Climate chamber: types, distinctive features, technical description. Page title

Climate chamber allows you to simulate aggressive effects environment, has high-precision instruments for controlling humidity and temperature levels and is used in research institutions developing equipment for mechanical engineering, as well as the defense and aviation industries. Although, in general, climatic chambers are used for testing various materials.


A typical climate chamber has four parts:

    working volume (this is a special cabinet with a heat exchanger built inside; the cabinet is equipped with a special hinged door and viewing window, there is also an anti-freeze protection system);

    refrigeration unit (this device is located inside the frame, it is covered with casings that provide cooling to the devices of the refrigeration machine);

    steam generator (this device is necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity);

    freon dryer (a special device that is also involved in the process of maintaining humidity levels).

Diagram of the climatic chamber

The camera body is mounted on a rigid wheel frame, which is made of steel profile. The wheels have brake pads that prevent the camera from spontaneously moving around the space during operation. Chambers of large volumes (up to 500 liters) are usually installed permanently.

Climate chambers operate in a temperature range from minus 70 to plus 100 degrees. For this purpose, additional devices are installed in the cameras. For example, in addition to the refrigeration unit, electric heaters (heating elements) are connected to the climate chamber.

The air in the climatic chambers circulates thanks to the use of a high-speed fan. Its drive is usually installed on the camera automation panel.

In general, there are many types of climate chambers. They can simulate different climate conditions.

  • heat-cold-moisture,



    shock freezing,

    thermal shock chambers (shock test),

    air conditioning chambers,

    lighting cameras (day-night),

    copper acetic fog chambers,

    corrosion chambers,

    rain chambers,

    hyperbaric chambers.

But the most common are chambers of the THB and TH types (heat, cold, moisture and heat, cold).

There are also solar radiation cameras that simulate the effect of sunlight on materials. They are necessary to assess the resistance of materials to aggressive exposure to sunlight.

QSUN solar radiation cameras are widely used in the aircraft industry, paint and varnish industry, automotive industry, and textile production.

There are climatic chambers of various manufacturers. It is worth paying attention to

    Espec climate chamber;

    Zico climate chamber;

    climate chamber Ilka;

    climate chamber Binder;

    climate chamber Tabai.

For laboratories and factories, it is necessary to choose a QC from a manufacturer that can guarantee its maintenance and repair. Before installation, the climatic chamber is usually certified, the technique of which boils down to the fact that the CC is put into operation without loading the equipment.

Heat chambers

Heat chambers are designed for testing various materials at elevated temperatures. They can heat up to different temperatures and have special programmed modes. The volume of such a chamber can also be different (from 50 liters to 800 liters).

Cold chambers

Cold chambers are designed for testing various materials at low temperatures. They also have different programmable modes and volumes.

The figure shows a diagram of a typical heat chamber:

    1 - damper;

    2 - door;

  • 4 - useful volume;

    5 - air duct;

    6 - heater;

    7 - fan.

RT - temperature controller; BT - control unit; SB - power block; AO - emergency shutdown unit.

Salt fog chambers

These devices are designed for testing various materials for exposure to salt fog. The salt fog chamber contains the following components:

    fog generator with piezoelectric element,


    brine supply pipeline,


    hemispherical transparent heat-insulated chamber cover,

    control and alarm unit,

    temperature sensor,

    drain pipeline,

    main heating circuit,

    accelerated heating circuit,

    heat insulating element.

The invention relates to testing equipment and can be used in installations for testing structures under the influence of salt fog.

Salt fog chamber

You can buy a salt fog chamber in Russia; there are various manufacturers that offer equipment of this type for various tests in production. Before purchasing, you need to certify the camera (put it into operation without downloading). The price of salt fog cameras is quite high, since this equipment is a high-precision technology. It is worth paying attention to the salt fog climate chambers

Heat-cold chambers

TX type cameras are universal test cameras. You can create different conditions in them. Work with materials can be carried out at particularly low and ultra-high temperatures. There are various modifications of these cameras. They are equipped with a steam generator that creates certain humidity conditions. Exist

    chambers of heat, cold, moisture;

    chambers of heat, moisture;

    cold and moisture chambers.

The installation of cameras can also be different. There are floor-standing CCTVs and table-top CCTVs.

The climate chamber is a unit that has recently found widespread use and is already used in a variety of industries. The operating principle of this device is radically different from what people are used to seeing in conventional units; it has a different operating principle. The peculiarity of this type of units is that they have the ability to operate in a wide variety of weather conditions, which not every unit can boast of.

Appearance of the climate chamber

In this article we will look at:

  • climate chamber;
  • repair of climate chambers;
  • climatic testing chambers;
  • climatic chamber for laboratory;
  • buy climate chamber;
  • climatic chamber certification methodology;
  • climatic test chambers;
  • climate chamber KTK 800;
  • climatic heat chamber;
  • climate chamber tbv 2000;
  • climate chamber kshi 0 15;
  • espec climate chamber;
  • ziko climatic chambers;
  • certification of climate chambers;
  • climatic chamber phytotron;
  • climatic cold chamber;
  • climatic chambers production;
  • gost climate chamber;
  • climate chamber ilka;
  • climate chamber binder;
  • climatic chamber KTH;
  • climate chambers tabai;
  • climate chamber cm;
  • climate chamber 60;
  • climate chamber KTK;
  • climate chamber KHTV;
  • salt fog chamber;
  • salt fog chamber kst;
  • tests in a salt fog chamber;
  • certification of salt fog chamber;
  • salt fog chamber certification method;
  • atlas salt fog chamber;
  • salt fog chamber kst 1m;
  • heat and cold chamber;
  • climate chamber heat cold moisture;
  • chamber of heat, cold and moisture;
  • heat and cold test chambers;
  • climatic chambers warm cold;
  • climatic chambers; heat and cold chambers; experienced;
  • cold, heat and humidity chambers;
  • heat and cold chamber KTH 60;
  • heat and cold chamber ms 71;
  • certification of heat and cold chambers;
  • heat and cold chamber tv 1000 nema;
  • heat and cold chamber espec mc 812r;
  • chamber heat cold production;
  • heat-cold chamber KTH 74 65 165;
  • desktop climate chamber warm cold;
  • heat and cold chamber ms 71 characteristics.

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If we talk about what this unit is like as a system, then it is a camera that helps simulate the impact of the environment as accurately as possible, and thanks to this, it can actively participate in various educational institutions that need this kind of devices. Despite certain shortcomings of this kind of systems, they are still actively used in many areas of life and this is only the beginning of their development, since many companies have not yet come to the conclusion of what these devices are.

First of all, such units attract people’s attention with their design, which we will now talk about.

This unit consists of four main parts:

  • Working volume
  • Steam generator
  • Cooling unit

Working volume - this is, in fact, the chamber itself, in which all processes take place. Those materials that can be climatically treated are immersed in this chamber, after which they have to go through a whole series of processes, and only at the end do they reach the refrigeration compartment, where they actually undergo primary cooling. The working chamber itself is a very important element of the system, since it is the part that plays the greatest role and where all the most important material processing processes take place.

Refrigeration unit - This is also a very important compartment and in appearance it looks more like a small bedside table. In fact, in this compartment the initial cooling of materials that have already undergone the processing process occurs. This cooling process is intended to ensure that the material that has been processed in the oven retains its original shape and can subsequently be used exactly for its intended purpose.

Camera body — Most often, this element is installed on a metal frame, which is securely fastened so that the unit itself can operate without any interference. The camera body contains all the key elements of the system, which, when fully interacted, form the operation of the entire system.

- this is an element that is not particularly noticeable at first glance and few people pay attention to its presence. But if we look at this matter from a purely professional perspective, it is not difficult to guess that this is one of the most important elements of the entire system. Inside the switchboard itself there is all the central electrical equipment. On the operating panel you can configure all the smallest details while the system is running. For example, in this panel you can configure how active processing should be. or how much energy needs to be released during this processing.

Shield automatic control climate chamber

The Russian-language interface of the panel itself also plays a significant role in this whole matter, which makes understanding the system much easier and can be done in just a few days. Unlike other units, this one is maximally automated, which means that if you correctly configure all the small details during operation, the unit will be able to work without any problems, even without the help of human intelligence.

The heat-cold chamber is primarily intended for carrying out various types of tests, including the effects of low relative and, accordingly, increased temperatures. This means that this type of camera can find its application in a variety of areas, as it has very good functionality, which is enough to solve a huge number of problems.

As for the control system of this device, it is quite simple and thanks to the Russian-language programmable controller, it is possible to easily configure all the small details during operation of this unit, which cannot but be called an advantage of this system.

Appearance of the chamber heat cold

The category of devices itself is primarily designed to work in a wide variety of conditions. The capabilities of this unit in this area are quite wide, since this type of device is used not only in factories, but also at home, if circumstances require it. The price for such units currently varies within the high price segment and this is not surprising, because such devices have not yet found wide distribution, which is why the price for such units is now very high.

But judging by how actively people are now buying such devices, soon production will begin to intensively produce such units, after which the price for them will decrease significantly. This means that such a unit will be able to afford significantly large quantity of people. So if you don’t buy such a unit because of the price issue, then you don’t have to wait much and very soon you may have a real opportunity to purchase a similar unit that will serve you for many years and will delight you with excellent performance.

Salt fog chambers, unlike previous types of chambers, are designed to conduct tests that are aimed at the corrosive effects in the area of ​​salt fog where it is continuously sprayed. This type of testing in itself is quite complex, which makes it almost impossible to use any other unit with similar technical characteristics in this direction.

One of the characteristic features of this system is also the versatility of its design, which provides a number of significant advantages that not all units in this price segment can boast of. The design of this type of device is working together with a control system, they help to carry out various tests, with a duration of up to 30 days, which is a very good indicator. During this time, the unit has the opportunity to reproduce the entire corrosion process and check the accuracy of the corresponding processor under real operating conditions.

External view of the salt cold chamber

This unit also includes a spray preparation system, thanks to which it is possible to distribute all the salt fog as evenly as possible throughout the entire working chamber. During this test, the salt fog is evenly deposited on the product to be tested, allowing for maximum effect during the test itself.

The salt fog chamber is not yet particularly relevant on the market, and few enterprises are willing to pay a lot of money for such a unit. But it is possible that in the near future the situation will change dramatically, since after the innovation in the field of innovation, there are already some prerequisites for the fact that such units may still gain popularity.

The cold chamber is a unit that is mainly intended for wide range products aimed at resistance to positive temperatures up to +300 and negative temperatures up to -70 degrees. Such indicators once again prove that such devices are more than effective in performing their functions, and problems with such units arise very rarely.

Appearance of the cold chamber

As for cooling in such a chamber, it occurs at temperatures down to -70 degrees. This entire process is created inside a climatic chamber, where the main element is a two-stage refrigeration unit with the possibility of water or air cooling.

If we take foreign-made refrigeration units as examples, then there is no doubt about the quality of the product, since foreign manufacturers always make sure that the buyer receives the maximum from the purchased product.

If we talk about several of the most relevant cold chambers at the moment, then this includes the following installations:

  • KTX-250;
  • KTX-400;
  • KTX-64.

These three units have the best characteristics and if you compare them with other devices, it is not difficult to understand that this particular type of camera offers the greatest functionality and efficiency. If you decide to buy just such a unit, do not forget to compare its characteristics with other devices when purchasing. Because sometimes you can make a very big mistake when choosing a device, but it may no longer be possible to replace it. So choose the cold chamber that is suitable for you in terms of characteristics, so that in the future you will not regret one bit about making such a purchase.

The heat and moisture chamber has great amount purposes, but the most important of them is the preliminary exposure of textile and polymer materials in a normal work environment. This entire process is carried out solely to stabilize all the main parameters of the unit before important tests.

If we touch on the topic of the difference between heat and moisture chambers and climate chambers, then they can be seen in the limitation of the temperature range. If climatic chambers of the KTV series are mostly intended for testing materials for resistance to the effects of temperatures of different ranges, then the heat and moisture chamber has a much wider range of applications and can even be used in completely different directions.

Appearance of the heat and moisture chamber

Now the most popular are heat and moisture cameras in the low price segment, since they are able to show excellent performance results for very modest amounts of money. As for large enterprises, they, in turn, purchase more expensive units that have large dimensions in order to be able to carry out large quantity time-consuming tasks at the same time. If we talk about the most relevant unit in this direction, then this is the moisture and heat chamber SM 30/75-TV.

This unit has good characteristics, which we will talk about now:

  • Chamber volume — From 90 to 1000 liters.
  • Range of usable temperatures - 30-7 degrees.
  • Temperature accuracy — 3%.
  • Operating mode - Can be used long-term.

The characteristics of this unit look more than nice, so if you decide to look for a device in the mid-price category, then this option will be one of the most interesting, as it has a huge number of obvious advantages.

TXV climatic chambers serve the purpose of developing certain conditions that are as similar as possible to natural ones. Due to the fact that the old installations could not cope with the task, technologists were forced to use auxiliary equipment all the time. Once upon a time, this procedure took a fairly long period of time and effort, and as a result, everything did not always work out as it should. However, over the years, more modernized units began to be produced and the whole situation changed radically.

In this article we will look at:

  • climate chamber
  • repair of climatic chambers
  • climate chamber heat cold moisture
  • climatic test chambers
  • laboratory climatic chamber
  • climatic chamber certification methodology
  • climate test chambers
  • ziko climatic chambers
  • certification of climate chambers
  • climatic cold chamber
  • climatic chambers production
  • gost climate chamber
  • climate chamber KTK
  • climatic chamber khtv

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In a general understanding, a modern climatic chamber is a certain original hydraulic capacity, thanks to which it is possible to repeat extremely effectively necessary conditions natural environment. For example, set a certain level of air humidity, maintain it at this level, set the temperature at a certain degree, control the strength of ultraviolet rays, the influence of various aggressive, dangerous chemical substances. Such mechanisms are now very popular in various fields of mechanical engineering, industry, food industry, etc. Since all research organizations must perform accurate measurements to obtain the most accurate results, it is now almost impossible not to use climate chambers for testing. Thus, such designs are now especially used in Food Industry, for example, a climate chamber for sausages. Climate chambers for raw smoked sausages are able to provide the most optimal conditions for creating high-quality and tasty food product. The climate chamber for the laboratory, like other test climate chambers, is the most accurate and important tool in new discoveries, laboratory tests, etc.

Features of the camera design

Such a unit has a unique construction method, which includes certain important components:

  • A shield containing everything important electronic support, with its help the camera starts working. It is located on the side of the wall, management process as automated as possible.
  • The steam generator is used to check and control the moisture level of the structure. By simply boiling a liquid or under the influence of ultrasound, water vapor is created. The steam generator operates in a local automation system.
  • The working area is made in the form of a specific container, which is equipped with heat exchangers. Such mechanisms guarantee the most convenient mode for testing.
  • Thanks to the viewing window that is available in such a container, you can monitor all the changes that occur during experiments or research.
  • The cooling device is mounted inside the frame, it is fixed on special mounting plates. Key Function of this device – homogeneous and even distribution of air throughout the entire area.
  • The locking mechanisms of climatic chambers protect the device from unplanned, spontaneous opening; this is a kind of barrier to the penetration of moisture into the structure. This ensures the stability of the installed operating temperature.
  • The body of the structure is covered with a steel profile, onto which a unique protective layer is applied. Thanks to this material, all the required technical nuances are preserved for a long time, and in addition, excellent appearance cameras.

The finished device is installed on special roller blocks, if the volume of the structure is designed for parameters up to 500 liters. If this volume is exceeded, the structure is mounted exclusively permanently.

Distinctive features of TVX climatic chambers

The key feature of such devices is the use of a steam generator. Depending on the nature of the internal structure, the following steam generators are distinguished:

  • hot (heated with boiling water);
  • cold (ultrasound is applied).

In order to provide the most optimal measure of test accuracy, the walls of the structure are covered with the necessary thermal insulation substance. On the inside, the surface is stitched with high-quality stainless steel. Often such TVX chambers are equipped with a two-stage refrigeration device.

Technical features of TXV cameras

The following order of execution of the verification cycle can be described:

  • The chamber is cooled to a temperature of - 50C, this takes from 2.5 to 3 hours
  • Camera exposure at a temperature of -50C from 2.5 hours to 3 hours
  • The chamber heats up to a temperature of +18C within 2 – 2.5 hours
  • Maintain temperature +18C for 2.5 – 3 hours.

In order to ensure complete and accurate functionality of all processes, a controller is equipped in the climate chamber. His technical features:

  • the display resolution is 0.1C;
  • air cooling method is used;
  • permissible error ±2С;
  • it takes 90 minutes to reach the minimum temperature;
  • it takes 75 minutes to reach maximum temperature;
  • acceptable range temperature regime: -60 / +75С.

It’s profitable to buy a climatic chamber: the main criteria for choosing a thermal chemical

When choosing a device, before choosing one or another camera model, you need to figure out what criteria you need to pay attention to first. The heat-cold-moisture climate chamber must have the following characteristics:

  • Availability modern system control;
  • automated control;
  • good technical features of compressors;
  • equipping the camera with a controller;
  • high-quality materials from which the camera is assembled;
  • the ability to complete the device with individual or standard equipment (possibility of combination);
  • excellent reputation of the unit manufacturer, fast delivery times;
  • use of an environmentally friendly cooler in the unit;
  • speed of temperature change (this is very important when installing a climate-controlled cold chamber, it is used electronic system freon control).

If desired, it is always possible to make a climate chamber with your own hands, but this is a rather lengthy process that will require certain knowledge and the availability of expensive components. Therefore, it is much easier to choose a model from existing ones. For example, the KTK 800 climate chamber, which is characterized by excellent quality, is especially popular. The climate chamber tbv 2000 from a German manufacturer is slightly inferior in characteristics, but is more affordable.

Technical parameters of climate chambers

Additional Key Points

Please note that it is strongly not recommended to move the chambers, as this may damage the pressure calibrator. A very necessary element in the operation of the camera is a cooling device; it guarantees a decrease in temperature at the right time. Since all such units are automated, any spontaneous shutdowns will not occur, and overheating of the device is absolutely excluded. And besides, the automatic adjustment panel is located on the casing, thanks to which it is protected from any damage.

In order to ensure the necessary functionality of the camera, experts recommend using special substances high pressure, they will help reduce possible losses operating temperature or power, and will also exclude any differences in important indicators, which are constantly monitored during the study.

However, no matter how well the equipment works, before using it, it is necessary to undergo the procedure of state testing of measuring instruments. The climate chamber certification methodology is a very important document that is carefully studied and passed in accordance with all prescribed standards.

It is better to entrust the repair of climate chambers to specialists; the cost and period of repair depends on the model of the chamber, as well as on the nature of the breakdown. If you strictly follow the operating instructions for the device, you can ensure the effective operation of the device for many years without repairs or breakdowns.

Humidity chamber "ZIKO (KHTV, KTV)"


Depends on the configuration

Working volume:

Serial chambers 22 - 1500 l

Guarantee period operation:

12 months from the date of commissioning

The cold-heat chamber has an individual primary certification certificate with a certification protocol, which indicates the measured parameters and the serial number of the chamber. The test results are recorded in a form. It is possible to carry out primary certification by the 32-institute Min. Russian Defense

Produced in accordance with specifications 3614-001-80466333-2007 and meet all standards applicable to temperature and climate testing.

Climate chambers with humidity "ZICO" are intended for conducting experiments on the reactions of temperature and humidity according to certain programs, with further recording of the measured parameters. Using the camera, you can conduct experiments not only according to Russian GOSTs, but also according to international standards.
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Operating temperature range in humidity mode

Humidity test chamber sizes "ZICO" are presented in table No. 1.

Table No. 1


Device and areas of application.
Humidity chamber "ZICO" consists of a durable steel body, coated with powder paint, which is not subject to the destructive effects of corrosion and rust, and a working area made of high quality stainless steel, completely insulated from external environment.
The humidification system, consisting of a steam generator and a 5-liter water tank, is located on a shelf on the back of the chamber, with the ability to connect a water supply.
Humidity control is carried out by a dehumidification system based on a refrigeration machine.
Excess moisture condenses on the evaporator into water droplets and is removed from the chamber into the drain.
Chambers of heat, cold and moisture "ZICO" make it possible to test products not only under the combined influence of temperature and humidity, but also in high/low temperature modes.
A standard climate chamber consists of:
The working volume is a cabinet, inside of which heat exchangers with hinged doors and a visual window are placed.
Automatic control panel, with electrical equipment and automation elements placed inside it.
The cooling unit is located on a removable mounting plate, which is fixed inside the frame. From the outside, the unit is closed with casings, thanks to which air exchange is provided for the devices of the cascade refrigeration machine.
Test processes are controlled using an LCD display or Termodat (customer's choice). Both devices allow you to create various programs for testing and transfer the results to a computer for further study and processing.

Such a device ensures high-quality work over a long period of time, reliability and reliability of the results.

Test and climatic chambers "ZIKO"

ZICO test and climate chambers are designed to study the effects of heat, cold and moisture in research, development, production, testing and quality control.
The company produces commercially seven standard sizes of chambers, with volumes of 22, 64, 80, 100, 120, 200, 240, 450, 500, 650, 720, 900 and 1000 liters. The range of ZIKO cameras is presented in Table No. 1.
Technical characteristics of ZIKO cameras are presented in Table No. 2.
The first element: ZIKO is an abbreviation of the enterprise “Climate Testing Equipment Plant”.
Second element: XXX - letter designation of the nature of the climatic impact on the test samples (CT - “heat” chamber, KTV - “heat-moisture” chamber, KHT - “cold-heat” chamber and KHTV - “cold-heat-moisture” chamber)
Third element: XXX - digital designation of working volume in liters 22(64/100/120/200/
Fourth element: XXX - letter designation technological features(N - desktop, VZ - chamber with vertical loading (chest), M - modified with increased temperature limits, L - laboratory with low temperature limits, C - for chambers with humidity in the medium temperature range, O - for chambers with humidity and control dew point).
For example: “ZIKO KHTV-500-O” is a climate test chamber produced by the “Climate Test Equipment Plant”, of the “cold-heat-moisture” type, with a working volume of 500 liters, with the ability to control the dew point and a temperature range from -70 to +80 degrees Celsius.

Table No. 1

Nature of impact

Working volume, liters

"KT-*-N" (Heat)(ambient/+170)


"KHT-*-L" (Cold -Heat)(-20/+80)

"KHT-*-S" (Cold -Heat)(-40/+120)

"KHT-*-M"(Cold -Heat)(-70/+170)

"KHT-*-MM" (Cold -Heat)(-75/+180)

"KHT-*-PM" (Cold -Heat)(-86/+180)

"KTV-*" (Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (ambient/+80)

"KTV-*M" (Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (ambient/+170)

"KTV-*-O" (Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (ambient/+80)

"KTV-*-MO" (Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (ambient/+170)

"KHTV-*-L" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (-20/+80)

"KHTV-*-LO" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (-20/+80)

"KHTV-*-S" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (-40/+80)

"KHTV-*-SM" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (-40/+170)

"KHTV-*-CO" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (-40/+80)

"KHTV-*-SMO" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (-40/+170)

"KHTV-*" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (-70/+80)

"KHTV-*-M" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) without dehumidification (-70/+170)

"KHTV-*-O" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (-70/+80)

"KHTV-*-MO" (Cold-Heat-Moisture) with dehumidification (-70/+170)

  • The cameras are manufactured in accordance with TU 3614-001-80466333-2007 and meet all standards used for temperature and climatic tests.
  • Each camera has an individual primary certification certificate issued by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIM im. D.I. Mendeleev" with a certification protocol, which indicates the measured parameters and the serial number of the camera. The test results are recorded in a form.
  • The warranty period is 12 months from the date of commissioning.
  • Post-warranty service is carried out by an on-site repair team or at the manufacturer in Moscow.

Table No. 2



1. Technological characteristics.

Useful volume

▪ liters

External dimensions, mm

▪ Height

▪ Width

▪ Depth

Working volume dimensions, mm

▪ Height

▪ Width

▪ Depth

Size of viewing window, mm

▪ Height

▪ Width

Temperature range, °C

▪ Bottom - for cold chambers t°

20; -40; -70; -75; -86

▪ Bottom - for heat chambers t°


▪ Upper - for cold and heat chambers t°

▪ Upper - for chambers with humidity t°

80.0 or +120.0

Temperature maintenance accuracy, °C

Temperature uniformity, no more than °C

Rate of temperature change, min.

▪ Time to reach the lower limit of the reproducible temperature range

▪ Time to reach the upper limit of the reproducible temperature range

Refrigerator cooling type


Humidity range, %

Moisture maintenance accuracy, %

Operating temperature range in "HUMIDITY" mode, °C

Water used

distilled or tap

Emitter type


Technological inputs, pcs.

1 (Ø 50/100 mm)

Shelves, pcs.

Defense "Avraia"

Weight no more than, kg

2. Performance characteristics.

Power supply

~380±5.0% V (3F+N+PE), 50±0.4% Hz

Power consumption, in the range no more than, kW

Operating temperature, °C

Noise level at a distance of 1 m, no more, dB