When to publish the annual procurement plan. When to agree on a plan

At first current year New regulations regarding the procurement plan come into force; meanwhile, the procurement plan for 2017 has not yet been reliably drawn up. Standardization applies to companies that are classified as municipal or regional clients. It combines penalties for coordination, creation and maintenance of a plan, and the form of a schedule.

Who is responsible for preparing documentation for next year?

Enterprises that fall under 44 FC are required to plan supply, that is, purchasing, operations. The government has provided for this need to achieve the following goals:

  1. preliminary familiarization with the public that conducts economic activity. As a result, customers are provided with more attractive contracts.
  2. The procedure for preliminary procurement planning is unified for all participants.

About the deadlines for compilation

This document needs to be drawn up only when the relevant authorities have already submitted a budget bill.

To create the schedule, the government has set two deadlines. State organizations are required to draw up a plan taking into account the time established by the local government and the creators of the institution. At the same time, the founders of the company do not have the right to set deadlines wider than those allocated by local government bodies.

Public services are required to submit procurement documentation no later than ten banking days, starting from the moment the financial and economic activity plan was approved.

How to correct? Algorithm of actions

If you need to make any adjustments to the plan, this should be done no later than ten days before the moment when procurement data and an offer to participate in the acquisition will be indicated on the official Internet resource of government procurement.

When talking about acquisitions in which the specified documents may not be included, the customer is obliged to focus on the day on which the contract was concluded. This means that adjustments to the schedule must be made no later than ten days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

Reasons for making adjustments

New standards for working with such documentation imply the following reasons for making adjustments to the schedule:

  • the enterprise decided not to make the purchase specified in the plan;
  • managed to save public money;
  • the supervisory authority ordered the head of the enterprise;
  • there was a need to implement the solution stated by the customer as a result of the discussion;
  • new unforeseen circumstances have appeared;
  • if the supply of products is at maximum high price, which is reflected in the chart, is now impossible due to changes in price and volume;
  • proofreading the plan;
  • changes in the main parameters of the order (meaning timing, start date of acquisitions, regularity of purchases or frequency of payment, advance payment dimensions, supplier selection methodology);
  • other cases that the rules allow to be reflected in regulatory reporting documentation.

Automatic graph creation

Now procurement plans for 2017 Federal Law 44 can be created automatically using a special computer program. The application can create a schedule, check for defects, and optimize. The application has a demo version.
Time frame for developing a procurement plan

The schedule is created for the next financial year (that is, 2017) and for the planned time period, that is, for the next two years. In the process of creating a schedule of applications, customers are required to be attentive to compliance with deadlines for compliance with laws. Federal organizations take into account the federal budget, municipal and regional - the subject Russian Federation or municipality.

Government officials have made proposals to create a procurement schedule for 2017 and 2018-2019 in that order. First, they propose making changes to the characteristics of the next year (2017) and the first plan year (2018), and then introducing the properties of the second plan year (2019). Among other things, the plan includes data on acquisitions made after the end of the planning period.

How to draw up a procurement document? Where can I find standardized forms?

The formation of this document is regulated by Article 17 of the Procurement Law. In this article - general information. Look for detailed requirements in municipal, governmental, and regional acts.

For municipal and regional organizations. Find information in government order No. 1043 dated November 21, 2013. There are regulatory design standards and a plan form. By the way, each subject and municipality must have approved acts. They indicate supporting requirements for plans. In these papers, look for complaints about filling out, additional situations for making amendments, and deadlines for registration. Requirements from local authorities look for authorities in the EIS. Information is posted within three days from the date of approval.

Representatives government agencies should look for Resolution No. 552 of 06/05/2015, which contains standard descriptions and forms.

If you are drawing up a procurement plan for 2017, you need to supplement it with procurement motivation. At the same time, each item of acquisition must be justified.
How to prepare and when to publish a procurement plan?

The procurement plan should be published strictly before the last day of the year on the state website. It is worth noting that this document is posted within ten working days from the date of approval or amendments.

For the form and standards for writing a plan, see the decree of the Government of the country. There you can learn more about how to create a procurement plan for 2017. Also, do not forget that the plan must provide data for the planned period, that is, for 2018 and 2019. The customer must note the period in which it is planned to publish the procurement notice, as well as the time periods for execution. In this case, there is no need to indicate the stages of the contract in the document.

When to agree on a plan?

Government agencies at the federal level are required to do the following:

  • draw up and demonstrate the plan to the founder no later than July 1, 2016;
  • In order for it to be approved, the institution has ten days after the formation of the PFHD. In this case, for approval, the founder must be informed;
  • After this, you have three days to post the approved plan.
  • Municipal and regional customers should do the following:
  • draw up and submit to the founder a procurement plan no later than July 1, 2016 (for regional organizations) or no later than August 1 (for municipal companies);
  • There are ten working days for approval and confirmation after the formation of the PFHD. Inform the founder about the fact of approval;
  • within a three-day period, place the document in the EIS.

The founder, local and regional authorities may specify additional deadlines for approval and execution of documents.

Government Order No. 1168 dated October 29, 2015 informs about the method of placing the procurement plan.

There are also special regulations for the production and placement of the plan. From January 1, 2016, according to provision 44 of the Federal Law, the plan should be placed in a single information system. Please note that instead of the OKATO code, the customer must indicate OKTMO. Programmers have developed special programs that allow you to automatically place a procurement schedule.

What is a unified plan, why is it needed and what is required to draw it up?

The customer sets the time for preparing the plan and planning deadlines at his own discretion, but we must not forget that the development period is at least a year, plus two subsequent years. Customers can draw up a single procurement plan if they have agreed on a single Regulation and it provides for this. It is also possible to draw up a unified procurement plan if an agreement has been drawn up to draw up a unified procurement plan.

The state website zakupki.gov.ru has an example of filling out the procurement plan for 2017 in a structured, electronic and graphic form. As a rule, the schedule is formed for a year, but write down the breakdowns in it. Make quarterly and monthly gradations.

What information must be included in the procurement plan?

The procurement plan must contain the following information:

  • data on the procurement (works, services, goods) necessary to fulfill the customer’s demand for these entities (purchase code, name of the object);
  • the period for the first procurement, determined by the required delivery date and the time frame within which all necessary procurement procedures will take place;
  • quarterly and monthly breakdown;
  • the ability to adjust the breakdown;
  • acquisition identification number, which is determined taking into account Article 23 of the Federal Law;
  • the reason for the procurement, which is determined in accordance with Article 13 of the same law;
  • name of objects and their number;
  • additional characteristics;
  • purchasing method;
  • volumes of financing;
  • consumer data: company name, address, telephone, e-mail, codes OKTMO, OKPO, OKOPF, as well as tax identification number, checkpoint;
  • reference data on annual volume;
  • data on banking support;
  • if applicable, the amount and details of the advance;
  • contract price;
  • funding periods for the coming year;
  • description of the subject of the application;
  • number of ordered works, goods, services;
  • unit of measurement of works, goods, services;
  • at what time intervals the goods will be delivered;
  • time periods for contract implementation;
  • deadline for completing each stage;
  • end date of the contract;
  • method of identifying a supplier;
  • additional characteristics of the participants in the process, if any;
  • date and number of the minutes of public discussion.
  • information about the person who prepared the plan;
  • information about the person who approved the schedule;
  • date of approval of the document.

What else should be included in the plan?

  • Break down all operations quarterly and monthly. Firstly, it makes information easier to perceive. Secondly, you will still be required to provide the breakdown in a standardized form.
  • Each purchase must be accompanied by a list of additional requirements for the quality of services, goods, and work. It's about quality terms of reference, GOSTs, licenses, regulatory documents. This information makes it possible to obtain a quality product or service under a contract.
  • Specify the trading method.
  • Indicate the procurement method. Will procurement be done electronically?

The plan schedule is created based on working documentation customer. It is she who identifies the customer’s occupation and also determines the requirements for the type of procurement plan for services, works, and goods.

Post your plan for potential acquisitions on the government procurement website http://zakupki.gov.ru. There are also examples, recommendations and all the data that the customer needs to complete government procurement.

The claims to the documents are quite detailed, the deadlines are very strict. Every year the deadlines become more stringent, and the requirements become more numerous.

About the professionalism of personnel

From July 1 of this year, according to Article 195, paragraph 3 Labor Code Russian Federation, the employer must provide professional standards in the field of requirements for the qualifications of employees. This especially applies to employees involved in public procurement.

Many online resources offer to go through distance learning, which will allow you to improve your purchasing management skills without interrupting your main job. All information is sent to the employee by email. Among other things, online courses can issue a document confirming the advanced training of an employee. This way, the employer will be confident in the undoubted professionalism of his employee.

From the beginning of 2016, the rules for drawing up a procurement schedule established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 N 554 (hereinafter referred to as the Government Decree) will come into force. This document concerns organizations that are classified as regional and municipal customers, and contains requirements regarding the following issues:

  • formation, approval and maintenance of a procurement schedule;
  • procurement schedule form.

In this article we will talk about customers - budgetary institutions, the founders of which are regional authorities or a municipality.

Note! Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1044, which contained regulations on procurement schedule issues, lost its force as of June 9, 2015.

Deadlines for drawing up a procurement schedule

For the formation of procurement plans and schedules, two deadlines have been established. Budgetary institutions must take into account the following deadlines:

  • founder of the organization;
  • local authorities (subject of the Russian Federation).

The deadlines established by the founder of the organization for the formation of procurement plans should not exceed the time allocated for this by local authorities.

This document must be prepared after the draft budget law has been submitted to the relevant authorities for consideration.

Deadlines for approval of the procurement schedule

Budgetary institutions must approve the procurement schedule no later than 10 working days from the date of approval of the financial and economic activity plan.

Information included in the procurement schedule

When drawing up a procurement schedule, the following information must be included in this document:

  1. Regarding the customer:
    • full name of the organization, its location, telephone number and address Email;
    • OKTMO code;
    • OKPO code;
    • OKOPF code.
  2. Background information on the annual volume of purchases.
  3. Regarding procurement:
    • procurement information code (requirements for its formation are established in Article 23 of Federal Law-44);
    • name of the procurement object (when selecting lots in the schedule, you must indicate all of them. For example, you need to order furniture: table, chair, bedside table - the name of the procurement object indicates “furniture”, and this object is divided into specific lots: “table” , “chair”, “bedside table” - for each of which the necessary information is indicated separately);
    • contract price (or NMCC, for the calculation of which you can use ), if necessary, indicate the price for one spare part, per unit of service or work (for cases where it is impossible to accurately estimate the entire cost of the purchase);
    • the amount of the advance, if it is provided for in the contract;
    • payment stages for the current financial year (for cases where payment is made in stages). In a situation where payment for a contract and its execution extends over a period exceeding the duration of the procurement plan, it is necessary to indicate the amount by year of the planning period and total amount outside such period;
    • description of the subject of the order (its characteristics: functional, technical, quality, operational; for medicines- international nonproprietary name, and if it is not there, then the chemical, group name is indicated);
    • unit of measurement of goods, works or services (hereinafter referred to as TRU) and OKEI code, if the purchase can be quantitatively measured;
    • quantity of GWS ordered;
    • frequency of deliveries or number of stages (for periodic deliveries, it is necessary to indicate the frequency of execution of the contract: daily, weekly or monthly, etc., and for stage-by-stage execution of the contract, the execution period for each stage is indicated - a month and a year);
    • security under the contract and application (if necessary) - you can use free for calculation;
    • planned date for concluding a contract or posting a procurement notice (sending an invitation to participate in the procurement);
    • expiration date of the contract - month and year;
    • method of determining the supplier;
    • benefits for the supplier, which are provided in accordance with Art. 28 and 29 FZ-44;
    • restrictions on participation in procurement of SMP and SONO in accordance with Art. 30 FZ-44;
    • prohibition on the admission of GWS to procurement in accordance with Art. 14 FZ-44;
    • additional requirements for procurement participants, if any (it is important to justify the existence of such requirements);
    • information about public discussion of procurement, if it is mandatory - the number and date of the protocol of public discussion;
    • information about banking support of the contract.
  4. In separate lines in the schedule, it is necessary to indicate the information that is reflected in clause 2 of the Requirements for the procurement plan and schedule of the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  5. Details of the person who prepared the procurement schedule:
    • Full name of the employee who prepared the document, his position;
    • Full name of the employee who approved the document.
  6. Date of approval of the procurement plan.

Note! IN regulations regional and municipal authorities may establish additional requirements for the timing of drawing up a procurement schedule, its approval, as well as for the information included in this document. For example, in the Vladimir region, Resolution of the Administration of the Vladimir region dated December 31, 2014 No. 1391 “On the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans to meet the needs of the Vladimir region” was adopted.

According to the new regulations on procurement plans and schedules, local regulations governing this issue will be posted in the Unified Information System no later than 3 days from the date of their approval.

If local authorities have established their own form of procurement schedule, then it is necessary to strictly follow the structure (lines and columns) specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Wherein this form can be supplemented with other lines and columns.

The procedure for making changes to the procurement schedule

If it is necessary to make changes to the procurement schedule, these must be made 10 days in advance (no later than given period) until the day when the following will be posted on the government procurement website or UIS:

  • notice of purchase;
  • invitation to participate in the procurement.

If we're talking about about procurements in which there is no need to place the specified documents, then the customer should be guided by the date of conclusion of the contract. That is, changes to the schedule must be made no later than 10 days before the conclusion of the contractual relationship.

The new rules for working with procurement plans and schedules provide the following grounds for making changes to the specified document:

  • changes to the procurement plan;
  • supply of goods (provision of services or performance of work) at the maximum price reflected in the schedule has become impossible due to a change in the volume and (or) cost, respectively, of GWS;
  • the main parameters of the order have changed: the start date of the purchase, terms, frequency of purchase or contract execution, method of selecting a supplier, payment stages or advance amount;
  • the customer decided to cancel the purchase, which was reflected in the schedule;
  • budget savings have been created;
  • the control body issued an order to the customer;
  • the need to implement the decision that was made by the customer following a mandatory procurement discussion;
  • circumstances arose that the customer could not foresee when drawing up the procurement schedule;
  • other situations that may be reflected in the regulations of local authorities governing the preparation of a procurement schedule.

Is it possible to create a schedule automatically?

You can create, check for errors and structure a schedule using the free version of the Economy-Expert program. You can download the program and instructions for working with schedules

20 January 2017, 13:44, question No. 1506199 Ekaterina, Volgograd


Lawyers' answers (5)

    Sachenkov Alexey

    Lawyer, Moscow

    • 10661 replies

      3549 reviews

    Good afternoon Why doesn’t he send it for control? What is the problem?

    If you are a unitary enterprise, then place zero plans procurement and schedules are not necessary, since, for example, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2013 N 1043 (as amended on October 29, 2014) “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for goods, works, services to meet the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements for the form of procurement plans for goods, works, services” in subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 3 of the Requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for goods, works, services to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 N 1043), reads:

    3. Procurement plans are approved within 10 working days by the following customers:
    d) budgetary, autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs by right of ownership to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or municipal unitary enterprises that carry out procurement within the framework of those transferred to them government agencies constituent entities of the Russian Federation, management bodies of territorial state extra-budgetary funds or bodies local government powers of the state customer (municipal customer) to conclude and execute on behalf of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ( municipalities) government contracts (municipal contracts) on behalf of these bodies, in cases provided for in Part 6 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - from the day the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations is communicated to the appropriate personal account under the delegated powers budget legislation of the Russian Federation.
    GARANT system: base.garant.ru/70514250/#ixzz4W7g8vo3s

    Accordingly, if you don’t have these events, then you don’t have any obligation to post a procurement plan! According to the schedule, the situation is similar!

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    Client clarification

    Client clarification

    • Sachenkov Alexey

      Lawyer, Moscow

      • 10661 replies

        3549 reviews

      The customer sends a procurement plan, but the regulatory authority does not see it in the system.

      when did you send it? This happens, firstly, the system does not accept it right away, and secondly, it’s overloaded (all of Russia hosts)

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      Client clarification

      18.01, 19.01, and today I also sent it, and a day later the system writes to him, contact support. And I tried to send a procurement plan with one kopeck, it was immediately sent for control... but this is wrong.7

      Sachenkov Alexey

      Lawyer, Moscow

      • 10661 replies

        3549 reviews

      but this is wrong.7

      Let's do it again:

      2. Procurement plans are approved within 10 working days by the following customers:
      a) by state customers acting on behalf of the Russian Federation - after informing the relevant state customer of the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation;
      b) federal state budgetary institutions, with the exception of purchases carried out in accordance with parts 2 and 6 of Article 15 of the Federal Law, - after approval of plans for financial and economic activities;
      c) federal state autonomous institutions, federal state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs to the right of ownership of the Russian Federation, in the case provided for in Part 4 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - after concluding agreements on the provision of subsidies for capital investments in objects capital construction state property of the Russian Federation or the acquisition of real estate objects into state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as subsidies). At the same time, the procurement plan includes only purchases that are planned to be carried out through subsidies;
      d) federal state budgetary institutions, federal state autonomous institutions, federal state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs to the right of ownership of the Russian Federation, carrying out procurement within the framework of those transferred to them federal authorities state authorities (state bodies), the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" and the management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, the powers of the state customer to conclude and execute government contracts on behalf of the Russian Federation on behalf of these bodies and the Corporation, in cases provided for in part 6 of the article 15 of the Federal Law, - from the day the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation is transferred to the corresponding personal account for the delegated powers.

      The obligation to publish the PP and PG arises from the moment the above events occur; if you have 0 PP and PG, then accordingly, these events simply did not occur for you! After all, they couldn’t give you 0, which means they didn’t give you anything at all!

      Was the lawyer's response helpful? + 0 - 0


      Sachenkov Alexey

      Lawyer, Moscow

      • 10661 replies

        3549 reviews

      Okay, if so, then tell me which article of the law should I refer to that there is no need to place 0 PZ and PG?

      What is your budget level? Federal, regional or local?

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      Client clarification

      Local budget.

      Sachenkov Alexey

      Lawyer, Moscow

      • 10661 replies

        3549 reviews

      Local budget.

      In this case:

      Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”

      Article 17. Procurement plans
      5. The procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans to meet federal needs, the requirements for the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal needs are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal needs is established accordingly by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local administration, taking into account the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Requirements for the form of procurement plans and the procedure for posting such plans in a unified information system are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


      Government resolution
      Russian Federation
      dated November 21, 2013 N 1043

      That is, we refer to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2013 N 1043

      (edited on October 29, 2014)
      “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for goods, works, services to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements for the form of procurement plans for goods, works, services”

      3. Procurement plans are approved within 10 working days:
      a) state customers acting on behalf of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state customers), or municipal customers acting on behalf of a municipal entity (hereinafter referred to as municipal customers) - after informing the relevant state customer (municipal customer) of the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation;
      b) budgetary institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), with the exception of purchases carried out in accordance with parts 2 and 6 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - after approval of plans for financial and economic activities;
      c) autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs by right of ownership to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal unitary enterprises), in the case provided for in Part 4 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - after concluding agreements on the provision subsidies for capital investments in capital construction projects of state (municipal) property or the acquisition of real estate objects in state (municipal) property (hereinafter referred to as subsidies for capital investments). At the same time, the procurement plan includes only purchases that are planned to be made through subsidies for capital investments;

      This is according to the software

      Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ
      “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”

      Article 21. Schedules
      5. The procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans to meet the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal needs is established accordingly by the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local administration, taking into account requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation.



      Government resolution
      Russian Federation
      dated June 5, 2015 N 554

      We refer to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 N 554

      “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as the requirements for the form of the schedule for the purchase of goods, works, services”

      3. Procurement plans and schedules are approved within 10 working days by the following customers:
      a) state customers acting on behalf of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or municipal customers acting on behalf of a municipal entity - from the day the corresponding state customer (municipal customer) is informed of the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with budget legislation of the Russian Federation;
      b) budgetary institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), with the exception of purchases carried out in accordance with parts 2 and 6 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - from the date of approval of plans for financial and economic activities;
      c) autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs by right of ownership to constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or municipal unitary enterprises, in the case provided for in Part 4 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - from the date of conclusion of agreements on providing subsidies for capital investments in capital construction projects of state (municipal) property or the acquisition of real estate objects in state (municipal) property (hereinafter referred to as subsidies). At the same time, the procurement schedule includes only purchases that are planned to be carried out at the expense of subsidies;
      d) budgetary, autonomous institutions created by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity), state unitary enterprises, the property of which belongs by right of ownership to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or municipal unitary enterprises that carry out procurement within the framework transferred to them by state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial management bodies state extra-budgetary funds or local government authorities of the powers of the state customer (municipal customer) to conclude and execute on behalf of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities) government contracts (municipal contracts) on behalf of these bodies, in cases provided for in Part 6 of Article 15 of the Federal Law - from the day the volume of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation is transferred to the corresponding personal account for the transferred powers.

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      All legal services in Moscow

The transition period in procurement planning is already ending. For 2017, you need to draw up a schedule according to completely different, more complex rules. Let's compare how a schedule is drawn up and maintained today and how it will need to be done in the very near future.

From this article you will learn:

  • what regulatory documents use when creating a schedule for 2017;
  • new rules for making changes to the schedule;
  • from 2017, it is necessary to justify each procurement item in the application;
  • it is necessary to indicate the planned completion date of the contract;
  • information about purchases from sole supplier will become more fractional.

There will be more information for making changes to the schedule

To identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, you first need to plan electronic procedures. Get an electronic signature. Select the platform that best suits your organization and register. Next, generate documentation and notices, carry out procedures and identify a supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each procurement method.
See solutions for each electronic way: auction, competition, request for quotations, request for proposals.

It is necessary to indicate the planned completion date of the contract

Now the customer indicates in column 12 (Table 2) the contract execution period (sub-sub-clause “m”, sub-clause 2, clause 5 of the Peculiarities of Order No. 182/7n). According to the new rules, he will be required to indicate the planned completion date of the contract, including the month and year (subparagraph “g”, paragraph 1 of the Requirements of Resolution No. 553). In our opinion, this is more convenient for the customer, since the definition of the concept of “completion of execution” has been worked out in more detail. After all, it is now not entirely clear what meaning is given in Order No. 182/7n to the concept of “contract performance period”. Is this the deadline within which the supplier fulfills its obligations under the contract or the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations by both parties? That is, does this also include the period of examination, acceptance, execution of documents, as well as the period within which the customer makes payment in full? Now you can more confidently lean toward the second option.

Planned supply documents created by the customer are required (UIS). They must reflect the customer's needs for a certain period. Including displaying changes that relate to information about planned orders, or new purchases that are not reflected in the originally published plan. Amendments to the procurement plan are envisaged by both Federal laws: No. 44 and No. 223.

When can you change your purchasing plan?

How to fix a procurement plan

Within three working days from the date of signing the order, it is necessary to change electronic version and post new edition in the Unified Information System (Part 9 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 44). Clause 4.1.9 contains detailed instructions, how to make changes to the procurement plan (in the electronic version of the published document).

The procedure is simple. Need to find required document in the UIS and click on the round button with an arrow, which is located next to its name in the “Status” column.

In the context menu that opens, select “Make changes.”

The system will create a version with the status “In preparation”, copying information from the last posted document. At the same time, positions become available for editing, and it is also possible to add a new order.

Edited electronic document subject to publication in the Unified Information System, and the subsequent action is to make adjustments to the schedule if they relate to the data it contains.

When can you change your schedule?

Changes to the 2019 schedule are made in cases provided for in Part 13 of Art. 21 44-FZ:

  • adjustment of the price, duration of the contract, payment procedure or advance amount, start date of the procedure, method of determining the supplier;
  • implementation of the decision of mandatory public discussion;
  • Cancellations.

How to fix the schedule

The algorithm for making edits is similar to editing a procurement plan.

Find the desired schedule and call the context menu by clicking on the round arrow button in the “Description of schedule” column.

Select "Make Changes".

The document is subject to publication in the Unified Information System within three working days from the date of approval of the order by the authorized person.

From 07/01/2018, the government customer can change the schedule one day before posting the notice or, if the notice does not need to be published, the day before signing the government contract in the following cases (Part 14, Article 21 44-FZ):

  • purchases from a single supplier under Part 1 of Art. 93 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • repeated competition or a new government order if the competition did not take place;
  • request for proposals if the re-tender did not take place;
  • a new request or an open re-tender, if it did not take place;
  • request for proposals in electronic form or a new request if an electronic tender has not taken place or electronic auction;
  • new purchase, if the request for quotation did not take place, email request quotations, request for proposals or electronic request for proposals.

At the same time, a notice can be posted and a government contract can be signed only after the amendments have been published in the Unified Information System.

By virtue of clause 10 of Resolution No. 553 and clause 12 of Resolution No. 554, in the case of a request for quotations for the provision of humanitarian assistance or emergency response, the government customer has the right to adjust the schedule on the same day when it sends an invitation to participate to potential executors of the government contract.

In other cases, it is necessary to change the schedule no later than 10 calendar days before the date of publication of the procurement notice or signing of the government contract, if the notice does not need to be published (Part 14, Article 21 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Correcting the procurement plan according to 223-FZ

According to Decree No. 932 dated September 17, 2012, correction is carried out in the following cases:

  • adjustments to the list of necessary goods (works, services), terms of their acquisition, method of implementation, period of execution of the contract;
  • changes of more than 10 percent in the cost of goods planned for purchase;
  • in other cases established by the customer’s documentation.

The new edition must be signed electronic signature authorized representative of the customer, and then published in the Unified Information System.

If competitive procedures are carried out, amendments are made within a period not later than the notice is posted in the Unified Information System. It is recommended that this deadline be observed when making purchases by other means in order to comply with the principle of information openness.