How to make a chicken from plasticine. Cheerful chicken from plasticine How to make a chicken from plasticine

The great holiday of Easter is approaching, and it’s time to little by little prepare decorations for the home and cute gifts for loved ones. Plasticine souvenirs are a good option! For example, a cute and elegant chicken, decorated with simple bright patterns.

Materials and tools for the master class "Chicken made of plasticine"

We will need:
+ plasticine – black, white, green, red and yellow
+ scalpel


1. From white plasticine we sculpt the body and the base for the future tail:

2. Using a scalpel, cut out the feathers on the tail and attach it to the body:

3. We sculpt wings from white plasticine, use a scalpel to form feathers on them and stick them to the body:

4. We make a beak from yellow plasticine and attach it to the head, drawing on a smile and nostrils with a scalpel:

5. Roll two oval balls from black plasticine and make two balls of approximately the same size from white. Next, we roll two balls of green plasticine (medium size), two of black (smaller) and two of white (the smallest). We make a small thin stick from black plasticine. From these elements we form eyes with long eyelashes:

6. From red plasticine we make a beard and comb elements. We connect the latter with each other:

7. We sculpt paws from yellow plasticine. Attach the paws, comb and beard to the chicken’s body:

What a chicken family! Children as young as five can make a chicken, and even a very young sculptor can make a chicken. Before you start, you can talk to your children about these poultry.

Of course, chicken is familiar to everyone. “Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba, and they had a chicken, Ryaba...” This fairy tale is certainly known to everyone, even very young children. Do you know where our pied hen comes from? From Southeast Asia. The ancestors of all modern chicken breeds live there - the wild bank rooster. They took care of themselves: they looked for worms and bugs, pecked plant seeds, and made their own nests. By the way, wild chickens made their nests on the ground, not in trees.

But after people tamed chickens and made them domesticated, they changed a lot. For example, they began to dress up in multi-colored feathers. Today there are black, white and motley. And what handsome roosters! People even took out decorative breed chickens have no feathers at all. I don’t know, though, whether it’s very decorative...

But feathers are not the most important thing. Much more important is the benefit that chickens bring to humans. Today there are a huge number of breeds - egg, meat, ornamental and even fighting. Egg breeds lay many delicious eggs. If a wild chicken laid 10-12 eggs a year, then a modern chicken of the egg-laying breed laid 300, and some record holders 360 - every day.

A mother hen is a caring mother to her chicks. She keeps warm and hatches eggs for 21 days. And when the chickens hatch, it protects them from any danger. As soon as the hen sees that something is threatening the chickens, she will become agitated, cluck, call, gather her babies and hide them under her wing.

Chickens live in a chicken coop. And the owner of the chicken coop is a handsome rooster with a silken head, an oily beard, spurs on his feet - an enviable gentleman. And his main pride is his multi-colored tail. Chicken and rooster are domestic birds. Of course, they do not live in an apartment, like canaries or parrots, but in chicken coops. Or on large poultry farms.

The bully rooster vigilantly watches his chicken coop. He is always ready to bravely rush into a fight with roosters, and even with other inhabitants of the rural yard. Maybe chase the cat away. Don't hurt my family! And the rooster is the first to meet the sun and joyfully greets him with his crowing. And, at the same time, it wakes up the whole neighborhood - “Kuka-re-ku!!! Get up, sleepyheads, the sun has risen, a new day has come! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Well, now let's move on to sculpting. If you have forgotten how to make balls, sausages, cones, etc. from plasticine, read the article

To work you need:

  • Plasticine, orange, brown, yellow, red and black
  • Modeling board, stack

First let's make a chicken. Take a quarter of a standard plasticine stick in orange and brown colors. This is the case if you want to make a pied hen, as in the example. But you can also make them simply from white, grey, black, brown plasticine. Then skip step 2.

Mix brown and orange plasticine into a single mass.

Divide the resulting mass into two approximately equal parts. One is for the head, wings and neck, the other is for the body.

From a large piece we roll an oblong ellipsoid ball. This is the body of a chicken.

Divide the remaining piece of plasticine into approximately three parts, and roll one part into a short and thick cylinder sausage. This is the neck of a chicken.

Let's press the neck and torso to each other.

From the second piece of plasticine we roll an ellipsoid head.

Let's make a chicken crest. Take a small piece of red plasticine, roll it into a short sausage and flatten it. Now we will cut it with a stack in three or four places. The crest is ready.

Let's stick the crest to the chicken's head.

Let's make the beak and eyes. Roll a small red cone out of red plasticine and press it to the head. This is a beak. Roll two small eye balls from black plasticine and stick them to the chicken’s head. Pull the chicken's small tail out of its body. This is how it should turn out

Now the paws. Let's roll three identical red sausages. Let's cut one in half.

Take a long sausage and bend it in an arc. And stick a short sausage in the middle. The result was a paw with three fingers. We will also make a second paw.

Let's stick the legs to the body of the chicken.

To make the wings, take the last remaining “variegated” piece of plasticine, divide it into two parts, roll two balls from both parts and flatten them into flat cakes. Using a stack, we cut the future wing in four or five places - as if we were cutting a fringe.

All that remains is to connect the wings to the body and the chicken is ready.

Let's make chicken. From a small piece of yellow plasticine, roll an elongated ellipsoid ball.

The bustling village yard is teeming with a wide variety of animals and birds. Starting from the very sunrise and until its last ray goes out, it never ceases to be silent. One of its most numerous representatives is chickens.

Therefore, it’s time to figure out how to mold a chicken from plasticine step by step with your own hands. We stock up on everything we need, wet our hands and get started!

Kit necessary tools and standard materials - plasticine of the desired color, toothpicks for fastening and depicting drawings and, if desired and possible, a special spatula for working with sculpture.

Let's roll up a lump of plasticine of the desired color - pockmarked, black or light chicken - it's a matter of your taste. Also choose any size. But if you plan to make several crafts, make sure that their sizes match.

Next, from the main part we sculpt the neck and head, as shown in the picture. The recognizable silhouette of a plasticine chicken has already emerged. Then, from a piece of a slightly different color, we make a pair of wings, on which we draw feathers with a toothpick. We attach it to the body.

Then we roll small balls from the same color and, after rolling them out a little, flatten them. Let's get small feathers for the tail. We make the feathers for the tail of the chicken from plasticine small and sticking up so that they do not look like a rooster’s tail.

All that remains is to sculpt and attach the scallop, beak, paws and eyes. The paws can be made from toothpick halves covered with plasticine to give them strength. In general, the craft is ready.

You can choose any color. It’s even better if your flock includes representatives of other breeds. Plus, you can add other representatives of the fauna of your grandfather’s yard to the plasticine chicken -,

All children probably know the fairy tale about the hen Ryaba, where the hen lays an egg and the mouse breaks it. In today's modeling lesson, we invite you and your child to make a real fairy-tale chicken, Ryaba. By the way, have you ever asked yourself the question, what is this pockmarked color?!
I once read somewhere that in Russian folklore pockmarked, piebald, striped or variegated - these are precisely the colors that at the same time, no matter how strange it may sound, do not have a specific color.

In general, I have a hard time imagining the pockmarked color and especially where one can get such plasticine, so we made the chicken from white plasticine. As it turned out, sculpting a chicken from plasticine is very easy.
First you need to take a piece of white plasticine and roll it into a ball, this will be the head. Then take a piece approximately twice the size and mold the body. We sculpt the body in the form of an oval, which is slightly pointed at one end. We also bend the sharp end a little and apply notches with a stack. This will be the tail of our chicken.

Next, you need to attach the head to the body and mold two small wings, which also need to be attached to the body on two opposite sides. Now the two small black dots are the eyes. An orange plasticine beak and a bright red comb. The comb should not be sculpted very large so that it does not turn out like a rooster’s.

At the very end, you need to mold the chicken’s two legs. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to mold real chicken feet, because then they simply won’t stand it and will crumple under the weight of the craft. That’s why we made solid legs, more like duck ones) But we did this on purpose so that the chicken’s handicraft would be stable and not fall.

The bird is ready! You and I made a craft from plasticine, Ryaba the chicken.

Hello everybody! We haven’t sculpted something for a long time, I think it’s time to continue. Today we will sculpt a watch from plasticine. Or rather an alarm clock. There is an alarm clock in every home and most people do not like them and even quietly hate them. After all, it is alarm clocks that wake us up in the morning, forcing us to crawl out from under a warm blanket. We will sculpt a classic watch like the one in the picture. Not long ago, clocks of this design were in every home, but now they are increasingly being replaced by alarm clocks mobile phones, electronic alarm clocks or alarm clocks on TVs. We can say that classic alarm clocks are an endangered species among watches.

Anyway, let's get started. Let's start with the dial, which we made from yellow plasticine. The dial turned out to be in the form of a round pancake. Next, we took green plasticine, rolled and flattened a long strip and wrapped it around the dial, so we got the watch case. Now it's time for the numbers. Because The dial turned out to be not too large in diameter, all the numbers would not fit on it, so we decided to make only 4 numbers and replace the rest with dots. This also happens on real watches. The numbers were molded from blue plasticine: three, six, another six, only upside down, which turned into nine, one and two, which one after another turned into twelve. The numbers and dots were neatly stuck on the dial.

What else a watch cannot do without is, of course, the hands. Two hands were made from red plasticine, the hour hand was shorter and the minute hand was longer. Stick the arrows in the center of the dial, you can see what time it is now and put the arrows in the appropriate position. To make the clock stand stable, make two legs and stick them to the base of the clock. We got the most ordinary clock. Now, in order for the clock to become an alarm clock, you need to stick the so-called bells at the top, which the hammer hits and produces a loud sound. What do bells look like? Moms will say something about a hat with a bomb, but dads will most likely have other associations. But what’s more important to us now is how to mold them. We rolled a regular ball of orange plasticine. The ball was cut in half in a stack, a small blue ball was attached to each half and we got wonderful bells. That's it, the alarm clock is ready, now no one will oversleep.

This is actually a very useful craft. If you don’t know how to teach your child to distinguish time by clock, a watch made with your child will help you with this. It is only necessary to make the clock larger so that the dial includes all the numbers from one to twelve. It’s better to make the arrows out of cardboard and attach them to a toothpick so that you can turn the arrows and choose the time. To begin with, the hour and minute hands can be made of different colors to make it easier for the child to distinguish between them. In general, try it, in any case, classes with your child will not be in vain for him, and for you too!

So summer is over. Some people have had snow outside their windows for a long time, while others are still waiting for it. For example, it’s been snowing for a long time, it’s cold outside, so we’re sitting at home. In order not to waste time, we decided to do something useful and developing. Ask what?! Of course, modeling from plasticine! We thought about it and decided to make a Snow Maiden with our daughter. We already told you, now it’s time to make him a granddaughter, a Snow Maiden. Moreover, there is not much time left until the New Year.

For this craft we will need blue, white, yellow plasticine and a little pink. Let's start with the torso. Our Snow Maiden will be dressed in a long, warm fur coat. Take a piece of blue plasticine and roll it into a cone (truncated at the top). At the bottom, the cone is slightly flared, as if the Snow Maiden’s fur coat is touching the floor. Thanks to this, the craft will be very stable and there is no need to additionally sculpt boots.

Now mold a very long sausage from white plasticine - this will be a fur edging for a fur coat. First, stick the edging at the bottom along the entire circumference, then go up and also repeat at the top, you get a collar.
Next, we take two identical pieces of blue plasticine, stick them to the body and we have handles. To prevent the Snow Maiden from freezing, we put a mitten made of white plasticine on each hand. Snow Maidens are always very elegant. Therefore, we also decorated the fur coat with two snowflakes on the sides. Making snowflakes is very easy. Each is made of four thin flagella, which are molded overlapping each other. And using a toothpick, we applied a random ornate pattern to the fur coat (along the entire edging), it turned out very beautiful.

That's probably all with the body, now let's sculpt the head. This is also very easy to do; you need to take white plasticine and roll it into a circle. We will decorate the Snow Maiden's head with a kokoshnik. Kokoshnik is an ancient Russian headdress, usually in the form of a comb. To make a kokoshnik, you first need to roll the sausage, then bend it in the form of an arc and flatten it. We also make a kokoshnik from blue plasticine and, like a fur coat, decorate it with snowflakes and patterns.

Now stick the head to the body, and the kokoshnik on top of the head. Next, let's take care of the face. We made the eyes from blue plasticine. By the way, we didn’t have blue in the set, so we made it by mixing blue and white plasticine together. Eyelashes were drawn with a black felt-tip pen. Then they stuck on a nose, pink cheeks and a mouth. All that was left was the hair. At the top of the head, close to the kokoshnik, stick two pieces of yellow plasticine, you get a hairstyle with a parting in the middle. A real Snow Maiden should have one or two pigtails. We decided to make one. Weaved according to all the rules from three thin flagella of yellow plasticine.

That's it. Everything is ready. Now you also know how to sculpt a Snow Maiden from plasticine and you will definitely make the same one at New Year:) In my opinion, the Snow Maiden turned out to be very beautiful. We are waiting for your comments. Well, we promise that we will definitely create something else and teach you.

In the next photo you can see the proportions of the plasticine that was needed to sculpt the various parts of the Snow Maiden. Blue plasticine. The largest piece is the body, the next piece is the kokoshnik, and the last piece was used to make the handles.
White plasticine. The first piece is the edging for the fur coat, the second is the head, the third piece made all five snowflakes, and the last piece made two mittens.

Plasticine is a real find for children's creativity. All the kids loved this soft and plastic mass. Thanks to plasticine, kids can create unique and unusual crafts with their own hands. In today's photo tutorial we will show you how to make a funny chicken out of plasticine. Every child can create a chicken; you just need to follow the absolutely simple instructions in our lesson. In the future, the child will be able to play with a plasticine chicken, acting out various scenes with its participation.

Let's prepare tools and materials for sculpting a chicken:

  • plasticine of any shades you like;
  • stack;
  • toothpick;
  • plastic knife.

How to make a chicken from plasticine

Step 1. So, to sculpt such a chicken, you can use any tones of the mass; invite your child to choose several blocks of plasticine at his discretion. Create the base of the bird. Roll a ball out of blue plasticine.

Step 2. Next, you need to sculpt the long neck of the chicken from a neutral shade, such as white. Give the mass a cone shape. We press the flat part of the workpiece inward. Using a knife, we create a simple patterned edging along the edge of the figure.

Step 3. Now we connect both parts together, pressing the ends of the white workpiece to the blue ball. Bend the top of the white blank slightly.

For reliability, the craft can be connected using a toothpick or a piece of thin wire.

Step 4. Attach orange foot balls to the bottom.

Step 5. Glue miniature round cakes onto the blue ball.

Festive video recipe:

Step 6. Then we create a beard from red plasticine and fix it in the upper part of the neck. At the top, above the beard, we attach an orange beak.

Immediately draw it with a stack or the tip of a toothpick. Then we glue the cheek balls and eyes. We complement the head with a red comb.

Let's put a couple of white highlights on the eyes.

Step 7. From white plasticine we create a short tail of the bird.