Corporate event for a small company for the New Year. Competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues: cool, funny and the most interesting. What competitions are best to hold at a corporate event?

What do many compatriots expect from the upcoming winter holidays? New Year's corporate party, competitions, congratulations that begin at work and end at home, in the family circle. “Warming up” is important for the upcoming celebration, so for all those who will celebrate the New Year holidays with colleagues, we offer the best competitions for corporate parties at New Year.

“We wish everyone!”

You should write the names of employees on pieces of paper and put them in one box, and put leaves with wishes in another box. Then, notes are pulled out at random from each box in pairs and with laughter they inform all those gathered what fate awaits them in the coming year.

“Intonate it!”

First, a simple phrase is pronounced, and the task of each participant is to pronounce it with a certain intonation (surprised, questioning, cheerful, gloomy, indifferent, etc.). Each subsequent participant must come up with something of his own in articulation, and the one who could not come up with anything new is eliminated from the competition. The winner of the competition is the participant whose arsenal contains the most different emotional connotations of pronunciation.

"Push your place"

When coming up with funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues, you can pay attention to the following option. Each participant in the competition is blindfolded and given a place in a certain queue. Then a signal follows, according to which participants need to stand in this queue in accordance with their numbers. What makes it difficult is that they must do it silently.

"Burst the Ball"

In this competition, the more participants, the merrier. A balloon must be tied to the left leg of each participant. Then the music turns on and the participants begin to dance, while trying to step on the opponent’s ball. The dancer who keeps their ball the longest wins. It will be even funnier if the participants are blindfolded during the competition.

"Dialogue of the Deaf"

People especially like cool New Year's competitions for corporate parties, and this one can be considered one of them. The leader calls the boss and subordinate. The first person puts on headphones with loud music playing. The subordinate will ask the boss a wide variety of questions regarding their work, and the boss, who cannot hear them because of the music playing, must guess from the lips, facial expressions and facial expressions of the subordinate what he was asking about, and answer the questions that he believes , were asked to him. Naturally, the answers will be out of place, and such a dialogue will be accompanied by peals of laughter from the audience. Then, so as not to offend anyone, the boss and subordinate are swapped, and the dialogue continues.

"Sew on a button"

People have come up with various funny competitions at corporate events for the New Year, for example, this one. You need to assemble two teams of 4 people, and line up all team members one behind the other. On the chairs standing next to each participant, you need to place a large fake button cut out of cardboard. At 5-6 meters there are large spools with twine wound on them. The first team member needs to unwind the string, thread it into a knitting needle and pass the tool to the participant standing behind him, whose task is to sew on the button. The next team members do the same. The work begins after the leader’s signal, and the team that completes the task first wins.

"Where am I?"

For this fun, you can select several people who are positioned with their backs to the rest of the audience. A piece of paper is attached to the back of each player, on which is written the name of some organization or institution, and if a sufficiently friendly company has gathered, then you can use such places as a toilet, maternity hospital, etc.

The public will see the names of these objects and answer leading questions from participants who, not knowing what is written on their backs, will ask again and again, while at the same time trying to understand what they are talking about. Similar competitions for New Year's corporate party with jokes will definitely be accompanied by ridiculous answers and bursts of laughter, which will greatly amuse everyone present at the party.


Among the party participants, you need to select two stronger men for a boxing match and put real boxing gloves on their hands. The boundaries of the ring will be marked by spectators holding hands. The presenter, with his comments, should strive to heat up the atmosphere before the future fight, and his participants prepare and warm up at this time. Then the judge explains to them the rules of the fight, after which the “boxers” appear in the ring. Here they are unexpectedly given lollipops, from which they must, without removing their gloves, remove the wrapper. The one who does it first wins.

"Dancing vinaigrette"

Interesting competitions for corporate events for the New Year are often associated with musical numbers. This competition involves several couples who will dance ancient and very diverse dances to modern music, such as tango, lady, gypsy, lezginka, as well as modern dance. Employees look at these “demonstration performances” and choose the best pair.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

Participants in the competition are given Christmas tree decorations and taken to the center of the hall, where they are blindfolded. Next, they must blindly try to hang their toy on the tree. In this case, you cannot change the direction of movement, and if the participant goes in the wrong direction, he must still hang the toy on the object he bumped into. As a result, disoriented participants will scatter throughout the room in search of the Christmas tree. Such fun competitions for the New Year for a corporate party can have two winners - the one who is the first to hang his toy on the tree will receive the main award, and a separate prize can be awarded to the one who finds the most unusual place for his toy.

Video with competitions for the New Year's corporate party:

"Next year I will definitely..."

Each participant in the competition writes on a piece of paper three things that he plans to do in the coming year. After this, all the folded pieces of paper are collected in a bag and mixed. After this, in turn, each participant blindly pulls a piece of paper out of the bag and reads it out loud, as if announcing their plans.

In this case, you will definitely get many funny options, for example, the boss will definitely “give birth to a baby” or “buy himself lace underwear,” and the secretary will next year Be sure to “go to the bathhouse with the men.” The more the participants’ imagination runs wild, the more successful and fun this competition will be.

“Don’t take it off!”

When the fun is in full swing, and New Year's competitions for office workers are replaced one after another, then you can try the next entertainment. Place a variety of clothing items in a box. Then the music starts playing, and at the presenter’s signal, the participants pass this box to each other. When the music suddenly stops, the one who currently has the box randomly pulls out one of the objects from it, which he must put on himself and not take it off for half an hour after that. And the competition continues. The process of this competition and the view of the audience after it are best filmed - it will make a very funny video.

"Song Assortment"

The public, fueled by alcohol, especially loves musical, fun New Year's competitions for corporate parties. In this case, everyone will have to sing, regardless of their ability to sing. All corporate party participants need to be divided into several teams and come up with a theme for the singing competition. Teams must remember songs suitable for this topic and perform at least a few lines from them. The team that offers the longest execution will win.

"Flying gait"

New Year's corporate competitions are rarely complete without equipment, the role of which in this entertainment can be played by simple glass or plastic bottles. You need to select several participants in this competition, place bottles in a row on the floor in front of them, and then blindfold each one. Next, participants must blindly walk the distance without touching a single bottle. It is not easy for a person who has temporarily lost his sight to do this, and he will twist and sweat in every possible way to complete the task. But the trick is that immediately after the volunteers are blindfolded, all the bottles are quietly removed. It will be funny for everyone present to watch how the participants in the game, stepping very carefully and dodging in every possible way, overcome a completely clear space. Of course, the bottles must be removed extremely carefully so that none of the competition participants suspects a dirty trick.

"Test cartoon"

Many people can participate in this competition, preferably from 5 to 20. You will also need paper, pencils and erasers. Each participant will have to draw a caricature of someone present at the party. Next, the portraits are passed around in a circle, and on the reverse side the next player writes his guesses as to who is depicted in the portrait. Then the results of all the “artists” are compared - the more similar assumptions, the more successful and recognizable the cartoon is.

"Noah's Ark"

Another interesting New Year’s competition for a corporate party, in which the presenter writes the names of different animals on pieces of paper, and, as in the legend, they must be paired. Of course, we must not forget about the symbol of the year. After this preparation, the competition participants draw out a piece of paper for themselves with the name of the animal, but they still have to find their mate. And this can only be done silently, using only facial expressions and gestures. The first one to correctly discover his pair will win. To make the competition last longer and make it more intriguing, it is better to guess less recognizable fauna representatives.

Cool video with a New Year's competition for a corporate party:

"Mountain slalom"

For this competition you will need two pairs of short children's plastic skis with poles, drink cans and two blindfolds. Each “race” will require a couple of participants. They are blindfolded, after which they must overcome the “descent”, going around obstacles - pyramids of empty cans. Spectators encourage the participants and tell them the best direction of the route. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line faster, and for each knocked down obstacle 5 penalty seconds are assigned.

"Draw the symbol of the year"

Competitions for New Year's corporate parties can reveal unknown talents of employees. For this competition you will need paper, markers or pencils, and since this is for real creative competition, requiring the application of skill, it is desirable that it be accompanied by a valuable prize. The competition participants are faced with the task of drawing the symbol of the year according to the Eastern calendar better than others. The prize will go to the participant whose creation is most favorably received by the public.

If there are good artists among the team members, then the result can be impressive, then they will be happy to hang it in one of the company’s premises until the next New Year’s corporate party.

“My Santa Claus is the most beautiful of all”

To implement this fun you will need garlands, beads, scarves and funny hats, mittens, socks and handbags. From among the fair sex, 2-3 candidates for the role of the Snow Maiden are selected, and each of them, in turn, chooses Father Frost among the men. To turn her man into Santa Claus, each Snow Maiden uses objects previously laid out on the table. The competition may be limited to choosing the most successful Santa Claus, but it may be continued. Each Snow Maiden can with wit advertise her Frost, who himself must play along with her - sing, read a poem, dance. Such competitions for a New Year's party for employees are a great chance to cheer and unite everyone, even newcomers.

Did you like our selection? Tell us in the comments if you organized such competitions at your corporate party, and which ones did you like the most?

We carry interest and love for the holiday called New Year throughout our lives; from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. What kind of fun would it be without New Year's games, competitions, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment!? Moreover, everyone wants to move around a little and have some fun after the traditionally generous New Year's table with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

On holiday entertainment program It is recommended to include various comic fortune-telling and predictions, but, most importantly, do not forget to choose games and competitions suitable for the gathered company; the festive mood of all guests will largely depend on this.

Offered here New Year's games and competitions for a wide variety of tastes: creative, funny, active and moderately spicy . These are fun games for fun people, some of them will come in handy at corporate parties, others are more suitable for home parties and close groups of friends. Think about which ones you need, and play New Year's Eve with fun and pleasure!

1. New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming.."

This entertainment can be carried out immediately before the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and involve all the guests in it, for example, during a dance break. The host invites the guests to stand so as not to disturb each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not by shouting, but by an unusual New Year’s dance. The point of the game is as follows: you need to replace the words of the New Year's poem with sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us!

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts! Hooray!

All words are replaced with gestures: “coming” - walking in place, “Santa Claus” - placing a hand with outstretched fingers to the chin (representing a beard), the combination “to us” - with a gesture pointing to oneself. To show the word “we know” we put a finger to the forehead, the word “we” is a gesture pointing to all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag on the shoulders, and with the word “gifts” - everyone depicts what they dream of. "Hooray!" - everyone is stomping and clapping

For greater interest, it is better to change words for gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until the last word disappears, and only gestures remain with cheerful musical accompaniment.

And when they start clapping (meaning “hurray”), Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear, handing out gifts to the “artists” (if any are provided) or starting their program.

2. New Year's competition "Race for Fortune"

The role of “luck” in this competition will be played by durable, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, for example, large and colorful balls. Another piece of equipment you will need is children's plastic mini hockey sticks (or Chinese back scratchers), one for each player (3-4 people are enough).

At the start, participants have children’s clubs (or back scratchers) tied to their belts, and the finish line is marked with chairs for each. The chairs will also serve as gates into which players must drive their “ball of luck.” This can only be done with the help of clubs, and in no case should you help with your hands.

Naturally, the one who scores a goal faster wins - he will “drive luck” into his own goal. He is given a good luck talisman (a Christmas tree decoration), he is declared “lucky of the year” - everyone else, including those sitting in the hall, is invited to urgently touch the one who just caught luck, so that they too will be lucky.

3. "Be my Christmas tree!"

First, participants in this competition cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. Then, using the resulting clothespin or paperclip, they must hang the “created miracle” on the Christmas tree, but... blindfolded. The most insidious thing about the rules of this game is that the participants, having been “deprived” of their sight, are spun around their axis and then asked to walk to the Christmas tree. In this case, the Christmas tree for everyone will be the first thing they bump into - that’s where they should hang their toy.

Usually, rarely does anyone get to a real Christmas tree, so the main prize is given to the one who stumbles upon the best one and can even hang his work on it.

4. Competition at the New Year's holiday "The most resourceful Snow Maiden."

To participate in this competitive game, we form five pairs (boy-girl). The girls are blindfolded, and about ten Christmas tree decorations are hidden in the clothes of the men. Jewelry can be hidden in pockets, socks, in a bosom, hung on a tie, attached to a lapel, and so on. The main thing is to try not to use anything breakable, piercing or cutting in this game.

The task of the “Snow Maiden” girls is to discover everything hidden on their partner’s body. Naturally, the girl who discovers the most toys in the allotted period of time wins and receives the title “The Most Resourceful Snow Maiden”.

5. New Year's greetings for the boss.

This is a party competition. The presenter will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The presenter asks such an innocent question: which animal, bird or flower (if the boss is a lady) does each of you associate your boss with?

Then everyone comes out, names their association and depicts it, on the command freeze - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything is repeated - a whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the toastmaster announces that the employees have decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant painting by Repin “We Didn’t Expect” or a painting by an unknown author “The Morning After the Corporate Party.”

Perhaps it will be more fun if we limit the associations only to the animal world and then imagine it as a painting by an unknown author, “Animals at a Banquet.”

Everyone gets a chance to join the art and have fun, and the “native” authorities will melt from the attention shown to him personally.

6. “Naughty” signs.

At the beginning of the drawing, six players are shown six signs depicting a green Christmas tree, a bottle of champagne, a roll of toilet paper, a chair, a package of New Year's napkins and a beautiful box with a bow - a gift. Then the players sit with their backs to the hall, and it is announced to them that one of the shown signs is attached to their chairs in random order, they make a guess at random which one and, in accordance with their guess, answer the questions:

  • What do you think happens to you when you are first brought into a home?
  • What do you think guests do when they pick you up?
  • How often does the owner use you?
  • Where do you go after use?
  • What can replace you if you really need it?
  • What material do you think they are made of?

There are no losers or winners in this prank game, but everyone deserves applause.

7. Game moment "Road to the New Year"

(Thanks to the author - Adekova T.I.)

The text is read by the Presenter. The guests line up and step at the appropriate moment.

Leading. The road to the New Year awaits you,
And he will walk along it all year,
Whoever takes what they need.
We're heading out in droves for the New Year...
Did you take everything with you on the journey?
Since health has been taken,
Take a wider step forward!
Are we in the mood?
Let's take a step together!
We take on problems... Well, alas...
You must not step forward!
And who decided to take it anyway?
You'll have to return it back!
We'll grab the money, because they
We must influence our lives.
And how many pockets can you count?
You'll walk so many steps!
Who's behind? Friends will help you
Have...another pocket.

Those who lag behind are pinned an additional pocket.

You also need to take hope,

It's somehow more fun to walk with her!
Do we take love? By itself!
We can’t live with you without her.
How many grandchildren do you, children, have?
According to their number, you take steps faster.
Who will take friendship with them on the journey?
He boldly takes a whole step forward.
And who decided to take the blues?
I ask you to step back!
And happiness won't hurt us.
Let it accompany everyone,
And it will enter every home...
Let's take it one step further!
Now turn to each other
And hug tight!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
And walk along his path
Forward! Against adversity!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The leader hands the first person in the line a bottle of champagne.

Feel free to take a bottle of champagne,
Treat each other to champagne now.
May your path be easy!
And again I wish you all a Happy New Year!

8. “Live” chairs.

In this game, Santa Claus himself “drives”. He recruits participants, there must be at least ten of them, and seats them on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern with the seats facing each other. First, they place the number of chairs corresponding to the number of participants involved in the game. The players sit down, and Santa Claus begins to walk around to the New Year's song, and the one next to whom he hits the floor with his staff gets up from his place and begins to follow Frost, as if tied.

Thus, Santa Claus lifts all participants in the process from their chairs and begins to write out various pretzels around the hall. Everyone who follows on his heels must clearly follow all his “zigzags”. From the outside it turns out to be quite an interesting sight, because this whole procession, following Grandfather, either crouches, then waves its arms and performs other actions.

However, you need to immediately warn the players that when Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff twice, they need to run headlong to the chairs and take their place. In fact, while this whole “caterpillar”, led by Grandfather, is “walking,” one chair is removed, so that upon return one of the players will not find a place for himself.

After this trick, the game is repeated again, only for the second time two chairs disappear - then the game continues until the last “survivor” (he gets a prize).

9. New Year's "Crocodile"

Even such a well-known game as “Crocodile” can be presented in a new way at the New Year’s holiday. For example, the theme of guessing pantomimes is to make comic scenes from life and “everyday work”... Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

To do this, the presenter prepares in advance a lot of paper cards with approximately the following content about Santa Claus: “Santa Claus fell asleep after children's matinee in a bag of gifts”, “Santa Claus grabbed a surplus and woke up in bed with the Snow Woman”, “Children stole Santa Claus’s beard”, “Santa Claus received a telegram asking the Moscow Zoo to give him a deer”, “Santa Claus ate too much ice cream”, “Santa Claus gave the Snow Maiden underwear.”

About the Snow Maiden something like this: “The Snow Maiden will cheat on Father Frost with the Snowman”, “The Snow Maiden worked at a matinee in a sex shop”, “The Snow Maiden gave birth to twins to Father Frost”, “The Snow Maiden found Father Frost in bed with the Snow Queen”, “The Snow Maiden was paid 1000 dollars for a striptease”, “After the holidays, the Snow Maiden gained 6 kg”, etc.

Select tasks for a specific company; of course, they should be different for adult party and for a family holiday.

The rules can be changed a little, for example, divide the participants into two teams, each one draws a card for themselves. Then, one by one, using only facial expressions and gestures, they depict what is written in pantomime style, and the opposing team guesses. You can limit the time, and at the end of the game you can count which team guessed more, or you can not do this at all, because the main thing is general fun.

10. "Who is this?"

Majority modern companies On the eve of the New Year, entertaining corporate parties are held with games, entertainment and various adult competitions. A shared break at work allows the team to bond and learn more about each other. But to make it really interesting for the guests of the event, you need to select cool competitions that will be held at the table or in the office itself, its offices. You can choose funny competitions for the 2018 New Year's corporate party from the examples below. You can also use the suggested ideas to create an unusual holiday program.

Adult competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes: ideas and examples of competitions

The selection of non-standard competitions will help make the holiday held on the eve of the New Year truly exciting and interesting. In them, each participant will be able to demonstrate their talents, show their strengths and skills. It is imperative to include competitions with jokes in the program of the New Year's corporate party that will help lift the spirits of everyone present.

Ideas for creating a New Year's program for a corporate party with cool competitions

It is better to hold adult games and competitions at corporate events after a short feast. Thus, the competition will include large quantity of people. In this case, tasks can be either team or solo. For example, you can hold the following competitions:

  • dance (who can dance better or longer, who can show more movements);
  • selection of pairs (blindly, based on any criteria);
  • musical (performing karaoke songs, performing compositions in verses, in choir or duet);
  • quests (solving riddles, searching for objects, playing detective);
  • table games (from the usual Mafia to poker competitions).

Cool adult competition "Squirrels and Oak Trees" for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

All the guys from the company stand in a small circle in the center of the room (with their backs inward). The squirrel girls must run around this circle while the music plays. As soon as the escort turns off, the squirrels must jump onto the oak trees (the guys need to support the hanging girls). Those squirrels that have not found their oak tree are removed from the playing field. Also, at each level one oak tree is removed. The couple that reaches the end of the competition wins.

Interesting competitions with jokes for a New Year's corporate party to be held at the table

When all your colleagues have had time to chat and dance, you can move on to table games. They will help you have fun and take a break from active competitions. You can select competitions with jokes for the New Year's corporate party to hold at the table from the following example. If desired, it can be slightly modified or supplemented.

Interesting table competition "Guess the pair" with jokes for the New Year's corporate party

Guests at the table receive pieces of paper with the names of celebrity couples (if there are an odd number of guys and girls, then some of them will not receive a pair and should simply confuse other players). To find their soul mate, each male or female participant in the game must ask members of the opposite sex about their activities and hobbies. The couple that reunites faster than the others wins.

Funny competitions for the New Year's corporate party "Question and answer": with ideas and video example

Table games at a corporate party can be not only intellectual, but also simply funny. To do this, you just need to prepare appropriate cards with questions and answers and choose a presenter. It is advisable to ask the players funny or tricky questions: then the table game will be fun. The following tips will help you find out what a “Question and Answer” competition might be like at a New Year’s corporate party and how to prepare for it.

How to create a funny “Question and Answer” competition for a corporate party for the New Year?

For the competition, you need to print out separately cards with funny adult questions (How often do you wake up in someone else’s bed? How long have you had problems with a hangover? Could you accomplish a feat for your loved one?). Separately, you need to prepare cards with universal answers (Only on Mondays, from birth, I can’t live without it). The presenter must read the questions from the prepared cards, and each participant must blindly select a card with an answer from the table and read the text of the answer from it.

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate dull celebrations. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, welcoming the Rooster with incendiary competitions and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The presenter gives the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, U, X) and tells the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter “P”: “The weather today is just right, and we have gathered in this room to wish everyone happiness in the New Year.” The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. “Surprise Bag”

Number of participants: 2.

The presenter prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents the participants with a surprise bag.

At the leader’s command, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. “Dress up the cockerel”

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage, they are divided into pairs.

“Chicken” women should dress up their “cockerel” man with everything their imagination tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas tree decorations. Time to complete the task is 1 minute.

The guests determine the winning rooster by applause.

4. “Whose rooster is more beautiful”

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter calls everyone onto the stage, distributes A4 sheets and markers, and offers to draw the Fire Rooster... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Typically, markers end up in the teeth of “artists.”

5. “Attention, news!”

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word “rooster”).

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an information message, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The absurd “news” makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two “roosters” are invited to the “ring”, the presenter gives them boxing gloves.

The presenter heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight... hands out candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: in 1 minute, use boxing gloves to unwrap greatest number sweets

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The presenter hands each pair scissors, a sheet of paper with a picture of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

Couples hold hands and use their free hands to try to cut out the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better is the winner.

8. “The brightest cockerel”

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are pre-packed into the bag: hats, underwear, swimsuits, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music stops, the participant who is holding the bag randomly takes an item out of it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the Rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

In the hall, chairs are placed in a chaotic manner, and the participants, the “chickens,” sit on them. Guests of the evening choose the “rooster”.

To the music, he walks between the chairs and, clapping his hands, collects the “chickens” behind him. Forming a “train”, the participants, led by the leader, walk between the chairs.

When the "cockerel" claps his hands twice, the "chickens" must sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the “rooster” must also sit on an empty chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new “cockerel”.

10. "Chicken Race"

Number of participants: 2.

Participants have a computer mouse (“chicken”) tied to their belt so that it does not reach 10-15 cm from the floor.

On command, participants guide their “chicken” through obstacles prepared by the leader. The difficulty is that participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line without passing obstacles is considered the winner.

11. Game “Guess the Beast”

Number of participants: the whole audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the presenter encourages the audience to deliberately name incorrect options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. “Whose comb is better”

Number of participants: 4.

Men and women are invited to participate in the competition and are divided into pairs.

The presenter gives the women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, within a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Download competitions for corporate parties for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Every New Year comes with special anticipation. All people are preparing for it with impatience. If you celebrate this holiday with your employees and colleagues, you should take care of choosing interesting competitions to make this holiday unforgettable and fun. Don’t forget about one of the latest traditions - dressing up in the style of the animal of the coming year. This tradition can be played out quite interestingly in 2020 if you give free rein to the white rat to enter your life, at least in the form of competitions. Therefore, we decided to collect the most funny Games and competitions for the New Year's corporate party for 2020 Rats.

Funny New Year's competitions for corporate parties

New Year brings a lot of fun and gifts. This is also the ideal time to wish your colleagues and employees successful endeavors in all their endeavors. New Year's Eve with your employees is not just food and drinks, but also a fun time with dancing, songs, games and, of course, competitions. Therefore, we offer you several interesting and fun competitions for corporate events.

  1. « New Year's greetings" Often on New Year's Day, one of those present plays the role of Santa Claus. This competition is timed to coincide with the distribution of gifts, which everyone present at the corporate party can bring with them and put in a special gift bag. After which Santa Claus says that he will give gifts to everyone, but only after all the people have said their congratulations, which begin in order with the first letter of the alphabet. That is, the first person can wish “A car to everyone!”, the second - “great luck”, the third - “jam and sweets in your life”, etc. The fun begins when it comes to letters, where it is most difficult to find congratulations. If there are not many people, then you can go in a circle.
  2. « Guess who am I?" Each of the participants must write something about themselves on paper, so that no one knows about it. All the pieces of paper are put into a box, and then everyone pulls them out in the order of their turn, reads what they have written, and the participants guess whose piece of paper their colleague pulled out.
  3. « Christmas tree outfit" Women or, conversely, men act as oil trees. Decorate a person for a certain time and determine the winner of this “beauty contest” by voting.

Funny games for corporate events

Competitions are always interesting for lovers of active entertainment. They have the nature of competition, learning new information and simply having a good time. Any competitions, as a rule, are not only fun, but also become the basis for further discussions in the company. Games with colleagues are always good idea, when you need to interest a large company in something, and with our competitions the new year 2020 will go with a bang!

  1. « TV guide" Participants were given cards with 5 unrelated words written on each card. For example, “lamp, album, chess, New Year, flu,” “president, door, hand, stapler, vodka.” In general, any set of incoherent words. The goal is to come up with one 30-second speech that looks like a news story, and all the words in it should be used as important information about the incident. You can also add your own nouns. For example: “On New Year’s Day, the flu unexpectedly struck the capital’s zoo rare breed beaver chess player." Fun guaranteed!
  2. « funny guys" The presenter gives a certain set of words associated with the New Year holidays and winter. For example, a garland, snow, sparklers, a Christmas tree, and so on. Then he goes around all the participants, asking them questions: “Who are you?”, “What are you doing,” “What do you have?” (Pointing to lips or other parts of the body), "What's dripping icicles?" and so on. The more interesting the questions, the better. Participants must then introduce themselves as they answered the question. For example: “I am a snowflake, flying in the air” or whatever they answered. In this case, none of the participants should laugh; if someone laughed, he is removed from the competition.
  3. « Two truths and a lie" This game is a twist on the classic game of True or False, where guests must try to figure out where other guests are lying or telling the truth. However, all guest stories must be exclusively for the past year. Required condition: The story must contain two true sentences and one lie.
  4. « Game of names" This is an easy New Year's Eve party style competition that is great for a large group of adults looking for fun in a slow game. For this game, each guest must write some names in a large bowl. These could be the names of celebrities, fictional characters, historical figures, and even the people in the room. Party guests are divided into teams and take turns trying to guess the names on a piece of paper, giving each other clues.
  5. « Loaded Questions" Loaded Questions is a fun New Year's Eve party that is best for adult couples. This competition is based on the popular adult board game "Adult Questions." Here you will find a bunch of interesting questions that you can write down on pieces of paper to find out how much men or women know about their partners. You can choose questions such as “What would embarrass your spouse?”, “What outfit would you like your wife to wear for Halloween?” and so on.

Competitions for adults only

And finally, we have selected a few vulgar and more frank ideas for corporate events for 2020. No one will forget this New Year's Eve because they will talk about it all year long in 2020. You don't need to rush to spend money on various entertainment. As a rule, you already have them all at home or at work. Adult pageants are extremely easy to plan because there are no costs involved.

  1. « Let's switch roles" 2 participants are elected - a man and a woman. She plays the role of her husband, who has already celebrated the birth of a child, and the man plays the role that his wife has just offered. According to the scenario, the wife stands behind the glass, and the husband cannot hear anything, so she shows him gestures. The husband should ask different questions: “Who was born?”, “Who is he,” “How is the child?” etc. The more varied the scenario questions, the better.
  2. « Race for champagne" To do this, players need to fill their champagne glasses using only a teaspoon to transport the champagne from the large bowl to the glass. The first person to fill the glass the fastest gets up and drinks the champagne. The winner receives a New Year's toast in his honor.
  3. Paper dances. For this game you will need several papers measuring 20x20 cm. Guests form pairs and begin to dance as brightly as possible than their competitors, covering all their private parts with cardboard. The fun comes when the most unusual pairings are made. The winner is selected by voting. The losers drink a penalty glass of wine or some other alcohol.
  4. "Don't drop your hat." A simple game, all you need is a Santa Claus hat. All players sit in a circle without a set of outer or underwear (to choose from) and try to pass the hat from head to head without using their hands. If a player drops his headdress, he leaves the circle. The last player remaining wins this cap or another small prize.
  5. "Track". All players are divided into two or three teams, after which they take turns trying to remove as much clothing as possible and lay it out side by side on the floor. The team with the longest clothing line wins. Each member of the losing team drinks a glass of vodka in one gulp.