How to spend an evening with all your heart. Scenario of the concert program dedicated to International Women's Day “With all my heart…. " Heartily"

Teacher's Day “With all my heart!” 2014-2015

Leading: Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! Today is a special day, autumn. Combined two holidays in one. Day of our veterans, day of the elderly and wise. And Teacher’s Day is like the most respected title on earth.

“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication,” said Antoine de Saint Exupéry. With these words we open our festive communication.

" Heartily!" - we have named our program and ask all of you to take an active part in it.

Strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive

To those who have gray hair at the temples, to those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries, teaches us to achieve victory in work -

To everyone who has a proud name “Teacher”. We dedicate today's holiday!.

Dear Tamara Germanovna, may I open our holiday? And we give the floor to you!

T.G. speaks

What a huge heart you need to have to generously give pieces of it to children day after day, year after year! And what a kind, patient, ageless soul should be!

Poem by Diana Obraztsova, 3B grade student

They say, We don’t choose the roads, but they choose us. The thought is beautiful and deep, but perhaps not true for all occasions. Teachers choose their own path. They choose, firmly knowing that without children their life will be easier, but not happier. Much has been written about such phenomena as innate absolute pitch and natural aptitude for mathematics. Are people born with teaching talent or is it always the result of the work of an intelligent and kind soul?

What kind of thing does a teacher not have to be? A strict and fair judge of the little man’s first actions. A skilled physician of growing pains. Memory trainer. The most responsible thing is the teacher and educator. Every child is a “blank slate”. What will the teacher write on it? What will the student transform his words, looks and gestures into? What will come up in him that the teacher sows, and what will not come up? Scientists, observing modern students, have derived a number of patterns.

    If a child knows who will live well in Rus', he will; tax inspector employee.

    If he knows what a pound is worth, he will be a commodity expert.

    If he constantly pretends to be something, he will be a builder;

    If he has a chest like a wheel, he will be a driver.

    If he knows how to make a mountain out of a molehill, he will become a magician in the circus.

    If he is smart in the chamber, he will be elected president.

    If he cares about everything, he will become an electrician.

Sketch 6 A class

Our years fly by like birds
They don’t want to look back for a minute
It’s like frost on your temples suddenly sparkled
But the gray hair of teachers does not spoil it.
Only the sparkle in the eyes does not age.
The memory of teachers will not be erased
Veterans, don’t grow old in your soul
Meetings at school disturb your peace.

And in the soul the flame suddenly melts the ice
A tug immediately appears in the heart
It's just the school calling you to visit
The team is looking forward to your visit.

You were all young, modest, and only your eyes radiated that deep, which became the life credo of raising and teaching children.

We congratulate you with all our hearts, we wish you health, joy, more vitality, bright days and a cheerful mood. The 4th grade students have prepared a musical surprise for you as a gift.

4th grade skit

Well, dear teachers, let’s see how quickly you can answer questions. So, let's start the game.

2- th leading y. Ready, the team responds first


1. What terrible beast is greedy for raspberries? (Bear .)

2. Large knitted scarf. (Shawl .)

3. What is drawn in Papa Carlo’s closet? (Hearth .)

4. State emblem. (Coat of arms .)

5. Animal world. ( Fauna .)

6. From whom did the elephant call Korney Chukovsky? (From camel .)

7. Great Russian fabulist. (Krylov .)

8. The note is on the third line of the staff. (Si. )

9. Children's doctor. ( Pediatrician .)

10. The sorceress who fulfilled the wish of the fabulous Emelya. (Pike .)

11. It has 52 weeks. (Year .)

12. Kolomna measure of length. (Verst .)

13. What is the name of Russian folk tale that no cold can freeze politeness and kindness. (Morozko .)

14. What animal is a person sometimes compared to, who is very difficult to wake up? (With a groundhog .)

15. Which month has 28 days. (In any .)

16 The title of the prisoner of the Chateau d'If, famous from Dumas' novel. (Count of Monte Cristo .)

17. Another name for the alphabet. (ABC .)

18. What phone number is it easy to use to find the tallest hero of Sergei Mikhalkov’s works? (By phone to the police .)

19. Animal Science. (Zoology .)

20. Day of fun, joy, celebration. (Holiday .)

21. The cunning servant of the Marquis of Barabas. (Cat .)

22. Who has a bump without a head, a leg without a boot. (Mushroom. )

23.Indian method of self-management (Yoga)

24. an ancient hero who today has become a semi-finished product for porridge (rolled oats)

25.where not to go with an unreliable person (reconnaissance)

26. a stage worker, but not an artist, sits in a booth, but not a dog (prompter)

27. Latin letter denoting unknown (x)

28. a break from work that is harmful to health (smoke break)

29. five minutes to a flower (bud)

30. insect with an exemplary waist (wasp)

1. Boxing area. (Boxing ring .)

2. Italian Pinocchio. (Pinocchio .)

3. Inflorescence of wheat, rye. (Ear .)

4. Kilometer, kilogram, kilowatt. What is denoted by the prefix “kilo”. (1000. )

5. What metal was Andersen's Steadfast Soldier made of? (From tin .)

6. Highest sports indicator. (Record .)

7. The country of all marsupials. (Australia .)

8. What can you type without picking up anything? (Air, telephone number .)

9. What did the bear wear when dragging Masha and her pies to her grandparents? (In a box .)

10. Both the cat breed and the famous twins. (Siamese .)

11. What number is on the dial? mechanical watch opposite 2. (8. )

12. Human vice attributed to donkeys. (Stubbornness .)

13. Who does the flock consist of? (From sheep .)

14. Centenary. (Century .)

15. Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy. What do these people have in common? (They are writers .)

16. Which apple is not a fruit. (Ophthalmic .)

17. Cook bird from a children's poem. (Magpie .)

18. What is the name of the semi-finished bread product? (Dough .)

19. The leader of the robbers from the cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen.” (Chieftain .)

20. What is the name of the green pea packaging? (Pod .)

21. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? (Uphill .)

22. How many wings does a flea have? (No wings .)

23. part of a nut, also known as a projectile (kernel)

24.aka wizard (magician)

25. social unit (family)

26. stranger musical instrument, to which many dance (tipe)

27. outerwear, under which sometimes there is a herring (fur coat)

28. what is the name of the horse - runt (pony)

29. the main “lounger” in Russian literature (Oblomov)

30. who has big eyes (fear)

Our teachers are selfless people.

It seems like they are always at school. You come to school in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave school - they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children. And how do they manage to educate them?

And now a word to our veterans.

Sample questions:

1.0 what did you think, what did you strive for when you were 16 years old?

    Did you have any difficulties with students when you worked in a school?

    Have you often written notes to parents about their children's misbehavior?

6. How do you feel about cheat sheets?

    Have you used in your pedagogical practice a pointer as a bladed weapon?

9. Remember the funniest incident you've ever had? school life(orpedagogical practice).

    If you feel bad, how do you cope with this mood?

    How did you react to a student who fell asleep in your class? Orwould they react if such an incident happened?

12. Have there been pranks in your teaching practice?

    Have you ever been to the principal's office when you were a student?

Well, now my dears, it's time to study new material, and as new topic We have an astrological forecast today

EXPLANATION OF NEW MATERIAL School astrologer's forecast for teachers for the new school year

those born under this sign in the new school year will praise their students for good deeds, but we recommend not punishing those who study poorly and are naughty: Ginatulina, Vlasenko, Mitrakov,

the right time for work, there will be a lot of it in the new academic year, we recommend being patient. Nesterenko,
You are expected to meet with students after lessons, but not often, and not for long, since soon everyone will begin to learn their lessons as expected. Yakovenko, Kosenko,
your subject will be the focus of attention for many students, try to use this time. Novikova, Sidelnikova,
a lion
Leos will retain their positions this year, but try to avoid unnecessary waste of nerves, be kinder than the Leo! Babintseva, Zubankova, Zubareva,
As always, you are irresistible, your appearance is captivating. This year will be a good year for you to purchase accessories... perhaps new equipment will appear in your classroom. Zubaneva,
time for drawing up projects and plans. Previously acquired knowledge will help in their implementation. Go for it! Maltster, Ponomareva,
take on any task energetically, don’t give in to circumstances, catch your wave. Peas
this year you will finish old lingering tasks and start new ones; the children will come to your lessons with homework ready.
You will have perseverance, the students will learn everything, listen and hear you, it is possible that there will be new additions to your class. Mitrakova, Koltun, Pastukhova, Tabulda, Smirnova, Yakusheva
this year changes await you, the children will grow up and new classes will replace the graduates, it will be interesting for you and them with you. Evdokimova,
Interesting journeys await you, your students will take part in many competitions this year, you just need a little patience, Kuts, Olshanskaya, Solovyova, Kharchevnikova, Majezhova

And now the task . Change the ending , so that everyone understands that this is a proverb about school. Shall we try?

"Shifters" (for example: Black month of the jungle - White sun of the desert)

Movie titles.
A) sad girls - Cheerful guys.
B) the cry of the rams - The silence of the lambs.
C) cold nights - Hot heads.
D) don’t be afraid of the bicycle - Beware of the car.
D) in the symphony orchestra there are not only boys - In jazz there are only girls.
E) Kyiv only believes in laughter - Moscow does not believe in tears.

Fairy tales.
A) black sock - Little Red Riding Hood.
B) square - Kolobok.
C) skyscraper - Teremok.
D) one bee - Three bears.
D) radish - Turnip.
E) a mouse without slippers - Puss in Boots.
G) humpless camel - Little Humpbacked Horse.
3) Edik in an ordinary village - Alice in Wonderland

Game “Song Questions and Answers” ​​As a rule, all participants in this game are divided into two teams: the 1st asks a question from a song, the 2nd answers with words from any suitable (or inappropriate) song.


Question: “Why, why... why does the accordion sing?”

Answer: “My dear, good, guess for yourself.”

Question: “Why do you wander around alone all night, Why don’t you let the girls sleep.”

Answer: “I’m just working, I’m just working

Question: “Why do you girls love beautiful people?”

Answer: “Don’t think down on the seconds, the time will come, you’ll understand, probably..

Question: “Why, why did you meet again, Why did you disturb my peace?”

Answer: “Something has happened to my memory: I remember everything that was not with me...”

Question: “Why are you standing there, swaying, Thin Rowan?

Answer: “And we are rocked and rocked by the sea wave”

Question: “You come home, and at home they ask: Where did you walk, where were you?” “Answer: “And the dark-skinned Moldavian woman answered the guy in harmony: Moldavian partisan We are gathering a detachment...”


Presenter: As expected, at the end of each lesson we sum up the results. Today we have an unusual summary, we will reward teachers for achievements achieved in the past academic year.

So our meeting has come to an end. Our dear, dear teachers! Let me say “thank you” for your dedicated work, for your spiritual generosity, for the warmth of your heart given to your students.

A person forgets a lot, a lot is erased from his memory over time. Years pass, memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of your favorite teachers is timeless.

Teacher's Heart... Well, what can you compare it with?

With a cosmic Galaxy that has no boundaries?

Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?

With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?

No, we won't compare! And we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher's Heart - HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE!

Festive concert


Location: Veterans House

Progress of the event

  • Music from the program “With all my heart” is playing.

Leading : Good afternoon dear friends! Our meeting today is not accidental. Every year on December 3, the Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated all over the world. This date is a noble occasion to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities living among us, a reminder that we are obliged to help and be concerned about the fate of those who, for some reason, cannot do without constant support. Today, we invite you to plunge into an atmosphere of joy, magic and fun! Young artists from children's associations of the Sovetsky Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth will perform for you. They will show their skills and give you good mood. Performing in front of you is a great event for them, joyful and very responsible. After all, they definitely want to please you. The guys have prepared the most beautiful dances for you, the most best songs, poems, and most importantly, they want to give you the warmth of their hearts, their love, respect and endless gratitude to the older generation. Please accept our creative gift, albeit modest, but with all your heart.

  • Exemplary ensemble of the folk song “Zaryanka” “Our Scarlet Flower”.

Presenter: Where does the Flute Sound come from?

From the air.

But I'm in it all the time -

And nothing.

Find your place, and the air will be surprised that you exist.

Yu. Kononenko

  • Number performed by Lyubov Dmitrievna Tormyshova, Valentina Ivanovna Gordeeva and Lidia Fedorovna Roldugina.

Presenter: Dear Lyubov Dmitrievna, Valentina Ivanovna and Lydia Fedorovna , We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! Be healthy, cheerful and as cheerful as you are now. And I would like to ask you a question: Do you remember how you came to engage in creativity - singing in a choir?

  • Answer

Leading : Thank you very much for such a sincere answer. And you have a gift from the young artists - a dance performed by the soloist of the exemplary folk dance ensemble "Rus" Daria Sukhinina "Kupchikha".

  • Dance "Merchant's Wife", Daria Sukhinina.

Presenter: Many will agree with me that “there are no uninteresting people in the world.” Every person is a great mystery, it is a whole volume if you only know how to read it. So interesting, loving their profession, areRimma Nikolaevna Kargina And Antonina Vasilievna Ponomareva, which, After graduating from pedagogical school, they devoted their entire lives to working with children. These are incredibly kind and sympathetic people, wonderful teachers who will always reassure and give advice to their former students. And here I would like to ask you a question: “Please tell mehow it all began? Why did you decide to devote yourself to working with children?” Please,Rimma Nikolaevna, Antonina Vasilievna! Pay attention to this vase - it was made by the hands of Antonina Vasilyevna. Is this your hobby?

  • Answers Rimma Nikolaevna Kargina and Antonina Vasilievna Ponomareva

Leading : We congratulate you on the holiday and a creative gift from the soloist of the folk song ensemble “Zaryanka” Valeria Skomorokhova “I sowed Lenka”.

  • “I sowed Lenka” Skomorokhov Valery.

Presenter: The people we will talk about now aredespite the fact that they have limited opportunities health, lead an active social life. These wonderful women are very talented and were able to realize their creativity in singing, for which they were repeatedly awarded with Certificates of Honor and letters of gratitude. Dear Valentina Vasilievna Varlamova And Nina Gerasimovna LunevaCongratulations on your holiday! Always remain as sweet, kind and cheerful! A Valentina Vasilievnaprepared a poem. Over to you!

  • Poem performed by Valentina Vasilievna Varlamova.

Leading: And now I want to say kind words aboutSvetlana Filippovna Zasimovich and Nina Dmitrievna Yurova.Despite the fact that they worked in different fields of activity, they have one thing in common - a love for artistic creativity. Svetlana Filippovna paints paintings made in various techniques, and Nina Dmitrievna is fond of embroidery. The works can be seen on stands in this hall. With their art they try to awaken pure and kind feelings in people, allowing them to maintain good spirits, joy of life and good health. Over to you, our dear Svetlana Filippovna and Nina Dmitrievna!

  • “Sailor Dance”, Yulia Chuprakova, folk dance ensemble “Rus”

Leading: Once again you are convinced that the older generation is wisdom, talent and mood. You can surprise many people. Today many warm words were addressed to you. We thank you for your patience, affection and great life experience, golden hands and kind hearts! Daria Sukhinina performs for you.

  • Robert Rozhdestvensky “The Ballad of Anti-Aircraft Gunners” performed by Daria Sukhinina.
  • Exemplary ensemble of the folk song "Zaryanka" "Autumn Nights".

Leading: How quickly time flew by! It always flies quickly when you communicate with people dear to you. Our creative concert is coming to an end. But we are not saying goodbye to you, because we still have many meetings ahead. On this day we wish you all the best! You brought through the difficulties of life what your grandchildren and children so lack - hope for the best. Only you help us, even in the most difficult times, to live and enjoy life, teach us optimism and perseverance. Let happiness not leave your home! Goodbye! See you again!


evening “With all my heart” dedicated to the Day of the Elderly

The music is playing - the intro for the program “With all my heart”

1 presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you in this hall at the evening “With all my heart”, dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

2 presenter: We are very pleased to introduce veterans pedagogical work, home front workers, children of war present at our holiday: ...

Representation of veterans.

1 presenter: Agree, there is a surprisingly good atmosphere in our hall today...

2 presenter: You can't argue with that. It seems to me that the whole point is that today wonderful people have gathered here with us, who devoted their entire lives to peaceful and military work and school.

1 presenter:

Probably someone needed it

Probably, it was God's will

To honor deserving people

Not secretly, but like this, publicly.

So that from different ends of Lipetsk

Gather everyone here for a meeting,

You, sympathetic ones, in the life of lovers,

You, marked in different ways in life.

2 presenter: “The owner of the house is the owner,” says a Russian folk proverb. So our school stands thanks to the efforts of our director.The word of greeting is given to the school director...

Speech by the school principal .

1 presenter: An uninterrupted connection between generations is the secret thread that connects today with yesterday, with our past. What is the past? This is not only a list of individual events that occurred at one time or another. These are, first of all, people.

Music is playing. The readers take the stage.

1 reader: When we tear out the pages of memory from ourselves, the exploits of past heroes will decay with time - we will drown our hearts in the dank slush, we will be dirtier than the dirt that spread under our feet.

Reader 2: When we forget how many lives were shed, how death played funerals in lotto, how courage looked that death in the eye, then we will become like a reed - brittle.

Reader 3: When we are unable to remember our mother’s tears, how the widows clothed themselves with grief, how the bread stale over the edges with torn pain, we will accept that we are ready for soullessness.

Reader 4: When we forget about the gray hair in the locks of youth, which screamed into the leaden embrace, about the cross that was given to her to bear, what good will be our holy crucifixes?

Reader 5: When we don’t remember either the names or faces of the soldiers who grew into the stones with a spirit stronger than the fortress, who broke the stranglehold of the blockades with their teeth, then what values ​​will govern us?

Reader 6: When we have buried in the catacombs of our memory those who embraced the earth with crimson dew, and how the earth later patched up those wounds, will we ourselves be worthy of being remembered?

Dramatization of the song “Cranes”

1 presenter:

When the ground froze with blood,
When our common home was burning,
Victory to the home front workers
They forged with righteous labor.
When fascism's body was torn
Fathers, husbands and sons,
In the rear it seethed and seethed -
My Motherland worked.
Women's shoulders have become stronger,
The children grew up before our eyes.
The blast furnaces were burning,
Rye was heading in the fields.

2 presenter: Our guest is P. Praskovya Yakovlevna, who has been in constant contact with our school for many years. Praskovya Yakovlevna had to go through a lot during the Great Patriotic War. She is a home front worker.And also a truly creative person.

1 presenter: Dear Praskovya Yakovlevna,It is with great pleasure that we give you the floor.

Speech by a veteran. Performance of the song “Lipetsk is my native city” and the poem “About a bun”.

2 presenter:

Your work has brought the hour of Victory closer,
Gave people joy and peace,
And at the fronts there are fathers and grandfathers
Our native land was protected.

TodayWe say thank you to those who devoted all their strength to their people, who are still making a great contribution to the education of the younger generation.

1 presenter: Thank you very much for finding the strength and time to be with us today!I bow to you for your courage, for your enormous work, for your faith and love of life. A song is sung in your honor.

There's a song playing “You survived, soldier...” .

1 presenter: Dear veterans!We have always followed your example. And what a pity that many veterans have alreadyno with us today. We invite you to honor the memory of those who did not return from the war and those who did not live to see today, a minute of silence.

A minute of silence. Metronome.

2 presenter:

We are grateful to you for the past years,
For the fact that you, in spite of everyone,
Having overcome all storms and adversity,
You laugh so cheerfully and lightly.

Thank you for your concern.
You are our vanguard and reliable rear.
Your character, friends, is of such a quality,
That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,
Because you don’t want to become limp.
Thank you for the wisdom of the good songs,
It’s more fun to walk through life with them!

We bow our heads to you with respect.
We could still write poems for you.
Because you live next to us,
We tell you with all our hearts...

Together: Thank you!

1 presenter: We did not know war - and thank God! But we will remember and be proud, passing on our memory from generation to generation!

2 presenter: School No. 45 in Lipetsk is named after the Hero Soviet Union Papin Pavel Andreevich. The younger generation is brought up on the hero's feat.

1 presenter: It is very important for us that the graduates of our school, born many years after the Great Patriotic War, inherit the heroic traditions of their fathers and grandfathers, the readiness for heroism, for self-sacrifice in the name of other people, in the name of our great Motherland - Russia.

2 presenter:

Sing about Russia -
What to strive for in the Temple
Through forested mountains, field carpets...
To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,
What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...
To sing about Russia is to forget the melancholy,
What a dream to love, what to be immortal...

The song “Oh, my Russia...” plays.

1 presenter:

On the third front, standing up proudly,

On the front of study, on the front of books -

A teacher is equal to a hero soldier,

The same fearless front-line soldier.

2 presenter: Teacher! How and with what to measure his hard work? Every teacher is dedicated to the school and the children. We have special respect for teachers - veterans of teaching work.

1 presenter:

Lesson, change and lesson again,

First call and last call.

And between them all life lay,

Which was often difficult and alarming.

Teacher's work is not easy, by no means,

And a worthy and righteous path has been chosen,

After all, if you come to school one day,

You won’t turn off this road anymore.

(Intro for the program “With all my heart”)

2 presenter: The teacher we are talking about now chose the path for himself many years ago and never once doubted the correctness of his choice.This is K. Galina Nikolaevna. This teacher's whole life is dedicated to school. In addition to his main work, G.N. She is also a public inspector for the protection of children's rights. For great success in teaching and educating the younger generation G.N. awarded the title of Honored Teacher of Russia.

1 presenter: We give the floor to Galina Nikolaevna.

Teacher's speech.

2 presenter: Galina Nikolaevna, please accept our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts for your noble many years of work.

1 presenter: Dmitry Mendeleev once said that all the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.

2 presenter: And they say what goes around comes around!

1 presenter: Well, let's see what fruits the seeds nurtured by our teachers bore.

Creative performance from young teachers.

Screensaver for the program “With all my heart.”

1 presenter: INIn our school, in the world of knowledge and creativity, where for 50 years the eyes have been shining and the smiles of children have been shining, there are still luminaries and creators!

2 presenter: S. Raisa Nikolaevna is well known to education workers in the city of Lipetsk. This is a man whose biography reflects the difficult fate of the children of the war, important milestones in the history of our Fatherland. Raisa Nikolaevna faced many trials in life: early orphanhood, an orphanage... The little orphan girl grew up, overcame all difficulties, and formed herself as an integral person. And for the rest of her life she remained “grateful to the Motherland,” which, in her words, “raised and educated.”

1 presenter: Gyears of study at the Penza Technical School physical culture, work as a teacher in kindergarten, a teacher at school, a counselor in pioneer camps, work as an organizer of pioneer, mass and circle work in the Houses of Pioneers of the Penza and Lipetsk regions, head of the school sector of the Belinsky district committee of the Komsomol of the Penza region...

2 presenter: Raisa Nikolaevna moved to Lipetsk in 1972. And our city became home to her.

For many years, the main focus of Raisa Nikolaevna’s educational activities has been in the area of ​​preventing children’s road traffic injuries. As a freelance employee of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, she devoted many years to work on organizing road safety, the activities of the Union of Legal Inspectors in Lipetsk, and the “Jolly Traffic Light” club at our school. Awarded medals, badges of honor, Certificates of honor, Letters of gratitude, by which you can study the history of our country.

1 presenter: Throughout her life, Raisa Nikolaevna has been involved in charity work. For many years of monetary contributions to the Soviet Peace Fund, which at one time was aptly called “the people’s piggy bank for the good of the world,” to the Soviet Children’s Fund, Raisa Nikolaevna was awarded Letters of Gratitude. To this day, she provides selfless assistance to orphanages, seriously ill children, large families. Day after day, year after year, this marathon of good continues.

This man has so much youthful enthusiasm, unspent energy, a desire to benefit people, his hometown, to be needed and in demand.

1 presenter: The energy of this amazing woman is worth envying.Social activities, veterans' choir...As she herself says, “old age will not find her at home.”

2 presenter: Raisa Nikolaevna also writes poetry and has published several collections of poetry. Dear friends, let's welcome the author.

Raisa Nikolaevna reads his poems.

(Intro for the program “With all my heart”)

1 presenter:

Yes, life is given to us only once.

We have the right to value it.

But still, what is more important is not only how much,

And how were they able to live it!

2 presenter: You know, when you look at people like Raisa Nikolaevna, and at you, dear veterans, I somehow can’t bring myself to call you elderly people. You are young at heart! And this is the most important thing!

1 presenter (sets questions for veterans):

    What is the main character quality that you value in people?

    What do you not accept in people?

    Do you have any shortcomings? How do you fight them?

    How do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobby.

    If you feel bad, how do you cope with this mood?

1 presenter: I understand: the secret of your youth is optimism and hard work.

2 presenter: Dear guests, for some you are beloved grandparents.And now I appeal to all the guys: love and appreciate your grandparents. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are the people who gave life to our parents, who endured difficult life trials on their shoulders and survived them.

1 presenter: For you, dear guests, ditties sound.

Students perform ditties.


    Well, girlfriend, you're sad,

Did you hang your head?

Listen to these ditties -

It'll be fun right away.

    On my sundress
    Cockerels and cockerels,
    There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world
    My dear grandmother!

    Oh yes my grandmother
    Oh, yes, combat:
    Knows so many jokes
    I don't know how much!

    And my granny
    The most entertaining one.
    If he laughs -
    The sun shines brighter.

    I took after my grandmother,
    Cheerful and daring:
    I with my snub nose
    I spent two dozen.

    The old woman says to her grandfather:
    - I'll go to America!
    - Go, I'll give you money:
    I'll sell your crutches.

    Nowadays it is not new:
    Grandma bends her back in the field,
    And the grandson is standing in the market -
    Sells cigarettes.

    Smoky pots
    Julia cleaned with sand.
    Two hours in Yulya's trough
    Grandma washed it afterwards.

    Grandma peeled potatoes
    Grandfather sang songs on the roof.
    Grandma whistled a little -
    Grandfather flew into the chicken coop.

    Two old women, without teeth,
    We talked about love:
    - You and I are in love:
    I go for sour cream, you go for pancakes.

    Grandfather to his grandmother
    Wrapped in a rag
    I poured water on her,
    I wanted to make it young.

12. We stop singing ditties
And we honestly promise you:
Always listen to you in everything.
Morning, evening and afternoon!

2 presenter: Do you knowgrandparents love their grandchildren and granddaughters very much, oftenare their best friends.

1 presenter: But sometimes they forget that they can’t do everything for them, as in our skit.

Scene “Grandmothers and grandchildren” (2 old ladies)
1. Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?
2. What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet.
1. What lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school!
2. Yesss? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren.
1. Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.
2. Really? Is this how you spoil them?
1. I don't spoil! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out for me.
2. Oh, really, strictly.
1. So if you need anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.
2. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm - hm... “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; golden chain on that oak tree..."
1. Okay, okay.
2. Both day and night the dog is a scientist...
1. What kind of dog? What dog?
2. Well, I don't know what breed he is.
1. It’s not a dog, but a scientist cat, do you understand? Cat!
2. Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! Then I first: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night, the cat is a scientist..."
1. Well?
2. He goes to the grocery store with a string bag….
1. With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?
2. Oh, what are you, my friend! I still have so many lessons, I got everything mixed up.
1. Do you think that if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?
2. She has already been named.
1. How?
2. Count! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their homework.

2 presenter: This scene is, of course, a joke. And we say thank you to our wonderful grandparents for a happy childhood.

The song “Island of Childhood” is playing.

Screensaver for the program “With all my heart.”

1 presenter:

Elderly people

Young at heart,
How much have you seen?
You are paths, dear.

Loved dearly
And raised children
And they lived in hope:
Less worries!

2 presenter:

Elderly people
Mother Russia
I didn't spoil you
An easy fate.

May God give you peace,
So that over the river
The sun was shining
The dome is blue.

1 presenter:
Elderly people
You are like this in everything:
You give your soul
Experience and love

Dear home,
To the young world
And to everything that is heart
Remembers again.

2 presenter:

Elderly people
May the years be gone
They will be your support,
Children will understand everything.

And bow to you deeply
From family and friends
And from the entire Fatherland
For priceless work!

1 presenter: So our meeting has come to an end. I would like to sincerely thank all its participants. Wish further creative success, health, happiness, never grow old in soul.

2 presenter: Today we honor people without whom our own existence would not be possible. They convey to us the foundations of life experience and wisdom on which every family and country rests.

1 presenter: It is no coincidence that the Russian proverb states:“Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.”

2 presenter:

One cannot but agree with these words.
We are bound by one fate,
One fate, one blood.
Descendants will become you and me
Hope, faith and love.
And your spirit, continuing to live,
It will flow into grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
And it will never end
The connecting thread of centuries.

1 presenter:

And let a smile light up your face,
Tell your age – don’t rush!
We wish you to be happy,
We wish this...

Together: Heartily!

Music is playing. Children present flowers to veterans.

Scenario for the evening with all my heart “The Age of Falling Leaves” - page No. 1/1

Scenario of the evening with all my heart “The Age of Leaf Fall”,

dedicated to the Day of the Elderly
Light music plays before the start.

Fanfare sounds

The years fly by, you can’t keep up with them -

The clock is rushing, changing day after day...
But I know I won’t stop being surprised
Meanwhile, we are calling for autumn.

Everything in him is high, wise and beautiful:

And the gold of the foliage and the purity of the snow.
In him the wisdom of mature years will suddenly call out,
Gray hair brightens in crafty mirrors...

October is a rainy month expecting snow

The result of work, love, cheerful summer days
As a sign of respect for human life
The holiday of elderly people gives us.

  1. AT "Inspiration", director. Z. Zigangirova

Good evening, our most dear and honored guests! IN autumn calendar There is an unusual date when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people. This day is called INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ELDERLY PERSONS.

There are still ongoing debates about how to treat this holiday. Is there a limit beyond which a person becomes elderly? After all, age is not a criterion at all, but a measure of experience.

Look at the faces of everyone present in this room! There is so much light, joy, energy, kindness in them! I somehow don’t want to call today the day of the elderly... let it be the day of wise people, or rather the holiday of wise people. Happy Holidays to you, our beloved grandparents, the guardians of the hearth of every home, because every family rests on the love and memory of the older generation.

Dear friends! The most tender, warm wishes are heard today only in your honor. The deputy head of the Langepas city administration is invited to the stage - Ivan Semenovich Zhidenko

And let our next musical gift performed by Gennady Khlystov give a sense of celebration.

  1. Gennady Khlystov
Presenter: Each time has its own joys, its own colors. Spring pleases with the first greenery and freshness, and winter with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Autumn pleases us with its generosity, summer with an abundance of colors and flowers. Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the age-specific “seasons” of our lives are also unique.

In the life of each of you, as in nature, there are 4 seasons: winter - snow-white childhood, spring - talkative youth, summer - exuberant flowering of energy, autumn - rich and wise. So may your golden autumn of life give us all the wisdom of the soul, the wealth of life experience and the unfading warmth of your hearts.

This day became another reason to say kind and warm words to the older generation, to thank them for everything they have done for all of us.

Dear friends, please accept the following congratulations, the Head of the Department is invited to the microphone social protection population in Langepas and Pokachi - Irina Ivanovna Drobova


Our dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, today all congratulations, musical gifts and many surprises are just for you. A tea table has been organized for you, come, pour some tea, and help yourself. And if anyone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there they will offer you everything your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate. And we will try to make this evening bright, interesting and memorable for you. Our dears, please accept the next musical gift

  1. "Lonely accordion" Spanish. VA "Kupavushka"

  2. "White chamomile" Spanish. VA "Kupavushka"

Presenter: People with different destinies, characters, and different life circumstances have gathered in this hall today. Everyone present in this room has their own “song” of life, their own life experience, sometimes very difficult and heroic. One wise man said: “Youth is like a lark that has its morning songs. Old age is like a nightingale; it has its own evening songs.” Therefore, every age is good in its own way. What do you think, what kind of elderly man is he?
Auction of the word “ELDERLY”

  1. sl. Vienna's poem "Beggar" in Spanish. Galina Eremenko

  2. vocal group “Sibiryachki”, director. A. Kozlyuk

Presenter: And we continue our evening, continue to congratulate all the people dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. People without whom our own existence would be impossible.

Our dears, to your talents, enthusiasm, optimism, your good mood I can only be envious, please tell me how you manage to look so good? Share your secrets with us, discover the recipe for your youth.

How do you manage to look so good?

How do you always manage to stay in shape?

Maybe there is some kind of cocktail - the elixir of youth.

And one more component of the recipe for youth, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and this has been scientifically proven. For such people, the motto is: “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails.”

Who can tell us how to make life more fun?

What do you do when you're sad?

Tell me funny joke so that we can all laugh together and prolong our lives.

And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance.

And I, in turn, want to wish you, live by the motto: “you can grow to be a hundred years old without getting old.” I wish you health, prosperity and attention. Please accept the following congratulations.

  1. “Let's straighten our tired backs” Spanish. Tamara Agalakova

  2. AT "Inspiration"

  3. "White Gardens" Spanish Anna Kuzminich and Lidia Kuzminova

Presenter: Every summer, according to tradition, we gladly go to visit our grandmother in the village. Well, you understand Fresh air, cucumbers from the garden, grandma’s favorite pies and shangi, games, dancing until the morning, and, of course, grandma’s excessive care, guardianship, attention...
Humorous theatrical production “Morning in the Village at Grandmother’s”

(Spanish: M. Miller, I. Shcherbak, A. Litvinenko, S. Gazaliev, V. Prokopovich)

  1. “The sky in half” Spanish. Ulyana Korobeynikova and Sazida Galimov

  2. "Naughty girl" Spanish Galina Kim

Presenter: Your life is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's take a little break and remember, if not everything, but a lot: what was created, what was sung.

I think it’s time for you and me to sing, but we will sing for a reason, but first we will need to guess the song from a few words. Whoever guesses the answer begins to sing a song.

  1. Clouds – violin – river – smile
(And then, for sure, the clouds will suddenly dance, And the grasshopper will begin to play the violin. The river begins with a blue stream, Well, friendship begins with a smile)

  1. Wizard – helicopter – cinema – congratulates – popsicle
(Suddenly a wizard will fly in in a blue helicopter, And show me a movie for free. Happy birthday, And probably give me 500 popsicles as a gift)

  1. Grasshopper - cucumber - was
(There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass, I saw a grasshopper in the grass, Just like a cucumber, it was green.)

  1. Grandmothers - geese ( Grandma lived with two cheerful geese, One was white, the other was gray, My geese are geese.)

  2. Dogs - neighbor - fights - no
(If you don't have a dog, It won't be poisoned by a neighbor, And there won't be a fight with a friend, If you, if you, if you don't have a friend, don't have a friend.)

  1. Rustle - mornings - roads - evenings (Not even a rustle can be heard in the garden, Everything here is frozen until the morning. If only you knew how dear Moscow evenings are to me.)

  2. My – with myself – distant – wife (My dear, take me with you! There, in a distant land, I will be your wife.)

  3. Airplane - save - sings - taiga
(And you, airplane flying into the distance, keep it in your heart... Under the wing of the airplane, the Green Sea of ​​the taiga is singing about something.)

  1. Hid - buttercups - words - love - love
(The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped, When I froze from the bitter words: Why do you girls love beautiful people, Their love is fickle.)

  1. Will entice - surprise - intoxicate - sober up
(A sweet berry will lure you into the forest, surprise you with its generous ripeness. A sweet berry will intoxicate you, a bitter berry will sober you up.)

  1. Bent - there was - a couple - until the morning
(The reeds rustled, the trees bent, and the night was dark. One beloved couple walked all night until the morning...)

  1. Otrada - tower - high - no one
(My joy lives in a high tower, and in that high tower no one can go)

  1. Floats - star - understands - forever
A lilac fog floats above us, a midnight star burns above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I am saying goodbye to the girl forever)

  1. Didn’t come - believed - bells - doors
(And you didn’t come today again, and I was waiting, hoping and believing that the bells would ring again and you would walk through the open doors)

  1. My - forest - with you (My dear, forest sun, where in what parts will I meet you)

  2. Sultan - female - surrounded (If I were a Sultan, I would have three wives. And I would be surrounded by triple beauty)

  3. Water – tin – swamp
(I’m a merman, I’m a merman, no one hangs out with me. And my life is a tin, well, it’s in the swamp...)
Presenter: The leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes into a state of peace and tranquility. It is probably no coincidence that your holiday fell at such a time - the peak of the golden autumn. After all, there comes a time in people’s lives when the stormy years of spring and youth are left a little behind.

Tell me, please, are there people born in autumn in the hall? (September October November)

Competition "Magic Bag"(tasks to music)
Presenter: We congratulate everyone who has already had a birthday and those who are yet to celebrate it. We wish you good health, happiness, enthusiasm and always remain so young, cheerful and active. Please accept your next musical gift.

  1. "Hostess" Spanish Male ensemble "Orpheus"

Presenter: The age of wisdom. For some reason it seems to me that this is the same as the wisdom of nature. What precise wise customs and rituals were preserved by our grandparents. Many of them live to this day, and many are a thing of the past.

Tell me, please, is there any tradition in your family that you observe?

Family celebration?

What holidays do you celebrate with your whole family?
Presenter: What a wonderful hairstyle you have.

Do you remember what hairstyles you wore when you were young? What were they called?

And although there was probably little time left for rest, you were probably still interested in fashion.

What styles of dresses did you make?

What color was in fashion?

What style of trousers was in fashion?

Did you wear hats? Which?

What kind of dances did you dance?

Presenter: Now I suggest you play the dance daisy game and remember all the dances that you just listed for me.
Dancing daisy
Presenter: I just want to tell you a lot more kind words: fighting, perky, wise, experienced, cheerful, beautiful, our dancing! Thank you.

And I remind you that a tea table has been organized for you, come, pour some tea, and help yourself. And if anyone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there they will offer you everything your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate.

12. “Maple blossoms” Spanish. Anna Kuzminich
Presenter: I think that each of you has favorite old films. We can talk a lot about films. And how many favorite, so-called “catchphrases” there are in these films? I suggest you remember them. I say a phrase, and you name the movie.

Auction “Catchphrases”

They'll screw you, but don't steal - "Beware of the car"

And you will be cured... - “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

To live well! A good life is even better! – “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome - “The Diamond Arm”

Stole, drank - go to jail! Romance! - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

I demand that the banquet continue! – “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

Announce the whole list, please! – “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik”

It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - and the second shift - “Big change”

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! "The Diamond Arm"

Beauty is a terrible power! - "Spring"

Lepota!.. – “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

Down with prejudices! A woman is also a person! - "White Sun of the Desert"

Yes, because without water - neither here nor there! – “Volga, Volga”

You shouldn't sit there, there won't be any apartments until next spring! – “Girls”

Hey citizen! Don't go there, go here! The snow will hit your head... – “Gentlemen of Fortune”

Everybody dance! - “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

Found good people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up... - “The irony of fate...”

Komsomol member, athlete and simply beautiful! – “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Today, all the ladies present are, well, just karsavits, aren’t they, men? And it is the next musical composition that is dedicated to you, dear women.

13. “Rowan” Spanish. Lyudmila Skochilova
Presenter: In the 50-60s it is created a large number of musical comedy films. The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.

Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds.

Auction “Winged Songs”

And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”

In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble - “The Diamond Hand”

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - “Iv.Vas”

I don’t know when spring will come - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”

Somewhere in this world - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Your Honor, Lady Separation – “White Sun of the Desert”

What were you like - “Kuban Cossacks”

If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"

Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - “It happened in Penkovo”

Fatigue is forgotten - “New Adventures of the Elusive”

I met Marusya on the river sand - “Wedding in Malinovka”

In pink stockings, waist - in a corset!

14. “Like 1000 years ago” Spanish. Nadezhda Prigoda

15. “______________” Spanish. Tamar Eliseeva

Presenter: A person who has already lived and seen a lot will always give the right advice. And the more a person lives, the more he knows and can do. These are our grandparents. They are wise people among us. And they are also very modern...
Humorous theatrical production “Like Grandmothers” We were going to the disco"(Spanish M. Miller, I. Shcherbak)

And let a smile light up your face,

Tell your age – don’t rush!
We wish everyone happiness and health,
We wish this with all our hearts!

Our dears, we invite you to the disco. I remind you, if you want something stronger, there is a bar on the second floor.

Retro disco 60s-70s.

Scene No. 1 “Grandmothers to the disco”
Retro music playing

Two grandmas come out

  1. Natasha! Natasha!

  2. What?!What?! I don't hear anything!

  1. If you can't hear, put on a hearing aid.

  2. What to wear? What to wear?

  1. As if you've had anything else to wear for the last 20 years. Hearing aid or jaw.

  2. Can not hear anything. I'll go put on my hearing aid.

  1. Well, get dressed. Do you hear?

  2. Yes. I hear you.

  1. Why dressed up?

  2. I was going to the disco.

  1. Where?

  2. I was going to the disco.

  1. Nowhere will you go.

  2. But Mom! (pause)

  1. I have been a mother for 106 years!

  2. But Mom!

  1. Well, where are you dressed up? Natasha! Where did you dress up? Well, look, the skirt somehow covers my ankles.

  2. Well, look at you, you’ve used up all the beets at home.

  1. What are we going to make soup with? Something about your lips.

  2. Mom, why did I go to salons for 2 weeks in vain?!

  1. Which salons?!

  2. By bus. I'm a conductor. I collected money for the dance.

  1. Wow, I was really scared.

  2. But Mom!

  1. You won't go, I said.

  2. She probably went to the dance herself

  1. I went. Once.

  2. Well, at least tell me how it is.

  1. Well, what, what to tell. I went once and here I am (shows) You! Well, you guys still can’t hold back. Go.

  2. Thank you mommy (leans in to kiss)

  1. Don't scratch me with your destruction. Let's go.

  2. Mommy, can I wear your shawl?

  1. Why do you need a shawl?

  2. We're having a Halloween themed party today.

  1. "Halloween"?

  1. Then go naked. (pause) And don't wear your jaw. You will be the worst.

  2. Okay, I'm off, mommy ( passes by)

  1. Where did you put my red shoes on?

  2. Beautiful!?

  1. So I took care of these shoes. To the funeral.

  2. Whose funeral?

  1. Whose before! I put on my favorite slippers.

  2. Well, I'm careful. I won't strip dance.

  1. What are they dancing to now?

  2. Right now we're mostly hanging out listening to Trendenhouse. (shows).

  1. Yeah. And there are wind instruments.

  2. No brass no.

  1. It’s time for you, Natasha, to get used to the wind instruments.

  2. Okay mom, I'm going (with shawl)

  1. You, Natasha, don’t catch a car on the road.

  2. What is this?!

  1. Well, they'll catch you and take you away (pause) to the sauna. You'll be cleaning there for a month.

  2. Okay mom, I’m not alone, I’m going with Petka.

  1. With Petka? Who doesn’t know your Petenka, he hasn’t worked anywhere for 20 years. He is retired. Parasite. Natasha come here. I'll tell you what.

  2. What, mommy!

  1. He's no match for you.

  2. What?

  1. Well, he's old. You are a young girl, I still have 2 teeth. How will you get back?

  2. So this is Petka on wheels.

  1. Yes, I know that it is on wheels.

  2. By car, mommy, we'll get there with the breeze.

  1. On what car?

  2. On the ambulance!

  1. You can go now.

  2. Let's go.

  1. Stop!

  2. What!

  1. Go!

  2. Let's go!

  1. Stand

  2. What!

  1. I won’t let you go alone, I’ll go with you.

  2. Why are you mom, this is a youth party, why are you a little crazy or something?

  1. I won’t point a little sou. Let's go together, I took the yarn, I won't be bored.
Music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Scene No. 2 “Igor”
Everyone is sleeping in the dark

The grandmother comes out and looks at her watch.
B: 5.20 already. It's morning outside. It's not visible.

Misha (grandson): Grandma, let me sleep.

B: Misha, misha, why aren’t you sleeping?

Misha: I'm sleeping grandma.

B: Mm. Well, sleep, sleep.( comes to the sofa and sees a cat) Oh Barsik, (strokes) Barsik, badger, badger, badger is a good cat. Barsik, badger, do you want to eat? Why are you silent? Barsik!

Edik (grandson): Barsik, answer her something already.

B: Edik, Edik!

Edik: What about grandma?

B: What lesson are you going to?

Edik: To the second. Baba, let me sleep.

B: Sleep, sleep. Misha, Miisha.

Misha: Mm?!

B: Edik and I didn’t bother you

Misha: No!

B: What about Barsik?

B: Misha, should I make some pancakes?

Misha: No, grandma, you’ll make noise with the mixer.

B: I won’t make any noise with the mixer, like I’m some kind of catechumen (takes a pan and starts stirring it)

Misha: Grandma, I don’t need pancakes. You're making noise.

B: I don’t use a mixer. What will you do?

Misha: I don’t want anything.

B: Will you have a chop?

Misha: No, I don’t want to.

B: What are you going to do?
Igor: Misha, DO NOT talk to grandma.

B: Igor! Igor! Igor! Igor! Oh my God. Igor! Igor! (picks up the phone) Hello ambulance, a man is feeling bad, I call him, he doesn’t respond. Maybe it's a lethargic dream.

Igor: Well, what?

B: That's better, sorry. (hangs up) Igor! Igor!

Igor: What, what?

B: Are you day or night today?

Igor: I'm in the morning! Why did you jump up so early, mom, lie down, sleep a little more. ( lies down next to him) Well, don't lie down with me. My God.

Ring-vibrate cell phone

B: What is this? Someone's phone! He's kicking! Whose phone is it, is someone’s phone blinking? Whose phone number?

Daughter: Mom, it’s on silent on purpose so as not to disturb anyone.

B: Are you crazy, you’ll wake everyone up with your ass. ( hands over the phone)

Turn it off, I’m also completely out of my mind, or what?

Call tel. Home
B: Why is this city guy calling? Yes? The city is calling! Who cares? Grandfather? So they can’t call him; he’s been gone for a long time. The last time he was called was 37. Who are they calling? Maybe they're calling me?

Igor: Yes to you! Who else gets calls at five o'clock in the morning?

B: Eeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hello, who are you calling? To me? Are you Valya? Why did you get up so early?

Oh, haven't you gone to bed yet? I won’t congratulate you on March 8th. Because you still have the 7th. Hey, call me if anything happens, call me if anything happens (yells) call, I say. Call at any time, even in 5 minutes. You won't wake anyone up (yells) You won’t wake anyone up, I say. That's the deaf woman who called! Unclear (takes a bag of garbage and begins to crush it). We need trash...

Daughter: Mom, let me sleep!

B: Marinka, you’ve littered here! We need to clean everything up! (to all) What will you pancakes with? With condensed milk? With raspberries? With gooseberries?

Daughter: Yes, with gooseberries, gooseberries.

B: Igoor, get up, go to the garage for some gooseberries. Igor, igor, igor, igor, igor

Misha stood up

B: Misha, where did you jump?

Misha: To the garage for gooseberries.

Edik: Mish, you are a hero, we will never forget you.

B: Here are the keys to the garage, a sled, money for the train to the garage. You can throw the trash out of the train window along the way. You are an eye opener ...(Misha leaves)

Igor: And take your grandmother with you.

B: Igor, Igor, I can’t go to the garage, I’ll make pancakes in a minute. I'll fry pancakes for you. And what if I fry, they will make squawks and wake everyone up. I'd rather heat yesterday's pancakes in the microwave. ( timer sound)

Alarm clock

B: Igor, Igor, Igor, get up. Igor wake up Marinka, Marinka wake up Edik, Edik wake up Barsik. Barsik sleep. Everyone get up, get up.

Edik: Let's get up, grandma.

B: Is grandma good? We got some sleep.

Igor: Yeah, we slept until 5.20.

B: Let's get up, while the pancakes are warm, eat. In the meantime, I’ll lie down, otherwise I’ve been tormented with your pancakes all morning. Oh good.

Music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Holiday script, dedicated to the Day elderly person

The melody “Nature has no bad weather” sounds

Ved: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we honor people without whom our existence would not be possible. These are the pillars of life experience and wisdom on which every family rests. These are the guardians of the hearth of every home.

And let autumn walk in the yard,

And the world turned the page of the century

How nice it is to have it on the calendar

Older Person's Day

We wish the older generation respect for loved ones, health, and long life. Happy holiday!

Dear grandparents! We came to congratulate you, your grandchildren and grandchildren. Meet them!


Ved: There are many millions of us on the planet!

But on today's day we are talking about you -

We are your grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children, -

Your holiday is a holiday for us too!

Be healthy, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

See doctors less often!

We dedicate poems to you today -

And we gave our hearts to you a long time ago!


Ved: You know, it’s somehow not very convenient for me to call you elderly people. You are young at heart, you have such spiritual, beautiful faces. Can we call you young people? Let's celebrate Young Man's Day today. Do you agree? (Pensioners happily agree.)We also want to look so beautiful. Share the secret of your youth.

(The presenter brings a microphone to everyone and the guests answer this question.Then you can ask questions)

1. If you feel bad, how do you cope with this mood?
2. What is the main quality of character that you value in people?
3. Do you have any weaknesses? How do you deal with this?

4. What's your favorite dish?
5. If guests come unexpectedly, what dish helps you out?
6. Share a funny incident that happened to you at work.
7. Tell us about your “hobby”.

Ved: I realized that the secret of your youth is optimism and hard work.


Who darns and knits everything?
Who will help and advise?
Always gets up before everyone else?
Who bakes pancakes?
In chorus: These are our grandmothers.

Ved: You can talk about your grandmother for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind and sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are the people who gave life to our parents, who bore on their shoulders the difficult trials of war, devastation, and famine and survived them.
Ved: Grandmothers, beloved ones, thank you, dear ones, for your care and love.

Ved: At our holiday there are wonderful grandfathers who love their grandchildren no less than their grandmothers. And the grandchildren, in turn, value their attention.

There is such a children's joke. The parents had no time, and Parent meeting Grandfather went. He arrived in a bad mood and immediately began to scold his grandson:
- Disgrace! It turns out that your history is full of bad marks! For example, I always got straight A's in this subject!
“Of course,” the grandson answered, “at the time when you were studying, the story was much shorter!”
We want, dear ones, to wish your story to continue as long as possible, so that your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will delight you...
So that you are more often pleased with the warm rays of the sun, and the rains are only warm, mushroom...


Ved: Flips through life's lived pages,
Their memory and heart will be preserved for a long time.
And the alluring lightning of past years
They always touch your soul sweetly.

Yes, our lives are running, the days are flying by. It makes my soul sad to think: “How long have you been young?” .

And now we will spend dating game.

(^ The presenter takes a tray on which there are pieces of paper with questions and addresses the grandparents.)

Take a sheet of paper with questions, introduce yourself and answer the questions.


1. How long have you lived in our city (town, village...)?
2. When and where did you go to 1st grade?
3. Which poem from school curriculum do you remember?
4. What event of your school childhood do you remember most?
5. What did you dream of as a child?
6. Your favorite jam.
7. Your favorite game.
8. What is your favorite activity?
9. What makes you happy about your grandson (granddaughter)?
10. What upsets you about your grandson (granddaughter)?

The passage of time is inexorable. In childhood, it seems to us that the years creep unbearably slowly, in youth they walk, in adulthood they already run, and now, alas, they fly. But it doesn’t matter that gray hair silvered his temples, and cobwebs of wrinkles lay near his eyes. The main thing is that you always remain young at heart and let a good song make you feel warmer.


Dear friends, it is no coincidence that we have gathered here. After all, at this meeting a golden reserve of wisdom, knowledge and experience was gathered. Communicating with you, our children, the future of our country, absorb only kindness, cordiality, life experience with which your eyes shine. We are very pleased to meet with you today, because your work is the key to the successful education of our younger generation. And looking at you, one can only kindly envy your optimism.


Let every day
What fate has brought
Brings joy with sunrise.
And a lucky star shines on you,
Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come.
We wish you success in all your endeavors,
And we are always glad to meet you!


Ved: Our meeting has come to an end. And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance.

Ved. I just want to tell you many more kind words: fighting, perky, wise, experienced, cheerful, thank you very much!