How to calculate man hours in 1s zoom. How to calculate man-hours. Information on the average number of employees

This is a unit of time recording that corresponds to one hour of work by one person. The term "man-hour" is used for:

  • planning working time for a particular job;
  • determining the number of workers required to perform a particular process;
  • filling out the statistical observation form P-4.

The calculation of man-hours is carried out by personnel department employees who know how to calculate the number of man-hours worked for the P-4 form. When calculating, only the time of actual labor is taken into account. Vacation, sick leave, and other paid or unpaid time during which work was not performed is not taken into account.

Calculation of man-hours: formula

HH = HH1 + HH2 + ... + HHn,

  • HH - total amount of time worked;
  • HH1 - how long the first employee worked;
  • HH2 - how much the second worked;
  • HHn - how much the nth person worked.

Formula for calculating man-hours per year

Sometimes it is necessary to determine indicators for the year. In this case, a similar formula is used, but with the difference that in it HH1, HH2 and HHn indicate how much each employee worked during the year. It is usually used to fill out statistical reports. For example, to calculate man-hours for 9 months of 2018 (when submitting quarterly statistical reporting) or calculate the number of man-hours worked since the beginning of the year for P-4.

The calculation of man-hours includes overtime, time spent on business trips by the employee, and also takes into account work on weekends or holidays.

The following do not need to be taken into account when calculating man-hours:

  • the period of illness of the employee on sick leave;
  • the time when the employee did not work for reasons that did not depend on him;
  • time annual leave;
  • reduced working hours;
  • the time when the employee improved his qualifications while away from work;
  • time of employees' participation in strikes;
  • other reasons for absence from work.

Example of calculating man-hours

Let’s say that a budget organization employs 10 people. Eight of them worked a full month with an 8-hour working day. There are 22 working days in a month. This means that each of these employees worked:

22 × 8 = 176 hours.

One person only worked 88 hours because he was on vacation for 11 days:

(22 - 11) × 8 = 88 hours.

And another person worked 180 hours, since 4 hours:

(22 × 8) + 4 = 180 hours.

Thus, the total result for all employees will be:

176 × 8 + 88 + 180 = 1676 man-hours.

What is a man-day

This is a unit of measurement of working time, corresponding to one working day of a person, regardless of the amount of time worked.

Man-days are used to calculate indicators such as:

  • days worked;
  • turnout;
  • no-shows;
  • all-day downtime.

The days worked in this case include:

  • days of actually being at work (performing one’s duties at the main workplace);
  • days spent in business trips;
  • days when, due to forced downtime, the employee is involved in other activities of the enterprise.

An all-day downtime is a period when an employee showed up for work, but was unable to begin work due to reasons beyond his control. For example, there were no materials, the equipment was faulty, there were no spare parts. Or if the employee was warned by the administration in advance about the current situation and therefore did not show up for work.

In order to obtain the overall turnout rate, it is necessary to sum up the days worked and all-day downtime.

Finally, no-shows in this calculation include:

  • all types of leaves (annual and educational);
  • periods of illness documented sick leave;
  • absences in connection with the performance of state and public duties, days of blood donation and other cases of absence from work permitted by law;
  • absence from the workplace in agreement with management without pay, for example, leave at your own expense;
  • , i.e. absence from work without good reasons.

Formula for calculating man-days

The calculation is quite simple. To determine this indicator, the following formula is used:

BH = ((Ch1 + Ch2 + ... + Chn) × KDM) / 8,

  • BH - the desired value;
  • Ch1, Ch2, Chn - how long each employee worked;
  • KDM - the number of calendar days in a month.

The company has an 8-hour working day.

There are 21 working days in December 2018.

The company's employees worked through December completely.

Non-standard conditions

The calculation algorithm given above is not suitable for an enterprise in which employees work in shifts, provided that the duration of the shift is set individually. In this case, it will be more convenient to use a different formula for calculating man-hours:

  • Chn is the actual hours worked per month, calculated for a specific employee individually.

In simple words, for the calculation, the number of hours that all workers worked, but separately, is calculated. And then the results obtained are summarized.

For your information

Also, the calculation of man-hours can be used to determine the productivity and efficiency of a company per unit of time. This coefficient is often used by accountants and statistics department employees.

Concept of the term

Man-hour is the amount of labor time that is proportional to the hour of a person’s work.

Additional Information

Often, this coefficient can be used to make a qualitative assessment of the work, which ultimately helps to determine how many people will be needed to complete the assigned task within the required time frame.

Man-hour is a cost indicator that is often needed when compiling long work in accordance with the heavy schedule.
All labor costs must be recorded with timekeeping.


The indicator only shows working time.

In 1 s zup 8 3 how to calculate man hours


  • first we calculate the total number of man-days;
  • further we determine the average number incompletely busy employees in full terms.
  • The formula will be as follows:

    S/S number is incomplete.

    = Kchdn/Krdn,

    where: S/S number is incomplete. – the average number is not completely busy workers for the reporting month; Kchdn – total number of man-days worked; Krdn – the number of working days according to the calendar in the reporting month.

    Calculation of man-hours for the year

    How to calculate man-hours for a year? To obtain this indicator, it is necessary to add up all the hours worked by the employee on working days in the company and outside it.
    • Overtime, overtime, night and holiday work hours.
    • Part-time work (in the same organization).

    Exclude the following periods from the calculation:

    1. Days of illness of an employee on a certificate of incapacity for work.
    2. Downtime, no matter the reason.
    3. All types of leaves (labor, educational, additional, unpaid).
    4. Reduced working hours, which are established for certain categories of workers (more details “Shortened working hours: 4 examples of calculations”).
    5. Breaks to feed the baby.
    6. Periods of advanced training.
    7. Participation in strikes.
    8. Off-the-job training.
    9. Other reasons why the employee was absent and did not perform his direct duties.

    Calculation example for December 2018

    VESNA LLC employs 10 people.

    • Workday utilization rate

    Ki.r.d = actual length of the working day on average / average length of the day. Counted in hours. It includes all man-hours worked. They include downtime and overtime.

    The second indicator reflects actual work in man-days.
    The numerical value of the coefficient serves as one of the tools for drawing up schedules, staffing and determining shifts.

    Number of man hours worked for the 1st quarter of 2018

    Starting from version 3.1.4, the ability to create regional production calendars, filled out according to the template included in the program, filled out in accordance with regional legislation (Fig. 1).

    Extracurricular hours, work on business trips, and work in a combined position (at the same enterprise) are taken into account.

    Therefore, if the enterprise has employees who work full time and part time, separate calculations are carried out for them using a working time sheet. The formula in this case will look like this:

    HH = KR * RV,

    where: HH – man-hours; KR – number of employees; RT – time actually spent on work.

    Calculation of man hours

    A man-hour is a unit of working time that corresponds to one hour of work by one person.

    H = K * T,

    where H is the indicator itself, man-hour; K – total number of employees of the enterprise; T – unit of time, hours.

    But there are periods that should not be taken into account when calculating. This:

  • the period of illness of the employee, according to the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • downtime;
  • the vacation period is not taken into account;
  • the time by which the working day of workers of certain categories was reduced in accordance with the instructions of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • time given to an employee who has recently given birth to breastfeed her baby;
  • other reasons.
  • Example

    To calculate this indicator, you need to calculate the sum of the number of hours worked per day by all employees on the time sheet.Let's give an example for a small company.

    This coefficient is intended for accounting, as well as the organization’s statistics department to determine the duration of stay individual at work.

    Note: The calculation of man-hours can also be used to determine the productivity and efficiency of a company per unit of time. This coefficient is often used by accountants and statistics department employees.

    The concept of the term Man-hour is the amount of labor time that is proportional to the hour of a person’s work. Additional information This coefficient can often be used to make a qualitative assessment of the work, which ultimately helps to determine how many people will be needed to complete the assigned task within the required time frame. In order to obtain the overall turnout rate, it is necessary to sum up the days worked and all-day downtime.


    Calculation of man-hours for shift schedule can be carried out according to this example: the company has a director, an assistant secretary, two accountants, 3 sales agents, 4 employees who work at the company for 3.5 hours a day. When considering this case, you can use standard calculations: 7*144 = 1008.

    For other employees, the calculation is carried out as follows: 4* (4*18) = 288.

    When one sales agent leaves the company, the calculation is made as follows: 1* (8*5) = 40.

    Calculation nuances

    When calculating the number of hours worked by employees, there are often small issues that need to be taken into account:

    1. If employees are on vacation, away for work, due to illness, or do not work the whole day, then this significantly complicates the calculation.

    Let's imagine that it employs 10 workers. In a day total amount the hours they worked is 80 man-hours:

    10 people * 8 hoursThe resulting number must be multiplied by the number of working days in the month:80 man/hours * 21 days = 1680 man-hours.Now let's calculate this indicator for each employee.With a five-day working week and an eight-hour working day, the calculation will be as follows:21 days * 8 hours = 168 man-hours


    We sorted out the man-hours. In this section, we will consider what is commonly understood by the term man-day.

    This is a unit of measurement of working time corresponding to the working day of one person, regardless of the number of hours worked.


    If it is necessary to calculate the amount for the working year, the formula is compiled very simply, like this: CHG = CHG1 + CHG2 + ... + CHGN. Of them:

    CTG – total time per year;

    CHGN – the total amount of time worked by the employee during the year.

    Per month

    Calculation of man-hours for a month is carried out in a similar way as for a year, but a little simpler, because

    you need to count a little less. The formula for calculating the coefficient for a month is as follows: Kchdn = ∑Kchh / Prab, of which:

    Kchdn – the total number of working hours of employees;

    ∑Kchhour – the total number of working hours for 4 weeks;

    Prab is the length of a working day.

    Often the statistics department needs to list the hours of employees who did not work the whole day.

    That is, for one specialist a person-day can be equal to 8 hours, and for another - 12 hours. But they both worked one man-day.

    This indicator is used to calculate:

    • days spent on business trips;
    • employee attendance;
    • downtime (if it is a whole day or more);
    • absenteeism (employee did not show up for work);
    • other indicators.

    Calculation of man-days, formula:

    • sum Chch - the total number of worked Chch in the billing period, for example a month;
    • PSM is the duration of the working day, which is established at the enterprise.

    If billing period worked out completely, then the resulting value of man-days will coincide with the number of working days in the period.

    Man-hours: calculation (formula)

    Labor legislation obliges the employer to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee (Part 4 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This involves recording the number of days and hours worked on time sheets.

    How to count man-hours

    A man-hour is a unit of working time that corresponds to 1 hour of work by 1 person. This unit is most convenient for planning working hours, determining the number of workers needed, and also setting deadlines for completing work.

    This unit of accounting for labor costs is widely used in work that is a multi-stage process and in which mandatory adherence to deadlines is required. This means that, based on timekeeping or other procedures that allow estimating labor costs, the number of hours and workers to perform a specific job is established.

    For example, to perform a certain job, a requirement of 120 man-hours is established. This means that 1 worker will be able to complete this work in 120 hours. Accordingly, 2 workers will do it in 60 hours (120 / 2), and 4 people - in 30 hours

    Therefore, to complete such work in 1 working day lasting 8 hours, the labor of 15 workers (120 / 8) will be required.

    Of course, a man-hour only takes into account the actual work time. When determining the number of man-hours, the time of vacation, sick leave and other actually paid or unpaid time during which the work was not performed is not taken into account. Therefore, an eight-hour man-day is not always equivalent to 8 man-hours, since the former does not take into account, for example, forced downtime.

    How to calculate man-hours for statistics

    • the time employees are on annual, additional, educational leave, or leave at the initiative of the employer;
    • time to improve the qualifications of employees away from work;
    • time of illness;
    • downtime;
    • hours of breaks for mothers to breastfeed;
    • hours of reduced working hours for certain categories of employees who, in accordance with the law, have reduced working hours;
    • time of participation in strikes;
    • other cases of employee absence from work, regardless of whether their wages were retained or not.

    Absences are calculated based on the following types of employee absence from the workplace:

    1. absenteeism (absence without good reason), etc.
    2. absences from work related to the performance of government duties;
    3. internship and vacation;
    4. absence due to illness;
    5. absence at your own expense (without pay);

    Based on the man-day, auxiliary quantities are constructed:

    1. quarter - 3 working months;
    2. week - 5 or 6 person days, depending on the main value;
    3. month - 20-24 calendar days of working time;
    4. year and other values.

    The indicator is calculated

    The average number of employees for February was 45 people, and for March – 47 people. (45 + 47) : 3 = 30.66 (taking into account rounding, the average number of employees for the first quarter was 31 people) The newly created organization began work in May and finished in September. The average number of employees of the organization for May was 68 people, for June - 70 people, for July - 72 people, for August - 89 people, for September - 92 people. (68 + 70 + 72 + 89 + 92): 12 = 32.58 (taking into account rounding, the average number of employees for the year was 33 people) For analysis average number employees, it is necessary to generate a report “Number of personnel and turnover”.

    The report generates information on the average number of employees in accordance with the instructions of Rosstat: Section Personnel - Personnel reports - link "Average number". (Fig. 1)

    Information on the average number of employees

    The average number of employees for February was 45 people, and for March – 47 people. (45 + 47) : 3 = 30.66 (taking into account rounding, the average number of employees for the first quarter was 31 people) The newly created organization began work in May and finished in September.

    The average number of employees of the organization for May was 68 people, for June - 70 people, for July - 72 people, for August - 89 people, for September - 92 people. (68 + 70 + 72 + 89 + 92): 12 = 32.58 (taking into account rounding, the average number of employees for the year was 33 people.) To analyze the average number of employees, it is necessary to generate a report “Number and turnover of personnel.” The report generates information about the average number of employees in accordance with the instructions of Rosstat: Section Personnel - Personnel reports - link "Average number". (Fig.

    Calculation of man-hour value

    It is very important to know the definition of this quantity. Why and for what purpose was it introduced, how does it help in calculating wages and actual time worked. All this can be found below.

    1. The required amount of labor expended to complete a specific task.
    2. Labor costs of employees.
    3. Deadlines for completing a specific task.

    The “man-hour” value is approximate.

    It is closely related to the unit of measurement “money-hour”.

    This value is more specific and allows us to determine an equal ratio of work-salary-deadlines.

    H – man-hours; X – number of workers; T – actual time spent on work.

    From the formula it turns out that 100 man-hours are the hours worked by a team of 20 people in 5 hours, or of 50 people in 2 hours, or the work of one employee in 100 hours. The formula for calculating the cost of a man-hour for one employee is as follows: C - the cost of a man-hour; ZP - the salary of one employee per month (net); RF - the number of working hours per month. This last value (RF) does not include hours: Example of calculating the cost of a man-hour This unit of measurement is also used in calculating the coefficient of use of working time, the formula of which is as follows: K - coefficient of use of working time by one labor unit; Td - man-hours worked; Tdr – maximum possible hours worked.

    Labor costs are a component value in determining labor intensity, the formula of which is as follows: Tr - labor intensity; Tz - labor costs (man-hour); About - volume of production (work performed).

    Such values ​​include man-power: These values ​​are included for a more convenient calculation of the labor of workers. For example, for time sheet enterprises. This makes it possible to calculate the full employment of hired workers, determine wages, count attendance and absences (absenteeism).

    What is a man-day

    An employee must spend a certain number of hours and days performing his duties. labor functions, producing products, providing services, performing other actions in favor of the employer.

    This is the concept of working time.

    How is this indicator taken into account, how is a man-day used in working time analysis, and how to make the calculation correctly?

    We will bring specific example! A man-day is a conditional statistical indicator that reflects the fact that an employee attends work.

    The calendar fund of time is divided into two large significant groups:

    • time sheet (accounted for in the working time sheet);
    • non-working days (weekends and holidays).

    We are interested in the time fund, which consists of:

    • the maximum possible working time fund;
    • vacations.

    The following temporary funds are measured in man-days:

    • turnout time;
    • downtime that includes a full day or more.

    In addition to temporary funds, man-days are taken into account when calculating the average number of employees.

    Thus, all other time counts, and not just the time directly devoted to work. REFERENCE! Sometimes, instead of the term “man-day”, the more outdated “workday” is used, and in the English version “man day”. All statistical analysis of working time is based on taking into account this indicator.

    A person-day worked, which counts towards an employee, is considered not only the day when he showed up for his workplace and began his duties, but also: Why is the ability to correctly calculate man-days necessary? the main task introduction and accounting of this indicator - increasing the efficiency of the work process, its optimization. Since the time missed by the employee due to suspension will not be included in the time sheet, the person-day will not be counted.

    Although a person-day counts attendance at work regardless of the hours worked that day, full and part-time days are counted separately.

    With this accounting, the daily time worked for each employee is summed up and then multiplied by the number of days in a given month. Accounting assumes the following algorithm for calculating man-days: Thus, we can derive the formula for calculating man-days:

    • P/D – man-days;
    • EO – daily work (according to the report card);
    • KDM – number of days in the reporting month;
    • N – number of employees (with the same hours and days worked).

    If during the month employees worked not the same, but different hours, the formula will look like this:

    • O1, O2, On - the number of hours worked by the first (each) employee;
    • KDM - number of days in a month.

    There are 5 full-time employees on the list, and two part-time employees. They must be taken into account separately. This will be their average number.

    If there were absences, layoffs, or going on vacation, it would be necessary to calculate the average number of employees for the month. We calculate man-days for full-time employees. 8 x 20 x 5 = 800 man-hours.

    800: 8 = 100 man days. For part-time employees (4 + 4.5) x 20 = 180 man-hours. 180: 8 = 22.5 man-days.

    How to calculate man hours

    They add up all the time worked by the employee on working days in the organization, as well as outside it. Extracurricular hours, work on business trips, and work in a combined position (at the same enterprise) are taken into account.

    Therefore, if an enterprise has employees who work full-time and part-time, separate calculations are carried out for them using a working time sheet.

    The formula in this case will look like this: So, how to calculate man-hours: the calculation can be made using the following formula. H is the indicator itself, man-hour; K – total number of employees of the enterprise; T – unit of time, hours. But there are periods that should not be taken into account when calculating. These are: To calculate this indicator, you need to calculate the sum of the number of hours worked per day by all employees on the timesheet.

    Let's give an example for a small company. Let's imagine that it employs 10 workers.

    Per day, the total amount of hours worked by them is 80 man-hours: The resulting number must be multiplied by the number of working days in the month: 80 man-hours * 21 days = 1680 man-hours.

    Now let's calculate this indicator for each employee. With a five-day workweek and an eight-hour workday, the calculation will be as follows: 21 days * 8 hours = 168 man-hours

    • days actually worked by the employee;
    • turnout time;
    • days when the employee did not show up for work;
    • downtime, including a whole day or more;
    • days spent on business trips;
    • those days on which the employee received orders from his enterprise to work in another organization;
    • days when, due to forced downtime at the main workplace, the employee was involved in other activities of the enterprise.

    Many people are interested in calculating the total number of man-days.

    Calculation of man-days, formula: Kchdn – total number of man-days worked; ∑Kchhour – total number of man-hours for the reporting month; Prab – length of the working day. Sometimes an employer needs to calculate the average number of workers who have worked part-time.

    In this case, the calculation is made in proportion to the time worked:

    • first we calculate the total number of man-days;
    • Next, we determine the average number of part-time employees in terms of full-time employees.

    S/S number is incomplete. – the average number of part-time workers for the reporting month; Kchdn – total number of man-days worked; Krdn – the number of working days according to the calendar in the reporting month.

    The calculation does not take into account: The total amount consists of all man-hours for each employee. If you need to calculate man-hours for a year, the calculation using the formula will be as follows.

    Form P-4 for (ZUP

    2. The number of external part-time workers and contract workers has been corrected, taking into account the time worked.

    If the contractor is a full-time employee, then he is taken into account only in the payroll Request11 counts such people and subtracts them from the contractual employees 4. Replacement calculation of the payroll of External part-time workers. In order for PM Values ​​for BP to be saved, you need to click the RECORD button on the form and save the settings in the main form. Made on the basis of To transfer the report settings to another database of the same type, use Saving - restoring report settings through a file, having previously replaced it in the code (Lev(strReq. Attribute Type, 23) = "Report tabular part: ") (Lev(strReq.AttributeType, 23) = "Report tabular part: ") or (Lev(strReq.AttributeType, 23) = "External report tabular")

    Number of man-hours worked by payroll employees

    A man-hour is a conventional unit of labor time, reflecting the amount of work performed in one hour of time.

    In addition, it allows you to evaluate:

    • Labor costs for workers;
    • Deadlines for completing certain work;
    • The amount of labor required to complete a particular job.

    Let's look at what man-hours are for statistics.

    By calculating this indicator, you can optimize any work process.

    Thus, the main statistical forms of reports that record information about the number of man-hours worked by payroll employees are: To calculate the number of man-hours, you can use one of the two formulas below:

    • H – indicator “man-hour”;
    • K – the number of personnel of the company;
    • T – time actually worked by company personnel.
    • ChSGn – the number of hours worked by the nth employee on the payroll during the reporting period;
    • ChChSg - the number of man-hours worked during the reporting period by all employees on the payroll.

    Read about the nuances of calculating the number of man-hours in the following article.

    Calculation of man-hours, as well as their cost, is carried out in all companies that have hired personnel. This indicator determines the working time of all employees.

    It is calculated using various types hours: Also, man-hours are used to calculate the indicator of labor time utilization. It is determined by the following formula:

    • K – indicator of the use of labor time;
    • Тд – actual hours worked;
    • Tdr – the maximum possible number of hours.

    Form P-4 for (ZUP

    1.entering types of calculation through the tabular section. Enter through the selection Types of calculation button. Place checkboxes by BP according to groupings by columns.

    2. The number of external part-time workers and contract workers has been corrected, taking into account the time worked. If the contractor is a full-time employee, then he is taken into account only in the payroll. Query 11 counts such people and subtracts them from the contractors 4.