Salt water chamber. Floating: what is floating and a true review of the sensory deprivation chamber. Testing on ourselves: temperature and modes


People who have visited the Dead Sea are familiar with the feeling of floating - immersion in a highly saturated saline solution that keeps the body on the surface. During this position, the muscles relax and the mind rests. It is easier for a person to achieve a meditative state than from yoga. The weightlessness procedure became available only recently, but few people still know about it. The essence of the new method is to relieve a person from the stress of everyday life.

What is floating

Every person experiences stress throughout his life, many of which he pushes into the subconscious if he cannot or does not want to deal with them. Not only the psyche suffers from this, but also the body: muscle tension forms, and places of constant spasm arise. The American doctor and neuropsychologist D. Lilly noticed in the fifties of the last century that staying in a saline solution relaxes the human body.

John conducted experiments by immersing people in salt water. The subjects were placed in an indoor pool with masks on to create isolation from all irritants. environment. The subjects relaxed, feeling the purification of their minds and consciousness. The attempts were a great success and a new procedure was born. Floating is a word translated from English as “floating on the surface.” This is the essence of the technique.

Floating chamber

After 1972, John Lilly designed the first sensory deprivation device, which today is called a float tank. After several successful tests, the production process of capsules called “Samadhi” was launched. They were used for commercial and private purposes. A little later, scientists from a British university proved the benefits of a float chamber on the health of the human body.

What is the procedure? Floating capsule is a technique for quickly relieving a person of depression, nervous disorders and stress. The modern procedure is carried out in a deprivation capsule without sides or a head pad, completely protected from light and sound. The float chamber is partially filled with a 30% saline solution, where a patient is immersed who wants to get rid of worries and gain new emotions. The temperature of the salty liquid is 36.6 °C, that is, equal to the body temperature of a healthy person.

The high concentration of salt allows you not to immerse yourself in the solution, but to lie on its surface. The person does not touch the bottom, although the salt layer is 25 cm thick. This position creates a feeling of weightlessness. Comfortable temperature helps the visitor to imagine himself in the air or in an open space. For relaxation, a light melody is turned on, which from the first minutes of the session helps you disconnect from the problems of the outside world and immerse yourself in weightlessness.

Indications for use

The activity of the brain occurs continuously in the human body, but often due to external stimuli, people cannot comprehend the signals that it sends. In a floating chamber, a person is at rest, but not sleeping. The state between sleep and reality helps to evoke unexpected associations, the solution to a confusing life problem, and forgiveness of the offender. A person can understand information that he did not want to understand before.

The floating procedure is comparable to meditation, which, unlike any acquired technique, comes effortlessly, spontaneously. Since salt chamber sessions have a complex effect on the body, causing deep relaxation at all levels of perception, they are recommended for many people:

  • for muscle pain of unknown etiology;
  • for recovery after serious injuries and physical exertion;
  • during stress, depression, nervous or psychological disorder;
  • to prevent premature aging of the skin;
  • to remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • for chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • to prevent the development of cellulite;
  • with high loads on the musculoskeletal system;
  • for relaxation and enjoyment of weightlessness.

Impact on the body

What problems does floating solve? When a person enters a float chamber, he receives complete oblivion and tranquility, a state of relaxation and peace. There reigns a pleasant twilight and ringing silence, which is very rarely interrupted by the sound of water. In the capsule, a person forgets about everything, his muscles are in a state of complete rest, and endorphins - the hormones of happiness - enter the blood. In this regard, the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol sharply decreases, which leads to normalization of the mental state and restoration of physical strength.

Just 1 hour of being in a float chamber gives the same amount of positive emotions and strength as a person gets in 5-6 hours of sleep, that is, after an hour of session, the body returns to working condition, as if after a two-week beach holiday. Not only do the nerves and muscles return to normal, but the skin also undergoes significant positive changes. After the procedure, a person achieves the following results:

  • complete muscle relaxation occurs;
  • dry floating is used for professional athletes, as this procedure improves reactions and helps maintain physical fitness;
  • prevention of sprains is carried out;
  • mental state improves;
  • sleep is strengthened;
  • phobias get rid of;
  • Treatment of panic attacks and fear is carried out;
  • productivity of any work increases;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • emotional balance is maintained;
  • brain activity increases.

During pregnancy

For many health procedures, pregnancy is a contraindication. The opposite happens with floating. The procedure is not only safe for expectant mothers, but is also indicated for them. According to reviews from pregnant women, the sensations during the sessions exceed even the best expectations. In the last months of pregnancy, a woman in a float capsule can even hear her baby's heartbeat.

Scientists have proven that the condition of a pregnant woman directly affects the development of the fetus. The fatigue of the expectant mother, which increases with increasing gestation, is transmitted to the baby. For this reason, during this important period, it is necessary to avoid negative thoughts and emotions so that the new little person develops normally. Floating, which gives weightlessness, frees a woman from gravity, relaxes muscle spasms, and gives peace of mind.

Doctors have identified another aspect of floating – the mirror effect. When a pregnant woman's body rests peacefully in a capsule with saline solution, the child inside the mother feels universal peace. Many women find that swimming helps deepen their emotional connection with their baby. During the procedure, pressing pain in the abdomen goes away, fetal pressure on the internal organs. During the third trimester of pregnancy, being in a float tank is often the only chance for a woman to get proper rest.


There are two types of floating: dry and wet. They differ in that during the first procedure the body does not come into contact with water, and during the second it is completely immersed in it. Dry floating sessions are very popular in spa salons, because you can immerse yourself in a bath with a high-density salt solution at home, so why pay money for it? In addition, this procedure can be carried out in conjunction with other manipulations: masks, wraps, scrubbing and others.

Dry floating has no contraindications, unlike wet floating. The essence of the procedure: a person lies down in a bathtub filled with water, but on top there is a PVC sheet designed to eliminate contact with water. This is done not only for convenience - dry floating is less expensive for the salon. It is ideal for all categories of citizens: business people creative individuals, practicing yogis, pregnant women, old people, athletes.

How does the procedure work?

Before floating, the patient must take a shower. During the session, quiet relaxing music is heard, which helps to relax the brain and body. After each procedure, the saline solution, to which magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is added, is filtered and sterilized. During floating, the most comfortable conditions are created for each visitor:

  • the capsule and room are completely isolated from external influences and irritants, so a person does not feel any extraneous sounds or smells;
  • the solution is so concentrated that the visitor does not experience even the slightest load on the musculoskeletal system, his body is almost on the surface of the liquid;
  • the spine does not have to support the neck, head, back;
  • if a person has claustrophobia, then the capsule lid remains open, and successful implementation the session is facilitated by the tightness of the room;
  • procedure time – 20-40 minutes;
  • a stable body position ensures the density of the saline solution, so during floating a person will not be able to roll over or plunge headlong into the liquid;
  • it is impossible to damage your vision while swimming - the saline solution will not get into your eyes, even if they are open;
  • to prevent liquid from getting into the ears, the visitor is provided with earplugs;
  • After the session, you should visit the shower to wash off the salt from your body.

How to carry out the procedure at home

If you carefully examine the shape and size of the float tank, you will see that it resembles a simple bathtub. It becomes clear that a wet floating session can be easily performed at home. To get a good therapeutic effect, you must adhere to the basic rules of the procedure. In addition to obtaining the correct concentration of saline solution, when carrying out floating yourself, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • bathroom floors must be smooth and non-slip;
  • good light, sound, and heat insulation is important;
  • the appearance of any irritants that may interfere with relaxation is excluded;
  • air and water temperatures must be maintained at 36.6 °C.

Floating carried out independently will be inferior in effectiveness to a deprivation chamber. To actually be on the surface of the water, you will need about 60 kg of salt. To dissolve this amount you need to spend about 3 hours. It is not necessary to make such a solution at home. Enough is 1 kg of sea salt, which should be dissolved in water. It is advisable not to eat any food 2 hours before the procedure.


Floating is a unique procedure, comfortable and painless. It is indicated for pregnancy, pathologies of the nervous system, skin diseases and many other diseases. In order for a float tank to bring only benefits, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Sessions should not be performed for people suffering from epilepsy;
  • Patients with any infectious diseases are not allowed to undergo the procedure;
  • if the visitor is intoxicated, the session should be rescheduled for another day;
  • in case of extensive skin lesions or open wounds on the surface of the skin, floating is not performed;
  • It is prohibited during the session to taste the water, touch the mucous membranes with your hands, wash your face, or rub your eyes;
  • since during the procedure there is no auditory, tactile, tactile and olfactory information, a person may panic during the first minutes, therefore, in order to avoid discomfort, you must immediately relax completely;
  • For safety, during a floating session, you should not make sudden movements or get up quickly after completion.


As already mentioned, the floating procedure can be obtained at a spa. Prices per session vary depending on marketing policy establishments, professionalism of employees, quality of equipment. Average cost of floating sessions in salons in Moscow and the region:

Salon name

Price in rubles for 1 hour

Moscow, Academician Yangelya street, 3

Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya street, 6/4 building 2

Moscow, Bolshaya Tatarskaya street, 7k1

Moscow region, Odintsovo, Chistyakova street, 6

Massage Medical

Moscow, st. Narodnaya, 12

I’ll say right away that most of the reviews make my eyes bleed; what is described there has nothing to do with floating and is a parody of the real procedure.

I'll tell you about the normal one real floating.

So, let's start with prices.

From 1700 to 2500 rubles per hour of floating in Moscow. I go to the Prana embryo center

What is floating?

In another way, a float chamber is called a sensory deprivation chamber, which fully reveals the whole essence. The chamber is a sarcophagus with a tightly closing door that does not allow sound or light to pass through. At all. Inside the chamber is a thick salt solution at body temperature that keeps you on the surface of the water (like the Dead Sea). The essence of floating is to temporarily turn off all your senses, “reboot” your body and mind, and completely isolate you from the world.

How to find a center with this procedure?

1. Don't see each other low prices, the procedure is very expensive.

2. There must be a float capsule in the treatment room! Very often, scammers offer “floating” in a swimming pool, shower stall, bathtub and other dregs. The main thing in floating is the capsule. There’s no way without her. At all. Otherwise, you will pay a lot of money for swimming in salty water.

This is what the floating room looked like

My experience.

Before the procedure, you must

  1. Visit the restroom
  2. Take a shower with a washcloth and soap, completely wash off your makeup (this is very important, since the slightest ingress of foreign substances into the solution will worsen its quality). Makeup removers, shower gels, shampoo and conditioner must be in the shower; you don’t need to take anything with you)
  3. Remove the lenses (very important!) and all, all, all jewelry, including “non-removable rings (engagement ring, for example)”
  4. Lubricate with Vaseline (also found in the floating room). Pay special attention to this procedure, since contact of the solution on the slightest peeling and scratches causes severe discomfort, and most likely you will have to interrupt the relaxation and rinse the wounds of salt. Therefore, examine yourself very carefully, apply Vaseline to each injury, if your hands are chapped, then lubricate them completely.
  5. Wear earplugs as your ears will be submerged.

That's it, you're ready to float!

The first time diving into the chamber is a little scary, since it is absolutely dark, it’s not even clear how deep it is. but the fear will pass quickly, don’t worry. Next, you need to close the hatch and lie on the surface of the water, close your eyes (though with them open in pitch darkness) and do what your soul tells you to do. At first, most likely, quiet, relaxing music will play underwater, which will turn off after a while. At first it was pleasant for me to swim from side to side, after about 20 minutes I realized that it was most pleasant to do nothing and just lay there for the rest of the time.

Relaxation in a sensory deprivation chamber. Its developers claim that the results of floating are comparable to the meditative state of yoga. And that the camera is suitable for everyone: from pregnant women to astronauts. A journalist from “The Village Vladivostok” tried floating on herself and shares her feelings.

How does floating work?

You are immersed in a special chamber of water to recover from stress, relax and take a break from the outside world. Literally, “floating” means floating on the surface. This effect is achieved by dissolving Epsom salts (a mineral compound of magnesium sulfate) in water at a concentration higher than that of the Dead Sea. While in the solution, you can take any convenient position. You won't be able to drown.

A few minutes after the start of the session, a person stops feeling the touch of water, feeling weightless. The muscles relax and tension disappears. It's even better if you can fall asleep. They say that such sleep is superior in quality to normal sleep in bed.

To keep the saline solution clean, it is subjected to several types of filtration and disinfection. Additionally, there is an ultraviolet lamp, and hydrogen peroxide is added at the very end of cleaning.

Studio with sensory deprivation chamber

The only sensory deprivation chamber in Vladivostok is located behind the PKDC stop. Look for a white sign at the end of the five-story building at 28 Cheremukhovaya Street.

The studio is open by appointment so that no one disturbs guests. I call and the administrator lets me in. There are three rooms in the room: for floating, massage and relaxation after. The atmosphere is homely. I leave it in the hallway outerwear and put on disposable slippers. Then the administrator gives instructions. You will have to lie in the cell for 60 minutes, not including a “before and after” shower, rest with tea and drying your hair with a hairdryer.

Among the contraindications before floating are mental disorders, problems with the heart, lungs and ears, hypotension, as well as infectious diseases and skin diseases. It is still not recommended to shave before the procedure. There won't be any big problems, but the first minutes will seem less than relaxing due to the salt. It is better to eat an hour before the procedure.

If you have a difficult work schedule or have trouble sleeping, you can try floating at night.

Testing on ourselves: temperature and modes

After the briefing, I change into my swimsuit in a separate room. I was warned that after the session my clothes would need to be washed thoroughly because of the salt (my swimsuit was not damaged). You can undress completely so that locks and elastic bands do not interfere. Then I go to the shower; I didn’t have to take anything with me - I had all the toiletries, a robe and a towel.

The floating chamber turns out to be spacious, it was possible to stand almost in full height. You shouldn't have any problems with confined spaces. But if you're worried, you can simply press the door instead of closing it. And call the administrator if necessary.

On my camera the water temperature was set to 35 degrees. And two modes were offered: darkness and silence during the procedure, but light and music at the beginning and end, or vice versa. I left the first one, and at first it was scary. But my eyes quickly adjusted.

The wind blows and you are carried into outer space

I lay down in the water and at first I was “moved” from side to side. I even had to hold on to special handles. For comfort, there is a pillow under the head, I tried it with and without it. In the latter case, the ears were under water, which, by the way, is not worth trying. I was told in advance that it was bitter.

When the traffic stopped, it began to seem to me that the wind was blowing. And the body is carried into outer space. In general, it was difficult to think about one thing for a long time during a session. The brain, like the whole body, began to rest - thoughts disappeared. However, I might not be able to forget about everything the first time; I still couldn’t fall asleep.

Floating or sensory deprivation

Sensory deprivation chamber

Finding yourself in the space of a float chamber, a person experiences a state of weightlessness and complete freedom from disturbing external influences.

A tank in which a person is as if in weightlessness thanks to a high-density solution.

A sensory deprivation chamber is a chamber that isolates a person from any sensations. It is implemented in the form of a tank into which sounds, light and odors do not penetrate. The tank is filled with a high-density solution (a solution of Epsom salts in water), the temperature of which corresponds to the temperature of the human body. A person placed in a tank is as if in weightlessness.

Such a chamber was first used by John Lilly in 1954 to study the effects of sensory deprivation. Such chambers are also used for meditation, relaxation and alternative medicine. The sensory deprivation chamber is also called a “floating” capsule (English float - freely float, stay on the surface).
John Lilly, a medical practitioner and neuropsychologist, developed the camera in the 1950s.

While studying psychoanalysis at the National Institute of Mental Health, Lilly began experimenting with physical isolation. At that time, the question in neurophysiology was what the brain needs to work and where it gets its energy. One point of view was that the source of energy is biological and internal, that is, it does not depend on external environment. However, it was argued that if all stimuli were removed, the brain would fall asleep. Lilly decided to test this hypothesis by creating an environment completely isolated from external influences, and began to explore consciousness and its connection with the brain. History

Peter Suedfeld and Roderick Borrie of the University of British Columbia studied the therapeutic applications of sensory deprivation chambers in the late 1970s. Their technique was called Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST).

Use of the camera by famous people

The experience of being in a sensory deprivation chamber by the famous physicist Richard Feynman is described in the book You're Surely Joking, Mr. Feynman! Feynman was invited by John Lilly after the latter listened to Feynman's lecture on quantum mechanics.

Actor Nicolas Cage spent time in a sensory deprivation chamber to study the feeling of claustrophobia in preparation for filming the film Twin Towers. His hero, a police sergeant, was buried in the rubble of the World Trade Center.

Silver medalist at the 2004 Olympics in Athens and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, 2008 world indoor champion Phillips Idowu. The Londoner spent the year leading up to the Olympics battling a back injury, and floating paid off. “Most days before I came here, I spent about an hour in the flotation pod. I started this last year and it really reduces the stress on my back. And it’s very relaxing,” he said in an interview on the eve of the Olympics.

Famous Russian designer Artemy Lebedev spent some time in a sensory deprivation chamber, which he wrote about on his blog.

Mention in literature and cinema

In literature

In Dean Koontz's novel The Door to December.

In the story “Operation Burning Bush” by Victor Pelevin. In this chamber, the main character of the story experiences mystical experiences.

Stanislaw Lem's story "Conditioned Reflex" from the series "Stories about the Pilot Pirx" describes in detail the protagonist's experience of sensory deprivation. A sensory deprivation chamber was used to test the mental stability of spaceship pilot candidates under conditions of a lack of external stimuli.

In Dan Brown's book "Lost Symbol".

In Szymun Wroczek's novel Metro Universe 2033. Peter, Professor Vodianik talks about sensory deprivation to his friends when they are all in a cell without light.

In cinema

In Episode 16 of Season 10 of The Simpsons, Homer and Lisa try to get to know each other better with the help of such a camera.

In episode 85 (House's Head) of the series of the same name, Dr. House used deprivation techniques to try to reconstruct the details of an accident in which he himself was injured.

In the feature film “Other Faces,” in which the main character studies borderline states of consciousness and the influence of these states on the experiences of religious experience. To do this, he practices sensory deprivation.

In the series "Fringe", such a camera is repeatedly used by the main characters to achieve special states of consciousness.

In the television series Defying Gravity.

In the television series The Pretender (season 2, episode 3), the main character uses the camera to feel protected and think about his mother.

In episode 9 of season 1 in the anime "Lane's Experiments"

M. Hutchinson “Book about floating”:

“I was hopelessly trying to get all these thoughts out of my head and relax,” the artist Ellis, who was meditating before her first floating session, described her impressions. “I meditated, counted my breaths, but I couldn’t relax and calm down. After 40 minutes I thought, “Okay, I just can't relax this time. Forget it. As soon as I let go of my thoughts and stopped trying to relax, everything seemed to disappear, and, you know, it was just me there. I thought to myself, “Well, here I am.”

Ellis's impressions are graphic and instructive. main reason The amazing effect that occurs during floating is that our bodies relax more than is possible in everyday life. And this happens effortlessly. But it must be remembered that “without effort” means precisely that the efforts that we make to relax in the float will only interfere with our relaxation.

Ellis expected a lot from her visit to the flotarium. She found that it was only when she stopped thinking that she could truly relax. In the flotaria, she could do something without doing anything, create, throwing away creative intentions, get to some place, deciding not to go anywhere at all.

People became aware of this phenomenon when they began to pay attention to how their minds worked. The phenomenon was recently quantified and demonstrated using sensitive electronic equipment in the laboratories of scientists studying the effects of biofeedback. They found it so predictable and regular that they included it in their training programs as Lesson No. 1, called “The Law of Conservation of Effort.”

There is a trick to not thinking, but it is easy to learn. And once you learn it, you won’t just forget it.

One of the most significant discoveries of the biofeedback wave was that a person who sensed and learned to identify an internal state could then control and recreate it in the imagination at will. Floating is a natural tool for implementing biological feedback that works internally, allowing us to be aware of subtle and momentary changes and states, which include deep relaxation.

For beginners, early impressions are largely connected to a biological feedback mechanism: the harder they try to achieve the desired state, the more it eludes them, until eventually they figure out, almost by accident, that they need to stop thinking, and the state comes by itself . Floaters quickly learn the trick of letting go of thoughts. Many people say that the body has a memory of this. Most people master the art of plunging into a state of deep relaxation within a few minutes of entering the float room.

Brain researchers believe that everything we have ever experienced resides in the brain and can be retrieved or replayed if we know the right signal. Obviously, the state of deep relaxation is stored in the brain, so at any moment we can call it up from the gray matter and experience it again to the fullest. This is done by transmitting a signal to the body that recognizes and shows the location of specific groups of brain and body elements so that the brain can retrieve them from the storage system.

An example of the body returning to a state of deep relaxation is my experience in a blocked subway, when it seemed that my body remembered the darkness, silence, warmth and smell. The effect was like a click: a moment of tension, and everything suddenly returned to its place.

Another example that body memory really exists and can respond to a signal was given by chess-playing psychologist Arthur. He told me that since he started floating, his morning bath brings him back to the tranquil state he experienced in the flotation. “I guess you would call it a conditioned reflex,” he said, but while taking a bath, I came to the idea that I was in control of myself, and, most surprisingly, this feeling stayed with me all day. It was as if the morning bath was a “little float” that reminded my body of a real floating session.”

Once you enter a state of complete relaxation and learn to easily return to it again, you will discover that this is the ideal state. You can master wide range various techniques for changing behavior or psychological attitudes: self-hypnosis, visualization, self-hypnosis, mental images, self-healing, prayer, meditation, autogenic exercises, etc.

Laboratory studies at several universities, where floaters were compared with people using other methods of deep relaxation, including meditation, autogenic training, progressive relaxation, self-hypnosis and visualization, demonstrated that all methods of physical control and self-regulation were more powerful and effective in flotation than in any other method. other conditions.

You run, fly, hurry, stumble, run again - not a second without your phone - without stopping, headlong, you don’t have time to stop, breathe out and consider the life around you. Eternal deadlines, meetings, stressful situations, conflicts, including within yourself... Have I described your lifestyle in recent... years? Congratulations, we're on the same team. I'm the same. I find myself thinking that the last time I was completely zen with myself was when I was pregnant. Then my hormonal background shifted emphasis to some other, more important goals, therefore, I was calm and balanced. Sometimes even too much.

But after the birth of the child, this all ended abruptly. I was immersed in work again, caring for the baby was added, and time for rest simply disappeared. I began to notice that I was taking a long time to fall asleep, not getting enough sleep, always feeling twitchy, anxious, and even began to smile less.

After another sleepless night like this, I decided: I urgently need to do something about this!

And then fate itself sent me Gravity Float Spa and getting to know their float procedure, which left a lasting impression on me! For the first time in a long time, I was able to relax to my fingertips and forget about my problems.

What is floating: a little history

Imagine: you are lying on the surface of warm water in complete silence and darkness, your consciousness is completely calm and practically turned off, there are no extraneous thoughts, you feel every centimeter of your body, but at the same time you do not feel it in space. A state on the verge of sleep, such a pleasant bliss and half-asleep that allows the brain to cast aside all worries and simply float in weightlessness, without remembering the body.

This is floating.

Simply put, this is a procedure during which you are immersed in a capsule with a strong salt solution, thanks to which your body does not sink and remains on the surface throughout the entire session. There are no sounds or lights, you are immersed in complete weightlessness - you can completely relax and lie down on the water, surrender to its warm embrace and forget about everything in the world.

Floating was invented by the American neuropsychologist John Lilly: in 1954, he began working on a study on the effect of complete isolation of a person from external factors on the state of his brain and nervous system. He was able to establish that floating works wonders for both the physical and mental body of a person: a complete reboot of systems inside the body occurs, the effects of stress and acute nervous conditions go away, sleep and the functioning of the cardiovascular system are normalized, anxiety and phobias disappear, and creativity develops. , complete relaxation and transition to meditation occurs. Lilly managed to create a unique method of rebooting the brain: only in a chamber, under conditions of sensory deprivation, brain activity slows down to a minimum, which gives such a strong upgrade effect.

The first float chamber saw the world in 1972 - and since then this procedure has gained wild popularity all over the world, many manufacturers have appeared offering their analogues of capsules and pools where you can experience the therapeutic properties of anti-gravity.

Floating: how it works

When you enter Gravity Float Spa, you are greeted by a pleasant administrator: she will do everything to prepare you for the procedure and, most importantly, teach you how to properly relax in the capsule itself. A mandatory tea drink before the procedure will allow you to exhale after the journey, calm down, listen to the administrator’s recommendations and prepare for the dive.

“The capsule’s pool contains 550 kg of salt: it keeps you afloat. When you are in a sensory deprivation chamber (isolated from external factors. - Ed.), when the lights and music are turned off, you are left alone with yourself. You don't understand where you are. You don't feel your body. It's complete relaxation! In the first 10 minutes of the procedure, while the light music is playing, I recommend clients to spread their arms and legs, splash around, get comfortable in the capsule, feel the water, feel that you are not drowning, relax your neck, explore the space so that no fears arise. If you set yourself up for maximum relaxation, you’ll even be able to fall asleep,” says administrator Olga.

Who is floating for? For all! Everyone will find benefit in this procedure. If you play sports, it will help you relax your muscles as much as possible and get rid of muscle tension, if you have a sedentary lifestyle, you will forget about back and neck pain, if you are constantly stressed and cannot sleep, if you regularly visit the capsule, you will become calmer, and sleep returns to normal.

The effect of floating, of course, depends on the equipment and the salt that will be dissolved in the water. The Gravity Float Spa capsule is from certified British manufacturer i-sopod, who have been producing high quality floating chambers since 2009, supplying premium spas in the USA, Europe and Australia. The water in the capsule undergoes automatic filtration within 15 minutes, silicification and ionization: there can be up to 45 cycles per day. Every two days 5-6% of new water is added: the entire pool is gradually replaced. The balance of important indicators of water in the capsule and the operation of the filtration system itself is monitored by a separate technologist. The water temperature must be at least 34 degrees. The depth of the pool itself is 31 cm. The capsule is equipped with light and music, an alarm button, it has a bottle of water (to wash off salt from your face, for example) and a light switch on demand.

To fill the chamber in Gravity Float Spa Epsom salt (Epsom salt) is used - this is a large molecular salt that has a low level of penetration into skin cells. It is a mineral rock mined from salt springs near Epsom, in the English county of Surrey. It contains magnesium and sulfate, which promote detoxification and relaxation of the entire body. In addition, Epsom salt cleanses the skin of toxins and has an anti-cellulite effect - so by systematically visiting the capsule, you will also become prettier!

Before the procedure, you should remove all jewelry, take a shower, remove makeup from your face and wash off styling products from your hair. To do this, Gravity Float Spa provides you with a full range of hygiene products and accessories, as well as professional cosmetics from European brands. After floating, which lasts 50 minutes, you will receive a personalized massage according to your wishes and needs.

Read also

Floating: are there any contraindications?

Hardly ever. The procedure is indicated for absolutely everyone, without age restrictions - and even for children, but from 11 years old. Floating can be attended by both women and men. Pregnant women are also recommended to undergo floating, but only after examination and consent of the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy.

Before and after the procedure, you should not drink alcohol: only relaxing herbal tea. Relax only!

How to relax properly in a capsule?

An important question that worries everyone who decides to float: due to the inability to relax and unprofessional instructions, you may not feel the full thrill of the procedure and remain dissatisfied. Olga, administrator of Gravity Float Spa, is a real guru and guide to the world of floating relaxation! She knows everything about it and will help everyone relax:

“Visualize yourself relaxing. Feel each of your organs. Listen to your heart, concentrate on your breathing, let go of your body - you won't drown. There is no light, no music - just you and your body - no stimuli. The world revolves around you and your feelings. Imagine: force your imagination to draw the most pleasant pictures that will put you in the right mood. Occupy your brain with some pleasant abstract thoughts, go on a virtual trip, think about how good your body is now, it is completely relaxed. As soon as you distract your brain, you will fall into a state of “waking sleep.” You will be somewhere on the border between sleep and reality.”

To wake you up, 10 minutes before the end of the session, the lights in the capsule will turn on again and the music will play: you will gradually come to your senses and tune in for the subsequent pleasant massage with oils and flickering candles.

Of course, one procedure to achieve maximum effect and stabilize it is not enough. It all depends on the general condition of the person, his nervous system and how quickly he can learn to relax. Olga recommends visiting floating regularly - once a week or as soon as you feel the need for relaxation. This should become a good habit that will make you healthy and happy.

My impressions of floating at Gravity Float Spa

I do not know what to say. Probably the fact that after floating I came out calm, with a smile, without the rush and panic with which I ran to the salon. I wanted to smile and didn’t want to go anywhere. I almost fell asleep in the capsule. I felt so good... as if I was again in my mother’s tummy and there was no other world around me except this enveloping warm universe.

I was thinking about something of my own. I fantasized that I was in space, where there was nothing but flight, endless flight and airborne weightlessness. This is a brain reboot. Thoughts become clearer, somehow everything becomes unimportant. Even deadlines and some, as it previously seemed, urgent matters.

I drank warm tea. I sat in the lobby of Gravity Float Spa. Without phone and social networks. It’s amazing that in just 50 minutes you can rest so effectively, relax your body and reboot your brain! Nowadays, when everything should be done with express delivery, floating is probably the most quick way relax in the conditions of life in the metropolis.

That evening I slept like a baby. And in the morning, for the first time in a long time, I felt like I had gotten enough sleep.

I think I will come here constantly. And not by herself, but with her husband. To experience all this buzz from floating as a couple - relax your body and refresh your head. And by February 14, you can give your loved one a certificate for the procedure, presented in an assortment in