We will make a plastic bottle according to your order. Plastic bottles: PET production. Preforms are classified according to their main application - for filling

Today, the number of enterprises producing drinks and food products is constantly growing. And their products require packaging, for which you often have to overpay. This happens if the plastic bottle production plant is located too far away, which justifies the high cost of its products. And if purchasing PET bottles is unprofitable, then it’s time to think about their own production.

This will be much more profitable than purchasing containers “outside”. It is enough to simply purchase the necessary equipment and establish an uninterrupted supply of raw materials for the production of plastic bottles. But don’t think that it will be very easy to take your place in this niche - no one has canceled competition, and every year it is growing. But then, having established production, it will be possible to obtain a sufficient number of plastic bottles for your needs, but also to sell the surplus to other enterprises.

Now let's look at what is required to start - this is, of course, raw materials, equipment, a suitable room where it can be placed and the study of the production technology itself.

Raw materials used

To make plastic bottles, polyethylene terephthalate (thermoplastic) is required, which is the raw material. PET molecules, undergoing a polymerization process, combine into larger ones until the desired viscosity is reached. After this, the mixture is cooled. This is necessary so that the reverse depolymerization process does not begin and the raw material does not lose color.

Thermoplastic is not subject to deformation and is not afraid of repeated heating, which will not destroy it. But before molding, it is important to take care of removing excess moisture, as it can affect the strength of the bottle, reducing this indicator. This occurs due to the process of hydrolysis of hygroscopic polymer (PET) molecules.

Plastic bottle production technology

On an injection molding machine, a preform is produced from the initial raw material - granulated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - a small-sized, thick-walled blank with a fully formed neck.

The preform, heated to the plasticization temperature, is placed in a special mold, and a steel rod is inserted into it. Air enters through the mandrel, which “shoots” when released under high pressure- this leads to the fact that the melt is evenly distributed over the walls of the mold.

It is very important that the air pressure is the same at any point. This can be achieved by spending a minimum of time on the procedure. This is the only way to avoid deformation of the finished product - a plastic bottle.

The air that blows through it also cools the molds. Alternatively, liquid carbon dioxide can be used.

To make the bottle stable, its bottom is made concave, and the lower part is convex.

At the final stage of bottle manufacturing, it is necessary to remove all defects that are formed as a result of plastic flowing through cracks in the mold. Next, the finished product can be removed from the mold and sent for sorting - this is done on a moving container.

When producing plastic bottles, up to 25% of products are rejected I and is recyclable.

Premises requirements

Without a room to house everything necessary equipment, of course, it’s indispensable. There are some requirements for it:

  • area about 30m2;
  • ceiling height of at least 4 meters;
  • concrete or tile floor;
  • The walls are lined with non-combustible material.

The room must be well ventilated, connected to a water supply system and electrical network.

When choosing equipment, you need to purchase one that could meet the needs of this particular enterprise and with which it could compete in the market. The production of plastic bottles can be single-phase or two-phase.

In the first case, everything fits into one stage - both the production of preforms for PET bottles and the blowing of containers is carried out in one place. When using such a machine to produce PET bottles, the preform will be kept at a high temperature before blowing.

Two-phase production of PET containers involves dividing production processes into two stages. At the first stage, a preform for PET bottles is made, at the second, a bottle is blown out of it using compressed air, for this purpose special blow molding equipment is used. In this case, a much smaller preform is used, which makes the production of containers more convenient, and the process of storing it is simplified.

Which production process to choose - single-phase or two-phase - is determined by the characteristics of their purpose. If the volumes of drinks produced at the enterprise are large, then two-phase production will need to be used, if small, then single-phase production will be sufficient.

Preforms come in several varieties:

  • thick-walled;
  • shortened;
  • universal.

Each type of preform produces bottles of different colors and shapes.

You can set up a business either on the basis of an existing production facility or in a separate enterprise. If the manufacturer bottles his own products into plastic containers produced at his own facilities, this will allow him to save up to 20% on its production. In turn, this will have a positive impact on economic indicators.

To make plastic containers you will need the following units:

  • preform heating oven. In it, the preforms will also rotate, moving along the furnace tunnel - due to this, the parts are softened properly;
  • PET bottle blowing machine with compressor. It is better if the compressor has additional protection from overheating of the neck. This way you can avoid damaging the threads on it;
  • mold for casting products of various configurations. The most common practice is injection molding.

Each unit will require at least one person to operate it. If the power is small, then three people will be enough.

You don’t have to invest much in purchasing equipment - it won’t cost a lot of money. But by spending it, you can get many benefits from making plastic containers yourself without having to purchase them from third-party manufacturers.

Video: "Automatic blow molding machine for PET containers"

Production Features

What you need to be prepared for when purchasing equipment for the production of plastic containers is that it is quite energy-intensive. So, a machine that produces 3,000 bottles per hour will “eat up” about 25 kW, and it will require a powerful compressor. This means that you should calculate your energy costs in advance.

If the enterprise intends to pack food products With short term storage, then it is imperative to take care of the hygienic side of the issue A. The equipment must be equipped with high-quality filters that will prevent the oil mixture from entering the inflation chamber.

There is also one more nuance that you need to know about before starting the launch of a PET bottle production line - this is the mass of the preform. This indicator determines what cost the bottle will have and will indicate the costs in the process. Quality equipment- this is the one that produces a plastic bottle from a preform weighing up to 35 grams.

How profitable is the PET bottle production business?

In order for a business to generate income and not be unprofitable, you need to put a certain batch into production, that is, launching a line for the sake of a hundred or two cans will naturally be unprofitable. There is one thing about making plastic containers before glass ones. undeniable advantage- if in the second case, profitability starts from a batch of a million cans, then in the first, an order for only a thousand is enough.

Continuing to compare the profitability of businesses, you can also see that the costs of purchasing raw materials and delivery will be lower - plastic, unlike glass, does not break and weighs less. In addition, it is possible to produce PET containers in different colors and, if desired, easily change their design - this is done by simply replacing the mold.

As mentioned above, the production of plastic containers does not require a large room - this means that it can be produced in close proximity to the beverage bottling line.

Experts say that the costs invested in organizing the production of plastic containers will pay off in six months, which is about 600,000 rubles per year. initial stage. The profitability of PET bottle production can reach 100%.

Plastic containers for drinks have recently been in great demand. You can pour juices, mineral waters, carbonated drinks, beer, and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks into it. Therefore, organizing a business for the production of plastic bottles is considered quite profitable. This will require an automated bottle production line, a workshop where it will be located, and maintenance personnel. For businessmen who produce a variety of drinks, it makes sense to purchase equipment for making containers and carry out this process themselves. Thanks to this, you can save up to 25% on plastic container costs.

Features of PET bottles

Plastic bottles began to be produced in the 70s of the last century; DuPont was the first to produce this type of container. At that time, this became a revolutionary invention, and the bottles themselves seriously competed with glass bottles. Today, glass bottles are rapidly being replaced by plastic ones due to a number of reasons:

But plastic also has its disadvantages:

  • it allows ultraviolet radiation and oxygen to pass through, as a result of which the contents lose their characteristics and the shelf life is reduced;
  • it releases carbon dioxide, which is especially important for carbonated drinks, kvass and beer.

Necessary raw materials for production


The main source material is polyethylene terephthalate - PET, thermoplastic. When exposed to high temperatures, plastic molecules polymerize - they combine and form larger compounds, which increases the volume of raw materials. Dyes are used to give the product the desired shade. During the production process, some products are rejected, in this case the percentage of defects will be high - up to 25%, it can be processed, using it as raw materials. Thus, waste-free production is obtained.


Workshop for the production of plastic containers To accommodate a line for the production of PET bottles, you will need a room with an area of ​​more than 40 m2, a ceiling height of 4 m, during its preparation fire safety requirements must be met, since furnaces are used, the temperature of which during operation rises to 200 o C. Therefore, it is advisable to line the walls and floor with tiles or non-combustible materials, concrete. The workshop must have three-phase sockets with a voltage of 380V. All utilities are required - water supply and sewerage, air conditioning, ventilation. Separate ones will be needed warehouses, for storing raw materials and finished products. To organize a small enterprise focused only on the production of plastic containers, it is not at all necessary to purchase real estate; it will be much more economical to rent production space.

Production equipment

There are two types of plastic bottle production lines:

  • single-phase, when the process of making the preform and blowing the container occurs in one place, while the preform will maintain a high temperature;
  • two-phase, when preforms are made on one machine, and then the line operator manually transfers and loads them into a blow molding machine. At the same time, the preforms cool down, and the blowing apparatus needs to heat them up again.

Components of the automated line:

  • PET platform;
  • bake;
  • automatic bottle blowing machine.

The PET platform is designed for the formation of preforms by heat treatment of polyethylene terephthalate granules. Characteristics:

  • number of nests – 6;
  • mold thickness – up to 240 mm;
  • power supply – 380 V;
  • power – 73 kW;
  • dimensions – 2000*950*2480 mm;
  • weight – 250 kg.

A conveyor-type oven, as part of a PET bottle production line, is designed for heating preforms. Uniform heating is ensured by eight active zones, due to which in the future the product will be blown into the correct shape and the percentage of defects will be reduced. Specifications:

  • productivity – up to 1200 pcs/h;
  • power – 8 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • dimensions – 1270*520*1220 mm;
  • weight – 260 kg.

There are two types of automatic blow molding machine:

  • for the manufacture of containers with a volume of 0.2 to 5 liters;
  • for the manufacture of containers with volumes from 5 to 19 liters.

Thanks to high speed By supplying hot air, the blowing process is carried out very quickly, and the bottle is of the correct shape. Characteristics:

  • power – 5.5 kW;
  • productivity – 700 pcs/h;
  • blowing pressure – 14 atm;
  • dimensions – 1800*500*1000 mm;
  • weight – 250 kg.

The cost of a line for the production of bottles of this configuration will be 800 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology

Two-phase blowing line

At the first stage of the production cycle, it is necessary to form preforms - blanks. First, the feedstock, polyethylene terephthalate, is heated; it comes in the form of granules, which, under the influence of high temperature, increase in volume and combine into homogeneous mass. Then the hot mass is poured into metal molds, which can be standard, the most common, or can be made according to individual project, then the finished product will have an original design. The filling process must be carried out as quickly as possible so that the molten mass is evenly distributed throughout the mold. If this stage is performed correctly, the finished product will not be deformed.

In the next step, the preforms are cooled using liquid carbon dioxide, or water cooling is also possible. Next, the blanks are sent to a blow molding machine, where the bottle formation process is carried out under high pressure, up to 30 atmospheres. Thanks to the high pressure, a minimum of time is spent on the entire process, and the product is obtained the desired shape and sizes.

The next stage is quality control; all products with visible deformations are subject to removal and further processing. The bottle production line can be supplemented with an automatic shredder for recyclable materials and defective products. Thus, making production waste-free and saving on raw materials.

Business Features

Organization own enterprise for the production of PET containers will not require significant capital investments. To start you will need no more than 1.5 million rubles.

Heated preform under pressure takes any shape

During the production process, the main cost item will be wage to the staff. Three workers will be required, a loader, a driver, a manager, an accountant and a supervisor; it is possible to combine management positions into one. Another significant expense item will be communal payments– during production there is a large consumption of electricity, since all equipment has quite a large power. There will also be a significant consumption of water for cooling preforms and finished products.

Despite high competition, this type of business is considered highly profitable; the cost of a bottle production line can pay off within six months of equipment operation, provided that the finished product is fully sold. This can be achieved by concluding agreements with manufacturers of drinks, juices, draft beer.

Video: PET bottle blowing machine

Due to its strength and light weight, PET is confidently displacing other types of packaging materials from the market. Glass bottle today it is practically no longer used for bottling beer, mineral waters, milk, vegetable oil or juices, and PVC, cardboard or polystyrene are significantly inferior to polyethylene terephthalate in practicality and safety for consumer health.

The production of plastic bottles is a business that a novice entrepreneur can create with relatively little small investments in any locality in which there is a demand for such products. Large enterprises companies that produce drinks in large volumes most often produce packaging themselves, but there are also small creameries, dairies, farms, sellers of draft beer and kvass who need PET containers and are ready to buy them regularly.

Business Features

Entrepreneurs considering, among other advantages, can note the availability of technological lines for the production of PET containers: unlike machines for the production of glass products, such equipment is located on a free area of ​​20–30 m², and two or three people can successfully operate it .

Of course, the requirements for the quality of products (especially those used in Food Industry) are invariably high: in order to avoid defects, it is necessary to study the production technology of PET bottles, carefully adjust the processing modes of blanks, install special filters to prevent oil and polluted air from entering the containers, and also pay due attention to the issue of choosing suppliers of raw materials.

Before purchasing a production line, at the stage of developing a business plan for the production of plastic bottles, it is recommended to find out the needs of future customers and determine the range of products of the enterprise: existing machines have limitations on the capacity of manufactured products. For example, a universal semi-automatic machine can produce containers with a volume of 0.2 to 7 liters, while the production of 19-liter cylinders requires slightly different equipment.

The main method of processing plastic is heating followed by deformation, so the production of PET containers is accompanied by increased energy consumption: depending on the productivity of the line, the total power of the machines can reach 25–50 kW. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will have to at least make sure that the workshop wiring will withstand such loads, and in some cases, lay an additional power cable.

Business plan

Despite the noted difficulties, the production of plastic bottles is a promising type: processing technology polymer materials is constantly being improved, and the PET container consumption market is increasing annually by 7–8%.

Since the organization of such production is accompanied by quite impressive investments in the purchase of equipment and raw materials, a novice entrepreneur first of all needs to develop a business plan - a project containing not only a description technological processes and product sales channels, but also the enterprise development strategy, main goals and objectives. This document should also consider:

  • The structure of demand and the market situation. It is possible that in this region There are already several enterprises producing similar products, and the main consumers have either installed their own lines for the production of PET bottles or purchase containers from large suppliers. wholesale price. In any case, without analytical work it is impossible to determine the scale of production, the range of products produced and the required volume of investment;
  • Production issues. Based on information about the structure and nature of demand, it is necessary to find the most suitable premises for creating an enterprise, select the required configuration and capacity of equipment, develop a personnel plan, and identify primary and secondary business processes;
  • Profitability and payback period of investments. Currently, competition in the production of plastic bottles is quite high, and therefore many manufacturers of PET containers operate with a minimum level of profitability.

To calculate the profitability and payback period of an enterprise, you need to take into account all the initial data - the cost of purchasing raw materials, the market price of products, average level salaries in the region, the cost of renting premises and even the acceptable percentage of defects.

Raw materials for the production of PET bottles

The main raw material for the production of PET bottles is polyethylene terephthalate (also known as PET or lavsan), which is a thermopolymer granulated in industrial conditions. The popularity of PET is due to its resistance to weak acids and alkalis, fats, gasoline and alcohols. As a packaging material, PET has other advantages:
  • Low weight of sufficiently voluminous containers;
  • Opportunity wide application due to chemical neutrality;
  • Wear resistance, durability and lack of fragility;
  • High transparency, can be painted in any color.

The main disadvantage of the material is its reduced barrier properties. Simply put, over time, carbon dioxide from the bottle can escape out, and oxygen can penetrate inside.

However, unfinished products are produced from granules, and so-called preforms are intermediate blanks resembling test tubes with threads. Since a preform molding line is quite expensive, and raw materials for the production of plastic bottles in Russia have to be imported, many businessmen prefer to buy such semi-finished products and, using simple equipment, produce containers as close to the consumer as possible.

Preforms are classified according to their main area of ​​application - for filling:

  • Mineral water or carbonated drinks;
  • Juices and juice drinks;
  • Milk, kefir;
  • Beer and alcoholic beverages;
  • Iced tea;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Detergents, shampoos, household chemicals.

By weight

The mass of the workpiece determines the thickness of the bottle walls, as well as its final volume. To bottle drinks containing carbon dioxide, the strength of the container must be increased, so beer and soda producers use heavier preforms. On average, to make a bottle with a capacity of 0.33 liters, a preform weighing 20–23 g is needed, for a liter bottle - from 25 to 32 g, for a 1.5 liter container - from 35 to 42 g, for a two-liter container - from 45 to 56 g.

According to geometric characteristics:

  • Universal;
  • Shortened;
  • Thick-walled.

In bottle production, a universal preform is most often used. Weighing 42 g, such a workpiece has a length of 148 mm and a wall thickness of up to 3 mm.

By neck and thread type:

  • BPF or PCO (water, soda, beer);
  • Oil (olive and vegetable oil, vinegar)
  • Bericap (paints, detergents, household chemicals).
  • 38 (milk, kefir).

Production methods

The classic technology for manufacturing plastic bottles is based on molding the product by internal inflation. This two-step process includes:

  • Preform casting on an injection molding machine. PET granules are heated until plasticized and the resulting viscous composition is filled into stainless steel matrices under high pressure. At this stage, the neck and technological transport ring are formed, located slightly below the thread;
  • Blowing out the bottles. The preform is heated in an oven until softened, and then air is supplied inside the preform - the bottle inflates and takes on its final shape. The neck is intensively cooled to avoid deformation.

Thanks to the presence of two stages, suppliers of equipment for the production of PET bottles have the opportunity to combine process line configurations. Accordingly, an enterprise can use:

  • Single phase process. In this configuration, the injection molding machine and the blow molding machine are included in one production chain - it is enough to load PET granules into the machine to ultimately obtain finished products;
  • Two-phase process. In this case, the finished preform after casting is sent to a warehouse or manually moved to the receiving hopper of a blow molding machine. This solution is more flexible, since storing the workpiece, which takes up 12–20 times less space than the final product, is much easier and cheaper. In addition, several different products can be obtained from one preform, and in a single-phase process such a change in the assortment entails a complete reconfiguration of the entire line.

It should be noted that the raw materials used for the production of plastic bottles can also be secondary - defective or used bottles are crushed in crushers and sent to the hopper of an injection molding machine. Preforms made from recycled materials are much cheaper, but they cannot be used in the manufacture of food containers or for blowing thin-walled products with complex patterns.

Production technology

It is obvious that the stages of manufacturing PET containers are separate, unrelated processes. It is this circumstance that allows entrepreneurs, choosing which production is profitable to open in 2020, at the initial stage to limit themselves to purchasing machines only for blowing, purchasing ready-made preforms different types as raw materials.

When purchasing equipment involved in the production of PET bottles, the price of the line and its components will depend on the country of manufacture, brand, capacity, availability additional options And service. However, the basic operating principles of the machines will not change - the container manufacturing process will include:

  • Loading preforms into the oven. At this stage, the quality of the workpieces is controlled, checked for defects and placed on the receiver of the heating unit;
  • Warming up The preforms move through the oven, rotate around their axis and heat evenly, becoming soft enough to blow into a bottle. In order for the temperature to equalize the wall thickness and reach a value of 110°C, after leaving the oven the preforms are kept in air for some time;
  • Blowing The heated preform is fixed in an open mold. Then the second part of the matrix is ​​closed, and a special steel rod, lowered into the preform, preliminarily stretches it down to the height of the finished product. At the same time, air under pressure is supplied inside the workpiece - the preform is inflated and occupies the entire available internal volume of the mold. Upon contact with metal, the plastic instantly cools and hardens. You can then lift the rod and open the die to remove the finished product.


Technological lines for the production of PET bottles from preforms are offered in both semi-automatic and automatic configurations. In the first option, the supply of workpieces into the work area and unloading of finished products is carried out manually, and in the second, these functions are performed by conveyors and manipulators. Automation of processes is advisable when integrating equipment for the production of plastic bottles into a bottling line for finished products: thus, the impact human factor is completely excluded. In combination with increased productivity (3000–4000 products per hour), blow molding machines are characterized by a high price (1.5–1.8 million rubles), so for beginning entrepreneurs the purchase of a semi-automatic machine is more preferable. The list of machines and devices necessary for the production of plastic bottles in this case may look like this:

  • Press forms. They are composite matrices made of stainless steel, the inner surface of which follows the shape and dimensions of the finished product. For each type and volume of bottle, a separate model is used - accordingly, the company producing a wide range of products, uses several dozen different molds in the technological process;
  • Air compressor. Used to supply pressurized air to the plastic bottle production machine. A typical model with a power of 12.5 kW creates a pressure of 16–25 atmospheres and is capable of delivering up to 500 liters of air per minute.

Semi-automatic blowing machine. Produces finished products from heated blanks by blowing in molds and subsequent cooling. Good equipment:

  1. Prevents oil from entering the product from the air;
  2. When blowing, it cools the threaded neck, preventing deformation;
  3. Equipped with water cooling of the mold;
  4. Allows you to remove finished bottles without touching their internal surfaces;
  5. Purifies the air with filters, preventing the appearance of odors in finished products.

The productivity of equipment for the production of plastic bottles in semi-automatic mode is from 1000 products per hour with a bottle capacity of 0.2 to 5 liters. Energy consumption - 0.1 kW.

Preform heating oven. Used to heat workpieces to a temperature at which the plastic softens. The heating elements are nichrome spirals placed in quartz tubes. Mandatory options for the oven are rotation of the preforms and the presence of zone heating, which allows obtaining different temperatures along the length of the workpiece (the minimum is in the neck area). With a productivity of 1000 products per hour, energy consumption is 9.6 kW.

Closed loop water cooler. Structurally, it is a unit that cools water to 5–15°C, used to control the temperature of molds and finished products. Energy consumption - from 2.3 kW.

Composition of the production line

Premises requirement

Even with a small scale of production of plastic bottles, it is recommended to locate the plant in an industrial area away from residential buildings, since the work of the workshop is accompanied by the noise of machinery and the smell of hot plastic. Taking into account the small need for production space, it is more advisable not to buy, but to rent premises that meet the following requirements:

  • Total area - at least 50 m²;
  • The height of the ceilings to the ceiling is at least 4 m;
  • The workshop must have engineering communications - water supply, sewerage, as well as a power line with a voltage of 220/380 V and a power of 25–30 kW (cable with a cross-section of at least 10 mm² per phase).

The workshop space needs to be divided by stationary partitions into:

  • Production area;
  • Warehouses for preforms;
  • Warehouses for finished products;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Bathroom.

Due to the fact that the production of plastic bottles involves the operation of high-temperature equipment, fire safety rules should be ensured in the production area - do not store combustible and flammable materials, line the floor and walls with heat-resistant materials or concrete.


To maintain a small semi-automatic line for the production of plastic bottles, three people are needed: a foreman who sets up the equipment and supervises production processes, the machine operator directly, as well as an auxiliary worker, who is responsible for the movement of raw materials and finished products, loading and unloading and auxiliary operations.

Enterprise staffing table

Financial investments and profits

As a business, the production of plastic bottles requires investment not only in preparing the premises and purchasing equipment: the entrepreneur will also have to purchase the first batch of raw materials (preforms) and invite specialists to set up the operating modes of the production line. In addition, to stimulate sales, taking into account the capabilities of modern marketing tools, it is advisable to order the development and promotion of a company’s representative office on the Internet.

Initial Investment

Value taken into account in the business plan for the production of PET bottles current expenses determined not only fixed costs(wages, rent of premises), but also variables (payment of electricity, purchase of raw materials). To calculate the maximum values, it should be assumed that the workshop operates in one shift (8 hours) with full load for a month (25 working days).

Current expenses

Name Amount, rub.
Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs 2300
Workshop rental 25000
Payroll fund 90800
Payment for electricity 5000 kW per month 30000
Administrative expenses 5000
Fare 10000
Marketing 10000
Tax deductions 12000
Purchase of preforms 720000
Total: 905100

With a line productivity of 1,000 products per hour, the total volume of products produced per month will be 200,000 pieces (190,000 pieces, taking into account the acceptable defect rate of 5%). You can calculate economic indicators using the example of a 1.5 liter PET bottle:

  • Standard preform weight is 35–38 g;
  • The wholesale price of the preform is 3.55–3.70 rubles (average 3.60 rubles);
  • The wholesale price of a colorless bottle is 4.95 rubles, a brown bottle is 5.10–5.30 rubles (on average 5.15 rubles).

The monthly turnover of the enterprise with the sale of 190,000 products at a price of 5.15 rubles per piece will be 978,500 rubles, and the net profit will be 73,400 rubles with a profitability of 8%. The payback period for investments is 22 months.

Obviously, in the production of plastic bottles, the price of the preform and the cost of the finished product are decisive, so many enterprises are trying to gain additional profit by increasing turnover. In this case, this problem is solved by purchasing a second semi-automatic blow molding machine (the design of the furnace allows for simultaneous operation of two machines).

Video on the topic

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Entrepreneurs choosing what business to start in 2020 in Russia, when analyzing their preferences, should be guided not only by the required value starting capital, potential market capacity and complexity of technological processes: any method of generating income is characterized by a set of certain advantages and disadvantages, which often determine the prospects of a particular line of activity. TO positive aspects business in the production of PET containers include the following:

  • In the absence of an alternative, plastic bottles will remain the most popular packaging for the foreseeable future;
  • PET is easily recycled, which makes it possible to open a production facility for recycling plastic bottles and obtain preforms from recycled materials;
  • Exists a large number of preform manufacturers, thanks to which you can always find blanks good quality at an adequate price;
  • Thanks to a huge number existing species packaging business can be expanded due to the assortment, without increasing production space;
  • To organize an enterprise you do not need large premises;
  • Due to the low weight of the container, transport costs will be minimal.

Of course, the production of PET bottles is a business that also has certain disadvantages:

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of products, monitor the absence of defects, cloudiness, and foreign odors;
  • If there is already an enterprise in the city that sells PET bottles, you will have to look for a free niche or refuse to implement the business idea;
  • A consequence of the previous drawback is the difficulty in finding an experienced specialist to set up equipment or the need for training.


The method for manufacturing PET containers from preforms looks simple, understandable and worked out to the smallest detail: it is enough to heat the preform to a certain temperature and supply air under pressure inside. For entrepreneurs who are interested in business in the production of plastic bottles, the video material will help to get a more complete understanding of the main technological processes.

It should be noted that in reality, the quality of the finished product is influenced by many factors - right choice heating mode, initial and final blowing pressure, lowering speed of the stretching rod: with a low level of profitability, an error or inaccuracy in setting up equipment can increase the percentage of defects and turn the enterprise into an unprofitable one. Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to equally pay attention not only to the issues of minimizing associated costs, but also to the technical component of production.

The exhibition catalog for 2020 presents manufacturers of plastic containers in Russia. Selling goods in bulk at a competitive price, up to 70% lower than imports. The list offers 120 businesses. Phone, website, address are indicated in the “Contacts” tab. Known suppliers:

  • "Alcor"
  • "Paxis"
  • "Petpolymer"
  • "VelPak"
  • "Alyansupak" and others.

Plastic containers are replacing cardboard and glass ones. Increase in production volumes 5-10% annually. Companies are upgrading equipment, purchasing automatic lines. The products are used for storing and transporting food products, including liquids, large cargo and other products. Color, sizes - at the consumer's choice. Assortment on the market:

  • boxes,
  • containers with lid,
  • PET bottles,
  • bottles,
  • trays, caps,
  • pallets and other categories.

The containers are made from polymer raw materials in a special form. The production of disposable food packaging - plastic bottles, cups, food containers - is growing. The industry is mastering new technologies. Custom logo printing on plastic is available. Delivery from the warehouse to the customer - Moscow, Moscow region, regions, abroad.

Manufacturers of plastic containers are calling on material suppliers, dealers, and business representatives to cooperate. To buy in bulk or order a price list, contact the manager. When purchasing, discuss how to ship your order. The list is updated and supplemented regularly.