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“Because bliss-consciousness is the basis that can make heaven on earth a reality in the life of every person, wherever he may be, and because Transcendental Meditation, its advanced techniques and the TM-Sidhi program are the only effective method development of consciousness-bliss, the program for creating heaven on earth invites every person to regularly study advanced techniques in Vedic Universities and Maharishi Schools.” Maharishi

What are advanced techniques?

“The purpose of advanced techniques is to give a person a new, deeper experience. Advanced technology is like fertilizer: thanks to fertilizer, all trees produce rich fruits. To have more achievements and satisfaction in life, use this great program advanced techniques that enrich the process of development of higher states

consciousness." Maharish

Training in Transcendental Meditation (TM) provides the necessary understanding and experience for further independent study. In essence, all that is needed to get the desired results is to complete the training and continue to meditate regularly for 15 - 20 minutes 2 times a day. However, support programs and more in-depth study of the TM Technique are offered to everyone.

Program to support self-study of TM Technique

Individual inspection of TM Equipment It is advisable to check the correctness of the TM Technique periodically in order to maintain the accuracy of the instructions received during TM training. Accurate adherence to the instructions received guarantees the effectiveness of the Technique and the achievement of the desired results. Seminars for meditators Group meditations provide a deeper experience than individual sessions. Therefore, to enhance the results of the TM Technique, it is recommended to alternate individual meditations with meditations in a group. These (collective) meditations are held in regular weekly workshops. At the seminars, Maharishi’s lectures are demonstrated, and you can also ask all your questions about the TM Technique. These short meetings give good result for consolidation, development and deeper understanding personal experience, as well as to maintain motivation to exercise regularly, which is the main factor in obtaining the desired results.

Program for more in-depth study of TM Techniques

Lecture courses Understanding and direct experience are two integral, complementary parts of the process of development of all aspects of life, carried out during classes. Therefore, people who have learned the TM Technique are offered lecture courses that will help not only to understand it more deeply theoretical basis, but also to enrich the practice itself. The courses also contain practical recommendations on organizing various aspects of daily life in accordance with the principles of Maharishi Vedic Science. These lectures clarify in more detail how Knowledge can be applied to create excellence in all areas of individual and social life. The courses are developed personally by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Most of them are recorded on video media, thanks to which listeners have a unique opportunity to hear Maharishi, the greatest scientist of our time in the field of Consciousness, as well as other leading scientists - experts in various directions Vedic Science. Some courses are taught by teachers from Transcendental Meditation Training Centers. All of them are highly qualified specialists in their fields. To participate in the courses (except for the courses “Introduction to Maharishi Ayurveda” and yoga asanas) you must be trained in Technique TM. Vedic Science of Maharishi - complete knowledge about Consciousness: this course introduces the basic ideas and disciplines of Maharishi Vedic Science. The course includes four excellent lectures by Maharishi and 11 lectures by leading experts on Vedic medicine, Vedic architecture, Vedic astrology, etc. Participants achieve a deep understanding of the role and significance of Maharishi's Vedic Science for the development of all aspects of human life. Higher states of consciousness. Maharishi talks about seven states of consciousness. The teaching of the seven states of consciousness is the core of Maharishi's knowledge and reveals all its depth and internal logic. The material is a continuation of the theme of the third day of the TM Technique training course and gives a deep understanding of the higher states of human consciousness, giving him the opportunity to live in the fullness of life, to be protected from stress and tension, and to fully express his creative potential to achieve his goals. The beauty of this course is that in it Maharishi explains how each person can quickly and comfortably, without going beyond their daily affairs, achieve what people from ancient times called Enlightenment. In these lectures, Maharishi talks about the technologies through which human consciousness grows through all stages to its highest state - Unity Consciousness. The course consists of 16 inspiring lectures by the Maharishi (from 1970 to 2001), many of which were not previously available. This is a precious opportunity to hear personally from Maharishi a description of life in higher states of consciousness. Participants will receive all the knowledge necessary to support the growth of higher states of consciousness - how ultimate goal regular practice of Transcendental Meditation. Science of Creative Mind (SCM): This course (33 lectures) provides in-depth knowledge of how one can develop the full potential of the Human Mind and harness the support of natural laws to achieve a successful personal and professional life. Scientific research shows that the practice of Transcendental Meditation revitalizes the hidden reserves of the brain, resulting in an increase in intelligence, creativity, the ability to make the right decisions and fulfill one’s desires. Course participants will be inspired by the potential of this knowledge and technology to elevate their lives to higher levels achievements Maharishi Sthapatya Veda: This course consists of 16 wonderful lectures by Maharishi on Sthapatya Veda - the science of designing and constructing buildings and human settlements in accordance with the Laws of Nature. In this course, Maharishi once again brilliantly reveals the fullness of knowledge about consciousness, which manifests itself everywhere - in all aspects of human life. Proper organization The surrounding space is the most important of these aspects and has an extremely beneficial effect on unlocking the full potential of human consciousness and improving the quality of his life. Introduction to Ayurveda by Maharishi: This course will allow you to begin to navigate the basic terms and approaches of Ayurveda (the oldest knowledge on Earth about a holistic approach to perfect human health). You will learn how to maintain your health and performance at any age, in any living conditions; how to develop the right lifestyle (diet, regimen, exercise, habits, etc.) in accordance with your individual body constitution; and also about how to rejuvenate your body, bring it to perfection and achieve higher levels of consciousness and life in happiness and well-being. Yoga asana course: Participants in this course will learn breathing exercises and yoga asanas, or specific poses that promote integration of mind and body and support a balanced state of health. Advanced Techniques“The purpose of advanced techniques is to give a person a new, deeper experience. Advanced technology is like fertilizer: thanks to fertilizer, all trees produce rich fruits. For more achievement and satisfaction in your life, take advantage of this wonderful program of advanced techniques that enriches the process of developing higher states of consciousness.” Maharishi Advanced Techniques add new quality to the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation and enhance its results. During Transcendental Meditation, the mind cognizes the subtler levels of the thinking process and the very source of thought - pure (transcendental) consciousness. As the experience of pure consciousness penetrates into the nature of the mind, the evolutionary force of natural law automatically begins to increasingly support the thoughts and actions of a person, and this leads to an increase in the ability to fulfill one's desires. Anyone who has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique regularly for at least two months can learn the next Advanced Technique. TM-Sidhi program The TM-Sidhi program is an in-depth program of Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology. The TM-Sidhi program is a natural continuation of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Advanced Techniques; it can be learned no earlier than four months after learning all the Advanced Techniques. If the Transcendental Meditation Technique opens the mind to the experience of transcendental consciousness (“waking in peace”), then the TM-Sidhi Program develops the ability to think and act from this level of consciousness. Thanks to the TM-Sidhi Program, a person masters the art of action - gains the ability to carry out anything naturally and effortlessly with the help of intention alone. The TM-Sidhi program further develops mental and creative abilities, intuition, increases learning ability and flexibility of the nervous system. According to scientific research, the practice of TM-Sidhi leads to an even higher degree of integration of brain function and increased coherence between mind and body. TM-Sidhi Program refresher course The TM-Sidhi Program Refresher Course is an opportunity to revisit Maharishi's introductory lectures from the TM-Sidhi Course and refresh his personal instructions on how to perform this technique. During the course, TM-Sidhi Teachers also conduct a check on the correct execution of the TM-Sidhi technique and individual consultations with each of the participants.


Assemblies are on-site 7-14 day seminars aimed at providing participants with a deeper experience of meditation in group programs, testing the correctness of meditation techniques, acquiring in-depth theoretical knowledge, receiving personal consultations, proper rest and relaxation. Assemblies are held twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Advanced Maharishi Techniques (APTM) Training Course

At this Course you will be able to obtain any next Advanced technique.

Each Advanced technique adds a new quality to the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation and enhances its results, and is also a stage of preparation for the Training Course of the Maharishi TM-Sidhi Program.

Any meditator who has regularly practiced the TM technique for at least 2 months can learn the first Advanced technique.

You can also learn the next Advanced technique two months after learning the previous PTTM, subject to regular practice.

Course of elimination of imbalances in physiology through Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology

This unique technology for eliminating imbalances in physiology is not a cure, but it allows you to restore the broken connection between the mind and body, revitalizing the body's own inner intelligence - its ability to self-regulate and self-heal.

The technology of Vedic Vibrations is based on listening to the sounds of the Veda, the special style of pronunciation (recitation) of which is mastered only by hereditary Indian specialists. The Veda and Vedic recitations are recognized by UNESCO as the World Heritage of Humanity.

There are both general harmonizing TVVM courses (“40 aspects of the Veda”, “Intellectual Error”), and courses on eliminating specific imbalances in physiology.

The TVVM course is conducted individually over 3 consecutive days (the duration of each session is 1.5 - 2 hours). Dates and times of courses are agreed upon individually.