How to become an organizer of a joint venture in VKontakte. Making money on joint purchases - step-by-step instructions for organizing a business. How to organize joint purchases

I started purchasing more than two years ago, because I went to maternity leave and salary My husband's salary was simply not enough for us. I set myself the goal of earning money at home; there was no one to leave the baby with; all my relatives lived more than 1,000 km away.

On the Internet I saw a lot of offers to work from home with an awesome salary PER WEEK (!). The photo of those who offered you this job was more than tempting, the person in the photo showed you the heaps of money he had earned, and assured you that he received it with almost no effort, just like that (!) Any normal person understands that no one will just give him away a lot of money. And so it was, they imposed a passive sale, even to the point of buying it yourself if it didn’t work out for someone else.... I got distracted, let’s get closer to the point..

After all these pyramids, I found a joint purchasing site. I looked through the products offered by orgami and was surprised at their low cost. Also on the site they offered not only participation, but also to become this very organizer. I wanted to try and found out that in addition to the fact that I would take % for myself, I would have to pay 5% to the administrator of this site, and then I was confused as to why... I would sing to the tune of an incomprehensible person whom I was staring at I haven’t seen it, I’ll do all the work myself, and give him % simply for the fact that he exists. Plus, they started telling me what I could indicate, what not, what percentage I could put and what I couldn’t, and I decided that I wouldn’t go into slavery, and created my own page on Odnoklassniki.

I honestly didn’t expect it to be successful. I didn’t understand how a person completely unknown to me would give money for a product without any guarantee that it was not a scam. I wouldn't give it myself. But I didn’t give up and looked for more and more “Friends” who, with caution, agreed to participate in the purchase. At first, procurement was very difficult. Due to the lack of experience, I found myself in various stupid situations, for example, asking for goods to be sent Transport company, which charged me 7,500 rubles for delivery (if I had chosen another shopping center, the delivery would have cost 1,800 rubles). Extra costs I didn’t blame the participants, but admitted defeat and paid from mine. I asked participants at what time and on what days and where it would be convenient for them to pick up their order. And I came up with an average that was convenient for people to pick up. They liked it + they recognized me by sight + the things really weren’t worth the money spent, since by store standards they were much more expensive. And then it went on...

If you want to make money from purchasing, then get ready for hard work.

1. Eternal negotiations both with participants and suppliers. People can be very different, there are pleasant, cheerful, easy-going people, and on the contrary, there are always dissatisfied, bitchy, demanding down to the smallest details, whom it is impossible to please at all. Suppliers of really high-quality and interesting things in most cases can’t stand SP people. They can’t sell without SP guys, and the annoying + demanding organizers stress them out. Hence the difficult negotiations.

2. Constant attachment to the computer. There is very little time left for the family and, accordingly, for solving pressing problems. It is necessary to constantly stir up interest among potential participants with new purchases, but not just any, but really high-quality ones. To do this, you need to turn the Internet over to search for reviews. real people, according to the planned new purchase. If a participant receives a low-quality item 1-2 times, you will lose all the clients.

3. You need to be careful both to the numbers on your order summary sheet and to the participants. Somewhere to help you choose a model, choose the size as accurately as possible. Give as much information as possible in response to the question asked of you. If you answer a person dryly and unambiguously, he will never contact you again. If you are not attentive to collecting orders and bill more than necessary for payment, because you miscalculated, if you mix up orders and give at least two people something other than what they ordered, you will also lose trust and, accordingly, the client.

Perhaps these three criteria in the work of a joint venture are the most important (key). Following them throughout my work, I acquired quite a lot of participants who could, without waiting for STOP, transfer money for the order to the card, since they were confident in my reliability, that even if the purchase suddenly did not take place, I would return the money at their request at the same time day.

My monthly earnings ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 (in the new year).

During all the time we worked, we never received a defective product.

Of the minuses I can note:

1. Re-sorting by color. Everyone wants to receive the product in the picture. But no one wants to understand that we purchase from factories, and there sales are only WHOLESALE, therefore, a crazy amount of manufactured items are sold per day, respectively, the fabrics from which these same items are sewn change at a breakneck speed, and from the moment of the photo shoot, the colors may change. As a rule, all wholesale buyers want exactly the color that is in the photo, as a rule, this color is the first to be sorted.

2. Lack of fitting. The main disadvantage.

The purchasing participant in the photo sees a slender girl of size 42. Everything sits on her so beautifully and well that a person forgets the features of his figure and his size. He turns off all his common sense and orders (!), having received it, he is indignant that they sent him the wrong dress (thing).

There was also a situation where a participant, having taken his measurements BY EYE (!), chooses the size he thinks is correct, but the item arrives, in the opinion of this participant, too small. After my request not to count it as labor and still take the meter tape in hand and already determine the real size, he begins to apologize, as he begins to understand that the mistake is not the manufacturer’s, but his own.

I advise everyone involved in the purchase of things to mentally engage with this very thing. Soberly evaluate all your figure flaws and choose the thing that can partially hide them, and not cover them up and show it to the whole world. This is a very important factor!!!

3. Long wait. As a rule, from the moment the purchase opens, at least 2 weeks pass until it is collected + 2-7 days for assembly of the order at the factory + 2-3 days for shipment from the factory to the shopping center + delivery from 5 to 14 days. Not everyone wants to wait. You always want to give money and immediately get what you paid for. I consider this a minus.

In general, I completely agree that it is cheaper through a joint venture than in retail stores. After buying things through procurement for more than a year, I somehow decided to go to retail store of my city, and I’m sorry, I was shocked by the prices. Tired of constantly working as an organizer, I decidedly wanted to quit, but when I saw the prices in stores, I realized that I was not ready to do this yet. Even if I order a dress for 1200 rubles and it turns out to be too big for me, then only if I go to a hotel and pay for the stitching for 500 rubles. I will still pay less than I would pay for a fitting in a retail store.

In a joint venture, the main thing is to find YOUR reliable agent, with whom you only run the risk of not getting the color and very rarely the size due to the small size of the item (organizations are required to keep track of this important aspect).

Happy shopping everyone!!!

Description: Joint ventures or joint purchases have long become popular on mom’s forums, and not only that. The point is to gather a group of buyers in sufficient numbers to buy the product at a wholesale price. Both the buyers and the organizer benefit from this, taking a percentage of the transaction for themselves. An interesting field of activity, accessible to almost everyone. Here's how to make money joint purchases not everyone knows without investment
Payment: 5-30% of wholesale price goods (from 10 to 50 thousand rubles).
Requirements: commercial spirit, sociability.

1. We determine the goods for the joint venture. First, you need to decide on the direction of your work - what exactly will you purchase? It all depends on the audience you are working with, but it is better to focus on popular products:

  • Toys for children.
  • Children's clothing.
  • Children's accessories for the first years of life.
  • Clothes for adults.
  • Accessories.
  • Bijouterie.
  • Perfumes and cosmetics from famous brands.

But be sure to work in an area that is close and interesting to you, otherwise it will be difficult for you at first. After all, you need to know a lot of little things that should be taken into account when choosing a product.

2. We are looking for suppliers– you need to find sellers who sell quality goods at minimal prices. It is necessary to discuss all the terms of cooperation: the size of the wholesale supply, discounts, prices, delivery, transportation and many other nuances.

3. Open a current account– in any popular bank in the region with Internet banking. They usually use Sberbank because everyone trusts it and many have an account with this bank. In addition, you can always consult our friendly staff on any issue if any difficulties arise.

It's best not to use your main account to avoid mixing personal finances with participants' money. You will need to control the receipts from all participants in the joint venture, then recalculate and transfer the money to the supplier. It will be better if your personal money is not on the card.

4. Create accounts on all popular forums in your topic. Where does yours sit? the target audience? Various mom and city forums, groups on social networks. Create a thread with a proposal for a joint venture. It is advisable that some famous people spoke to you from a forum/group - this way people will trust you more.

There is a special website for joint purchases - But it is very difficult for new organizers to register there, at least in large cities. But you can try - there is a suitable audience there that is interested in the joint venture and it will be easier for you to start your own business.

5. Post an ad and accept applications. We need to show photos of the product, description, prices, where we order from, how many people we need to recruit. Look at other people's advertisements for joint ventures and do much the same. The more information you give to the joint venture participants, the more willingly they will order the product - after all, no one wants to take a pig in a poke.

6. Process applications, keep records and, when the required number of orders are collected, place an order with the supplier and pay for the goods.

Then you will have to wait some time for delivery and constantly answer questions from the joint venture participants in the style of “when should we expect it?” People are nervous, they want to get their purchase faster, and at this moment you shouldn’t remain silent and leave them in bewilderment.

7. Receive the goods and start distributing to participants. If you are conducting a joint venture exclusively in your city, then you can immediately warn about pickup so as not to waste time on delivery. If you work with other cities, you will need to send the goods to the recipients.

8. Get paid for your work– when everything is ready, you can be happy with your income. Usually this is 10-30% of the wholesale cost of the goods.

This is what an example looks like step by step plan work as an organizer of joint purchases. Each stage has its own possible problems and nuances that you will have to solve independently and consult with professionals. But the course is set, you have a rough idea of ​​what kind of work this is.


  1. You will need a small free amount of money so that, if necessary, you can buy 1-2 goods to collect a row. This product can be sold through bulletin boards or on a website about the joint venture.
  2. Try to work with prepayment. Having received the entire amount in your bank account, you can not worry and calmly send the goods to the joint venture participant. By working without advance payment, you can become a victim of scammers and lose goods and money.
  3. Work on your reputation - in joint purchases everything is based on trust, so buyers will communicate with each other and ask for their opinion about you. Therefore, never be rude and try to settle everything peacefully. In controversial moments, compromise so that everyone leaves a positive impression.
  4. Work quickly - the more transactions you make per month, the higher your income. Quickly answer questions from potential participants in order to quickly assemble a series, immediately negotiate with suppliers and, after receiving the goods, disassemble/dispatch them without delay. After some time, you can hire assistants for routine tasks to speed up your turnover.
  5. Many sites do not allow newcomers to work with advance payment in order to protect joint venture participants from deception. So first give preference to inexpensive goods that can be quickly added to the resource or sold out. Even if some of the goods freeze, it won’t hurt your pocket too much, and then you’ll catch up with everything.


How to work in some field without understanding the basic terms. Be sure to study the SP dictionary, but for now I will give you a list of the most necessary words to get started:

  • GlavShop(org, organizer) – a person who organizes a joint purchase. In other words, it's you.
  • JV participant- in other words, this is the buyer.
  • Org %— organizational percentage, because the amount that GlavShop (you) will receive from the joint venture participant for services rendered. This percentage is determined before the start of training, and is prescribed in the terms of the joint venture.
  • Row– usually the product is ordered in size ranges, so that one model is presented in different sizes. JV participants sign up in a row for right size, and that’s how the rows gather.
  • Annex– a section where you can place an advertisement for the sale of leftovers or add unsuitable goods.

And now the most interesting thing is - is it possible to create a joint venture and make money on it without investing your own funds?

As elsewhere, you can start here too without or with minimal investments, but it will be more difficult. First, you will have to recruit JV participants from scratch so that they trust you and agree to order goods with full prepayment.

Then, having received the proceeds from the first joint purchase, you will be able to act freely, having funds on hand for unforeseen expenses. It will be possible to buy back the missing goods, and pay for defective goods, and organize a joint venture without prepayment in order to increase the number of participants in the joint venture.

But, as in any business, a lot depends on your skills, acumen, commercial acumen and ability to look for good deals and convince people. Well, luck will not be superfluous!

Before engaging in this business, you should carefully weigh and think about everything, since not everyone will be able to make money on joint purchases without investments. And if you invest your own money, you may end up at a loss.

“The organizer of joint purchases is just my dream job!” – many women exclaim. And they are right, because when favorite hobby turns into a way to make money, it's great. What woman doesn't love shopping?

Finally, you decided to try your hand at being an organizer. Before you start implementing your idea, do a little reconnaissance: become a regular participant in a joint purchase. After chatting on several joint shopping forums, order something for yourself or for your children at a good price and try to evaluate the entire mechanism from the buyer’s point of view. Well, to better understand the intricacies of the process, take part in several purchases on different forums or online stores for joint purchases. Then you will be able to form your opinion about the convenience, benefits, demand for joint purchases, and this experience will be very useful to you.

Your communication with customers will take place mainly via the Internet. Therefore, first you will work on a city or thematic forum, and then after your client base grows, you can think about your own website. On some forums you can register as an organizer of joint purchases immediately, on some - after gaining a certain reputation as a forum visitor or participant. Try looking for similar forums in your city first, this will also be your first step in finding your own “niche.” There is no point in competing with many organizers of the purchase of the same type of goods; it is better to find something of your own and at the same time in demand.

Cheat sheet for novice organizers:
  1. Determine which product will be of interest to people and which will not face strong competition in your city. Beginners often start with children's clothing and toys as a win-win and all-needed product at a good price.
  2. Find the website of the supplier of the goods you have chosen and find out if it works with individuals(so you don’t have to immediately register individual entrepreneurship), get its wholesale price list, find out the terms of payment and delivery of goods.
  3. Look for any information about this supplier: reviews, product quality, quality of work of the wholesale department and delivery, etc., so that at this stage you do not end up with a problematic wholesaler.
  4. Open a topic on the forum with a proposal for a new joint purchase, describe the product and conditions
  5. purchases (volume of purchase, your organizational fee, end date for collecting the order, how to pay and pick up the goods, what to do if the goods are defective)
  6. Place orders from forum visitors, answer their questions; this stage will determine how convenient it is for customers to work with you and whether they want to order goods through you again.
  7. After “stopping” the order, you then need to send it to the supplier and pay the invoice in advance collected money. From this point on, all that remains is the simplest part: tracking delivery, the arrival of goods in the city, their recalculation, sorting and distribution among customers. And you can start organizing a new order!

P.S. To avoid misunderstandings, simply clearly state the terms of joint purchases, issues of payment, delivery and return of defective or simply unsuitable goods. If you take the matter seriously and with soul, you can grow from a forum to a city online store, find an excellent means of earning money and, most importantly, get the job of your dreams!

Joint purchases or joint ventures for short is a phrase that has become very fashionable in last years. Let's figure out what it is.

Joint purchases - the name itself already explains the essence: a certain number of people consolidate to buy this or that product in bulk. As you know, buying in bulk is much cheaper. But someone has to be involved in bringing people together and ordering goods.
This could be the start of your own business. How to become an organizer of joint purchases?

First, you will need to find an in-demand product that can actually be ordered in bulk on favorable terms. The limitless space of the Internet and online stores will always help with this. Then you need to find those very people - buyers who will want to buy this product cheaper than it is on sale in stores. The Internet comes to the rescue again. You can post invitations to joint purchases on various forums or special websites for joint ventures. You can create your own website, but it’s better to do it when things get going.

When finding people, you will have to form an order for goods, and as soon as you have the required number of orders, send the request to the supplier. Then you need to collect money from buyers. For this you can use various ways transferring money to bank card or electronic invoice.

After this, you pay for the order of the goods. The goods are delivered to you within the period specified by the supplier. It must be disassembled and distributed to customers.

How can you make money here? Of course, at a small percentage markup on the price of the product. Usually it is 5-20%. The markup will depend on original price goods. If the product is cheap, then the markup is usually higher, and vice versa. You will simply need to create your own price list, which will indicate the new price, and it = the supplier’s price + your percentage. In any case, you remain in the black.

This is not a particularly stressful business, and if you understand it well, then everything will go like clockwork. The time spent on purchasing takes very little time. And over time, you will be able to control several joint purchases at the same time.

Another option to earn extra money on such purchases is for some suppliers to provide discounts on a certain quantity of goods you order.

This wonderful way of earning money is of particular interest to housewives and young mothers today.

But, as in any business, there are risks.

1. The product supplier may provide the product in the wrong color or size.
2. Your customers will not have the opportunity to properly inspect the product in advance.
3. Another problem can be the long wait for the goods: from 7 to 30 days.

Due to such risks, the buyer may refuse the product. You must be prepared for this. But do not despair - in such cases there is a way out. The so-called “extension”. All on the same sites and forums, you can offer this product to other buyers - place it in other hands.

There is one more point that is worth discussing. When you issue invitations for joint purchases, the quantity of goods must be indicated with a small margin. This is done so that by the day you submit the order application itself, you do not end up with the required number of buyers. And this happens due to the fact that a person - a buyer - submits an application, but does not pay for it on time. Of course, you have the right to undertake payment if you are absolutely sure that the money will be paid by the buyer. Or you can simply delay the day for submitting the application, but then other buyers may be outraged. After all, they will have to wait extra days.

Nowadays, many organizers of joint procurements, in order to expand their capabilities, register as individual entrepreneurs. And this is not just like that. Many supplier companies work only with legal entities and they don’t really like joint purchases. Therefore, when contacting a company, you should not once again tell them that you are running a joint venture.

As you understand, this is a real way to make money. All that is required of you is the ability to conscientiously fulfill your work obligations. And the Internet will always help you find suppliers and buyers.

Olesya Tolda from Khanty-Mansiysk was the first in her city to use our customer association service. She was afraid of losing participants, but today she receives double profits.

In this interview, Olesya reveals the secrets of her work and explains why the Sima-land customer association service is equally beneficial for both the organizer and the participant.

Story: Olesya Tolda, a journalist by profession, learned about joint purchases in 2014. Before the birth of her third child, she became regular customer local organizers, and then decided to try to create a joint venture on my own. Joint purchases for Olesya are a great way to earn money during maternity leave.

How I started working

- What was your first joint purchase?

My husband and I were choosing baby clothes and toys for our third child, who was about to appear. It’s expensive in regular stores, so we started looking for the things we needed on the Internet and found Sima-land. I couldn't afford to spend a lot of money (20,000 rubles is the minimum order amount in 2014 - Ed.). Therefore, I began to constantly order goods through the organizer of the joint venture. When he increased the collection, I decided to become an organizer myself.

- What did you do at the very beginning? What bumps did you hit while earning experience?

I tried to promote the community on VKontakte and made reposts from Sima Land groups. I also went to children's stores, felt expensive goods and told my subscribers about analogues from Sima-land. Gradually there were more orders. I started working with defects, distributing goods in convenient bags and providing parent committees in schools and kindergartens with documents for reporting. It turned out that this is exactly what the buyer wants.

- Do you often order?

Last year I did it twice a month, now every week. Receive and process 30–40 applications from social networks difficult. When the joint shopping service opened on the Sima-land website, I exhaled.

How I came to the service

- Why did you decide to register?

I was waiting for this, because the service is much simpler than working on social networks. I was the first organizer from Khanty-Mansiysk in the service and immediately received many applications.

- How did you switch to the service? Were there any difficulties with moderating the questionnaire?

No, I met the requirements for an organizer (Only buyers with three closed orders from the site can register in the system. - Ed.). The questionnaire was checked in one day.

There were difficulties later. Once I wanted to add Russian Post delivery to my working conditions, but I couldn’t. I didn’t understand which buttons to press and was afraid to erase my profile completely. That day I was supposed to place an order, but instead I sat for five hours in front of the monitor. Only later did I find a clear way to change my information.

- Were you afraid that your participants from social networks would order from another organizer from the service?

I was afraid because there are competitors there. An organizer appeared in the service who charged the registration fee two times less than mine (As a reward, Olesya takes 10% of the amount of each application. - Ed.). At that moment, about 40 of my customers left for him, and I was in a panic...

- Now you don’t seem to be panicking anymore. Why?

A lot of new buyers have come, so I am no longer worried that there are organizers with more favorable conditions. In addition, the service does not pull my members away from social networks, and orders from groups are not decreasing.

And many old participants returned and said that it’s more convenient with me: I give orders on time, I smile, I advise. They say that those who work for a lower percentage take a long time to transport the goods and deliver them haphazardly.

- It turns out that it’s all about the quality of service?

Yes, and in trust. Recently a man was afraid to make an advance payment. He explained that two years ago he ordered a frying pan from some website on prepayment and still had not received it. This man did not place an order with me. So, about the service: without a normal attitude towards people, trust in all the organizers of the joint venture in principle decreases.

How do I work with the service?

- How many applications do you receive from the service on average?

About the same as with social networks, sometimes more. One order from the service contains 15–20 applications. The amount allows you to cover the price twice free shipping. In Khanty-Mansiysk it is 20,000 rubles. Through the service I receive applications for about 40 thousand.

- What do participants say about the service?

They are glad that they can make purchases without leaving the site. The problem is that not everyone can figure out how to use the service the first time. I recently spoke with a regular client. She did not leave a request because she was afraid to click “Place an order” in the cart. (An offer to buy a product through the organizer appears after clicking on the button. This is described in detail on. - Ed.). She decided that they would immediately force her to pay, and left the site for her usual group.

- Is it profitable for you to give such people instructions and bring them from social networks to the site?

Yes. The platform on the site makes life very easy...

- Why?

The group takes a lot of energy. You need to fill it out, follow the comments, come up with posts. Participants on VKontakte are also uncomfortable, so they get used to the service and use only it. And they go to groups with goods to look at offers if they get tired of leafing through a huge catalog. If I start accepting all orders through the service, I will save a lot of time for my family.

- Do you think it’s realistic to take everyone to the service?

Mostly - yes. People switch to the service themselves, tell their friends about it, so there are more requests from order to order. Many people find out about the service by chance - they don’t know about minimum amount and simply choose the product. And then they see an offer to order from the organizer and come to me.

Why all organizers should switch to the service

- Before the service appeared, you were engaged in joint ventures for two years. What changed?

Placing an order has become easier. I can go in at any time Personal Area and find out the cost of the order, your earnings, the number and amount of each application, the goods that are in it. I record this data in a table I developed and control payment and issue through it. It was much more difficult with the social network, because in my basket there was no division by requests, only a general order.

- What else is convenient to work with, besides your personal account?

With technical support. Girls from