Competition "Unusual Artist"

Competitions for boys primary school and grades 5-6 should be distinguished by their simplicity and unambiguity, it is worth excluding tasks that may not be understandable to children, but in any case, special attention should be paid to explaining what exactly needs to be done in the competition, how points will be calculated. You can also provide for joint competitions between boys and dads.

  • Digging trenches

Small boxes of the same size are quite suitable as trenches. Spoons can serve as shovels, and finely chopped paper confetti can serve as soil. The participants' task is to dig a trench as quickly as possible, that is, scoop confetti out of the box with a spoon.

  • Message from the signalman

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the communications operator. Each team takes turns reading their words, and after some time the participants must remember and reproduce them. The words can be anything, preferably related to the theme of the evening, but there should be no more than 10 of them.

  • Saboteurs

The saboteurs were caught on the territory of the headquarters. It is necessary to interrogate them. To do this, one participant is invited from each team, who carefully examine each other for a minute. After this, the guys stand with their backs to each other. The facilitator asks each person in turn questions regarding appearance opponent. For example, what color shirt is your opponent wearing? What are you wearing on your feet? How many buttons, etc. Whoever gives the most correct answers becomes the winner of the competition.

  • Preparing the equipment

A very fun competition. One participant from each team is called up. They will have to use a marker on a sheet attached to the board to draw as quickly as possible Not working hand(if the child is right-handed, then he draws with his left hand, and vice versa) the object that the leader quietly whispers to them. The team that is the first to guess what exactly their participant is drawing wins. You can draw military equipment(plane, tank, ship, missile carrier, etc.).

  • Watch

Our observation post is located in a swamp, we need to be extremely careful. There was a single, very small hummock (a thick sheet of paper or cardboard) on which the participants would have to stand on one leg. The one who stumbles will “drown in the swamp” and is eliminated from the game. Either one person from a team or several can participate.

  • Mined field

Participants will have to pass through a mined field and not get blown up. Blindfolded players must walk around 8 mins (pins or plastic bottles). The team whose guys hit the fewest mines wins.

  • Prisoners under guard!

Prisoners have been detained and need to be put in prison. But this is not so easy to do.

Two people from each team participate in the competition. A circle is drawn on the floor. Participants stand outside the circle at the border and join hands. At the leader’s command, they must drag the opponent into the circle, but not get there themselves. The one who crosses the border of the circle is eliminated.

  • Military backpack

Each team needs to prepare in 5 minutes a list of items that they will definitely have to take on a military campaign.

Games and competitions on February 23 for children 11-13 years old

Teenagers in grades 7-8 are quite inquisitive, so you can come up with competitions for erudition. Children also greet with great delight funny original competitions with an unexpected task (for example, “gather your will”).

  • Encryption

The children are given sheets of encrypted texts. A computer keyboard will help you decipher them. The texts are written on sheets of paper in English letters. To decrypt, you need to find this letter on the keyboard and see which Russian letter it corresponds to.

  • Gather your will into a fist

Children are informed in advance that in the next competition they will need to muster their will. After this, each participant is given large leaf paper on which the word “will” is written in large letters. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.

  • Nurse

At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and the speed of the medical service. personnel often depends on human life. For the competition you will need gauze bandages. Players need to rewind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible.

  • Difficult position

Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations and get out of them. A player from each team has his hands tied behind his back. A box of matches is poured onto the floor in front of each person. The participants' task is to collect matches as quickly as possible.

  • There is strength...

Soldiers must have a certain strength. The goal of the competition is to squeeze as much juice as possible out of half a lemon with one hand. The winner is the one with the most juice.

  • Site plan

Each team is shown a map of the area with schematic signs marked on it for one minute. After this, the teams are given exactly the same card, only without the signs. The participants’ task is to place the same signs from memory on an empty map in one minute. The most attentive ones will win.

  • Defuse the grenade

Each participant receives a knife, an apron, a ripe pomegranate and a container. Players need to peel the pomegranate and extract the seeds. Whoever completes the task faster than others wins.

  • Air bomb

A three-liter jar is placed opposite each team. The guys take turns, at the command of the leader, run with a coin clamped between their knees (buttons can be used) and try to “drop a bomb” into a jar without using their hands. Whichever team had more coins in the bank won.

Need to decorate the room? Download the finished stretch:

Original certificates and diplomas for children and adults:

Games and competitions on February 23 for children 14-17 years old

Competitions for February 23, in the words of the high school students themselves, should be fun and original - after years of studying at school, they are most likely already tired of jumping in bags and carrying water in a spoon. Competitions with unexpected tasks, tasks to demonstrate creativity, and multi-level tasks are perfect.

  • Desperate snipers

A hoop is placed in the middle of the hall. Each participant has five plastic bottle caps. It is necessary to hit the hoop with the cork from a distance so that it does not pop out. This is not so easy to do. The one with the most corks left in the hoop wins.

  • Army cuisine

You need to put a knife and potatoes on the table. Participants will decide that they will need to peel potatoes at speed. However, as soon as those interested come out, you need to ask them to take turns naming dishes that contain potatoes. Enough funny competition, causing a storm of emotions among both the participants and the support group.

  • Scout

Participants in the competition have a rope tied around their waists, at the end of which a potato is attached, located at knee level. A box of matches is placed on the floor. You need to move the box to the finish line, pushing it with potatoes.

  • Well-deserved award

The players are given pins and round paper blanks. Children need to depict on blanks some merit of theirs that no one knows about. There are a lot of options, just use your wits and use your sense of humor. For example, “For victory in the battle with naughty shoelaces” or “For a modest appetite in the dining room.” The author of the most interesting and creative contribution wins.

  • Epaulettes

Shoulder straps or epaulettes are pre-cut from thick paper. The participants’ task is to put their epaulets on their shoulders, run to the commander, salute him and return back.

  • News from the front

Each team receives a piece of paper with the phrase “Hello, Mom!” written on top. The sheet is wrapped so that the phrase is not visible. The next participant writes his completed phrase, wraps the piece of paper and passes it on. When all players have taken part, the sheet is unfolded and the received letter is read out. The team whose news from the front is funnier and more original wins.

  • Dispatch

One balloon is tied to both legs of the participants. At the leader’s signal, the children run to the designated line and return back to the headquarters. The task of each participant is to save their dispatches and be the first to reach headquarters.

  • Combat wound

Each participant must hit the ball into a basket or bucket. But before that, they draw out a card on which it is written which part of the body was wounded in battle. This could be “right hand”, “left foot”, “left eye”, etc. The injured part must not be used. The winning team is determined by the number of hits.

Children different ages They love games, so they will be happy to take part and get a lot of pleasure from the competitions held on February 23 at school, from the festive program. Funny and interesting competitions will make any event unforgettable.

Little men must be congratulated! I think it is important to once again remind children about the role of men in military events of past years and in the modern world.

Today I have collected gift ideas, easy-to-organize entertainment and competition tasks for boys in grades 1-4. This is for when there is no one and no time to rehearse complex concert numbers. Girls can prepare several poems for the official part themselves (there are beautiful congratulations and wishes for little men).

Naturally, the scope of the holiday depends on the funds allocated by the parent committee, so I’ll outline different variants, choose.

What to gift?

Now I will list only what was not included in that list: an engraving (a set for creativity), a funny mug or a folding travel cup, travel magnetic checkers-chess, an egg-incubator for raising dinosaurs, metal puzzles, small encyclopedias about weapons or military insignia ).

I personally like the idea of ​​a sweet gift designed for February 23rd. For example, we once bought quite large medals (100 g) with a picture postcard from a chain supermarket. 40 rubles, pleasant for everyone, tasty, with humor.

Even better is a tea party with sweets brought by the girls (after 2 weeks the boys will organize a return sweet table). Well, it's a matter of taste, as they say.

How to decorate a classroom

There’s no way to tell it briefly; you need a lot of pictures and descriptions, so I recommend looking at the article. There are a lot of ideas there, something will definitely come in handy!

Festive program

Option 1

You can invite animators to organize the holiday. Our program, for example, is called “Young Fighter Course”. It includes an obstacle course, drill training, target shooting and many thematic competitions. Conducted by an animator in the role of a company commander, this program lasts 2 hours, 14,000 rubles for 25-30 children. Call if you are in Moscow!

Option 2

You are ready to do everything yourself right in the classroom. Of course, I cannot write you a script according to which our animators work, but I have selected other competitions that the teacher himself or one of the parents can hold.

Here are collected ideas for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in the classroom. We move the desks around the perimeter to make room for games. I tried to find ideas for a small room.

There is no need to take all the ideas, it’s too long. We take only the most suitable for your group of children.

Official part

I think there is no way to do without this. Fun, fun, and a few quatrains dedicated to February 23, good words and wishes need to be prepared. There are a lot of such scenarios on the Internet. In principle, poems and congratulations in prose do not need to be learned by heart. Make beautiful folders for girls, the path will simply be read expressively.

Be sure to choose beautiful marches. For example, you can include this one in the background for poetry:

At the end of the official part, we summarize the results of two home preparations:

Photo competition "Men's Business"

The terms of the competition and the prize for winning must be announced 2-3 weeks in advance. Children should bring a photograph that would illustrate a real man's work. In the photo there may be a father, grandfather, great-grandfather with orders (even if he is no longer alive), a brother (even a newborn), a male teacher.

Now it is easier for children to provide digital photography, so you can make a presentation. Naturally, each photograph must have a title and author.

You need to come up with many nominations so that there are several winners (here girls also have a chance to win a prize, because the whole class participates).
Here are examples of nominations: “Bogatyr” (for a photo with an axe, shovel or even dumbbells), “Soul of the party”, “Chef” (helping in the kitchen in an apron is very masculine), “Behind the wheel”, “Work like this” (many took pictures of dad at the computer). Most of all, children bring photographs of their little brothers :-). These men with nipples, in the bath or on the slide, are always successful and do not refuse to pose.

Competition of drawings and postcards “Branches of Troops”

Also announced in advance. In order for the whole undertaking to have an educational meaning, distribute which branch and type of troops of the armed forces of the Russian army will represent: Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy, Airborne or Missile Forces. Children are good at using pictures from the Internet, so there will be no difficulties with selecting symbols.

If any of the boys can tell a few sentences about the chosen branch of the military, reward them with a worthy prize!



You need two packs of juice (1 - 1.5 liters) and a stopwatch. We call one at a time, no more than 5 people in total. You need to take these juices, spread your straight arms to the sides and hold on for as long as possible. The winner is easily determined, a prize for him! You can drink the juices after the party, so the props will not be lost :-).

We shoot down the target

Draw a target on the board. We invite each participant (let there be no more than five) to hit the target with a paper airplane. It’s quite exciting, because it’s difficult not only to hit the top ten, but also to hit the target itself from 3–4 meters. We give everyone 5 attempts, so there are a lot of airplanes to be folded. By the way, then try to shoot down a flying enemy plane. Let it be made of colored paper. It almost never works out, but the children play very excitedly. Give 3 minutes for this pampering :-). Everyone needs to aim at the same time, “the coordinated work of OUR defenders” will win.


Here you need to call the same number of girls and boys (you can do 7 - 8). Give each team a clothesline (about 3 meters). When the leader claps, you need to quickly and with imagination “string” the team players onto a rope. This can be done through a loop in a jacket, through shoe laces, through the armhole of a sleeveless vest or sundress, through a belt, and so on. Very funny!

I have collected other 20 competitions with simple props in, be sure to check them out. Any of them can be drawn into a military theme - it’s all about the name of the props and the description of the task.

Sole of company

Three participants can be selected a couple of days before the holiday and prepared. You need to tell three jokes (boys must understand that everything should be decent :-)) with cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters. There are such collections, so the main task- artistry. The winner is determined by the classmates themselves. If everyone was good, we give prizes to everyone with gratitude “for a good mood.”

Good manners

Three participants with plates of peeled bananas in front of them. The point is this. The banana needs to be eaten as elegantly as possible (like in a restaurant :-)), using a knife and fork. Speed, aesthetics and ability to handle cutlery are assessed. Musical accompaniment is definitely needed here. I would recommend the famous music from the Soviet film “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”.

Let's cast our nets

This is a kind of team fishing (each team has 1 boy and 3 girls). The boys will cast the nets, and let them choose three girls each as their assistants. The net will be a small piece of fabric, a women's scarf, and a regular men's scarf will do. Place paper fish and clothespins (20 pieces each) in two bowls or boxes. We give any piece of music or just the command “1-2-3”, the boys straighten the nets, and the girls quickly, quickly pin the fish to the scarf with clothespins. The fastest ones win. If you don’t have time to cut out the fish, you can just attach clothespins.

Military stratagem

Two participants, two balls. You need to hold the balls with your feet at the very bottom and cover a distance of 3-4 meters (there is so much free space in the classroom), take provisions (a pack of cookies) and come back. And what tactics of movement in such difficult conditions your boys will choose - by jumping or “like penguins” - is up to them to decide for themselves. This is the trick of war.

Military Intelligence Map

You call two participants and in a whisper tell them where the secret package is hidden in the classroom. Give them a piece of paper attached to a solid base. Then ask two more people to come out, whom we will conditionally call “frozen artists,” since they must stand motionless with open felt-tip pens in their hands.

And now - the most interesting part. The first two players (who know the location of the treasure) must move a sheet of paper along the tip of the felt-tip pen so that the end result is a class map, and the location of the secret package is marked with a cross.

The task is humorous, fun, and in a secret bag, of course, there are candies for the whole class. As a rule, it is difficult to solve the map; the teacher shows the “treasure” with funny comments on the drawings.

Military band at the parade

Let everyone participate here. We give several children tools: spoons, iron jars with change, rustling bags, bells, plastic bottles with peas or beans. The rest should imitate the sounds of military aircraft, helicopters, fireworks, shout hurray and march in place, like soldiers at a parade. Assign 2-3 people to these roles, help them find and rehearse a similar sound (the boys will help out :-)).

For younger students

Comic competition program for elementary school “Mr. Charm”

(The girls take turns singing ditties.)

We are great girls

Both beautiful and smart.

Congratulations boys

Happy Defender's Day!

Oh, why do we need boys -

There's no point in them!

I taught them for two hours,

How to hold a needle.

Ah, boys of discipline

Well, they don’t recognize it at all -

Here they draw on “music”,

And at the “reading” they sing!

Misha proudly declares:

I can handle all records!

If you want to know

I can sleep for three days!

Why are you, Vitya, walking

With dirty hands?

I don't have anyone else,

Check it out for yourself.

And our Seryoga

There is a “four-legged” friend.

This is true, without deception -

He is very close friends with the sofa!

Oh, we don’t like it when Pasha

Answers at the board.

From his sleepy mooings

We are dying of boredom.

If, Sasha, you then

You will be a deputy

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

And our Vanya will certainly

Wants to become president

It's the only one on the map for now

The Kremlin can't find it.

Our Vova is at recess

I checked the strength of the walls.

He tried so hard

That he was all in a cast!

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

(A group of girls dances.)

Presenter. Now let's start the competition. First nomination "Mr Popularity"

(The girls write on the sheets which boy is the most attentive, polite, sociable. Based on the results, the most popular boy in the class is selected. He is awarded the “Mr. Popularity” medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Big Foot". (Boys trace their foot on a piece of paper. Girls choose who has the biggest foot and give him a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Big Palm."(The boys compare their palms. The girls choose "Mr. Big Palm" and give him a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Tall."

(The girls choose the tallest boy and give him a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Gallantry."

(Which boy is more gallant in inviting a girl to a dance and dancing with her receives a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr Observation"

(There is a number of objects on the table - pen, pencil, eraser, notebook, book, etc. The boys take turns learning how the order of the objects has changed. Whoever is more accurate receives a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Politeness."

(Whichever boy compliments the girl the most gets a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Endurance."

(Whichever boy takes out the most ping-pong balls at one time gets a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Sharp Teeth."

(The one who eats the apple faster and more accurately wins.)

Next nomination "Mr. Savvy."

(Boys taking part in this competition are given envelopes, each containing 5 riddles. The one who solves all the riddles receives a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Courage"

(The medal is awarded to the boy who dares to kiss the girl.)

Next nomination "Mr. Sharp Eye."

(Which boy hits the circle drawn on the board with the ball from a distance of 6 m receives a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Helper"

(Whoever peels the potatoes better and faster gets a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Pop Star"

(Which boy sings better receives a medal.)

Next nomination "Mr. Charm."

(The one who is chosen by the girls and guests for his charm and participation in many competitions* receives a medal. After the competition, the teacher congratulates the boys on the holiday, and the girls give them gifts and souvenirs. Then there is a tea party and a disco.)

*The number of nominations corresponds to the number of boys in the class. It is advisable to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves.


1. To instill in children a love for their Motherland; develop a sense of patriotism and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. Develop the ability to work in a team.

3. Develop the mental abilities of students.

Progress of the competition

Presenter 1

Dear Guys! Today our country celebrates the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a national holiday. At home, at work, at school - everywhere on this day congratulations are heard to those who once served or are now serving the cause of defending the Fatherland.

Presenter 2

The winds blow in February.

The pipes howl loudly!

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Presenter 1

The date has a special meaning -

Birthday of the brave sons.

All Russian people on this date

Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier.

Presenter 2

I really want our the boys grew up honest, good-

dear and courageous people. Real men.

Presenter 1

You will have to show unity, ingenuity, ingenuity, dexterity to accomplish everything competition tasks.

Presenter 2

Boys, you need to split into 2 teams. To do this, each of you will take tokens with signs from the box. Each team must choose a captain.

Presenter 1

So let's begin. First contest"Intellectual"

Each team needs to solve 4 riddles. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

The watchman is bad: blind and deaf, if you don’t touch him, he’s silent, but if you touch him, he screams. (Call)

Golden mountains grow in the summer. (Kopna)

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew)

They beat me, stab me, turn me over, cut me, but I endure everything and cry with everything good. (Earth)

What medicine does Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Where did the seventh kid hide? (Into the oven)

An object that makes a person invisible? (Invisible hat)

What did Cinderella lose? (shoe)

Presenter 2

Second contest"Creative"

One participant from each team leaves. Each image receives 1 point for creativity. Must be pantomime:

1. A person who finishes a long distance.

2. An athlete approaching the barbell.

3. Gymnast on balance beam.

4. A boxer who misses a punch.

5. Football, goalkeeper, tense situation at the goal.

6. Figure swimming.

7. Rider.

8. Pole vaulting.

9. Fencing.

10. Tennis player.

Presenter 1

Third contest"Ingenuity, wit and humor"

We need to answer the most confusing questions. All team members can answer. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Who wouldn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

2. Why do lions eat raw meat? (Because they don't know how to cook)

3. What is the first thing we do in the morning? (Wake up)

4. How to write a mousetrap in five letters? (Cat)

Fourth contest"Sports"

Presenter 2

One participant per team is invited.

1. "Push-ups." (For each completed exercise 1 point)

Fifth contest"Remember the proverb"

Presenter 1

The Russian people are great people, wise, he notices everything and transforms it into precise short expressions. Have you guessed what I'm talking about?

Well, of course, about proverbs.

The competition is that the team gets halves of the proverb. In one minute you must connect the pairs and read the catchphrase. 1 point for each proverb.

For the first team:

Hard to learn / easy to fight.

There is safety in numbers.

The soldier is sleeping, / but the service is going on.

For the second team:

Friendship is friendship, and/ service is service.

Stand for each other, / and you will win the battle.

Courage / takes the city.

Presenter 2

Sixth contest« Captains competition»

As you know, In the army, soldiers do everything themselves: and cook, and wash, and sew on buttons. You need to sew on the button quickly and carefully. For high-quality execution 1 point + for speed 1 point.

Seventh contest"Cunning"

Presenter 1

From the word "subdivision" you have to make up many more words. For each word 1 point.

Presenter 2

Ours has come to an end competitive program . Now we will name the winning team, and participants will be awarded medals: "Strongest", "The cleverest", "The most dexterous", "The most savvy", "The Wittest", "The most active", "The most charming", "Most Artistic".

Presenter 1

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Matinee for Defender of the Fatherland Day for primary school, 4th grade “I am preparing to defend my Motherland”

Event goals

1. To instill in students a love for their Motherland and the desire to become its worthy defender.

2. Develop strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, and creativity in boys.


1. The class teacher and high school students draw up a script for the matinee and develop competition assignments.

2. The parent committee prepares holiday gifts for the boys and other participants in the matinee, and stores everything necessary for tea drinking.

3. A veteran who participated in combat operations in Afghanistan is invited.

4. The classroom is decorated in a festive manner.

5. Girls are learning the “Apple” dance.

6. Fathers of students prepare short stories about interesting episodes of their army life.

7. Audio recordings and a tape recorder are being prepared; two sheets of whatman paper and two sets of felt-tip pens; two potatoes and two kitchen knives; ten pins.

Participating are fourth graders, their parents, classroom teacher, participant in combat operations in Afghanistan, two presenters (high school students - a boy and a girl).

The classroom is decorated with balloons and congratulation posters on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Songs about the army and military service are sung.

Classroom teacher. Good morning, Dear friends! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a special day. This is a holiday for everyone who wears a military uniform, everyone who has worn it or will still wear it, everyone who can be called a defender of the Russian land. I am very glad that we are celebrating this holiday with a friendly family of children and adults, because today in our class there are not only fourth graders, but also parents, high school students, and a graduate of our school. who honorably fulfilled his military duty during the fighting in Afghanistan.


To make our life brighter and more beautiful.

Day and night the sons are on guard.

The date has a special meaning -

Birthday of the brave sons!

All Russian people on this date

Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier.

Our army is dear

Guards the peace of the country.

So that we grow up without knowing troubles,

So that there is no war.

The floor is given to a veteran who participated in combat operations in Afghanistan. Fourth-graders give him a greeting card and a gift, and a high school student performs A Rosenbaum’s song about Afghanistan with a guitar.

So, we are starting our program “I am preparing to defend my homeland.” Fourth grade boys will participate in it.

The competitors form two teams. A veteran and two parents become jury members.

Competition "Young Defenders of the Fatherland"

Teams take turns answering questions.

What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (Butt.)

Who obtains information about the enemy, his location, numbers, weapons? (Scout.)

What do officers wear with their weapons? (In a holster.)

What is the name of a sailor's summer headdress? (Visorless cap.)

What is the name of the outer winter clothing worn by soldiers? (Overcoat.)

What does a tank use to move on the ground? (Using caterpillars.)

Competition "Auction of Army Weapons"

Teams take turns naming weapons. The last team to correctly name the item wins.

Competition "Unusual Artist"

Each team receives a sheet of Whatman paper and several markers. The presenters blindfold one of its members and ask them to draw a warrior within three minutes. Meanwhile, a quiz is held for the audience.

Many people know the catchphrase: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” Who spoke these words? (Prince Alexander Nevsky.)

When and where did the famous Battle of the Ice take place? (April 5, 1242 on the ice of Lake Peipsi.)

Who and when was the regular Russian army created? (Peter I at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century)

The name of this inventor of the world's best automatic weapons was kept secret for a long time. The machine gun is named after him. (Kalashnikov.)

What is the name of the object guarded by a sentry? (Fast.)

Why do they raise their right hand when saluting? (Since ancient times, knights carried a shield in their left hand. They also wore a helmet on which there was a visor. When meeting, the knight raised the visor with his right hand.)

Competition "Soldier's Song"

It involves two people - one representative from each team. The winner of the competition is the one who peels the potatoes quickly and efficiently.

A musical pause is announced. An Afghan warrior performs his favorite song with a guitar.

Competition "Locked Border"

Teams are invited to imagine, create and demonstrate a sculptural composition about the reliability of security state border. The sculpture is made up of team members and available materials.

Competition "Captain's Bridge"

Team captains participate in it. Their task is to sit on a chair for as long as possible with their arms and legs extended forward.

Competition "Army Snake"

Team members crouch down, put their hands on each other's shoulders and walk between the pins. The winner is the team that completes its route along the snake faster and without errors.

The jury sums up the results of the competition. Fourth grade girls perform the “Apple” dance, and then present cards and gifts to the boys and other participants in the matinee.

The matinee ends with a tea party, during which fathers of fourth-graders tell interesting incidents from their army life.