Publishing a magazine. Download a sample business plan for the magazine Financial plan analysis electronic media online magazine

As data from the research company Mediascope showed, the Internet audience in Russia at the end of 2016 – beginning of 2017 grew to 87 million people. That is, seven out of ten Russians aged 12-64 are actively exploring the Internet, and this figure is growing every year. A third of Russian citizens use the Internet to search for news information; just a year ago, their number was 1.5 times less.

For these reasons, creating an online magazine looks like a promising project that does not require large investments. The presented business plan of the magazine with calculations shows that its initial monthly profit will be 53.12 thousand rubles, and in the future, with the active promotion of the project, income growth is expected.

Business idea: creating an online magazine on the topic of fitness and healthy lifestyle with a payback of 2.5 months.

Goals: creating a company with high profitability, making a profit and satisfying the information, educational and entertainment needs of the audience. It is planned to reach 700-800 thousand monthly readers in five years and become one of the top ten major sites about fitness and a healthy lifestyle in Russia.

The initial investment in the project will be 163 thousand rubles. These will be the entrepreneur's own funds. First things first initial stage There are no plans to use borrowed funds. The funds will be used to register a domain, create and promote a website, and fill the online publication with texts, photographs and videos.

The site will also need to be registered as an online publication with Roskomnadzor. According to the law, this is not prerequisite, but will increase confidence in the site among visitors, advertisers, sponsors and the Yandex.News service. This will allow the media to enjoy the official right to receive information, protect them before the law and remove liability for the dissemination of information that does not correspond to reality, discredits the honor and dignity of citizens, if it is received from news agencies, from responses to inquiries, reprinted from other publications. Including, you will not have to be responsible for user comments if they are not pre-moderated. The cost of registration if done independently will be 10 thousand rubles.

To implement the activities, it is planned to register an LLC. Suitable OKVED: “Publishing activity” – 58.11.2, 58.14.2; "Activities in the field information technologies" – 63.11, 63.12; “Advertising activities and market research” – 73.12.

The project will be considered as a long-term investment with a cyclical economy. When income falls, expenses for purchasing new materials decrease, and vice versa. Profitability is growing, the number of investments in the magazine is growing. The owner of an online publication will engage in other activities so as not to depend on the regularity of income.

Project implementation stages

  1. Buying a domain and hosting.
  2. Installation and development of CMS.
  3. Design development.
  4. Selection and testing of authors for the quality and uniqueness of texts.
  5. Filling the site with content, registering the site in search engines.
  6. Registration in contextual advertising services.
  7. Registration of a legal entity.
  8. Media registration.
  9. Media promotion, attracting audiences and advertisers.
  10. Analysis of the result, adjustment of the plan.
  11. Project development.


Electronic media are valued by the audience for useful and interesting content, reliable and high-quality information on a specific topic, which will allow them to solve a problem or learn something new. the main task magazine – providing objective and up-to-date information about a sports lifestyle in a reader-friendly format. It will be modern encyclopedia about fitness and a healthy lifestyle with photographs and videos of exercises, tips from fitness trainers and doctors.

The choice of topic is explained by the growing interest of Russians in playing sports, going to the gym, proper nutrition and daily routine. 60% of Russian residents, according to a 2016 VTsIOM survey, go in for sports. However, in 2015 there were 10% fewer of them. A cult of a healthy body and organism is being formed in society, and more and more people are opening up government agencies and private fitness clubs.

That is why the pages of the publication will contain materials about body training at home and in the gym, effective programs on increasing muscle mass and burning fat, exercise techniques, balanced nutrition, sports nutrition.

The content structure will be approximately as follows:

  • 25% of materials are about muscle development and exercises.
  • 25% about proper nutrition.
  • 20% about health.
  • 15% about diets and weight loss.
  • 15% about self-care.

In addition, the journal will contain articles from practical advice from athletes, fitness trainers, nutritionists, doctors, reviews of specific products, such as sports gadgets, running shoes, swimming accessories and others. It is planned to actively involve subscribers in the creation of content: surveys, proposals for topics, materials, experiments, competitions.

To implement the project, there will be no need to purchase or rent premises, since the owner and authors of the online publication will work remotely and, if necessary, hold meetings in co-working spaces or online via Skype. The purchase of special equipment will also not be required, since the authors will work on their own computers, photographers and camera operators will work with their own equipment.

Market analysis

A 2017 VTsIOM survey showed that Russians receive information mainly from television (about 60% of the audience). Almost a third of Russian citizens prefer to access the Internet: they read websites, blogs and social networks. Basically, these are people from 18 to 34 years old. At the same time, the rate of user activity on the Internet is only growing every year, and interest in printed publications, on the contrary, is falling. In 2016, the magazines Allure, Conde Nast Traveler, Interview, Russian Reporter, Afisha and others closed. For this reason, creating an online publication is preferable to print glossy magazine.

Advantages of an online magazine:

  • Available to an unlimited number of readers.
  • Distributed throughout the country and beyond.
  • It has a free newsletter, which increases the loyalty of potential subscribers.
  • Requires less money to start; there is no need to rent premises, buy printing equipment or spend money on printing, layout, and delivery of publications to kiosks.
  • Requires fewer employees: just an editor, a proofreader, 2-3 journalists on staff, a photographer, a designer; if necessary, you can attract freelancers and an accountant.
  • Possibility of using interactive and engaging content: slide shows, videos, tests.
  • Possibility of using links to send to advertisers' sites.
  • Unlimited publication size, while the reader can familiarize himself with materials made a year ago.

The winning point is the fact that at the end of 2017, advertisers’ spending on online promotion reached advertising budgets on television. Analysts at the investment bank BCS Global Markets note that in 2016, online advertising accounted for 38% of the advertising market in Russia, in 2017 - 41%, then the share will grow by 2-3% annually.

Target audience of the project: 55% – men, 45% – women. The age of 70% of readers is from 18 to 34 years old, the rest are 15-18 years old and 35-45 years old. Audience profile: higher education, office worker in the position of manager or leading specialist, engages in fitness to maintain health and physical fitness, periodically works out with a personal trainer and buys sports nutrition, monitors his daily routine and nutrition, annually goes on vacation to Russian or foreign resorts, prefers to buy “status” » products of famous brands.

Organizational plan

To implement the project, it will be necessary to hire qualified employees with at least one year of experience; experience in remote work in publications about sports, fitness, health, or a similar field will be a plus. Editor's responsibilities: managing the team, editing content, analyzing competitors, selecting topics and news for publication, creating new sections. The work of an Internet marketer includes developing magazine promotion on the Internet, creating a brand positioning model, media planning, analyzing resource traffic, SMM strategy, maintaining groups on social networks, and attracting potential advertisers.

Journalists-copywriters will fill the site unique materials, interview, copywriter-translator - translate and adapt texts from English-language thematic magazines. The photographer will do staged and reportage photography, and process images for the website. The videographer’s task is to shoot thematic videos for the website with the participation of fitness trainers and edit the videos.

Staff members:

The owner will act as the director of the project, he will be involved in its development, expansion and change of directions of work, analysis of results, strategic management, selection and motivation of personnel, development of a marketing campaign, increasing advertising sales. At the initial stage, and then as necessary, a designer, a website promotion specialist, an SMM specialist, and an accountant will be involved.

Marketing plan

There is a shortage of resources on the Internet with high-quality, useful and unique information; content on most sites is obtained by rewriting information from other resources. Search engines support the creation of unique content, so their mechanisms are being improved to search and promote just such materials.

For this reason, winning over the audience and search engines will require creating the most large quantity own content: interviews, reports, photos, videos. This will help attract as many visitors as possible, and therefore advertisers - the main source of income for the media.

Ways to promote a digital magazine:

  • News aggregators and traffic exchangers, including,,,, and others.
  • Search engine optimization of the site.
  • Contextual advertising on the search network.
  • Maintaining groups on social networks, advertising in other groups.
  • Creating a subscriber base: a form for collecting emails and subsequently sending out new publications, offering unique “closed” content for subscribers.

To increase reader loyalty, you should organize competitions and experiments with prizes from sponsors, accept high-quality text and photo content from them, publish interviews with famous people, and conduct an audience survey to identify needs and topics of interest.

Production plan

Monthly expenses:

  • Payment for hosting: 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Payroll fund: 200 thousand rubles + insurance premiums 33% = 66 thousand rubles.
  • Accountant and freelancer services: 30 thousand rubles.
  • Website promotion in search engines and social networks: 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses: 10 thousand rubles.

Total monthly costs project: 387.5 thousand rubles (for the year 4.65 million rubles).

Tax payments: 15% of the organization’s “income minus expenses” (9.38 thousand rubles).

Expenses for the first year of operation of the online magazine: 163 thousand rubles + 4.65 million rubles + 9.38 x 12 = 4.925 million rubles.

Financial plan

Variable costs of the project: 163 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs of the project: 387.5 + 9.38 = 396.88 thousand rubles/month, or 4.76 million rubles/year.

Publishing income opportunities:

  • Placement of banners and videos on the site.
  • Sponsorship and special projects.
  • Placement of PR and information materials.
  • Paid webinars and courses with fitness trainers and nutritionists.
  • Individual consultations with site experts.
  • Connecting the site to the advertising network “Yandex”, Google and others.

Monthly revenue: 450 thousand rubles.

Annual revenue while maintaining indicators: 450 x 12 = 5,4< млн рублей .

Break-even point for the first year = (revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs) = (5.4 million x 4.76 million) / (5.4 million - 0.163 million) = 4.9 million rubles.

Profit for the month: 450 thousand rubles – 396.88 thousand rubles = 53.12 thousand rubles.

Profit for the year: 53.12 thousand rubles x 12 = 637.44 thousand rubles.

Profitability= profit / revenue x 100% = 637.44 thousand / 5,400 thousand x 100% = 11,8% .

Payback= starting investments / profit for the year = 163 thousand rubles / 637.44 thousand rubles = 0.25 years, 3 months.


Every year more and more Russians master the Internet and register on social networks. As surveys show, online media are also gaining popularity. An online publication on the topic of fitness and a healthy lifestyle will become a popular product due to the growing interest of people from 18 to 34 years old in strengthening their health, improving physical fitness and proper nutrition.

The presented example of a project showed that this business will require small start-up investments - 163 thousand rubles, which will pay off in 3 months. The project does not require renting premises or purchasing equipment; it is necessary to create a website and fill it with materials. Monthly expenses will amount to 396.88 thousand rubles, monthly net profit in the first months of operation will be 53.12 thousand rubles. Next, it is planned to increase the company’s profitability by attracting more visitors to the site, actively promoting it in search engines and social networks, and increasing the volume of advertiser investments.

It can be argued that a digital magazine is a real opportunity to create a stable source of income and realize your creative and entrepreneurial potential. To succeed, you need to build a competent strategy for the development of the publication, think through a content plan and hire professionals to create high-quality and useful material.

In this material:

The publishing business does not lose its relevance even in the Internet era. Many Russians still prefer printed materials. Why not make money from this? The magazine's business plan will help an entrepreneur open his own business.

Description of the business idea and its relevance

More than 13 thousand publishing houses – newspapers and magazines – are registered with the Ministry of Press. Most of them are small and narrow-profile publications. Of these, only 300 are regularly published.

These statistics may seem disappointing. Indeed, competition in the printed products market is very high. Small publishers are being squeezed out by larger ones, some of which operate under license from foreign journals.

However, every year several new monthly magazines appear on the market, which manage to take their place in the sun and become profitable.

Sources of income for the glossy magazine:

  1. Paid subscriptions. The reader pays for the content published on the pages of the magazine.
  2. Advertising placement. Advertising units occupy up to 30%. Large companies are willing to pay a decent amount to have their brand advertised on the pages of the publication.

How to open your journal?

Selecting a topic

The choice of topic is one of the most important and responsible moments on which the future of the journal depends.

Topic selection criteria:

  1. Interest. The topic should appeal to the owner of the magazine. This will ensure his involvement in the business organization.
  2. Knowledge of the topic. There is no point in opening a magazine on an unfamiliar topic. It is unlikely that such publications will be able to compete with other, larger editions.
  3. Submission of content. What style will the articles be published in, what materials will they be decorated with?
  4. Periodicity. How often will new issues be published - once a week, month, six months.

The target audience

The target audience is potential buyers. No business is launched without analyzing the target audience.

Target audience analysis includes:

  1. Determining the number of potential readers. For example, if the topic is narrow, it will be of interest to a small segment of the target audience, and few will subscribe. On the other hand, popular topics are already taken, making it more difficult to break through.
  2. Gender, age. What audience is the content targeted at? For example, women read magazines more readily than men. Selling printed products to them is much easier.
  3. Purchasing power. If the target audience does not have money, it is unlikely that they will subscribe to a glossy magazine. On the other hand, even from a children's magazine you can make a high profit.

Analysis of the target audience is carried out by marketing agencies. They help the entrepreneur create a portrait potential buyer– determine his interests, purchasing power and everything you need to know to start your own business.

Market analysis

Current data is provided after ordering (see at the end of the article)

Competition on Russian market printed products are very high, so without market analysis - nowhere.

Market analysis will include:

  1. Demand Offer. How in demand are magazines on the chosen topic, how great is the competition among publishers.
  2. Studying competitors. A comprehensive analysis of all journals that are published on the chosen topic is necessary. Studying competitors provides important information on the basis of which you can create your own unique, higher-quality product.
  3. General market conditions. How popular is printed material now and how in demand will it be in the future?

The analysis should show how the market will react to the introduction of a new product.

Possible risks

The publishing business is too risky. Statistics also speak to this: out of 13 thousand publications registered in Russia, only 300 are published regularly.

  1. The magazine will not be read. All niches are already occupied. To New Product Please note, it will take time.
  2. Unprofessional team. Assembling a team of good writers, editors and designers is not easy. Incompetent employees can slow down the development of a project.
  3. Long payback period. Advertisers will cooperate with the publication only after it becomes popular.
  4. The project will not pay for itself.

Organizational plan

Registration of activities

IMPORTANT: According to the law on “Means mass media» all printed publications must be registered with Federal service in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications.

To do this, an application is submitted to Roskomnadzor.

The statement states:

  1. Information about the founder or founders.
  2. Name of the magazine.
  3. Topic or specialization.
  4. The language in which the content is published.
  5. Distribution form.
  6. Frequency of new releases.
  7. Editorial address.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  1. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - for legal entities or a copy of the passport - for individuals.
  2. Layout of the future magazine.
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty. The fee is 9,000 rubles. For erotic magazines – 80,000 rubles.

Documents can be sent by mail or brought to Roskomnadzor yourself.

Delivery address: Moscow, Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, building 2.

Rent of editorial premises

The reader does not care where the publication's office is located. Therefore, the choice must be made based on economic considerations. It is not necessary to immediately rent an expensive office - at the initial stage there will be enough space in which employees can work comfortably.

In addition, the office must have the Internet - there is no point in renting a room that either does not have the Internet or cannot be connected.

Purchase or rental of equipment

If you can save on office rent, then you don’t need to save on equipment - it’s important for a glossy magazine high quality print.

The minimum cost for the purchase of professional printing equipment is 2,000,000 rubles.

An alternative option is to enter into a contract with a printing house or rent one.

Additionally, you will need office equipment - computers, telephone, printers, fax and furniture.

Formation of staff

A professional team is one of the criteria for success.

To start the journal you will need:

  • authors of articles;
  • editors;
  • proofreaders;
  • designers;
  • marketers;
  • layout designers;
  • accountant.

Article writers and editors should specialize in the topics they work on. Their task is to create unique and interesting content, after reading which the reader will want to buy the next issue. There are few such specialists, you will have to look for them.

Marketing and advertising

Without advertising, entering the publishing business makes no sense. Preparation of materials for printing should be accompanied by powerful advertising campaign. How else will a potential reader find out about the existence of a new magazine?

The marketing strategy is developed based on the topic and specifics of the magazine. For example, it is better to sell magazines on automotive topics at gas stations and other places frequented by motorists. If it is a business topic - in large business centers.

It makes sense to sell through kiosks only after the publication becomes popular and recognizable.

  • TV advertising;
  • Internet - social media, placement of banners on thematic sites, forums;
  • printed publications;
  • advertising articles in the media;
  • advertising by mail;
  • billboards;
  • announcements in transport;
  • affiliate marketing.

Financial plan

Current figures are provided after ordering a business plan

Investments in the project

Initial investment:

  • purchase of equipment – ​​2 million rubles;
  • paperwork – 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of office furniture – 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – from 300 thousand rubles.

The larger and more often the circulation, the greater the investment.

Current expenses

Monthly costs:

  • office rent – ​​from 10 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – from 5 thousand rubles;
  • employee maintenance – from 150 thousand rubles;
  • payment of taxes.

ATTENTION! The cost of renting an office and maintaining employees may vary depending on the region.


Profitability depends on the success of the sale of printed products.

Income depends on:

  • publication topics;
  • circulation;
  • solvency of the audience;
  • presence/absence of advertisers.

Profit magazine

The average cost of a glossy magazine in Russia is 250 rubles. With a circulation of 5 thousand copies, earnings from sales will be 1.25 million rubles. But this is impure income, from which you need to subtract the costs of printing, employee salaries, office rent and other expenses.

Net monthly earnings under such conditions are about 300 thousand rubles.

The income of a glossy magazine directly depends on the topic, readership, marketing strategy and methods of implementation. Only with a competent approach to organizing this business can it become profitable. To achieve this indicator, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors.

Order a business plan

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of EOP
Course work
in the discipline "Enterprise activity planning"
on the topic: Business plan of the private enterprise “Author”.
Simferopol, 2008

1.Description of the enterprise and industry
2.Product characteristics
3.Research and analysis of the sales market
4.Competition and competitive advantages
5.Marketing plan
6.Production plan
7.Organizational plan
8. Financial plan
9.Evaluation of project effectiveness

Private enterprise "Author"
The idea of ​​this type of business, namely: the author’s development of designs, patterns, diagrams and descriptions of the assembly of architectural models (“houses”), production of original layouts, production and sales (distribution), with a circulation of 8 thousand copies monthly, of the design magazine “Multi” - World" for children from 10 years old. A business plan is drawn up for analysis and economic calculation of the feasibility of a business project.
The goal and thematic focus of the magazine is a creative game that methodically develops diligence, patience and accuracy in children. Making models with your own hands, visiting the World of Form, feeling the fragility of your creation, contribute to both broadening your horizons and creating a sense of harmony and beauty. A child’s life is filled with real joy from interesting work and the anticipation of new encounters with the magazine.
The goal of the editorial team is to develop public interest in modeling and creativity, and, as a result, increase demand for their products.
Currently, the magazine is registered in Crimea, but in the near future it is planned to re-register the magazine in Ukraine and acquire the rights of a subscription publication on the territory of Ukraine. This will increase the area of ​​product consumption tens of times. The company employs 9 people.
The “Author” private enterprise was registered on September 11, 2003 by the Belogorsk Tax Inspectorate. The main consumers are children under the age of 10 years, general education and Sunday schools, special schools for disabled children, children's health institutions of a seasonal and year-round nature in Ukraine and Crimea.
Enterprise management structure.

The main indicator of the enterprise’s performance and its production units in a market economy is profit. The indicators used to determine production efficiency are primarily related to the profit received.
The ratio of profit to the total cost of manufacturing a product determines the level of profitability of the product.
The ratio of profit to the cost of production assets characterizes the level of profitability of production.
In a market economy, analysis of the break-even performance of an enterprise and its production divisions when fulfilling an order for the manufacture of products becomes of great importance. For this purpose, the critical output volume or “break-even point” is determined.
Equally important is the calculation of the return on capital investment in production assets. The efficiency of the enterprise and its production divisions can be predicted in the process of drawing up a business plan and deviations from the business plan and its implementation can be promptly eliminated. A business plan is needed not only by the entrepreneur himself, but also by potential investors.
The value of a business plan is determined by the fact that it:
makes it possible to determine the viability of a future enterprise in a competitive environment;
contains the main stages according to which the entrepreneur will act at the stage of formation of the enterprise;
serves important tool receiving financial support from external investors.
1. Description of the enterprise and industry

Private enterprise "Author".
The private enterprise "Author", the editorial office of the magazine - designer for children "Multi - World" is located in Crimea, in the city of Belogorsk on the street. Cherkasskaya 157.
The Avtor company is engaged in the production of printed products, preparing for publication of various projects ordered by publishing houses, including author’s developments, and packaging magazines in cellophane.
The editors publish no more than 1 issue of the magazine per month.
The company "Author" was registered on September 1, 2004.
Place of registration - Belogorsk Tax Inspectorate.
Legal address - Belogorsk, Cherkasskaya street 157.
To better characterize this enterprise you need to consider its strengths and weaknesses.
SWOT(strong and weak sides enterprises)

Table 1.

characterizing the enterprise
1. Enterprise management (entrepreneurial culture, employee motivation system)
1. The team was selected for psychological compatibility.
2. All employees have the necessary skills, experience and do not need special training.
3. Material incentives for employees (various bonuses, labor compensation, etc.)
4. Control over product quality.
1. We do not have our own printing house.
2.Marketing (sales organization, location of the enterprise, phase life cycle goods)
1. Conclusion of contracts with consumer companies.
2. Charitable contributions.
3. Product life cycle stage - implementation stage
1. The editorial office is located in a small town.
3. Production
1. Planning of production volumes.
2. Advance payment for the next edition.
3. Packing the magazine in cellophane.
4. New equipment.
5. The magazine has a smaller format compared to other publications.
1. Small production areas.
4. Scientific research and development
1. Collection of information from all possible sources.
2. Product certification
1. Lack of international certificate
5. Finance (availability own funds)
1. Availability of only own funds (money was not borrowed).
6. Personnel (skills and professional shortcomings)
1. Choose the most skilled workers(on a competition basis).
2. Experience in your activities.
3. Honest and conscientious attitude to work.
1. The manager carries out quality control of the staff’s work every day.
Opportunities and threats of the external environment

Table 1.2

Characteristics of the external environment
1. Economic environment
1. Expansion of product markets
2. Increasing market capacity
3. Acquisition of rights to a subscription publication on the territory of Ukraine.
4. Price dumping by competitors.
1. Uninsured business
2. Reducing competitors' prices
3. Failure of transactions with retail outlets.
2. Political environment
1. Government changes to personal property rights
2. Changes due to force majeure.
3. Socio-cultural Wednesday
1. Development of interest among the population in modeling and creativity.
2. Formation of a sense of harmony and beauty in children.
3. Broadening your horizons.
4. Technological environment
1. Improved print quality.
2. Purchase of the latest equipment.
1. Obsolescence of equipment.
5.Demographic environment
1. Increase in population.
1. Population migration
2. High mortality rate
Enterprise mission
Currently Currently, the magazine is registered in Crimea, but in the near future it is planned to re-register the magazine in Ukraine and acquire the rights of a subscription publication on the territory of Ukraine. This will increase the product consumption area tenfold.
Enterprise goals:
1. Gaining market share:
a) penetrate new market segments;
b) improve the image of the product;
c) improve public vocation;
d) increase demand for products.
2. Improve production efficiency
a) increase in production volume;
b) provision the best conditions for the production of goods;
c) produce better and higher quality products than competitors.
3. Social goals:
a) improve the system of material and moral incentives for staff;
b) improving working conditions;
c) developing interest among the population in modeling and creativity.
4. Financial stability:
a) increase the financial stability of the enterprise.
5. Prestige and market position:
1) improve public vocation;
2) improve the image of the enterprise.
2.Product characteristics

The manufactured product is a monthly magazine with a set of patterns, a description and assembly diagram of a model of an architectural structure on a scale of 1:100 in a full-color cover with a photograph of the finished model. The language of publication is Russian. All presented designs are original. Copyright reserved. Today, there are no such publications either in Crimea or Ukraine, so it can be considered a novelty. Germany and Poland have developed a very powerful industry for the production of such magazines, but they are not available to our consumers, and their cost is much higher. The goal and thematic focus of the magazine is a creative game that methodically develops diligence, patience and accuracy in children. Making models with your own hands, visiting the World of Form, feeling the fragility of your creation, contribute to both broadening your horizons and creating a sense of harmony and beauty. A child’s life is filled with real joy from interesting work and the anticipation of new encounters with the magazine.
Characteristics and structure of products

Table 2.

The manufactured product is a design magazine for children over 10 years old “Multi-World” consisting of: A set of colored paper patterns (2-6 sheets of single-sided, full-color printing, A-4 format).
1) Cover (1 sheet of double-sided printing, front side - full-color printing, inner side - black and white, A-4 format). On the inside there is a description and assembly diagram presented in the model number.
2) Cellophane packaging.
The magazine is essentially a souvenir that has to be completed by the consumer, i.e. it has an educational, labor and entertainment orientation.
Pricing for 1 product

Name of cost items
Value, units
1. Production cost:
v depreciation
v rent
v Payroll of management personnel
v Deductions from the payroll of management personnel
v Payroll of production personnel
v Deductions from the payroll of production personnel
v utility bills
v wear of the MBP
v payment for third party services
v losses from defects in production
v transport content
v container
v deductions from MOP
2. Commercial cost:
v advertising
v MIS costs
v security
3. Full cost:
v production cost
v commercial cost


The total cost of one magazine is 2 UAH. 49 kopecks
1. Expected profit - 40%
2.49*0.4=1 UAH. 2.49+1=3.49 UAH.
2. Price with VAT:
3.49*1.2=4.20 UAH.
3. Market research and analysis
The main consumers are children under the age of 10 years, general education and Sunday schools, special schools for disabled children, children's health institutions of a seasonal and year-round nature in Ukraine and Crimea.
The magazine is intended as a guide to basic modeling for children over 10 years old, but from reviews and letters to the editor it is clear that even grandparents have a keen interest in this process. Thanks to its low price, the magazine is available to almost everyone, regardless of their financial status.
Naturally, not everyone will regular customers of the products offered, since consumer demand, in this case, is determined by a person’s inclinations and his interest in the very process of modeling and creativity. But you can be sure that the magazine has its own consumer, and its percentage will grow. With an increase in circulation volumes, the cost will decrease, and therefore the selling price will also decrease, which should affect purchasing power for the better.
The magazine is published monthly. People interested in these products will be able to purchase them at any time, depending on their availability in the trade. For individual requests to the editor, it will be sent to the addressees by mail, cash on delivery. To purchase one copy, the consumer will have to spend from 4.20 to 4.70 UAH. The retail price depends on the markup percentage of trading enterprises and may fluctuate within these limits. The selling (wholesale) price of the editorial office is 4 - 4.20 UAH. The price of the edition depends on the volume of printed sheets with patterns.
The design magazine is a new product, has a smaller format compared to other publications, a colorful, original cover, cellophane packaging and contents that practically cannot become outdated, i.e. it is a complete souvenir or gift. These new qualities should interest the buyer.
Market segment - ARK.
Market capacity =
=103800 grn.
Implementation will be carried out:
1) Through retail trading network"Soyuzpechat".
2) Available to order according to wholesale prices private trading enterprises, departments of public education, orphanages, general education and Sunday schools, children's sanatorium and health care institutions.
3) Part of the circulation will be distributed by the editors by mail, cash on delivery for individual letters and applications.
4) 2% of the monthly output is planned to be used disinterestedly (for advertising purposes, gifts for children of low-income families, etc.)
Sales forecast
The expected sales forecast for 2008 is 179,000 magazines. It was planned to publish 8,000 magazines per month, and in the second half of the year to increase the volume of publication to 20,000 magazines monthly.
4. Competition and competitive advantages

In the market where Legend LLC operates, there are about 10 competing enterprises that produce similar products. Let's take a closer look at the table

Characteristics of competitors
Newspaper "Class"
Magazine "Professor Kreid"
Super - coloring pages
Magazine "Get to Know"
Newspaper "Tele-cross"
Fairy tale crosswords
DIY Magazine
Magazine "Murzil-ka"
Magazine "Multi-World"
Volume of sales
Market share
Price level
Financial position (profitability,%)
Technology level
Product quality
Advertising expenses
Attractiveness of image
Very famous
Very famous
Little known
Very famous
Very famous
Little known
Time of activity of the enterprise
Analysis and assessment of competitors
Competitivenessmagazine "Multi-World"
units change
Coefficient- ent weightiness
Analyze- marketable goods
Product sample
Parameter- ric index
Measures to improve competitiveness
Regulatory production parameters
- technical
Magazine “Multi-World”
Do It Yourself Magazine
Composite index for standard production parameters
Consumer parameters:
High quality products;
The complexity of fiction;
Technological feature of production.



Summary index by parametric parameters

In= Ai*P=0.4*0.833+0.4*0.933+0.5*1.454=1.4334
Economic parameters:



0. 98
Composite index by economic parameters

I = Yk*Ek
Integral indicator of competitiveness
Requirements Profile
Name of requirements
Sales volume, pcs/month
Market share, %

Price level, UAH.
Financial position (profitability), %
Technology level
Product quality

Advertising expenses

Attractiveness of image

Time of activity of the enterprise, years

Legend: Multi - world
Professor Craid

4. Marketing Plan

The marketing plan includes the following stages :

Marketing strategy of the enterprise

Name of product
Marketing type
Product life cycle stage
demand (by type
Marketing policy
Marketing actions.

Magazine "Multi-World"
prices, maximizing profits
Product promotion
Market research
for the purpose of product promotion.

Pricing policy is the art of managing prices and pricing, the art of setting prices for goods that are affordable to the consumer. The goal of the private enterprise “Author” is to obtain maximum profit, but with the expectation that the price of the product is acceptable for our consumers, and they would not leave us for our competitors. Therefore, taking into account the task, we will determine the price using the method: “average costs + profit”, but we will also not forget about the level of current prices.
Toward short-term goals pricing policy relate:
1. Stabilization of the market situation.
2. Enhancing the image of an enterprise or product.
Pricing strategy includes:
1.Strategy for strong market penetration. It assumes comparatively low price new products in the hope of attracting a large number of buyers and gaining a larger market share.
Scheme kacash distribution, etc.................

SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Business plan for creating a newspaper.


student of group 232

IFIZH Kalinina Olga

Saratov, 2010

Many people believenewspaper business very profitable. In order to publish a full-fledged newspaper with a circulation of about 10,000 copies, considerable skills in organization and management are required.

In 2008, the turnover of the newspaper market in Russia amounted to about $39 million. The projected growth in 2009 will be about 17%. As of March 1, 2009, 11,937 newspaper publications were registered in the Russian Federation.

Everyone reads newspapers. Most buy them for television programs, but most still buy them for information. As forecasts show, the market is still far from saturation, but today there is a clearly visible trend towards the consolidation of business units: large publications are absorbing small ones, competition is gradually growing.

The newspaper market is growing, and accordingly, it is still far from saturation. And this indicates that newspaper business quite promising - the main thing is investment and competent management.

A newspaper is a conveyor belt churning out news. The uniqueness of his work is that the workers of this plant are not constantly in the production workshop and never know what they will do today. But they know that the newspaper must be published, no matter what. Despite this uncertainty, the information conveyor, like any other production, certainly needs a professionally drawn up newspaper business plan.

Business plan for the newspaper “Hold On.”


The editorial office of the newspaper “Hold On” is located at:


St. Rakhova, 68

Index 215760

Tel. 53-04-70

Fax: 53-04-70

R The newspaper's editorial office occupies the 1st floor of this house - 200 m2, where there is access to a telephone line and the Internet. The edition is divided into five

functional areas: editor's office, workroom for

employees, a designer’s office and kitchen (not counting utility rooms and restrooms), and a conference room. The editorial office is located in the city center. The main advantage of the location is that it greatly simplifies the work of correspondents. Also, the main administrative institutions, whose activities are important for our newspaper, are located nearby. In the future, all the walls of the editorial office will be decorated with diplomas awarded to the newspaper and framed front pages. The atmosphere in the editorial office is busy and businesslike, everyone is in a hurry and running somewhere, there is a rumble and hubbub in the air, but this only spurs the employees on, pouring energy into them.


C spruce of this business plan- creation of a newspaper dedicated to problems

teenagers, planning their leisure time, psychological assistance and

support. Bringing the latest and most relevant information to your readers.

D To achieve this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Registration of a license for publishing activities;

2) Registration with the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation;

3) It is necessary to conclude a contract with a good, conscientious printing house. It depends on her whether the newspaper will be published on time;

4) Create a newspaper website;

5) Issue of a periodical newspaper regional level;

6) Creation of a profitable newspaper model;

7) Intensify the work of the subscription department;

8) Conduct an extensive PR campaign to promote the newspaper ;

9) Creation of an effective information base;

10) Providing information about the publication to the maximum number of potential buyers and subscribers;

11) Over time, increasing the circulation of the newspaper;

12) In the future, increase journalists' fees.

N and the implementation of the business plan is necessary start-up capital in the amount of 1,500,000 million rubles.

We hope to win the market, target audience, advertisers, thus repaying the loan on time. As recognized our newspaper and growth The circulation will increase and the number of advertisers will increase, since the newspaper is new, our audience will gradually expand. As a result, the newspaper will begin to generate stable income.

Description of the activity.

G“Hold On” newspaper is a 25-page color daily newspaper with a circulation of 15,000 copies at 25 rubles per issue. Printing is carried out in Saratov, by a printing house. The newspaper can be purchased at any newsstands cities and regions, as well as by subscription.

G The newspaper is intended to cover the problems of the youth of Saratov, qualified psychological assistance to adolescents - the column is written by a psychologist at the center for social rehabilitation “We are together” - Ivanova E.S. A separate section is devoted to leisure planning - it tells about the location of various cultural and mass youth events. The “History of a Star” section, in which famous people will talk about their experiences growing up and the challenges they faced during that period of their lives. Rubric “Question - answer!” answers letters from readers, prints requested information. Editor's column. 15% of the newspaper is allocated to various types of advertising.

C The newspaper's target audience is young people aged 15 to 20 years. IN

It is planned to distribute 80% of the circulation retail, the remaining 20% ​​by


Competition and competitive advantage.

ABOUT The newspaper's main competitors are Time Out magazine and Cool magazines,

Cool Girl and Bravo. Nevertheless, these publications are informational

entertaining in nature, our publication is aimed at providing

help and support for teenagers.

Marketing strategy.

M marketing strategy is to advertise a newspaper in a magazine

COOL, advertising on TV channels and radio, as well as distribution of advertising flyers in the center for social rehabilitation of teenagers “We are together”, distribution of flyers to other support centers, youth labor exchange. Distributing brochures at youth policy committee meetings. It is planned to hold presentations twice a year to highlight what we have achieved.

P The presentation of the first issue will take place in a cafe. The number of invited guests is 50 people. At the end of the event a buffet is planned ( approximate cost 25-30 thousand rubles).

Editorial staff and their salaries.

R the editorial team is headed Chief Editor Kalinina Olga. A total of 16 people work on the pre-press, editorial and production of the magazine, including the advertising department, editor, journalists, proofreaders, marketing and distribution managers, subscription department and printing department.

The staffing schedule of the newspaper editorial office provides for the following positions and salaries:


Job title

Number of bets

Salary (RUB/month)

Total wage fund

Chief Editor

Deputy Chief Editor

Commercial Director




Executive Secretary


Maker-up designer




Legal plan.

The editorial office is created in the form of a limited liability company. The founders are three individuals and two legal entities. One of the founders is the public organization “Association of Entrepreneurs”.

The activities of the editorial office are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the founders' agreement, the charter, and the orders of the director.

Technical equipment of the editorial office.

Cost estimate for equipment of workplaces.


Price, thousand rubles




Computer tables

Office furniture sets

Air conditioners






Blueprint machine


Telephone sets

Fax machine



Total for the project period

Risk assessment and insurance.

When implementing the project, the following are possible: crisis situations, in which the authors of the project intend to act accordingly.

Possible crisis situations

Ways to minimize losses

Printing house failure

Dismissal of employees whose positions are in the singular

The number of subscribers will not reach the number for which forecast calculations were made

Financial indicators will be lower than expected

A transition to another printing house is provided. This will require additional costs for transport, which will be compensated by reducing costs for other business needs and communications.

The editor-in-chief has a database that allows short time select a person for the vacant position. In the event of a request for payment in excess of the payment established by the staffing table, compensation will be made from advertising expenses

For the entire period of the project, workers will be hired under a contract, which will be renewed if the situation is favorable. The duration of the first contract is one year. The reduction in the number of employees will be carried out according to the forecast of the financial situation that has developed based on the actual number of sales.

The memorandum of association stipulates that the founders will make an additional contribution, allowing them to fully repay the lender in accordance with the loan repayment schedule.

Production plan.

Monday Tuesday - collecting information, analyzing correspondence, writing material;

Wednesday - editing;

Thursday - seal;

Friday – the number goes on sale.

Planned profits and expenses.



1. paper 480 kg + 20 kg. For a possible marriage, i.e. 32 thousand rubles

2. printing house – 8 rubles per number – 120 thousand

3. distribution - 7 rubles per number - 105 thousand

4. expenses for services of information agencies – 80 thousand rubles

5. – taxes and VAT


1.Rent - 45 thousand rubles

2. Office expenses – 17 thousand rubles

Sales income: the price of a newspaper is 25 rubles, so income 375 thousand rubles


1. Equipment of workplaces;

2. Rental, operation and maintenance of the building;

3. Printing services;

4. Paper;

5. Newspaper delivery;

6. Remuneration;

7. Car rental;

8. Household needs;

11. Total expenses;


+ Income from receiving additional profit - renting out the number strip to a company, organization or administrative body.


In foreign countries with developed market economies, business plans have long taken their rightful place. Russia is only gaining experience in developing these plans, which are so necessary for obtaining financing, and for formulating its own business ideas, and for assessing the viability of its proposed facility.

There is increasing interest in the specifics of developing business plans

heads of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership,

entrepreneurs, banking and insurance structures. The business plan was included in

the practice of Russian entrepreneurship as a strategic tool

planning and required document for conducting business negotiations with

Beauty Beauty for you Test >> Management

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    Management Development of a business plan creation small enterprise Coursework... failures are poor preparation for creation company, an unqualified forecast of its future... costs 225 rubles per month. Editorial magazine has an extensive technical base...

  • Glossy magazine

    Abstract >> Journalism

    Simultaneously. Idea for creation business magazine at the newspaper "Vedomosti" ... the TV show of the same name. But in Russian editorial staff magazine they say that television is only in... notes Sedyakin, "with creation magazine Russian editorial office benefits from Italian know-how...

  • Beautiful, photoshopped covers are replete with all the windows of kiosks and shops. Ideal models in ideal expensive clothes, luxury cars and accessories, exotic countries, all this immerses us in the ideal world that is so strongly imposed on us by the media and where shopping solves literally any problem. But is this really so?

    What is hidden behind the beautiful cover of a fashionable glossy publication?

    Like any business, creating a magazine requires a lot of effort at the start.

    • First of all, you need to be a specialist in this field, have experience, deep knowledge of the market, understand the specifics of the business and certainly have useful connections and contacts (where would you be without them?).
    • To get a powerful market, you need to show yourself at various events, shine and PR to the maximum, expanding your circle of acquaintances as widely as possible.
    • It is necessary to constantly promote the magazine on the Internet, in search engines, and actively disseminate information on social networks.

    All this will incur certain costs.

    Main sources of expenses and income

    Interview with famous personalities and exclusive photographs can also significantly increase interest in the magazine, but they also cost a lot of money. For example, Western publications are ready to spend a tidy sum for scandalous, shocking news, incriminating evidence, photographs of newborn children and celebrity pregnancies, and celebrity weddings. Our celebrities and media are actively adopting this experience and making money from everything. Why not?

    Despite the beautiful articles and photographs, most magazines make money by advertising various products from the field of fashion and beauty. When you pick up a modern fashion magazine, one gets the impression that you are reading a continuous stream of advertising, occasionally diluted “for decency’s sake” with articles. And publishers do a lot of things to entice their readers: free samples of cosmetics and perfumes, small accessories as gifts, all sorts of sweepstakes among regular readers.


    Creating your own magazine is considered a high-risk business. Many magazines quickly cease to exist, unable to withstand the competition and the initial financial burden. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to stock up on powerful capital and formulate the right strategy.

    A worthy competitor for a print publication is an online magazine. It does not require such large investments and has a number of advantages, namely an unlimited amount of information for every taste. But nothing can compare with the feeling of aesthetic pleasure when you hold a high-quality glossy magazine in your hands!

    Today, social networks are actively developing, capturing more and more audiences every day. Most stars and public people have their own personal pages where they share latest news their life and creativity, post their personal photographs and members of their family. That is, subscribers have access to the original source of information, moreover, they can ask questions that interest them and leave comments. This jeopardizes the need for the work of the media and threatens the loss of audience and displacement from leading positions.

    Also, many magazines are faced with the problem of a lack of advertising. Advertisers are in no hurry to pay money for advertising in an unknown, new magazine, but give preference to popular, time-tested publications.

    Where to begin

    On today's market there are two types of glossy magazines: the so-called domestic ones and those that operate under a Western franchise (Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Elle). The number of Western magazines is half as large as ours, but they constitute very strong competition and are in the most profitable niche. The advantages of such magazines are that they use a ready-made, well-promoted title, concept and partially materials, and adapt them to our reader. Plus, the publisher receives guaranteed advertising budgets from the very beginning, which are the main source of income (up to 80% of profits). The downside of such a magazine is the need to pay royalties - percentages from sales and advertising to the brand owner (from 10 to 25%, depending on the contract).

    Difficulties in creating domestic magazine First of all, they consist of a rather large start-up capital, which is estimated in tens of thousands of dollars: an entrance fee to get on the shelves and advertising costs. The payback period for such a magazine is about three years. The advantage of our magazines over foreign ones is that their content fully corresponds to the mentality of the reader.

    Step-by-step plan for creating your own gloss

      We study the market and determine the target audience: what kind of reader the magazine is intended for. You need to find your own niche, offer the reader something unique and inimitable. The most popular are specialized magazines (for example, about children, about motherhood, about fishing, about finances, etc.).

      We draw up a business plan calculating the exact amount of starting capital and the payback time of the magazine. Some start-up costs are described above.

      We attract investors. Since creating a glossy magazine requires considerable start-up capital, the best solution will find people willing to invest money in your project. Interested businessmen can become a partner, co-owner or sponsor of a successful glossy magazine.

      We are forming a team. One of the main and main components of the success of the magazine is a strong and experienced team, which should consist of professionals who know their business. But it is also important to involve new people in the business. They can bring new ideas that will stimulate everyone, which will give a powerful impetus to business development. And, of course, there must be a strong leader - the editor-in-chief. Key specialists: editor, designer, layout designer, journalists, proofreader, accountant, head of the advertising department. Many publications invite specialists to work remotely, trying to save money. Additional employees publishing houses: managers, secretary, office cleaner, driver.

      Need to find office space, provide it with the necessary office equipment, stationery and access to the Internet. We create favorable conditions for coordinated work and a positive final result.

      We decide on the format of the magazine, frequency of issues, circulation and page volume.

      We decide on the design of the magazine and cover. We select thematic sections. We remember that the magazine must have its own, unique style and have a new and exclusive idea so that it can take its own place among competitors.

      We are working on the mechanism for implementing the journal. At first, free distribution is an option. It is necessary for the magazine to become recognizable. We distribute the magazine locally target audience, a women's magazine - in beauty salons, clothing and cosmetics stores, a children's magazine - in children's goods and toy stores.

      We are looking for partners in the printing industry. Still, a high-quality final product requires high-quality printing and good paper.

    We invite you to watch the video from detailed description, how to start your own business and not go broke. In the video, the editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine shares secrets successful business and development strategies, gives advice on how to withstand competition and make the magazine interesting for advertisers and readers.

    Everyday life of the Tatler editorial office

    The atmosphere in the editorial office and the team play a very important role in the quality of the journal. If there is an atmosphere of unity and cohesion in your team, your magazine is doomed to success!

    In the next video we have the opportunity to look into the editorial office of Tatler magazine and see all the work from the inside. The magazine's editor-in-chief, Ksenia Solovyova, a beautiful, strong and energetic woman, introduces us to members of the publication's team and gives us a tour of the editorial office.

    Everyday life at Elle

    Next, we meet the editor-in-chief of Elle magazine, Elena Sotnikova, who will tell us about the work of the editorial office, her difficult start as editor-in-chief, the structure of the magazine and its main principle - Mix and Match. We'll also find out why Elle never features stars on its covers.

    Everyday life at Allure

    Ksenia Wagner, editor-in-chief of the magazine, talks about the main concept of the magazine - not just to talk about new products in the world of fashion and beauty, but also to reveal them from a practical side. The pride of the magazine is the section – Laboratory. The editor-in-chief introduces us to the main sections of Allure Russia.

    Everyday life of the editorial office of Cosmopolitan Shopping

    Next, we suggest watching a video about the working days of Cosmopolitan Shopping magazine. Alisa Radlova, editor-in-chief of the magazine, will reveal the advantages and disadvantages of her work. We will also learn about the main concept of the magazine and its topics.

    Everyday life of the "Around the World" editorial office

    We invite you to meet the staff of the educational magazine "Around the World". From the video we learn about the stages of development and modern concept magazine, which has existed since the distant 1861. What is the key to the success of this publication?

    Behind the beautiful cover lies the great work of the entire team. The carefree and ideal life on the pages of the magazine is just an illusion, because nothing ideal exists in the world. This is a kind of motivation and incentive to improve and make your life better. To achieve any goals you need to work fruitfully. Always do a little more than is expected of you - and success awaits you. The reader's interest should come first, not the pursuit of advertisers. The main thing is to love what you do, and then it will bring you success and financial well-being. Good luck to you!