Agrico company. General information about the Agrico agricultural holding. Main development trends

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, 100% of Agrico is owned by the Dutch Martinico Beheer I B.V.



LLC "Agrarian investment company Agrico will build an agricultural complex worth about 92 million euros in the Tver region

Agricultural Investment Company Agrico LLC (Moscow) plans to build an integrated agricultural complex for pork production in the Tver region, Alexey Stepanov, a representative of the press service of the regional administration, told Interfax. According to him, the corresponding agreement was signed on Friday in Berlin during the international agro-industrial exhibition “Green Week” by the Governor of the Tver Region Dmitry Zelenin and the director of Agrico Vladimir Bovin.

Holiday on our street

One of these significant investors is AGRICO LLC. The company has been working in the fields of Stavropol for 15 years, and during this time it has become a reliable partner of many agricultural producers in the region. But in the Trunovsky district, this is the very beginning of cooperation: on the lands under forests, the first AGRICO crop will grow only next summer. However, the company has made its contribution to the development of the village more than once, and “AGRICO” is also directly related to the opening of the new House of Culture, since it is one of the sponsors of the major renovation.

Director of the AGRICO group of companies Vladimir Bovin took part in the interregional conference, which was attended by top government officials

During the conference, an active exchange of views took place between AGRICO Director Vladimir Bovin and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, during which the prospects for investment development of agricultural business in Russian Federation.

The implementation of an investment project begins in the republic - the construction of an Integrated Logistics Center

On Friday, November 12, a ceremony was held to sign an investment agreement between the Government of the Republic of Dagestan and Agricultural Investment Company AGRICO LLC.
link: http://www.government

The Agrico company refused to build a pig farm in the Oryol region

Grain trader Agrico is moving to the south. Instead of the Oryol region, the company will build a pig farm in the Stavropol Territory.

A large agro-industrial project worth more than 11 billion rubles will be implemented in Dagestan

Today, November 12, in Makhachkala, a signing ceremony took place between the government of Dagestan and Agricultural Investment Company AGRICO LLC, which provides for the implementation of a large project with a total investment of more than 11 billion rubles.

Agrico Group of Companies and the Dutch Hendrix Genetics will build a complex in the Stavropol Territory for the production of turkey hatching eggs with a capacity of 6.5 million eggs per year with the prospect of increasing to 12 million. The declared volume of investment in the project is 2 billion rubles. Construction is scheduled to begin at the end of 2018. Analysts positively assess the prospects of the project, noting that it will help reduce the dependence of Russian turkey meat producers on imports. According to Vadim Vaneev, head of the country's largest turkey meat producer, Eurodon Group of Companies, the new enterprise will face serious competition, since the turkey meat market in Russia will no longer grow.

The agro-industrial holding GC Agrico, together with the Dutch Hendrix Genetics, will invest about 2 billion rubles. in the construction of a poultry breeder for the production of turkey eggs in the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Stavropol Territory, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory reported. The planned annual production volume of the first stage is 6.5 million units. eggs with an increase to 12 million pcs. after entering the second queue. The estimated payback period for the project is eight years. Construction of the plant will begin in the fourth quarter of 2018, the first stage should be commissioned a year and a half after the start of construction. Now the investor is registering land for the enterprise and designing the infrastructure. To implement the project, about 100 hectares are required for the construction of eight farms. The investor also intends to reconstruct a feed mill in the village of Sturm in order to provide the enterprise with a feed supply.

“The Russian turkey industry is directly dependent on the import of hatching eggs and may face the risk of non-delivery due to biosecurity issues or circumstances related to border closures. Of the total annual requirement of 37 million hatching eggs, only 30% is provided by companies belonging to the Eurodon Group of Companies; the remaining ones are imported from Western Europe and North America,” notes the Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol.

Analysts are positive about the project's prospects. “The demand for hatching eggs on the Russian market will grow. This is evidenced by the plans of existing enterprises to increase capacity, as well as a number of announced projects. According to our estimates, in case of favorable conditions, the possibilities of domestic production will increase by one and a half times by 2020. The development of the sub-industry of turkey hatching eggs on the territory of the Russian Federation as one of the main resources of turkey breeding is necessary. Mainly because of a possible reduction in the cost of eggs for turkey breeding complexes,” says Ksenia Bezshlyakh, senior consultant in the agro-industrial complex practice of NEO Center JSC. Ruslan Khismatullin, director of the BCS Premier branch in Rostov-on-Don, agrees with her. According to him, about 40 million turkey hatching eggs are now consumed annually in Russia, while 9–10 million are produced in the country, the rest is imported. According to Mr. Khismatullin’s estimates, the Agrico plant will be able to occupy 13–16% of the domestic market for turkey hatching eggs.

Meanwhile, the founder of the Eurodon Group of Companies (in addition to poultry meat, produces 9 million turkey hatching eggs per year), Vadim Vaneev, believes that the company will face serious competition in the market of egg producers and due to the fact that the turkey meat market is growing more in Russia will not be. “The growth opportunities for the turkey market in Russia have been exhausted. I'm talking about consumer demand, which is not recovering, but falling. I'm talking about competitive environment. And about the geopolitical situation. Only large projects and established teams that have specialists, experience, established partnerships and sales channels, and most importantly, whose development strategies include plans to produce much more than 10–15 thousand tons per year will survive in the new conditions. Small projects will not withstand competition with large ones, which have different costs, different technologies and experience, different possibilities for choosing a course of action,” Mr. Vaneev told Kommersant-South. At the same time, he noted that projects like those initiated by Agrico Group of Companies are industry-shaping and strengthen food security and reduce producers’ dependence on an unstable geopolitical situation.

Nikita Korolev, Kommersant-Yug

The AGRICO group of companies is one of the largest agro-industrial holdings in Russia. Founded in 1999, today AGRICO is a vertically integrated structure that carries out the entire range of production activities for the cultivation, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products.

On initial stage During the formation of the Group, the main attention was paid to the development of the production of grains and oilseeds grown on the lands of the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

The introduction of new advanced technologies, the use of the best seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products, the attraction of foreign specialists - agronomists, engineers and technicians - all this contributed to the fact that the enterprises of the AGRICO Group of Companies took stable positions in the rankings among the largest producers of agricultural products in Russia over the period from 2001 to 2008 “Agrofirm “Zolotaya Niva” and OJSC “Rus” became members of the Agro-300 Club and were recognized as the largest and most effective agricultural organizations.

In the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, the Group of Companies has capacities for simultaneous grain storage in elevators with a capacity of up to 400,000 tons.
Having achieved a leading position in crop production, AGRICO moved on to the next stage of implementing the strategy to form a vertically integrated business structure - the construction of the largest modern pig-breeding complex in the Southern Federal District.

In September 2006, the first stage of the pig-breeding complex was put into operation
“Guard” in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Stavropol, designed to support 4,000 sows and annually fatten 80,000 pigs.

In 2007, in the village of Krasnogvardeisky, Stavropol Territory, a feed mill was put into operation on the basis of its own elevator, which fully supplies the pig-breeding complex with high-quality feed.

In 2007, the company began implementing the Vegetable Growing project - growing potatoes, onions, beets and carrots. Currently, the area of ​​irrigated land in the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Stavropol Territory is 2,000 hectares.

In August 2009, a modern vegetable storage facility with a capacity of 20,000 tons was put into operation. The vegetable storage facility has equipment for sorting, washing, and packaging vegetable products.

In September 2010, the AGRICO Group of Companies commissioned the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District in the village of Sturm, Krasnogvardeysky District. When the enterprise reaches full capacity, it will be possible to annually produce up to 40,000 tons of pork in slaughter weight.

In March 2013, the first sections of the second stage of the pig-breeding complex were put into operation, the design capacity of which is 270,000 fattening animals and 13,500 sows.

Since 2013, AGRICO has moved on to the development of the trade direction - in the Moscow region and Stavropol Territory it is planned to open a network of branded stores selling its own meat and vegetable products. At the end of 2013, the first stores were opened under the single name “SEMIDAL”.

In 2016, all sections of the 2nd stage of the pig complex were put into operation, as a result of which its capacity increased to 420 thousand fattening animals.

2017 A development concept for the STAVROPOLYE Agro-Industrial Park has been developed and approved.

2018 The company has begun construction of a meat processing plant on the territory of the STAVROPOLYE Regional Industrial Park.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC "AGRICO"- Bogomolov Gennady Semenovich

Founded in 1999 with the aim of managing the agricultural activities of enterprises included in the group of companies (GC). From the first day of its creation, the company has been implementing the strategy of creating an agro-industrial holding company that carries out a full production cycle for growing, processing, storing and trading agricultural products.

At the heart of building a business are enterprises producing agricultural products. The total area of ​​cultivated land in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories is about 100,000 hectares, which are ideal for growing high-quality agricultural products.

The main crops grown are wheat, barley, sunflower, corn, peas, rapeseed and other industrial crops.

The introduction of new advanced technologies, the use of the best seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products, the attraction of foreign specialists - agronomists, engineers and technicians - all this contributed to the fact that the enterprises of the AGRICO Group - Agrofirm Zolotaya Niva LLC and Rus OJSC - entered the top ten leaders of the Russian agro-industrial complex and are the most effective enterprises in the field of crop production.

In 2006, Agrofirm Zolotaya Niva LLC topped the list of the country's 100 best agricultural enterprises engaged in grain production.

To ensure long-term storage, AGRICO Group has Krasnogvardeisky, Novoaleksandrovsky, Temizhbek and Grachevsky elevators in the Stavropol Territory and the Dinsky elevator in the Krasnodar Territory with a total storage volume of about 250,000 tons.

Having consolidated its leadership in crop production, AGRICO began implementing the second stage of its development - the construction of the largest modern pig-breeding complex in the Southern Federal District.

In September 2006, the Gvardiya pig-breeding complex was put into operation in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Stavropol, designed to house 4 thousand sows and annually fatten more than 80 thousand pigs, which produces up to 8 thousand tons of pork per year.

The Gvardiya pig-breeding complex became the first in Russia within the framework of the implementation of the priority national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”.

In 2007, in the village of Krasnogvardeyskoye, on the basis of its own elevator, a feed mill was put into operation, which fully supplies the pig-breeding complex with high-quality feed.

The commissioning of each new facility complements and improves the technological production chain.

In 2007, the first stage of the irrigation system was launched in the village of Pregradnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, with a total area of ​​540 hectares. Imported irrigation equipment was purchased for irrigation: pumping station, 6 sprinklers, with a range of 474 meters. The irrigation area under one machine is 70.1 hectares.

In September 2010, the AGRICO group of companies launched the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District in the village of Sturm, Krasnogvardeysky District. When the enterprise reaches full capacity, it will be possible to annually produce more than 26.5 thousand tons of pork in slaughter weight.

About 3,000 people are employed in agricultural production at the enterprises of the AGRICO group of companies.

Over the years:

  • significant experience has been accumulated in managing investments and operating activities in agricultural production;
  • a unique team has been formed professional managers, including experienced Russian practitioners and foreign specialists;
  • a fundamental base has been created, including long-term lease of over 80 thousand hectares of arable land in the highly fertile lands of southern Russia and appropriate logistics, which makes it possible to grow sustainable crop yields;
  • Experience has been accumulated in attracting Russian and international financing; trade relations have been established with sellers of means of production and suppliers of advanced technologies.

As a result of successful development, individual enterprises of the AGRICO group of companies throughout all recent years are positioned in high places according to various classification indicators, such as: largest producers, an indicator of gross collection, an indicator of gross sales, in particular, exports, and so on.

According to the influential FORBES magazine, AGRICO LLC has been among the 200 largest Russian non-public companies for several years.

LLC "Agricultural Investment Company "AGRICO" is one of the most dynamically developing and large structures of the Russian agricultural industry and the ever-growing global agricultural market. The company leases about 100,000 hectares of agricultural land in the south of Russia, where it grows a wide range of high quality agricultural products.

Today, the enterprises of the AGRICO group of companies (GC) have taken leading positions in the grain-producing industry of Russia. The basis for the company’s success is profitable Russian agricultural companies and extensive experience in the field international trade grain. AGRICO Group accounts for a significant share of Russian grain sold on the international market, and one third of this volume is produced by its own farms.

The company's strategy guarantees dynamic opportunities for investors. Currently, AGRICO Group of Companies is one of the largest private agricultural companies in the Russian Federation. In various parts of the globe, AGRICO employs over 3,000 employees who successfully work in Russia, the CIS and in key international agricultural markets.

The strategic goals of AGRICO Group of Companies are: to become a leader in the production and processing of pork in Yuzhnoye Federal District, and then in the Russian Federation as a whole.

Reducing costs and improving product quality by developing crop production and maximizing the needs of pig farming for feed produced in-house.

Development of vegetable growing to ensure maximum effective use available land resources.

Promotion of our own brand "SEMIDAL" on the market food products Russia in the vegetable and meat segments.

Main development trends

The cultivated area in crop production is about 100 thousand hectares.

The existing pig farm with a capacity of 80 thousand heads of annual fattening is reaching its design capacity.

The construction of a pig farm with a capacity of more than 270 thousand heads of annual fattening and a slaughterhouse with a capacity of 350 thousand heads of annual slaughter of pigs has begun.

In 2007, an irrigation system was put into operation on an area of ​​510 hectares with the possibility of additional expansion to 2,000 hectares.

In 2008, the area of ​​irrigated arable land increased to 840 hectares, the planned gross harvest of potatoes and onions is 26.2 thousand tons.

By the end of 2008, investments in the Crop Growing, Vegetable Growing and Livestock Programs amounted to more than 2.5 billion rubles:

  • Crop production – 1,700 million rubles;
  • Vegetable growing – 60 million rubles;
  • Livestock farming – 646 million rubles;
  • Meat processing – 200 million rubles.

Planned volume of investments until 2013:

  • Crop production – 1 billion rubles (annual in working capital);
  • Vegetable growing – 1,740 million rubles;
  • Livestock farming – 3,183 million rubles;
  • Meat processing – 1 billion rubles.

Structure of the group of companies "AGRICO"

The structure of the AGRICO group of companies includes:

  • Agro-production holding - Management company Agrofirm Zolotaya Niva LLC;
  • Trade and grain holding
  • Commercial and industrial holding;
  • Logistics holding.

LLC "AGRICO" (Moscow), main activities:

  • Providing consulting services in the field of:
    • accounting, tax and management accounting;
    • attracting financing;
  • Legal support;
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects;
  • Analysis of promising industries, business development options;
  • Monitoring key business indicators;
    Political and administrative support activities of the agro-industrial complex.

The AGRICO group of companies includes Agrofirm Zolotaya Niva LLC. Gennady Semenovich Bogomolov (business owner) owns it all. The management is located in Moscow. The main business is the Stavropol Territory.
So, in order. In October 2018, I received a call from Moscow, that is, from the Agrico Management Company. They said they needed a HR manager. They did not explain which manager, since they themselves do not know for sure: either functional or completely covering all functions. Everything is still in process; there was no specific job title or functions. There were no vacancies posted in the media for this profile. It was said that the task of the business owner was to find a competent HR manager. Negotiations with me were conducted by Elena Petrovna Ratushnaya, a representative of the personnel service of the Management Company (hereinafter E.P.). At the beginning there was a telephone interview (at least an hour in total). Then they sent me three written assignments. Performed. Tasks of this type, the solutions of which can then be used, even if they do not hire the candidate. Based on the results, I was invited to an interview with the owner of the business (personal meeting). It was necessary to come to the meeting at the address of the owner’s office or place of residence. The distance from my location to Novoaleksandrovsk (Stavropol Territory) is 200 km. How to get there? As you wish))). It would take a long time by bus and you wouldn’t be able to get to the place anyway; you’d have to take a taxi plus. So I went by car. We agreed to meet on Saturday. The meeting place was not an office, but an additional place of residence of the owner. There, the owner held working meetings with his subordinates (managers). The road turned out to be rather difficult due to weather conditions: it rained and snowed all the way. Whoever is driving understands that such a road is dangerous and stressful. Half the way is a one-lane road: overtaking is difficult (either solid or oncoming traffic); all the dirt flies from the cars in front onto the windshield, so the wipers worked at maximum speed. I finally got to the meeting place. E.P. informed me that before meeting with the owner, they would also conduct an interview with me. I, of course, was unpleasantly surprised by this, since there were no agreements about this, I was going to a meeting with the owner, it turns out that I was presented with a fait accompli. They also said that the owner is still busy. So, having entered the room, E.P. She offered tea, but immediately said that it was better to talk first. E.P. was present at the next interview, and it was conducted mainly by a woman who works in Novoaleksandrovsk and occupies the position of something like a personnel manager (I don’t remember at the moment exact name her position and name, since this was said once and 4 months have already passed. Therefore, for further narration, I will call her “Leader A”). The conversation lasted approximately an hour. In conclusion, E.P. She said that she would now go to the owner in order to find out when he could accept me (whether he was free or not, or I still needed to wait). I said that I would wait as long as necessary, because I was going to meet him. And then the most interesting or not interesting thing began)))) Manager A literally jumped up from her seat and shouted after E.P., who was leaving the room, that she needed to say something and followed him out. Believe it or not, I realized that Leader A shouted to H.P. in order to stop her and prevent my meeting with G.S. Bogomolov. Having returned a few minutes later, Manager A told me that I needed to wait a little and took me out of the room into the corridor. And a few minutes later they hurriedly began sending me out of the building, saying that they needed to think about it. Leaving the building, I passed the passage room where G.S. Bogomolov was located. (the same owner with whom I had an appointment), and next to him was E.P. I regret that I did not approach Mr. Bogomolov G.S. I didn’t talk to him directly. I didn’t get my bearings, apparently I was in shock from what was happening))) It was not at all clear to me that the employee management company, who accompanied me throughout the entire process, suddenly abruptly, without explanation, radically changed her decision (under the influence of Leader A.) And this despite the fact that E.P. should have first of all respected the interests of the owner, but apparently the interests of Manager A have become a priority))). I wrote her a message. I waited in the car for about 15 minutes for an answer, but there was no answer. And I went back, 200 km. They never gave me tea)))). It’s good that at least they gave me water, and only after I asked. They just didn’t let me finish my drink))). Of course, there is no compensation, the whole journey is at your own expense. In my case, these are costs: travel (400 km of travel) and valuable time (all day).
Unfortunately, I have never encountered such an attitude before. As for the interview with Manager A: it’s not professional, it’s impossible to retell everything, a separate story is needed))). For example, questions were asked like: what are your strengths/weaknesses; what do you think your colleagues will say about you if we call them now, etc. I listened and thought, where am I? Who is communicating with me? What is this anyway? They also asked questions, the answers to which would provide an opportunity to solve their work problems (at my expense). It is also enough to look at the website of the Agrico company to see the “advancement” of its personnel department: this is also outdated data in the section Personnel policy; discrepancy between the declared vacancies on the corporate website and the declared vacancies on the website and the employment center/service, etc. Which already entails administrative responsibility. I won’t waste my time on analyzing and evaluating the site, and the work of the HR department; the company has specialists for this))). But just in case, I took screenshots so that they wouldn’t accuse me of slander)))
Reply from E.P. I only received it the next evening e-mail. I would like to note that communication with Elena Petrovna was positive and pleasant all the time, until the moment when Manager A forced her to act according to her scenario, in her personal interests. So, they informed me that based on the results of the meeting they were not ready to make me a job offer. It is clear that the refusal was issued from a legal point of view with absolute violations. It would have been possible to start a lawsuit about this, but I didn’t want to bother with all this. It is clear that they had no legal grounds for refusal; my professional and business level more than corresponded to their vacancy. The reason was different. More about her later in the text.
For information for those who do not know: you have the right to demand after the interview (in writing) from the Employer that he inform you of the reason for the refusal in writing no later than seven working days from the date of presentation of such a demand. A refusal can only be your non-compliance with business, professional qualities(specifically list what the discrepancy is) for this vacancy. In this case, the requirements of the vacancy must be recorded, and this vacancy with the requirements must be declared at the employment center.
Actually, why and/or for whom I wrote this post and why it’s so long)) Long because I wanted as many facts as possible and as few emotions as possible. Now I see that they are again looking for a functional HR manager (4 months have passed and they still can’t find one) and many others. Therefore, of course, my post is primarily for those who are still going to an interview with this company. If you were told a fairy tale that you were invited to a meeting with the owner, but then it suddenly turns out that you will have another interview with some “boss,” do not rush to show yourself as a competent leader and professional in your field. Because it is almost 100 percent that you will not be allowed to see the owner. Which is exactly what happened in my case. I was simply not allowed to see G.S. Bogomolov, seeing me as a competitor. Therefore, if you want to work in this company, then during the interview, hold back your managerial experience, your knowledge, agree in everything with the manager conducting the interview, do not voice your different point of view from others, in a word, show yourself in such a way that they will not see you as a competitor . And then you will have the opportunity to go to an interview with the owner, where you can and will need to indicate your professional and managerial level.
And secondly, my post is for the owner of this business, Mr. Bogomolov, if, of course, he needs it at all. And if, of course, the security service monitors such posts and reports them to the owner, and does not hide what is happening from him, as Ms. Ratushnaya E.P. did. together with the Manager A. Mr. Bogomolov Gennady Semenovich, your idea is certainly correct and necessary (to select highly professional managers). But it just turns out that the idea is good, the implementation is there, but there is no result. Can you connect a trusted, competent person to this issue? Otherwise, they will forever look for leaders and hide them from you. Or maybe you know everything and are happy with it all? How else can you explain the movements happening behind your back? No matter how high-tech the production is, no matter how much money you invest in it, it will all be in vain, to no avail among low-skilled personnel (especially the management team).
This concludes my story. And I would like to wish all applicants to find their job in a highly developed enterprise, with a competent manager, friendly colleagues, and decent working conditions!