What professions are in demand in America for Russians. Market research specialist. Janitors and clearing workers

The labor market is one of the main indicators of the health of the economy. Having considered the most and least popular jobs, we can come to the conclusion which professions in the United States are considered promising, and which, on the contrary, are on the verge of extinction.

In this article we will try to answer the question: What is the most popular profession in the USA? The largest number of jobs in the United States is represented in the food industry. Concentrated throughout the United States great amount restaurants, cafes, fast foods and other food outlets, so work in the food industry is considered the most common.

As a rule, representatives of the most popular professions receive low wages. Cashiers, janitors, waiters, and storekeepers top the list of the most common jobs in the United States. Their average wage usually does not exceed $25,000 per year. By comparison, the average American factory worker earns more than $46,000 per year.

America's most common jobs require minimal education. For example, food industry workers do not need a high school diploma, and the job itself does not require special training. Janitors, cashiers, and retail sales associates also do not require a college degree or extensive work experience.

Unlike companies located in post-Soviet countries, in the USA you will be offered several development options career growth. In America, there are many examples when an ordinary salesman or cashier becomes a manager of a retail chain.

Below is a list of the most popular professions in the United States, including number of jobs, average annual salary, and forecast for the profession's relevance over the next 7 years. These data were published in the popular American magazine Wall Street 24/7 (24/7 Wall St.).

Janitors and clearing workers

Number of jobs: 2.1 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 8.4%

Average annual income: $25,140

Over the next 7 years, the need for janitors and clearing workers will increase by 8.4%. The advantage of this profession is the absence of any education, as well as the high demand in the personnel market. Disadvantages include the minimum wage, low prestige and low prospects for this specialty. The average annual salary for a janitor in the US in 2013 was $25,140, ​​which is significantly lower than the average US salary of $46,440.

Secretaries and administrative workers

Number of jobs: 2.2 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 9.1%

Average annual income: $34,000

This sector is one of the most widespread in the USA. Wall Street 24/7 predicts that the Administrative Officer profession will continue to grow in relevance. However, work in this field is rarely highly paid. Secretaries and administrators earned an average of about $34,000 in 2013, which is $12,500 less than the average salary in the United States.


Number of jobs: 2.3 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 7.7%

Average annual income: $26,690

Storekeepers mainly work in factories and supermarkets. Their responsibilities include taking inventory of goods and packaging them. The requirements for this vacancy are based not so much on the level of education, but on the physical abilities of the potential employee. The average salary for a storekeeper in 2013 was $13 per hour, or $27,000 per year.

Call center workers

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 12.6%

Average annual income: $33,370

The job of call center employees is to receive complaints and comprehensive answers to questions from the company’s clients, primarily by telephone. This profession is considered in demand, but not highly paid. The average salary for a call center employee in 2013 was $33,370, which is 27% less than the average salary in the United States.


Number of jobs: 2.4 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 3.9%

Average annual income: $20,880

The average annual salary of waiters in the United States in 2013 was $20,880, which is one of the lowest in America. However, this job comes with a number of perks. Firstly, waiters can receive tips, the amount of which often exceeds the official salary. Secondly, many restaurants provide free meals to their employees. Thirdly, it is a flexible schedule, which is very suitable for students and people who, for various reasons, need to work part-time. The need for waiters is expected to grow by almost 4% between 2015 and 2022.


Number of jobs: 2.7 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 13.3%

Average annual income: $68,910

Nursing is one of the most in-demand professions in the United States today. According to the forecast for the next 7 years, the number of nurses will continue to grow. One of the reasons for the prospects of this profession is the aging of the American population. To become a nurse in the United States, you must complete an associate's or bachelor's degree program. The presence of appropriate education, licensing and an inflexible work schedule can be attributed to the disadvantages of this profession. However, nursing jobs tend to pay well. The average annual salary for nurses in 2013 was $69,000, which is significantly higher than the average salary in the United States.

Office workers

Number of jobs: 2.8 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 4.3%

Average annual income: $29,990

The responsibilities of office workers (clerks) include receiving and sending mail, editing documents, operating copy machines, etc. Average office worker in the USA in 2013 earned almost $30,000, which is quite low in the US. Only 10% of workers in this specialty earn an amount close to $46,000 per year, which is equal to the average salary in the United States. This specialty does not require higher education.

Fast food workers

Number of jobs: 3 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 9.9%

Average annual income: $18,880

Fast food jobs do not require a high school diploma or long-term training. However, the working conditions are considered quite difficult. Hot ovens, wet floors, the smell of fried food and low wages affect the high volume of staff in restaurants fast food. Fast food workers' wages averaged $9.08 per hour in 2013, which is half the average hourly wage in the United States. Many large fast food employers have been criticized for paying such low wages. According to employers, the reason for low salaries is the lack of full employment of the employee.


Number of jobs: 3.3 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 1.8%

Average annual income: $20,420

The average cashier salary in the United States in 2013 was $20,420, which is one of the lowest in America. The demand for this profession is only 1.8% by 2022. This indicates the futility of the cashier profession. The fact is that online sales are becoming increasingly common nowadays. The popularity of online stores and self-service systems is forcing cashiers to look for new job. About a quarter of U.S. cashiers work in supermarkets, and 17% work in gas stations, according to Wall Street 24/7.


Number of jobs: 4.5 million

Job growth from 2015 to 2022: 6.8%

Average annual income: $25,370

Salesman retail- the most common profession in the United States. In 2013, 4.5 million workers in this specialty were registered. Sellers cover wide range goods from food to cars. Average hourly payment salesperson is $12.20 per hour. In 2013, approximately a third of all salespeople used retail as a side hustle. Despite the rate at which online shopping is growing in popularity, the need for retail sales associates will grow by 6.8% over the next 7 years.

Famous Russian sound engineer Artem Nuzhin, who worked on major TV projects in Russia and opened his own production house in Los Angeles, talks about the life of a Russian family in the USA and career opportunities for Russians in America.

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Before you realize that you can handle these professions and don’t need to learn some complicated programming language, think about the documents. The most important ones are Social Security Number and Work Permit. Perhaps the most important distinctive feature- attitude towards work in America and Russia. In the United States, any profession is respected, which is why ordinary Americans have been working as waiters or salespeople at the local supermarket for decades.

Taxi driver

Working in a taxi is suitable for young people under 25-30 years old who love cars and are willing to spend some time learning about cities and laws in the USA. In order to become a taxi driver, you need: SSN, Work Permit and American license.

1) This is a very long process that will require a lot of effort and time. I recommend going to the DMV (Department of Motor Transport in the USA) and getting a book about traffic rules in America in Russian, the book is issued free of charge. You will need to study it in detail, because traffic rules in the USA are radically different from the rules in Russia.

2) You should sign up in advance to submit documents, because if you come after the fact, you can lose 3-5 hours in line, which is not very pleasant.

There are two options for working as a taxi driver. Classical- officially get a job in a taxi company and be one of the drivers of those yellow cars that we all remember from the TV series. But in Los Angeles there are fewer and fewer of them, which I cannot say about New York. Modern The option is to work using applications that almost everyone has these days. Unlike many countries in the world, Uber is extremely popular in the US, it is highly developed and performs better than in other countries. Only drivers with at least 1 year of driving experience in the United States can register.

Working as a taxi driver, you can earn about $3000 per month, if you rent an apartment with someone and spend the remaining money economically, then it is quite possible to live on this amount.


In the United States, the film industry is incredibly developed; almost every day in the center of Los Angeles or in the surrounding area you can see films being made.

The leading agency that allows you to sign up for work as an extra is Central Casting. But again, we remember point 1 - documents are above all. First, you need to go to their website to look at their working hours and the day they receive documents. Arrive at 4 am on the specified day, stand in a huge queue of people, of whom about 100-120 people will eventually be accepted, since from the moment of opening the selection of those who want takes about 2-3 hours.

If you managed to slip through at this time, then you got into their database, if not, then come back another day. All the necessary data is entered into the database, including yours mobile phone and available dates. Then you just wait for a message with a job offer, which will arrive the evening before the shooting day. The message will contain instructions on when and where you should be.

The crowd is divided into 2 types: union And non-union. Non-union is the first stage of working as an extra, where you can earn about 2000$ per month, but the schedule will be very tight. Please note that wages in Russia and the USA are different: in America they pay for hours, not for days.

Union gets a double rate, but in order to get there, you need to work with a non-union group at least 3 times. After you do this, you will receive a letter with the question “Do you wish to continue working in the crowd as a union actor?” If you refuse, then such a letter is unlikely to come to you again. The advantage is that by working as a union, you double your hourly rate.

There are a huge number of castings. If you want to get a role with a text, then keep in mind that your accent sharply reduces the chances of this. However, they often look for Russian-speaking people to film a scene of some Russian party or Russian heroes. Then your accent will become distinctive feature and a big plus!


Of course, the lawyer profession is one of the most widespread and highest paid in the United States. After all, in the States, absolutely everyone, even the smallest company, as well as every family, has a personal lawyer.

In America, from school they are taught to know and respect the laws, but due to large quantity Migrants, divorce proceedings and a significant population in general (as of 2017, 325,000,000 people live in the United States) there is enough work for all lawyers.

In addition, America is home to a huge Russian-speaking population that does not speak English, so if your professional English is at a good level, there is every chance of making great money in the USA. In this case, you can count on a minimum salary of $4000 per month.


Unfortunately, after studying to become a doctor in Russia, you will not be able to move to the USA and get a job in your profession. In order to become a highly qualified specialist, you need to undergo training in the USA, which lasts at least 7-10 years (it all depends on the specialization).

Due to such a long and labor-intensive training process, the salaries of doctors in the United States are high. Even a beginner nurse with little work experience can receive $7000 per month, not to mention surgeons and obstetricians-gynecologists, their salary can reach $50,000.

Surely everyone has heard that medicine in the USA is really expensive. You can easily feel it yourself when you come to district hospital without documents, and you will be asked to pay $250 for the most ordinary appointment. An ultrasound will cost $350.

A completely separate field is dentistry. To have beautiful and healthy teeth, you need to earn at least $10,000. I usually say that it will be much cheaper to fly to Russia, pay for accommodation, food, and visit a qualified dentist in Moscow or St. Petersburg than to do it in the States.

- Hi all. Today is Sunday, the weather is lousy outside, we are going to the skating rink to skate, and while we are going there, we will answer your questions. So, Olya reads out the questions.

— Question from Roman Bodiy: “What professions are most in demand and best paid in the USA?”

- OK. Well, it’s clear that the question interests many and, as usual, I’m not an expert in the profession, Olya and I, we’ll answer everything based on our own experience. There may be something we don't know, but you get the idea. Well, let's start with which ones are most in demand? As I understand it, the ones that are most in demand are the ones that are easiest to get a job at or have the most number of?

- Probably those who are the most and the salary is also appropriate.

- No, about the salary separately. It will be easier to talk about the better paid ones, but let’s start with the more popular ones. It seems to me that the most in demand are those in retail, that is, in sales. There are a lot of shops here, and therefore people who are needed in the shops and at the cash registers, and simply to put goods on shelves, are probably the most in demand.

- Anyone can do this kind of work.

- So the question is the most in demand, of which there are the most, as I understand it.

— I understand that the most in demand are those who are most numerous on the market, that is, if you open a newspaper, it won’t say: “We need cashiers, cashiers, cashiers...” There are different jobs there. If you take a newspaper with advertisements, there will be more nurses, doctors, etc. there than person sales, persons for any store...

- Because any fool can go to work in a store.

Moving to the USA is difficult, but there are categories of people for whom it is possible:

— Investors. It is enough to invest at least 1 million dollars and after 2 years all family members will receive the status of permanent resident of the United States ( EB-5 visa).

— You can also open a branch of an existing company in America or buy an existing business in the USA (from $100,000). This will make you eligible to receive an L-1 work visa, which can be exchanged for a green card.

— Famous athletes, musicians, writers and other extraordinary people can move on an O-1 work visa.

— In case of oppression by the state for religious, political reasons or humiliation due to belonging to gay minorities, you can request

Los Angeles is the home of many people from Russia and the CIS countries who immigrated there a long time ago. It's full of Russians retail outlets, restaurants, newspapers and magazines published in Russian. Accordingly, it is possible for a Russian citizen to find a job in 2019.

Panoramic view of downtown Los Angeles

Many former compatriots started their own businesses and achieved success in California. Such people, following nostalgic impulses, prefer to hire citizens who came from Russia. This allows you to find income even with minimal knowledge of English. But with all this, the available vacancies cannot be called highly paid. Excellent ownership English language guarantees higher earnings.

In 2019, there are a number of available professions for emigrants from Russia:

  • In this city, Russian-speaking babysitters and nannies are always in demand for children of former Russian citizens.
    As a rule, intelligent women with pedagogical education and relevant experience are hired for this job;
  • There is a need for people caring for sick or elderly people. In this case, preference is given to applicants who have graduated from medical school. institution and having certain experience;
  • The catering system offers seasonal and permanent work in restaurants, cafes and bistros. But it is more suitable for young and strong people because of its intensity;
  • For men who have a license and sufficient driving experience, the vacancy of a driver is suitable, and there are also offers to work as freight forwarders and taxi drivers;
  • Expats in California can work in car repair shops and service centers, construction and repair sectors. There is always a need for painters, plasterers, joiners, carpenters and parquet floor workers.
    Experienced electricians, plumbers, ventilation workers and specialists are always needed service(air conditioners and other climate control equipment);
  • Holders of a medical diploma can after some time get a job as an assistant to a doctor in a hospital. The same goes for certified lawyers, architects, accountants and newspaper and magazine editors;
  • There are always openings for sales consultants. Having got such a job in 2019, it will be possible to live and at the same time look for something more worthy;
  • To get into a beauty salon, you will need to undergo training. Cosmetologists and manicurists are very popular in America. This can also be done at home;
  • There is quite a lot of competition work activity in the film industry. And this applies not only to the acting profession, but also to makeup, screenwriting and any other profession related to film production;
  • The most in-demand and highly paid profession in Los Angeles is considered to be a programmer. Moreover, Russians are hired very well, thanks to their excellent level of education. The presence of a diploma does not play a role here - it is the skills and abilities that are of interest.

When applying for a suitable vacancy, you must speak English. If you don’t have such skills, then you can’t do it without the help of friends or acquaintances. Or look for an employer who speaks Russian. Without this, the doors will only be open in clearing companies, the work of an assistant in the kitchen, walking pets and everything like that.

Table comparing salaries in the US with some European countries

Where and how to look for work in Los Angeles

The main ways to search for vacancies are:

Asking for help recruitment agencies It is imperative to pay attention to the availability of a license allowing the provision of such services to the public in the state of California. Usually it hangs on the wall, where it is clearly visible to everyone. Be sure to sign the contract with all the terms and conditions and receive a receipt after payment is made.

Typically the first interview will be phone conversation. There is no need to immediately say that there is no appropriate permission. This will need to be said when a question on this topic follows. without permit document is not grounds for deportation. But in this case, tax laws are violated.

You need to agree to a job only with a salary that is at least the subsistence minimum, which is $7.25 per hour.

This does not apply to waiters - the profession is paid in the amount of 2 dollars, since the main income of such workers is tips. Exceeding the 8-hour working day is paid additionally - the hour of payment is multiplied by 1.5. And the release on holidays is at 2.

Visas for work in Los Angeles

In order to be able to work legally in America, in 2019 you need to apply for the appropriate visa.

This is what an American H1B visa looks like

There are several types of visa marks:

  1. . You can also travel along it for short-term business purposes.
  2. At the time of receiving education, it is issued.
  3. For travel for the purpose of employment - H1B visa.

Qualified specialists issue the last of the listed permits. To do this, you need to have a university diploma with work experience in your specialty, confirmed by the American government. Return to contents


The second stage of obtaining a visa will be filling out an application form. This is done online in English only. This will take about 20 minutes. Here you need to attach a photo with dimensions from 600*600 to 1200*1200 pixels. All this is sent to in electronic format to the American Mission. A document confirming acceptance of the application with a barcode is sent to the applicant’s address. It must be attached to the main package of documents.

Biometric indicators will be taken there. If you have any cuts, calluses or other damage at the time of your visit, you will have to come back another day when your hands are in order.

Fingerprint procedure for visa

After this, an interview is held with a visa service employee. The candidate’s task is to convince the employee that he has no intention of remaining in the country for permanent residence. Any property, wife/husband and children remaining in the homeland can serve as evidence. Supporting documents can be submitted in Russian.