How to scan a person from a photo. Scanning the human energy field. State of the human biofield

Diagnosis of the biofield involves drawing up characteristics of the balanced functioning of the chakras, as well as identifying and destroying energy blocks (stagnation), this will help to establish the correct exchange of energy with the world, improve learning, performance, increase sexuality, and solve family problems. As a result of the scan, you will receive a comprehensive description of the state of the aura and practical recommendations to realize the inherent potential and achieve specific objectives.

Perhaps you often feel unwell for some unknown reason? Are you haunted by a series of failures in life? Can't find the cause of your troubles or just want to learn more about your energy body? Physical, emotional, mental (mental) and spiritual health and, as a consequence, human capabilities depend on the state of the aura. Aura scanning and subsequent treatment occurs through visual contact in real time via Skype. Also, if you wish, you can study the state of the aura in depth to find solutions to especially difficult problems.

General scanning of people - 1 position - 550 rub.

In-Depth Scan:

  • Assessment of connections on the lower chakras, sexual connections (yes/no)
  • Health assessment, symptoms and signs of diseases
  • Finding solutions to money problems, conflict situations at work, predisposition to doing business, checking the compatibility of business partners
  • Help in solving family and love problems, features of future relationships

Scanning for esotericists - 1 position - 1100 rub.

  • Karmic connections
  • Elaboration of a magical image - assessment of the density and qualities of the image
  • Assessing the development of defenses - the impact of energy attacks of varying strengths
  • The percentage of your inclusion in egregors - optimization of inclusion
  • Find out the position of the “assembly point” of consciousness, the level of firmware of the subtle bodies. predisposition
  • Information about past incarnations - gender, time and place of life, profession and activity, circumstances of death. Characteristics of 2-3 personalities

Why is aura diagnosis important for modern people?

Everything we do and think about affects the structure of our biofield. The state of the aura is also influenced by external factors from environment, the magnetic field of the planet, the thoughts and actions of other people, the objects around you, as well as various kinds of energies that mutually penetrate into matter. Our aura is a kind of personal signature, or a “medical record”, or an “indicator” of a person’s current state. To find out the characteristics of the energy body or to find the specific cause of your problem, you need to scan the aura.

If you have a health concern, a scan will help determine the cause and whether there is any risk of a serious illness or health problem in the future. Also, personal and household items can affect the biofield in both a positive and negative way, especially if it is a gift. For example, you may wear jewelry with a gemstone that will influence your health, thoughts or behavior. It is important to understand that the true cause of the problem may be hidden both in the energy structure of personal objects and in the person’s subconscious. It is extremely important not only to eliminate the consequences, but also to find and neutralize the source.

Duration: regular consultation 15-20 minutes, comprehensive consultation 40 - 60 minutes.

Skype contact - Alexey11422

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Photo scanning methods

Method 1.

1. Open the photo, look at the person, remember him.
2. Close your eyes.
3. In the area of ​​the ajna chakra, imagine a closed eye. Open that eye.
4. Tune in to the person you remember from the photo, imagine him and look with your 3rd eye.
5. Create the intention “I want to see where this person’s vehicle is.” At the same time, it is not recommended to open real eyes; look only through ajna.
6. Next, you work with intention. Those. “I want to see this”, etc. It should not be a desire, words... it should be an intention.

Same as method 1.

Only in this case, from the level of ajna, you “shoot” something like a ray into a given person, and this ray scans the object, and at the same time brings back information about the person to you. It works like echolocation.

1. Close your eyes. Concentrate on the darkness. Those. you see darkness before your eyes, and that’s it, there’s nothing more.
2. From this darkness, a light point begins to appear. You begin to keep your attention on this point for 2-3 minutes. The dot begins to expand, creating something like a light screen. Now there is a screen in front of your eyes and a piece of darkness around the edges of the screen.
3. Bring the image of a person onto this screen, scan with intention, as in method 1.

1. Relax as much as possible.
2. Exit the subtle body.
3. Transfer your consciousness to the subtle body. With constant training this becomes quite easy. Perceive the world not from the outside, but from the 1st person, as if you were in a physical body.
4. Having left the body, imagine a person and fly up to him.
5. Examine his subtle bodies and chakras.

In all of the above methods, it is important: your eyes must be closed. If you don't close your eyes, you can damage your physical vision.
As you gain experience, you begin to see without leaving your body, without opening your eyes, without a screen, etc. All you need is to tune in to the object.

About scanning the assemblage point. Possible mistakes.
It is worth mentioning this point, even if you try to see, then first of all you will feel, and only then your feeling is formed into a picture. They see it right away only if they have a lot of experience in this.

1. You must remember, as a rule, the first thing you feel when tuning into a person is the TC (assemblage point), or the area where the vector of attention from the TC goes, forming the TV (attention point). Then the emotional or physical activity of the person being scanned at the time of your scan. Moreover, sometimes you can miss the vibration of the vehicle, if it coincides with yours, mistake it for a response setting of the object, if the vehicle coincides with yours, and mistake the area of ​​activity at the time of the scan for the vehicle. This is a very delicate point, and people always make mistakes here when getting their first experiments in this matter.

2. Beginning practitioners very often confuse TC and chakra activity. The assemblage point bears the entire structure of human consciousness. And chakra activity is the greatest accumulation of energy. Most often, the TC is located where there is a large accumulation of energy, in ordinary people, but a lot depends on the moment at which you touched the attention of your scan to the person. Those. It’s clear that during sex the greatest concentration of very bright light will be in one place, during active running in another, while pumping the press again in another, during intense mental work (which often happens among engineering workers or students during a session) again in another. And it’s worth taking the trouble to distinguish temporary activity at the time of the scan from what actually represents the energy of the person you are scanning.

3. Various energy blocks and problems of the body are also often mistaken for TS. This is not a mistake made by beginners, but by those with more or less average scanning experience of about 2-5 years of experience. For example, a feeling of density can be mistaken for TS, although this density, depending on the location, can mean a physical problem in the body - from a hematoma to chronic constipation. Just as you know, chakra vortexes create energy thrust, and the thrust on some chakra, greater than on others, can be mistaken for a TC (which sometimes seems to magnetize), while one may not understand which direction it goes craving. The vehicle magnetizes to itself, not from itself. A very often observed phenomenon is when a person, when diagnosed using a photo, is given the verdict “TS - svadhisthana”, one will give it, others will not even look. But in reality it turns out that a person has a very strong outflow of energy from svadhisthana, and it is not de-energized, it is constantly fed from the body’s reserves, through food, etc. What does this mean? Well, usually, it’s standard - a person is exhausted by sex, this applies mainly to young men during the period of intense love, or there is a breakdown in the energy cocoon in this area.

Actually, scanning from a photo is a long process. And if a beginner copes with this in less than half an hour, then you can only be sure of what he saw or felt, but not what conclusions he drew from these sensations and visions.

Determination of basic vehicle fixation

1. Intention + intuition
2. On the internal screen where you placed the image of a person, look where the vehicle will go if there is no energy. You simply fantasize such a situation in your head (without energetic actions) and watch its continuation.
3. Look at which chakra a person has the greatest structuring.
4. Mentally (without energetic actions) lower the vehicle near the image of the person on your internal screen. Where the vehicle stops is the base.
The 2nd and 4th points can give glitches, often. 1st and 3rd are most preferred.

Chakra activity

Activity is the activation of one of the centers in a person. Activity manifests itself as the accumulation and “contraction” of energy into one point. The reasons for chakra activity are not always positive:
1) blocks on chakras, channels, etc.
2) practices that specifically consciously activate a certain energy center
3) actions, such as: sex - activity in svadhisthana; practicing logical construction - activity on Vishuddha, etc.; playing sports is an activity from muladhara to sahasrara, depending on what they are doing at the moment.
4) dialogues between people, those centers that are responsible for various areas of communication are activated, for example, they can communicate with friends from svadhisthana to anahata, with loved ones from muladhara to sahasrara, with colleagues from the top of anahata to ajna.
5) company - when a person comes to work, he can change dramatically and energy itself is drawn to where it is most needed for the type of work that the person performs.

Energy blocks

Karmic - usually they say this about those that were acquired in a past incarnation, scanners usually feel that the problem is not connected with the life of the given person being scanned, but with something that this person once was. Although this name is not quite correct, because karma is an act, an action. And for every action there is a reaction, entailing certain consequences. Thus, a “karmic block” can be called anything acquired by a person during his current life.

Acquired - for example, a blockage of the normal movement of energy in the area of ​​the manipura chakra is read, therefore a person has stagnation in the body in this area, usually a diseased liver, which emotionally displays the person’s mental reactions as excessive irritation, anger, or excessive tearfulness (various liver diseases manifest themselves differently on the psyche). The reading can also be from the opposite, for example, a psychic is an empath, and senses a person’s emotional mood as anger, irritation, or tearfulness, when good experience scans will conclude “therefore the person has a diseased liver, the liver is in the area of ​​the manipura chakra, therefore the block is on the manipura.” And those who read theirs practically cannot understand how they see them or feel that they can describe the correct problem. Although, some scanners give out wishful thinking, being lazy to make a diagnosis and forming an opinion about a person based on his physiognomy.

Energy blocks on the chakras

Muladahara – problems with bones, teeth, and in general with the physical body (general malaise), innate immunity is very weak.
Psychologically, it manifests itself as a physical reluctance to live, act, move the body, every trouble that requires action, decision-making is perceived as huge problems in life, problems of relationships with parents become the focus.

Svadhisthana - problems in the genitourinary system, the reproductive organs are underdeveloped, there may be various inflammations, problems with blood vessels and in the lymphatic system.
Psychologically, frequent irritation manifests itself as dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s appearance, his clothes, a person constantly imagines that everyone is only looking at him, often using foul language in their speech, i.e. They don’t swear, they talk on the mat. As a rule, in life such people have big problems in sexual relationships; it is difficult for them to find a partner.

Manipura – problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, acquired immunity is weak, vaccinations do not take root well. Problems with money, body tone, general malaise as if spreading throughout the body from the stomach (and a person can feel this himself).
Psychologically - problems with acquiring property, problems with superiors, such people, as a rule, do not have subordinates, etc., general indecision, lack of willpower, laziness, frequent reasoning on any topic starting with “what if...”

Anahata – problems in the heart, lungs.
Psychologically - problems with emotions, imbalance, moral instability, melancholy, often spoil relationships with lovers due to their internal dialogues, i.e. scroll through the dialogue in their minds, voicing their opponent’s speech as well, while giving an excessive emotional color to their mental dialogues more than those that actually exist in real life and so on.

Vishuddha – throat, bronchi, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the tonsils, nasopharynx, adenoids.
Psychologically - problems with correct conclusions, lack of understanding of information, logic and awareness are impaired, they are poorly oriented in solving search problems, as they suffer from emotional doubtfulness regarding any conclusion. Relationships between like-minded people are built sparingly, they express their point of view little, but they act according to it, often faithfully and quietly, which creates considerable problems for a group of like-minded people and colleagues, they suffer from isolation, and their social circle is very narrow.

Ajna - problems with brain function, there is increased intracranial pressure, weak blood vessels in the head, they may be more susceptible to strokes than other people, a very weak vestibular apparatus, aphasia, etc., consciousness gives incorrect responses to an external stimulus, or does not give it at all, evaluative vision suffers pictures of the world.
Psychologically - the whole bouquet of mental illnesses, which turns out to be a consequence of the malfunction of any part of the brain.

Sahasrara - just like ajna - everything connected with the head, plus incredibly poor memory, various visions in reality, for example, aliens, etc. If anyone has watched the series “House M.D.”, then the real glitches of some patients are shown perfectly there.

The vibrations produced by the chakras create a certain background around the human body, like a certain emotional component of the whole astral (emotional body). It turns out that each chakra creates a body of emotions inside the astral body, with its vibrations.
Those. you can say “the emotional body of muladhara”, “the emotional body of svadhisthana”, but in essence, you will be describing in the case of muladhara - the vibrations created by the physical body, in the case of svadhisthana - the vibrations created by the etheric body. It is by these vibrations that a person’s emotional state is read, and the psychological problems of blocks on the chakras are read on these emotional bodies. But in fact, they bear their centuries-old names, which are given below. And calling them emotional bodies was introduced by one of the recently emerging esoteric schools. Well, actually, each school wants some kind of zest, and comes up with its own terms, although they are the essence of everything that has been known for a long time.

The physical body is all about the Muladahara chakra. This one deals with all the problems of the physical body, diseased organs, flesh right up to the top of the head.
The etheric body is considered from the perspective of vibrations of the svadhisthana chakra.
The astral body is considered from the position of vibrations of the manipura chakra.
Lower Mental – viewed from the perspective of vibrations of the anahata chakra.
Middle Mental – viewed from the perspective of vibrations of the Vishuddha chakra.
Higher Mental – viewed from the perspective of vibrations of the ajna chakra.
Spiritual body – Sahasrara chakra.

Amount of life (how long to live, roughly speaking)

It is determined by the energy of the silver thread, which passes from muladhara to manipura, as a rule, very rigidly, from manipura to sahasrara it is already flexible, + energy in the muladhara chakra, like the original innate immunity. In fact, the silver thread is the spinal cord in the physical body.

Resistance to diseases (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc.)
Determined by the etheric body, its density and width. The denser the broadcast, the easier it is to repel viral diseases, negativity from grandmothers on the bench, and so on.

The ability to say “this is mine”:

Determined by manipura, its power.

Ability to express emotions:

Anahata folds on anahata


Determined by Vishuddha. The clearer the structure, the clearer the worldview.


Ajna. You shouldn’t get into someone else’s head; to read thoughts, you can end up with a lot of problems.


Sahasrara. Let's just say that the activity of Sahasrara, the width of the channel that it passes through, determines, and according to the same parameters, the measure of the Spirit that a person contains within himself and shines with it outside, around himself, adjusting the world (not on purpose) to the movement from Spirit.

Holes in the cocoon:

In fact, they create an energy leak. Any holes in the energy cocoon are patched up on their own after some time. However, if there is a hole, then the energy leaves, and the organs suffer from the leak. There may be no physical reason for the illness, however, due to the leakage, there is a lack of energy for the normal functioning of the organ. This already leads to a physical illness in the organ, as a consequence to a distortion of the mental reaction to an external stimulus, and then, as a consequence, to the appearance of a block on the chakra, or channel, which only then becomes a global mental problem, as well as a chronic disease.

How to define a block:

1. Send a signal to the chakra of the person being scanned in order to read the information, watch how it returns. (Most often this is a work on sensations, blocks are rarely seen, mostly they are well identified by those working with the element of earth, since they can see the structure, and also those working with water, since they perceive the flow of energy.)
2. When scanning, watch how the energy rises from the feet upward, how it passes through the chakras. Identify places where there is poor energy flow. You look at this place, figuring out the reason. (Here the work is mainly on vision, but kinesthetics usually cope well with it, sometimes even better than visionaries)
3. Working through a “tuning fork” - roughly speaking, you seem to touch someone else’s chakra with your own, taking your own as a standard, and then you feel the response that comes. It is impossible to choose something other than yourself as a standard, since you will not be able to convey a higher standard with your “tuning fork” (the vibration of your chakra), and a lower one will spoil you.

Definition of arcana and element:

This is where the work gets done
1) intuition
2) by feeling the vibration of a person, and if your set of sensations/visions includes the range of frequencies that you read from a person, then you can determine what element he is in, under the influence of which lasso he lives.
Accordingly, if you have not practiced tuning into the arcana and elements, then it will be difficult to determine.

Damage, curse:

During scanning, you can notice various foreign structures in the centers.
Action of structures depending on location:
Muladhara - life
Svadhisthana - love spell, lapel, crown of celibacy (very, very, very rare)
Manipura – money, career, life
Anahata – emotions, relationships, lapel, love spell
Vishuddha - suggestion of thoughts; actions arising from conclusions go clearly according to the plan specified by the damage or curse, as well as a lapel and a love spell, because it acts on the conscious nature of thought, a person perceives other people’s aspirations as his own thoughts
Ajna - the same options as in Vishuddha are possible, but it is extremely rare, usually with a very strong lapel
Sahasrara is a generational curse.

Obsession, thought:

This is a foreign structure (curse or damage) in the Vishuddha chakra and/or ajna. To understand what this is, it is necessary to apply intuition, and at the same time compare with the original vibration of a person on the muladhara chakra, which is the original base of the entire person. Intuition should be very good, and not just give a voice from time to time. Simply examining a foreign structure and determining that this is also possible is usually possible for those who work at the level of the four elements and above, and can “read” the structure of the spell, right down to the signs and vision of the ritual performed, which affects a person.

Relationship diagnostics:

It is performed using virtually the same methods as one person is scanned, but the difference is that two people should look at it at the same time, placing both photos side by side. The lady is on the right, the knight in armor is on the left. If this position gives dissonance, the scan is difficult, the relationships are difficult to read, then the photographs are swapped. If the lady is on the left, and the scan went as expected, easily without resistance, and is also confirmed by the scanned, then most likely this is not the woman who will spend a long and happy life with this man.
* If the couple is harmonious, then they have an impulse in anahata, svadhisthana, and vishuddha. Emotions, passion, like-mindedness.
* If the couple is harmonious, then the energy bodies can “merge” into one.
* If there is a lapel, then the cocoon of each of them will be torn on one edge, while, when scanning each individually, the cocoon is read as whole. There will also be a repulsion along several centers; these are the ones affected by the lapel.
* If there is a love spell, then there will be no joint cocoon, and the chakras viewed in pairs will look something like a loop into which a rope has been inserted and entangled with many knots, or a nut into which a screw is screwed, i.e. the clutch is one-sided.


Certain threads can be read on the chakras that connect the scanned person with other people. Such threads are called binding. Not all of them are negative; for the most part, they are just connections with people with whom they communicate most often and whom they love.
Muldahara - relatives
Svadhisthana - lovers, couples and relatives, friends for a fun pastime
Manipura - relatives, employees, subordinates, superiors, arguing with you, sports friends, etc.
Anahata – objects of emotional interaction, loved ones, relatives, children
Vishuddha – like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
Ajna - there are usually no bindings here, except for hypnosis (the channel will go to the one who influences, makes him think the way he needs), often these are leaders of various sects, ideologists political parties, sometimes these are idols, even if they are dead, in this case the person himself gets hooked on the information channel about what the person was like, what legacy/creativity remains from him, imitation with adoration begins; the same if married couple, lovers, are like-minded people and colleagues, they have a connection through Ajna, they almost telepathically communicate with each other, they have common ideas
Sahasrara is a connection only by egregors, with the channel of the Spirit, Adam Kadmon.

Scan yourself:

A) on internal sensations, from bottom up or top down, as is convenient for you (using the above methods), from the inside, as in practices with chakras
b) putting yourself on the internal screen, in this option you simply look at yourself like any other object
c) you can look at your photo, but this is a problematic method, since when you scan yourself from a photo, or through a reflection in a mirror, you usually feel like you are putting pressure on yourself

To the scanning methods described above, you can simply add a photo scan:
1. look at the photo without focusing on the details, but taking in the entire image with your gaze
2. information about the vehicle arrives, you feel the point of the structure with which your interaction occurred, it also comes simultaneously to the brain, like knowledge (not an image), for those who see it it is immediately reflected by a specific vision of the main point in the structure
3. after some time of looking, the etheric body around the physical body becomes visible (usually captured in photographs, both digital photos and film)
4. then the astral body becomes visible (also captured in the photo)
5. sensations appear on oneself from internal organs person, and at the same time knowing what it is, plus in the photo itself these places begin to stand out as spots, dark, light, colored, etc.
6. if there is a natural shift into the ground, then in your photo you will see a picture of internal organs.
With this method, it is not necessary to tune in to the object; you can glean all the information simply by looking at the photo. At the same time, vision does not deteriorate. One thing is that photography does not change over time. It bears the imprint of what the person had at the time of photographing. And this method is preferable when it is necessary to look at the progression of the development of something over a period. You simply look at several photographs of one person in a row using this method.

Scanning artifacts from photos:

1. Inspection of the photo, spreading the aura from the object onto the photo.
2. Lightly touch the object with your attention and receive a response. Based on this response, it is determined in the order below:
a) the level of chakra frequencies of energy from which the charge of this artifact was produced
b) charge density, strong, medium, weak
c) how the object acts (usually all artifacts somehow mobilize the energy of the human carrier and do something with it), for example, an artifact can collect energy from the manipura chakra and raise it right up to ajna, thus promoting the work of the ajna chakra and improving energy vision (artifacts created to help develop energy vision work exactly like this)
d) an element embedded in the charge of an object or a lasso embedded in the charge of an object
e) the extent of the artifact in time, i.e. a timeline becomes visible, how long the charge of this artifact will last until it is completely discharged.
f) artifacts created by the methods of spell and subsequent initiation are eternal, i.e. Until the moment of complete destruction of this artifact, they do not lose their charge and are always constant in action.
based on lecture materials by Oksana Ilyina.

It is the human biofield that is responsible for his physical well-being. The energy shell protects us from aggressive external influences; our activity, endurance, and vitality depend on its condition and potential. However, in this world there are many factors that can cause harm to the biofield - emotional exhaustion, poor nutrition, exposure to polluted ecology. In the end, they can per person.

Prana yoga has methods that allow you to influence the human biofield and eliminate existing disorders. But to do this, you first need to perform a diagnostic procedure, also called a “scan”. If you have not practiced prana yoga before, we recommend going through the exercise first.

How to scan

To begin to perceive the human biofield,

you will need to bring your mind into a neutral state. In other words, you should not be excited, worried or preoccupied with anything. It should be noted that in a state of nervous tension, any energy practices are contraindicated. You may harm yourself or the patient if you do not control your emotions.

So, energy scanning of the biofield is carried out as follows:

  • Strengthen the sensitivity of your hands (see exercises from lesson 1 of this course)
  • Bring your mind to a neutral state
  • Start detection from the feet, gradually moving towards the head
  • Keep your hands at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the body of the person being examined
  • Remember which areas of the patient’s body require energy recharging

Advice! If you need to quickly relax before a session, then try a short one. Sometimes a pleasant voice helps you get into the right mood.

What should you feel

It should be noted that each person is individual. Accordingly, in the process of diagnosing the patient’s biofield, you can perceive various sensations. For example, some sensitive people perceive an excess of prana as a feeling of warmth, while others perceive it as a tingling sensation in the fingers or vibrations in the wind. When conducting your first diagnostic sessions, you can use the table below as a guide. As your experience grows, the need for any hints will disappear - you will be able to rely on your own intuition.

Your feelings

State of the human biofield

This area of ​​the body is especially vulnerable because there is little prana here. The energy is blocked, something is preventing its free circulation.

An excess of energy in the biofield, a kind of clot of prana. The person may be suffering from an infectious disease.

Blowing wind

This sign indicates a leakage of prana from the body. This effect is usually observed in a person who has been exposed to black magic.

Electric tingling

There may be excess energy accumulated in your hands. Rinse your palms with cold water - if the feeling does not go away, then your patient is seriously ill. The energy is blocked and adjustments will need to be made.

Feels nothing

Most likely, you are unable to focus your attention. Do the exercises again to increase the sensitivity of your hands.

The state of the biofield largely depends on professional activity individual. If a person is engaged in mental work, then you will feel a strong activation of prana in the area of ​​​​his head. If you examine an athlete, the energy field will be especially noticeable in the arms and legs.

Your patient should be at rest during the session, preferably lying down. In this case, scanning occurs quickly and without special effort. After identifying the “problem areas,” you can move on to energy recovery. We'll talk about how to do this in the next lesson.

As you develop skills in energy palpation and concentration, begin to practice further assessing a person's energy field.

The real patient or “model” you select must be in a sitting or lying position. Hands should be 5-8 cm from the surface of the patient’s skin; Perhaps we should start from the head. Check the area to the left of the head and compare it to the right side.

Scan from the top of the head, above the face, towards the chin. This area is covered in about 10 seconds. Be aware of what you feel, changes in sensations, temperature, and so on, but do not fixate on questions like: “Did I feel anything or not?” Just feel everything that passes through your hands.

Gradually move over the front of the body, then move to the back. The speed of movement should be low but constant.

When the scan is completely finished, check any areas that seem unusual to you and re-check your first impressions.

It may happen that where there are significant fluctuations in the energy field, the hands will notice changes in temperature. You may also feel changes in pressure, tingling, vibration, electrical sensations, or pulsations.

All of these sensations can be important. Mark them and write down your feelings.

Begin Chakra Scanning

Relax, concentrate and then scan the body of your partner or patient. The goal is to understand if you feel any variations or changes in the texture and character of the energy in the “chakra” areas described by Upledger (Chapter 5, p. ..., Fig. 10.3).

Compare how you feel various positions chakras in “normal” healthy people and people with illnesses.

Try to understand what specific forms of illness or health are associated with specific patterns of energy fluctuations.

Mark them and write down your feelings.

Rice. 10.3. Diagram of the energy fields (or chakras) of the spinal region.

Braga Joy Concepts

In addition to Dr. Krieger's book, an excellent and very insightful introduction to energy medicine can be found in the "Joy Way" presented by Dr. Brug Joy (1979). Much here is similar to what Krieger describes, but much is also unique, containing extensive material that can help the reader both to develop the ability to sense emitted energy fields and serve as a guide to methods of “transferring energy to others.”

Joy characterizes what he actually teaches as “transformational energy” and emphasizes that one must first achieve mastery in one set of exercises and only then move on to the next. His exercises are divided into the following groups:

1. Resonance circle.

2. Study of the sounds of music passed through a powerful amplifier.

3. Modified spiral meditation.

4. Two-element exercises.

5. Three-element exercises.

6. Scan by hand.

7. Energy transfer.

Just from this list it can be understood that in order to just get to the place where Krieger starts, Joy recommends doing a lot of work. Joy's book - The best way Learn more about the first five requirements above. His description of hand scanning of chakras is worth careful study as it gives very precise information on this approach:

In the phase of scanning the body's energy with the hand, the consciousness of the scanner must become completely receptive, and her/his awareness must be completely concentrated on the hand, or hands. A state of consciousness known as “witness” is activated. One must be careful not to project what the scanner thinks should be there into the space surrounding the person being scanned. On the contrary, the task is to explore this space in order to find what is actually there. The hand acting as the detector should be relaxed. The fingers should be slightly spread, you can bend them a little, much like in a classic ballet pose. A hard, flat palm with fingers pressed together will be much less effective as a detector.

He also recommends that beginners start with their right hand (if the beginner is right-handed), because in the beginning it can be quite difficult to operate effectively with both hands; a sufficient degree of sensitivity in both hands develops only over time.

Speed ​​of movement is important: too quick action interfere with the mental registration of the sensory input signal, and too slow movements create the effect of reflection of the scanner’s own energy from the skin of the subject, and exactly the same sensations occur on both surfaces. The correct speed would be about 30 cm in 2 seconds (this is faster than the speed recommended by Krieger - 10 seconds for the face only).

The sensation that almost all beginners experience is “overwhelm,” characterized by tingling, throbbing, and even headaches or other painful sensations. This interferes with awareness of incoming stimuli. To relieve this sensation, Joy recommends shaking your hands or tapping them on your thighs (your own, of course). This can give results after many attempts, and what is called palpation of the energy field will not occur during these attempts. You need to allow the feeling to flow through you.

Joy likens the process of learning such fine palpation to what happens to medical students when they learn to recognize heart murmurs: “First they have to learn to concentrate their auditory awareness, because the normal hearing mechanism simply does not perceive the ranges in which these murmurs can be heard. The same is true for the subtle sense of touch, at least in the initial stages.”

The distance from the scanning palm to the body should be 20-30 cm, says Joy, and the person being scanned should lie on a wooden couch or table face up (metal is not suitable because it interferes with the energy field). All jewelry should be removed; the same applies to metal buckles and watches. The person being scanned should feel relaxed and free to move (if, for example, he wants to scratch or stretch). Conversations, of course, are not encouraged.

Joy recommends starting with finding the "patient's" pulse so that the scanner can adjust their awareness to the patient. With your other hand, you can begin scanning over the chest, upper body, and lower abdomen, as this is where the energy fields are stronger and relatively easy to detect. He recommends starting the scan outside the body, beyond its boundaries, then entering the area above the body, and then moving outside again to feel the contrast. Once a person becomes familiar with this "feeling" of the energy field, such a sequence is no longer necessary. When doing this kind of work, Joy advises closing your eyes (as when palpating skin and muscles, in order to better concentrate consciousness).

The most valuable instruction from his mouth sounds like this: “You can’t feel the field if you just hold your hand over it, you can feel it when hand goes through it. This principle is fundamental. During scanning, the hand must be in constant motion. She must move in and out of fields»,

Thus, a “slice” through energy fields at different levels allows us to determine their shape, distance from the surface, density and degree of “health” of the field.

Joy notes that with his own years of experience, he could recognize the field at a distance from the body two to three times greater than when he was a beginner. At first this was a simple registration of the fact that an energetic elevation was felt above the chakra, and this was (and will be for others) a huge step forward. Such elevations above the perineum and crown of the head are relatively easy to recognize. As the hand moves from chakra to chakra, variations in intensity should be noted.

The region over the throat chakra requires that the patient hold their breath for a short while, so that it does not confuse the scanning process. Practice in a group, if possible, so that the differences one from another are available to reinforce the learning process. After scanning the front of the body, the patient turns over and the back is assessed in much the same manner.

Related information.

A person needs to know what a body scan is. This is required for a complete examination of the condition of vital systems. Various techniques help reduce the time spent searching for the source of illness. Timely identified health deviations eliminate the risk of acquiring chronic fatal diseases.

Full body examination

The medical center can explain what a body scan is. The experience of previous cases of disease made it possible to identify the main health deviations leading to dangerous conditions. The leading role is played by problems with blood vessels and the risk of acquiring cancer.

Early disease prevention prompted doctors to recommend to patients full diagnostics status of the following departments:

For blood vessels, the main risk of developing inflammatory processes is calcification of the walls, which causes blocking of blood flow. Doctors can predict the diagnosis with a high degree of probability 5 years in advance.

Types of examinations

Before performing procedures on devices, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the question of what scanning is. With previously identified cases of fatal diseases, doctors came to the conclusion: there are no healthy people over 30 years old. Every person has chronic inflammatory processes. They are associated with problems modern life: stressful working hours, environmental pollution, poor quality food with the use of a huge number of preservatives.

At the medical consultation, which is required to be held with the patient before visiting the clinic, it is explained what a scan is and what results are achieved with early diagnosis. The main laboratory methods are:

  • magnetic resonance image analysis;
  • computed tomography of the body;
  • sonography.

Scanning can be performed to obtain data on the condition of the skin and exclude the development of cancer cells. If certain types of diseases are suspected, additional studies are prescribed, such as analysis of biomaterials, ECG, ergometry.

Examination of the skull

A head scan reveals things that cannot be seen or felt. Indications for examination are:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • periodic headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

The brain is examined using magnetic resonance imaging. The vessels are examined by duplex scanning. Powerful magnetic fields penetrate through the gray cells, making the skull completely transparent. The examination is mandatory for mechanical damage to the bone parts of the head.

Study of the upper sections

The vessels of the neck show deviations in the nutrition of the brain. After all, it is through the blood arteries that nutrients and oxygen particles pass to the gray cells. The image is obtained using penetrating ultrasonic waves.

The upper sections are examined in the following ways:

  1. Duplex scanning is a common method for diagnosing blood vessels and blood flow through them. Diagnosis is made using the captured image in black and white.
  2. Dopplerography is a classic way to study the condition of the vessels of the neck, otherwise it is called “blind Doppler”. Analysis of blood flow is difficult, which is excluded with duplex examination. The method is abbreviated as ultrasound.
  3. Triplex scanning - coloring of the captured image is introduced, the type of blood flow and direction are diagnosed.

The vessels of the head are scanned in the same way. Violation of the structure of the walls, the formation of blockages leads to brain pathologies. Tumors are detected at the nascent stage and can be cured without surgery.

Examination of the circulatory system

Duplex scanning of veins is required for people with a hereditary predisposition to the formation of varicose veins. Diagnosis of the condition of blood vessels is carried out using the above methods. Early examination helps prevent the occurrence of thrombosis, clear the circulatory system and avoid subsequent surgery to remove blocked channels in the legs.

Diagnosis is carried out for unknown reasons for swelling of the extremities. Thromboses are detected in the image, and the cause of their occurrence is identified. Doctors choose duplex scanning because of the ability to obtain complete information about the venous valves and the stage of the disease.

Preparation for procedures

General rules before visiting the clinic are inherent in each method. These include the exclusion of alcoholic and tobacco products the day before the procedures. Most scanning methods are performed on an empty stomach; information is clarified before visiting the clinic.

The day before, it is recommended to spend the evening in a calm environment, fresh air. Dusty rooms, visiting the bathhouse, and going out into nature are prohibited. It is better to replace heart rate stimulants with juices and compotes. These include coffee, tea, and energy drinks.

Patients choose to live a healthy life by being screened early for complications. General malaise of the body does not develop as a result of fatigue after a working day. A healthy body recovers quickly, residual symptoms indicate the progression of the pathology.