: everything that helps the product maintain its consumer qualities before sale (preservation, packaging, storage), measures for the correct use of the product (instructions, method of preparation), related products (adapters, batteries, cords).

And finally, a product turns into a commodity when marketing tools are used on it, which include design, advertising, properly established sales, and strong public relations.

Thus, a product for a marketer consists of a product, its support and marketing tools.

Marketing depends entirely on the consumer, on his needs and requests, so the enterprise is simply forced to change its product strategy, creating new products.

First, you need an idea for a new product. Sources of ideas can be both consumers themselves and scientists. In fact, at this stage of creating a new product, it is important for a marketer to learn to listen, since ideas can also be suggested by the shortcomings of competitors. Scientists are another source of ideas. As a result, many companies cooperate with universities, institutes and scientific laboratories. Also, ideas can be suggested by employees of the sales system (wholesalers, retailers) since they are closer to the consumer. Public opinion polls, statistical data, and test results in consumer magazines should not be ignored.

Secondly, screening and selection of ideas is required. This stage occurs according to two criteria: everything that is not related to the commercial purpose of the enterprise is confiscated, everything that does not correspond to the production capacity of the enterprise is confiscated.

Thirdly, it is necessary to create a prototype of a new product, and it is important to remember that undetected errors at this stage will cause huge losses later.

The next stage will be the release of a trial batch of goods to a limited market and research of this market.

Fifthly, it is necessary to choose a place and time for the mass release of goods; it would be advisable to coincide the release with some fair, exhibition, or holiday.

So, we can formulate the basic law of new goods: while one new product is on sale and is actively purchased, in parallel the process of developing the next new product must occur in order to ensure that the enterprise does not stand idle, and in order to increase its profitability and efficiency.

Marketing accompanies a product throughout its life cycle. The Law of New Products can be viewed from a life cycle perspective as: a business will have maximum profit and efficiency only when the life cycles of different products overlap each other.

Product policy at an enterprise solves the problem of creating a new product and is associated with the sphere of production. Marketing developments in this area help the entrepreneur avoid many of the mistakes that await him at this stage of business activity. Therefore, we can clearly say that product marketing policy helps to increase the efficiency of the company


The scope of an enterprise's pricing policy includes issues of wholesale and retail prices, all stages of pricing, tactics for determining the initial price of a product, and price correction tactics. By solving these issues, marketers set the most favorable price for the product, which helps to increase the profitability of the company.

External factors in the pricing process include:

  • 1. consumers - this factor always occupies a dominant position in modern marketing;
  • 2. market environment - this factor is characterized by the degree of competition in the market. Here it is important to highlight whether the enterprise is an outsider or a leader, whether it belongs to a group of leaders or outsiders;
  • 3. participants in distribution channels - at this stage, both suppliers and intermediaries influence the price. Moreover, it is important to note that the greatest danger for the manufacturer is the increase in energy prices, which is why the state is trying to control this industry. The state influences the price through indirect taxes on business, establishing antitrust and dumping bans.

Pricing strategy is the choice by an enterprise of a strategy according to which the initial price of a product should change with maximum success for it, in the process of conquering the market.


The product sales system is one of the most important in the marketing policy of an enterprise. In sales policy, marketers address the issues of choosing the most optimal distribution channel and method of selling goods, which, if used effectively, will undoubtedly increase the company's profits.

One of the points of an enterprise's sales policy is the choice of the optimal distribution channel. A sales (distribution) channel for a product is an organization or person involved in the promotion and exchange of a specific product (several groups of products) on the market.

Sales of products in most cases are carried out through intermediaries, each of which forms a corresponding distribution channel. The use of intermediaries in the sphere of distribution is beneficial primarily for producers. In this case, they have to deal with a limited circle of stakeholders in the sale of products. In addition, wide availability of goods is ensured when they move directly to the sales market. With the help of intermediaries, it is possible to reduce the number of direct contacts between manufacturers and consumers.

Supply and sales organizations, large wholesale warehouses, exchange structures, trading houses and stores can act as intermediaries. Among the main reasons for the use of intermediaries are the following:

  • 1. organizing the goods distribution process requires the availability of certain financial resources;
  • 2. creating an optimal product distribution system presupposes the availability of appropriate knowledge and experience in the field of market conditions for your product, methods of trade and distribution.

Intermediaries, thanks to their contacts, experience and specialization, make it possible to ensure wide availability of goods and bring them to target markets.

Enterprises in a market economy pay considerable attention to the problems of optimizing the process of promoting goods from producer to consumer. The results of their economic activities largely depend on how correctly the channels of distribution of goods, forms and methods of their sales are chosen, on the breadth of the range and quality of services provided by the enterprise related to the sale of products.

Methods of selling goods:

  • 1. wholesale trade - covers essentially the entire set of commodity resources, which are both means of production and consumer goods. As a rule, in wholesale trade, goods are purchased in large quantities. Wholesale purchases are carried out by intermediary organizations for the purpose of subsequent resale to grassroots wholesale organizations and retail enterprises. In most cases, wholesale trade is not associated with the sale of products to specific end consumers, i.e. it allows manufacturers, with the help of intermediaries, to sell goods with minimal direct contact with consumers. In the commodity market, wholesale trade is an active part of the sphere of circulation.
  • 2. in the process of distribution of goods from manufacturers to consumers, the final link that closes the chain of economic relations is retail trade. In retail trade, material resources move from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of collective, individual, personal consumption, i.e. become the property of consumers. This occurs through purchase and sale, as consumers purchase the goods they need in exchange for their cash income. Here, starting opportunities are created for a new cycle of production and circulation, as the product turns into money.


Promotion is understood as a set of various types of activities to convey information about the merits of a product to potential consumers and stimulate their desire to buy it. Modern organizations use complex communication systems to maintain contacts with intermediaries, clients, and various public organizations and layers.

Product promotion is carried out by using in a certain proportion:

“Advertising is printed, handwritten, oral or graphic information about a person, product, service or social movement, openly emanating from and paid for by the advertiser for the purpose of increasing sales, expanding clientele, obtaining votes or public approval." In modern conditions, advertising is a necessary an element of production and sales activity, a method of creating a sales market, an active means of struggle for the market. It is because of these functions that advertising is called the engine of trade.

As part of marketing, advertising must: firstly, prepare the market (consumer) for a favorable perception of the new product; secondly, to maintain demand at a high level at the stage of mass production of goods; thirdly, to contribute to the expansion of the sales market. Depending on the stage of the product’s life cycle, the scale and intensity of advertising and the relationship between prestigious advertising (advertising of the exporting company, the competence of its personnel, etc.) and product advertising (i.e. advertising of a specific product) change; the methods of its dissemination also change, its arguments are updated, fresher, more original ideas are selected;

2. Sales promotion is short-term incentive measures that promote the sale or marketing of products and services. If advertising calls: “Buy our product,” then sales promotion is based on the call: “Buy it now.” You can look at sales promotion in more detail, keeping in mind that it includes: stimulating consumers, stimulating trade, and stimulating the sales force of the organization itself.

Stimulating consumers is aimed at increasing their purchase volume. The following main methods are used: provision of samples for testing; use of coupons, partial price refunds or trade discounts; package sales at reduced prices; bonuses; souvenirs with advertising; encouraging regular clientele; contests, sweepstakes and games that give the consumer a chance to win something - money, goods, travel; exposition and demonstration of signs, posters, samples, etc. at places where products are sold;

  • 3. Exhibitions and fairs occupy a prominent place in marketing. Their important advantage is the ability to present the product to customers in its original form, as well as in action. In any case, visitors come to the pavilions with a clear intention to learn something new for themselves, and this attitude actively contributes to the introduction of new products and services to the market. Personal contacts between stand staff (representatives of the seller) and potential buyers help create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, which contributes to the development of business relationships. An exhibiting company (exhibiting samples of its products) can make presentations at symposia, usually held as part of an exhibition (fair), distribute printed advertising, show films or television films, donate advertising bags, handbags, folders, etc. Skillful exhibition activities play no less, and sometimes even greater, role than the publication of advertisements in the press about industrial goods;
  • 4. personal selling - an oral presentation of a product for the purpose of selling it in a conversation with one or several potential buyers. This is the most effective tool for promoting a product at certain stages of its sales, especially for creating a favorable attitude among buyers towards the products offered, primarily towards products for industrial purposes. However, this is the most expensive promotion method. American companies spend three times more on personal selling than on advertising;
  • 5. public relations - creating good relations with various government and public structures and layers by creating a favorable opinion about the company, its products and by neutralizing unfavorable events and rumors. Public relations also includes communication with the press, dissemination of information about the company's activities, lobbying activities in legislative and government bodies with the aim of making or canceling certain decisions, explanatory work regarding the position of the company, its products, and social role.

So, marketing considers a promotion policy that promotes maximum sales of a product, which helps the entrepreneur to better understand the buyer’s preferences and choose the most effective type of promotion.

Marketing policy for the first quarter of 2009

4. The price of the product may be changed for the following purposes:

Product sales promotion;

Strengthening the position occupied by the Company in the sales market;

Fulfillment of the approved budget of the Company.

5. To achieve the above goals, the Company uses the following pricing procedure:

5.1. The price set in the annex to the Marketing Policy may be reduced depending on the number of goods purchased.

5.2. Buyers may also be provided with:

Discounts for early repayment of debt for goods;

Discounts on goods purchased on advance payment terms;

Discounts for ordering goods within 10 days after receiving a message about the arrival of new goods;

Discounts on goods due to the approaching expiration date;

Discounts on seasonal goods;

Discounts for strategically important customers.

6. The amount of discounts specified in clause 5 is established by order of the General Director.

Source - "General Book", 2009, No. 3

Related documents

The marketing policy of an enterprise involves pricing, product, sales, and in addition - a set of actions to promote products on the market. The general scheme of marketing policy is as follows: a product is selected - an object of trade, its price is determined based on costs and the established level of profitability, the method of sales is determined and the product is promoted, introduced into the market, and profits from sales are increased.

The first thing that is included in the company's policy is product policy. While doing this, marketers, based on analysis, establish a program according to which an organization in the production sector should work, predict which product will become the most popular, compare it with similar products of competitors and determine what will be beneficial in purchasing this particular item, etc.

A product is, first of all, an item intended for sale and consumption - either as a final product, or as a raw material or means of production. If we take the marketing essence, it will be somewhat different. What is commonly called a commodity is called a product in marketing. Product is a narrower concept. This is the essence of the product, what it was purchased for. For example, this is chocolate itself, located at the confectionery shop, still without a name, not delivered to the store, not laid out on shelves and unpacked. A product becomes a commodity after it is exposed to marketing tools - design, advertising, successful sales, gaining popularity among customers. and their impact is called product support.

Marketing is very dependent on the consumer - real and potential, so the product strategy of enterprises must change, giving customers new objects, offering new services. A novelty is a good one when, seeing a bright sign about a product new to the company, the buyer rushes to purchase it. However, absolutely anything that comes to mind cannot be called a new product, just to increase profits. A new product may meet one of the following requirements:

  • A completely new product on the market, which has no analogues, which practically represents a scientific achievement. Copiers, cellular communication services, etc. that once appeared on sale can be called such.
  • A product that has an analogue, but is qualitatively different from it. For example, floppy disks with a large amount of memory and at the same time smaller in size.
  • A product that is new to a specific market - for example, in a state. In the early 90s, dishwashers began to be sold in Russia, which was not the case here before, but they were popular in the West.
  • A product that was previously on the market, but now a new use has been found for it, and it is popular again.

Marketing policy, no matter how well established, is still a rather risky business in relation to a new product. In order for everything to go smoothly and bring good material results, the marketing service must work harmoniously and according to an effective scheme. First, a clear idea of ​​the product planned for production is developed. This is done on the basis of the work of scientists or even with the help of buyers who want to buy a product that is not yet present on a particular market. At this stage, you need to be able to listen, because a lack of competitors’ products can provide a profitable idea. It is advisable to create a sample of a new product and carefully monitor its features and demand for it. Small mistakes that go unnoticed at this time will subsequently bring significant losses. It is necessary to decide on the place and time of release of the product; it would be advisable to time the start of the sale of the new product to coincide with some event - a holiday, a fair.

To keep up with the times, make a profit all year round and not stand idle, a marketing policy must work effectively. While one product is successfully selling, another should be in the development stage, and the generation of ideas should not stop.

Regulations on the company's marketing policy

There is no unified form of the Marketing Policy Regulations. When preparing this document, it is important to take into account the specifics of your company. It would be a mistake to blindly copy the marketing policy of another organization: it is not a fact that it will be universal.

Despite the fact that the document is drawn up primarily for internal use, it is important that it is properly formatted. Correctly and completely indicate the company details and the date of preparation of the document.

How to draw up a company's marketing policy

Marketing policies may require periodic promotions to increase sales. Growing companies need to spend on market research. And such a complex system as a loyalty program or the procedure for providing discounts and bonuses needs to be described in as much detail as possible. The Ministry of Finance allows expenses to be accepted as a reduction in tax profit only if they are aimed at further increasing income or expanding the client base (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 4, 2009 No. 03-03-06/1/513). The regulation may consist, for example, of the following sections: “sales policy”, “pricing”, “loyalty program”, “information services”, “advertising”, etc.

Of course, marketers and advertisers will take on most of the work, but it is in your interests to ensure that each type of marketing and consulting expense has its own compelling purpose and economic justification. The application should include forms of accompanying documents and reports. The head of the company can approve the position by issuing an order. A sample of such an order.

Order on approval of the regulations on marketing policy

If the company is small and marketing costs are also insignificant, it is not necessary to issue a separate Regulation. You can simply add a new section to the accounting policy, where information about the cost accounting procedure will be disclosed.


The development of commodity-money relations in Russia has led to the formation of a market saturated with goods - a “buyer’s market”, when supply exceeds demand for most product groups, both for industrial products and for consumer goods. Competition and competitiveness of the market process are developing. This creates conditions for the active use of a marketing approach to solving management and production and sales problems in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise. Ensuring optimal sales of manufactured products and services requires entrepreneurs to focus on the needs and preferences of target consumer groups, as well as the formation of appropriate market demand in terms of volume and quality characteristics.

It is the relationship between market demands and enterprise capabilities that should form the basis for the development of main directions, goals and strategies of entrepreneurial activity, as well as marketing programs, operational and strategic plans at the micro level.

It must be said that the development of entrepreneurship in Russia is still of a spasmodic nature and is accompanied by certain difficulties. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the positive changes that are taking place in the field of entrepreneurship: an increase in the number of enterprises in the non-state sector, an increase in the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses. The innovative activity of enterprises is growing, and the market mentality of producers and consumers of goods and services is being formed.

The provisions of the new management paradigm (i.e., belief system) must express the objective needs of the reformed economy and society as a whole; they must contain the main, key points, the use of which when building a new management system will help our country speed up the transition to a market economy and carry it out with the least loss for society.

Decentralization of the management system carried out in the reform process does not imply a complete abandonment of state regulation of socio-economic processes occurring at the level of organizations and enterprises. The need for such an approach is due to the fact that the movement towards the market is a complex process, in which the state must be an indispensable and active participant.

The transition to a polycentric economic system should ensure a significant increase in the role of self-government at all levels. In the conditions of the Russian Federation, economic centers are increasingly moving to the level of regions, whose economic independence should increase during the transition period.

An important provision of the new paradigm is the focus on a combination of market and administrative methods of managing public sector enterprises. During the transition period, the public sector of the economy will be reduced due to the expansion of the sphere of market entrepreneurship and privatization. However, even at the end of the period, it will account for a significant part of the country’s gross domestic product, and the importance of large and super-large enterprises for the economy is unlikely to decrease. The management of these enterprises should be based on a combination of market and administrative methods. The predominance of one or another group of methods depends on the status of the enterprise in the economic system of the country.

But each enterprise operating in a market environment must independently resolve issues not only of internal organization, but also of the entire set of connections with the external environment. Marketing research, expansion of foreign economic relations, attracting foreign capital, establishing communications - this is not a complete list of those tasks that were previously beyond the competence of enterprises, but are now among the most important. The social orientation of an enterprise means that, along with its economic function, it also performs a social role. The latter can be considered in two aspects: from the point of view of focusing on the consumer and his needs, i.e. satisfying society's needs for goods and services produced by the enterprise; from the standpoint of solving the most important social problems of labor collectives and the environment of the enterprise.

This paper examines marketing activities and its organizational system within the framework of OJSC “Vladimir Generating Company”


Achieving the goals of any enterprise depends mainly on three factors: the chosen strategy, the organizational structure and how this structure functions.

The organizational structure of marketing activities at an enterprise can be defined as the structure of the organization on the basis of which marketing management is carried out, in other words, it is a set of services, departments, divisions, which include employees engaged in one or another marketing activity.

Marketing structure is critical to the successful implementation of a marketing concept. There is no universal scheme for organizing marketing, because it covers a wide range of works and functions that take place when introducing and using the market philosophy of business organization, the main principle of which is customer orientation - the study and satisfaction of his needs and desires.

To carry out the entire range of work and functions in the field of marketing, for their organization and coordination in business structures, groups, departments, services and marketing management are created depending on the degree of integration and coverage of the marketing concept of the enterprise divisions. Such formations serve as a connecting link between jobs (types of activity) and workers, establishing an appropriate way of interaction between workers both within their department and forms of relations with adjacent departments of the enterprise and subjects of the determining environment. In this context, organizational formation acts as a system of a certain organizational structure.

The organizational structure determines the existing (or projected) numerical composition of units in an organization (service), connections and relationships between them, as well as the level of their integration into a single whole. It establishes the degree of isolation, departmentalization (organizational separation) of its constituent units (groups, departments), the level of their legal independence in obtaining the necessary information and making decisions. The structure, as it were, consolidates the internal composition of the organization (service), fixes the quantitative and qualitative composition of the entities included in it, their hierarchical subordination, the distribution of power and independence between them.

The choice of organizational structure of an enterprise division depends on many factors. The most important factors are: the type of organization (enterprise) in which the unit is created; the type of strategy followed by the enterprise; the level of the existing designed division of labor in the department (service); type of departmentalization of main functions and works; the presence and development of technological and functional connections with related divisions of the enterprise; presence of connections with the external environment; existing standards of controllability and controllability; level occupied in the management hierarchy; degree of centralization and decentralization in decision making; the necessary level of differentiation and integration of this unit in the process of its interaction with related departments (groups) of the enterprise (2).

Depending on the nature and level of interaction, several types of organizational structures of enterprises are distinguished (Table 1).

Table 1

Main types of organizational structures

Type of organizational structure

Characteristics of interaction




Interaction with the external environment

“Organization – external environment”

Traditional (linear-functional-

Divisional or departmental




“Division -






“The individual is an organi-

The likelihood of a change in strategy should be taken into account both when forming the structure of the designed organization and the activities of existing enterprises and divisions. Since the structure cannot be sustainable when introducing a new strategy, changing it must be preceded by a thorough justification for the need for such a step.

When developing an organizational structure, it is necessary to take into account the level of division of labor at the enterprise and in its divisions. This is due to the fact that it is possible to change the specialization of work both in terms of functions and in terms of their specific application and solution of individual problems. The possibilities of using technological (horizontal) and managerial (vertical) specializations should be taken into account when improving the organizational structure.

When developing the structure of an enterprise, special attention should be paid to the increased specialization of individual works and the possibility (necessity) of their departmentalization. Depending on its direction - orientation either to resources or to results - departmentalization of one type or another is carried out, for example, by function, product, technology, number, time, territory, consumer, market, etc.

The possibility of coordination is predetermined both by the structure of the enterprise itself and by the totality of its individual parts and existing stable connections and relationships. Relationship breakdowns can lead to interruptions or complete cessation of interaction, which reduces the effectiveness and sustainability of the organizational structure. Therefore, the development of the structure must be accompanied by an analysis of the vertical and horizontal, linear and functional connections of the enterprise.

The organizational structure covers a certain number of departments, activities and personnel. As the number of subordinates increases, the number of interpersonal communications increases, for example, between a manager and a subordinate. An excessive increase in the number of subordinates and the number of divisions creates unfavorable conditions for the controllability of the organizational structure. To avoid uncontrollability of the organizational structure, the scale of manageability and control of the organization is optimized. By achieving the optimal combination of the number of subordinates and hierarchy levels, the most rational organizational structure is formed.

The methodological provisions discussed above for the formation of organizational structures of an enterprise are the basis for the development and justification of organizational structures of marketing, i.e. divisions that are responsible for organizing, planning, coordinating and implementing marketing policies at the enterprise. Significant factors influencing the choice of organizational structure of marketing and the decision-making on the advisability of its application are awareness of the role and significance of the marketing philosophy for the enterprise, the attitude towards marketing as a modern management concept on the part of management and all employees of the enterprise. It should be borne in mind that marketing is the function and philosophy of entrepreneurship, the organization of all enterprise activities in market conditions. As a philosophy of entrepreneurship, marketing requires that business strategy and tactics be customer-focused. It obliges all departments and all employees of the enterprise to participate in the process of meeting these needs, because in market conditions and democracy of relations between subjects of the marketing system, success comes to an enterprise when it sets itself the goal of studying the needs of customers and produces products that most fully satisfy the needs of consumers. Therefore, all employees of the enterprise must understand the marketing philosophy and strive to achieve the common goal determined by this philosophy.policy enterprises 2. Investment assessment politicians enterprises on example OJSC..., innovative, market, marketing and other activities. ...

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