Class hour on the topic of volunteerism. Class hour: “A volunteer is fashion or goodness. Russian tradition of mercy

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Scenario of class hour, extracurricular activity.

I. General characteristics of a test educational event

Form of conduct – Competition program

Event theme – “Volunteering as the meaning of life”

Objectives of the event:

  • educational(foster a love of volunteering, instill a sense of compassion for other people, promote interest in participating in volunteer activities)
  • developing(develop the ability to understand the world of another person, develop a sense of respect for another person and self-esteem) + develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of decision-making, ability to concentrate quickly
  • educational(summarize, systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge about the importance of volunteerism in the modern world).

Venue of the event and its duration (assembly hall, 45 minutes)

Design of an educational event (preliminary announcement, appropriate design of the premises (name of the event on the board, presentation on a laptop, handout cards, table for counting votes)

Equipment (laptop, projector, background music for the event)

II. Preparatory work**

(**proposed approximate list of activities)

1) Notifying children about the upcoming event. Having previously indicated that the children should think over a charity project for 2 topics - helping animal shelters, as well as helping disabled children.

2) For breaking into teams: squares of 2 colors (box of goodness), which children will choose according to their taste - thus, “motley” teams will be formed with leaders and loners, everyone will be involved and interested. The table for calculations will be printed on the board. Competition handouts for teams are printed in advance.

3) To control the assessment of the results of the event, a table will be displayed on the board for the points received by the participating teams. After each competition, points (0, 1) are entered into the table. After the last competition a count will be made. The teams will receive certificates. The winning team receives first place, and the list of “10 reasons to become a volunteer” will decorate the classroom corner and inspire children to do good deeds (The implementation of projects during the month will be recorded and described in the annex to the educational event).

4) Plan for educational activities

Introductory part:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher – 5 min.

(What is kindness? What is virtuous activity? Volunteering as a vocation. “Student’s heart”)

Main part:

2. The teacher invites the children to divide into 2 teams of 9 people and gives them time to think about the name - 3 minutes.

3. Presentation of teams – 2 min.

4. Competition “Which team knows more proverbs about kindness?” - 10 min.

5. Competition “Explain the meaning of the statement” – 5 min.

6. Competition “10 reasons to become a volunteer” – 5 min.

7. Project competition “What can we do?” - 10 min.

Final part:

8. Reflection. Discussion of the results of the event and future implementation of projects. The teacher counts the votes according to the competition table and awards the teams with certificates. The winning team receives first place and the right to place the best version of “10 REASONS TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER”, which is hung on the classroom corner - 5 min.

III. Scenario of the educational event “Volunteering as the meaning of life”

(The script indicates the students' expected answers to the questions.)

The teacher enters the classroom. Welcomes children.


Teacher: Guys, who can tell me what “kindness” is?

Student: Kindness is a character trait that describes a person’s attitude towards the world around him.

Teacher: Okay, what is “virtue”?

Student: Virtue- a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person that characterizes a person who is inclined to constantly direct his feelings, thoughts and will towards the fulfillment of moral laws.

Teacher: Right. How our world and all people need human kindness now! In modern society it is very important to remain kind people! Guys, who can tell me what they call people who are ready to help at any moment?

Pupil: Maybe volunteers?

(Background photo presentation “Volunteering at the State Institute of Foreign Languages”)

– The friendly team of volunteers “Student Heart” holds events, works on playgrounds, creates holidays, and plays games. Volunteering is a voluntary decision of every person to give joy. A synonym for the word “volunteering” is human happiness . The institute has several volunteer projects: “Do Good”, “Remember the Old People”, “Singing Clowns” and “Shoulder to Shoulder”.

(Video “Doing good is our way!”)


– And now, in order to be virtuous and take part in competitions, I offer you from "boxes of goodness" take a square of the color you like best. (Breakdown into teams)

(The teacher brings a “box of goodness”, the children choose figures, only two colors - yellow and green).

Teacher: So, everyone who is yellow is 1 team. Everyone who is green is team 2. Take your command places, think about the team name and team representatives - captains..

(children whisper with interest)


1 team: We are “OOS – United Open Hearts”!

Teacher: what an interesting name you guys chose! What is the name of our second team?

Team 2: Our team is called “Open Hearts”!


Teacher: Commanders of each team, you must organize coordinated work in your team. The next competition is called “Proverbs about Kindness.” Let's find out which team knows the most proverbs?

Conditions of the competition: Each team must write as many proverbs about goodness and kindness on a piece of paper as possible. You have 7 minutes to work. The group's work is read out by the captains. (The team with the most proverbs gets 1 point for the competition, the loser gets 0, if the teams are equal, then each gets 1 point)

Captains' speech (3 min.):

(Team commanders read out proverbs. Sample list:

- Be kind to those who depend on you.

– A good word heals, evil cripples.

– The evil one does not believe that there is kindness.

- Kindness is better than beauty.

– Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.

- The good are honored, but the evil are favored.

– He who thinks too long about doing good does not have time to be good.)


Teacher: What erudite teams and responsible captains we have! Thank you very much for your participation. So, based on the results of the first competition, the team is in the lead...

The next task will be to explain the meaning of the statement.

Conditions of the competition: Each team is given a card with statements. Your task is to explain how you understand them. All teams have 3 minutes to think. Team 1 performs first, then 2. I will listen carefully and then enter the points into the table. (The team that correctly and better copes with the explanation for the competition receives 1 point, the loser 0, if the teams are equal, then each receives 1 point)

1 team:

– Already in the 4th century BC. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: “By seeking the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.”

– The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. (Blaise Pascal).

Team 2:

“True kindness lies in a benevolent attitude towards people” (Jean Jacques Rousseau).

“To appreciate kindness in a person, you must have a certain amount of this quality in yourself” (William Shakespeare).


Teacher: Well done guys, great answers. So, based on the results of the second competition, the team is in the lead... The next task will be to come up with ten reasons to become a volunteer.

Conditions of the competition: Each team collectively writes 10 reasons to become a volunteer; the best selection will decorate the classroom corner. You have 5 minutes to write your selections, be ready to present them). (The team that writes all 10 reasons without repetition receives 1 point, the loser 0, if the teams are equal, then each receives 1 point)

Team performance.

A sample list of reasons to become a volunteer:

  1. Volunteering is a means of moral education, taming pride. It teaches you to do good unselfishly, without expecting gratitude. Do good things that no one will know about, without looking down on those who don't.
  2. Volunteering helps you fight your own fears. It teaches you not only to have a different attitude towards illness, death, life, but also to communicate correctly with people in a difficult situation. Do not be afraid of children with disabilities, do not take your eyes off a disabled person, not understanding how to behave, but be able to lend a helping hand.
  3. Last but not least, volunteering is a good example for the younger generation. It is impossible to teach goodness. It can only be grafted. And when children see that their parents regularly help someone for free, share what they have with strangers, then doing good becomes something completely natural. The norm.
  4. Volunteering is an activity very different from what you do in your everyday life. Therefore, for many, this is a way to change their usual environment, to break the standard pattern of existence. For some this is vital. This is one of the most common reasons why a taxi manager goes to an orphanage to bake pies, and an office worker goes into the forest to look for a missing grandmother.
  5. In our strange age of strange communication, volunteering allows and even forces people to meet and communicate. Volunteer brigades bring together a surprisingly diverse group of people, men and women who would otherwise never meet. This is a very useful, one might say, unique experience.
  6. When a person does something as a volunteer, he feels that he is doing the right thing. Given the rather vague moral guidelines in our society, this is a necessary feeling.
  7. In moments of depression and self-flagellation, people who volunteer understand that they are not living in this world in vain. It sounds harsh, but selflessly helping others satisfies a basic human need to feel good.
  8. Anyone should help those who need help if they have the opportunity. For many this is an axiom. Therefore, volunteering is a way for them to fulfill this responsibility.
  9. It's a joy to be around people who spend their time volunteering. They are not saints, not altruists, not blessed, not ideal, they have very different characters and motives, but they have one thing in common: they are not indifferent. It is good, useful and pleasant to be in the company of caring people.
  10. Volunteers change lives for the better. A volunteer is a soldier of a huge army of good, which is growing every day. It is volunteers who achieve what was not possible in our lives before. They draw the attention of society to something that it previously passed by indifferently. Never before have we visited old people in nursing homes, gone to play with disabled children, put out forest fires, or given love to homeless dogs in shelters. This means that life has become a little easier for lonely grandparents, special needs children, homeless animals and many others.


Teacher: Great guys. Volunteer Day is coming soon - December 5th. Now, knowing so many wonderful reasons to become a volunteer, you may think, what can YOU do good, kind, and useful for others on the eve of this day? Previously, you should have thought about two topics for project work. Now your task will be to draw up a plan for the project work, followed by implementation within a month.

1 team is working on a project - “Help for an animal shelter”

Team 2 is working on the project “Help for disabled children”

You have 7 minutes to draw up a project and 3 minutes to present your idea.

Presentation of team projects (3 min)



Teacher: Guys, today we touched on one of the most important topics in our modern world, who can say which one?

Pupil: The theme of kindness and volunteering!

Teacher: Absolutely right. Guys, do you think volunteering is our future or not?

Student: Yes, volunteering is the key that opens all doors.

Pupil: Volunteering is an opportunity to express yourself and help others.

Teacher: Guys, remember that together we are one force and we can be volunteers! Today both teams did an excellent job in all competitions! Based on the scores, each team scored _______ points! The winner of today's quiz is team _____________. Each team is awarded a certificate, and the winning team receives first place, as well as their selection of the best reasons to become a volunteer will hang on the classroom corner. Don’t forget that our projects need to be implemented and good deeds done! Thank you for your participation! Be kind!

V. Analysis of the competition event

  1. Does the content of the educational event correspond to its goals and achieved results?
  2. Does the educational activity correspond to the age characteristics of the students?
  3. Are the individual characteristics of individual students taken into account in the event, and at what stages?
  4. Is the event on time?
  5. Is the extracurricular activity structural or a collection of unrelated pieces?
  6. What is the attitude of students towards the event?
  7. Did all students take part in it?
  8. Which of the guys was the most active, whose participation did you like the most?
  9. Which children's behavior caused you concern?
  10. What emotions did the educational event evoke among the students in the class?
  11. What was the atmosphere of the educational event?
  12. What moments of the educational event did you like most? Why?
  13. What moments of the educational event did you not like the most? Why?

Class hour: “Volunteering – Good with a capital letter” Prepared by: Egorova N.I.

This world is multifaceted and small This world is multifaceted and small It is not easy for a person to live in it, It is not easy for a person to live in it, So that he is useful to society, So that he is useful to society, He can be friends and, of course, love. He could be friends and, of course, love. And no matter what his nature, And no matter what his nature, In a joke, in humor, let him know the measure, In a joke, in humor, so he knows the measure, Categories “duty”, “honor”, ​​“culture” Categories “duty”, “ honor", "culture" always accepted without conditions. I always accepted without conditions.

About good and evil Good and evil to always do Good and evil to always do In the power of all people, In the power of all people, But evil is done without labor, But evil is done without labor, It is more difficult to do good. Good is more difficult to create. Farrukh Farrukh Do good, so that, by loving, Do good, so that, by loving, Good will find you, Good will find you, Do not do evil, so that you do not do evil, so that evil does not destroy you. Evil did not destroy. Jami Jami

Proverbs and sayings Proverbs and sayings Kindness without reason is empty. Kindness without reason is empty. Good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth. Good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth. A good deed praises itself. A good deed praises itself. Remember the good and forget the evil. Remember the good and forget the evil. Good feelings are neighbors of love. Good feelings are neighbors of love. They do not seek good from good. They do not seek good from good.

Phraseologisms Phraseologisms Be kind (be kind) - a form of politely addressing someone with a request: please, please. Be kind (be kind) - a form of politely addressing someone with a request: please, please. Welcome - a greeting, a polite expression to come, enter, come in. Welcome - a greeting, a polite expression to come, enter, come in. To remember kindly (with a kind word) - remembering, speaking well, responding with gratitude, speaking, thinking. To remember kindly (with a kind word) - remembering, speaking well, responding with gratitude, speaking, thinking. From a good heart - with good intentions, without malicious intent. From a good heart - with good intentions, without malicious intent. In a good hour, a good hour - an expression of wishes for good luck, well-being in something, especially at the beginning of a business. In a good hour, a good hour - an expression of wishes for good luck, well-being in something, especially at the beginning of a business.





Class hour on the topic:

"Volunteer movement"

Prepared by:

vocational teacher

cycle of disciplines

S.V. Komkova

Kovrov, 2018


19 students of group 17Yu2

« Volunteer movement »

The purpose of conducting a class hour on this topic:

To familiarize students with the history of the volunteer movement;

To form an idea of ​​the volunteer movement, which would help students develop a desire to take an active part in its activities;

To popularize volunteerism in the school environment, to increase the social activity of students, their motivation to participate in volunteer activities, to promote the development of the volunteer movement.

The target audience : second year students of a professional educational institution.

Equipment : screen, projector, computer.

Form carrying out : lecture, conversation.

Progress of the class hour:

Opening speech by the class teacher.

Dear students! We have gathered with you today to talk about kindness, about being kind to your loved ones, about the desire to do good.

In Russia, the volunteer movement began to emerge in the late 1980s of the last century, although, if you look into history, it has always existed, for example, in the form of the sisters of mercy service, the Timurov and pioneer movements, various societies for the protection of nature and monuments.

Over the past twenty years, the concept of “volunteer” has changed a lot. If in the 1980s volunteers went to the virgin lands or the BAM, they received a salary for their work, with which the state compensated for the difficult living conditions. The voluntariness of work on subbotniks, harvesting, or patronage work was often closely related to obligation and social coercion. There was no law on volunteer labor in Soviet Russia. The concept, content and form of volunteer work in modern Russia began to take shape in the 1990s, with the emergence of non-profit, public and charitable organizations.

Due to the growing number of social problems, in solving which, given the current economic situation, volunteers have become indispensable, the volunteer movement began to develop. There are people who are voluntarily ready to spend their energy and time for the benefit of society or a specific person.

I think it's appropriate to rememberstory by L.N. Tolstoy "The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters".

Grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove.

They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin. The old man just sighed and said nothing.

They are sitting, since the husband and wife are at home and watching - their little son is playing on the floor with planks - he is working on something. The father asked:

Why are you doing this, Misha?

And Misha says:

This is me, father, making the basin. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub. The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize feels happy.

How should we treat older and weaker people?

What do older people especially need?

What can we do with you so that older people don’t feel lonely?

Students answer in turn:

All people need sympathy and kind-hearted attention. Much attention must be paid to parents, their health and well-being.

Currently, such concepts as “kindness”, “benevolence”, “attention to each other”, “humanity”, “mercy” are being revived.

Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize feels happy.

Every person on earth wants the people around him to love him and take care of him. But not everyone knows that all this must be earned. Only a polite, kind and well-mannered person is always treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone, and only such a person has loyal, reliable and devoted friends.

Kindness helps people live, create, and make life beautiful.

Classroom teacher:

What meaning do we give to the concept of “volunteering”?


- Volunteering is an unpaid, conscious, voluntary activity for the benefit of others. Anyone who consciously and selflessly works for the benefit of others can be called a volunteer.

Volunteering is understood differently by different people. However, despite the wide variety of understandings, it is possible to identify some basic characteristics inherent in volunteering.

A volunteer must not volunteer primarily for financial gain, and any financial compensation must be less than the value of the work performed.

Although the motivation to participate in volunteer activities will probably always consist of several reasons, including pressure from colleagues (or parents) and duty to society, such activities should still be carried out voluntarily, without coercion from others.

Classroom teacher:

Who can become a volunteer?


Most often, the answer to this question is this: it can be an adult, skilled and responsible, who can devote his time and skill to voluntary work.

Everycan become a volunteer in any area of ​​public life where there is a need.

Classroom teacher:

What can volunteers do?

Students take turns sharing their knowledge:

Perform tasks not related to permanent paid work;

Add a new dimension and new people to the organization;

Bring new ideas to the organization;

Create public opinion about the organization in society;

Disseminate information about the organization in personal communication with people;

Help raise funds for good causes.

Classroom teacher:

No matter how voluntary work is structured, it has three general principles:

No reward. Voluntary assistance provided by a person or group of people does not provide financial reward. However, an organization that invites a volunteer to do some work can pay for travel expenses, food, special clothing, etc.

No coercion. The phenomenon of voluntary-forced labor still occurs, for example, when the head of a municipality or a commercial company forces his employees to take part in a subbotnik, or when the dean sends students to march at political rallies instead of a lecture. Such activity may bring some benefit, but it can no longer be considered voluntary.

Benefit to society and people. Volunteer activities must have a socially useful orientation and bring real benefits to a specific recipient, society, and the environment. Activities must take into account the social needs of the community and contribute to the solution of socially significant problems.

In Russia today, the importance of developing volunteerism has been declared at the very top echelons of power. In his Address to the Federal Assembly in 2007, President of the Russian Federation V.

V.V. Putin noted the importance of developing volunteerism in Russia: “The number of operating non-governmental organizations in the country is also growing. As well as their members - volunteers performing various socially significant work. There are already about 8 million of them in Russia. All these are real indicators of the formation of an active civil society in Russia.”

The commandments of volunteers are:

be responsible in your relationships with each other;

be honest, sincere and friendly, smile at each other;

help others make optimal decisions in conflict situations;

do not make unrealistic promises;

be genuinely interested in other people;

remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language;

try to please people not only internally, but also externally;

remember a sense of proportion;


An effective tool for the sociocultural, environmental and economic development of the country is volunteering, which is developing quite actively in our country today. Volunteer activity is directly related to the manifestation of such personality qualities as citizenship, mercy, philanthropy and responsiveness.

Class hour (thematic lesson) “Becoming a volunteer” is aimed at popularizing volunteer activities among children and adolescents.

Lesson option [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Student assignments (worksheet) [PDF] [DOCX]

Target: popularization of volunteer activities among students.


  • generalization of students’ knowledge about the volunteer movement in Russia;
  • motivating students to volunteer;
  • formation of moral guidelines for students.

The methodological material (scenario) is advisory in nature; The class teacher, taking into account the characteristics of each class, can vary the tasks, their number, and change the stages of the class hour.

Exercise. Lookvideo and answer the questions.


What does this video talk about and what does it call for?

Who are volunteers?

Exercise. Using the plot of the video, formulate the topic of our conversation.

Teacher: The main principle of volunteer activity is gratuitousness.

Question: How do you understand this word?

Exercise. Try to make a list of reasons that motivate people to volunteer.

Teacher: Today in our country volunteering is developing quite actively. The slide shows types of volunteering.

Exercise. Review the contents of the slide and complete task #1 on the worksheet.

Question. What type of volunteer activity would you be able to participate in? Give reasons for your answer.

Teacher: Today any citizen of our country whose age has reached 14 years can become a volunteer.

Exercise. Complete task No. 2 of the worksheet and determine the sequence of actions of a person who wants to engage in volunteer activities.

Teacher: Quite a lot of attention is currently being paid to the development of the volunteer movement in Russia. Russian President V.V. Putin declared 2018 the Year of the Volunteer.

Some universities add additional points for volunteer experience to the Unified State Exam scores upon admission. More and more employers, when hiring, began to pay attention to the volunteer activities of the candidate, which allows him to gain an advantage over other applicants for the vacancy.

Exercise. Suggest why the development of the volunteer movement is gaining greater significance and support at the state level.

Exercise. Choose an associative series of words for the word “volunteer”.

Question: Is it possible to put the word “good” in first place in the constructed associative series?

Exercise. L.N. Tolstoy said: “The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself.”

How do you understand the meaning of this statement?

Do you agree with him and why?

Exercise. Look video, voice it by composing a text accompaniment to the plot.

By decree of the President of Russia, 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer. The World Declaration of Volunteering, adopted in January 2001, notes that “volunteering is the foundation of civil society, it brings to life the need for peace, freedom, security and justice.” The Declaration emphasizes that volunteering is a way to preserve and strengthen human values, realize the rights and responsibilities of citizens, personal growth, through awareness of human potential.

The Year of the Volunteer will be a recognition of services to society and an appreciation of the enormous contribution of volunteers to the development of the country and will remind society that there is a place for mutual assistance, kindness and compassion.

Anyone can try themselves in such a role, because it’s never too late to make the world a better place!

Lesson option [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Student assignments (worksheet) [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Goals: instilling in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland; the formation of an active civic position, readiness for socially useful activities based on volunteering, as well as a caring attitude towards people in need of help, participation in the activities of public associations.


To cultivate in students the personality of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland, capable of showing a caring, responsible attitude to various life situations;

To cultivate students’ interest in socially significant social activities aimed at caring for representatives of the older and younger generations, as well as a caring attitude towards people and animals in need of help;

Develop the ability to analyze information presented in various sign systems and sources of information, to express one’s point of view with reason;

Develop a positive attitude towards volunteering.

Read phrases spoken in different historical periods. What do they have in common?

“What is the essence of life? Serve others and do good"(Aristotle)

“Kindness, the willingness to protect the weak and defenseless is, first of all, courage, fearlessness of the soul.” V. Sukhomlinsky

At all times, there have been people who sought to help others simply because benefiting others was the meaning of life for them. A person voluntarily helped other people without demanding anything in return. Over time, there became a lot of such people. They began to unite. This is how social movements were formed with the goal of helping others.

Question: What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson?

On December 6, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree that 2018 in the Russian Federation will become the Year of the Volunteer. This happened at a ceremony in honor of the end of the All-Russian Forum of Volunteers and Volunteers.

Class hour on the topic

“2018 is the year of the volunteer and the volunteer”

    To have a positive influence on students when choosing their life values.

    Development of the volunteer movement at school, formation of positive attitudes among students towards volunteering.

    Form a cohesive active team of volunteers.

    Create conditions that allow students to do volunteer work on their own.

    To create motivation in students to volunteer

As a result of the lesson, participants will be able to:

    formulate the concept of “volunteer”;

    practice mutual assistance skills in solving various problems;

    will acquire skills to work in collaboration;

    They will understand that to solve many problems it is necessary to turn to a friend for help and be able to trust him.

Progress of the event:

So, we begin our hour of fellowship!

Over the years, you and I have talked a lot about kindness, understood the concepts of good and evil, talked about kind people...

Today I want to ask you - who is this kind person and is it easy to be a kind person? (children's statements with examples)

2. Topic message

You and I know that in our country every year is dedicated to something. For example, 2016 was declared the year of cinema,

2017 year of ecology, (

What is this year 2018 dedicated to? (slide)

Who are volunteers? (These are people of GOOD WILL who donate part of their free time, strength and energy, knowledge and experience, without any coercion, to those who currently need help and support.

So 2018 is the year of the volunteer and volunteer

Who are the volunteers????? (slide

So what are we going to talk about today? (Who are volunteers, what do they do, how do they help people and animals)

Information from the slides:

This day is considered a holiday of volunteers.

An open palm and heart are considered symbols of volunteering.

Why do you think the palms are different colors? (Because the world made us all different)

You can become a volunteer only at 14 years old and you need to prepare yourself for this.

What is the most important quality a volunteer should have? (Gotta be kind)

Guys, in what situations do you need the help of volunteers?

Children list. (The teacher may add: volunteers are needed during environmental disasters, when eliminating the consequences of natural disasters, even volunteers are involved in searching for people)

The volunteer movement is divided into several directions (slide)

Sports volunteering

And I want to talk to you about sports volunteering.

What does sport give to a person? (Strengthening health, strong body, healthy mind, endurance, hardening, teaches patience, perseverance, etc.)

Are many of us in our class involved in any kind of sports or attending sports clubs?

Maybe a future sports star, an Olympic champion, is growing among you!

In 2018, the Republic of Korea hosted the Winter Olympics. The same Olympics was held in Russia in 2014 in the city of Sochi, with the help of 25 thousand volunteers from around the world.

What did the volunteers do at the Olympics?

Volunteers helped all visitors find their way, indicated hotel addresses, sat at computers, provided communications, were involved in cleaning sports arenas, and worked in catering departments. And they even helped to encourage the spectators and supported our athletes.

And immediately after the main Olympics, the time comes for the Paralympics.

Guys, who knows what kind of competition this is? (Disabled athletes competition)

Is it easy for disabled athletes? (it's very difficult for them)

But they are strong in spirit and this allows them to achieve high results.

Disabled people are limited in their capabilities, so there is another type of volunteering - this is inclusive volunteering. This is support and assistance to people with disabilities, involving them in various areas of activity in which these people will feel complete

Life, unfortunately, is not a series of joyful and happy moments. Life is full of tragic events: poverty, incurable diseases, need.

And fortunately, there are people who are ready to help those who really need it.

These people spend a lot of money on charity in all its forms, from helping sick children to investing in urban infrastructure. But the number of representatives of Russian show business working in this direction is only increasing and the real contribution of these people is very noticeable. Among the most active are the following:

Philanthropist Natalia Vodianova.

A world-famous model and mother of many children, she is well known in the field of volunteer work. Back in the early 2000s, Natalia created the Naked Heart Foundation. Over the next 13 years, this organization built more than 150 children's playgrounds, including one unique one, for children with mental disabilities.

Philanthropist Konstantin Khabensky.

A man with a capital P who saves children with cancer. Konstantin personally experienced the bitterness of losing a loved one. His wife Anastasia died of a brain tumor. Since that moment, the actor has radically changed his own worldview and is doing his best to save the lives of children. His phone became a kind of “rescue service” for those suffering. The actor is asked not only for financial help, but also for connections. Konstantin has more than once “connected” exhausted mothers with highly qualified metropolitan doctors who undertake the most complex operations. Moreover, his own apartment several times became a temporary shelter for parents and children undergoing surgery.

Philanthropists Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun.

Two famous Russian actresses, who never “grabbed stars from the sky”, but achieved everything through their own labor, are the founders of one of the most famous Russian charitable foundations, “Gift of Life”. Over the 10 years of its activity, the foundation has saved hundreds of children with cancer. Several years ago they received the Prize for Humanism.

Philanthropist Gosha Kutsenko.

9 years ago, the actor single-handedly founded the “Step Together” foundation. The main direction of its activity is comprehensive assistance for children who suffer from cerebral palsy (purchase of medicines and special equipment). Kutsenko is well known for “taking advantage” of his stellar connections and constantly organizing various kinds of charitable events.

Among other well-known volunteers in the field of show business, the following can also be noted: Andrei Malakhov, Alina Kabaeva, Ksenia Alferova with her husband Egor Beroev, Kristina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov, Olga Budina, Igor Vernik, Anita Tsoi, Alexander Bezrukov, Evgeny Mironov and others.
Many of the above celebrities help the poor and needy. There are also those who do not forget about our smaller brothers. Andrei Makarevich, Ilona Bronevitskaya, the Zapashny Brothers and many others are well known for their help to shelters for homeless animals.
It would not be superfluous to mention that many celebrities are very secretive in their volunteer activities and try in every way to avoid its publicity. We may never know about her

Gesture "High five!"

Well done! I suggest you make the high five gesture!

Turn to the neighbor on your right…the “High Five!” gesture.

Turn to the neighbor on your left...the "High Five" gesture.

And this is the only gesture that volunteers greet each other with.


Our lesson is coming to an end.

Guys, today you learned who volunteers are and what they should be.

I am sure that even a small spark of volunteering has been lit in you.

- Now continue the sentence:

To be a volunteer means to be - ……………………….

(Happy, healthy, and rich in soul)

Now can you tell me why I turned on this particular song before the start of our lesson? (The main meaning of this song is who if not us. And probably the main meaning of volunteering is also who if not us)

Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good.

Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not, do good.

Regardless of whether your goodness is accepted or rejected, do goodness.

Regardless of how they pay you for doing good: good or evil, do good.

Do good and do not ask permission from anyone, for no one has power over your good.

Thanks everyone.

The music sounds “Who if not us...”