How to get a discount on buying a car from a dealer and where to save. When is it more profitable to buy a car - before the New Year or after When will New Year's discounts on electronics begin?

The desire to save your hard-earned money is a normal and understandable phenomenon both for residents of Russia and for spendthrift Americans or tight-fisted Europeans. But at the same time, every person wants to eat well, dress well and relax. Combining business with pleasure, that is, not denying yourself every little thing, but at the same time preventing cunning sellers from profiting from satisfying their own needs is quite simple if you know general principles savings.

It is very important to buy good things not at an inflated price, but at their real price. You can put this rule into practice if you know when winter sales start and how long they last. “Why winter ones and not any other seasonal ones?” - an inexperienced shopaholic will ask. The fact is that it is during the cold season that such big and important holidays as New Year and Christmas, and every person considers it necessary to prepare for these important celebrations. Buying gifts for family and friends, replenishing your wardrobe with elegant items, or simply purchasing expensive winter clothes is always an expensive undertaking, so it’s better to know for sure when winter sales start. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, capitals and major cities of European countries, the USA, Japan and United Arab Emirates They have their own schemes for attracting buyers, different rules and promotion dates are set, so it is wiser to prepare for sales in advance.

Ideal time to shop

Statisticians report that in a fairly short period of time before the New Year and Christmas holidays, people spend three times more money than at any other time of the year. There is no need to explain why customers themselves should do this, but not everyone understands why stores agree to organize mega-sales, because when winter sales begin, some boutiques Network shops And shopping centers give customers half of the original cost of the goods.

The fact is that the buyer will make purchases in any case, and it is vital for sellers to attract him to their outlet and not let him go empty-handed. They use various tricks: they offer gifts, discounts, bonuses and privileges (compensation for future expenses, gift certificates in partner stores, entertainment venues, the opportunity to purchase several units of goods at a reduced price, etc.).

Winter promotions, sales and other methods of attracting customers truly know no bounds. However, the buyer must carefully monitor what sales consultants are trying to impose on him, because very often the “gift” turns out to be a fiction or simply not worth the money spent on the purchase.

Season is open

First day winter discounts falls at the end of autumn, but you need to take into account that this sale day is the most important event of the year for a real shopaholic. Its name is “Black Friday”. The tradition of organizing a mega-sale on the last Friday of November originated in the USA. On this day, shoppers besiege stores, occupying kilometer-long queues since the night, and literally sweep away from the windows everything that comes to their hand. In one weekend, sellers receive revenue equal to a quarter annual turnover. Such success of the event prompted the authorities of other countries to create their own “day of grand sales.” Thus, in London on December 2, car traffic in the West End area is blocked, 600 stores extend their opening hours by 2-3 hours so that customers can spend the money they have accumulated over the year to their hearts' content. The main Paris sale takes place on the night of January 18-19.

When the winter Black Friday sales begin, it is not at all necessary to personally visit noisy and crowded shopping centers. The trend of recent years is online shopping. The opportunity to make purchases without leaving the comfort of your home chair, not only within your own country, but also abroad, attracts buyers all over the world with great benefits. In addition to discounts, online stores encourage customers free shipping, the absence of duties on some groups of goods and the possibility of returning or exchanging unsuitable or illiquid goods.

Growing beyond our years

Winter discounts most often begin to operate from the first ten days of December. The fact is that in Europe and the USA, the more important event is Christmas, which in the West is celebrated on December 24, and it is customary to prepare for this holiday with maximum responsibility. Two weeks before an important event, retail outlets post advertisements that they can offer their customers discounts of 10-15%. The closer the holidays get, the more significant the benefits from the purchase become. So, on the eve of the prices are reduced by 25-30%.

After the New Year, or rather January 7-10, total sales begin, and they last until Valentine's Day. The peak of the discount may be minus 80-90% on the price tag. It is worth considering that when the sales reach this level, find shoes or clothes in the store the right size, cosmetics or perfume of the most popular brands and types is almost impossible. When the sale of winter clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories begins (from mid-January), the goods quickly disappear from store shelves. But miracles happen, and why not take the risk by waiting for the final offer from the store?

US Sales

Americans are famous for their high purchasing power and passion for spending money. Even when not own funds, residents of this overseas country see nothing wrong with purchasing goods on credit.

Retail chains feed this passion for shopaholism, and to further stimulate their customers, they have created a schedule of discounts and promotions, so Americans know not only the date when winter sales begin, but also which days are the most profitable for shopping.

  • Christmas;
  • New Year;
  • King's Day;
  • Valentine's Day;
  • Presidents Day.

Winter trading in Europe

About such a phenomenon as shopping tours across countries Western Europe, almost every resident of our country has heard a lot. A global wardrobe update and purchasing New Year's gifts abroad has become a common thing for Russian residents. This is not surprising, because when winter sales begin in Moscow, Milan, Paris, London and Madrid are already selling out last year's assortment. Their total sales occur at approximately the same time and have the same “expiration date”:

  • France has set sales times at the official level and does not change the dates - from January 6 to February 16.
  • Italy - January 7 - February 28. Shopping in different cities of this country can please you in different ways; for example, shopping in Milan and Bologna will be more expensive than in Rome.
  • The winter months are the longest (all of December and January). This is a paradise for lovers of casual clothing and everyday goods. Prices for such goods are always reasonable here, and the choice is very diverse.
  • Eastern European countries have become no less popular destinations for shopping tourists. Poland begins a total sale after finishing the New Year celebration, Lithuania - after Catholic Christmas, the “red days” last in the stores of these countries until the end of February.

We can afford everything

Unlike European or American traditions, sales in Russia have their own mental flavor and flavor. From mid-December, when winter sales begin in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities of the country, until the end of the calendar winter, buyers are unlikely to find price tags with marks of minus fifty percent or more. The most profitable time for shopping will be February, because in our country it is customary to stretch it out throughout January, and stores do not want to lose their profits.

Unfortunately, it is more profitable for domestic buyers to go abroad and purchase branded items and purchase them there. But as for the mass market, casual clothing and shoes, these goods are sold much more readily than those from world-famous brands.

There’s no point in putting off until the end of winter; it’s best to go shopping immediately after the New Year, otherwise popular items will pass you by.

Shopping without borders

Internet trading in last years is gaining more and more momentum. Even inexperienced online users have the luxury of shopping abroad. Special intermediary organizations help with this. Moreover, large online stores create their resources also for Russian-speaking customers.

Virtual stores follow global trends and conduct sales at the same level as traditional boutiques. It should also be noted that prices there are much lower, because organizing online trading is a less expensive undertaking than creating a real store.

It's time for New Year's sales on the Russian car market, when the biggest discounts are offered on new cars. The generosity of sellers, of course, has nothing to do with the pre-holiday mood, but has quite prosaic justifications. The fact is that distributors have to report to headquarters on the implementation of the annual sales plan, and for this they stimulate dealers with bonuses (3-10% of the cost of the car, depending on the brand). For dealers, in turn, this is an essential item in budget formation, so at the end of the financial year they strive to clear out warehouses as much as possible in order to show fulfillment or. The best discounts can be found at car dealerships of large holdings, because the manufacturer’s bonus in most cases depends on the dealer’s sales volume.

As Alexey Kuzmich, an analyst at Avtomir Group of Companies, notes, the December surge in consumer activity is typical for many industries, and car business this is far from an exception. At the same time, during the New Year holidays there are very few customers to buy new cars at car dealerships. According to Avtomir Group estimates, December sales are usually 20–30% higher than the monthly average, and in January they are 30–40% lower.

“Manufacturers, together with dealers, traditionally launch New Year’s promotions at the end of the year. This is important for dealers, since if we move into the coming year with overstocked warehouses during the period of low customer activity in January, a “heavy” warehouse will require significant resources for its maintenance. Therefore, it is preferable for the dealer to provide a similar benefit to the client in the form of a discount or gifts, this is especially true for low-turnover models and their modifications,” the expert states.

According to Igor Bader, Sales Director of Terra Auto Group of Companies, dealers are also being pushed to sell out warehouses by conditions that generally apply to cars with a title. current year, so it becomes much more difficult to sell cars with an “expired” passport.

For buyers, the year of manufacture of the car has practically no practical significance, since the warranty for it begins to apply from the moment of delivery to the client, and not from the date of production. Thus, buying last year’s car during the sales season is indeed very profitable, especially considering that cars of the new model year will certainly become more expensive, and dealers usually do not provide discounts on them. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that the year of manufacture affects the value of the car upon its further resale, indirectly providing information about the expiration date of the warranty, mileage and model line.

“With the change of calendar year, the car’s documents become a year older, and its liquidity decreases. However, when the machine is in operation for 2 years or more, this indicator does not play a significant role in the residual value. The selling price will depend on the mileage and condition of the car,” explains Alexander Zinoviev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the AutoSpetsCenter Group of Companies.

There is no “overstock”

During the years of crisis in the Russian car market, manufacturers began to take a more cautious approach to sales. Under these conditions, the growth in demand that began largely due to state support did not contribute to the formation of large warehouse stocks from dealers, which would need to be sold out by the end of the year. Moreover, there is a shortage of the most popular models on the market. Therefore, you shouldn’t count on significant pre-New Year discounts this year, and there may not be any at all on bestsellers.

According to the director of the Rolf Khimki cluster, Yulia Dytchenkova, the situation for each dealer is individual, including with regard to filling warehouses. Of course, large stocks for a particular model will be an additional factor for a discount from the dealer. The most liquid models and popular configurations are rarely kept in warehouses, so it is more difficult to get a discount here. Meanwhile, many car dealerships have now launched special promotions designed to compensate for the early completion of some government programs to stimulate demand.

Thus, Hyundai dealers of the Avtorus Group of Companies are currently offering the maximum profitable terms on Hyundai Elantra and Santa Fe models. At the Lada car dealerships of the Terra Auto Group of Companies you can get the most interesting offers on Lada XRAY cars. At the same time, the company assumes that during the pre-New Year sales period, minimal benefits will be observed on budget cars and cars that are used by customers.

“At the moment, dealers do not have brands with overstocked warehouses. Manufacturers are reacting very cautiously to the restoration of consumer activity; rather, there is a local shortage for a number of modifications. Statistics from the last two years show that the size of New Year’s discounts and benefits has become much more moderate, and significant discounts can be observed locally against the backdrop of a change in model generation, or the sale of overstocked warehouses by a certain dealer or brand,” comments Alexey Kuzmich.

Time to buy

Indeed, special offers launched in recent months show that automakers are moving away from direct discounts on their models and offering discounts exclusively through trade-in schemes or branded auto loan programs. In the latter case, the benefit for buyers becomes especially unobvious, given the further overpayment of interest to the bank. But you can find truly favorable purchasing conditions for models leaving the market. Today, for example, dealers are selling out, after which the Czechs will only have the older Kodiaq among the crossovers in Russia. The pseudo-crossover DFM H30 Cross is also available with savings - it should be replaced new model AX3. In addition, Mitsubishi recently announced significant discounts on a batch of 400 L200 pickups.

New items that have just gone on sale are now in high demand, and you can’t even dream of pre-New Year discounts on them. Not only do dealers have no problems selling new models, but they often have queues for months. In the AutoSpetsTsentr Group of Companies, among the scarce models they name the Porsche 911 GT3, and from the mass segment - the Hyundai Creta, noting that only new and exclusive cars that have entered the market are sold without discounts or with a symbolic discount. According to Terra Auto Group of Companies, among AVTOVAZ models, the largest shortage is observed for the new Lada Vesta SW Cross, as well as Lada Largus Cross, for which you should not expect discounts. One of the reasons for the shortage of cars is the fact that the overall growth in Lada sales exceeded forecasts and not all suppliers were able to quickly increase production volumes. According to Anton Shmelev, sales manager at Hyundai Losiny Ostrov, the Hyundai Creta and the new Solaris are in greatest demand, and significant discounts are not planned for them, including due to the lack of importer support programs for these models.

In any case, the coming months will be a good time to buy a new car, because 2018 cars will initially be more expensive. As practice shows, cars of the new model year begin to arrive at dealers in December, with models produced in Russia arriving first. The timing of the appearance of imported foreign cars varies depending on the place of production - for example, from Japan and the USA they arrive only in March-April. Thus, last year's cars can usually be found in stock at dealers until February, and the best time to buy them is in December-January, when the highest possible discounts are offered and there is still a choice of such cars.

New year - new prices

According to Anton Shmelev, the vast majority of dealers will try to sell stock as quickly as possible, attracting buyers with interesting and profitable offers in order to move into the new financial year 2018 with the least burden. In December, the discount on some models can reach 15–20% of the cost, which, in turn, should further spur growth in the car market by 3–7%.

“The maximum discounts are usually in March on the remaining cars from the previous year. On the other hand, these are, as a rule, not the most marketable configurations and colors, so buyers will have to make a compromise between desires and reality,” argues Alexander Zinoviev.

As for the prices for cars produced in 2018, in addition to traditional currency and inflation risks, automakers will factor into their prices, which should increase by 15% starting next year. In this way, the government intends to compensate for the reduction in customs rates on the import of new cars as part of Russia’s obligations to the WTO. In September 2017, we recall, they decreased from 23 to 20%, and target by 2019 is 15%. At the same time, next year some automakers' agreements on industrial assembly, which have zeroed rates for the import of auto components, are coming to an end. With the end of the preferential regime, the cost of production in Russia will increase, which, in turn, will certainly affect the price tags. Against this background, the government is systematically reducing the volume of state support for the car market, depriving consumers of guaranteed discounts. For example, next year it has already been decided to abandon the recycling and trade-in program, which still remains in great demand.

According to Igor Bader, in recent years there has been a steady upward trend in prices in the car market, and there is no reason to believe that cars will become cheaper in the future. The average increase in price for Lada in the next year is 2%, which should not particularly affect sales volumes of the brand.

In the market as a whole, the adjustment of price lists in the absence of price shocks will be comparable to the growth of inflation and on average will not exceed 10% in 2018, says Alexey Kuzmich. “Manufacturers are forced to increase prices, since the current market volume and production cost structure do not allow them to receive the expected positive profit. A significant part of the costs is denominated in foreign currency and depends on the exchange rate. It must be understood that during the crisis period of 2015–2016, some manufacturers were guided by strategic goals of maintaining market share and attracting and retaining customers loyal to the brand. With the recovery of the market and consumer activity, manufacturers, focusing on the elasticity of demand and the competitive environment, will continue to gradually increase prices,” the expert sums up.

Logical and reasonable, avoiding unnecessary emotions. Of course, purchasing a car before the New Year could be a pleasant gift for your household, especially if you were already planning to exchange your old car for a new one in the near future. But let's try to consider this issue from the point of view of reasonableness and benefits for the family budget.

Before New Year dealerships We are ready to make a good offer to buyers for some car models. This is not at all connected with the desire to please customers with New Year's gifts (although in most cases this is exactly how this is presented in advertising), but with the need to urgently sell the current year's cars before the new year begins. In the new season, cars with the previous year of manufacture in the passport vehicle will be even harder to sell than at the end of the current one. So, if you are going to purchase a car model that is not very popular, then, starting from the beginning of winter, you can safely demand a big discount on the car from the car dealership.

As for popular car models, at the end of the year you have a chance to “snatch” a car without waiting in line, which was rejected by the buyer who ordered it almost six months ago. This has become especially common now, since when ordering a car in July, a person was counting on his thirteenth salary or bonus, which will significantly help the purchase. In current economically unstable times, premium expectations are often not met, and as a result, you have to refrain from making an expensive purchase. Salons give advance payments without any problems, because they know that there will be many people willing to buy scarce cars. If you buy such a car, you should not be afraid of the previous year of manufacture in the vehicle’s passport, since in the next year you will be able to sell the car almost at the price of a new one (provided it is in perfect condition), just because of the queues.

There is also a downside to buying a car at the end of the year: no one ever gives a discount for nothing, and there is an explanation for this: when next year comes, in a few weeks your new car will already be a year old. You should not be afraid of this if you plan to use your car for a long period. For example, within four to five years. By this age, a car is judged more by its technical condition than by its year of manufacture, so don’t forget to take care of your car.

Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: Vladimir does not affect important topic: buying a used car before or after the New Year. In this case, almost the same laws come into force as when purchasing new car, but additional factors are added. If you are buying a car that is older than three years, then look first at its condition, and not at the fact that the calendar year will change soon. True, you can use this as an argument for additional bargaining.

But if the New Year has already arrived, and you still haven’t bought a car, then you can travel around the showrooms and see what cars you are looking for are in stock. If suddenly there is still a car from last year, then now you can feel like the rightful owner of the situation, and make the most daring discount offers to the sellers at the car dealership. Believe me, they will consider them, since these cars are now a sore spot for them: the car dealership’s money is “frozen” in them, and every day there will be fewer and fewer people willing to buy an “old” new car.


Expert opinion Elena Lisovskaya: As I wrote above, many buyers count on additional premiums, so they make a purchase for the New Year, and wealthy people sometimes buy cars as a gift. For these reasons, car dealerships are rarely generous with discounts in the past year, as they expect a surge in sales, but at the beginning of the new year, you can really “press” sales consultants with the most daring offers for discounts on cars of the previous year.

If you called all the dealers, but you couldn’t find a new car from last year, then buying a new car from the year that just started is also not the worst option. This path is worth following if you are a fan of changing your car, well, let’s say, every year. Then it’s unlikely that even a good “New Year’s” discount will compensate you for the loss when selling a two-year-old rather than a one-year-old car in about a year.

Is there some more important point, which is worth considering when buying a car during this period. As we all know, every few years all car brands update their models, but buying a car for the New Year, and even at the time of updating the model, is a very unprofitable business. For example, cars of the same year of manufacture, but of different models - new and old - can differ in price by 20-30 percent. So do not forget to find out in detail whether the brand you have chosen is going to update its lineup in the very near future. If a new model is already on the way, then it’s worth waiting for it.

But I’ll emphasize once again: my reasoning is extremely practical. And if you use emotions, then the keys to a new car look just great under the Christmas tree!

Every shopaholic waits with genuine enthusiasm for the time when winter sales begin. This is not surprising, because the desire to acquire the desired thing, and even save a significant amount of personal funds, is an extremely tempting prospect. Unfortunately, for many sellers, discounts have become a way to profit from gullible customers. Stores often make fake sales, luring customers with banal deception. That is why it is so important to find out what date winter sales really begin and when you can purchase the desired product at the lowest possible price.

Passion for saving

For some buyers, the sales season has already become a kind of fetish. What matters to them is not what they buy, but that they do it in large quantities and economically. The very fact of receiving real benefits encourages many to fork out for unnecessary thing. There is nothing surprising in this, because each of us is blindsided by the price drop, the main thing is not to make a mistake and, in a fit of passion, not to fall for the tricks of cunning marketers.

So when do the winter sales start? In most European countries, the discount season occurs under the auspices of state control. This way, both stores and customers know when the price of a product will be reduced. Such a measure helps prevent dumping and artificial weakening of the economy.

In our country, alas, there is no such practice yet, and therefore sales, their start and end times are the lot of store owners. Those, in turn, are guided by global trends or act at their own discretion.

Two stages of winter sales

Now let's figure out when winter sales start. Their first stage starts in mid-December. This period is the time of Christmas and New Year's preparations. Buyers are willing to part with their money, buy gifts, outfits, and prepare for winter and the holiday table. These first sales are more nominal in nature. Sellers can make a slight discount on their goods, but the difference with the regular price tag is unlikely to exceed 10-15%.

In addition, it is not customary in all countries to celebrate Catholic Christmas, for which they are so zealously preparing in the West. In the post-Soviet space, New Year's celebrations are more popular, so you cannot expect significant discounts until December 31st. This statement is relevant in any city in our country, and primarily in Moscow. When do winter sales start in the capital and regions?

Usually from mid-January, closer to February. Retail chains are trying to sell everything that was not sold during the holidays, to make room on the shelves for the new season. The most profitable purchases will be in the middle or end of winter.

False sales

Tempting discounts are not always a really good deal. Enterprising traders very often deceive customers by organizing false sales. There are several mechanisms for misleading consumers. This happens especially often on New Year's Eve.

A few weeks before the announced days of discounts, entrepreneurs deliberately increase prices in order to “pamper” customers with promotions afterwards. Thus, at best, consumers buy products at a standard price, and at worst, it will cost even more than usual.

Another way to lure consumers is to offer discounts on a limited list of products. Often these are slow-moving items from the outlet’s assortment, obsolete or even defective goods. Such techniques help to attract a buyer once, but it is unlikely that the client will become a permanent one in the event of such fraud.

We buy cheap!

Experienced shopaholics know how to quickly determine where and when sales start. They are helped in this mainly by periodic monitoring of prices in their favorite stores. When the sale of winter clothes, shoes and other products from this category begins, you should not delay the purchase for long. The fact is that the most popular sizes are sorted out first. Clothes and shoes for people with average parameters will disappear from stores almost immediately; you shouldn’t expect that the most common product among buyers will linger in warehouses for a long time.

Waiting until the price drops even further is only possible for those who are suitable for non-traditional shoe sizes (very small or very large). Sellers usually do sales in several stages. And if the first discount is 10-15%, then a mass sale is already happening at half price, and a total sale promises the buyer a reduction in the amount on the price tag by 65-70% of the original cost of the product.

Sale at the country's main department store

TSUM is a real Mecca for true shopaholics. This department store has been around for over a hundred years. And there are almost as many sales going on here. This trading platform the largest in modern Europe, the world's best brands produced by the most famous companies are represented here. Shoes, clothing and accessories from Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Fendi, Givenchy, Prada and dozens of other designer houses attract and attract lovers of the beautiful life.

Following world traditions, fashion boutiques also organize large-scale sales of old collections. When do winter sales start at TSUM? Usually, from mid-December, the numbers on the price tags gradually decrease, but the discounts reach their peak after the holidays are over. During this period, you can save up to 70% on the purchase of branded coats, dresses and blouses.

Note to fashionistas and fashionistas

Another store that all shopaholics want to visit (and especially during the sales season) is Zara. These are points of sale of fashionable men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, underwear and accessories of our own production at quite affordable prices. Distinctive feature brand is stable high quality products.

It is not surprising that buyers always look forward to sales, during which all the goods are swept off the shelves. However, not everyone knows when the winter sale starts at Zarya. The fact is that this retail chain does not very often organize days of discounts and emptying shelves of stale goods. Usually this is two to three weeks in mid-January. This event is not announced, and customers and fans of the brand will learn about discounts during a direct visit to the store.

Closed club

Many stores and chains encourage their loyal customers, and therefore warn their customers in advance about when winter sales of clothing and other goods begin in their outlets. Members of loyalty programs and club card holders will be the first to know this information, so they will be able to buy products with good discounts.

To keep abreast of events happening in your favorite store, you should contact sellers or managers, they also issue discount cards regular customers. To do this, it is usually enough to make a purchase for a certain amount, after which the client automatically becomes a member of the loyalty program. This will bring him a number of benefits and advantages:

  • participants in such programs are the first to be informed when winter sales of shoes and clothing begin;
  • the card makes it possible to receive goods at a lower price, even if the store does not currently have discounts;
  • customers can accumulate bonuses for their purchases and use them for subsequent payments.

Almost all stores have a multi-level loyalty program. The discount for the client increases depending on the amount for which he has already purchased the product in this point of sale, or on how long he has been a regular customer.

Glossary of discounts

There are also many stores that have regular sales, but not all of them have the same principle of working with customers:

  • a discount is a point of sale of products with a simplified service system and basic design of the sales area;
  • a discount center is a large store where manufacturers bring unsold remnants of past collections;
  • stock stores operate on the same principle, but here you can also often find defective products and products that have lost their presentation;
  • Outlets are networks that initially sell inexpensive products.

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, we wish our readers good discounts and successful shopping!

To begin with, it’s worth saying that the sales season can be considered open at the end of November 2018, when Black Friday happened. Typically, New Year's sales begin in mid-December and end in mid-February of the following year.

In 2019, VAT is raised by twenty percent, so this will most likely be reflected in prices, and most likely discounts in next year will not be as large as in previous years.

The start of the winter sale in Moscow (and not only) began on the penultimate Friday of November, the 23rd.

But don’t immediately create a stir, winter sale 2018-2019. will last until February. Everyone will have time and everyone will get it.

Just carefully watch the promotional offers of leading retail chains.

When will winter sales start in Moscow in 2018?

Everyone loves sales because they can save you a lot of money, so many shoppers look forward to them.

Winter sales in Moscow started at the end of November, namely on November 23, 2018 on Black Friday.

After this, the sales did not end, but only continued.

All major chain stores have already released catalogs with New Year sales, these sales will last until February 2019.

But I think the best way to save money is before the New Year holidays.

Winter sales usually start on Black Friday. This year, this worldwide sale begins on the evening of November 22nd. Most likely, discounts will be available from the morning of November 22 or the sale will begin on Saturday, November 23.

Winter sales in Moscow will presumably begin at the end of November.

On the twenty-third of November, Black Friday will be held, as always, with great excitement in many stores in the capital. This will be the start of the winter sale.

They (winter sales) will begin this month.

Although of course this is nonsense, November is an autumn month, not a winter one.

That is, the period is quite long.

As far as I know, in 2018 in Moscow, winter sales will begin in the second half of November 2018 with Black Friday, that is, from Friday, November 23, 2018, and they will continue until the end of February 2019. Thus, winter sales in the Russian capital in 2018 will be held throughout winter period, and you just need to track their special schedule in various Moscow stores.

This is one of the biggest winter sales.

It is considered the beginning of the Christmas sales.

It will last for several days and will take over everything largest stores, including online stores.

As for New Year's sales, each chain of stores has its own schedule established by their management, but from December 15th it is already in almost everywhere.

Most likely, like in other cities, they have already passed)))

Don’t expect significant discounts for the new year, these will supposedly be discounts, but the prices will be absolutely the same as they were before the new year. And so, the juice of the sale is December 30-31, when everyone has already purchased, and the goods need to be written off, but this is mainly the case with food, and if with clothes, then I think that at the end of November-mid-December