How to describe achievements in a resume example. Block “Achievements” – examples and samples for resumes. Use a resume file name that is convenient for the recruiter

Resume writers can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and don’t blush, and those who don’t lie and blush.

Based on statistics, only 38 percent of applicants attribute non-existent merit to themselves. The remaining 62 percent either beautifully present their successes, or are afraid to once again indicate their professional achievements, examples of which we will consider today, so that you do not have a feeling of embarrassment or excitement.

Let's first look at what a resume is.


This document provides assistance in searching for vacancies and applying for a job. It briefly indicates biographical information, education and describes work activity.

A resume is a truthful advertisement of oneself; it can be read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a budget place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case it works human factor, and vivid information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

Key resume points

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, telephone number and email must be indicated.

The next stage is a list of all educational institutions, in which you had to study, special attention is paid to higher educational institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Experience. If you started working at the age of 11, selling apricots at the market, this is commendable, but you should not include such a fact in your resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

In additional information, you can talk about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

In “personal qualities,” applicants often write: sociability, determination. This is great, but these advantages appear so often on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any manager.

Examples of professional achievements on a resume include job responsibilities that were completed, completed, and caused a positive change in the organization or benefited someone. For example, if your responsibilities include searching for new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate what your Last year The staff was replenished with 50 employees, 100 interviews were conducted.

What is considered professional achievement?

The question is not easy, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, one type of activity is difficult for someone, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you worked in a social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation of parental rights, this will be a professional achievement. It might not work out for you special labor, after all, you are an altruist by nature, but mastery computer program Excel was a real challenge, but you did it. Do you feel the difference?

The second point is your personal source of pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Not destroying, not letting go down and preventing is sometimes a greater achievement than promoting, increasing and achieving.

What is not considered an achievement?

Some very stupid phrases may sound below, but this also happens:

  • "I managed to achieve personal success in professional activity";
  • “during my tenure as secretary, the flow of clients increased sharply”;
  • “it was possible not to reduce the company’s turnover”;
  • “achieved communication skills during work,” etc.

First sentence. What is personal success? This is the result of personal growth. A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, this is equivalent to the statement “I have become much better.”

The second phrase is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: “I am very beautiful and charming.” This is great, but you also need to shine with your professional skills. But if you supplement it with the following words: “... the number of clients has doubled in a year,” then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of the main professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person managed to turn a successful, developing company into just a stable one, there is no point in talking about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, there is no need to shout about it. The employer may consider this achievement like narrow-mindedness.

Why list your achievements?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success in previous jobs will demonstrate your promise.
  • It’s better not to indicate a couple of personal qualities in your resume, but confirm them with facts in your “professional achievements.” Commitment must be demonstrated in action.
  • A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to interest a successful, promising company.
  • You don’t have to list your successes on your resume, but then don’t be surprised if you don’t even get called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as the ideal “victim” of a headhunter, then you will be “bitten” good company with a high motivation system.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reducing the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully completed tax audits.
  • Update software enterprises.
  • 5 checks on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were successfully completed.
  • Availability of a diploma of professional retraining.
  • 12 completed inspections for compliance with labor laws.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All about Accounting".
  • 9 successful completions of external audit.
  • There is a certificate professional accountant, certified as “Chief Accountant”.
  • She was the supervisor-mentor of five student interns.

Teacher's professional achievements

  • Certificate of honor from the Education Department for conscientious teaching work.
  • Gratitude to the Ivanovo District Administration for the high-quality preparation of the winners and prize-winners of the regional research conference.
  • Letter of gratitude from the Petrovsky Administration municipality for preparing the prize-winner of the regional local history conference “My Land is Beautiful.”
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 district conferences.
  • Organization of the “Skilled Musician” circle.
  • 8 seminars were organized for city teachers.
  • 5 webinars were held to exchange experiences among geography teachers.

Professional achievements of a doctor

. 250 successful operations were carried out.

Managed to purchase a new one medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and doppler.

I have a certificate training course according to the "Medical massage" program.

10 medical equipment inventories were successfully completed.

I completed a 6-hour first aid training course and have a certificate.

Participated in an international scientific and practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care population during the epidemic.

Professional achievements of a programmer

Managed to save 20% of purchase costs new technology through software optimization.

Developed the organization's website.

Developed a program that facilitated the process of converting archival documents into digital format and saved 10% of money.

Reduced the number of emergency failures by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared necessary documentation to participate in the tender, which our organization won.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new clients increased by 120%.

In 2014, according to a social survey, she was among the ten best bank cashiers.

Awarded certificate of honor"Best Chain Store Seller" 2015.

Entered the top three according to the results of the International Hairdressing Competition.

What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that you should not write.

  • Increased the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, I performed my work efficiently and on time.
  • After a year of work, I was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • During 3 years of service I have not received a single reprimand.
  • Resolved personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's recap!

1. It is better not to indicate the performance of your direct duties in your professional achievements.

2. It is better to count any positive indicators. Achievements must be supported by numbers.

3. Do not list successes that do not in any way relate to the responsibilities of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not involve achievements that can be counted, keep silent about them. If you know how to express your thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: “During the work, no emergency situations occurred.”

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, indicate them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm or irony. “I’m so cool” is not acceptable in an official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the background of failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.

Any employee knows the situation when it is necessary to provide information about their professional performance, for example, annual certification. What's the best way to do this? We are trying to adapt the coaching tool “Wheel of Life Balance” to this task.

In my consulting practice over the past two years, the question that has most often arisen is: “How to formulate your professional achievements?”

When does such a need arise?

  • In a job search situation, for writing a resume, for an interview with a potential employer.
  • Within the company, when there is a transition from one career stage to another.
  • During the period of preparation for annual/quarterly certification.
  • etc.

But really, what is the best way to do this? I thought about it and started trying different options.

The practical application of all variations on the theme “what is best” swept away one method after another. As a result, the option using the favorite coaching tool “Balance Wheel” showed its viability. I’m sure that the community audience is familiar with it, so I won’t describe it, and you can read a lot of useful information about this wheel on the Internet. Let's get down to practice.

So, take a sheet of paper, a pen and draw a circle. Divide it into 6-10 equal parts (or as many parts as you like). We label each area of ​​the circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are the areas of activity in which your achievements may lie.

Next, we formulate what each area of ​​your circle means. Why is it important? The fact is that, on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have its own individual characteristics. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

Let’s say, if you work within a company and are preparing for certification, then the area “Working with clients” may have the following definition according to the information that the company puts into this concept - clearly explain over the phone the features of working with the service provided by the company, show restraint in conversation with a conflict client.

And in another company, “Working with clients” means creating a complete package of documents for a transaction, entering information into CRM, timely providing clients with changes to the transaction, and maintaining correspondence through electronic document management.

If you are creating a resume for yourself, then there may be this option - “Working with clients” - these are my unique abilities to understand the needs of the client, combine working on scripts with a “live” conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm will work with other names of areas of the circle. As an example, a couple more definitions from the work of my clients:

  • "Leadership" - difficult situations, in which I took responsibility for the decision made when working on the project, and brought the work to a result.
  • “Communication skills” are my skills in negotiating with difficult people, with colleagues of different positions, with managers of different levels of government, etc.

Now, we write how many and what achievements you have in each professional field.

For example, “Effectiveness” is your effective actions that led to the planned result.

Example: “She suggested analyzing the ROI indicator in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of investments in training sales managers. The data results showed a direct correlation between the increase in sales volume and the new skills acquired during training.”

“Savings” - as a result of your work, the company saved its budget and received financial benefits.

Example: “I found new suppliers of such and such services or equipment, with more low prices, but without losing the quality of the product, concluded an agreement, and the company saved 30% of its usual budget for these expenses.”

“Profit” - the department team, as a result of your innovations, has increased sales compared to previous months.

Example: “I analyzed the motivation system for sales managers over the past 3 years, approved new system motivation general director, implemented it and as a result, revenue increased by 40% in the first month after the introduction of innovations, then by 30% monthly.”

The principle, I think, is clear. Here it is important to first formulate what you understand as “customer service,” “leadership,” “innovation,” etc., i.e., decipher each area of ​​the circle. And then write down your specific achievements.

In front of you are two sheets of paper:

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your achievements in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and divide each area of ​​the circle into 10 equal parts. We have a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - our list of achievements. We count our achievements in each area and mark a point equal to the number of achievements in a particular area. Complete the circle of your achievements in this way. Look at this impressive list, these are your results today, you have something to be proud of!

The obtained data can be used in accordance with the situation - for a resume, for certification, for an interview, etc.

How else can you work with the Circle of your achievements for the future:

  • Notice in which areas there is more achievement and in which there is less. You may be able to better understand your strengths and weaknesses in your profession or career.
  • Mark the areas in which you want to achieve more. Write down three simple steps on how this can be achieved. Take this plan to work and implement it.
  • Plan your success in an area where you have not yet received results, this will be your development zone.

This tool has only been used in my practice for six months so far. During this time it has never let me down. Everyone who tried it in their work noted two main points:

  1. We managed to structure our professional results, understand the situation “here and now”.
  2. Set goals for the future, i.e. identify growth areas.

Irina Lebedeva

24 Sep 2012

A person who is seriously looking for a job is waiting for a call with an invitation to an interview in order to demonstrate his skills and knowledge. However, in order to be called to a meeting, your resume must be of interest to the employer. To do this, the applicant must fill out all the points correctly and competently.

As a rule, the “major achievements” item in a resume raises many questions among applicants. Candidates are at a loss for fear of appearing immodest. As a result, at best there will be one line indicated in this paragraph, at worst there will be a dash. Let's take a closer look at what to write in your achievements and why it is necessary.

Why does an employer need to know about your achievements?

To begin with, it is worth noting that if the employer is interested in this, then it is important and this point should not be left empty. Of course, your experience and skills play a major role in your resume. However, from this information it is impossible to understand how proactive a worker you are, how successfully you coped with your responsibilities and whether you are able to evaluate your successes.

The word achievement means setting a clear goal and obtaining the final result. This point will tell you how goal oriented and conscious you are. If your professional achievements have been recognized by management, please include this information in your resume. Emphasize that you were noticed, you were able to stand out among your colleagues.

It is also useful for candidates themselves to evaluate their achievements at work. From time to time, evaluate your experience and think about what you really did for the company and for your professional development. This will help you determine your future career path.

So, the main responsibilities of the “resume achievements” function are as follows:

How much have you improved your skills as a professional during your career;

Are you able to take responsibility;

Can you evaluate your progress;

Are you a goal-oriented person?

It is advisable that your answers correspond to the specified points.

How and what achievements should I list?

As you begin filling out this item, answer the following questions:

How much benefit have you brought to the company since you started?

What interesting experience did you take away from this?

Think about what significant project was completed by you?

Are you trusted with work that goes beyond your responsibilities?

What were you praised for at work?

What successes did your management note?

Even in the most routine work, significant events can occur. Demonstrate your willingness to solve all tasks until the final result. For example, using effective words and expressions: not “I made successful reports on working with clients,” but “I made the work of creating reports on working with clients as effective as possible,” not “implemented” but “implemented.” In other words, describing a completed process.

Also, employers evaluate results presented in numbers more effectively. For example, he increased the number of transactions by 100%, brought 20% of new clients to the company, conducted 50 trainings for new staff, etc.

Don't write vaguely. The “achievements” section of your resume should be clearly structured, like other points. For example:

Trained 10 new sales managers;

Established office life support from scratch. Concluding contracts for the supply of water, lunch, and also with a cleaning company.

Created a database for maintaining incoming and outgoing mail, where recipients and senders could track the status of their letters and documentation. As an achievement, I can note that not a single document was lost during my work.

Please note that if your achievements at work are a trade secret, and you cannot indicate indicators and figures, then you should indicate the information more vaguely, without violating your agreement with your previous employer. When trying to impress a recruiter, don't break the law. And even at an interview you shouldn’t say, “Actually, this is a secret, but I’ll tell you.” How can you be trusted after this?

If you want to get a position at a level higher than your current one, in other words, you want your career to grow vertically, focus on the following:

Independent decision making;

Substituting for a manager during his business trips/vacations/illnesses;

Experience in planning, strategy development and management of ____ staff.

If you would like to horizontally develop your career, expand and change responsibilities and functions, then it is worth indicating the following:

Solved problems beyond the scope of my duties;

During my work, I learned programs (name the skills and knowledge that you acquired).

Phrases that should not be included in achievements

Increased the efficiency of the department. If this is your merit, describe in more detail how you did it, using numbers. This wording is vague;

Set up work from scratch;

He did his job well. These are not achievements, but your work responsibility;

I did not receive a single reprimand while working. Of course, you can be proud of this, but this information is definitely not for a potential employer;

Ensuring sales. Everything related to sales should be presented in numbers.

Such formulations convey that you simply went to work and carried out your duties, even without reprimands or tardiness. In your achievements, you should highlight the most striking moments and describe them.

What achievements should a retail employee write, sample

Retained clients during the crisis by developing an individual system of discounts and offers;

Increased the company's profit by 20% by expanding the network in the market;

Increased sales volume by 30%;

Became "four times" Best seller month";

Over the past year, he brought 50 new customers for our products to the company.

Of course, what exactly to write is up to you to decide when evaluating the result of your work. Our tips will help you formulate your thoughts correctly. After you have compiled a list of achievements, look through the eyes of a recruiter, would you be interested in such an employee? Or you will have questions and something remains unclear to you. Then you will understand what points need to be changed to attract the attention of a potential employer.

“Give an example of your achievements” is one of the questions asked in a competency interview. This type of interview is a reliable and widely used method in personnel selection, which makes it possible to verify professional competencies candidate to successfully perform the job.

For those who have no experience with this type of interview, the main thing is to understand the basic concept:

In a behavioral interview, you must bring specific examples successful application of skills and abilities from past work experience.

This type of interview is based on the fact that, based on the employee’s past behavior in a given situation, his future behavior in a given situation can be predicted. new job. And all the candidate needs to do is is to give convincing examples, that clearly demonstrate the required competencies specified in the job description.

The most commonly tested competencies are:

  • communication skills
  • teamwork
  • initiative
  • leadership
  • problem solving skills
  • analytical thinking
  • stress resistance
  • time management
  • negotiation skills
  • planning
  • result-oriented
  • process oriented

For example, if the job profile requirements indicate that the candidate must be able to analyze, then the interviewer will definitely ask you to give an example of when you used this skill in your work and what results you achieved.

Competency questions begin with:

  • Tell me about a time when you...
  • Give me an example...
  • What steps have you taken...

Here are examples of the most popular questions:

  • Give an example of your achievements.
  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a major obstacle to achieve a result.
  • Tell me about a time when you had to juggle several important projects.

Most often, candidates do not pay due attention to competency issues. And in vain. After all, if you manage to pass and then fail the first behavioral question, you will still leave the interview empty-handed. Even if you have many years of experience labor activity, but without prepared examples you will not be able to make a favorable impression and confirm your competencies. It is quite difficult to answer such a question, because in your daily activities you cannot highlight or remember immediately without preparation something really worthwhile that you should tell a potential employer about.

Unfortunately, more often than not, it is candidates who are less competent but well trained who outperform more experienced employees. And so that this doesn’t happen to you, it’s time to remember everything and create a good story from your past work experience.

I recommend having at least three examples in stock of the competencies specified in the vacancy in order to advantageously emphasize your skills during the interview. strengths. The easiest way to effectively answer any behavioral interview question is to be prepared. three shining examples of your main achievements. Remember the most interesting projects, difficult tasks, problematic situations. If you have little experience, you can use examples during your studies or internship.

As always, we'll use the STAR method as a basis for storytelling, which will help you focus on key details and make your story structured, concise, and memorable.

  1. Rresults

Formulate the results of your actions: what happened, what was done, what you learned. Finally, it is very important that your good STAR story always has a happy ending, like a fairy tale. The last part of your answer should describe the positive results of your actions. Specific results are always particularly impressive, for example: an increase in sales by 32%, a halving of the budget, etc. But you can also refer to a positive outcome through emotional evaluation, especially from the boss or clients. It will be the best way convince the interviewer that the story you tell is real. For example: m My client was very pleased, my manager appreciated my contribution to the final result and highly appreciated my work, etc.

Sample answer:

When I presented the new and improved reporting to my manager, he was so impressed that he couldn't believe I did it all myself in such a short period of time! I also received high praise from senior management and was included in our company's Talent Bank program.

6 tips: How to answer the question: Give an example of your achievements"

1) Take enough time to remember a vivid example from your past work or study experience. Select an example that truly demonstrates several competencies and personal qualities.

2) Listen carefully to the questions and if you do not understand, do not rush to answer, but ask for an explanation. This is better than answering the question in a completely different direction and giving irrelevant examples.

3) Be prepared for clarifying questions, as the interviewer will want to get more information from you and check if your answers are genuine. Here are examples of such questions:

  • Tell me why you did it this way
  • Explain how you achieved this result
  • Do you think it could have been done differently?

4) Be specific. Don't try to answer in general terms that don't say anything about you. For example: " I consider myself a very responsible and organized employee, as I always achieve high results and complete assigned tasks on time.” Thus you do not answer the question posed. You can believe whatever you want, but you are required to give a real example from your past experience to prove your point.

It has long been a well-known truth: personnel decides everything. Market human resources- this is the same perpetual motion machine. Time passes, labels change, trade marks, faces, names of companies, positions, but the scheme remains unchanged. At some point, everyone has faced the question of choosing a job.

The first step on the path to employment is drawing up a correct resume. It’s a very fine line - it is necessary to describe your existing professional experience, without belittling or embellishing it, while presenting everything in the most structured and informative way possible. After all, how brightly and professionally you present yourself by describing your responsibilities determines whether you will receive an invitation to an interview, or whether your response will remain uninteresting to the employer.

Defining ambitions

So, we are faced with the task of creating competent advertising for ourselves as an employee.

The writing form is quite standard - the resume must contain the candidate’s personal data, including easy-to-reach contacts, information about education, experience, trainings or courses completed. Important point: in order to achieve the desired result, you need to identify your main professional or human advantages.

Correct resume. What it should be

When you sit down to write a resume, you should adhere to the “golden” principles:

Brevity. Your resume should be on 2-3 pages, no more.

Structure. The information you provide in your resume must be presented in a certain sequence and exactly correspond to the previously chosen form.

Objectivity. When indicating your experience and skills, moderate your creativity and imagination, be objective and realistic. Underline using action verbs. Using the same principle, we fill out the “Achievements” section in the resume. .

Selectivity. Analyze your existing professional experience, choose from it only what will be most useful in achieving your goal.

Positivity. Prefer positive information to negative information. Describing, defining, and narrating information through denial will not work to your advantage.

Focus on achievements. Identify and focus on your achievements. We will tell you how to fill out the “Achievements” column in your resume a little later. Confused, don’t know what to classify as your achievements? Think about it: maybe you should take a better look around? What do you already have, what has happened, what has been successful? Let us remind you that a well-written resume should ultimately be quite easy to read not only by professionals in your segment, but also by hiring managers. It is necessary to write responsibilities, functions, achievements (this also applies to the resume in general) briefly but succinctly in order to reflect all the work experience.

Standard chronological resume

Currently, the standard form is the so-called chronological resume. It starts with the last place of work and then lists all the others in descending order. Don’t rush to immediately write down your responsibilities and achievements in your resume; don’t rush things.

Let's explain with an example step-by-step compilation such a resume.

Start with your last name, first name, patronymic, contact details and designation of the desired position. It would be a good idea to supplement your resume with a business-style photograph.


There is no need to put a strong emphasis on education if you have completed your studies quite a long time ago. It is quite possible to get by with the period of study, the name of the university, the faculty and the specialty. But students, on the contrary, are recommended to give education a key place.

You can specify a topic and some coursework that you completed during your studies. If you have multiple degrees, they are usually listed in reverse chronological order. When describing your education, you don’t need to go into global depth and remember your training in high school. It is unlikely that this fact, memorable exclusively for you, will characterize you as a professional.

Briefly about the main thing

So, we come to the key section of our resume - “Work Experience”. The main task here is to show that you can perform the proposed functionality efficiently. Responsibilities and achievements in your resume should be presented in such a way that you can convince the employer that he needs you. Your previous work experience will certainly help with this.

A few tips at once: present information according to the following scheme: period of work (dates of employment and dismissal), the correct and full name of the organization, then be sure to indicate the market segment occupied by the company, the scope of its activities, as well as the position in the resume. You can make it even more informative if after each job you indicate the reason for your leaving.

Primary screening

Do not forget that the “Work Experience” section is the most important, and also the most informative, paragraph of the resume. The “Skills and Achievements” section is reviewed first. Think about it: your resume is read for 1-2 minutes, and during this time the manager should find useful points in it. Try to help him with this, write your resume properly. Design it in a single, easy-to-read style.

The resume should be constructive

Quite common phrases: “have extensive work experience”, “good managerial experience”, “brilliant organizational skills” and others, in addition to the fact that they carry absolutely no information content, will not interest the employer at all, because if you have not taken the time to correctly state your responsibilities, then why should he waste this time on you?

Don't know how to describe professional achievements and results in your resume or are you afraid to indicate something incorrectly? Contact your job description. But don’t make the mistake of many, you shouldn’t literally copy and paste paragraphs from the instructions into the book. At a minimum it looks ridiculous, at a maximum it casts doubt on such competence as communication skills: in your own words you cannot tell what you yourself were doing, the information presented was copied and awkwardly inserted like a template. We were faced with the question of what to write in the “Achievements” section of the resume, where to write it and who needs it anyway? It is necessary, no doubt about it.

No memoirs required

Talking about job responsibilities, don’t aim to mention every single one of them, choose about 5-7 main ones, and that’s enough. The employer is not interested in your entire life path; it is important for him to trace the last 3-5 years of professional activity. Therefore, do not overload your resume with additional and unnecessary information. It is worth telling in detail about a maximum of 2-3 last places of work. For others, it will be enough to simply mention without delving into the responsibilities.

Filling out your resume (the “Achievements” column, as well as the “Key Skills”) can be planned in such a way as to include actions that you really know how to do at least well and that were applicable in your work experience. Remember that it is not acceptable to be modest when writing a resume. Your main task is to increase your “marketability” and present yourself from your best side. In this case, the information must be objective, certainly based on facts from previous experience. What else should you remember when doing something like filling out a resume? The "Achievements" column, in addition to information about successfully completed projects and career advancement, should contain information about foreign languages, if the level of proficiency in them is really high.

In the final section "Additional information" it is recommended to indicate your personal qualities that help you achieve professional tasks, and your professional guidelines in general. This section should help the employer determine why he should hire you.

Don’t forget to adhere to the requirements regarding formatting, impeccable literacy and stylistic unity, and your resume will certainly attract a potential employer.