How to make a biogas plant at home. Do-it-yourself biogas plant. Principle of biogas formation

Subject alternative types fuel has been relevant for several decades. Biogas is a natural fuel source that you can produce and use yourself, especially if you have livestock.

What it is

The composition of biogas is similar to that produced in industrial scale. Stages of biogas production:

  1. A bioreactor is a container in which biological mass is processed by anaerobic bacteria in a vacuum.
  2. After some time, a gas is released consisting of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other gaseous substances.
  3. This gas is purified and removed from the reactor.
  4. Recycled biomass is an excellent fertilizer that is removed from the reactor to enrich fields.

Producing biogas with your own hands at home is possible provided that you live in a village and have access to animal waste. This a good option fuel for livestock farms and agricultural enterprises.

The advantage of biogas is that it reduces methane emissions and provides an alternative energy source. As a result of biomass processing, fertilizer is formed for vegetable gardens and fields, which is an additional advantage.

To make your own biogas, you need to build a bioreactor to process manure, bird droppings and other organic waste. The raw materials used are:

  • wastewater;
  • straw;
  • grass;
  • river silt

It is important to prevent chemical impurities from entering the reactor, as they interfere with the processing process.

Use Cases

Processing manure into biogas makes it possible to obtain electrical, thermal and mechanical energy. This fuel is used on an industrial scale or in private homes. It is used for:

  • heating;
  • lighting;
  • heating water;
  • operation of internal combustion engines.

Using a bioreactor, you can create your own energy base to power your private home or agricultural production.

Thermal power plants using biogas are alternative way personal heating subsidiary farming or a small village. Organic waste can be converted into electricity, which is much cheaper than bringing it to the site and paying communal payments. Biogas can be used for cooking on gas stoves. The great advantage of biofuel is that it is an inexhaustible, renewable source of energy.

Biofuel efficiency

Biogas from litter and manure is colorless and odorless. It provides the same amount of heat as natural gas. One cubic meter of biogas provides the same amount of energy as 1.5 kg of coal.

Most often, farms do not dispose of waste from livestock, but store it in one area. As a result, methane is released into the atmosphere, and manure loses its properties as a fertilizer. Timely processed waste will bring much more benefits to the farm.

It is easy to calculate the efficiency of manure disposal in this way. The average cow produces 30-40 kg of manure per day. This mass produces 1.5 cubic meters of gas. From this amount, 3 kW/h of electricity is generated.

How to build a biomaterial reactor

Bioreactors are concrete containers with holes for the removal of raw materials. Before construction, you need to choose a location on the site. The size of the reactor depends on the amount of biomass you have daily. It should fill the container 2/3 full.

If there is little biomass, instead of a concrete container, you can take an iron barrel, for example, an ordinary barrel. But it must be strong, with high-quality welds.

The amount of gas produced directly depends on the volume of raw materials. In a small container you will get a little of it. To get 100 cubic meters of biogas, you need to process a ton of biological mass.

To increase the strength of the installation, it is usually buried in the ground. The reactor must have an inlet pipe for loading biomass and an outlet for removing waste material. There should be a hole at the top of the tank through which biogas is discharged. It is better to close it with a water seal.

For a correct reaction, the container must be hermetically sealed, without air access. The water seal will ensure timely removal of gases, which will prevent the system from exploding.

Reactor for a large farm

A simple bioreactor design is suitable for small farms with 1-2 animals. If you own a farm, it is best to install an industrial reactor that can handle large volumes of fuel. It is best to involve special companies involved in developing the project and installing the system.

Industrial complexes consist of:

  • Interim storage tanks;
  • Mixing installations;
  • A small thermal power plant that provides energy for heating buildings and greenhouses, as well as electricity;
  • Containers for fermented manure used as fertilizer.

The most effective option is to build one complex for several neighboring farms. The more biomaterial is processed, the more energy is produced as a result.

Before receiving biogas, industrial installations must be approved by the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and gas inspection. They are documented; there are special standards for the location of all elements.

How to calculate reactor volume

The volume of the reactor depends on the amount of waste generated daily. Remember that the container only needs to be 2/3 full for effective fermentation. Also consider fermentation time, temperature and type of raw material.

It is best to dilute manure with water before sending it to the digester. It will take about 2 weeks to process manure at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. To calculate the volume, determine the initial volume of waste with water and add 25-30%. The volume of biomass should be the same every two weeks.

How to ensure biomass activity

For proper fermentation of biomass, it is best to heat the mixture. In the southern regions, the air temperature promotes the onset of fermentation. If you live in the north or in the middle zone, you can connect additional heating elements.

To start the process, a temperature of 38 degrees is required. There are several ways to ensure this:

  • A coil under the reactor connected to the heating system;
  • Heating elements inside the container;
  • Direct heating of the container with electric heating devices.

The biological mass already contains bacteria that are needed to produce biogas. They wake up and begin activity when the air temperature rises.

It is best to heat them with automatic heating systems. They turn on when cold mass enters the reactor and automatically turn off when the temperature reaches the desired value. Such systems are installed in water heating boilers; they can be purchased at gas equipment stores.

If you provide heating to 30-40 degrees, then processing will take 12-30 days. It depends on the composition and volume of the mass. When heated to 50 degrees, bacterial activity increases, and processing takes 3-7 days. The disadvantage of such installations is the high cost of maintaining high temperatures. They are comparable to the amount of fuel received, so the system becomes ineffective.

Another way to activate anaerobic bacteria is by stirring the biomass. You can install the shafts in the boiler yourself and move the handle out to stir the mass if necessary. But it is much more convenient to design automatic system, which will mix the mass without your participation.

Correct gas removal

Biogas from the manure is removed through the top cover of the reactor. It must be tightly closed during the fermentation process. Typically a water seal is used. It controls the pressure in the system; when it increases, the lid rises and the release valve is activated. A weight is used as a counterweight. At the outlet, the gas is purified with water and flows further through the tubes. Purification with water is necessary to remove water vapor from the gas, otherwise it will not burn.

Before biogas can be processed into energy, it must be accumulated. It should be stored in a gas tank:

  • It is made in the shape of a dome and installed at the outlet of the reactor.
  • Most often it is made of iron and coated with several layers of paint to prevent corrosion.
  • IN industrial complexes The gas holder is a separate tank.

Another option for making a gas holder: use a PVC bag. This elastic material stretches as the bag fills. If necessary, it can be stored a large number of biogas.

Underground biofuel production plant

To save space, it is best to build underground installations. This is the easiest way to get biogas at home. To set up an underground bioreactor, you need to dig a hole and fill its walls and bottom with reinforced concrete.

Holes are made on both sides of the container for the inlet and outlet pipes. Moreover, the outlet pipe should be located at the base of the container for pumping out the waste mass. Its diameter is 7-10 cm. The entrance hole with a diameter of 25-30 cm is best located in the upper part.

The installation is covered with brickwork on top and a gas tank is installed to receive biogas. At the outlet of the container you need to make a valve to regulate the pressure.

A biogas plant can be buried in the yard of a private house and sewage and livestock waste can be connected to it. Recycling reactors can completely cover a family's electricity and heating needs. An additional benefit is getting fertilizer for your garden.

A DIY bioreactor is a way to get energy from pasture and make money from manure. He cuts costs farm on electricity and increases profitability. You can do it yourself or order installation. The price depends on the volume, starting from 7,000 rubles.

Required mandatory materials:

  • two containers;
  • connecting pipes;
  • valves;
  • gas filter;
  • means of ensuring tightness (glue, resin, sealant, etc.);


  • stirrer with electric motor;
  • temperature sensor;
  • pressure meter;

The sequence below is suitable for the southern regions. For operation under any conditions, a reactor heating system should be added, which will ensure heating of the vessel to 40 degrees Celsius and increase thermal insulation, for example, by enclosing the structure with a greenhouse. It is advisable to cover the greenhouse with black film. It is also advisable to add a condensate drainage device to the pipeline.

Creating a simple biogas plant:

  1. Create a storage container. We select a tank where the resulting biogas will be stored. The reservoir is fixed with a valve and equipped with a pressure gauge. If gas consumption is constant, then there is no need for a gas tank.
  2. Insulate the structure inside the pit.
  3. Install pipes. Lay pipes into the pit for loading raw materials and unloading compost humus. An inlet and outlet hole are made in the reactor tank. The reactor is placed in a pit. Pipes are connected to the holes. The pipes are tightly secured using glue or other suitable means. Pipe diameters less than 30 cm will contribute to their clogging. The loading location should be chosen on the sunny side.
  4. Install the hatch. The rector, equipped with a hatch, makes repair and maintenance work more convenient. The hatch and reactor vessel should be sealed with rubber. You can also install temperature, pressure and raw material level sensors.
  5. Select a container for the bioreactor. The selected container must be durable - since fermentation releases a large amount of energy; have good thermal insulation; be air and waterproof. Egg-shaped vessels are best suited. If building such a reactor is problematic, then a cylindrical vessel with rounded edges would be a good alternative. Square-shaped containers are less efficient because hardened biomass will accumulate in the corners, making fermentation difficult.
  6. Prepare the pit.
  7. Select a location for mounting the future installation. It is advisable to choose a place far enough from the house and so that you can dig a hole. Placing it inside a pit allows you to significantly save on thermal insulation, using cheap materials like clay.
  8. Check the tightness of the resulting structure.
  9. Start the system.
  10. Add raw materials. We wait about two weeks until all the necessary processes take place. A necessary condition for gas combustion is to get rid of carbon dioxide. A regular filter from a hardware store will do for this. A homemade filter is made from a 30 cm long piece of gas pipe filled with dry wood and metal shavings.

Composition and types

Biogas is a gas obtained as a result of a three-phase biochemical process on biomass, taking place in sealed conditions.

The process of biomass decomposition is sequential: first it is exposed to hydrolytic bacteria, then acid-forming bacteria and finally methane-forming bacteria. The material for microorganisms at each stage is the product of the activity of the previous stage.

At the output, the approximate composition of biogas looks like this:

  • methane (50 to 70%);
  • carbon dioxide (30 to 40%);
  • hydrogen sulfide (~2%);
  • hydrogen (~1%);
  • ammonia (~1%);

The accuracy of the proportions is affected by the raw materials used and gas production technology. Methane has the potential for combustion; the higher its percentage, the better.

Ancient cultures dating back more than three thousand years (India, Persia or Assyria) have experience using flammable swamp gas. The scientific basis was formed much later. Chemical formula methane CH 4 was discovered by the scientist John Dalton, the inclusion of methane in the composition of swamp gas was discovered by Humphry Davy. The Second played a major role in the development of the alternative energy industry. World War, requiring the warring parties to have a huge need for energy resources.

The USSR's possession of huge reserves of oil and natural gas led to a lack of demand for other energy production technologies; the study of biogas was mainly a subject of interest to academic science. Currently, the situation has changed so much that, in addition to industrial production different types fuel, anyone can create a biogas plant for their own purposes.

Installation device

– a set of equipment designed to produce biogas from organic raw materials.

Based on the type of raw material supplied, the following types of biogas plants are distinguished:

  • with portioned feeding;
  • with continuous feed;

Biogas plants with a constant supply of raw materials are more efficient.

By type of raw material processing:

  1. No automatic stirring raw materials and maintaining the required temperature - complexes with minimal equipment, suitable for small farms (Diagram 1).
  2. With automatic stirring, but without maintaining the required temperature - also serves small farms, more efficiently than the previous type.
  3. With support for the required temperature, but without automatic mixing.
  4. With automatic mixing of raw materials and temperature support.

Principle of operation

The process of converting organic raw materials into biogas is called fermentation. The raw materials are loaded into a special container that provides reliable protection of the biomass from oxygen. An event that occurs without the intervention of oxygen is called anaerobic.

Under the influence of special bacteria, fermentation begins to occur in an anaerobic environment. As fermentation progresses, the raw material becomes covered with a crust, which must be destroyed regularly. Destruction is carried out by thorough mixing.

It is necessary to mix the contents at least twice a day, without violating the tightness of the process. In addition to removing the crust, stirring allows you to evenly distribute acidity and temperature inside the organic mass. As a result of these manipulations, biogas is produced.

The resulting gas is collected in a gas tank and from there it is delivered to the consumer through pipes. Biofertilizers obtained after processing the feedstock can be used as a food additive for animals or added to the soil. This fertilizer is called compost humus.

The biogas plant includes the following elements:

  • homogenization tank;
  • reactor;
  • stirrers;
  • storage tank (gas-holder);
  • heating and water mixing complex;
  • gas complex;
  • pump complex;
  • separator;
  • control sensors;
  • Instrumentation and automation with visualization;
  • safety system;

An example of an industrial-type biogas plant is shown in Diagram 2.

Raw materials used

The decomposition of any animal or plant matter will release flammable gas to varying degrees. Mixtures of various compositions are well suited for raw materials: manure, straw, grass, various wastes, etc. The chemical reaction requires a humidity of 70%, so the raw material must be diluted with water.

The presence of cleaning agents, chlorine, and washing powders in organic biomass is unacceptable, as they interfere with chemical reactions and can damage the reactor. Also not suitable for the reactor are raw materials with sawdust from coniferous trees (containing resins), with a high proportion of lignin and exceeding the moisture threshold of 94%.

Vegetable. Plant raw materials are excellent for biogas production. Fresh grass gives the maximum fuel yield - about 250 m 3 of gas with a methane share of 70% is obtained from a ton of raw material. Corn silage is slightly smaller - 220 m3. Beet tops – 180 m3.

Almost any plant, hay or algae can be used as biomass. The disadvantage of application is the length of the production cycle. The process of obtaining biogas takes up to two months. The raw materials must be finely ground.

Animal. Waste from processing plants, dairy plants, slaughterhouses, etc. Suitable for biogas plant. The maximum fuel yield is provided by animal fats - 1500 m 3 of biogas with a methane share of 87%. The main disadvantage is shortage. Animal raw materials must also be ground.

Excrement. The main advantage of manure is its cheapness and easy availability. Disadvantage – the quantity and quality of biogas is lower than from other types of raw materials. Horse and cow excrement can be processed immediately. The production cycle will take approximately two weeks and will produce an output of 60 m3 with 60% methane content.

Chicken manure and pig manure cannot be used directly because they are toxic. To start the fermentation process, they must be mixed with silage. Human waste products can also be used, but sewage is not suitable since the fecal content is low.

Schemes of work

Scheme 1 – biogas plant without automatic mixing of raw materials:

Scheme 2 – industrial biogas plant:

Finally, here is a list of useful information that will help you avoid additional problems when creating a biogas plant:

  1. Practice says that to heat a living space with an area of ​​50 m2, it is necessary to consume 3.5 m3 of gas per hour.
  2. It is not advisable to use biogas directly for cooking, because the taste may change.
  3. It is necessary to avoid getting solid objects (nuts, bolts, etc.) into the raw materials, because the equipment may deteriorate.

In order for biogas to burn stably, it must meet certain standards:

  • methane content at least 65% (optimal content from 90 to 95%);
  • there should be no water vapor, hydrogen and carbon dioxide;
  • normal gas supply pressure 12.5 bar;

If the gas goes out due to a pressure surge or for other reasons, and its supply continues, it can lead to tragic consequences. Therefore, modern equipment with gas monitoring sensors should be used.

Farms need fuel for heating systems, generating electricity and other daily needs. Since energy prices are steadily rising year after year, every home or small business owner has at least once thought about how to produce biogas at home.

Biogas plants are increasingly being used on farms, allowing them to save money on heating

A biogas plant for a private home allows you to organize the production of biogas right in your yard, which solves the fuel problem. Since a significant percentage of village residents have skills in working with welding and metalwork tools, the question self-made installation for gas production seems logical. This way you can save not only on work, but also on materials if you use improvised means.

What is biogas and how is it formed: obtaining and production

Biogas is a substance formed during the fermentation of organic waste, which contains methane in sufficient quantities to be used as fuel. When burned, biogas releases heat, which is enough to heat a house or refuel a car. the source of energy is manure, which is easily accessible and cheap or even free if we're talking about about a livestock enterprise or a large private farm.

Biogas is an environmentally friendly biofuel that you can produce with your own hands; biological gas is related to natural gas. The gas is produced by processing waste by anaerobic bacteria. Fermentation takes place in an airless container called a bioreactor. The rate of biogas production depends on the amount of waste loaded into the biogenerator. Under the influence of bacteria, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide with some admixtures of other gaseous substances is released from the raw material. The resulting gas is removed from the bioreactor, purified and used for its own needs. The processed raw materials upon completion of the process become fertilizer, which is used to improve soil fertility. Producing biogas is beneficial for livestock enterprises that have access to free manure and other organic waste.

Benefits of burning fuel from manure (farm fertilizer) for heating: electricity from methane

  • Efficient and environmentally friendly waste recycling
  • Availability of raw materials for gas production in rural areas
  • Possibility to organize a closed cycle of waste-free production of gas and fertilizers from manure
  • Non-exhaustible, self-replenishing source of raw materials

How to build a bioreactor (installation) with your own hands

Biogas plants that extract gas from manure can be easily assembled with your own hands at own plot. Before assembling a bioreactor for processing manure, it is worth drawing drawings and carefully studying all the nuances, because a container containing a large amount of explosive gas can be a source of great danger if it is used incorrectly or if there are errors in the design of the installation.

Biogas production scheme

The capacity of the bioreactor is calculated based on the amount of raw material that is used to produce methane. In order for operating conditions to be optimal, the reactor capacity is filled with waste to at least two-thirds. For these purposes, a deep pit is used. To ensure high tightness, the walls of the pit are reinforced with concrete or reinforced with plastic, and sometimes concrete rings are installed in the pit. The surface of the walls is treated with moisture-proofing solutions. Tightness is a necessary condition for efficient operation of the installation. The better the container is insulated, the higher the quality and quantity. In addition, waste breakdown products are poisonous and, if leaked, can be harmful to health.

A stirrer is installed in the waste container. It is responsible for mixing waste during fermentation, preventing uneven distribution of raw materials and the formation of a crust. Following the mixer, a drainage structure is installed in the manure, which facilitates the removal of gas into the storage tank and prevents leakage. It is necessary to remove the gas for safety reasons, as well as to improve the quality of the fertilizers remaining in the reactor after processing. A hole is made in the bottom of the reactor for. The hole is equipped with a tight lid so that the equipment remains sealed.

How to ensure active fermentation of biomass at home using a generator and other equipment: waste processing, composition and extraction

In order for the processing process in a bioreactor to proceed faster, heating is necessary. The ambient temperature is sufficient for manure processing to occur without outside help. But under unfavorable weather conditions, in the winter, a mini-biogas plant needs an additional heat source, otherwise gas production becomes impossible. For bacteria to convert waste into gas, the temperature in the reactor must be above 38 degrees Celsius. It is not difficult to obtain biogas with your own hands; the main thing is to know certain manufacturing rules.

The container is heated using a coil, which is located under the reactor, or by installing electric heaters to directly heat the reservoir. , which process waste into gas, are already in the raw materials. To activate microorganisms and start the process of biogas production, the temperature in the container must be sufficient for fermentation. To make it easier to control compliance with temperature conditions, automatic heating is connected to the reactor. It heats the container when fuel is loaded into it to the desired temperature and turns off the heating when the desired mark on the thermometer is reached. A temperature control device for, which is easy to find in a gas equipment store, can handle the role of an automatic heater.

Temperature control module. It can be purchased at any hardware store

Correct gas removal from the bioreactor: drawings, use of technology

To easily remove the formed gas from the tank, biogas plants are equipped with a number of devices:

  1. Vertically located plastic pipes With big amount holes to facilitate separation of gas from the feedstock. The top of the pipe should protrude above the waste mass, allowing gas to escape freely.
  2. A film laid over the container and creating a kind of greenhouse effect. It maintains the desired temperature inside the container and also prevents gas from mixing with air.

    Sometimes the container is covered with a dome made of concrete or other material. To prevent such a dome from flying away under the pressure of the resulting gas, it is carefully attached to the structure and tied with cables.

  3. A gas exhaust pipe is placed at the top of the reactor. The pipe is equipped with a tight locking mechanism so as not to violate the tightness of the structure. The newly released biogas, entering the outlet pipe, is saturated with water vapor and contains many impurities. occurs by condensation: when cooled to ambient temperature, water settles in the form of condensation on the walls of the pipe. To avoid corrosion, the discharge pipe is installed in such a way as to facilitate the removal of condensate through the separator.
  4. To remove hydrogen sulfide impurities from biogas, a filter made of specially treated activated carbon is installed on its way to the storage facility, in which the mixture is oxidized into sulfur and deposited in the sorbent.


A self-assembled biogas plant, processing manure into biogas at home, significantly reduces heating and electricity costs. Such an installation will reduce the cost of providing a private home with heat, reduce the cost of farm products, thereby increasing the profitability of the farm. – the ability to turn waste into a source of energy and an alternative to natural gas. Biogas is environmentally friendly and modern.

A thrifty owner dreams of cheap energy resources, efficient waste disposal and obtaining fertilizers. A DIY home biogas plant is an inexpensive way to make your dream come true.

Self-assembly of such equipment will cost a reasonable amount of money, and the gas produced will be a good help in the household: it can be used for cooking, heating the house and other needs.

Let's try to understand the specifics of this equipment, its advantages and disadvantages. And also whether it is possible to build a biogas plant yourself and whether it will be effective.

Biogas is formed as a result of fermentation of a biological substrate. It is decomposed by hydrolytic, acid- and methane-forming bacteria. The mixture of gases produced by bacteria is flammable, because contains a large percentage of methane.

Its properties are practically no different from natural gas, which is used for industrial and domestic needs.

If desired, every home owner can purchase an industrial-made biogas plant, but it is expensive, and the investment pays off within 7-10 years. Therefore, it makes sense to make an effort and make a bioreactor with your own hands

Biogas is an environmentally friendly fuel, and the technology for its production does not have much impact on environment. Moreover, waste products that need to be disposed of are used as raw materials for biogas.

They are placed in a bioreactor, where processing occurs:

  • the biomass is exposed to bacteria for some time. The fermentation period depends on the volume of raw materials;
  • As a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, a flammable mixture of gases is released, which includes methane (60%), carbon dioxide (35%) and some other gases (5%). Fermentation also releases potentially dangerous hydrogen sulfide in small quantities. It is poisonous, so it is highly undesirable for people to be exposed to it;
  • the mixture of gases from the bioreactor is purified and supplied to a gas tank, where it is stored until it is used for its intended purpose;
  • gas from a gas tank can be used in the same way as natural gas. He goes to household appliances– gas furnaces, heating boilers, etc.;
  • Decomposed biomass must be regularly removed from the fermenter. This is additional labor, but the effort pays off. After fermentation, the raw material turns into high-quality fertilizer, which is used in fields and vegetable gardens.

A biogas plant is beneficial for the owner of a private house only if he has constant access to waste from livestock farms. On average, from 1 cubic meter. You can get 70-80 cubic meters of substrate. biogas, but gas production is uneven and depends on many factors, including biomass temperatures. This complicates calculations.

Typical design

IN last years It has become fashionable to use various biogas plants for your own needs, which make it possible to obtain energy from waste. As a rule, such a design is a sealed container where, at a given temperature, fermentation of the organic components of wastewater, various wastes, etc. occurs. Do-it-yourself biogas plant is difficult, but doable. The main thing is to know the types of these devices and the principle of their operation, as well as understand the drawings.

Operating principle of the installation

The process of producing biogas from manure or other raw materials is called fermentation, and fermentation is carried out through the activity of special bacteria. In this case, a crust forms on the surface of the raw material, which must be constantly destroyed. This must be done by thoroughly mixing the contents manually or using special devices inside the reactor. As a result of such manipulations, biogas is released.

The resulting biogas, after purification, is collected in a special container - a gas holder, from which it is carried through gas pipes to the place of use. The processed raw materials are turned into biofertilizer. It is unloaded through a special opening, and then can be applied to the soil or used as a feed additive for animals, which depends on the feedstock.

To obtain biogas with your own hands, in addition to observing the oxygen-free regime, several conditions must also be met:

  • Availability of nutrients for bacteria.
  • Maintaining temperature conditions.
  • Choosing the right time for fermentation.
  • Maintaining acid and alkaline balance.
  • Maintaining the proportions of solid particles in the raw materials and timely mixing.

Types of biogas plants

Note! Today, there are a large number of designs of biogas plants to make the production of biogas not only convenient, but also effective.

They are distinguished by appearance, as well as by constituent elements design and materials used in its creation.

By download type

Depending on the type of raw material loading, there are two types of installation - continuous loading and batch loading.

They differ from each other in the fermentation time of raw materials and the regularity of loading. The most effective from the point of view of producing biogas is a continuous loading installation.

By appearance

The appearance of the device depends on the method of accumulation and storage of biogas. It can be collected in a special gas tank, at the top of the reactor, or under a flexible dome, floating or standing separately from the reactor.

Creating a DIY installation

Building a biogas structure with your own hands is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Such an installation makes the production of biogas alternative option allowing you to save money on purchasing fuel and electricity.

What do you need to know?

Generalized scheme

You can make a structure from those materials that are available on the farm, but are not used. For example, a reactor for such an installation can be easily built from old pots, boilings, and basins, but it is better to use cylindrical objects.

Here are some important requirements that a reactor must meet:

  • Good thermal insulation.
  • Air and water permeability. After all, when biogas and oxygen are mixed, a reaction occurs, and its destructive force can not only break the reactor, but also explode it.
  • Reliability and durability, since during the reaction it is released great amount energy.

To build a high-quality and efficient biological installation, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • Select a location for installing the future reactor. And be sure to calculate the amount of waste needed for 1 day. This is necessary to determine the dimensions of the structure.
  • Prepare the basin, then install the unloading and loading pipes.
  • Install and secure the loading hopper and gas outlet pipe as firmly as possible.
  • For use, as well as subsequent maintenance and repair of the biogas plant, the manhole cover must be installed.
  • Carefully check the reactor for thermal insulation and tightness.

The walls of the future installation should ideally be made of concrete, since the strength of the structure is the key to your safety. In addition, it is very important that the distance from the reactor to the nearest building is at least 500 meters. After all, during fermentation, a poisonous gas is released, which has a detrimental effect on a person and can kill him in a matter of minutes.

To obtain biogas you will need:

The principle of heating a house
  • Mix 2 tons of cow manure and about 4.5 tons of humus from rotten waste, tops and leaves.
  • Add water to the mixture so that the humidity in the reactor is 70%.
  • Unload the resulting mass into the pit and heat it using a heating unit to +40 degrees. After the mixture begins to ferment, its temperature will reach +70 degrees.
  • Attach a counterweight to the dome, which should be 2 times heavier than the mixture, so that the dome does not fly off the pit due to the released gas.

It should be remembered that the mass loaded into the reactor should not contain antibiotics, solvents or other synthetic substances. They will not only interfere with the reaction, but even stop it altogether, and will also cause the destruction of the reactor walls.

Equipment options

Homemade installation is a rare sight today alternative source energy on farms. But, given the efficiency and payback of such a design, many farmers began to think about building a biogas plant on their own in order to provide themselves with electricity and heat in this way.

Today there are many options for this type of equipment for producing biogas. Taking into account the climatic conditions of Russia, it is recommended to create the following types of installations.

Manual loading reactor without stirring

This is the simplest installation for a home, the volume of which can range from 1 to 10 cubic meters. It is capable of processing up to 200 kg of manure per day.

Manual loading option

It consists of a minimum number of parts:

  • Bunker for fresh raw materials.
  • Reactor.
  • Biogas selection device.
  • Capacity for unloading fermented raw materials.

This installation can be used for southern regions, since it operates without stirring or heating, and is also designed to operate in psychophilic mode. The used raw materials are removed from the reactor through the unloading pipe during the loading of the next portion of manure. This occurs due to the biogas pressure in the reactor.

When making such a structure with your own hands, it is recommended to follow the following sequence:

  • After calculating the daily volume of manure and selecting a reactor the right size it is necessary to determine the location of the future structure, as well as prepare materials for installation.
  • Then you need to build a loading and unloading pipe, and also make a pit for installation.
  • After installing the reactor in the pit, it is necessary to install a loading hopper and a gas outlet, as well as a manhole cover.
  • Check the structure for leaks, paint it and insulate it.
  • Put into operation.

Manual loading, heating and stirring design

A biogas plant can be constructed with manual loading of raw materials and periodic mixing. At the same time, it will not require large amounts from the owner financial investments. The design is suitable for a small farm, since its capacity is to process up to 200 kg of manure per day. The drawings of such an installation are similar to the drawings of the previous version, and they can be made by contacting a specialist.

This unit can operate in mesophilic and thermophilic modes

For a stable and maximally intensive fermentation process, a special reactor heating system is installed. The biogas plant can operate in two modes. The reactor is heated using a hot water boiler running on the produced biogas. The rest of the biogas can be used to operate household appliances.

The processed raw materials are stored in a special container until applied to the soil or used as a breeding ground for California worms.

Installation with gas holder, pneumatic loading, heating and mixing of raw materials

A similar installation is intended for small and medium-sized farms with the processing of up to 1.5 tons of manure per day into biogas. The raw materials are heated through a heat exchanger with a water heating boiler, which runs on the resulting gas. The mass unloading pipeline is equipped with a special branch for collecting biofertilizer into storage and for loading into vehicles followed by transportation to the fields.

The design of such a home-made installation involves pneumatic loading of manure into the reactor, as well as mixing with biogas, the selection of which is carried out automatically. Biogas is stored in a special compartment - a gas holder.


Biogas is a relatively new source of energy. Using it, you can forever forget about electricity tariffs and even solve such issues as methane production. Correctly developed drawings and the efforts made in the manufacture of the installation will significantly save money for more than one farmer, which is especially important these days.